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Vaccination is the most effective method to prevent influenza infection. However, current influenza vaccines have several limitations. Relatively long production times, limited vaccine capacity, moderate efficacy in certain populations and lack of cross-reactivity are important issues that need to be addressed. We give an overview of the current status and novel developments in the landscape of influenza vaccines from an interdisciplinary point of view. The feasibility of novel vaccine concepts not only depends on immunological or clinical outcomes, but also depends on biotechnological aspects, such as formulation and production methods, which are frequently overlooked. Furthermore, the next generation of influenza vaccines is addressed, which hopefully will bring cross-reactive influenza vaccines. These developments indicate that an exciting future lies ahead in the influenza vaccine field.  相似文献   

This report is a distillation of the workshop ‘Opportunities and Challenges in Vaccine Delivery’, organised by EUFEPS/FIP and co-sponsored by AAPS and CRS, in Archamps, France, September 2008. The aim of this workshop was to bridge knowledge gaps between the different disciplines involved in the delivery of vaccines. Here, key challenges include target identification, mapping the needs and target population, the development and harmonisation of predictive read-out systems and surrogate markers for protection, and improving antigen immunogenicity, delivery and stability. The workshop underlined the need and possibilities of a multidisciplinary approach to meet these challenges. This involves increasing our understanding of immunological mechanisms, the development of advanced delivery systems and adjuvant technologies, and insight into the regulatory guidelines and target population. Based upon this knowledge, future vaccinology can increasingly focus on rational design of antigens, adjuvants and delivery systems, which will lead to new and improved vaccines.  相似文献   

酮咯酸是一种新一代强效镇痛的非甾体类抗炎药.随着给药系统和制剂技术的不断发展,酮咯酸除常规的口服与注射给药外,还开发了经皮肤、眼部、鼻腔及口腔黏膜的给药新途径与新剂型,使酮咯酸具有长效镇痛和局部给药局部起效两大主要特点.酮咯酸新型制剂镇痛效果良好,且能提高患者的顺应性和用药安全性,具有良好的市场前景.  相似文献   

Overcoming technical challenges in the development of cancer vaccines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cancer vaccines have been developed using a wide range of technologies, yielding agents ranging from nonspecific immunostimulants through to highly technical peptide- and DNA-based candidates. There are many technical challenges involved in even the most basic decisions in vaccine development, such as the choice of antigen, formulation, adjuvant, route of delivery and schedule. However, as discussed in this feature review, the tumor itself may pose the greatest technical challenge, particularly with regard to escaping the immune response. Strategies to overcome this challenge are discussed.  相似文献   

Mitoxantrone (MXN) has demonstrated therapeutic efficacy in the intraperitoneal treatment of malignancies. However, severe local toxicity is dose limiting. Therefore, a particulate formulation of MXN, the drug incorporated in albumin microspheres, was evaluated concerning tolerability. Survival rates as well as alterations in body weight, food intake, water intake, urine volume, urine specific gravity, urine protein content, and complete blood count were observed following single or multiple intraperitoneal injections of MXN solution, dispersions containing MXN-loaded microspheres or unloaded microspheres, and the injection vehicle to female and male Sprague–Dawley rats. Applied MXN dosage was equivalent to 30 mg/m2 body surface area. Unloaded microspheres were well tolerated without signs of toxicity. Application of MXN solution or MXN-loaded microspheres resulted in similar survival rates (56% 9 weeks after single injection) and in a comparable bone marrow toxicity (mainly leucopenia). Body weight, food and water intake as well as urine volume were decreased following application of MXN solution, whereas a progressive gain in weight and no remarkable alterations in nutrition and urine excretion were noted after administration of MXN-loaded and unloaded microspheres, or of the injection vehicle. In conclusion, intraperitoneal injection of MXN incorporated in albumin microspheres exhibits in part less toxicity than conventional treatment.  相似文献   

Importance of the field: Psoriasis is one of the most common human skin diseases. Topical therapy forms the cornerstone in the management of mild-to-moderate psoriasis. Topical therapies are also used as adjunctive to systemic therapy in moderate and severe forms of the disease.

Areas covered in this review: In this review, an overview of psoriasis pathogenesis, new topical medications for psoriasis, new targets and molecules, combination topical therapies and combination of topical and phototherapy is provided. Over the past decade several efficacious and acceptable treatment options have emerged from the age-old therapies. The development of sophisticated formulation options has led to an enhancement in the rate and extent of drug delivery across the skin, increasing therapeutic value and improving patient compliance.

