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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are required for the development of retina, but their role in the mature eye is unknown. We therefore examined the expression of BMP-7 in adult human retina and assessed its effects on horizontal cells cultured from adult human retina. BMP-7 expression was detected in all retinal layers, with high levels of expression being present in the inner and outer nuclear layers. Human horizontal cells, found in the inner nuclear layer, possess both AMPA and kainate receptors, and glutamatergic agonists that activate these receptors induce prominent inward currents. Exposure to BMP-7 suppresses the kainate receptor current but enhances the AMPA receptor current. BMP-6, activin, and cartilage-derived morphogenic protein-2 (CDMP-2) have similar effects to BMP-7 and act just as rapidly (< 1 s). In contrast BMP-2 and transforming growth factor-beta2 are inactive. The actions of BMP-7 on both AMPA and kainate receptors were blocked by the nonselective kinase inhibitor, staurosporine. In contrast, the serine/threonine kinase inhibitors blocked only the effects of BMP-7 on the AMPA current. Thus, BMPs rapidly and differentially regulate two ionotropic glutamate receptors through distinct pathways, neither of which involves nuclear regulatory activity. These observations suggest that BMPs might modify synaptic function in the mature nervous system.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of somatostatin receptor binding was studied in developing rat retina using the iodinated derivative of the somatostatin analog, SMS 204-090. Specific binding of the ligand was seen as early embryonic day (E) 15 in the region of the inner neuroblastic layer. At E19 binding was localized to the ganglion cell and developing inner plexiform layers. At postnatal day (P) 2, there was diminished binding on autoradiography in this region. At P11, binding was more intense in the inner plexiform layer, and there was discernible binding in the outer plexiform layer. In the adult retina, the binding was seen clearly in two distinct bands corresponding to the inner plexiform layer and the outer plexiform layer. There was a single saturable binding site with the dissociation constant (Kd) of 0.25 +/- 0.04 nM. Binding sites were fairly constant throughout development except for a significant decline during the first postnatal week (Bmax = 1.8). These results demonstrate the early appearance of somatostatin receptors in the rat retina with high levels present embryologically followed by a brief decline in the early postnatal period with a return to high levels by synapse formation (P11). These receptor data parallel previous reports of the appearance of the somatostatin mRNA and peptide in rat retina.  相似文献   

The cannabinoid system has been suggested to participate in processes such as antinociception, cognition, motor control, and, more recently, development of the nervous system. This study describes the expression of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor in the developing chick retina and optic tectum by means of conventional immunoperoxidase protocols. CB1 immunoreactivity was initially detected around the embryonic day 4 (E4) in both the retina and tectum. In the retina, CB1 immunoreactivity was first observed in presumptive ganglion cells and, subsequently, in the inner plexiform layer and two populations of neurons of the inner nuclear layer. The post-hatched chick exhibited a pattern of staining that included four sublayers of the inner plexiform layer, a few stained cells in the ganglion cell layer, and labeled neurons both in the inner and central parts of the inner nuclear layer. The latter two types of neurons appear to be amacrine and bipolar cells, respectively. In the tectum, CB1 first appeared in its most superficial zone and later in several tectal laminae, including a white matter layer (stratum album centrale; Cajal's layer 14). There was a remarkable and transient increase of labeling at E10, followed by a continuous reduction of staining until E18. In the post-hatched chick, tectal staining was mostly confined to layers 2-3 and 5-6. Stained perikarya were seldom observed in the tectum at any stage. These data are in agreement with a possible developmental function of CB1, as it is expressed several days before synaptogenesis ensues and exhibits transient expression in the optic tectum.  相似文献   

Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the vertebrate retina. The N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor (NMDAR) is assembled as a tetramer containing NR1 and NR2, and possibly NR3 subunits, NR1 being essential for the formation of the ion channel. The NMDAR1 (NR1) gene encodes for mRNAs that generate at least eight functional variants by alternative splicing of exon 5 (cassette N1), 21 (cassette C1), or 22 (cassettes C2 or C2'). NR1 splice variants were identified in the mature chick retina, and their variation during embryonic development (ED) was analyzed. NR1 was shown to lack N1 in early ED, shifting to N1-containing variants in the mature retina, which could contribute to explaining the distinct biochemical properties of retinal NMDARs compared with the CNS. Sequence analysis of C-terminal variants containing C1 and C2 cassettes suggests a membrane-targeting mechanism for avian NMDARs distinct from that in mammals. An NR1 variant containing a novel alternative C-terminal splice exon named C3 was found, which encodes six amino acids containing a predicted casein kinase II phosphorylation site. This new variant is expressed in the retina during a restricted period of ED, coincident with the generation of spontaneous calcium activity waves, which precedes synapse formation in the retina, suggesting its participation in this process.  相似文献   

