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The prevention of HIV and AIDS, especially amongst young people, is very important, as they are the future leaders. South Africa carries a high burden of the HIV and AIDS disease, and efforts at the prevention of the disease need to be intensified. University students are also at risk, and prevention efforts need to be intensified to ensure that students graduate and enter the world of work to become productive citizens. Failure to pay attention to preventative behaviour amongst university students may have negative socio-economic consequences for the country. The paper presents a quantitative study undertaken amongst students at the University of South Africa, an Open and Distance Learning Institution in South Africa. The aim of the study was to explore the perceptions of students regarding life skills as a behaviour change strategy at Unisa. The study was conducted in the three regions of the University: Midlands region, Gautengregion and Limpopo region. Data were collected by means of self-administered questionnaires and were analysed by using the Statistical Programme for Social Sciences. The findings revealed that students have a need to attend life skills workshops, which are facilitated by trained student counsellors since they believe that the life skills training will assist them to be assertive and practise behaviours which will not make them vulnerable to the HIV and AIDS infection.  相似文献   

目的 了解江西省大中专学校艾滋病性病健康教育工作开展状况,为制定江西省在大中专学校艾滋病性病健康教育计划提供依据。方法 于1999年12月对来自江西省56所大中专学校的艾滋病性病健康教育教师进行问卷调查,用 Epi-Info软件进行统计分析。结果 (1)全省共有 110所大中专院校,在接到培训班通知后,有 64所学校派出健康教育教师参加培训。(2)在接受调查的56所学校,有16所学校未开展任何形式的艾滋病性病健康教育活动;开展了艾滋病性病健康教育的学校,也仅为艾滋病基本知识的宣传活动;忽视了安全行为、消除歧视等方面的教育。(3)大部分健康教育教师只了解表浅的艾滋病知识;96.4%的教师愿意接受培训并在学校开展艾滋病性病健康教育工作。结论 江西省仍有部分大中专学校的艾滋病性病健康教育工作尚未开展,部分学校领导对艾滋病性病健康教育工作未引起足够重视;开展了艾滋病性病健康教育的学校,也仅停留在一般的宣传活动形式上;江西省的艾滋病性病健康教育工作还有待加强。  相似文献   


In response to higher perceived risks of HIV infection in the education sectors, many sub-Sahara African countries have school- and community-based HIV/AIDS awareness (SCBHA) and school-based HIV/AIDS support (SBHS) initiatives. Using ordinal logistic and Rasch scaling, this study utilizes the Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) data to predict the strength and direction of the associations between school- and community-based initiatives and the perceived risk of HIV infection reported by head teachers. Findings indicate SCBHA and SBHS significantly predict the odds of the perceived risk of HIV/AIDS infection. Sociodemographic and contextual factors confound some of the associations.  相似文献   



Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) significantly impact the health of people living with HIV/AIDS, increasing HIV infectiousness and therefore transmissibility. The current study examined STIs in a community sample of 490 HIV‐positive men and women.


Assessments were performed using confidential computerized interviews in a community research setting.


Fourteen per cent of the people living with HIV/AIDS in this study had been diagnosed with a new STI in a 6‐month period. Individuals with a new STI had significantly more sexual partners in that time period, including non‐HIV‐positive partners. Participants who had contracted an STI were significantly more likely to have detectable viral loads and were less likely to know their viral load than participants who did not contract an STI. Multivariate analysis showed that believing an undetectable viral load leads to lower infectiousness was associated with contracting a new STI.


Individuals who believed that having an undetectable viral load reduces HIV transmission risks were more likely to be infectious because of STI coinfection. Programmes that aim to use HIV treatment for HIV prevention must address infectiousness beliefs and aggressively control STIs among people living with HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

目的分析受艾滋病影响儿童的救助政策落实情况,为制定和推动政策落实提供参考。方法采取文献回顾、深入访谈和专题小组讨论等方式,在3个省(自治区)开展调查研究,并对资料进行了定性分析。结果共调查243名受访者,其中深入访谈81人,与162名来自多部门的人员开展了专题小组讨论。调查发现,目前各地各部门针对受艾滋病影响儿童均制定了相关救助政策,开展了关怀救助活动,活动形式多样,内容涉及生活救助、教育支持、卫生保健、心理和职业发展等5方面,基本涵盖了儿童成长相关的各个方面。发现存在非义务教育阶段儿童教育缺乏政策保障、生活救助覆盖人数仍有限、对父母一方或双方存活的受艾滋病影响儿童关注度不够、心理关怀仍十分薄弱等问题。结论各地应针对现有政策制定实施细则或指导方案,进一步完善信息收集、交流和利用机制,提高有关部门和相关人员的政策认知程度,不断加大资源保障力度。  相似文献   

