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Perceived quality of private and public health care, income and insurance premium are among the determinants of demand for private health insurance (PHI). In the context of a model in which individuals are expected utility maximizers, the non purchasing choice can result in consuming either public health care or private health care with full cost paid out-of-pocket. This paper empirically analyses the effect of the determinants of the demand for PHI on the probability of purchasing PHI by estimating a pseudo-structural model to deal with missing data and endogeneity issues. Our findings support the hypothesis that the demand for PHI is indeed driven by the quality gap between private and public health care. As expected, PHI is a normal good and a rise in the insurance premium reduces the probability of purchasing PHI albeit displaying price elasticities smaller than one in absolute value for different groups of individuals.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, growth in health care costs slowed considerably, helping to lessen the spending strain on business, government, and households. Although cost growth has slowed, the Federal Government continues to pay an ever-increasing share of the total health care bill. This article reviews important health care spending trends, and for the first time, provides separate estimates of the employer and employee share of the premium costs for employer-sponsored private health insurance. This article also highlights some of the emerging trends in the employer-sponsored insurance market, including managed care, cost-sharing, and employment shifts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the degree to which premium reductions will increase the participation in employer-sponsored health plans by low-income workers who are employed in small businesses. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: Sample of workers in small business (25 or fewer employees) in seven metropolitan areas. The data were gathered as part of the Small Business Benefits Survey, a telephone survey of small business conducted between October 1992 and February 1993. STUDY DESIGN: Probit regressions were used to estimate the demand for health insurance coverage by low-income workers. Predictions based on these findings were made to assess the extent to which premium reductions might increase coverage rates. DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHODS: Workers included in the sample were selected, at random, from a randomly generated set of firms drawn from Dun and Bradstreet's DMI (Dun's Market Inclusion). The response rate was 81 percent. FINDINGS: Participation in employer-sponsored plans is high when coverage is offered. However, even when coverage is offered to employees who have no other source of insurance, participation is not universal. Although premium reductions will increase participation in employer-sponsored plans, even large subsidies will not induce all workers to participate in employer-sponsored plans. For workers eligible to participate, subsidies as high as 75 percent of premiums are estimated to increase participation rates from 89.0 percent to 92.6 percent. For workers in firms that do not sponsor plans, similar subsidies are projected to achieve only modest increases in coverage above that which would be observed if the workers had access to plans at unsubsidized, group market rates. CONCLUSIONS: Policies that rely on voluntary purchase of coverage to reduce the number of uninsured will have only modest success.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effect of the out-of-pocket premium on the decision to enroll in employer health insurance and other benefits plans including dental insurance, vision care, long-term care insurance, and wellness benefits. Previous estimates of the effects of premium on takeup of health insurance could be biased toward zero due to a correlation between premium and unobservable demand or plan quality. We solve this problem using data representing hypothetical choices by employees under three different price regimes, providing price variation uncorrelated with either individual-specific or plan-specific unobservables. We find that workers are insensitive to price in health insurance takeup. Workers show much greater price sensitivity to decisions about dental insurance, vision plans, long-term care insurance, and wellness benefits. We conclude that premium subsidies are unlikely to have a substantial impact on increasing insurance rates of workers already offered employer insurance.  相似文献   

