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Pontine and forebrain cholinergic nuclei contribute to the regulation of breathing and arousal. This report summarizes experiments in rat (n = 20) concerning the cholinergic interaction between pons and basal forebrain. In vitro [(35)S]guanylyl-5'-O-(gamma-thio)-triphosphate ([(35)S]GTPgammaS) autoradiography quantified carbachol-stimulated guanine nucleotide binding (G) protein activation in seven basal forebrain nuclei. Carbachol significantly increased [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding in the vertical and horizontal limbs of the diagonal band of Broca, medial and lateral septum, and nucleus basalis (B)/substantia innominata (SI). In vitro receptor autoradiography demonstrated muscarinic receptors in the same nuclei where carbachol caused G protein activation. In vivo experiments showed that carbachol administered to the pontine reticular formation (PnO) significantly decreased the number of 7-14Hz spindles in the electroencephalogram (EEG), decreased acetylcholine release in SI, and decreased respiratory rate. Carbachol microinjection into SI did not alter the number of EEG spindles or respiratory rate. The results help clarify that EEG and rate of breathing are more effectively modulated by cholinergic neurotransmission in PnO than in SI.  相似文献   

Respiratory rhythm generators appear both evolutionarily and developmentally as paired segmental rhythm generators in the reticular formation, associated with the motor nuclei of cranial nerves V, VII, IX, X, and XII. Those associated with the Vth and VIIth motor nuclei are "pontine" in origin and in fishes that employ a buccal suction/force pump for breathing the primary pair of respiratory rhythm generators are associated with the trigeminal nuclei. In amphibians, while the basic respiratory pump remains the same, the dominant site of respiratory rhythm generation has been assumed by the facial, glossopharyngeal and vagal motor nuclei. In reptiles, birds and mammals, in general there is a switch to an aspiration pump driven by thoraco-lumbar muscles innervated by spinal nerves. In these groups, the critical sites necessary for respiratory rhythmogenesis now sit near the ponto-medullary border, in the parafacial region (which may underlie expiratory-dominated, intercostal-abdominal breathing in non-mammalian tetrapods) and in a more caudal region, the preBotzinger complex (which may underlie inspiratory-dominated diaphragmatic breathing in mammals).  相似文献   

Suprapontine brain sites acting on the central respiratory system have been demonstrated to give rise to inspiratory as well as expiratory facilitatory effects. In the present study the inspiratory inhibitory effect which has been reported in the cat to be elicited consistently by electrical stimulation of the rubrospinal tract and the adjacent mesencephalic reticular formation was examined in the urethane-anaesthetized rabbit. Stimulation of these sites with single electrical shocks of moderate intensity induced a short latency (onset after 3.0 ms) transient (duration: 29 ms) inhibition of the phrenic nerve activity (PHR). Short volleys of stimuli applied in mid- to late-inspiration led to a premature off-switch of inspiration. The extracellularly recorded discharge activity of the different types of medullary respiration-related units (RRU) reflected these alterations, accordingly. Axonal connections of RRU with mesencephalic structures were evaluated. Examination of orthodromic responses of medullary RRU to stimulation of this pathway revealed that most bulbospinal inspiratory neurons (10 out of 13) were paucisynaptically inhibited after short latency (at least 1.2 ms). The conduction time from bulbospinal inspiratory neurons to the recording site of PHR was 1.6 ms. Thus, a disynaptic pathway — including bulbospinal inspiratory neurons — is suggested inducing inspiratory inhibition 3.0 ms after single shock midbrain stimulation. This inhibition results in disfacilitation of phrenic motoneurons. The fact that extensive electrolytic lesions of the pneumotaxic center in rostral pons did not abolish the observed inspiratory inhibitions excludes these structures from being involved. A direct pathway from the red nucleus and the adjacent reticular formation to phrenic nuclei of the spinal cord, however, can not be excluded from being involved in the demonstrated inspiratory inhibition. The described effects may play a role in behavioral or voluntary control of respiration.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine (ACh) acting through muscarinic receptors is thought to be involved in the control of breathing, notably in central and peripheral chemosensory afferents and in regulations related to sleep-wake states. By using whole-body plethysmography, we compared baseline breathing at rest and ventilatory responses to acute exposure (5 min) to moderate hypoxia (10% O(2)) and hypercapnia (3 and 5% CO(2)) in mice lacking either the M(1) or the M(3) muscarinic receptor, and in wild-type matched controls. M(1) knockout mice showed normal minute ventilation (V(E)) but elevated tidal volume (V(T)) at rest, and normal chemosensory ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia. M(3) knockout mice had elevated V(E) and V(T) at rest, a reduced V(T) response slope to hypercapnia, and blunted V(E) and frequency responses to hypoxia. The results suggest that M(1) and M(3) muscarinic receptors play significant roles in the regulation of tidal volume at rest and that the afferent pathway originating from peripheral chemoreceptors involves M(3) receptors.  相似文献   

