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临床护士焦虑情绪及相关因素分析   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
目的 探讨临床护士的焦虑状况及相关因素。方法 采用焦虑自评量表和个案调查表对247名临床护士进行评估分析。结果 临床护士肯定焦虑发生率为10.53%,可能焦虑发生率为32.79%,年龄分布趋于大龄化。以人际关系、社会安全保障、社会地位等因素影响为主。结论 临床护士存在明显的焦虑情绪,应根据相关因素分析并从社会和个体两方面给予心理干预。  相似文献   

妇科肿瘤病人焦虑的相关因素及护理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

全子宫切除病人配偶焦虑相关因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨全子宫切除病人配偶的焦虑状况及其相关因素,旨在通过干预配偶心理,达到提高病人心身健康水平目的。方法采用焦虑自评量表(SAS)和自编影响因素调查问卷,对60名全子宫切除病人配偶进行调查。结果焦虑得分(32.46±5.78)分,与焦虑呈正相关的因素有:担心妻子的疾病是恶性,担心自己不能照顾好妻子的身体,担心妻子会提早衰老,担心妻子手术效果,担心妻子的体力不能恢复到术前水平(P〈0.05或P〈0.01)。呈负相关因素有:配偶的年龄、家庭收入(P〈0.05)。结论全子宫切除病人配偶存在不同程度焦虑心理,主要与其担心妻子的病情、手术效果、术后体力恢复及家庭生活相关。提示应对全子宫切除病人配偶开展有关知识的健康教育,以减轻其焦虑感,更好地照顾病人。  相似文献   

孕晚期住院孕妇焦虑水平及其相关因素研究   总被引:23,自引:7,他引:16  
张银萍  张东花  岳亚飞 《护理研究》2002,16(11):624-627
目的 :探讨孕晚期住院孕妇焦虑水平及其与人口学资料的关系。方法 :描述性相关性研究方法 ,以调查问卷的形式进行。结果 :孕妇状态焦虑的平均得分为48.47分。 3组孕妇的状态焦虑水平分别为 :妊娠高血压综合征组 (组 1) 5 1.82分± 10 .11分 ,其他并发症组 (组 2 ) 49.2 2分±7.17分 ,正常孕妇组 (组 3 )44 .3 8分± 9.10分 ,经方差分析 ,F =10 .83 2 ,P <0 .0 1,组 1、组 2与组 3之间存在统计学意义。以人口学资料对状态焦虑进行逐步多元回归分析 ,孕妇年龄、产次、对婴儿性别期盼、产后有无专人照顾与状态焦虑相关 (F =11.0 85 ,P <0 .0 0 1)。结论 :孕晚期孕妇住院时状态焦虑水平增加 ,有并发症者高于无并发症者 ;孕妇年龄、产次、对婴儿的性别期盼、产后有无专人照顾可影响状态焦虑水平  相似文献   

龚晓桃 《全科护理》2016,(7):706-708
[目的]了解老年肺癌病人放弃化疗状况,分析其相关因素。[方法]回顾性收集老年肺癌病人183例,随机抽取同期住院的中青年肺癌病人183例作为对照组,统计放弃化疗原因,分析其相关因素。[结果]183例老年病人放弃化疗率为50.27%,中青年病人组为37.7%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=5.87,P0.05);放弃治疗的92例老年肺癌病人中,48.91%确诊后未接受化疗,42.39%于第1疗程中放弃化疗;老年肺癌病人放弃化疗的首要原因为病情危重,中青年病人组因经济困难放弃治疗居首位。[结论]老年肺癌病人放弃化疗率高,病情危重、经济困难、耐受力差及年龄大是放弃化疗的主要原因。  相似文献   

