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目的 了解中国18~59岁居民在外就餐行为及其对肥胖的影响.方法 2015年采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,在全国31省抽取302个监测点,开展中国成人慢性病与营养监测.经过数据清理,本研究共纳入53887名调查对象.采用2010年国家统计局公布的人口数作为标准人口,对数据进行复杂抽样加权处理,不同特征人群的就餐行为采用例...  相似文献   

目的分析2010~2012年我国成年居民的在外就餐行为,为开展相关干预和宣传提供依据。方法使用2010~2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测数据,采用问卷调查的方法收集了44799名18岁及以上居民过去一周在外就餐行为的情况(三餐是否在外就餐、在外就餐次数和就餐地点),通过SAS9.3进行复杂抽样的加权处理和统计分析。结果 2010~2012年我国成年居民过去一周在外就餐的比例为20.2%,其中在外就餐1~6次和7次及以上的比例分别为9.8%和10.4%,平均次数是每周1.5次;早餐、午餐、晚餐在外就餐的比例分别为10.7%、14.8%、9.6%;在餐馆、单位/学校食堂就餐的比例分别为15.3%和7.9%。男女、城乡、年龄均存在差异。结论我国居民在外就餐比例增加,男性、18~44岁人群是在外就餐的重点人群,应通过宣教促使人们养成良好的饮食习惯。[营养学报,2019,41(1):10-14]  相似文献   

目的 了解成年居民在外就餐状况及影响因素。方法 资料来源于2011年“中国健康与营养调查(cHNs)”,2012年在其中3个项目省(辽宁、河南和湖南)各抽取2个市和2个县,在每个市调查点抽取2个城市居委会和2个郊区村,每个县调查点抽取1个县政府所在地居委会和3个村。将参加过2011年CHNS调查并有完整个人信息,且在本次调查时间内可随访问到的1013名18-59岁成年居民作为调查对象,调查中补充收集过去一周内在中/西式快餐店、中餐馆、流动食品摊、面包店/咖啡厅、食堂及其他餐馆就餐频率、费用、交通方式及其时间等信息,结合连续3天24小时膳食调查,分析不同地点在外就餐状况、能量和营养素摄入水平,探讨影响不同地点在外就餐的因素。结果城乡居民总体一周在外就餐率分别为51.72%和39.14%;在西式快餐店、中餐馆、中式快餐店、流动食品摊、面包店/咖啡厅、食堂和其他餐馆每周就餐≥1次的人群比例分别为1.68%、23.49%、12.93%、10.37%、1.09%、10.07%和4.34%。每周在中餐馆就餐≥1次的居民与没有在中餐馆就餐者相比,能量、钙、铁、锌的摄入量较高;每周在食堂就餐≥1次的居民与没有在食堂就餐者相比,能量、蛋白质、膳食纤维、钙、锌的摄人量高。年龄、性别、教育程度、经济收入、城乡地区与成年居民在外就餐有关。结论调查地区成年居民在外就餐较为普遍,应开展在外就餐的营养宣传教育,引导居民在外就餐时对健康食物的选择。  相似文献   

目的 分析我国城市成年居民在外就餐行为。方法 数据来源于2017年中国居民食物消费状况调查,采用多阶段分层与人口成比例的整群抽样方法,在中国18个省(自治区、直辖市)34个城市选取17 234名18岁及以上成年居民作为研究对象。利用食物频率和就餐行为问卷,收集调查对象过去一周在不同地点就餐频率和次数信息,分析过去一周在外就餐状况,使用χ2检验比较不同人群在外就餐率和就餐地点的差异,使用秩和检验比较就餐次数差异。结果 2017年中国城市成年居民过去一周在外就餐率为55.6%,平均在外就餐2.8次,36.0%的人群在宾馆、饭店和酒店等地点就餐,19.8%的人群在单位、学校等处食堂就餐。男性、18~44岁、文化程度高和家庭年人均收入较高的人群,在外就餐率和就餐次数较高。学生在单位、学校等处食堂就餐的比例较高,专业技术人员和商业服务人员在宾馆、饭店、酒店等地点就餐的比例较高。结论 2017年中国城市成年居民在外就餐较为普遍,18~44岁的青年群体过去一周在外就餐率和次数较多。与其他场所相比,人群在宾馆、饭店、酒店等地点就餐的比例较高。  相似文献   