The aim of the present review is to summarise available studies dealing with the respiratory control exerted by pontine noradrenergic neurones in neonatal and adult mammals. During the perinatal period, in vitro studies on neonatal rodents have shown that A5 and A6 neurones exert opposite modulations onto the respiratory rhythm generator, inhibitory and facilitatory respectively, that the anatomical support for these modulations already exists at birth, and that genetically induced alterations in the formation of A5 and A6 neurones affect the maturation of the respiratory rhythm generator, leading to lethal respiratory deficits at birth. The A5-A6 modulation of the respiratory rhythm generator is not transient, occurring solely during the perinatal period but it persists throughout life: A5 and A6 neurones display a respiratory-related activity, receive inputs from and send information to the medullary respiratory centres and contribute to the adaptation of adult breathing to physiological needs.  相似文献   

This study employed a mathematical model of the respiratory control system to test the plausibility of the hypothesis that circadian rhythms in respiratory control can significantly influence respiratory stability at sleep onset. Computer simulations utilized a standardized "normal" sleep onset effect, superimposed upon systematic changes in chemoreflex parameters that mimicked the peaks and troughs of normal and high amplitude circadian rhythms. The analysis predicted that circadian influences may augment sleep-induced periodic breathing in nocturnal sleep compared with daytime naps. Furthermore, increased circadian amplitude of chemoreflex threshold, or absence of a circadian rhythm in peripheral chemosensitivity, each acted to stabilize respiration during daytime sleep onset and promote periodic breathing during nocturnal sleep onset. High amplitude circadian rhythms in respiratory control were predicted to cause an increasing number and duration of obstructive apnoeas from early to late night. It is suggested that the circadian timing system creates a nocturnal window of respiratory vulnerability and that abnormal circadian rhythms could potentially induce nocturnal sleep apnoea, even in individuals with normal sleep mechanisms.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-HT) from medullary raphe neurons excites hypoglossal motoneurons innervating genioglossus (GG) muscle. Since some raphe neurons also show increased activity in hypercapnia, we tested the hypothesis that serotonergic mechanisms at the hypoglossal motor nucleus (HMN) modulate GG activity and responses to CO2. Seventeen urethane-anesthetized, tracheotomized and vagotomized rats were studied. Microdialysis probes were used to deliver mianserin (5-HT receptor antagonist, 0 and 0.1 mM) or 5-HT (eight doses, 0-50 mM) to the HMN during room air or CO2-stimulated breathing. Mianserin decreased respiratory-related GG activity during room air and CO2-stimulated breathing (P<0.001), and also suppressed GG responses to CO2 (P=0.05). In contrast, GG activity was increased by 5-HT at the HMN, and was further increased in hypercapnia (P<0.02). However, 5-HT increased respiratory-related GG activity at levels lower (1 mM) than those eliciting tonic GG activity (10-30 mM 5-HT). The results show that 5-HT at the HMN contributes to the respiratory control of GG muscle.  相似文献   

We wished to quantify, in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), the activity of the respiratory muscles in relation to upper airway occlusion and patency in sleep. We hypothesized that particular levels of neuromuscular activation are directly associated with upper airway patency. 21 patients with previously diagnosed OSA and 21 healthy control subjects underwent respiratory muscle testing and polysomnography. Neural respiratory drive, as measured by the electromyogram of the diaphragm (EMGdi) was elevated in the obese OSA patients, awake and supine (13.1(5.6)%max), compared to normal subjects (mean (SD) 8.1(2.3)%max, p < 0.01). During unobstructed breathing in sleep (stage N2) normal subjects had an EMGdi of 7.7(3.9) compared to 22.8(19.2)%max in the OSA group (p < 0.001). Prior to airway occlusion, EMGsubmandibular and EMGdi dropped markedly, and then, following occlusion, increased progressively to their highest levels at airflow onset. Patients with OSA require specific and increased levels of neural respiratory drive to sustain ventilation in sleep.  相似文献   

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