A number of health insurance reform proposals have surfaced at the state governmental level in the United States. These include Medicaid expansion for the below-poverty or near-poverty uninsured, state subsidy to individuals and/or businesses for the purchases of health insurance, risk pools for the medically uninsurable, insurance industry-initiated reforms within the small group market, the promotion of "stripped down" insurance plans that reduce premium cost, and state mandating of employer-sponsored health insurance for the employed uninsured. All of these insurance reform proposals have serious limitations: (1) they fail to address the inequities of the underwriting principle by which older and sicker people pay more for health insurance than the young and healthy population; (2) they extend the illogical linkage of employment and health insurance; and (3) they do not slow the rate of health cost inflation nor do they contain a mechanism to finance broader health coverage through savings within the health sector. An alternative to insurance reform is the establishment of a social insurance program that brings the entire population into a single risk pool.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify factors associated with the public's preference for financing health care according to people's ability to pay. The authors compared voters' support in 26 Swiss cantons for a legislative proposal to replace regionally rated health insurance premiums (current system) with premiums proportional to income and wealth, and co-financed through the value added tax. The vote took place in May 2003, and the initiative was rejected, with only 27 percent of support nationwide. However, support varied more than threefold, from 13 to 44 percent, among cantons. In multivariate analysis, support was most strongly correlated with the approval rate of the 1994 law on health insurance, which strengthened solidarity between the sick and the healthy. More modest associations were seen between support for the initiative and the health insurance premium of 2003, and proportions of elderly and urban residents in the population. Hence support for more social financing of health care was best explained by past preference for a social health insurance system in the local community.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the impact of being uninsured and barriers to obtaining health care coverage for people in a rural state. Focus groups and in-depth interviews were conducted with uninsured people, small business owners, health care providers, and key informants (such as state health officials, business leaders, and safety net providers). Uninsured people recognize the difficulties they face trying to obtain insurance and health care because of cost and ineligibility for public programs. Health care providers are frustrated in their care of the uninsured because of inability to obtain needed resources. Small business owners struggle with decisions about whether to provide health insurance or not, and find cost the greatest barrier. The impact of uninsurance on individuals, families, health care providers, and small business owners in a rural state is great, both economically and emotionally. Comprehensive approaches must be taken to increase access to health insurance and health care.  相似文献   

Insurance coverage denial and excessive premium rates have made the small employer health insurance market a popular target for sweeping reforms. Many proponents of small market insurance reform have advocated pure community rating by requiring carriers to charge the same rate to all of their customers as a solution. But legislating the use of pure community rating could do more harm than good in solving the problems of cost and access. A more sensible approach would limit rate differences through either rating bands or community rating by class.  相似文献   

《Women's health issues》2015,25(5):463-469
BackgroundAt a time when most states are working to restrict abortion, Massachusetts stands out as one of the few states with multiple state-level policies in place that support abortion access for low-income women. In 2006, Massachusetts passed health care reform, which resulted in almost all residents having insurance. Also, almost all state-level public and subsidized insurance programs cover abortion and there are fewer restrictions on abortion in Massachusetts compared with other states.MethodsWe explored low-income women's experiences accessing abortion in Massachusetts through 27 in-depth telephone interviews with a racially diverse sample of low-income women who obtained abortions. Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed, coded, and analyzed thematically.ResultsMost women described having access to timely, conveniently located, affordable, and highly acceptable abortion care. However, a sizable minority of women had difficulty enrolling in or staying on insurance, making abortion expensive. A small minority of women said their abortion care could be improved by increasing emotional support and privacy, and decreasing appointment times. Some limited data also suggest that young women and immigrant women face specific barriers to care.ConclusionThis study provides important, novel information about the need for state-level policies that support access to health insurance and comprehensive abortion coverage. Such policies, along with a well-functioning health care environment, help to ensure that low-income women have access to abortion. However, not all abortion access challenges have been resolved in Massachusetts. More work is needed to ensure that all women can access affordable, confidential care that is responsive to their specific needs and preferences.  相似文献   

The conventional explanation for purchasing insurance is to transfer risk. Psychologists, however, have shown that this explanation does not match actual behavior. They find that people generally prefer the risk of no loss at all to the certainty of a smaller actuarially equivalent loss, a situation exactly opposite to the one represented by the purchase of insurance. Nevertheless, people do purchase insurance, so there must be an explanation other than risk transfer for purchasing it. Of the explanations so far advanced, however, none have yet developed a wide acceptance. Regardless of risk issues, people will be more likely to purchase insurance when the premium is low compared to the value of the coverage to the consumer. Moral hazard raises the premium, as does adverse selection. The presence of either makes the purchase of insurance less likely. With health insurance, the tax subsidy can reduce the effective premium to less than the actuarially fair cost of insurance. This would increase the likelihood that health insurance is purchased. Finally, because of the value we place on our health, we desire access to a full range of health care. Health insurance is often the only affordable way of gaining access to this care, given the high costs of many of these procedures.  相似文献   

