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某地区枯水期饮用水及水源水致突变性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于环境的污染 ,我国人群中肿瘤患病率在逐年提高。一般认为 ,5 0 %~ 90 %人类癌症的发生都可能由环境因素所致。近年来各国学者进行了一些饮水与肿瘤的流行病学调查 ,结果表明饮水污染可能与肿瘤死亡率之间有一定的相关关系。[1] AMES试验又称鼠伤寒沙门菌营养缺陷型回复突变试验 ,是一种用于检测环境致突变物的快速、简便的生物学方法。AMES试验的阳性结果即表示受试物中有致突变物。研究表明 ,致癌剂与致突变剂约有 83%的相关性 ,阳性诱变剂即可被视为有致癌危险的物质 ,对人类有潜在危害。为此 ,我们采用AMES试验 ,对某地…  相似文献   

G市自来水及水源水致突变性研究张俊然吴卓桢张云翼丁文兴朱惠刚非程序DNA合成(unscheduledDNAsynthe-sis.UDS)试验是近年来发展较快的短期生物测试方法之一,已广泛用于致癌物的筛选〔1〕。我们选用UDS实验对G市8个自来水厂的水...  相似文献   

目的 探讨某地区各类饮用水及水源水致突变性。方法 应用蚕豆根尖微核技术。结果 除自来水和本地产饮用水符合卫生标准外,部分水源水及井水有不同程度的做核增高,有机物、重金属污染。结论 微核试验结果高于正常的水体含有诱变物质,对饮用水的安伞性存存隐患,需做好水源的卫生防护工作。  相似文献   

长江水源水与自来水有机物组分分析及致突变性研究张恒,赵进顺,胡江泳,田世兰,杜鑫,丁伟,余峥为了解长江(某炼油厂段)水源水污染情况,我们于1994年1月至8月对长江水源水和自来水进行了有机物的分析及致突变性和遗传毒性研究。现将结果报告如下。材料与方法...  相似文献   

沱江下游水源水致突变性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着国家工农业的迅速发展 ,人们生活饮用水正受到日益严重的污染 ,以地面水为水源的原水和经氯化消毒的自来水中普遍存在着可致突变的有机污染物[1,2 ,3] 。沱江是西部地区最重要的河流之一 ,是四川省内长江五大一级支流之一 ,横跨四川腹部地区 ,流经德阳 ,成都、内江、自贡、泸州等 6地市的 85个县 (市 )。沱江流域是四川省主要工农业产区之一 ,沿江城镇密集 ,流域内人口达 2 0 0 0多万 ,在占全省约 5 %的土地上集中了全省约 2 0 %的人口[4 ] 。据 1984年沱江流域工业污染源调查统计 ,每年排入沱江水系的工业废水达 4 4亿吨、生活污水 2 …  相似文献   

目的2008年1月份对武汉市长江、汉江(水厂的)水源水及其出厂水和末稍水中的有机浓缩物进行致突变性检测。方法采用Ames试验。结果各水样中的致突变物主要为移码突变型,汉江水中有机物的致突变性结果大于长江水,有明显的差别。各水样中的碱基移码型的直接致突变物高于间接致突变物。结论长江、汉江水源水经自来水厂处理后,出厂水和末稍水水中有机物的致突变性有所增强。  相似文献   

广西饮用水及水源水的放射性水平评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广西饮用水及水源水的放射性水平评价杨刚覃家光陆有荣苏石(广西自治区卫生防疫站,南宁530021)水是人类最重要的资源。广西是我国水资源丰富的省区之一,全区多年平均水资源总量有2280亿立方米,但可利用水量仅占12%左右〔1〕。在有限的水资源中,水体卫...  相似文献   

自来水及水源水有机提取物对巨噬细胞的损伤作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨城市供水有机提取物对巨噬细胞的影响。方法 小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞染毒有机提取物后,应用MTT实验,乳酸脱氢酶泄漏实验及形态学观察等方法进行检测。结果 某水厂的水源水及出厂水在所选的各浓度均引起巨噬细胞的损伤,并有明显的剂量-反应关系;在相同浓度下,出厂水的有机提取物引起细胞的损伤程度大于源水。拟建水源水只在高剂量下引起巨噬细胞损伤。结论 无论源水或出厂水,尽管有机污染物的组成成分不同,但均含有损伤巨噬细胞的物质。有机提取物对巨噬细胞 的毒性作用 与其潜在致癌作用有关。  相似文献   

