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Understanding how Indigenous populations perceive HIV/AIDS is of high relevance for the implementation of culturally appropriate interventions. The study analyzed the ways in which Indigenous Wayuu communities of Colombia socially perceive and respond to HIV/AIDS from their sociocultural realities and their knowledge of the illness. It analyzed qualitative data from 9 focus groups and 29 semi-structured interviews. The Wayuu think of HIV/AIDS as “the illness”, that it is incurable, fatal, transmitted from alijunas (non Wayuu), and beyond their understanding. They seem to perceive HIV/AIDS similarly to the ways Western societies perceived unknown or misunderstood epidemics in the past.  相似文献   

截止1998年底,全国31省、自治区、直辖市共报告艾滋病病毒感染者12639例.其中艾滋病病人417例,死亡224例.经三种传播途径的感染均有发现,但主要经血—注射毒品感染.据估计,我国实际艾滋病病毒感染者可能已逾40万.1998年全国共报告艾滋病病毒感染者3306例.感染途径仍以静脉注射毒品为主,占75.2%;20个省、自治区、直辖市报告在吸毒人群中发现了艾滋病病毒感染者,以新疆和广西的疫情发展最快.新疆1998年报告数首次超过云南,居第一位.1998年,一半以上吸毒人群哨点发现了艾滋病病毒感染者,其感染率明显高于1997年;感染的性乱人群哨点数增加;局部高发地区,已发现孕妇感染,说明艾滋病病毒正从高危人群向一般人群扩散.指出了1998年全国艾滋病疫情报告和监测工作的不足点;总结了国家1998年艾滋病防治的主要工作及制订的艾滋病防治的主要文件、方针和策略.  相似文献   

目的了解大邑县的艾滋病流行特征,为科学制定防治策略提供依据。方法通过《艾滋病综合防治信息系统》收信、整理、分析资料。结果2002—2012年大邑县共发现HIV/AIDS145例,死亡35例,年龄集中在25~45岁。男性100例,女性45例,男女性别比为2.22:1。职业以农民为主(62.76%),文化程度以初中为主(50.34%),婚姻状况以已婚有配偶为主(50.34%),感染途径以异性传播为主(88.97%)。结论大邑县艾滋病病例以男性青壮年农民为主,应加强高危人群,特别是农民的艾滋病防控工作。  相似文献   

目的 了解医务人员掌握艾滋病知识的程度,为制订部队医务人员艾滋病教育和训练规划提供依据。方法 于1999年5~6月用试卷考核的方法对部队47个医疗单位的870名医务人员进行了艾滋病知识调查。结果 (1)对艾滋病的一般知识,如HIV/AIDS的名称、三种传播途径等掌握较好,回答的正确率都在90%以上。(2)对专业性较强的艾滋病知识如HIV的抵抗力,窗口期、有效的预防措施等掌握稍差,回答的正确率是60%~70%。(3)艾滋病检测和职业性防护知识严重缺乏,只有少数人约30%~40%能够正确回答。(4)文化程度和专业技术职务对回答问题的正确率无显著性差异,而不同的医院类别和临床科室的医务人员对某些问题的回答有显著性差别(P<0.005)。结论 经过近二年的宣传和学习,医务人员的艾滋病知识水平有了较大的提高。增加宣传的范围和深度、强调针对性和实用性是今后军队艾滋病宣传工作应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

The ‘Health Belief Model’ (HBM) identifies perception of HIV/AIDS risks, recognition of its seriousness, and knowledge about prevention as predictors of safer sexual activity. Using data from the Cape Area Panel Survey (CAPS) and hazard models, this study examines the impact of risk perception, considered the first step in HIV prevention, set within the context of the HBM and socio-economic, familial and school factors, on the timing of first sexual intercourse among youth aged 14–22 in Cape Town, South Africa. Of the HBM components, female youth who perceive their risk as ‘very small’ and males with higher knowledge, experience their sexual debut later than comparison groups, net of other influences. For both males and females socio-economic and familial factors also influence timing of sexual debut, confirming the need to consider the social embeddedness of this sexual behavior as well as the rational components of decision making when designing prevention programs.
Eleanor Maticka-TyndaleEmail:

目的了解流动人口对艾滋病相关知识的知晓情况,尝试如何在流动人口中开展艾滋病预防教育工作.方法对云南省某建筑工地18名建筑工人(均为男性)进行了2小时的艾滋病基本知识培训,培训采用讲解、示教和参与相结合的方法,培训内容注重实用性.结果培训后,培训对象有关艾滋病的知识知晓率明显上升,对艾滋病的警觉性有所提高.结论建议在流动人口中开展灵活多样的艾滋病预防教育工作.  相似文献   

中英性病艾滋病防治合作项目的政策影响评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解艾滋病防治项目对政府的政策影响。方法对北京的20位艾滋病领域专家进行问卷调查和深入访谈。结果中英项目在同时期项目运作中效果最好、力度最大,对地方政策制定起到指导和先锋作用,同时给国家的政策决策者以循证。其中,对高危行为人群的干预活动政策影响力最大,而针对机会性感染的治疗和自愿检测措施影响力不足,效果不显著。结论中英项目在科学的指导原则下,采用以试点为基础的项目管理机制和“边实践、边总结”的做法,为国家艾滋病防治提供了很好的最佳实践经验。然而,项目经验的可持续发展问题受到挑战。  相似文献   

This study addresses the socio-economic impact of AIDS on rural livelihoods in Benue State, Nigeria, where HIV prevalence is 9.3% but the number of AIDS cases is still relatively low. About 6% of the study households had experienced illness and death classified as AIDS, and reported high costs in terms of expenditures and time spent on care, funerals and mourning. These demands on time affected income and productivity, while the diversion of resources had implications for investments and savings. Coping strategies varied between households, mainly as a reflection of asset levels, which were often related to the gender of the household head. Reported coping strategies also differed between ethnic groups. First-line relatives were the most important source of support for households under pressure. Erosive coping strategies that undermined the sustainability of livelihoods were used by more vulnerable households following multiple cases of illness and death. Mourning practices, rules of inheritance and stigma tended to increase a household's vulnerability. Currently, Benue State is facing growing adult morbidity and mortality because of HIV infections. A context-specific study of its possible impact in a setting with a still relatively low number of AIDS cases is therefore important for informing local policy development and for building advocacy.  相似文献   

目的 为了解北京市护理人员对HIV/AIDS的认识和接受态度,以便对护理人员有针对性地实施继续教育.方法于2000年1月上旬分层随机抽取北京市6所医院内当日上岗的护士中发放调查问卷1300份,进行流行病学现况研究.结果 有84.2%以上的护士对HIV/AIDS的基本知识掌握较好.对HIV/AIDS接受态度调查结果表明,只有31.8%的护士能对病人做全护理,知识掌握与接受态度不呈正比(P<0.05),特别是对自己患病态度,有50.8%的人答能正常生活,11%的人采取自杀行为,值得关注,说明护士对HIV/AIDS的恐惧心理严重.结论 尽管绝大多数护士对HIV/AIDS知识掌握得较好,但调查显示还有死角,还需加强对护理人员关于HIV/AIDS知识的继续教育;同时本文分析了护士恐惧心理的原因,并提出相应对策及建议,为研究护理人员的心理状况、职业保护措施和心理支持提供了客观依据.  相似文献   

黑龙江省1993~2004年HIV/AIDS流行状况分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
张婕  罗佳伦  王亮  战勇  刘飞 《中国艾滋病性病》2005,11(4):264-265,301
目的 分析黑龙江省1993~2004年间艾滋病(AIDS)的流行病学特点和流行趋势,为制定艾滋病病毒(HIV)/AIDS预防和控制策略提供科学依据。方法 对1993~2004年HIV/AIDS疫情监测资料和哨点资料进行统计分析。结果 1993~2004年底,黑龙江省累计发现HIV感染者182例,其中AIDS病人44例,死亡22例;1993~2004年间,黑龙江省HIV感染者报告数的年平均递增169%;出现较多的AIDS病人和死亡病例,出现发病和死亡高峰;流行地区范围广,分布不均匀,有明显的地区聚集性;HIV的三种传播途径均已发现,既往以采供血(浆)为主,经性途径传播正快速上升。结论 黑龙江省HIV阳性数呈现快速增长趋势,艾滋病预防工作的重点在于加大对有偿献血人员的主动监测力度,严格控制性传播,打击卖淫嫖娼现象,尤其是HIV在同性恋人群中传播应给予高度重视,特别要做好高危人群的宣传教育和干预工作。  相似文献   