African-American females in the U.S. are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS, and a large majority of new infections in this population are attributed to heterosexual contact. Risk factors include substance abuse, lack of knowledge about male partners’ possible HIV infection risk, incarceration, disruptions of social networks, and intimate partner violence. This study assessed the effects of a comprehensive, evidence-based prevention intervention, Creating Lasting Family Connections (CLFC) that was implemented with sensitivity to African-American females, using a quasi-experimental design. The CLFC program was implemented with 175 women and their results were compared to a convenience sample of 44 women who were similar on background characteristics. Results showed significant (p?相似文献   


This study uses Goffman's [1963. Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall] theory of stigma as an intellectual scaffold to help understand the social meaning of HIV/AIDS stigma from People Living with HIV/AIDS. The study adopts a qualitative approach because of its appropriateness for unravelling subjective phenomena such as the experiences of HIV/AIDS stigma. In-depth interviews were conducted with 10 HIV-positive employees of a retailing company located in the Western Cape province of South Africa who volunteered to participate in the study. The participants with the discreditable stigma internalised society's prejudice towards those living with the virus. As a result, the participants relied on self-isolation and social withdrawal to cope with enacted stigma. Managing information about one's status and deciding whether, who, when, etc., to tell are crucial questions. The participants feared being devalued by family, friends, co-workers and the community. In concurrence with Goffman [1963. Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall] the HIV/AIDS stigma is seen as about relationships.  相似文献   

预防艾滋病关爱HIV感染者师资培训效果评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 深入探讨学校开展艾滋病(AIDS)预防教育的途径和方法。方法 对81名骨干教师进行2 0学时以预防AIDS、关爱艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者为主题的培训,通过前后问卷比较作近期效果评价。结果 受训者知识有较大提高,态度发生正向转变,但不同地区受训者提高幅度差异有显著的统计学意义(P <0 0 5 ) ;伴随知识提高、态度转变,对学校健康教育需求相应增加。结论西北地区更需加大以关爱HIV感染者为主题、TOT(Trainingoftrainers)模式为主的师资培训力度。  相似文献   


Structural interventions for HIV prevention are typically complex and evaluation should include measurement of implementation. In a trial of a structural intervention for HIV prevention in Botswana we trained teachers to use an audio-drama about gender violence and HIV (BVV). We measured the use of BVV by the trained teachers, and the factors related. In three-day workshops we trained guidance teachers in primary and secondary schools to use the 8-episode BVV audio-drama, that covers gender, gender violence and HIV. One to two years later, two interviewers visited schools and administered an electronic questionnaire to the head teacher and to the BVV-trained teacher. Most teachers (70%, 72/103) had used the BVV materials and reported a positive response from students. Primary school teachers were less likely to have used BVV (adjusted odds ratio (ORa) 0.24, 95% cluster adjusted confidence interval (CIca) 0.07-0.88). Teachers in schools with a working MP3 player were more likely to have used BVV (ORa 3.75, 95% CIca 1.11-12.70). Implementation was much lower in one district (ORa 0.12, 95% CIca 0.04-0.36), related to language constraints. The main difficulty was lack of time, especially in primary schools. These findings could inform rollout of the BVV programme in schools.

Abbreviations: BVV: Beyond Victims and Villains audio-drama; CI: Confidence interval; OR: Odds ratio  相似文献   