中国成年居民就餐行为及其与肥胖的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 了解中国成年居民就餐行为及其与肥胖的关系。方法 利用2013年中国慢性病及其危险因素监测数据,经过数据清理,本研究共纳入171 040名调查对象。采用复杂抽样设计的Rao-Scott χ2检验比较不同特征调查对象的就餐行为及肥胖率的差异。以是否肥胖为因变量,使用基于复杂抽样设计的二分类logistic回归模型分别探讨早、午、晚餐就餐行为与肥胖的关系。结果 我国成年居民一日三餐中不吃早餐的比例最高,为3.3%。早、午、晚餐在外就餐比例分别为16.4%、21.4%、11.7%。午餐在家就餐、在外就餐和不吃午餐的男性肥胖率分别为13.2%、16.1%、15.9%,女性肥胖率分别为14.5%、9.8%、19.6%。多因素logistic回归结果显示,在男性中,午餐或晚餐在外就餐者和不吃午餐或晚餐者发生肥胖的风险均高于在家就餐者;女性不吃午餐或晚餐者发生肥胖的风险高于在家就餐者,女性午餐在外就餐与是否肥胖的关联无统计学意义,晚餐在外就餐发生肥胖的风险低于在家就餐者。结论 我国成年居民不同餐次就餐行为存在差异,午餐在外就餐比例最高,晚餐在外就餐比例最低。男性午餐和晚餐在外就餐者发生肥胖的风险较高;无论男性还是女性,不吃午餐或晚餐者发生肥胖的风险均较高。  相似文献   

目的:分析和掌握天津居民在外就餐现状,为科学评价和指导在外就餐行为、制定干预措施提供基础资料和科学依据。方法:随机选取全市不同类餐厅共计完成842人的在外就餐行为调查,分析人群在外就餐现状。结果:在外就餐的比例高达64.3%,以1844岁组的青年人群最高,老年人最低,男性高于女性;早餐在外就餐的食物种类人群比例以蛋类(91.4%)最高,而午晚餐以蔬菜类(95.7%、92.3%)最高;早餐在外就餐的烹调方式以煮、蒸、煎的方式多见,午晚餐以炒、蒸、煮的方式多见。结论:天津居民在外就餐比例较高,针对此初步提出适合天津居民就餐行为及在外就餐建议,以引导人们科学用餐。  相似文献   

目的 分析中国6岁及以上居民在外就餐行为现状.方法 利用2015-2017年中国居民营养与健康状况监测中过去7天在外就餐行为数据,共纳入150 682名调查对象,其中2015年80 703名,2016-2017年69 979名.不同特征人群的就餐行为采用百分比进行描述,并用x2检验进行比较分析.结果 2015-2017...  相似文献   

减肥要有方法,可以根据体型来进行,餐后再配合适当的运动,就能取得事半功倍的效果。下面我们为需要减肥的不同体型的女性介绍一些相应的方法,不妨来试试……  相似文献   

目的了解天津市居民在外就餐情况,初步探索适合在外就餐的营养干预模式。方法在天津市选取1家综合型餐厅作为干预场所,对餐厅内就餐者进行膳食调查,并对就餐者和餐厅从业人员进行为期1年的综合性营养干预。通过收集干预前后就餐者的点菜清单,统计分析干预前后就餐者各类食物及营养素的摄入量变化。结果干预前调查人群在外就餐肉禽类、鱼虾类和盐类摄入较高,蔬菜类摄入适宜,水果、奶类、蛋类和食用油类摄入不足;午餐能量摄入不足,谷薯类和豆类摄入较低,碳水化合物、维生素A和维生素C摄入不足;晚餐能量及各类营养素摄入较高。干预后,调查人群午餐能量摄入增加,豆类、水果、蛋类和食用油类摄入增加,脂肪摄入减少,碳水化合物摄入增加;晚餐能量摄入减少,豆类、肉禽类、鱼虾类和盐类摄入减少,各类营养素摄入减少。结论天津市部分居民在外就餐膳食结构不合理,干预后膳食结构得到改善。应加强对居民的营养健康教育,指导其在外合理就餐。  相似文献   

1.菜色浅一点 过分艳丽的菜色难免加了色素。以鲜榨果蔬汁来说,100%果蔬原料榨出的汁,颜色不会很鲜艳,很快会氧化变色。  相似文献   



Restaurant foods have been shown to be high in sodium and limited sodium content information provided through menu nutrition information (MNI) is available at the point of purchase. Dining out and use of MNI are behaviors that can be altered by consumers who are trying to decrease their sodium intake.