[目的]调查分析宫外孕病人手术前的焦虑程度及原因,提出护理应对措施。协助病人安全度过手术期。[方法]采用问卷调查方法,自行设计问卷调查189例宫外孕手术病人焦虑的相关情况。[结果]189例病人手术前均存在不同程度的焦虑状况,其中重度焦虑112例,中度焦虑54例,轻度焦虑23例。因害怕不能治愈及手术有风险者有173例,担心下次不能妊娠者有69例,因经济原因害怕住院或住院影响工作的有54例,住院期间生活及工作受到较大影响者有62例。[结论]多种因素造成宫外孕病人手术前产生不同程度的焦虑,护理人员应在手术前有针对性地进行护理干预,减轻焦虑,促进疾病早日康复。  相似文献   

潘杰  宁淑娥 《现代护理》2004,10(4):304-306
目的调查急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者早期(3日、7日内)主要情绪障碍形式、主要情绪障碍水平;分析影响情绪障碍的相关因素;提出针对性护理对策。方法采用HAMA焦虑量表、HAMD抑郁量表、自编的“AMI患者一般情况评估表”,评定65例AMI早期患者的焦虑水平,抑郁水平,并将两种情绪障碍水平进行比较,采用逐步回归分析法对影响AMI早期患者情绪障碍的因素进行分析。结果AMI早期患者100%合并焦虑症状,3日内焦虑水平高于7日内,合并焦虑的比例人数高于合并抑郁的比例人数,二者之间存在显著性差异。结论AMI早期患者以焦虑为主要情绪障碍,焦虑水平主要与对心前区疼痛及再发疼痛的恐惧、对死亡的恐惧、对医生的信任度、对预后的不确定性、主观感觉AMI严重程度、长期绝对卧床、社会支持有密切关系;护士可通过抗焦虑、降低对心前区疼痛等护理措施把焦虑水平降至最低,使患者平安渡过危险期。  相似文献   

目的:调查老年脑梗死患者的焦虑状况,分析影响因素,为临床护士更好的开展心理护理提供依据。方法:2010年7~11月我科向老年脑梗死患者发放调查问卷65份,回收有效问卷60份。问卷分为两部分,第一部分是患者的一般资料,包括性别、年龄、文化程度、婚姻情况、经济收入和居住状态;第二部分是焦虑自评量表评分,焦虑自评量表标准分≥50分即为焦虑。调查问卷收回后对数据进行统计分析。结果:29例患者焦虑自评量表评分≥50分,焦虑发生率为48.3%,其中年龄、配偶情况与焦虑的发生及严重程度有密切关系。结论:老年脑梗死患者焦虑发生与年龄、居住状况关系密切,在日常工作中,医护人员应针对具体情况,帮助患者积极的应对焦虑发生,更好的开展治疗护理工作,促进患者早日康复。  相似文献   

