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An appropriate approach to orthopaedics in developing countries   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Gifts of high technology and expensive buildings can constitute a disservice to a poor country when not accompanied by funding for the maintenance and running costs, since they will divert limited resources from more essential needs.The orthopaedic surgery that should be practised in many developing countries differs greatly from that in the contemporary Western world because of a different spectrum of disease, the consequences of uncontrolled disease processes and the less satisfactory conditions in which to function. Training in the home country is therefore essential and circumvents frustration and the brain drain from these countries. Poverty in material resources is not matched by poverty of intellect or resourcefulness, and we have much to learn from developing countries. Different cultures result in the needs of patients being quite different. Orthoses and prostheses need to be based on local crafts and resources, and some of these are illustrated.The Western world can best assist by having surgeons working, teaching and learning in the Developing World, using inexpensive means to treat the many and not to pamper the few.
Résumé Une haute technologie et des bâtiments coûteux peuvent représenter pour un pays pauvre un cadeau empoisonné, s'ils ne sont pas accompagnés du financement de l'entretien et du fonctionnement, car ils peuvent détourner de besoins plus importants des ressources modestes. La chirurgie orthopédique qui peut être pratiquée dans de nombreux pays en voie de développement diffère notablement de celle des nations occidentales, en raison des différences de la pathologie, des conséquences évolutives de maladies non traitées et des conditions moins satisfaisantes dans lesquelles elle est réalisée. La formation dans le pays d'origine est donc essentielle, elle prévient le sentiment de frustration et l'émigration des élites. La pauvreté matérielle ne s'accompagne pas forcément de pauvreté en intelligence et en savoir-faire, et nous avons beaucoup à apprendre des pays en voie de développement. Des cultures différentes font que les besoins des malades sont également différents. Les orthèses et les prothèses doivent correspondre aux ressources et aux possibilités de fabrication locales, on en présente quelques exemples. La meilleure aide que puisse fournir le monde occidental est d'envoyer des chirurgiens travailler, enseigner et apprendre dans les pays en voie de développement, où ils utiliseront des moyens peu dispendieux pour soigner le plus grand nombre et non pour choyer une minorité.

Challenges and opportunities in abdominal aortic aneurysm research   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAAs) are associated with advanced age, male gender, cigarette smoking, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and genetic predisposition. Basic research studies have led to a better understanding of aneurysm disease over the past two decades. There has also been a growing appreciation that fundamental knowledge regarding the process of aneurysmal degeneration is still somewhat limited. Opportunities in research include: 1) the investigation of potential new mechanism-based pharmacologic interventions; 2) identify the genetic basis for an inherited predisposition; 3) develop and refine noninvasive approaches for the early detection; 4) examine potential novel surgical approaches and design new biomaterials; and 5) initiate and promote awareness programs for diagnosis and treatment of aortic aneurysms. The optimal approach to addressing these issues will require integrative, multidisciplinary research programs that involve basic scientists working in concert with vascular and cardiothoracic surgeons, as well as other clinical specialists with expertise in vascular disease.  相似文献   

Rising healthcare costs and increasing evidence of variation in quality of healthcare have spurred payment reform initiatives that tie reimbursement to the quality of care provided. Success in these initiatives will require identification of valid and reliable measures of quality and rigorous evaluation of the effects of payment reform implementation on these quality metrics. Despite the support and investment in quality improvement through payment reform, results of these improvement initiatives have been mixed. Providers and researchers must remain invested in the development, evaluation, and selection of quality measures for healthcare policy reform.  相似文献   

The large funding opportunities created by the US Congress have allowed the military and civilian orthopaedic communities to collaborate to define clinical problems and develop solutions. It is believed that this research effort will be constructive in the short term because of emphasis placed on funding projects that used relevant populations and approaches that will benefit patients soon. The immediate results will define best practice guidelines. Additionally, new therapies will be fielded that will reduce complications and improve the outcomes of both injured service personnel and civilians.  相似文献   



This review describes ongoing efforts to develop a medical therapy to limit abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) growth.


Data from animal model studies, human investigations, and clinical trials are described.