The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between reported consumer actions to decrease sodium intake and dining out frequency and awareness and use/or intended use of MNI.


A secondary analysis was conducted using responses from 5,588 US adults aged 20 years or older who participated in the 2013-2014 cross-sectional National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey household interview.

Main outcome measures

The main outcomes were dining out frequency and seeing MNI, using MNI if seen, or would use MNI if provided.

Statistical analyses performed

Linear and logistic regression models were used to assess the relationship of consumers reporting and not reporting action to decrease sodium intake and the outcome measures.


Reported consumer action to decrease sodium intake compared to no action was associated with an overall decreased dining out frequency of approximately one meal per week (mean±standard error=3.12±0.10 compared to 4.11±0.14; P<0.01). When separated by type of restaurant, the relationship was significant for fast-food or pizza establishments (mean±standard error=1.35±0.05 meals compared to 2.00±0.07 meals; P<0.001), but not other types of foodservice operations. The odds of seeing MNI, using MNI when seen, or would use MNI if provided were higher for consumers reporting actions to decrease their sodium intake compared to those who were not for both fast-food or pizza establishments and restaurants with wait staff (odds ratio ranged from 1.17 [95% CI 1.04 to 1.32] to 2.24 [95% CI 1.82 to 2.76]; P values ranged from <0.05 to <0.001).


Compared to consumers reporting no actions to decrease sodium intake, consumers reporting actions indicate they dine out less frequently, specifically at fast-food or pizza restaurants and report they are more likely to use MNI. These results may inform the restaurant industry of the actions of a potentially growing consumer group and provide insights for future public health initiatives targeting population sodium reduction.  相似文献   

为研究北方男性膳食钠摄入量及其对尿钙排出量的影响 ,我们对健康男性 1 49人 (老年人 50名、青年人 48名、青少年 51名 )进行 5天称重法膳食调查 ,测定血清中钙、磷、肌、酐 ,2 4h尿中钙、磷、钠、肌酐。结果显示三组膳食钙的摄入量均低于我国供给量。2 4 h尿钠排出量 (即膳食钠摄入量 ) :青少年组 1 43.85mmol/d,青年组 2 53.7mmol/d,老年组 1 84.4mmol/d,三组间差异显著 ( P<0 .0 0 1 )。尿钙排出量与尿钠排出量呈显著正相关 ( P<0 .0 0 1 )。提示北方男性钙的需要量可能受钠的摄入量影响 ,在制定膳食钙供给量标准时应考虑钠的摄入量  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe nursing home staffs' perceptions of issues within the group dining room. Data were collected from a convenience sample of nursing home staff attending presentations of a multi-site workshop. Participants (N = 103) from various disciplines wrote responses to open-ended questions pertaining to their facilities, strengths and weaknesses within the dining activity. Content analysis generated five major categories including: Resident Issues, Physical Environment, Psychosocial Environment, Food and Serving Process, and Staffing Issues. These categories summarize both challenges and successes providing direction for an interdisciplinary approach to the group dining room.  相似文献   

Studies on the association between gastric cancer (GC) and the intake of soup-based dish groups (noodles and dumplings, soups, and stews), which are sodium-contributing foods, in Korea are insufficient, and the results of studies on the intake of pickled vegetables such as kimchi are inconsistent. This study aimed to determine the association between the incidence of GC and the daily intake of high-sodium dish groups (noodles and dumplings, soups, stews, and pickled vegetables) and whether these associations differ depending on behavioral risk factors for GC. In this case-control study, subjects aged 20–79 years were recruited from two hospitals between December 2002 and September 2006. A total of 440 cases and 485 controls were recruited, of which 307 pairs were matched and included for the analysis. In our results, a higher intake of noodles and dumplings was associated with a significantly increased incidence of GC. In the participants who consumed past or current alcohol, a higher intake of noodles and dumplings was associated with a significantly increased incidence of GC. Our results suggest that efforts to reduce the daily sodium intake from noodles and dumplings are needed to prevent and reduce the incidence of GC.  相似文献   