What the reader will gain: Readers will learn about monotherapy and combination topical products as well as new topical drug delivery technology to achieve optimal clinical outcomes. This review will highlight the need to generate more dermal pharmacokinetic data for better understanding of the impact of formulation change on skin pharmacokinetics to help design improved topical drug delivery systems.

Take home message: New topical formulations have the potential to achieve better efficacy with improved safety profile.  相似文献   

By using a rational formulation approach, we have tried to find the general characteristics for promising self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDS) based on natural lipid components, for the oral delivery of lipophilic drugs. Galactolipids, which are polar lipids commonly found in the chloroplast membranes of green plants, and a natural part of the human diet, were the main surfactants in these formulations. This was done in three clinical studies: a screening study, followed by a prediction study and, finally, a confirmatory study; in all 17 experimental formulations were investigated. The clinical trials were performed in healthy volunteers. Cyclosporine, a well-known lipophilic peptide, was incorporated in different SEDDS, and administered orally, followed by the measurement of the blood concentration of the drug over time. The pharmacokinetic parameters, which describe the rate and extent of absorption, were estimated. We found that fractionated oat oil (FOO) and medium chain monoglycerides (60:30:10 mono-, di- and tri-glycerides) promoted absorption, and resulted in a formulation with absorption characteristics nearly equal to the commercial formulation of cyclosporine, Sandimmun Neoral®.  相似文献   

This article describes the discovery and characterization of nanocolloidal structures formed between VX-985 (an orally administered inhibitor of hepatitis C virus protease) and the bile salt, sodium taurocholate at concentrations of the latter >4 mM. These complexes (1) distribute narrowly in size around a mean diameter of 260 nm, (2) separate from solution only with ultracentrifugation, and (3) appear to influence the absorption of VX-985 from the intestinal tract in vivo, in rodents and humans. Although the oral bioavailability of suspensions of its solid forms is poor, addition of vitamin E D-alpha-tocopherol polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate to dosing vehicles improves the fraction absorbed of the compound in vivo. In vitro characterization is compatible with the hypothesis that surfactants like D-alpha-tocopherol polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate preclude nanocolloidal structures and increase the bioavailability by increasing the rate of absorption of VX-985. This study, while specific to VX-985, provides a route to circumvent the poor oral bioavailability caused by formation of kinetically stable complexes between bile salts and drug molecules. This study also underscores the importance of characterizing aggregation phenomenon that may be observed in solubility measurements during preclinical formulation development.  相似文献   

Peanut allergy is one of the most prevalent and severe of food allergies with no available cure. The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential of an oral immunotherapy based on the use of a roasted peanut extract encapsulated in nanoparticles with immunoadjuvant properties. For this, a polymer conjugate formed by the covalent binding of mannosamine to the copolymer of methyl vinyl ether and maleic anhydride was first synthetized and characterized. Then, the conjugate was used to prepare nanoparticles with an important capability to diffuse through the mucus layer and reach, in a large extent, the intestinal epithelium, including Peyer’s patches. Their immunotherapeutic potential was evaluated in a model of presensitized CD1 mice to peanut. After completing therapy, mice underwent an intraperitoneal challenge with peanut extract. Nanoparticle-treatment was associated with both less serious anaphylaxis symptoms and higher survival rates than control, confirming the protective effect of this formulation against the challenge.  相似文献   

Introduction: Peptide and protein microarray and microneedle array technology provides direct information on protein function and potential drug targets in drug discovery and delivery. Because of this unique ability, these arrays are well suited for protein profiling, drug target identification/validation and studies of protein interaction, biochemical activity, immune responses, clinical prognosis and diagnosis and for gene, protein and drug delivery.

Areas covered: The aim of this review is to describe and summarize past and recent developments of microarrays in their construction, characterization and production and applications of microneedles in drug delivery. The scope and limitations of various technologies in this respect are discussed.

