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Complement receptor type II (CR2/CD21) is the major receptor for C3d fragments on immune complexes. CD21 also serves as the receptor for Epstein-Barr virus in humans. On mature B cells, CD21 reduces the threshold of BCR signaling together with CD81, Leu13 and CD19, but it also occurs on other cells of the immune system where it performs unknown functions. A soluble form of CD21 (sCD21) is shed from the cell surface and is found in human blood plasma. An as-yet-unknown protease is thought to be responsible for this shedding. Altered levels of sCD21 occur in plasma in certain clinical conditions. We show here by mass spectrometry that sCD21 in human plasma of healthy donors is predominantly a short form of CD21 without the exon-11-encoded sequences. Whereas the N terminus of sCD21 was found unmodified, the C terminus is truncated, implying that only the extracellular portion of CD21 is shed. Peripheral blood B cells, but not T cells, contribute to the plasma CD21-pool. CD21 shedding is induced by stimulation with PMA plus Ca(2+) ionophore, or by stimulation of the BCR with anti-IgM+anti-CD40.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that human C3d or pep16, a 16-amino acid synthetic peptide derived from human C3d, induced in vivo and in vitro tyrosine phosphorylation of pp105, an intracellular component found only in human cells that express CR2 at their surface. To determine the contribution of CR2 molecules to this enzymatic regulation, we first analyzed whether activation of CR2 by other extracellular CR2 ligands could trigger such regulation in cell extracts. Subsequently, we used cell extracts of either CR2-positive cells depleted in CR2 molecules by absorption with anti-CR2 antibodies or CR2-negative cells transfected with CR2 cDNA. We demonstrate here that pp105 phosphorylation was induced when CR2 was activated by C3d and pep16 as well as by gp350, the Epstein-Barr virus capsid protein or OKB7, an anti-CR2 monoclonal antibody (mAb). HB5, another anti-CR2 mAb, which did not activate B lymphocytes through CR2, did not induce pp105 phosphorylation. Thus, C3d, pep16, gp350, and OKB7 presented similar properties in activating CR2 to trigger pp105 phosphorylation and in regulating B lymphocyte proliferation, while HB-5 had no effect on either assays. Furthermore, our data demonstrate that the presence of CR2 activated by its extracellular ligands regulates pp105 phosphorylation through two distinct pathways: one which also requires the presence of non-activated CD19, and one which is independent of CD19. The involvement of CD19 in the first pathway was not due to the formation of putative CR2-CD19 complexes. Both pathways were TAPA-1 independent. This is the first demonstration that activated CR2 molecules can play a regulatory role in enzymatic function, such as phosphorylation, despite the absence of CD19 and TAPA-1.  相似文献   

Stable transfection of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA2) expressed as a fusion protein with the hormone-binding domain of the estrogen receptor was used to study expression of CD21 and other surface markers in different cell lines. Special emphasis was placed on cell lines with a normally low expression of CD21, especially on T cell lines. After induction of EBNA2, a substantial increase in CD21 mRNA was observed, as well as increased production of membrane CD21. This was found not only in cell lines of B cell origin, but also in the T cell line Jurkat. The amount of CD21 was quantitated by means of a fluorescence immunoassay, and found to correlate with the presence of EBNA2 protein. A decrease in EBNA2 abundance was associated with complete loss of cell-associated CD21. As we could also detect large amounts of soluble CD21 (sCD21) in the supernatant of the transfected cell lines, which exceeded the total amount contained in the respective cell lysates, this indicates considerable shedding of the newly synthesized receptor molecules induced by EBNA2, comparable to the situation described for CD23. It further provides an explanation of the recent findings of increased sCD21 levels in sera of patients with EBV-associated disease, and suggests a possible additional function of EBNA2 in vivo.  相似文献   