Current statistics about the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Nigeria do not reveal the broader social and economic impacts of the disease on the family. The study therefore primarily aimed to address the socio-economic effects of HIV infection on individuals and their families. The study was carried out in Lagos State. In-depth interviews were employed to collect information from 188 people living with HIV/AIDS through support groups in the state, while four focus group discussions were conducted to elicit information from people affected by AIDS about the socio-economic impacts of HIV/AIDS on families in Nigeria. From the survey, among people living with HIV/AIDS, 66% of females and males were in the age group 21–40 years, while 10% were older people above 60 years of age. Findings revealed that as HIV/AIDS strikes at parents, grand parents are assuming responsibility for bringing up the children of the infected persons and the orphans of those killed by the virus. It was striking that some of the older caregivers could not meet the requirement of these children. They are often forced to work more than they would have, or borrow in order to cope with the needs of these extra mouths. Some of the infected people have sold their properties to enable them to cope with the economic effects of the virus, while their children have had to drop out of school, since they could not afford the school fees and other related expenses. It was suggested that PLWHA should be economically empowered with adequate medical treatment, in order to reduce the impact of the disease on the family.  相似文献   

目的 了解广东省吸毒者的吸毒行为以及他们对艾滋病的预防知识和态度,为广东省在该人群中开展强有力的预防干预措施提供依据。方法 面对面的问卷调查获取基础和干预后资料,采用讲课、发放艾滋病预防宣传折页和小组咨询讨论等方法进行干预。结果 干预前吸毒者对艾滋病有关知识的正确认识率最低为 52%,最高为98%,干预后有不同程度的增加;61%的人担心会感染上艾滋病病毒;55.1%为静脉吸毒,其中41.1%有用过别人的注射器;68.8%的人声称有多性伴,而且 63.3%的人在最近 3次婚外性生活中没用安全套。结论 该人群在健康教育前对艾滋病知识已有一定程度的了解,但仍有感染艾滋病病毒的高危行为,因此如何来改变他们的行为不仅仅是宣传教育的问题,它将涉及到我国目前的一些政策和法律法规,这也将是目前HIV/AIDS控制策略的最大挑战。  相似文献   

This study sets out to establish and explain the empirical link between HIV/AIDS and poverty using data collected by the 1998 South African Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS). Analysis is restricted to women of reproductive age (15 – 49 years). The results indicate an increased risk of HIV infection among the poor, due to poverty-related characteristics of low education and low knowledge of the means of avoiding HIV infection, as opposed to the non-poor. Moreover, the poor and the less educated were found to be more likely not to use condoms than the non-poor. The results do not, however, provide the reasons for these relations and as such further research is required. One possible explanation was financial dependence on their partners, as it was found that women who received money from their partners, as well as those who came from households where hunger was a common phenomenon, were more likely not to use condoms because their partners disliked condoms, than those who did not receive money from their partners. The results also hinted at the intricacy of the poverty-HIV/AIDS relationship, so that it was not only low socio-economic status that increased susceptibility to HIV infection but also high socio-economic status.  相似文献   

部队在校学员与基层士兵掌握艾滋病知识情况调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 了解部队在校学员和基层士兵掌握艾滋病知识的情况,为制定部队在校学员和基层士兵的艾滋病教育、训练内容和计划提供依据。方法 于2001年8月~9月采用现场试卷问答、专题讲课的方法,对224名在校学员和194名基层士兵进行了艾滋病知识的考核调查。结果(1)对艾滋病基础知识的认识,如性传播、经血传播、垂直传播等主要传播途径和采用安全套进行预防等知识学握的较好,分别为 94.0%以上、85.7%以上。有80%以上的受试人员能选准六种以上高危人群;(2)有73.0%的人员认为应同情和关心艾滋病病人,70%~95%的人员能够选择正确的态度对待自己的行为,有31.7%的学员、45.4%的战士不敢肯定自己不得艾滋病;(3)对艾滋病基础知识的掌握程度学员组明显高于战士组,P<0.005,战士组经授课后正确率明显高于学员组,P<0.001。结论 通过多种形式的专题教育,可使广大指战员的艾滋病知识有较大的提高,增大宣传教育的范围和力度是预防艾滋病的关键。  相似文献   