骨折住院患者的焦虑抑郁及其相关因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:采用问卷调查法分析骨折住院患者的焦虑抑郁及其相关因素,为骨科临床心理干预提供依据。方法:于2003-05/2004-04选择大连医科大学附属第二医院骨科,大连市第二医院骨科,大连市第四医院骨科,解放军第二一○医院骨科的住院骨折患者200例为骨折组观察对象。对照组主要在大连医科大学中山学院工作人员、家属及学生中选取躯体功能健康者110人。采用自制的一般情况调查表获悉骨折患者的基本情况。焦虑状况评定采用焦虑自评量表,每项症状按1~4级评分,各项得分相加得总粗分.将总粗分乘以1.25即得标准分,50分为临界值。抑郁评定采用抑郁自评量表,每项症状按1~4级评分,各项得分相加得总粗分,将总粗分乘以1.25即得标准分,53分为临界值。人格评定采用成人艾森克人格问卷.共85题,分内外向、神经质、精神质和掩饰4个因子,直接对粗分进行比较分析。对来自各种社会资源如家庭、朋友和其他方面支持的感受程度的评定采用领悟社会支持量表,包括12个自评项目,采用1~7级计分法,以支持总分参加分析。分数越高领悟支持总程度越好。采用访谈式问卷调查。骨折组患者调查时间统一选在入院后3~7d内进行。对照组学生在测定期间无考试。结果数据进行t检验、X^2检验、秩和检验、Pearson相关分析、一元及多元线性回归分析。结果:骨折组发放问卷200份,收回合格问卷185份,有效率92.5%;对照组发放问卷110份,收回合格问卷101份,有效率91.8%。①骨折患者焦虑和抑郁的发生率分别为45.4%(84/185)和50.3%(93/185);对照组中分别仅有10.9%(11/101)、22.8%(23/101)存在焦虑、抑郁情绪,二者差异有高度显著性(P〈0.01)。焦虑合并抑郁的发生率为33.5%(62/185);相关分析揭示焦虑与抑郁高度正相关(相关系数为0.605,P〈0.01);焦虑、抑郁分别与神经质、精神质、住院费用、住院天数呈显著正相关(P〈0.05),而与领悟社会支持、内外向、掩饰呈显著负相关(P〈0.05)。骨折组焦虑、抑郁的标准分均值均高于对照组健康人群,差异有高度显著性(P〈0.01)。②以骨折组焦虑与抑郁评分为因变量,年龄为自变量,进行一元线性回归分析。焦虑的一元线性回归方程为Y=41.441+0.161X;抑郁的一元线性回归方程为Y=42.966+0.169X。不同年龄骨折患者焦虑水平差异有显著性(F=10.886.P〈0.01);不同年龄骨折患者抑郁水平差异有显著性(F=14.946,P〈0.01);随着年龄的增加,焦虑、抑郁水平逐渐升高。③骨折组焦虑、抑郁评分为因变量,以骨折患者性别、年龄、婚姻、文化程度、职业、年经济收入、骨折部位、是否手术、伴随疾病、住院费用、住院天数、有无保险、人格(内外向、神经质、精神质和掩饰因子分)、领悟社会支持为自变量,行Backward线性逐步回归分析,结果显示在α=0.05水平上,有5个因素进入焦虑回归方程。依次是领悟支持程度、神经质、性别、住院天数、未婚;有6个因素进入抑郁回归方程。依次是神经质分、领悟支持程度、住院费用、未婚、伴随疾病、文化程度。结论:骨折住院患者焦虑、抑郁水平显著升高,且与多种因素相关。骨折患者焦虑的影响因素依次为:领悟社会支持、神经质性格、性别、住院天数和婚姻(未婚);抑郁的影响因素依次为:神经质性格、领悟社会支持、住院费用、婚姻(未婚)、伴随躯体疾病和文化程度。  相似文献   

老年病人手术前焦虑相关因素的调查及干预   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨老年病人手术前焦虑水平及其影响因素,为术前实施心理干预提供依据.方法:采取问卷调查形式,包括自制基本资料调查表和采用Zung焦虑自评量表(SAS),对我院外科100例60岁及以上的老年腹部手术病人术前2 d进行焦虑水平调查,并采用描述性研究方法分析焦虑水平及其影响因素,将获得资料进行对比分析.结果:老年病人术前SAS总分高于国内常模,焦虑平均得分为(45.90±11.67)分,与我国常模(29.78±0.46)比较有显著性差异(P<0.01=;焦虑水平与手术方式、有无合并症、儿女的支持程度、对手术的感知程度等因素相关.结论:老年病人手术前普遍存在焦虑状态,焦虑状态与手术方式、有无合并病、儿女的支持程度、对手术的感知程度等因素有关,于术前1 d对病人实施切实可行的心理干预,具有显著的临床指导意义.  相似文献   