Although adenosine A1 receptors mediate the inhibition of dopamine-dependent stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity in the developing chick retina, their localization and function are unknown. We have examined the localization of these receptors, and of endogenous adenosine and adenosine uptake sites at several stages of chick retinal development. A1 receptors were already localized predominantly to plexiform regions by embryonic day 12 (E12) with no gross changes at subsequent stages. Adenosine immunoreactivity was absent from retina at E8 but was detected at E12 in the ganglion cell layer, as well as cells in the inner nuclear cell layer and photoreceptors. At more advanced developmental stages the immunoreactivity was greater, but displayed similar localizations. Uptake sites labeled with [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBI) were detected even earlier using binding and autoradiographic methods. [3H]NBI binding was saturable, and Scatchard analysis demonstrated a single class of sites with a Kd of 0.91 nM and Bmax of 298 fmol/mg protein in E15 retinal membranes. The binding was displaced by unlabeled NBI and dipyridamole. NBI binding sites differentiated earlier than adenosine A1 receptors or endogenous adenosine immunoreactivity, showing a diffuse distribution at E8, but predominating in the plexiform layers of more developed retinas. The results indicate that elements of a putative purinergic system differentiate at specific localizations early in retinal development.  相似文献   

We previously reported bidirectional gene expression regulation of the Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMP2, 4, and 7) in chick retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in response to imposed optical defocus and form-deprivation (FD). This study investigated whether there are local (regional) differences in these effects. 19-day old White-Leghorn chicks wore monocular +10 or − 10 D lenses, or diffusers (FD) for 2 or 48 hr, after which RPE samples were collected from both eyes, from a central circular zone (3 mm radius), and 3 mm wide annular mid-peripheral and peripheral zones in all cases. BMP2, 4, and 7 gene expression levels in RPE from treated and fellow control eyes were compared as well as differences across zones. With the +10 D lens, increased expression of both BMP2 and BMP4 genes was observed in central and mid-peripheral zones but not the peripheral zone after 2 and 48 hr. In contrast, with the −10 D lens BMP2 gene expression was significantly decreased in all three zones after 2 and 48 hr. Similar patterns of BMP2 gene expression were observed in all three zones after 48 hr of FD. Smaller changes were recorded for BMP4 and BMP7 gene expression for both myopia-inducing treatments. That optical defocus- and FD-induced changes in BMP gene expression in chick RPE show treatment-dependent local (regional) differences suggest important differences in the nature and contributions of local retinal and underlying RPE regions to eye growth regulation.  相似文献   

