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Summary Genetic analysis of 25 nuclear mutants defective in the chlorophyll-protein complex CP1 was undertaken. The mutants belong to 13 complementation groups scattered throughout the nuclear genome. All these mutants lack the apoprotein of CP1 and, in addition, a specific set of six low molecular weight thylakoid polypeptides. System I particles obtained by treating WT thylakoid membranes with detergent specifically contain those polypeptides which the mutants lack. These observations suggest that a particular sub-structure of the thylakoid membrane associated with the photosystem I activity is missing from all 25 mutants studied, and that this general phenotype can result from mutation at any one of several unlinked Mendelian loci.  相似文献   

Summary We developed a test system with mutant strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii requiring arginine. Here, the meiotic recombination between two arginine loci served as an indicator of genotoxicity. After crossing, zygotes were treated with the alkylating agent dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) for 30 min. A dose dependent increase of wild type recombinants was found for DMN concentrations ranging from 68 M to 680 M. Like in cells of some higher plants, the agent was active in Chlamydomonas zygotes without any exogenous metabolic activation.  相似文献   

Summary In crosses of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the chloroplast genes are normally transmitted exclusively by the maternal parent to zygospore progeny. However, transmission of the paternal chloroplast alleles can be increased markedly by certain pretreatments of the maternal parent prior to mating. As zygospores age prior to induction of meiosis, they display decreased biparental transmission of chloroplast alleles and increased transmission of chloroplast alleles from only the maternal or paternal parent. In this report, chloroplast genome composition of biparental zygospores is shown to change in several ways during zygospore maturation. Allelic ratios of chloroplast genes within biparental zygospore clones become maternally or paternally skewed as the zygospores age, cotransmission of chloroplast alleles is reduced, and recombination increases, resulting in an expansion of genetic map distances between chloroplast markers used in this cross. The recovery of unequal frequencies of zygospore progeny expressing reciprocal recombinant genotypes confirms and extends other reports of the predominance of nonreciprocal recombination in organelle genetic systems.  相似文献   

New in-vivo cloning methods by homologous recombination in yeast   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have devised a new strategy to clone DNA sequences from an yeast autonomously-propagating plasmid into a non-autonomous integrative vector by in-vivo recombination. The method consists of a first step in which the replicative plasmid carrying the DNA fragment of interest forms a co-integrate with the non-replicative plasmid by an induced in-vivo reciprocal exchange accompanied by gene conversion. The dimeric plasmid obtained is then purified and cut with an appropriate restriction enzyme and ligated independently to obtain the two intact monomeric plasmids, the original autonomous plasmid plus the new non-autonomous plasmid carrying the subcloned DNA fragment. The dimeric co-integrate can also serve as substrate for a second in-vivo reciprocal exchange that produces new autonomous plasmids carrying the desired DNA fragment. The technique considerably expands the applications of in-vivo cloning in yeast by complementing three important characteristics of previously published methods: (1) it can be used to clone into non-propagating vectors; (2) co-transformation experiments are not required; and (3) the intermediate co-integrate can be used to generate new types of autonomously-propagating plasmids directly. These characteristics are independent of whether the DNA insert is flanked by appropriate restriction sites or whether it does, or does not, express a detectable phenotype in yeast. The method is particularly useful for the cloning of large DNA fragments and can be used for plasmids from organisms other than yeasts.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic fusion between strains of Chlamydomonas containing complementing cell-wall and auxotrophic mutations, having the same mating-type (mt) and bearing chloroplast markers, have been performed to study the mode of chloroplast gene inheritance in the fusion products. About one third of the fusion products (mt +/mt + or mt /mt ) transmitted chloroplast markers from both parents (= biparental fusion products). The rest of the population was equally distributed between fusion products transmitting the chloroplast marker of one parent or the other (uniparental fusion products) exclusively. Incubation of the fusion products in the dark for 48 hours, immediately after the fusion, decreases the frequency of biparental fusion products. The results indicate that the general process of elimination of chloroplast alleles is independent of the presence of both mt + and mt alleles in the cell. In contrast, directional elimination (i.e. preferential elimination of paternal chloroplast alleles) does appear to depend upon heterozygosity at the mt locus. These results are discussed in relation to the models which have been proposed to explain the maternal inheritance of chloroplast genes in Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