Objective The purpose of the study was to examine anxiety and depression in primary family caregivers of patients with cancer and to examine related factors that are associated with anxiety and depression of family caregivers.Methods The anxiety was rated with the Serf-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the depression rated with the Center for Epidemiological Survey,Depression Scale ( CES-D ).The general conditions of the caregivers were collected with questionnaires designed by authors among the 106 primary family earegivers for inpatients having cancer.Results The mean depression scores of caregivers rated by the 106 earegivers themselve for the cancer patients on the CES-D was ( 18.75±9.06),which was significandy higher than that of the normal samples in our country and exhibited a statistical difference (P<0.01).55.7% of caregivers reported depression symptoms.In 106 caregivers,the score from self-rating anxiety scale is ( 33.94±7.09),which was higher than that of the normal samples in our country,having a statistical difference (P<0.01).22.6% of the caregivers reported their SAS scores exceeded thresholds for clinical anxiety.The high anxiety index was significandy associated with the caregivers reported more patients symptoms,and the spouses of the patients were also at the high risk of anxiety.Conclusions A high level of severe anxiety and depression existed in primary family caregivers of cancer patients.The psychological status of caregivers was influenced by many kinds of factors.Health care personnel should actively provide corresponding interventions to improve the level of mental health in family caregivers of patients.  相似文献   

Objective The purpose of the study was to examine anxiety and depression in primary family caregivers of patients with cancer and to examine related factors that are associated with anxiety and depression of family caregivers.Methods The anxiety was rated with the Serf-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the depression rated with the Center for Epidemiological Survey,Depression Scale ( CES-D ).The general conditions of the caregivers were collected with questionnaires designed by authors among the 106 primary family earegivers for inpatients having cancer.Results The mean depression scores of caregivers rated by the 106 earegivers themselve for the cancer patients on the CES-D was ( 18.75±9.06),which was significandy higher than that of the normal samples in our country and exhibited a statistical difference (P<0.01).55.7% of caregivers reported depression symptoms.In 106 caregivers,the score from self-rating anxiety scale is ( 33.94±7.09),which was higher than that of the normal samples in our country,having a statistical difference (P<0.01).22.6% of the caregivers reported their SAS scores exceeded thresholds for clinical anxiety.The high anxiety index was significandy associated with the caregivers reported more patients symptoms,and the spouses of the patients were also at the high risk of anxiety.Conclusions A high level of severe anxiety and depression existed in primary family caregivers of cancer patients.The psychological status of caregivers was influenced by many kinds of factors.Health care personnel should actively provide corresponding interventions to improve the level of mental health in family caregivers of patients.  相似文献   

Objective The purpose of the study was to examine anxiety and depression in primary family caregivers of patients with cancer and to examine related factors that are associated with anxiety and depression of family caregivers.Methods The anxiety was rated with the Serf-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the depression rated with the Center for Epidemiological Survey,Depression Scale ( CES-D ).The general conditions of the caregivers were collected with questionnaires designed by authors among the 106 primary family earegivers for inpatients having cancer.Results The mean depression scores of caregivers rated by the 106 earegivers themselve for the cancer patients on the CES-D was ( 18.75±9.06),which was significandy higher than that of the normal samples in our country and exhibited a statistical difference (P<0.01).55.7% of caregivers reported depression symptoms.In 106 caregivers,the score from self-rating anxiety scale is ( 33.94±7.09),which was higher than that of the normal samples in our country,having a statistical difference (P<0.01).22.6% of the caregivers reported their SAS scores exceeded thresholds for clinical anxiety.The high anxiety index was significandy associated with the caregivers reported more patients symptoms,and the spouses of the patients were also at the high risk of anxiety.Conclusions A high level of severe anxiety and depression existed in primary family caregivers of cancer patients.The psychological status of caregivers was influenced by many kinds of factors.Health care personnel should actively provide corresponding interventions to improve the level of mental health in family caregivers of patients.  相似文献   

