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某县戒毒所和社区吸毒人群吸毒相关危险行为比较 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
目的比较戒毒所和社区来源的吸毒人群人口学状况、吸毒相关危险行为的差异。方法在某县戒毒所和社区同时征集满足条件的吸毒者,由统一培训的调查员在单独的房间进行一对一的访谈,收集人口统计学信息,吸毒和注射吸毒史、监禁史等信息。结果戒毒所、社区吸毒者的注射吸毒比例分别为64.4%(139/216)、56.5%(130/230),两者的差异无显著的统计学意义(χ2=2.85,P>0.05)。戒毒所和社区招募的注射吸毒者中,报告最近半年(入所前半年)注射吸毒的比例分别为90.6%(126/139)、80%(104/130),两者的差异有显著的统计学意义(χ2=6.14,P<0.05);戒毒期间注射毒品的比例分别为18.0%(25/139)、32.5%(37/114),两者的差异有显著的统计学意义(χ2=7.09,P<0.01)。结论使用戒毒所监测哨点的吸毒相关危险行为数据评估整个吸毒人群的状况时,应该考虑补充一些社区吸毒人群的资料。 相似文献
2004年新疆劳教所部分吸毒者艾滋病知识知晓及行为调查 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的了解新疆劳教场所中吸毒人员艾滋病知识知晓情况及行为特征情况.方法在劳教场所吸毒人员中抽查249名吸毒人员,调查其人口学特征、吸毒方式和频率、口吸和静脉吸毒时间、共用注射器的情况、性行为特征和安全套的使用情况等.结果 249名被调查者开始吸毒年龄最小为12岁,最大32岁,初次口吸和静脉注射吸毒的平均年龄分别为21.5岁和23.2岁,口吸平均时间为5.5年,口吸到静脉注射吸毒的平均时间为1.6年;静脉注射吸毒平均时间为5.26年;共用注射器情况较少;性生活中全程使用安全套仅占14.36%,从未使用安全套者多达56.91%.结论加强宣传教育活动,让青少年远离毒品,减少吸毒者共用注射器吸毒的危险行为,仍须加强安全套的推广力度. 相似文献
目的了解苏州市强制戒毒人群艾滋病病毒(HIV)、梅毒及丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染状况及相关因素,为在该人群中开展监测和行为干预提供依据。方法 2010年4月和7月,分两次对苏州市强制戒毒所内所有吸毒者进行调查。结果 460名强制戒毒人员的HIV感染率为0.43%(2/460),梅毒感染率为13.26%(61/460),HCV感染率为47.17%(217/460)。吸毒者中注射吸毒比例为44.13%(203/460),其中有过与别人共用注射器吸毒的比例为36.45%(74/203)。共用注射器吸毒人群HIV、HCV感染率与其他吸毒人群感染率有显著性差异。42.17%(194/460)的吸毒者有商业性行为,最近一次使用安全套的只有39.69%(77/460)。结论苏州市强制戒毒所内的吸毒者HIV感染率较低,但梅毒和HCV感染率较高,共用注射器吸毒是HIV和HCV感染的高危因素,不安全的性行为增加了HIV、梅毒等性传播疾病向一般人群传播的机会,应对吸毒人群开展有针对性的干预措施。 相似文献
目的探索在强制戒毒所(强戒所)开展艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者管理及出所转介的可行性及有效措施。方法选择昆明市强戒所和9个街道办事处作为试点。在所内扩大同伴教育、检测咨询,启动HIV阳性结果告知,落实HIV感染者随访,发送感染者出所信息通报;在试点办事处,推动派出所到强戒所接出所的戒毒学员,并向疾病预防控制中心(CDC)通报学员回归社区的信息,CDC核对疫情信息后,对其中的HIV感染者及时进行随访。结果强戒所对HIV感染者的管理工作积累了一些阳性结果告知的方法和经验,促进了强戒所领导及相关人员对所内HIV监测和感染者管理等工作的态度发生明显变化,到强戒所接出所的戒毒学员及回归社区的戒毒学员的信息通报,促进了出所HIV感染者的社区随访。结论在强戒所内开展HIV感染者管理是可行的、有效的,强戒所、社区、CDC间的有效合作促进了感染者出所后的社区随访。 相似文献
广东省不同地区吸毒者HIV相关危险行为的研究 总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18
目的 了解广东省不同地区吸毒者感染艾滋病病毒 (HIV)的相关危险行为因素 ,以及HIV、丙型肝炎病毒 (HCV)的流行状况。方法 选取 3个市的戒毒所内戒毒者和社区吸毒者进行面对面问卷调查 ,并采集静脉血5ml进行抗 HIV、抗 HCV检测。结果 共调查 6 5 5名吸毒者 ,3个市抗 HIV阳性率分别为 4 0 4 %、2 6 9%和17 6 % (χ2 =2 7 5 4 ,P<0 0 5 ) ;最近 1个月 3个市内吸毒者静脉吸毒 (IDU)的分别为 98 7%、98 7%和 98 4 % ;共用针具的分别为 6 2 8%、33 5 %和 6 8 7% (χ2 =4 5 83,P <0 0 5 ) ;吸毒者首次静脉注射毒品的平均年龄为 2 4 8岁 ,由口吸转为注射毒品的平均年限为 2 7年 ;3个市吸毒者与临时性伙伴的安全套使用率分别为 9 5 %、2 2 6 %和 2 8 6 %。结论 3个市静脉吸毒、共用针具现象普遍 ,共用频率高 ,安全套使用率低 ,但 3个市吸毒者的HIV相关危险行为具有一定差别 ,需进一步研究其潜在的社会背景。 相似文献
哈密地区劳教,吸毒罪错人员HIV感染的调查分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 调查了解哈密劳教吸毒罪错人员HIV感染情况。方法 用酶联免疫吸附实验和确诊实验对吸毒者分别进行HIV初筛和确诊。结果 在152名吸毒者中查出HIV阳性者38例,检出率为25%。HIV阳性者均为男性,15-25岁年龄组HIV感染率高于30-40岁以上年龄组。 相似文献
445名吸毒人员HIV监测和行为调查 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的:了解九江吸毒人群HIV感染和相关行为,态度,知识,为制定预防措施提供依据。方法:采用血清流行病学和问卷方法。对445名吸毒者进行调查。结果:未检出HIV感染者,静脉吸毒率86.7%,共用针具率58.5%,89.7%的人对艾滋病知识有一定的了解,但不全面。结论:应针对该人群的特点,采取有效健康教育和干预措施预防HIV在该人群的流行。 相似文献
目的 了解广东省吸毒者的吸毒行为以及他们对艾滋病的预防知识和态度,为广东省在该人群中开展强有力的预防干预措施提供依据。方法 面对面的问卷调查获取基础和干预后资料,采用讲课、发放艾滋病预防宣传折页和小组咨询讨论等方法进行干预。结果 干预前吸毒者对艾滋病有关知识的正确认识率最低为 52%,最高为98%,干预后有不同程度的增加;61%的人担心会感染上艾滋病病毒;55.1%为静脉吸毒,其中41.1%有用过别人的注射器;68.8%的人声称有多性伴,而且 63.3%的人在最近 3次婚外性生活中没用安全套。结论 该人群在健康教育前对艾滋病知识已有一定程度的了解,但仍有感染艾滋病病毒的高危行为,因此如何来改变他们的行为不仅仅是宣传教育的问题,它将涉及到我国目前的一些政策和法律法规,这也将是目前HIV/AIDS控制策略的最大挑战。 相似文献