Inadequate sodium and potassium dietary intakes are associated with major, yet preventable, health consequences. Local public health interventions can be facilitated and informed by fine-scale geospatial analyses. In this study, we assess the existence of spatial clustering (i.e., an unusual concentration of individuals with a specific outcome in space) of estimated sodium (Na), potassium (K) intakes, and Na:K ratio in the Bus Santé 1992–2018 annual population-based surveys, including 22,495 participants aged 20–74 years, residing in the canton of Geneva, using the local Moran’s I spatial statistics. We also investigate whether socio-demographic and food environment characteristics are associated with identified spatial clustering, using both global ordinary least squares (OLS) and local geographically weighted regression (GWR) modeling. We identified clear spatial clustering of Na:K ratio, Na, and K intakes. The GWR outperformed the OLS models and revealed spatial variations in the associations between explanatory and outcome variables. Older age, being a woman, higher education, and having a lower access to supermarkets were associated with higher Na:K ratio, while the opposite was seen for having the Swiss nationality. Socio-demographic characteristics explained a major part of the identified clusters. Socio-demographic and food environment characteristics significantly differed between individuals in spatial clusters of high and low Na:K ratio, Na, and K intakes. These findings could guide prioritized place-based interventions tailored to the characteristics of the identified populations.  相似文献   

Because restaurants routinely serve food with more calories than people need, dining out represents a risk factor for overweight, obesity, and other diet-related chronic diseases.Most people lack the capacity to judge the caloric content of food and there is limited evidence that people make use of calorie-labeling information when it is available. Standardized portion sizes would not preclude people from eating as much as they want, but would make the amount they are getting fully transparent.We describe the potential benefits and means of implementing a system of standardized portion sizes that might facilitate a healthier diet among the US population.A robust finding in multiple experiments, in both natural and laboratory settings, is that when people are served more food than they need, they eat more than they should.1 Furthermore, there is considerable evidence that many people cannot recognize when portions are increased and cannot rely on internal satiety signals to indicate when they have eaten enough.2Substantial increases in energy consumption over the past four decades have occurred in both children and adults without compensatory increases in the level of energy expenditures.3 Food away from home is a major contributor to excess calories consumed, contributing more than one third of all calories, while constituting fewer than one third of all eating occasions.4,5 Data from the 1999–2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicate that the average person eats commercially prepared food 2.8 times per week, and since then the frequency of dining out has continued to grow.6 Because the calories in the portions of food prepared away from home are substantially higher than what is generally prepared at home, dining out has become a major risk factor for obesity.7One public health effort to reduce the risk of consuming too much food away from home has been to mandate menu calorie labeling. Although menu labeling was intended to help people assess their caloric intake, a review indicated that calorie labels do not consistently influence the choices of most people, in part because people do not notice them, but also because many do not understand their significance.8To mitigate the risk that dining out contributes to chronic diseases, a more effective approach should make serving size a matter that cannot be ignored. One solution is to create and implement a system of standardized portions for people who are eating out, so that all foods are served in quantities that are appropriate for consumption by one person at a single sitting. In this article, we describe the potential benefits and means of implementing a system of standardized portion sizes that might assist the US population in obtaining a healthier diet.  相似文献   

目的了解高密市居民膳食钠摄入量及来源分布,为制定减盐防控高血压措施提供依据。方法2011年6月18日采用分阶段抽样抽取18~69岁居民,使用24h膳食称重法和调查问卷进行调查,收集膳食钠摄入量及来源分布。结果高密市18~69岁居民人均每日膳食钠摄人量为6065mg,其中来自日常调味品的为5024mg,占82.83%。膳食钠来源前三位的为精盐、其他食品、酱油,分别占膳食钠总量的56.67%、17.11%、16.81%。结论高密市居民膳食钠摄入量超标严重,应采取有效减盐措施。  相似文献   