目的 了解分析成都市锦江区艾滋病感染者/艾滋病患者(HIV/AIDS)流行病学特点,为制定艾滋病预防控制措施提供依据.方法 对2007-2010年锦江区HIV/AIDS资料进行描述性统计分析.结果 2007-2010年报告现住址为锦江区的HIV/AIDS共计221例,其中AIDS 32例,分别为1例、5例、9例、17例;性接触传播为主(186人,占84.16%);锦江区16个街道辖区均有分布;男性202 (91.40%)例,女性19 (8.60%)例;同性恋人群分别为4例、15例、39例、44例;20~45岁年龄组为主(191例,占86.43%);职业以家政、家务及待业和商业服务为主(均为15.84%),其次为工人(8.14%),不详及其他占较高比例(36.65%),干部职员(5.43)、学生(4.98%)、餐饮业人员(2.71%)、离退人员(2.71%)、教师(2.26%)、公共场所人员(2.26%),涉及多种职业群体.结论 2007-2010年锦江区HIV/AIDS人数上升明显,性传播为主要传播途径,同性恋人群感染人数快速上升,人群感染面广.提示今后防控重点应放在青壮年男性人群、同性恋人群,应进一步加强监测、宣传、干预等综合性防治工作.  相似文献   



Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) significantly impact the health of people living with HIV/AIDS, increasing HIV infectiousness and therefore transmissibility. The current study examined STIs in a community sample of 490 HIV‐positive men and women.


Assessments were performed using confidential computerized interviews in a community research setting.


Fourteen per cent of the people living with HIV/AIDS in this study had been diagnosed with a new STI in a 6‐month period. Individuals with a new STI had significantly more sexual partners in that time period, including non‐HIV‐positive partners. Participants who had contracted an STI were significantly more likely to have detectable viral loads and were less likely to know their viral load than participants who did not contract an STI. Multivariate analysis showed that believing an undetectable viral load leads to lower infectiousness was associated with contracting a new STI.


Individuals who believed that having an undetectable viral load reduces HIV transmission risks were more likely to be infectious because of STI coinfection. Programmes that aim to use HIV treatment for HIV prevention must address infectiousness beliefs and aggressively control STIs among people living with HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

目的通过哨点监测住院结核患者中HIV感染和发病状况。方法对住院结核病连续病例常规采用HIV血清抗体ELISA法初筛,阳性者抽血复验,并送省疾病控制中心HIV检测中心进行免疫印迹试验(WB)确认。结果本哨点3年间共对3345例住院结核患者进行了HIV筛查,其中男性2 257例(67.5%),女性1 088例(32.5%);平均年龄(41.1±13.0)岁;职业以农民为主,占64.5%,其次是行政管理、技术人员,占24.6%,商业服务者占10.1%,学生占0.8%。入院时肺结核患者3274例,其中涂阳肺结核患者598例(18.3%),涂阴肺结核患者2676例(81.7%)。初治结核患者1 057例(32.3%),复治2 217例(67.7%)。共检出HIV血清阳性者2例,均为男性;年龄分别为49和40岁;2人均为性传播感染,HIV感染率为0.06%。结论住院结核病患者中HIV感染率接近全国平均0.05%的感染水平。  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS合并结核病177例临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解HIV/AIDS合并结核病(TB)的临床特点。方法对2003年06月-2007年12月我院177例HIV/AIDS合并TB住院患者的资料进行回顾性分析。结果177例患者中,男113例,女64例,年龄(39.8±11.5)岁。死亡31例(17.5%)。TB病原学检测总阳性率为30.5%。89例接受高效抗反转录病毒治疗患者中,治疗后CD4+T淋巴细胞计数〉200/mm^3的30例(33.7%),CD4+T淋巴细胞计数〈200/mm^3的59例(663%),6.7%发生免疫重建炎性综合征。有基线CD4+T淋巴细胞计数检测的150例患者中,基线CD4^3T淋巴细胞计数〈50/mm^3占55.3%,CD4+T淋巴细胞计数50~200/mm^3占36.7%,CD4+T淋巴细胞计数〉200/mm^3占8.O%。结论HIV/AIDS合并TB患者比单纯的TB患者发生活动性TB的危险性增加;HIV/AIDS合并TB患者已经进入AIDS期,免疫功能低下,合并多重机会感染,病死率较高;但TB相关的实验室检查指标阳性率低,诊断困难。  相似文献   

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