目的为了解中澳艾滋病亚洲区域项目(HAARP)在广西所覆盖地区,注射吸毒人群与艾滋病传播相关高危行为的现状,及艾滋病病毒(HIV)、丙型肝炎、梅毒感染的现状,用于今后评价干预措施的效果。方法通过现场问卷调查了解6个市县该类人群与艾滋病传播相关的危险行为特征。结果 6个市县所调查的1 868名注射吸毒人员,HIV抗体阳性检出率在3.1%~17.7%;每个市县都有50%以上的调查对象,其注射器来源于当地的药店或私人诊所。最近一次性行为安全套使用率在6.0%~15.1%。6个市县的注射吸毒人员仍然存在共针行为,而且安全套使用率非常低,尤其是与配偶(同居者)的安全套使用率更低。结论吸毒人员与性伴的干预工作需成为今后工作的一大重点,尤其要注重对性活跃的吸毒人员开展宣传教育、咨询以及安全套发放等工作;基于大多数吸毒人员都在药店和诊所购买注射器,建议今后宜采取多种方式发放免费注射器,如在药店、诊所等设置针具交换点。 相似文献
This study examined the prevalence and correlates of HIV risk behaviors among 1,153 current drug users in China. Chi-squared
tests of differences were used to test if drug users differed from non-users; logistic regression was used to identify behavior-specific
risk factors. Results indicate that 60% of drug users injected drugs and more than one third shared needles. Compared to non-users,
drug users had higher rates of risky sexual behavior and HIV/STDs. Among drug users, ethnic minorities and migrants were most
vulnerable to unprotected casual sex and needle sharing. Drug users who experienced social isolation were associated with
lower odds of risk behaviors; those who had experiences of anti-social behaviors and commercial sex, poor HIV knowledge, and
perceived greater vulnerability were more prone to unprotected casual sex and needle sharing. Additional correlates of unprotected
casual sex included being single, depression, and taking drugs/alcohol during sex. Additional risk factors of needle sharing
included education and initiated drug use at younger ages. It is imperative that HIV interventions in China target drug users
and address behavior-specific risk factors. 相似文献
开远市社区吸毒暗娼艾滋病相关高危行为调查分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的 了解社区吸毒暗娼的吸毒及高危性行为特征,为对她们开展行为干预提供参考依据.方法 通过外展招募的方式,对云南省开远市101名社区吸毒暗娼进行了访谈式问卷调查.结果 吸毒暗娼中,92.1%自报有过注射吸毒经历,17.2%的注射吸毒暗娼在最近6个月曾与别人共用过针具,65.4%的吸毒暗娼最近12个月中曾出现过性病症状.70.4%和14.9%的暗娼在与其固定性伴及嫖客的最近一次性行为中,未使用安全套.结论 吸毒暗娼共用针具吸毒的高危行为,使其处在艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染的巨大危险中,而其与嫖客人群及固定性伴的无保护性行为,很容易造成HIV通过性途径向其他人群的传播,加大对此类高危人群的干预力度势在必行. 相似文献
When parents die of or are infected with HIV, children might have to leave their own household and be displaced to other living arrangements and some may even be displaced multiple times. The objective of this study is to examine the association between household displacement and health risk behaviors among AIDS orphans (children who have lost one or both of their parents to HIV/AIDS) and vulnerable children (children living with HIV-infected parents) in rural China. The sample consisted of 1015 children (549 AIDS orphans, 466 vulnerable children) in family-based care. The children were assigned to three displacement groups according to the number of household displacement (i.e., none, once, at least twice) after their parents became ill or died of HIV/AIDS. Cigarette smoking, alcohol use, violence, public property destruction, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt were used to assess the health risk behaviors of these children. Both bivariate and multivariate tests were used to assess the differences in health risk behaviors among displacement groups. The findings indicated that children who were displaced at least twice were more likely to report a higher frequency of public property destruction and suicide ideation than those who were never displaced or displaced once. Multivariate analysis revealed that public property destruction, suicide ideation and suicide attempt were significantly associated with the household displacement among these children, controlling for gender, age, child status (AIDS orphans vs. vulnerable children), and the duration of household displacement. Results in the current study suggest that a stable living environment was important for both AIDS orphans and vulnerable children in communities with a high prevalence of HIV/AIDS. The government, community, and other agencies need to make efforts to avoid frequent household displacement among these children after the HIV-related infection or death of their parents. 相似文献