Expert opinion: This article offers a review of microarray/microneedle technologies and possible future directions in targeting and in the delivery of pharmacologically active compounds for unmet needs in biopharmaceutical research. A better understanding of the production and use of microarrays and microneedles for delivery of peptides, proteins and vaccines is needed.  相似文献   

AIMS: Ulcerative colitis is predominantly a disease of nonsmokers and transdermal nicotine has therapeutic value in active disease; however side-effects are troublesome. The aim of this study was to develop an oral formulation of nicotine which would be slowly released in the colon over 6 h, and to examine its pharmacokinetic profile in 12 healthy volunteers, with measurements of serum nicotine and cotinine, its principal metabolite. METHODS: Nicotine was combined with a polyacrylic carbomer, Carbopol 974P which was incorporated into 13 different vehicles and their release profiles examined in vitro. The polyglycolized glyceride, Gelucire 50/13, was chosen for subsequent kinetic studies because it consistently produced a suitable release pattern which was linear. Capsules containing 3 mg nicotine, combined with carbomer in Gelucire 50/13, were coated with an acrylic resin Eudragit L; this ensured the capsule would remain intact until the ileum. On 2 separate days, 6 and 15 mg nicotine, contained in 2 and 5 capsules, respectively, were administered to 12 subjects, all nonsmokers, mean age 28 years. Serial blood measurements were taken for 36 h, serum nicotine and cotinine concentrations were measured by gas liquid chromatography. RESULTS: There was considerable intersubject variability in the nicotine and cotinine values. Plasma nicotine levels began to rise about 4 h after ingestion of the capsules, corresponding with the oro-caecal transit time. Cmax nicotine values were 2.2 and 5 ng ml-1, obtained 7 h after the ingestion of 6 and 15 mg, respectively, of the formulation. The corresponding Cmax values for cotinine were 37 and 94.4 ng ml-1, occurring after 9-10 h. The mean for elimination half-lives in the 24 studies, including the 6 and 15 mg doses, for nicotine were 4.3+/-2.7 h and for cotinine 16.8+/-7.5 h. With 6 mg nicotine-carbomer, only 1 of 12 volunteers had possible side-effects, but with the 15 mg dose 11 out of the 12 reported adverse effects which were systemic or gastrointestinal in nature-their timing corresponded with peak serum concentrations of nicotine. CONCLUSIONS: An oral formulation of nicotine has been developed; in the ileum and colon, this becomes available for slow linear release over 6 h and delivers high concentrations of nicotine for topical effect on the colon. 6 mg Nicotine was well tolerated, whilst 15 mg gave both systemic and gastrointestinal side-effects. High concentrations of topical nicotine in the colon are achieved with relatively low systemic bioavailablity-reflected by the Cmax and AUC values for nicotine. This, or comparable formulations, may be of therapeutic value in ulcerative colitis.  相似文献   

Background and objective High levels of cholesterol lead to atherosclerosis, a factor predisposing to the development of coronary artery disease. Statin drugs, i.e. HMG‐CoA reductase inhibitors, have been known since the end of the last century for their benefits against cardio‐ and cerebrovascular diseases and are widely used clinically. This review aims at compiling the research inputs being made for developing therapeutically efficacious dosage forms that have the potential to surmount the limitations of conventional dosage forms of statins. Key findings Statin drugs can reduce the endogenous synthesis of cholesterol and prevent the onset and development of atherosclerosis, and are therefore used as an effective treatment against primary hypercholesterolemia. At present, statin drugs are most often administered orally, on a daily basis. After administration, the bioavailability and the general circulation of statin drugs is fairly low due to the first‐pass metabolism in the liver and clearance by the digestive system. Extensive pharmaceutical research in understanding the causes of low oral bioavailability has led to the development of novel technologies to address these challenges. Summary These technologies vary from conventional dosage forms to nanoparticulate drug‐delivery systems, and have the potential to cause improvements in bioavailability and consequently therapeutic efficacy.  相似文献   

Objectives Bacteriophages are bacteria‐specific viruses that infect and, in the case of obligately lytic phages, destroy their host bacteria. Phage therapy has been used therapeutically to combat bacterial infections since their discovery. This paper reviewed recent in‐vivo phage therapy studies, with a distinct focus on the effect of delivery routes, phage concentration and timing of administration on the success of the therapy. Key findings It was found that the most successful route of administration for the treatment of systemic infections was via the parenteral route. Oral delivery is mainly used to treat gastrointestinal infections. However, in some cases phages can also reach the systemic circulation. Local delivery (skin, ears, teeth) has proved extremely successful in the treatment of topical infections, as has the inhalation of phages for the treatment of lung infections. The ability of phages to prevent biofilm formation on medical devices has received much attention, mainly in the area of catheter coatings. This review also highlights areas in which phage therapy needs substantial development. Many papers were lacking in formulation details, with crude phage stocks being used in most cases. No phage stability data were included in any of the papers. Summary The review concluded that although phage therapy is an excellent alternative for the treatment of bacterial infections, optimisation of formulations and long‐term stability data is required before it can be widely used within a clinical setting.  相似文献   