水源水及饮用水中的有机物对人体健康的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
饮用水的水源中一般都含有一定浓度的天然有机物(NaturalOrganicMatters,NOM ) ,而随着生活污水和工业废水 ,特别是有机化工、制药、石油化工、农药和杀虫剂等行业的废水的注入 ,自来水厂的原水中会增加多种人工合成有机物(Syntheticorganiccompounds,SOC) ,经过混凝 -沉淀 -过滤-消毒的常规工艺或其它工艺的处理后 ,饮用水中又会增加消毒副产物 (DisinfectionByproducts ,DBPs)等 ,它们对人体健康都有着不同程度的间接或直接的影响。1 天然有机物天然有机…  相似文献   

<正>尽管采取手卫生、接触隔离、合理使用抗菌药物等感染控制措施,医院感染仍时有发生,原因在于某些感染源和感染控制环节被忽视。水广泛用于医疗和患者护理,但水易滋生病原体,在自来水管道、医疗设备的水管道、甚至生活用具如淋浴喷头中形成难以清除的生物膜,对住院患者构成潜在感染威胁。在国外,医院水源性感染已成为医院感染方面较为独立的一个研究领域,并积累了不少研究成果。我国水源  相似文献   

Activated carbon filtration devices placed on household faucets are used to improve the taste and odour of tap water. However, there has been a concern that the growth of bacteria capable of causing opportunistic infections in these devices might present a public health risk. The water quality from point-of-use (POU) water activated carbon treatment devices and that of tap water with POU-connections and tap water without POU devices were compared. Heterotrophic plate count (HPC) bacteria, total and faecal coliforms, and acid-fast organisms (Mycobacteria spp.), as well as, the opportunistic bacterial pathogens Aeromonas hydrophila, Plesiomonas shigelloides, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were enumerated. The highest concentration of bacteria was found in POU-treated water. P. aeruginosa, acid-fast organisms, and total coliforms were present in 38.5, 43.8, and 82.4% of the samples, respectively. HPC bacteria were present in all of the POU-treated water samples, with concentrations ranging from 10(2) to 10(7) colony forming units/mL. Neither faecal coliforms nor P. shigelloides were recovered from any samples. Tap water with a POU-connection also had higher numbers of bacteria than tap water samples. It was concluded that tap water without POU devices had lower numbers of A. hydrophila, acid-fast organisms, HPC bacteria, P. aeruginosa and coliforms than POU-treated water, and tap water with a POU-connection. The use of POU-devices may amplify the numbers of bacteria present in the tapwater by promoting biofilm formation. Based on a daily ingestion of two liters of POU treated water, A. hydrophila and P. aeruginosa had a probability of less than 10(-6) of colonizing the gut; however, annual risks could be as much as 100-fold greater.  相似文献   

We evaluated the new Legionella pneumophila antigen detection assay Binax Equate for quantitative determination of legionellae in potable water samples. Seventy-seven water samples from different sources were investigated by Binax Equate and quantitative culture. Our culture assay is able to detect 20 to 40 cfu per 100 ml water. The rates of detection of legionellae were 1% (1 of 77) for the antigen detection assay and 25% (19 of 77) by culture. We were able to detect antigen in one water sample with 28 cfu per ml L. pneumophila serogroup 1. In in-vitro experiments the antigen assay had a sensitivity of about 333 cfu per ml when the bacteria were added directly to the test tubes and about 1000 cfu per ml when a simulated water sample was investigated. None of the water samples positive for L. pneumophila serogroup 2 to 14 was positive in the Binax Equate. The new antigen assay proved to be a valuable tool for investigating heavy L. pneumophila Serogroup 1 contamination in potable water systems but lacks sufficient sensitivity to be used in the surveillance of water supplies.  相似文献   

Surveillance of Legionella spp. in hospital water systems was performed in forty-four inpatient healthcare facilities in Spain during 2005-2006. A total of 2,341 samples were collected: 470 from cooling systems (cooling towers) and 1,871 from potable water systems. The latter included 211 from cold-water tanks and 260 from hot-water tanks, totalling 471 from central water reservoirs 136 from showers, 1,172 from unfiltered taps and 92 from filtered taps, totalling 1,400 from peripheral points. Temperature, chlorine levels and the presence of Legionella spp. were determined. In all, 373 (15.9%) samples yielded Legionella spp. Significantly higher isolation rates were obtained from cooling towers (23.8%) versus cold- and hot-water tanks (approximately 4.7%), due to the significantly higher number of samples positive for serogroup 1 (19.4 vs 0.9-3.5%). In potable water systems, no differences were found between central water tanks and showers, but significant differences in isolation rates between central water tanks and unfiltered taps were observed (4.7 vs 19.6%) due to differences in non-serogroup 1 L. pneumophila. Filters significantly decreased isolation rates of these serotypes (11 vs 0%). Some seasonal differences were noted, with higher isolation rates in summer for legionella serogroup 1 in cooling systems and for L. pneumophila serogroups 2-14 in potable water systems. In regression models, higher temperatures were associated with colonisation in cooling systems, while lower chlorine levels were associated with colonisation in potable water systems.  相似文献   