Objective The purpose of the study was to examine anxiety and depression in primary family caregivers of patients with cancer and to examine related factors that are associated with anxiety and depression of family caregivers.Methods The anxiety was rated with the Serf-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the depression rated with the Center for Epidemiological Survey,Depression Scale ( CES-D ).The general conditions of the caregivers were collected with questionnaires designed by authors among the 106 primary family earegivers for inpatients having cancer.Results The mean depression scores of caregivers rated by the 106 earegivers themselve for the cancer patients on the CES-D was ( 18.75±9.06),which was significandy higher than that of the normal samples in our country and exhibited a statistical difference (P<0.01).55.7% of caregivers reported depression symptoms.In 106 caregivers,the score from self-rating anxiety scale is ( 33.94±7.09),which was higher than that of the normal samples in our country,having a statistical difference (P<0.01).22.6% of the caregivers reported their SAS scores exceeded thresholds for clinical anxiety.The high anxiety index was significandy associated with the caregivers reported more patients symptoms,and the spouses of the patients were also at the high risk of anxiety.Conclusions A high level of severe anxiety and depression existed in primary family caregivers of cancer patients.The psychological status of caregivers was influenced by many kinds of factors.Health care personnel should actively provide corresponding interventions to improve the level of mental health in family caregivers of patients.  相似文献   

Objective The purpose of the study was to examine anxiety and depression in primary family caregivers of patients with cancer and to examine related factors that are associated with anxiety and depression of family caregivers.Methods The anxiety was rated with the Serf-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the depression rated with the Center for Epidemiological Survey,Depression Scale ( CES-D ).The general conditions of the caregivers were collected with questionnaires designed by authors among the 106 primary family earegivers for inpatients having cancer.Results The mean depression scores of caregivers rated by the 106 earegivers themselve for the cancer patients on the CES-D was ( 18.75±9.06),which was significandy higher than that of the normal samples in our country and exhibited a statistical difference (P<0.01).55.7% of caregivers reported depression symptoms.In 106 caregivers,the score from self-rating anxiety scale is ( 33.94±7.09),which was higher than that of the normal samples in our country,having a statistical difference (P<0.01).22.6% of the caregivers reported their SAS scores exceeded thresholds for clinical anxiety.The high anxiety index was significandy associated with the caregivers reported more patients symptoms,and the spouses of the patients were also at the high risk of anxiety.Conclusions A high level of severe anxiety and depression existed in primary family caregivers of cancer patients.The psychological status of caregivers was influenced by many kinds of factors.Health care personnel should actively provide corresponding interventions to improve the level of mental health in family caregivers of patients.  相似文献   

Objective The purpose of the study was to examine anxiety and depression in primary family caregivers of patients with cancer and to examine related factors that are associated with anxiety and depression of family caregivers.Methods The anxiety was rated with the Serf-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the depression rated with the Center for Epidemiological Survey,Depression Scale ( CES-D ).The general conditions of the caregivers were collected with questionnaires designed by authors among the 106 primary family earegivers for inpatients having cancer.Results The mean depression scores of caregivers rated by the 106 earegivers themselve for the cancer patients on the CES-D was ( 18.75±9.06),which was significandy higher than that of the normal samples in our country and exhibited a statistical difference (P<0.01).55.7% of caregivers reported depression symptoms.In 106 caregivers,the score from self-rating anxiety scale is ( 33.94±7.09),which was higher than that of the normal samples in our country,having a statistical difference (P<0.01).22.6% of the caregivers reported their SAS scores exceeded thresholds for clinical anxiety.The high anxiety index was significandy associated with the caregivers reported more patients symptoms,and the spouses of the patients were also at the high risk of anxiety.Conclusions A high level of severe anxiety and depression existed in primary family caregivers of cancer patients.The psychological status of caregivers was influenced by many kinds of factors.Health care personnel should actively provide corresponding interventions to improve the level of mental health in family caregivers of patients.  相似文献   

目的了解癌症患者主要照顾亲属的焦虑、抑郁状况及相关影响因素。方法采用CESD量表、SAS量表及一般情况调查表对106例住院癌症患者的主要照顾亲属进行问卷调查。结果106例癌症患者亲属的抑郁自评分为(18.75±9.06)分,高于国内常模,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);55.7%的亲属存在抑郁症状;焦虑自评分为(33.94±7.09)分,高于国内常模,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);22.6%的亲属存在焦虑症状;患者的配偶和患者躯体症状较多的亲属更易发生焦虑。结论癌症患者的主要照顾亲属存在较严重的焦虑、抑郁情绪,其心理健康状况受多种因素影响,医务人员应积极采取针对性的干预措施,提高患者亲属的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