Studies in rodent models and human samples have suggested a number of potential targets for slowing or halting AAA growth. A number of clinical trials are now examining the value of medications targeting some of the pathways identified. These trials have a number of challenges, including identifying medications safe to use in older patients with multiple comorbidities, developing accurate outcome assessments, and minimizing the dropout of patients during the trials. Three recent trials have reported no benefit of the antibiotic doxycycline, a mast cell inhibitor, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, or a calcium channel blocker in limiting AAA growth. A number of other trials examining angiotensin receptor blockers, cyclosporine, and an antiplatelet agent are currently underway.


Further refinement of drug discovery pathways and testing paradigms are likely needed to develop effective nonsurgical therapies for AAA.  相似文献   

Lung transplantation is a crucial component in the treatment of end-stage lung disease in infants. Traditionally, most lung transplants have been performed in older children and adults, resulting in a scarcity of data for infant patients. To address the challenges unique to this age group, novel strategies to provide the best preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care for these youngest patients are paramount. We review recent advances in bridge-to-transplantation therapy, including the use of a paracorporeal lung assist device, and differences in surgical technique, including bronchial artery revascularization, for incorporation into the overarching treatment strategy for infants undergoing lung transplantation.  相似文献   

Racial and cultural diversity in the physician workforce (in orthopaedics this includes women) is an essential if the best healthcare for the American people is to be provided. The percentage of minorities to the white population is increasing yet their representation in medical schools and the practicing community has not risen at that same pace. Affirmative Action efforts continue to be challenged as lowering standards and depriving better qualified students admission to medical schools. Admissions committees and orthopaedic residency directors should recognize that grade point averages and test scores may not be the best predictors of how well a physician or surgeon cares for patients. How far a person has come and what obstacles they have had to overcome, their demonstrated caring and compassion for people, their understanding of diverse cultures and languages may be a far better predictor of the quality of care physicians give to their patients. Affirmative Action should not be looked on as lowering standards, but using all available information in the selection process for medical school and residency training to ensure that the medical profession more closely mirrors the diverse racial and ethnic background of the United States population. How far a person has come and the adversity they have overcome may have far greater impact on making the correct diagnosis and setting out a proper treatment plan that the patient will accept than mastering test taking in the biologic and physical sciences. Obtaining racial and cultural diversity in the medical profession should be a national imperative.  相似文献   

The Lancet Commission outlines a vision of universal access to safe emergency and essential surgery. Global disparities in perioperative outcomes are recognized, with resource poor environments and a workforce crisis particularly challenging low- and middle-income countries to provide safe surgical and anaesthesia care. Bridging the gap to achieve universal access is a substantial undertaking and requires collaboration with high-income countries. Global partnerships are abundant and mutually beneficial, aiming to alleviate the workforce crisis, provide education, training and expertise and raise standards of care in host developing countries. Clinical, leadership and management experience gained in low resource settings is valued by healthcare systems in high-income countries, acknowledged by curriculum for developing world anaesthesia. Further challenges to healthcare delivery, training and implementation of change are influence by government policy, cultural traditions, expectations and work ethic. This article describes challenges through reflection on personal experience in Zambia.  相似文献   

《Urologic oncology》2001,6(5):185-188
The discussion and debate over the “best” treatment for clinically localized prostate cancer will be an iterative process based on a combination of opinions and data. Success is a measure of both cancer control and quality of life such that in a disease with a long natural history, one must be very cautious about over-interpreting short- or medium-term results. As with many treatment approaches in the rapidly evolving world of medicine, outcomes improve over time so that retrospective studies are useful but of limited value due to changes in patient selection and therapeutic technique. Overly aggressive multimodality approaches will produce excellent short-term results such as PSA biochemical NED (bNED), yet these may be more costly in terms of toxicity and expense than necessary compared to uni-modality therapy.  相似文献   

Adequate resident training in aesthetic surgery has been a problem and challenge for program directors in the past. In a 1982 survey of 11 former University of Toronto residents, 4 residents identified this part of their training as adequate, and 7 believed it was inadequate. To solve this problem, an Academic Aesthetic Surgery Service was established in one of the University of Toronto participating teaching hospitals (Toronto Western Hospital) in early 1986. This article outlines the organization and function of this service and reports the experience of the first year of operation. The preliminary results are encouraging; the service has been accepted by the patients, residents, and the plastic surgery community.  相似文献   

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