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目的:设计一种便携式内窥镜的冷光源系统,以外接的方式为内窥镜提供高质量的照明。方法:采用特制的发光二极管(LED)作为冷光源,以光纤为传导介质,设计LED到内窥镜前端的光学系统;以TPS61165为大电流驱动芯片,芯片STM32产生PWM信号,设计LED的控制电路;通过外接镶嵌的方式设计LED照明的散热系统。结果:经过临床测试,冷光源系统照度稳定,显色指数高,色温低,散热效果好。结论:便携式内窥镜冷光源的照明系统非常适合便携式内窥镜的运用。  相似文献   

目的设计并制作一种用于气管插管的多光源、多型号、多功能气管导管引导光杖。方法选用LED或650nm红色激光作为光源,塑料光纤作为光导介质,将LED或半导体激光器与塑料光纤耦合连接,制作成新型气管导管引导光杖。LED光源或650nm红色激光,经光纤传导透射颈前软组织,引导气管导管进入声门完成插管。结果经过临床初步应用证实,本新型激光光纤气管导管引导光杖可在手术室照明灯光下引导气管插管,其引导气管插管快速、有效、安全,具有多光源、多型号、多功能的特点。结论该装置可用于临床科室需行气管插管(全身麻醉)的患者,其快速、有效的气道控制提高了患者的安全性;其引导气管插管可在手术室照明灯光下进行,给医务工作者带来了便捷。  相似文献   

便携式显微镜/远视镜实时观察和记录系统的低成本组建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为轻便型视屏神经外科配备便携式显微镜/远视镜实时观察和记录系统。方法:系统由显像设备、成像设备和支架组成。显像设备为Dell便携式计算机;成像设备包括DFK-21AU04 USB CCD摄像头、Computar MLH-10×macro镜头和COPL-40-W同轴光灯头复合体;支架为改造的MA241102便携式气动弹簧摇臂式支架。通过视屏观察(15 cm)深瓶中的干豆、切开的新鲜石榴及成年SD大鼠活体颈总动脉分叉部;在视屏图像引导下阻断成年SD大鼠大脑中动脉。结果:Qy/Fx-0810-Mi/Ma便携式实时观察和记录系统小巧轻便、廉价实用,能够从不同角度观察手术野,工作距离超过54 cm,视屏图像清晰、逼真、有立体感且与实际操作同步。结论:可低成本组建适合轻便型视屏神经外科的便携式显微镜/远视镜实时观察和记录系统。  相似文献   

目的:研制一种野战便携式内窥镜视频系统。方法:将主控制器TMS320DM368、图像传感器MT9P301、LED照明单元、LED显示器、光学接口和Wi-Fi模块一体化设计,集成在一个微型手持主机上。系统通过手持主机按键或无线脚踏开关2种方式进行采集图像;采用1 800 m Ah锂电池供电,通过市电或太阳能进行充电。结果:经过临床测试,研制的便携式内窥镜视频系统可以与相应的医用内窥镜配接,适合于内窥镜检查及手术的实时观察、记录和回放,可通过Wi-Fi实现远程医疗。结论:便携式内窥镜视频系统体积小、性能稳定、操作方便、自我续航能力强,非常适合野战医疗。  相似文献   

目的:为降低中心血站照明能耗,对隔栅灯具及其他传统灯具进行改造,并保证相同或相近的照度.方法:选择更换不同功率的LED节能灯,并用功率分析仪对改造前后的灯具功率分别进行测试.结果:改造后各种灯具节电50.01%~76.75%,其中60×60格栅灯改造更换成LED节能灯后,节电达76.75%,是所有灯具改造中最高的;9 W节能灯更换为4 W LED节能灯后,节电50.01%,是所有改造中最低的;平均电费降低65.46%.本次灯具改造共花费12.1108万元,改造后每年节约电费15.44万元,不到10个月收回全部改造成本,并得到政府节能专项补助5万元.结论:LED节能灯照明效果较好,质量可靠,改造后节电效果显著  相似文献   

高新竹 《医疗装备》2007,20(4):39-39
目的:急诊检验工作灯一般都是常明灯。多数用普通的台灯或者是日光灯。这些灯的缺点是需人工开关,工作人员长期使用一段时间后有的开始出现频闪,使人眼易疲劳。为解决这一问题,特设计出一种带人体红外感应开关,无频闪的工作灯。方法:用趋高亮度LED灯驱动电路,及热释红外感应电路组合制成一种新颖的工作灯。结果:高亮度LED灯(美国的半导体照明研发项目已将大电流LED灯商品化)可替白炽灯和卤钨灯,加上红外感应开关电路,使这种工作成为高亮度、无频闪、既节约又环保的工作灯。  相似文献   