This review evaluates drug delivery systems that involve intact plasma lipoproteins or some of their components. These complex macromolecules transport highly water-insoluble compounds (cholesteryl esters and triacylglycerols) in their natural environment – a property that renders them ideal carriers of hydrophobic drugs. Particular emphasis is placed on the application of lipoproteins as drug delivery agents in cancer chemotherapy. The history and present activity regarding lipoprotein-based formulations are reviewed, with the primary focus on the smaller sized (low and high density) lipoprotein-based formulations and their potential clinical and commercial value. The use of both native and synthetic lipoproteins as drug delivery agents are discussed from the standpoint of therapeutic efficacy, as well as commercial feasibility. The advantages of lipoprotein-based drug delivery formulations are compared with other drug delivery models, with the primary focus on liposomal preparations. Finally, an expert opinion is provided, regarding the potential use of lipoprotein-based formulations in cancer treatment, taking into consideration the major advantages (biocompatibility, safety, drug solubility) and the barriers (manufacturing protein components, financial interest, investments) to their commercial development.  相似文献   

魏农农  苏敏 《中国新药杂志》2007,16(20):1650-1653
肺部具有吸收表面积大、吸收部位血流丰富、可避免肝脏首过效应以及上皮屏障薄、膜通透性高等优点,因此,采用定量吸入喷雾剂进行肺部给药得到极大的重视。现参考美国FDA、欧盟关于吸入制剂相关指导原则,并结合国内气雾剂的研发和生产的具体情况和我国药典,对定量吸入气雾剂的处方设计中应该考虑的一些主要问题进行了综述。  相似文献   

Introduction: Due to a lack of approved drugs and formulations, children represent the most vulnerable patients. Magistral, unlicensed formulations obtained by the manipulation of solid forms should undergo clinical evaluation to ensure bioequivalence. The development of new pediatric medicines is complex and faces technological, economic and ethical challenges. This phenomenon has contributed to the emergence of an adult–children gap. To improve the situation, the World Health Organization launched the global campaign ‘Make medicines child size' and a number of international initiatives have been established. The situation is more critical in the case of poverty-related diseases (PRDs) that mainly affect poor countries.

Areas covered: This review critically discusses different strategies to develop pediatric formulations and drug delivery systems (DDS) in PRDs and their potential implementation in the current market. Readers will gain an updated perspective on the development of pediatric medicines for the treatment of PRDs and the proximate challenges and opportunities faced to ensure an effective pharmacotherapy.

Expert opinion: There is an urgent need for the development of innovative, scalable and cost-viable formulations to ensure pediatric patients have access to appropriate medications for PRDs. The guidelines of the International Conference on Harmonisation constitute a very good orientation tool, as they emphasize physiological and developmental aspects that need to be considered in pediatric research. It is important to consider cultural, economic and ethical aspects that make developing nations facing PRDs different from the developed world. Thus, the best strategy would probably be to conceive and engage similar initiatives in the developing world, to address unattended therapeutic niches.  相似文献   

目的确立胸腺五肽(TP-5)微球的制备及质量评价方法。方法以聚乳酸一羟基乙酸(PLGA)为载体材料,采用复乳法(w/o/w)制备TP-5长效缓释注射微球,考察其粒径大小、外观、包封率等理化性质;采用HPLC测定微球中TP-5的含量。结果TP-5微球球形圆整,包封率在80%以上,平均粒径为67.8μm,27d体外累积释放百分率在80%以上.结论TP-5微球的制备工艺合理,评价方法简便、快速、准确。  相似文献   

Cyclodextrins: Their Future in Drug Formulation and Delivery   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Pharmaceutical Research - Since their discovery, cyclodextrins and their ability to form inclusion complexes have fascinated chemists, formulators and recently, entrepreneurs. This mini-review has...  相似文献   

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