Summary A uniparental mutant of Chlamydomonas resistant to chloramphenicol was selected following treatment of wild-type cells with 5-fluorodeoxyuridine. Under heterotrophic conditions, growth and chloroplast protein synthesis of this mutant (CAP1) are resistant to chloramphenicol. Under phototrophic conditions, CAP1 is sensitive to chloramphenicol. In addition CAP1 displays thermosensitivity when grown phototrophically in the absence of antibiotics: at the restrictive temperature, a specific reduction of those thylakoid membrane polypeptides which are synthesized inside the chloroplast is observed. Alternative explanations for the pleiotropic phenotype of CAP1 are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In one particular myxamoebal strain (NG7; mF+) of Physarum polycephalum, a linear mitochondrial plasmid (mF plasmid) which promotes mitochondrial fusion has been identified. A mating between mF- strains, that do not carry the mF plasmid, resulted in uniparental inheritance of the mtDNA. In matings between mF+ and mF- strains a recombination occurred between the mtDNA and the mF plasmid, and recombinant mtDNA was generated with the end of the mF plasmid as its ends. The DNA sequences of the recombination site in the mtDNA and the mF plasmid, and of the recombinant mtDNA, revealed that the mF plasmid had a 473-bp sequence that was identical to, but slightly shorter than, a 477-bp sequence of the mtDNA. This so-called identical sequence was found at the junction between unique sequences of the mF plasmid and the mtDNA in the recombinant mtDNA. Thus, the recombination between the mtDNA and the mF plasmid was due to reciprocal crossing-over at the identical sequence.  相似文献   

Summary Chloroplast mutations in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii exhibit a predominantly maternal pattern of inheritance and this pattern can be perturbed by UV irradiation of the maternal gametes prior to mating. In a series of crosses over a range of UV doses, the transmission, segregation, and recombination of mutations at three closely linked chloroplast loci have been examined by pedigree analysis of products arising from the first three post-zygotic divisions. Stocks used in these crosses were constructed to permit identification of the nuclear products of each of the two meiotic divisions and the first post-meiotic mitotic division.A bias toward maternal alleles at all three chloroplast loci was observed in all pedigrees and in zygote clones analyzed from the same crosses many generations after meiosis. This bias decreased with increasing UV dose and with each subsequent division. Segregation of chloroplast genes was rapid during the first three post-zygotic divisions. The type of segregation event from which a given heteroplasmic cell arose had a significant effect on its most likely segregation. pattern in the subsequent division. The results presented here have been discussed in terms of published models of chloroplast gene segregation.  相似文献   

Summary In the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, reciprocal crosses between strains carrying non-allelic chloroplast mutations to streptomycin dependence (sd-u) produce streptomycin sensitive (sd-u +) recombinant progeny. Transfer of these sd-u +progeny to streptomycin-containing medium results in a much higher frequency of recovery of streptomycin dependent isolates than expected by mutation. Failure to recover the more commonly encountered class of streptomycin resistant mutants also suggests that mutation is not responsible for appearance of the new dependent isolates. Backcrosses of these new sd-u isolates to strains carrying the original sd-u mutations demonstrate their allelism with the sd-u mutation contributed by the mt +parent. Earlier work by Schimmer and Arnold (1969, 1970a-d) indicated that newly isolated sensitive revertants of the streptomycin dependent mutant sd-u-3-18 also yielded high frequencies of sd-u cells but these were never analyzed genetically. We have now obtained new sd-u. isolates from streptomycin sensitive revertants of sd-u-318 and shown them all to be allelic with the original sd-u3-18 mutation. Thus hidden sd-u alleles can coexist with sd-u +alleles in heteroplasmic cells. These heteroplasmic cells are streptomycin sensitive in phenotype and may arise in crosses or from new mutation.  相似文献   

Summary We used the flourescent dye DAPI to visualize nucleoids of chloroplast DNA and follow their behavior through sexual reproduction by counting nucleoids in fixed cells at various stages. Nucleoid number varied greatly among cells at each stage. The mean number of nucleoids per cell was similar in mt + and mt vegetative cells, and declined similarly during gametogenesis. Longer periods of nitrogen starvation reduced the mean nucleoid number further. Mean nucleoid number declined again in mating pairs, and continued to drop in zygotes up to the latest stage that can be examined (24-h zygotes). The oldest zygotes had means of about 2 to 3 nucleoids in different experiments, significantly fewer than in the mt + gametes (usually 4 to 5). The quantitative data on nucleoid number, mating efficiency, and germination efficiency allowed us to show that the decrease in nucleoid number is not limited to gametes that do not mate, or to zygotes that do not germinate. These data are consistant with earlier biochemical studies showing loss of chloroplast DNA during gametogenesis in both mating types, and with the degradation of paternal chloroplast DNA detected biochemically and (in non-quantitative studies) by DAPI staining. There may also be some fusion of nucleoids, although if it occurs it is not complete by 24 h of zygote maturation.  相似文献   