Objective The purpose of the study was to examine anxiety and depression in primary family caregivers of patients with cancer and to examine related factors that are associated with anxiety and depression of family caregivers.Methods The anxiety was rated with the Serf-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the depression rated with the Center for Epidemiological Survey,Depression Scale ( CES-D ).The general conditions of the caregivers were collected with questionnaires designed by authors among the 106 primary family earegivers for inpatients having cancer.Results The mean depression scores of caregivers rated by the 106 earegivers themselve for the cancer patients on the CES-D was ( 18.75±9.06),which was significandy higher than that of the normal samples in our country and exhibited a statistical difference (P<0.01).55.7% of caregivers reported depression symptoms.In 106 caregivers,the score from self-rating anxiety scale is ( 33.94±7.09),which was higher than that of the normal samples in our country,having a statistical difference (P<0.01).22.6% of the caregivers reported their SAS scores exceeded thresholds for clinical anxiety.The high anxiety index was significandy associated with the caregivers reported more patients symptoms,and the spouses of the patients were also at the high risk of anxiety.Conclusions A high level of severe anxiety and depression existed in primary family caregivers of cancer patients.The psychological status of caregivers was influenced by many kinds of factors.Health care personnel should actively provide corresponding interventions to improve the level of mental health in family caregivers of patients.  相似文献   

Objective The purpose of the study was to examine anxiety and depression in primary family caregivers of patients with cancer and to examine related factors that are associated with anxiety and depression of family caregivers.Methods The anxiety was rated with the Serf-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the depression rated with the Center for Epidemiological Survey,Depression Scale ( CES-D ).The general conditions of the caregivers were collected with questionnaires designed by authors among the 106 primary family earegivers for inpatients having cancer.Results The mean depression scores of caregivers rated by the 106 earegivers themselve for the cancer patients on the CES-D was ( 18.75±9.06),which was significandy higher than that of the normal samples in our country and exhibited a statistical difference (P<0.01).55.7% of caregivers reported depression symptoms.In 106 caregivers,the score from self-rating anxiety scale is ( 33.94±7.09),which was higher than that of the normal samples in our country,having a statistical difference (P<0.01).22.6% of the caregivers reported their SAS scores exceeded thresholds for clinical anxiety.The high anxiety index was significandy associated with the caregivers reported more patients symptoms,and the spouses of the patients were also at the high risk of anxiety.Conclusions A high level of severe anxiety and depression existed in primary family caregivers of cancer patients.The psychological status of caregivers was influenced by many kinds of factors.Health care personnel should actively provide corresponding interventions to improve the level of mental health in family caregivers of patients.  相似文献   

Objective The purpose of the study was to examine anxiety and depression in primary family caregivers of patients with cancer and to examine related factors that are associated with anxiety and depression of family caregivers.Methods The anxiety was rated with the Serf-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the depression rated with the Center for Epidemiological Survey,Depression Scale ( CES-D ).The general conditions of the caregivers were collected with questionnaires designed by authors among the 106 primary family earegivers for inpatients having cancer.Results The mean depression scores of caregivers rated by the 106 earegivers themselve for the cancer patients on the CES-D was ( 18.75±9.06),which was significandy higher than that of the normal samples in our country and exhibited a statistical difference (P<0.01).55.7% of caregivers reported depression symptoms.In 106 caregivers,the score from self-rating anxiety scale is ( 33.94±7.09),which was higher than that of the normal samples in our country,having a statistical difference (P<0.01).22.6% of the caregivers reported their SAS scores exceeded thresholds for clinical anxiety.The high anxiety index was significandy associated with the caregivers reported more patients symptoms,and the spouses of the patients were also at the high risk of anxiety.Conclusions A high level of severe anxiety and depression existed in primary family caregivers of cancer patients.The psychological status of caregivers was influenced by many kinds of factors.Health care personnel should actively provide corresponding interventions to improve the level of mental health in family caregivers of patients.  相似文献   

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