纤维支气管镜(纤支镜)因具有管径细、可弯曲、照明好、诊断率高、安全性大和病人痛苦少等优点,已被临床广泛应用。另方面,亦因其构造精细,难免在操作或保养上出现一些小的故障,给工作带来不便。本文总结我院应用纤支镜十余年中常出现的故障,并简述其维修法。1冷光源冷光源是纤支镜的光源部分,起照明作用。常见灯光不亮故障,原因为:(1)使用电压过高,电压不稳,保险丝烧断,灯泡烧坏;(2)灯脚生锈,灯座松动接触不良。维修方法是:(1)建议安装稳压器,更换新的保险丝或灯泡;(2)切断冷光源电源,取下灯泡,用小刀或细砂布…  相似文献   

一种光伏型野战LED无影灯的研制   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的:研制一种在野外没有市电或发电机的恶劣环境下能够正常使用的光伏型野战无影灯。方法:用多组特定的LED作为无影灯的主光源,通过阳光对太阳能电池板照射后产生电流,经控制电路后供LED灯正常使用。该灯架为伞状结构,采用材质较轻的折叠架,容易架设,折叠灵活,科学安全。结果:通过野外训练、使用和测试,无影灯发光效率高、发热量低、热辐射极少、耗电量小、使用时间长,耐震动、抗冲击能力强,结构轻巧,组合简单,便于战时、野外携行。结论:该野战无影灯适用于野战后勤保障。  相似文献   

目的研制一种在野外没有市电或发电机的恶劣环境下,能够正常使用的野外无影灯。方法用多组特定的LED作为无影灯的主光源,通过阳光对太阳能电池板照射后产生电流,经控制电路后供LED灯正常使用。把太阳能电池板做成可展开、收拢的箱子,灯架做成伞状折叠架。材质较轻,容易架设,折叠灵活,科学安全。结果通过野外实验和相关测试,该无影灯发具有光效率高、色温低、使用时间长,耐震动等优点,其结构轻巧,组合简单,便于战时、野外携行。结论该太阳能LED无影灯适用于野外医疗保障。  相似文献   

罗焱 《中国校医》1995,9(1):42-43
在眼科临床上应用很广泛的裂隙灯显微镜(简称:裂隙灯)由光源投射系统和光学放大系统组成,利用其“光学切面”,能使角膜的解剖层次清楚地显示出来。因此,在裂隙灯下剔除角膜异物的操作方法准确性高,损伤性小。角膜是高度透明、无血管的组织,其三叉神经末梢丰富。角膜是接受视信息的最前哨人口,参与感光和屈光系统,因此,角膜易储留异物,症状重、易感染,可暂时或永久地影响视力。角膜异物是眼科常见病,多数是因为磨床溅出的金属碎屑,农村劳动的谷壳麦穗、空气中的灰尘、意外的爆炸物、飞石、各种玩具、棍棒、煤屑,小昆虫、玻璃…  相似文献   

目的:为了满足医护人员在医疗工作中进行局部照明的实际需要,自行设计了一种医用头灯,并使其能够在临床中得到普及和广泛应用。方法:采用国际上公认的新型固态冷光源—LED(半导体发光二极管),结合医院临床特点设计并试制一款便携式LED医用头灯。结论:通过临床试用普遍认为,该头灯可以减少医护人员在肉眼操作时造成的一些误操作,降低医护人员的视觉疲劳,提高工作效率,还可以为医院节省购置成本。  相似文献   

目的:针对当前医院普遍使用的荧光紫外线灭菌灯存在的功耗大、易损坏、操作人员须在灯的照射范围内操作控制而易遭受紫外线照射等弊端,设计出节能、耐用且操作可控的紫外线灯车。方法:紫外线LED为光源达到节能效果,采用灯体球形设计增大照射范围,采用电路控制使灯车延迟开启和定时关闭。结果:LED光源大大降低了灭菌灯车的功耗,延迟开启和定时关闭客观上确保了操作人员避免不必要的紫外线照射和强制性地确保了病区灭菌达到时长的要求。结论:基于LED光源的紫外线灭菌灯车具有功耗低、寿命长、体积小、便携性强等特点和广阔的临床应用前紧。  相似文献   

设计实现了 USB 接口、模拟放大、采样一体化的便携式脑电图机。采用 AN2131进行 A/D 转换控制和 PC 的 USB 通讯等工作。通过数字光耦完成电路的隔离,为减少光耦的数量采用了软件模拟的 SPI 接口通讯。设计的脑电图机可以在恶劣的电磁环境下完成常规脑电图的检查。  相似文献   

便携式脑电图机的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨卫东  王琦 《医疗装备》2006,19(1):9-11
本设计实现了USB接口的,模拟放大、采样一体化的便携式脑电图机。采用&N2131进行A/D转换控制和PC的USB通讯等工作。通过数字光耦完成电路的隔离。为减少光耦的数量采用了软件模拟的SPI接口通讯。设计的脑电图机可以在恶劣的电磁环境下完成常规脑电图的检查。  相似文献   