Summary Three independent pleiotropic drug-resistance (pdr) mutants were isolated by selecting for resistance to the anti-microtubule herbicides amiprophos-methyl (APM) and oryzalin (ORY). These three mutants and a previously isolated mutant, ani1 (anisomycin resistance), were semi-dominant in heterozygous diploids, and they displayed varying degrees of resistance to structurally and functionally unrelated inhibitors such as cycloheximide, cryptopleurine, emetine, atrazine, and nonidet P-40. Linkage analysis and genetic mapping suggested that three of the four mutants, including ani1, define a single locus, here named pdr1. The fourth mutant defined a new locus, pdr2, which is located on the left arm of linkage group VI. One pdr1 mutant exhibited unusual genetic interactions, including enhanced ts-lethality and synergistic increases in drug resistance, when combined with pdr2-1 and with herbicide-resistant alleles of three other genes.  相似文献   

Summary Artificial polyethyleneglycol induced fusions of gametes of opposite mating-types carrying chloroplast markers give rise to fusion products transmitting either both markers or the marker from the mt + or from the mt parent exclusively. The frequencies of the three classes of products were approximately equal in our experiments (Matagne 1981). Similar experiments performed by Matsuda et al. (1983) gave different results, namely a preferential transmission of chloroplast gene from the mt + parent, very similar to that observed in vegetative zygotes obtained in sexual crosses. Results described here show that in experimental conditions used by Matsuda et al., sexual copulation does occur, leading to formation of zygotes which were misinterpreted as artificial fusion products and gave a biased transmission of chloroplast genes.  相似文献   

Most bacterial organisms rely on homologous recombination to repair DNA double-strand breaks and for the post-replicative repair of DNA single-strand gaps. Homologous recombination can be divided into three steps: (i) a pre-synaptic step in which the DNA 3′-OH ends are processed, (ii) a recA-dependent synaptic step allowing the invasion of an intact copy and the formation of Holliday junctions, and (iii) a post-synaptic step consisting of migration and resolution of these junctions. Currently, little is known about factors involved in homologous recombination, especially for the post-synaptic step. In Escherichia coli, branch migration and resolution are performed by the RuvABC complex, but could also rely on the RecG helicase in a redundant manner. In this study, we show that recG and ruvABC are well-conserved among Streptomyces. ΔruvABC, ΔrecG and ΔruvABC ΔrecG mutant strains were constructed. ΔruvABC ΔrecG is only slightly affected by exposure to DNA damage (UV). We also show that conjugational recombination decreases in the absence of RuvABC and RecG, but that intra-chromosomal recombination is not affected. These data suggest that RuvABC and RecG are indeed involved in homologous recombination in Streptomyces ambofaciens and that alternative factors are able to take over Holliday junction in Streptomyces.  相似文献   

Summary Differences in the restriction endonuclease fragmentation patterns of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) from C. eugametos and C. moewusii have been used to study the inheritance of these DNAs in interspecific hybrids. Analysis of the cpDNAs from ten randomly selected F1 hybrids, in each case revealed cpDNA to be recombinant for AvaI and BstEII restriction sites, although fragments characteristic of C. eugametos, the mt+ parent, were typically found in excess of those for C. moewusii, the mt– parent. In backcrosses between an F 1 mt+ hybrid and C. moewusii mt–, seven randomly selected B1 hybrids showed cpDNA restriction patterns either identical to or highly similar to that of the mt+ parent. We propose that cpDNA molecules are predominantly transmitted by the mt+ parent in both F1 and B1 generations but that selection favors survival of F1 progeny with recombinant chloroplast genomes which avoid interspecific incompatibilities. On the surface, the inheritance of recombinant cpDNA contrasts with the simultaneous uniparental inheritance of two putative chloroplast markers (sr-2 and er-nM1 +). However, it may be that these two markers are by chance associated with cpDNA sequences of the mt+ parent which were selected in all F1 hybrids.  相似文献   