Mark Williams H. Virginia McCoy Anne Bowen Lori Saunders Robert Freeman Danyang Chen 《AIDS and behavior》2001,5(1):31-43
This paper presents the results of an evaluation of a brief, educational HIV risk reduction intervention implemented in a community setting. Participants were 7,733 not-in-treatment drug users. Multi-item needle and sex risk measures were developed to assess the efficacy of the intervention. Behavior change was assessed within 6 empirically derived homogeneous risk groups. Drug users in all 6 groups reduced their needle use and sexual risks after participating in the brief educational intervention. Sexual risks were reduced to a greater extent than were risks associated with needle use, both in relative terms and when measured as a percentage of risk exhibited at intake. Brief educational interventions may be more effective in reducing sexual risk behaviors than it was previously believed. Needle risk, on the other hand, appears to be more robust, especially among high frequency cocaine injectors. Theses findings suggest that HIV prevention strategies may be more effective and more efficient if drug users are triaged into an intervention appropriate to their level of needle risk. 相似文献
Sheila Kansiime Christian Holm Hansen Richard Hayes Eugene Ruzagira the PrEPVacc Study Team 《Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH》2023,28(9):720-730
HIV risk prediction tools are a critical component of efforts to end the HIV pandemic. We aimed to create and validate tools for identifying individuals at highest risk of prevalent and incident HIV in an African setting.Methods
We used Logistic regression and Poisson regression to determine risk factors for HIV prevalence and incidence in a multi-country HIV vaccine trial preparedness cohort study among individuals at high risk of HIV, and used the identified factors to create and validate tools that predict HIV risk. We also assessed the performance of the VOICE risk score in predicting HIV incidence among women in the cohort.Results
The prevalent HIV prediction tool created had good predictive ability [area under the curve (AUC) = 0.70, 95% CI 0.66–0.74]. It included the following participant variables: age, sex, recreational drug use, unprotected male-to-male anal sex, a sexual partner who had other partners, transactional sex and having a partner who was a long-distance truck driver/miner. It was not possible to create a valid HIV incidence prediction tool. Participants with high VOICE risk scores (≥7) had slightly higher HIV incidence but this tool performed poorly within our study (AUC = 0.58, 95% CI 0.51–0.64: Harrell's concordance index = 0.59).Conclusion
We created a prevalent HIV prediction tool that could be used to increase efficiency in diagnosis of HIV and linkage to care in sub-Saharan Africa. Existing incident HIV prediction tools may need modification to include context-specific predictors such as calendar period, participant occupation, study site, before adoption in settings different from those in which they were developed. 相似文献18.