We report on a soluble (s) form of CD21 (the C3dg/Epstein-Barr virus receptor, CR2) that is spontaneously released by B and T lymphocytes. Immunoprecipitation with anti-CD21 mAb of culture supernatants of surface and biosynthetically labeled B and T cell lines revealed a single band with an apparent molecular mass of 135 kDa. The molecule exhibited a molecular mass 10 kDa lower than that of membrane CD21. The release of soluble CD21 (sCD21) was time dependent and correlated with a parallel decrease in the expression of the membrane-associated molecule. The protein was also found in culture supernatants of tonsillar B cells and normal human thymocytes. Epitopic analysis using combinations of anti-CD21 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) indicated that sCD21 and membrane CD21 were similarly recognized by mAb directed against short concensus repeats (SCR) 1–2, SCR 4–5 and SCR 9–11. Affinity-purified sCD21 was capable of binding to purified human iC3b and to human recombinant CD23, as assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and by using the BIAcoreTM technology. In addition, normal human serum was found to contain a soluble form of CD21 that exhibited a similar molecular mass to that of the molecule shed by B and T cells in culture. The serum form of CD21 was recognized by all anti-CD21 mAb that we tested and showed a high reactivity with mAb directed against SCR 1–2. Our observations suggest that B and T cells shed the extracellular portion of CD21 and release a soluble molecule that retains the ligand-binding properties of CD21, thus having a potential role in immunoregulation.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus/C3d receptor (CR2) is a glycoprotein of mol. wt 140,000 expressed on the surface of Raji cells. We previously isolated phosphorylated CR2 from purified Raji cell nuclei. We have analyzed the nuclear localization of CR2 by electron microscope immunochemistry of thin sections of Raji cells and we have compared the binding properties of CR2 expressed on purified plasma membranes or nuclei. Anti-CR2 mAb immunogold labeling of thin sections of Raji cells identified CR2 at the nuclear surface and also within the nucleus. Nuclear envelope associated CR2 was localized mainly at nuclear pores. Within the nucleus, CR2 was associated with ribonucleoprotein (RNP) interchromatin fibrils. This labeling was preserved in nuclear matrix preparations. CR2 expressed on the surfaces of purified nuclei or on the cell surface interacted with soluble and particle-bound C3bi/C3d. Monoclonal anti-CR2 antibodies, which recognized extracellular domains of CR2, reacted differently with CR2 depending on its subcellular localization. The presence of CR2 in nuclei may be due to translocation of the cell surface CR2 and/or the presence of two distinct intracellular pathways for mature CR2.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that CR2 activation on human B lymphocyte surface specifically triggered tyrosine phosphorylation of the 95-kDa nucleolin, this leading to its binding on SH2 domains of p85 sub-unit of PI 3-kinase and to activation of this enzyme. The specificity of CR2 pathway was clearly demonstrated as neither CD19 nor BCR could induce tyrosine phosphorylation of nucleolin in normal B lymphocytes. These data led us to investigate herein additional molecular events, which were triggered by CR2 activation, upstream and downstream to PI 3-kinase activation. Upstream, we demonstrated that pp60src, a tyrosine kinase of the src family, was involved in tyrosine phosphorylation of nucleolin, while syk tyrosine kinase was not. We also demonstrated a direct protein-protein interaction of pp60src with nucleolin in a CR2-dependent and CD19-independent pathway. Downstream, we demonstrated that CR2 activation also triggered Akt and GSK3 enzyme activation, this pathway being under the control of pp60src tyrosine kinase activation. These regulatory functions of activated CR2 were specific as independent of syk tyrosine kinase and of CD19 and BCR activation. Thus, CR2 activation recruits a specific mechanism to activate PI 3-kinase and its subsequent pathways, this mechanism being different to those recruited by CD19 and BCR.  相似文献   

目的:观察激活T细胞中信号转导通路的基因变化情况。方法:小鼠T细胞体外经CD3/CD28共刺激4小时,提取RNA,以信号转导通路发现者PCR芯片分析18个信号转导通路相关的84个关键基因的mRNA改变情况。结果:CD3/CD28共刺激调节了43个基因,其中上调24个,下调19个,涵盖检测的所有18条信号转导通路。结论:多重信号通路共同参与了T细胞的激活过程。  相似文献   

Pairs of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) defining epitopes T 11.1 and T 11.2 on the CD 2 molecule are mitogenic for purified human T cells in the presence of a submitogenic dose of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA). Anti-CD 28 mAb can substitute for the action of TPA in the anti-CD 2-induced proliferative response of resting T cells, whereas each signal alone is unable to mediate this effect. Co-stimulation by anti-CD 2 plus anti-CD 28 mAb is monocyte independent and besides resting T cells also induces strong proliferation of thymocytes and pre-activated T cells. Modulation of the CD 3-T cell receptor complex does not inhibit the co-stimulatory effects of anti-CD 2 plus anti-CD 28 mAb. The effect is largely dependent on endogenously produced interleukin 2, since the response is strongly inhibited in the presence of mAb against the 55-kDa interleukin 2 receptor chain.  相似文献   