During our studies on the multiple possible functions of nitric oxide (NO) in chick retinal development and physiology, we have demonstrated the presence and the activity of NO synthase (NOS-I and III) in certain neuronal populations (photoreceptors, amacrine cells in the inner nuclear and ganglion cells) and also in synaptic-rich regions in the developing chick retina. Both enzymes, detected by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-diaphorase, immunohistochemistry and Western blotting, appeared between embryonic days 6 and 12, and followed a spatial and temporal pattern of expression which correlated with the differentiation of the neuronal layers. Evaluation of the conversion of [3H]-labeled arginine to [3H]-citrulline, confirmed the presence of a calcium-dependent NOS activity in the cytosolic and particulate retinal extracts during the development. This pattern of NOS expression suggests that the regulated release of NO during key phases of development might be one mechanism involved in the regulation of retinal differentiation. J. Neurosci. Res. 50:104–113, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tachykinin (TK) peptides act on retinal neurons through neurokinin (NK) receptors. We examined the expression of neurokinin-1 (NK1; the substance P receptor), NK3 [the neurokinin B (NKB) receptor], and TK peptides in developing rat retinas. NK1 immunolabeling was found in newborn retinas in rare amacrine cells and in putative ganglion cells. At postnatal day 2 (PND 2), NK1 immunostaining was reduced greatly among ganglion cells, and it appeared in many amacrine cells and in fibers in the inner plexiform layer (IPL), with the highest density in laminae 1, 3, and 5. A similar pattern was found at PND 7. At PND 12, interplexiform NK1-immunoreactive (-IR) cells were detected, and NK1-IR fibers in the IPL were concentrated in lamina 2, similar to what was seen in adults. NK3 was expressed mainly by OFF-cone bipolar cells, and the developmental pattern of NK3 was compared with that of cone bipolar cells that were labeled with antibodies to recoverin. Immature recoverin-IR cone bipolar cells were seen at PND 2. NK3 immunolabeling was detected first in the outer plexiform layer and in sparse bipolar cell somata at PND 10, when recoverin-IR cone bipolar cells are nearly mature. By PND 15, both the NK3 immunostaining pattern and the recoverin immunostaining pattern were similar to the patterns seen in adults. TK immunoreactivity was present at PND 0 in amacrine cells and displaced amacrine cells. By PND 10, the morphologic maturation of TK-IR cells was complete. These findings indicate that, in early postnatal retinas, substance P may act on NK1 receptors, whereas NKB/NK3 interactions are unlikely, suggesting that there are different levels of importance for different TK peptides in the developing retina.  相似文献   

The axons of the optic nerve layer are known to be myelinated by oligodendrocytes in the chick retina. The development of the retinal oligodendrocytes has been studied immunohistochemically with antibodies against oligodendrocyte lineage: monoclonal antibodies O4 and O1, and an antibody against myelin basic protein. O4 positive (O4+) cells were first detected in the retina on the tenth day of incubation (embryonic day (E)10, stage 36). The labeled cells were located in the optic nerve layer close to the optic fissure. Most were unipolar in shape, extending a leading process with a growth cone toward the periphery of the retina. By E12, unipolar O4+ cells had spread to the middle of the retina. Many O4+ cells close to the optic fissure showed radial arrangement with extension of processes toward the inner limiting membrane. O1+ oligodendrocytes were first observed in the E14 retina positioned just above (interiorly to) retinal ganglion cells. These labeled cells extended fine processes in the optic nerve layer. Limited numbers of myelin basic protein-positive cells were present by E16 and located interiorly to the retinal ganglion cells. In addition to the oligodendrocyte in the optic nerve layer, a limited number of O4+ cells were observed in the inner nuclear layer by E14, and they became O1+ by E18. Furthermore, explant culture experiments showed E10 to be the youngest stage at which the retina contained oligodendrocyte precursors. An intraventricular injection of fluorescent dye 1,1′,dioctadecyl-3,3,3′,3-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) at E6 yielded O4+/DiI+ cells in the retina at E10, which provided direct evidence to support migration of oligodendrocyte precursor into the retina. The present results demonstrated the sequential appearance of the cells of oligodendrocyte lineage and the detailed morphology of the developing oligodendrocytes in the retina. These morphologic features strongly suggested that retinal oligodendrocytes were derived from the optic nerve and spread by migration through the optic nerve layer. J. Comp. Neurol. 398:309–322, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Opiate binding sites in the chick, rabbit and goldfish retina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The characteristics of opiate binding sites in the retina of the chick, rabbit and goldfish have been investigated. In the newly hatched chick retina, 131 fmol/mg of binding sites for [D-Ala2-D-Leu5]-[3H]enkephalin are present; competition studies with the delta selective peptide [D-Thr-Leu5]-enkephalin (DTLET) and the mu selective peptide morphiceptin show that all of the [D-Ala2-D-Leu5]-[3H]-enkephalin binding sites are of the delta subtype. Dihydro[3H]morphine binds poorly to the chick retina; 13.2 fmol/mg of this binding is displaceable by morphiceptin and corresponds to mu binding sites. Benzomorphan sites are defined as sites occupied by [3H]diprenorphine which is displaceable by low concentrations of ethylketocyclozacine but not by high concentrations of D-Ala2-D-Leu5-enkephalin and morphiceptin. At least 88 fmol/mg of benzomorphan sites are present in the chick retina. [3H]diprenorphine binding to the rabbit and fish retina was measured. The rabbit retina bound 60 fmol/mg, and the fish retina 42 fmol/mg of [3H]diprenorphine. These findings are discussed in the light of the studies on the localization and physiological effects of enkephalin in the retina.  相似文献   