Health financing reform in Bulgaria has been characterised by lack of political consensus on reform direction, economic shocks, and, since 1998, steps towards social insurance. As in other eastern European countries, the reform has been driven by an imperative to embrace new ideas modelled on systems elsewhere, but with little attention to whether these reflect popular values. This study explores underlying values, such as views on the role of the state and solidarity, attitudes to, and understanding of compulsory and voluntary insurance, and co-payments. The study identifies general principles (equity, transparency) considered important by the population and practical aspects of implementation of reform. Data were obtained from a representative survey (n=1547) and from 58 in-depth interviews and 6 focus groups with users and health professionals, conducted in 1997 before the actual reform of the health financing system in Bulgaria. A majority supports significant state involvement in health care financing, ranging from providing safety net for the poor, through co-subsidising or regulating the social insurance system, to providing state-financed universal free care (half of all respondents). Collectivist values in Bulgaria remain strong, with support for free access to services regardless of income, age, or health status and progressive funding. There is strong support (especially among the well off) for a social insurance system based on the principle of solidarity and accountability rather than the former tax-based model. The preferred health insurance fund was autonomous, state regulated, financing only health care, and offering optional membership. Voluntary insurance and, less so, co-payments were acceptable if limited to selected services and better off groups. In conclusion, a health financing system under public control that fits well with values and population preferences is likely to improve compliance and be more sustainable. Universal health insurance appears to attract most support, but a broader public debate involving less empowered people is needed to resolve misunderstandings and create realistic expectations.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines the experience of racial and ethnic minorities receiving behavioral health care in a safety net setting during the early process of health insurance reform in Massachusetts. Three rounds of interviews were conducted between August 2007 and May 2009, collecting information from patients (n=65) on the experience of health reform and delivery of mental health care. Four categories of enrollees transitioning into health reform emerged over the course of the study that grouped into a typology of experiences with reform: early enrollees, middle enrollees, late enrollees, and multiple switchers. With support, a majority of the sample transitioned smoothly to the new health insurance mechanisms. However, some experienced administrative confusion and disruption in mental health care during the transition. Administrative policies providing special accommodations for individuals with mental health disorders and other vulnerable populations may be important to consider during the transition to health insurance reform.  相似文献   

The passage of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) in the United States put the issues of health care reform and health care costs back in the national spotlight. DeVoe and colleagues previously estimated that the cost of a family health insurance premium would equal the median household income by the year 2025. A slowdown in health care spending tied to the recent economic downturn and the passage of the PPACA occurred after this model was published. In this updated model, we estimate that this threshold will be crossed in 2033, and under favorable assumptions the PPACA may extend this date only to 2037. Continuing to make incremental changes in US health policy will likely not bend the cost curve, which has eluded policy makers for the past 50 years. Private health insurance will become increasingly unaffordable to low-to-middle-income Americans unless major changes are made in the US health care system.  相似文献   

In keeping with the introduction of market-oriented reforms since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia's health care system has undergone a series of sweeping changes since 1992. These reforms, intended to overhaul socialized methods of health care financing and delivery and to replace them with a structure of competitive incentives to improve efficiency and quality of care, have met with mixed levels of implementation and results. This article probes some of the sources of support for and resistance to change in Russia's system of health care financing and delivery. It does so through a national survey of two key groups of participants in that system: head doctors in Russian clinics and hospitals, and the heads of the regional-level quasi-governmental medical insurance Funds. The survey results demonstrate that, on the whole, both head doctors and health insurance Fund directors claim to support the recent health care system reforms, although the latter's support is consistently statistically significantly stronger than that of the former. In addition, the insurance Fund directors' responses to the survey questions tend consistently to fall in the shape of a standard bell curve around the average responses, with a small number of respondents more in agreement with the survey statements than average, and a similarly small number of respondents less so. By contrast, the head doctors, along a wide variety of reform measures, split into two camps: one that strongly favors the marketization of health care, and one that would prefer a return to Soviet-style socialized medicine. The survey results show remarkable national consistency, with no variance according to the respondents' geographic location, regional population levels or other demographic or health characteristics, age of respondents, or size of health facility represented. These findings demonstrate the emergence of well-defined bureaucratic and political constituencies, their composition mixed depending on the particular element of reform under discussion, for and against specific avenues of continuity and change in Russia's health policy. As Russia struggles to devise policy strategies and tactics that balance access, equity, quality, and efficiency, it confronts not only policy choices but also political challenges that look not dissimilar to those faced by health reformers elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