中试循环输水管道系统中建立嗜肺军团菌生物膜   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的模拟医院供水系统,建立代表上海地区自来水特征的新型中试循环输水管道系统,研究军团菌定植供水系统的能力;评估水流的停滞和层流状态对嗜肺军团菌生物膜的影响。方法采用培养技术和共聚焦激光扫描显微镜动态监测嗜肺军团菌进入生物膜达到稳态的过程。结果军团菌黏附和进入生物膜后开始增殖,第5周达到稳态,95.8%的嗜肺军团菌分布在生物膜内;管壁军团菌定植数量在层流状态明显高于停滞状态,平均值为7.8×104CFU/cm2和1.5×103CFU/cm2。结论中试循环输水管道中成功建立嗜肺军团菌生物膜;生物膜在军团菌增殖中起重要作用;水流停滞不会促进军团菌增殖。  相似文献   

Our aim was to investigate the occurrence and identity of Legionella spp. in Dutch tap water installations using culture, real-time PCR and sequence analysis. The PCR assays used were a 16S rRNA gene based PCR with both a Legionella species specific probe and a L. pneumophila specific probe and a L. pneumophila-specific PCR based on the sequence of the mip gene. A total of 357 water samples from 250 locations in The Netherlands was investigated. The detection rates of Legionella spp. were 2,2% (8 of 357) by culture, and 87,1% (311 of 357) by PCR. The majority of samples was found to contain Legionella species other than L. pneumophila. These comprised of Legionella Like Amoebal Pathogens (LLAPs), L. busanensis, L. worsliensis and others. Fourteen (3,9%) samples were positive for L. pneumophila by either culture, 16S rRNA based PCR and/or mip based PCR. It is apparent from this study that Legionella spp. DNA is ubiquitous in Dutch potable water samples. Our findings further suggest that LLAPs and viable but nonculturable (VBNC) Legionella represent a large proportion of the population in man-made environments.  相似文献   

This article analyses the water used at hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The research, based on microbiological and physical-chemical aspects, suggests subsidies for normalization of hospital potable water systems and makes recommendations for standardization of operational procedures for inspection for Legionella pneumophila. A total of 16 hospitals were inspected and positive results for the presence of L. pneumophila were found at five hospitals. These hospitals were integrated in a research project aiming at the detection and quantification of this pathogen. During 10 consecutive weeks, four collections representing a total of 200 analyses were done at the five researched hospitals. In this way seven physical-chemical parameters and three microbiological parameters were observed to evaluate the quality of water in each hospital. The results showed that routine surveillance for a hospital water distribution system is fundamental for public health and must include, as a priority, monitoring of L. pneumophila. The water quality varies in accordance with the hospital water system involved. It is important and necessary to implement environmental culturing in order to minimize hospital infection, in particular, pneumonia data and also to provide the basis for disinfection of the water system.  相似文献   

目的对吉林省某集中空调冷却塔出水口的水进行军团菌分离培养及血清学分型。方法用分离培养法检测军团菌,再用乳胶凝集对其进行血清学分型。结果在某集中空调冷却塔出水口的水中成功检测出非嗜肺军团菌(博杰曼军团菌),在吉林省属首次报道。结论利用本方法可以较好地分离培养出冷却塔出水口的水中军团菌及进行血清血分型。  相似文献   

[目的]掌握宾馆冷却水军团菌污染现况及其影响因素.[方法]抽取21家宾馆,于2005年8~10月份每月一次采集冷却水进行军团菌的定性检测,选取其中的4家于2005年6~10 月份每月一次采集冷却水进行军团菌的定量检测;并就冷却塔的工作环境及冷却水处理状况进行调查;同时,收集上海的地理位置和气象信息.[结果]冷却水阳性率79.0%;血清型以Lp1为主,另检测出Lp9,并发现Lp9分布局限,集中在延安西路和中山西路相交处的宾馆,无其他血清型检出;冷却塔的使用年限对军团菌阳性率没有影响,仅5年之内使用的冷却塔的冷却水军团菌阳性率就已达78.1%,使用再长,阳性率并未增加;冷却塔的工作环境对军团菌生长有利,冷却水处理有化学、物理处理和简单排污3种方式,其中,化学处理为主体,3种处理方式皆对军团菌控制无效.[结论]宾馆冷却水军团菌污染严重,冷却塔的工作环境和冷却水处理方法需要改变.  相似文献   

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