gp140, previously identified as a 140-kDa C3b-binding membrane glycoprotein present on Raji cell surface, was shown to be the C3dg/C3d receptor of B lymphocytes (CR2). Specific polyclonal anti-gp140, prepared by immunizing rabbits with this highly purified C3 receptor, blocked Raji cell rosettes with EC3b, EC3bi, EC3dg and EC3d, and also blocked normal lymphocyte rosettes with EC3dg and EC3d without affecting CR1 or CR3 activity. Moreover, a monoclonal anti-C3 (C3b/#130), described by others as reacting with the d region highly expressed on EC3bi, EC3dg and EC3d and poorly exposed on EC3b, completely inhibited EC3bi, EC3dg and EC3d rosettes with Raji cells, but had no effect on EC3b rosettes. Treatment of Raji cells with rabbit anti-gp140 blocked the uptake of three 125I-labeled monoclonal antibodies anti-B2, HB-5 and OKB7 reported to react with C3d-binding proteins, indicating that each of these monoclonal antibodies recognizes epitopes present on gp140. The neutrophil C3dg receptor was examined to determine its relationship to lymphocyte CR2. While neutrophil rosettes with EC3d were undetectable, a specificity for C3d was suggested by the inhibition of EC3dg rosettes by fluid phase C3d-complexes bearing no detectable C3dg. However, such neutrophil EC3dg and EC3bi rosettes were not inhibited by rabbit anti-gp140 nor an excess of anti-CR1, anti-CR2, and anti-CR3. In addition, neutrophils did not bind 125I-labeled anti-gp140, anti-B2, or HB-5. Thus, the neutrophil C3dg receptor is distinct from gp140, the lymphocyte CR2, and should be designated CR4.  相似文献   

The co-stimulatory role of B7/CD28 interactions is important in promoting T cell activation. Very little is known about the intracellular events that follow CD28 engagement although recent evidence has implicated coupling of CD28 to a protein tyrosine kinase signal transduction pathway. In this study we have investigated the putative role of D-3 phosphoinositides as mediators of CD28 receptor signaling, since phosphoinositide (PI) 3-kinase, the enzyme responsible for D-3 phosphoinositide formation, is a known substrate for protein tyrosine kinases associated with certain T cell surface receptors such as CD4 and interleukin-2 receptor. The lipid products of PI 3-kinase activity have been suggested to play a role in mitogenic signaling and growth regulation in other cells. Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) previously transfected with B7 cDNA, induced time-dependent elevation above basal levels of phosphatidylinositol(3,4)-bisphosphate (PtdIns(3,4)P2) and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3, while parental CHO cells that did not express B7 had no effect on these lipids. Moreover, the elevation of these same lipids by CD3 ligation was potentiated in an additive manner by CHO-B7+ but not by CHO-B7? cells. CHO-B7+ and CHO-B7? cells did not activate phospholipase C as evidenced by their inability to modulate basal or CD3-induced changes in the levels of phosphatidic acid or D-4 and D-5 phosphoinositides. These data imply that PI 3-kinase but not phospholipase C, may be an important signal transduction molecule with respect to CD28-mediated co-stimulation and T cell activation following ligation by B7.  相似文献   

Ligation of the T cell membrane antigen CD28 strongly enhances cytokine secretion in human T lymphocytes that are activated via T cell receptor (TcR)/CD3 or CD2 molecules. This study was undertaken to investigate whether, as has been indicated for activation via TcR/CD3, stimulation via CD28 is dependent on the activation of protein kinase C (PKC). Two inhibitors of PKC, 1-alkyl 2-methyl-glycerol and staurosporine, caused a dose-dependent inhibition of T cell proliferation induced by anti-CD3 monoclonal antibodies (mAb). The induction of interleukin (IL) 2 secretion was found to be more sensitive to the effects of the PKC inhibitors than the up-regulation of IL 2 receptor expression. In marked contrast, the anti-CD28 mAb-mediated enhancement of T cell proliferation and IL 2 secretion were insensitive to the action of either compound. We conclude that two independent signaling pathways may be operational in human T cells. The first used by TcR/CD3 depends on the activation of PKC, whereas the second is employed by CD28 and functions independently of PKC.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes express a T cell antigen receptor (TcR) complex composed of either an TcR alpha/beta or TcR gamma/delta heterodimer in noncovalent association with the CD3 glycoproteins. CD28, a 44-kDa disulfide-linked homodimer, is present on the surface of the majority of TcR alpha/beta-bearing T lymphocytes. Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) directed against CD28 potentiate activation signals delivered through the CD3/TcR alpha/beta complex. Herein, we demonstrate that CD28 is expressed on approximately 40%-60% of TcR gamma/delta-bearing T lymphocytes in most donors. Anti-CD28 mAb substantially augmented proliferative signals delivered through the TcR gamma/delta, demonstrating the presence of functional CD28 molecules on TcR gamma/delta-bearing T lymphocytes. The majority of TcR gamma/delta+ thymocytes also expressed CD28.  相似文献   