Point-of-purchase nutrition labeling is a potential tool to help consumers choose healthier foods. The objectives of our study were to survey soldiers on their use of the Go-for-Green nutrition labeling system in dining facilities and compare characteristics of users and nonusers. The study population consisted of 299 US Army active duty soldiers at two US Army installations. The frequency of use of food labels and characteristics were calculated and differences in characteristics of label users and nonusers were compared using χ2 and regression analyses. Forty-seven percent of soldiers reported using nutrition labels to make food choices always or sometimes. Users were more likely to be following a special diet (P=0.04) and to take a multivitamin or protein supplement (P<0.001) than nonusers. Users consumed a mean of 32% of energy from fat vs 36% for nonusers (P<0.0001) after adjusting for reported use of special diets. Use of the Go-for-Green nutrition labeling system is encouraging and should be further investigated to determine whether the program is actually influencing dietary choices in broader military settings.  相似文献   

Sodium effects on proteinuria are debated. This observational, cross-sectional, population-based study investigated relationships to proteinuria and albuminuria of sodium intake assessed as urinary sodium/creatinine ratio (NaCR). In 482 men and 454 women aged 35–94 years from the Moli-sani study, data were collected for the following: urinary NaCR (independent variable); urinary total proteins/creatinine ratio (PCR, mg/g), urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR, mg/g), and urinary non-albumin-proteins/creatinine ratio (calculated as PCR minus ACR) (dependent variables). High values were defined as PCR ≥ 150 mg/g, ACR ≥ 30 mg/g, and urinary non-albumin-proteins/creatinine ratio ≥ 120 mg/g. Urinary variables were measured in first-void morning urine. Skewed variables were log-transformed in analyses. The covariates list included sex, age, energy intake, body mass index, waist/hip ratio, estimated urinary creatinine excretion, smoking, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, diabetes, history of cardiovascular disease, reported treatment with antihypertensive drug, inhibitor or blocker of the renin-angiotensin system, diuretic, and log-transformed data of total physical activity, leisure physical activity, alcohol intake, and urinary ratios of urea nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus to creatinine. In multivariable linear regression, standardized beta coefficients of urinary NaCR were positive with PCR (women and men = 0.280 and 0.242, 95% confidence interval = 0.17/0.39 and 0.13/0.35, p < 0.001), ACR (0.310 and 0.265, 0.20/0.42 and 0.16/0.38, p < 0.001), and urinary non-albumin-proteins/creatinine ratio (0.247 and 0.209, 0.14/0.36 and 0.09/0.33, p < 0.001). In multivariable logistic regression, higher quintile of urinary NaCR associated with odds ratio of 1.81 for high PCR (1.55/2.12, p < 0.001), 0.51 of 1.62 for high ACR (1.35/1.95, p < 0.001), and of 1.84 for high urinary non-albumin proteins/creatinine ratio (1.58/2.16, p < 0.001). Findings were consistent in subgroups. Data indicate independent positive associations of an index of sodium intake with proteinuria and albuminuria in the population.  相似文献   

BackgroundModifying foodservice practices in military dining facilities could influence ad libitum nutritional intake patterns of soldiers.ObjectiveWe aimed to determine how changes in foodservice operations consistent with 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans affected soldiers' ad libitum nutritional intake in military dining facilities (DFACs).DesignTen DFACs participated, and the intervention was implemented in five DFACs in an independently sampled, partial crossover design. Nutrient intake of diners was assessed during a test meal using digital photography, and customer satisfaction with foodservice was assessed via surveys at baseline (n=602), and again at 6 months (n=519) and 12 months (n=458) after the intervention was implemented.ParticipantsVolunteers were US Army active duty soldiers recruited from among diners at 10 DFACs on Fort Bragg, NC.Main outcome measuresPrimary outcomes were intakes of energy and total fat, and percent energy from fat and saturated fat. Differences between diners' intakes in control and intervention DFACs were assessed using independent samples t tests.ResultsAt 6 months after implementing the intervention, diners at intervention DFACs had significantly lower lunchtime intakes of energy (945±338 kcal vs 1,061±380 kcal), total fat (38±19 g vs 47±25 g), percent energy from fat (35%±10% vs 39%±11%) and saturated fat (4.7%±1.7% vs 5.6%±2.3%), discretionary fat (30±18 g vs 39±24 g), and refined grains (2.3±1.7 oz equivalents vs 2.8±2.4 oz equivalents) compared with diners at control DFACs. Further, diners at intervention DFACs rated customer satisfaction higher than diners at control DFACs.ConclusionsThese findings suggest that modest changes in military DFAC serving practices to promote healthy eating and food selection can facilitate positive changes in soldiers' nutritional intake.  相似文献   

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