The eight member states (Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda) of the Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) have the largest proportions of cross-border mobile pastoralists and refugees in Africa. Although all IGAD countries have had national HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment programmes since the late 1980s, the IGAD Regional HIV & AIDS Partnership Program was (IRAPP) established in 2007 to mitigate the challenges of HIV among neglected pastoral and refugee communities. This article assesses vulnerability of pastoralists and refugee communities to HIV and interventions targeting these groups in the IGAD countries. Outcomes from this study may serve as a baseline for further research and to improve interventions. Published articles were accessed through web searches using PubMed and Google Scholar engines and unpublished documents were collected manually. The search terms were HIV risk behaviour, vulnerability, HIV prevalence and interventions, under the headings pastoralists, refugees, IGAD and north-east Africa for the period 2001–2014. Of the 214 documents reviewed, 78 met the inclusion criteria and were included. Most HIV/AIDS related studies focusing of pastoral communities in IGAD countries were found to be limited in scope and coverage but reveal precarious situations. Sero-prevalence among various pastoral populations ranged from 1% to 21% in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Uganda and from 1% to 5% among refugees in Sudan, Kenya and Uganda. Socioeconomic, cultural, logistic, infrastructure and programmatic factors were found to contribute to continuing vulnerability to HIV. Interventions need to be further contextualised to the needs of those impoverished populations and integrated into national HIV/AIDS programmes. HIV/AIDS remains a major public health concern among the pastoral and refugee communities of IGAD countries. This calls for IGAD to collaborate with national and international partners in designing and implementing more effective prevention and control programmes. Furthermore, interventions must extend beyond the health sector and improve the livelihood of these populations.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV/AIDS affect each other closely. Given the rapid spread of the HIV-driven TB epidemic worldwide, the case for establishing some form of relationship between control activities for HIV/AIDS and TB is clear. However, the question 'how' has not been resolved satisfactorily. TB and HIV/AIDS programmes have traditionally maintained their own management, supervision, funding flows and specialist boundaries. This article explores opportunities and challenges for collaboration between the two, through drawing on the expertise in organization and management, policy analysis and disease control of both TB and HIV/AIDS. Based on an extensive literature review, the article investigates how contextual issues affect the design of a collaboration; what the organizational options are; and what impact a collaboration would have. A universal model for organizational change is unlikely and changes may present as both solutions and contradictions. Careful planning and consultation are required before implementing the changes, in order to avoid jeopardizing the function and effectiveness of both disease control programmes and the health service system.  相似文献   

目的了解辽宁省某中等职业技术学校学生(中职生)对艾滋病知识、态度的认知现状及需求。方法对辽宁省某中等职业技术学校学生进行问卷调查。结果共调查1 738名学生,对艾滋病认知的平均得分为(8.19±4.65)分(满分20分),性别、年级和专业是影响艾滋病知识认知水平的主要因素。职校学生获得艾滋病知识的途径主要为:电视广播(3.65±1.10)分,互联网为(3.31±1.19)分,报纸杂志(3.27±1.05)分(满分35分)。结论中职学校学生对艾滋病一般知识知晓率普遍偏低,对职业技术学校的学生开展综合性的艾滋病防治知识及性教育重要。  相似文献   

山西省HIV/AIDS流行状况分析及防治对策   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的 掌握山西省艾滋病(AIDS)流行状况和特征,明确防治工作重点,为决策者提供科学依据。方法 收集和整理山西省1995~2003年艾滋病病毒(HIV)/AIDS病例报告和个案流行病学调查表,进行统计分析。结果 山西省1995~2003年累计报告HIV/AIDS644例,平均每年以202%的速度增长,其中病人334例,占51.8%(334/644);死亡152例,占45.5%(152/334)。HIV感染人群以既往有偿供血员为主,因不规范的采供血造成经血液传播的占76.1%(490/644);主要分布在晋南、晋东南地区,占84.9%(547/644)。男女比例为2.1:1。不安全性行为占6.8%(44/644),吸毒占2.3%(15/644),母婴传播3.6%(23/644),是潜在的危险因素。结论 山西省艾滋病流行快速增长,且已进入发病和死亡高峰,存在多种潜在危险因素。各级领导应提高认识,针对各种危险因素,采取积极的有效措施,控制艾滋病的进一步流行。同时,要开展医疗救治,提高HIV感染者和AIDS病人的生命质量,降低死亡率。  相似文献   

目的探索社区多资源开展减少吸毒人群艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染危险行为干预模式,评价其效果。方法由卫生医药部门、公安部门、街(村)委和吸毒人群共同参与。干预活动主要是健康教育,免费提供和销售注射器,改变吸毒人群不安全注射行为和性行为。结果建立了社区多资源参与的减少吸毒人群HIV感染危险行为的干预模式。干预后,吸毒人员对艾滋病传播途径和预防知识的知晓率分别提高约35%和23%;吸毒注射次数明显减少,共用针具、共用清洗水和共用容器或棉球比例分别下降了49.93%、46.84%和81.08%。性伴数量减少,性伴有吸毒者的比例下降30%。结论社区多资源参与开展减少吸毒人群HIV感染危险行为干预可行,有效。  相似文献   