IL-21 is a multi-functional cytokine which can promote survival, proliferation and activation of T and B lymphocytes including CD8 T cells. Previous studies have shown that autoimmune CD8+ T cells are the primary pathogenic effector cell in coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) induced myocarditis in C57Bl/6 mice. To evaluate the role of IL-21 in promoting CD8+ T cell mediated cardiac injury in myocarditis, C57Bl/6 and IL-21RKO mice were infected with CVB3. IL-21RKO mice developed significantly less myocarditis than C57Bl/6 animals although cardiac virus titers were equivalent between the mouse strains. Numbers of CD8+IFNγ+ cells were decreased in IL-21RKO mice but numbers of either CD4+IFNγ+ or CD4+IL-4+ cells were not significantly different from C57Bl/6 animals indicating a selective effect of IL-21 signaling on the CD8+ T cell response. To confirm that IL-21 signaling exclusively functions at the level of the CD8+ T cell in CVB3 induced myocarditis, purified CD8+ cells were isolated from either C57Bl/6 or IL-21RKO donors and adoptively transferred into CD8KO recipients prior to CVB3 infection. CD8KO recipients given either C57Bl/6 or IL-21RKO CD8+ cells showed equivalent reconstitution of the CD8+ cells in the spleen but the recipients given C57Bl/6 CD8+ cells showed significantly greater myocarditis than recipients of IL-21RKO CD8+ cells. These data demonstrate that IL-21 signaling directly in the CD8+ cell population is required for CVB3-induced myocarditis.  相似文献   

Multivalent but not monovalent CR2 ligands are required to elicit Raji cell proliferation as well as other B cell responses. It has been reported (C. Servis and J. D. Lambris, J. Immunol. 1989. 142: 2207) that the tetrameric peptide T-(C31202-1214)4, which represents the CR2-binding site in C3d, was able to support Raji cell growth. We show here that the tetrameric peptide T-(gp350(19-30)4, which contains the CR2-binding site in gp350 protein of EBV also induces Raji cell growth and this effect is inhibited by the monomeric peptides gp350(19-30) and C3(1201-1214). We also investigated the nature of the interaction between C3 fragment and CR2 in order to explain the Raji cell growth-supporting effect exerted by C3. The following findings suggest that there are multiple sites in the C3 molecule able to interact with CR2: (1) both C3c and C3d immobilized on microspheres are able to bind to Raji cells through CR2. (2) soluble C3d inhibits to a greater extent the binding of CR2 to fixed C3d than to fixed C3b, which suggests the existence of additional CR2-binding sites within C3b not present in the C3d portion of the molecule; (3) synthetic peptides C3(1187-1214), C3(741-757) and C3(295-307) which represents regions of similarity in the C3 molecule bind specifically to CR2 on Raji cells and compete with each other for binding to the receptor and (4) preincubation of microtiter plate-fixed C3b with monoclonal or polyclonal anti-peptide antibodies (C3-9, anti-C3(727-768) recognize the N terminus of the alpha chain of C3 (including residues 741-757) inhibited CR2 binding. Therefore, these data suggest that the N terminus of the alpha chain of C3 is involved in binding to CR2.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates that the C3b receptor CR1 (CD35) and the C3dg/Epstein-Barr virus receptor CR2 (CD21) are expressed by 25% and 70% of normal human thymocytes, respectively. The expression of CR2 extends to both CD1+ and CD1? cells in the thymus. Two subsets of CR2+ thymocytes were defined expressing low and high density of the receptor. The CR2++ subset represented 20% of CR2+ thymocytes and co-expressed the CR1 receptor. CR2++ thymocytes expressed an immature CD1dull, CD3?, CD4dull, CD8?, CD7++ phenotype and included a subpopulation of large cells expressing CD34. Twenty percent of thymocytes expressed the CD21 epitope defined by monoclonal antibody BU32, which is involved in the binding of CD23 to CD21. These observations provide a basis for a role for CD21 in the proliferation and differentiation of thymocytes at early stages of maturation. The functionality of CR1 and CR2 on thymocytes was evidenced by the ability of the receptors to mediate infection of cells with complement-opsonized human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The results may be relevant to the immunopathogenesis of HIV infection.  相似文献   