Monosialogangliosides were extracted from the retinas and optic tecta of chick embryos at 6-12 days of incubation, and analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The dominant monosialoganglioside was found to be N-acetylgalactosaminyl (N-acetylneuraminyl) galactosylglucosylceramide (GM2). The specific concentration of GM2 in both the retina and tectum rose to a peak at 8-9 days of incubation, then declined. At day 10, GM2 was significantly lower in the dorsal than in the ventral or temporal quadrants of the retina. The same trend to a lesser degree was seen in the tectum. These results demonstrate striking variations in the monosialoganglioside content of the retina and tectum during formation of the retinotectal projection, and suggest that topological gradients may be a consequence of these developmental and spatial variations.  相似文献   

Benzodiazepine receptors are present in high concentration in the chick retina. Their pharmacological properties are similar to those of the benzodiazepine receptors present in the brain. The retina receptors appear prior to, as well as during, the period of synaptogenesis. In the newborn chick retina the receptors are localized in the inner synaptic layer, probably on or close to synaptic connections.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of muscarinic cholinergic receptors was investigated in chick embryo retina throughout development and in chicks immediately after hatching. The presence of a homogeneous receptor population was evidenced by antagonist binding. The affinity of antagonists increased up to day 14 of incubation, when synaptogenesis occurs. After this stage, it remained substantially unchanged. The number of receptors increased in embryos until hatching. On the contrary, agonists, such as acetylcholine and carbachol, bound to two (high- and low-affinity) binding sites. Through development, the affinity of both significantly increased until day 14, further substantiating the hypothesis of a maturation of the receptor pattern which precedes synapse formation. Muscarinic cholinergic binding seems to identify 3 critical steps in retinal neuronal development. The first is between 7 and 9 days of incubation, the second when synaptogenesis occurs and the third after initiation of function.  相似文献   

Yeung SC  Yip HK 《Neuroreport》2005,16(7):673-676
Id3 (inhibitor of DNA binding/differentiation), a member of the Id helix-loop-helix protein family, has long been studied as a positive regulator of proliferation and a negative regulator of differentiation. In this study, we examined the expression pattern and cellular phenotypes of Id3 in postnatal and adult mouse retina. Id3 was mainly expressed in the early postnatal inner retina. From the late postnatal development towards adulthood, Id3 expression was confined to the ganglion cell layer and the inner nuclear layer. Colocalization analysis showed that Id3 positive cells were identified as retinal ganglion cells and amacrine cells. The differential expression profiles of Id3 provide the groundwork for the elucidation of its possible role in retinal development.  相似文献   

Adenosine inhibits cyclic AMP synthesis induced by dopamine in embryonic but not in post-hatched chick retinas. N6-Cyclohexyladenosine (CHA), which preferentially activates A1 receptors as well as 2-chloroadenosine, inhibits cyclic AMP accumulation induced by dopamine in retinas from 10-day-old embryos (E10) with IC50's of 0.1 and 0.5 microM, respectively, but this effect is not detectable after hatching. In order to verify if this developmental change reflects variations in the number or affinity of A1 adenosine receptors, their development during chick retina ontogeny was studied. Binding studies using 3(H)CHA revealed the presence of A1 receptors at all stages of development examined, including the post-hatched retina. The number of binding sites increased between E10 and E17, and then decreased in post-hatched animals. In the latter, 3(H)CHA binding was to a single site with a Bmax of 128.6 +/- 13.4 fmol/mg protein and a Kd of 2.1 + 0.2 nM. Various ligands showed similar hierarchies of affinity for the A1 receptor in embryonic and post-hatched retinas, namely, CHA greater than R-N6-phenylisopropyladenosine (1-PIA) greater than 5'-N-ethylcarboxamideadenosine (NECA) greater than isobuthylemethyl-xanthine (IBMX). Given that CHA inhibited forskolin-induced cyclic AMP production and Gpp(NH)p inhibited 3(H)CHA binding in both embryonic and post-hatched retinas, it appears that receptor coupling to adenylate cyclase is present since early embryonic stages. The results suggest that the A1 receptors may have different functions in the embryonic as compared to the mature chick retina.  相似文献   

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