Werner syndrome (WS) is a rare, segmental progeroid syndrome caused by defects in the WRN gene, which encodes a RecQ helicase. WRN has roles in many aspects of DNA metabolism including DNA repair and recombination. In this study, we exploited two different recombination assays previously used to describe a role for the structure-specific endonuclease ERCC1-XPF in mitotic and targeted homologous recombination. We constructed Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines isogenic with the cell lines used in these previous studies by depleting WRN using shRNA vectors. When intrachromosomal, mitotic recombination was assayed in WRN-depleted CHO cells, a hyperrecombination phenotype was observed, and a small number of aberrant recombinants were generated. Targeted homologous recombination was also examined in WRN-depleted CHO cells using a plasmid-chromosome targeting assay. In these experiments, loss of WRN resulted in a significant decrease in nonhomologous integration events and ablation of recombinants that required random integration of the corrected targeting vector. Aberrant recombinants were also recovered, but only from WRN-depleted cells. The pleiotropic recombination phenotypes conferred by WRN depletion, reflected in distinct homologous and nonhomologous recombination pathways, suggest a role for WRN in processing specific types of homologous recombination intermediates as well as an important function in nonhomologous recombination.  相似文献   

Summary A monoclonal anti-bromodeoxyuridine antibody conjugated to fluorescein was used to detect the chloroplast nucleoids after specific incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) into the chloroplast DNA of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The incorporation of BUdR was enhanced by simultaneous treatment with fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR). The method was applied to analyze the fate of chloroplast DNA in zygotes resulting from mating between BUdR-treated gametes (mt + or mt -) and untreated gametes of opposite mating-type. In crosses between wild-type strains, the nucleoids of mt + origin remained in the large majority of zygotes whereas those of mt - origin most often disappeared within the first hours following copulation. In crosses of the type mat-3 mt +xwild-type mt - (the mat-3 mutation permits a high transmission of chloroplast genes from the mt - parent), the nucleoids of mt - origin were generally not eliminated which indicates that the mat-3 mutation prevents the selective destruction of paternal chloroplast DNA in the zygote.  相似文献   

Summary In crosses between diploid strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the mode of chloroplast gene transmission was studied and correlated with the behavior of DAPI-stained chloroplast nucleoids in young tetraploid zygotes. Phenotypically plus (female) diploids with mating-type genotypes of mt +/mt + or mt +/0 (hemizygote) and phenotypically minus (male) diploids with genotypes of mt +/mt or mt /mt or 0/mt were obtained by either crosses or polyethylene glycol induced somatic fusions between haploid strains. When crosses were made between mt +/mt + or mt +/0 and mt /mt or 0/mt , the transmission of chloroplast genes occurred mostly from the female parent, indicating a typical maternal inheritance. In these cases the chloroplast nucleoids of one of the two parents disappeared within 2.5 h after mating. In contrast, when female diploids were crossed to mt +/mt male diploids, the chloroplast genes from both parents were transmitted to the progeny at equal frequency. The chloroplast nucleoids derived from the two parents were conserved for at least 2.5 h after mating. It is concluded that the chloroplast genes derived from the heterozygous male (mt +/mt ) are protected from the degradation that takes place soon after zygote formation, by virtue of the presence of mt + gene although this allele is recessive with respect to the phenotypic expression of sexuality in diploids.  相似文献   

Cancer develops when cells no longer follow their normal pattern of controlled growth. In the absence or disregard of such regulation, resulting from changes in their genetic makeup, these errant cells acquire a growth advantage, expanding into precancerous clones. Over the past decade many studies have revealed the relevance of genomic mutation in this process, be it by misreplication, environmental damage, or a deficiency in repairing endogenous and exogenous damage. Here we discuss the possibility of homologous recombination as an errant DNA repair mechanism that can result in loss of heterozygosity or genetic rearrangements. Some of these genetic alterations may play a primary role in carcinogenesis, but they are more likely to be involved in secondary and subsequent steps of carcinogenesis by which recessive oncogenic mutations are revealed. Patients, whose cells display an increased frequency of recombination, also have an elevated frequency of cancer, further supporting the link between recombination and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

To determine if rearranged heavy chain variable (VDJ) genes can recombine with each other by crossing over of DNA strands, we constructed a transgene that contained a promoter, VDJ gene, reporter gene to detect crossover events, intron enhancer, matrix attachment region, and constant gene for IgM (Cμ). Following immunization of transgenic mice, hybrid molecules were isolated from B cell DNA which contained the transgene recombined with the endogenous IgH locus. Reciprocal products of crossovers were detected by plasmid rescue and PCR amplification, and they were sequenced. Recombination occurred somewhere within 147 bp of homology that contained the JH4 gene segment and 3′ flanking DNA. The recombined transgenes had a 20-fold increase in mutation in the VDJ region compared to nonrecombined transgenes, which indicates that DNA sequences 3′ of the Cμ gene in the endogenous IgH locus are necessary for full activity of the mutator mechanism. The recovery of recombinants between VDJ transgenes and endogenous VDJ genes raises the possibility that reciprocal recombination may somatically diversify rearranged genes between maternal and paternal alleles.  相似文献   

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