影响商业性服务提供/受供人群AIDS/HIV危险行为的社会-心理-个人因素 总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14
目的 广泛探讨影响商业性接触中艾滋病/艾滋病病毒(AIDS/HIV)危险行为发生的社会、心理和个人经历等因素。方法 采用自我设计的封闭式匿名问卷,于1998年7月对702名女性商业性服务提供者和165名男性受供者进行调查。结果 单因素分析结果显示,男性在商业性行为中不能坚持使用安全套与经济收入高、安全套知识得分低、终生商业性伴数多、自己不主动提出使用安全套以及无性病求医史等因素有关,女性则与未婚、AIDS/HIV知识得分低、安全套知识得分低、在消费档次较高的场所从事商业性服务、保持有非商业性关系以及无性病史和无人工流产史等因素有关。Logistic多因素分析结果显示,男性在商业性关系中发生AIDS/HIV危险性行为与经济收入高、安全套知识得分低、终生商业性伴数多和无性病史等有关,而女性则与其它性病知识得分低、在消费档次较高的场所从事商业性服务、无性病史、无人工流产史、不以安全套作为避孕措施、自己不主动提出使用安全套以及有兼职等有关。结论 商业性服务中HIV危险性行为的发生与参与人群对相关知识的了解以及个人经历关系密切。今后在针对该人群的HIV/AIDS健康教育中注意从这些方面设计宣传教育的内容和方式。 相似文献
HERMITAGE—a randomized controlled trial to reduce sexually transmitted infections and HIV risk behaviors among HIV‐infected Russian drinkers 下载免费PDF全文
Jeffrey H. Samet Anita Raj Debbie M. Cheng Elena Blokhina Carly Bridden Christine E. Chaisson Alexander Y. Walley Tibor P. Palfai Emily K. Quinn Edwin Zvartau Dmitry Lioznov Evgeny Krupitsky 《Addiction (Abingdon, England)》2015,110(1):80-90
目的分析广东省云浮市吸毒人群艾滋病病毒(HIV)的感染状况及相关的危险因素。方法在社区和戒毒所同时招募吸毒/戒毒人群,社区采用“同伴推动抽样(RDS)”方法,戒毒所选择2012年度首次入所者。经知情同意后,由统一培训的调查员在单独房间进行结构式问卷调查,问卷内容包括社会人口学特征、吸毒行为和性行为等信息。调查结束后抽取5mL静脉血检测HIV抗体。结果吸毒/戒毒人群的HIV抗体阳性率为3.8%(24/630),其中戒毒所和社区吸毒人群的HIV抗体阳性率分别为1.3%(5/400)和8.3%(19/230),差异有统计学意义(x2=19.59,P〈0.001)。多因素非条件Logisitc回归结果显示,研究对象来源为社区[比值比(OR)=4.56,95%可信区间(CI):1.47~14.15)、共用针具(OR=8.53,95%CI:2.98~24.39)为HIV感染的独立危险因素,男性(OR=0.24,95%CI:0.07~0.81)为HIV感染的保护性因素。结论云浮市社区吸毒人群的HIV感染率明显高于戒毒所内的戒毒者,提示目前主要来自监管场所吸毒人群的哨点资料,不一定能代表当地的实际情况,应结合社区的监测结果做综合判断。同时,应根据该地区HIV感染的相关危险因素制定有针对性的干预措施。 相似文献