The fact that standing wave phenomena exist along transmission lines and loops conducting high-frequency electrical energy is responsible for effects of which therapeutic use can be made.A. Power measurements are made possible because parallel transmission lines behave as power transformers of which the ratio varies with the length of these lines. In a generator designed by the G.E.C. the dimensions of the lines are such that after a preliminary estimation of the impedance of the load in the treatment field, the sensitivity of the meter can be adjusted so that the meter subsequently registers in watts the power absorbed in this load.B. When using cable electrodes, in practice, the presence of strong electric fields between the antinodal portions of the loop as well as strong oscillating magnetic fields around the nodal portion gives rise to two distinct phenomena (fig. 6).Search for currents resulting from the electric field on the one hand, and for eddy currents due to the magnetic field on the other, was carried out at St. Thomas''s Hospital, in liquid phantoms by means of a probe (fig. 5a) incorporating a small lamp capable of being rotated in every direction. Voltage measurements were recorded by matching its light intensity with that of a similar lamp in circuit with a variable resistance and a voltmeter (fig. 5b).When a portion of a cable electrode was coiled around a cylindrical vessel containing an electrolyte, the effects due to the two conditions could be dissociated. The following observations were made (fig. 7):(a) By using the nodal portions of the loop only, it was shown that only eddy currents are produced and that the lower the resistance of the electrolyte the more easily they are produced. They are strongest at the periphery and rapidly fall off away from it, as shown by the curves of the graph in fig. 8.(b) By using only the antinodal portions of the loop, coiled around the same vessel, coaxial or longitudinal currents can be demonstrated. It is interesting to note that these exist both at the periphery and at the centre.(c) When the whole cable is wound around the vessel, the concentration of the electrolyte becomes the factor determining the way in which the energy will be dissipated: (1) with tap-water, it is found that no eddy currents can be demonstrated whereas coaxial currents exist; (2) with strong saline solutions the converse holds good; (3) with electrolytes of intermediate concentration both types of currents can be shown to coexist at the periphery while at the centre only coaxial currents can be demonstrated.The fact that eddy currents and coaxial currents could be detected simultaneously and did not, as might be expected, give rise to a resultant, could only be explained by assuming that although eddy currents and coaxial currents coexisted as far as their effects on the pilot lamp were concerned, these two phenomena were not coincident as regards their phase relations. On examining the system more closely it became clear that the coaxial currents must be approximately 90 degrees out of phase with the eddy currents.By means of another type of probe (fig. 5c) for surface work, consisting of two metallic buttons mounted on an insulating strip and bridged by a small lamp, P3, similar to the one used throughout the investigations, it was possible to show that the same conditions existed in the body. It could be demonstrated that both coaxial and eddy currents occurred and that the predominance of one or the other type was dictated by conditions related to impedance. In the thigh just above the knee-joint, in most cases both currents could be demonstrated. It could also be shown that when half the cable was wound clockwise and the other half anticlockwise, so as to cancel the magnetic field between the two halves, no eddy currents existed.C. Present therapeutic applications of high-frequency currents involve the continuous dissipation of electrical energy in the load under treatment. Under these conditions the only detectable effect to which therapeutic value may be ascribed is the rise in temperature which results from heat production. This rise in temperature sets a limit to the power which can be used without risk of burns. Consequently effects other than thermal ones which might manifest themselves under higher intensities remain undetected.It is not possible to predict what would happen if, instead of treating tissues by means of sustained high-frequency electrical energy, tissues were subjected to intermittent radio-frequency pulses of very high intensity separated by silent periods of sufficient length to allow for the dissipation of heat. Those who have some technical knowledge of such matters will readily recognize an application of “Radar” technique in this.  相似文献   

目的:为微创神经外科研制轻便的半软鞘颅腔镜。方法:研究者创意、生产商参照WCM—II便携式电子内视镜(华芯数字技术有限公司,中国杭州)定制便携式EDA—H电子内视镜,以其视屏图像观察切开的新鲜石榴,在其视屏图像引导下进行SD大鼠大脑中动脉阻断术、家兔和人类尸头模拟开颅探查术。结果:EDA—H电子内视镜的视屏图像清晰、逼真、有立体感且与实际操作同步,在其引导下进行手术操作,手术过程平稳、操作准确,术中可随意变换和保持观察角度,止血方便、彻底。结论:可制备适合颅腔手术用的便携式半软鞘内视镜。  相似文献   

USB在便携式医学仪器中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据医学模式发展的需要,本文主要从便携式智能医学仪器的角度出发,对USB接口技术的发展、特点、现代医学仪器的发展现状及USB在便携式医学仪器的应用前景等进行综述。  相似文献   

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