The large and growing uninsured population poses an alarming threat to the US health care system, and is a major target of the Obama health reform. This paper investigates analytically and empirically the degree to which the absence of health insurance in the US reflects the availability of the health care safety net, such as the guaranteed or charitable care provided by emergency rooms, community health centers and physicians. Our theoretical model demonstrates that the safety net can be a real alternative to health insurance, thus discouraging private insurance purchase in the market setting. In particular, when the community premium rate fails to reflect the value of such resources, not purchasing insurance becomes a rational decision for a sizeable portion of the population. The calibrated simulation based on US statistics indicates about 15.75 % of the uninsured population, or 7.2 million people in US, are attributable to the existing safety net system. Further empirical analysis using nationally representative data shows consistently that the presence of local safety net resources may reduce the probability of individual insurance purchase by as much as 45.9 %.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that health insurance premium costs per employee are lower for employee groups where multiple health plans are offered and the employer pays a level dollar amount of the chosen premium than for employee groups where these two conditions are not met. Proposed national legislation relies on these conditions to create a competitive health care market. Data on 56 employee groups in 1981 and 66 employee groups in 1982 were collected from two surveys of large employers in Minnesota. Regression analysis of premium data from both surveys rejected the hypothesis. Indemnity plans in multiplan groups were cheaper if the employer paid a level dollar contribution versus a level percent (including 100) contribution. However, groups offered only an indemnity plan had lower premiums than groups meeting the two legislative conditions. These findings apply to both individual and family coverage premiums and are not caused by systematic differences in benefit provisions, employee demographics or factors influencing loading charges. Our findings cast doubt on attempts to achieve health care competition by legislative changes in insurance options and contribution methods.  相似文献   

Most people would agree that in the ideal system, everyone would be covered by a good health insurance plan that provided high-value care at an affordable premium, but the interpretation of almost every word in that statement is subject to serious disagreement. Despite these disagreements, there are forces at work that might foster compromise. A compromise model that drew on past reform experiences would both expand coverage and focus spending on high-value care, ensuring that everyone had access to affordable basic care before subsidizing care of more questionable benefit and using choice and competition to promote cost-effective innovation.  相似文献   

依托商业智能系统的医院医保费用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:利用商业智能技术实现医保患者费用的科学、实时分析,为医院医保业务的科学管理和决策提供智能支持。方法:利用商业智能工具实时提取数据,并建立分析模型及各种分析统计结果的图形和报表。结果:实现对医保中心数据和医院数据库数据的自动化的抽取、匹配,并对医保收入和工作量、医保患者费用等进行了多维度、多角度的灵活统计和分析。结论:要做好医保业务科学管理和决策。就必须做好医保业务分析,控制过度治疗、控制医保支出。从而给予患者充足的优质医疗服务。  相似文献   

The excessive focus of news organizations on "horse race" public opinion polls during the debate about health reform in 2010 left the impression that the public was fickle, as well as sharply divided on whether the government's role in health care should expand. We examined polling data and found that public support for health reform depended very much on how individual policies were described. For example, support for the public insurance option, which was not included in the final version of the Affordable Care Act, ranged from 46.5?percent to 64.6?percent depending on how pollsters worded their questions. Our findings indicate that public support for health reform was broader and more consistent than portrayed at the time. Going forward, policy makers should strive to communicate how health care policy choices are consistent with existing public preferences or should make changes to policy that reflect those preferences.  相似文献   

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