An immediate consequence of T cell activation via the T cell receptor (TcR)/CD3 complex and CD2 antigen is the hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate and the generation of inositol-(1,4,5)-trisphosphate and diacylglycerol which then regulate intracellular calcium and protein kinase C. Changes in cellular levels of phosphoinositides phosphorylated on the D-4 and D-5 position during T cell activation have been well documented. Recently it has been proposed that phosphoinositides phosphorylated on the D-3 position of the inositol ring by a novel phosphoinositide (PI) 3 kinase may also be important in cell activation. In the present study we have examined the levels and regulation of D-3 phosphoinositides in T cells activated by the TcR/CD3 complex and CD2 antigens. The data show the existence of phosphatidylinositol-(3)-monophosphate [PtdIns(3)P], phosphatidylinositol-(3,4)-bisphosphate [PtdIns(3,4)P2] and phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-trisphosphate [PtdIns(3,4,5)P3] in T cells. Activation of the TcR/CD3 complex or CD2 antigen results in modulation of PtdIns(3,4)P2 and a putative PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 in T cells but does not change levels of PtdIns(3)P. These data provide the first evidence that lipid products of a PI3 kinase exist in T cells.  相似文献   

gp140, the C3d/EBV receptor (CR2), previously isolated and characterized from human B lymphocytes, was identified on human platelets: by measuring the specific binding of either polyclonal anti-gp140 IgG and monoclonal anti-C3d/EBVR antibodies, as OKB-7 and HB-5, or human C3d; by isolating gp140 from solubilized platelet components with polyclonal anti-gp140 IgG or monoclonal OKB-7, using immunoprecipitation and electro-immunoblotting assays; by inducing specific activation of human platelets. Cross-linking of this receptor by polyclonal anti-gp140 IgG induced aggregation of human platelets and stimulated ATP release. Absence of lactate dehydrogenase release and inhibition by EDTA and prostacyclin of anti-gp140-induced aggregation, support strongly active aggregation and absence of lysis. Platelet aggregation by anti-gp140 required metabolic activities and was modulated by fibrinogen, paf-acether or thrombin. OKB-7 triggered human platelet aggregation when cross-linked by anti-mouse second-step antibodies. In the same way, platelet activation by C3d fragment was detected, in presence of fibrinogen, only when C3d was cross-linked on the cell surface by anti-C3d F(ab')2 fragments.  相似文献   

The relationship between the increase of intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in resting T cells after stimulation with monoclonal antibody (mAb) to CD2 (E rosette receptor) and the subsequent proliferation response was investigated. Although the combination of 9.6 plus 9-1 mAb to CD2 was both mitogenic and induced an increase in [Ca2+]i, cross-linking of an individual CD2 mAb on the cell surface induced an increase in [Ca2+]i without directly stimulating T cell proliferation. The [Ca2+]i response from cross-linking an individual mAb was not epitope dependent, since 21 of 21 mAb to CD2 were effective when cross-linked with a polyclonal goat anti-mouse Ig second step. The kinetics of calcium mobilization was highly dependent upon the procedure for cross-linking, since the binding of biotin-conjugated 9.6 mAb followed by avidin gave a large and rapid response, whereas cross-linking of 9.6 with an anti-kappa mAb, 187.1, caused a minimal response, and the cross-linking of 9.6 followed by a polyclonal goat anti-mouse Ig gave an intermediate response. In addition, ligation of CD2 by rosetting with sheep red blood cells alone was sufficient to cause increased [Ca2+]i. In functional studies only the procedures associated with minimal CD2 cross-linking induced proliferation of resting T cells in combination with interleukin (IL)2. The proliferation also required IL 1 or accessory cells. Cross-linking 9.6 on the cell surface also enhanced proliferation in the presence of phorbol myristate acetate or a CD28 mAb, 9.3, under conditions that were accessory cell independent. In contrast to the proliferation following stimulation with 9.6 plus 9-1, the combination of 9.6 plus 9-1 F(ab')2 fragments lost mitogenic activity. The 9.6 plus 9-1 F(ab')2 combination was similar to 9.6 cross-linking in that either could induce responsiveness to recombinant IL2 or CD28 mAb 9.3. The combination of 9.6 plus 9-1 F(ab')2 fragments was still able to increase [Ca2+]i in T cells with slow kinetics. Together these results suggest that the binding of mAb to CD2 under conditions that cause a slow rather than a rapid increase in [Ca2+]i is associated with T cell activation. Furthermore, they suggest that in studies of T cell activation, sheep erythrocyte rosette formation should not be used to isolate T cells since rosetting may effect [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

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