Traditional healers play an important role in southern Africa culture and health care including the HIV epidemic. Here we report among the first controlled studies of an HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections (STI) and tuberculosis (TB) intervention for traditional healers in South Africa. At baseline 233 traditional healers were assessed in four selected communities in the KwaZulu-Natal province and received either an experimental intervention or a no intervention control condition. The intervention group received training in HIV/AIDS, STI, and TB prevention over 3.5 days as well as a supervisory follow-up visit. At 7–9 months follow-up intervention effects were significant for HIV knowledge and HIV and STI management strategies including conducting risk behavior assessments and counseling, condom distribution, community HIV/AIDS and STI education, and record keeping. The study found a high level of preparedness among traditional healers to work with and refer patients to biomedical health practitioners, yet no higher levels of referral to biomedical practitioners were found after the training.  相似文献   

Teaching is one of the most stressful occupations, with high stress and burnout levels of teachers necessitating intervention. This is especially relevant for South African teachers tasked with additional responsibilities of dealing with HIV/AIDS issues, as well as attending to normal curricula duties. A burnout prevention intervention, based on Paulo Freire’s adult educational approach, using transpersonal psychology techniques, was introduced to HIV/AIDS coordinator teachers (n?=?27) at high-risk schools in the Western Cape, South Africa, who attended six three-hour weekly workshops. This paper presents the bottom-up thematic analyses of the group, as well as individual global analysis (n?=?10) of the qualitative data, derived from focus group interviews and workshop evaluations after the intervention, providing insights into the experiences of workshop participants and their teaching contexts. The mind map of one participant is illustrated. The findings of the study confirmed that transpersonal practices (TP) presented in psychoeducation workshops were helpful in mediating stress and burnout in the work and personal contexts of teachers dealing with HIV/AIDS. TP offer practical applications of right brain emotional and social intelligence practices that could be incorporated into care and wellness school programmes for teachers vulnerable to stressors related to HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

In the past two decades, China has witnessed an alarming increase of HIV/AIDS epidemic. Meanwhile, a number of HIV prevention interventions have been conducted. This study reviews existing studies in literature on behavioral interventions on HIV/AIDS in China. Of 25 studies we identified, most have been concentrated in South and South–West China, mainly targeting injection drug users and female sex workers. The most commonly used intervention strategy was individual-oriented HIV-related knowledge education and behavioral skill training. All studies reported positive intervention effects including improved HIV-related knowledge, increased condom use, reduced needle sharing, and reduced STI. Literature also suggests a lack of intervention among other at-risk populations such as MSM, migrant workers, and non-injecting drug users, lack of studies with rigorous evaluation design, inadequate follow-up, limited outcome measurement, and lack of multi-faceted structural interventions. The existing intervention studies document strong evidence of controlling HIV/AIDS epidemic through effective behavioral intervention. More efforts are needed to control the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic in China. Future studies need to employ more rigorous methodology and incorporate environmental or structural factors for different populations at risk of HIV infection in China.  相似文献   

Current statistics about the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Nigeria do not reveal the broader social and economic impacts of the disease on the family. The study therefore primarily aimed to address the socio-economic effects of HIV infection on individuals and their families. The study was carried out in Lagos State. In-depth interviews were employed to collect information from 188 people living with HIV/AIDS through support groups in the state, while four focus group discussions were conducted to elicit information from people affected by AIDS about the socio-economic impacts of HIV/AIDS on families in Nigeria. From the survey, among people living with HIV/AIDS, 66% of females and males were in the age group 21–40 years, while 10% were older people above 60 years of age. Findings revealed that as HIV/AIDS strikes at parents, grand parents are assuming responsibility for bringing up the children of the infected persons and the orphans of those killed by the virus. It was striking that some of the older caregivers could not meet the requirement of these children. They are often forced to work more than they would have, or borrow in order to cope with the needs of these extra mouths. Some of the infected people have sold their properties to enable them to cope with the economic effects of the virus, while their children have had to drop out of school, since they could not afford the school fees and other related expenses. It was suggested that PLWHA should be economically empowered with adequate medical treatment, in order to reduce the impact of the disease on the family.  相似文献   

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