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目的:研究尿道端端吻合术对外伤性尿道狭窄患者勃起功能的影响。方法:对41例采用尿道端端吻合术治疗的骨盆骨折导致尿道损伤(PFUDD)相关尿道狭窄患者手术前后两个阶段进行血管活性药物注射后阴茎血流彩色多普勒超声波(PPuD)检查和国际勃起功能指数-5(IIEF-5)问卷调查,并对数据进行统计学分析。结果:所有41例患者手术前后的IIEF-5评分无显著差异,且勃起功能无明显变化者占大多数,约为56%。各年龄组、狭窄长度组及狭窄部位组患者手术前后的IIEF-5评分均无显著差异,但术后勃起功能提高组、不变组和降低组3组间的狭窄长度差异有统计学意义(2.16±1.49vs2.28±0.88vs3.50±1.53,P=0.0134),且差异主要存在于降低组与提高组或不变组之间(P=0.0129,o.0165)。轻度及中低度ED组患者术后IIEF-5评分出现明显下降(13.86±1.88VS11.43±3.37,P=0.0202),而中度及重度ED组患者则无明显变化。非血管性ED组患者手术前后的IIEF-5评分差异有统计学意义(14.88±1.81VS10.88±4.02,P=0.0103),动脉性和静脉性ED组患者手术前后评分则无明显差别。结论:尿道端端吻合术对PFUDD等外伤相关尿道狭窄患者的勃起功能没有显著影响,患者术后勃起功能的变化情况与狭窄长度、术前性功能状态等有关,而与患者年龄、狭窄部位等没有明确的关系。  相似文献   

目的 探讨自体组织替代治疗超长段尿道狭窄对勃起功能的影响.方法 回顾性分析2007年1月至2009年1月采用不同自体组织补片(阴囊纵隔、包皮内板、口腔黏膜)Onlay术式替代治疗超长段男性尿道狭窄患者的临床资料,并随访患者ⅡEF-5评分、QOL评分及最大尿流率,并与术前相应情况进行分析.结果 根据研究标准收集23份有效数据.患者术前及术后3、6、12个月QOL评分分别为5.22±0.75、1.22±1.40、1.82±1.17、2.07±0.46,最大尿流率分别为(3.93±3.62)、(22.46±4.65)、(23.81±6.22)、(21.52±7.44)ml/s,术后不同时期均较术前明显改善(P<0.01).术前及术后3、6、12个月ⅡEF-5评分分别为14.47±9.55、14.70±5.32、14.26±3.29和14.58±3.62,组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).9例狭窄部位累及至后尿道者术后3、6、12个月ⅡEF-5评分分别为11.67±2.59、12.35±1.83、13.19±1.67,14例单纯前尿道狭窄者分别为17.79±6.42、16.57±4.78、16.01±3.85,2组间比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).狭窄累及后尿道患者多元线性回归分析中,年龄、受伤时间及尿道狭窄段长度与替代术后ⅡEF-5评分呈多元线性相关.结论 自体组织替代治疗男性超长段尿道狭窄对勃起功能影响不明显;狭窄段累及后尿道时可能对患者勃起功能产生一定影响.患者年龄和受伤时间对勃起功能有协同影响作用.
Objective To investigate the effect of substitutive reconstruction of long urethral stricture on male erectile function. Methods From January 2007 to January 2009, 23 patients with anterior or posterior long urethral stricture were accepted for a variety of onlay substitutive procedures, including lingual mucosa, perputial skin, and mid-scrotal skin. During the follow-up, data from the International Index of Erectile Function-5 (ⅡEF-5) questionnaire and the Quality of Life (QOL) questionnaire as well as maximal flow rate were recorded. All data were compared with those obtained before surgery. Results Significant improvement in QOL (1.22 ± 1.40, 1.82 ± 1. 17,2.07± 0.46) and maximal flow rate (22.46± 4.65, 23.81 ± 6.22, 21.52 ±7.44 ) could be observed 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery compared with those before surgery (5. 22 ± 0. 75, 3. 93 ± 3. 62)(P<0.01). No significant differences in the responses to the ⅡEF-5 questionnaire were observed among all patients during the follow-up (P>0. 05). At the 3, 6 and 12 months after procedure,scores of ⅡEF-5 in patients with anterior urethral stricture ( 17.79 ± 6.42, 16. 57 ± 4. 78, 16.01 ±3.85) were significantly higher than those with posterior urethral stricture (11.67 ± 2.59, 12.35 ±1.83,13. 19±1.67, P<0.05). In patients with posterior urethral stricture, the multiple linear regression showed that age, time interval of injury and length of stricture were related to the ⅡEF-5score (P<0.05). Conclusions Substitutive reconstruction for treating the long urethral stricture has little effect on male erectile function. But the location of stricture, especially extended to posterior urethra, may have impact on the erectile function.  相似文献   

目的 研究男性骨盆骨折尿道损伤导致的尿道狭窄与阴茎勃起功能障碍(ED)的相关因素.方法对41例骨盆骨折尿道损伤导致尿道狭窄患者进行IIEF-5量表调查,所有患者接受血管活性药物注射下阴茎血流彩超(PPUD)等检测,并进行统计学分析.结果 所有41例患者在受伤后均发生了ED,所有患者受伤前后的IIEF-5评分差异有统计学意义,P<0.001.不同年龄段患者受伤前后IIEF-5评分比较,P≤0.001;而不同年龄段患者受伤后IIEF-5评分组间比较,P>0.05.不同部位损伤患者受伤前后IIEF-5评分比较,P< 0.001;而不同部位损伤患者受伤后的IIEF-5评分组间比较,P>0.05.尿道狭窄段长度不同的患者组间比较,差异具有统计学意义;狭窄段较长的患者比狭窄段较短的患者,发生ED概率更高.根据患者PPUD检查结果,约一半患者的ED属于动脉性,部分患者属于静脉性,其他的可能原因为神经性,心理性,混合性或者原因不明.结论 骨盆骨折尿道损伤导致尿道狭窄可使患者勃起功能明显受损,其勃起功能与尿道狭窄长度密切相关,与年龄,尿道狭窄部位等相关性不强.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effect of substitutive reconstruction of long urethral stricture on male erectile function. Methods From January 2007 to January 2009, 23 patients with anterior or posterior long urethral stricture were accepted for a variety of onlay substitutive procedures, including lingual mucosa, perputial skin, and mid-scrotal skin. During the follow-up, data from the International Index of Erectile Function-5 (ⅡEF-5) questionnaire and the Quality of Life (QOL) questionnaire as well as maximal flow rate were recorded. All data were compared with those obtained before surgery. Results Significant improvement in QOL (1.22 ± 1.40, 1.82 ± 1. 17,2.07± 0.46) and maximal flow rate (22.46± 4.65, 23.81 ± 6.22, 21.52 ±7.44 ) could be observed 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery compared with those before surgery (5. 22 ± 0. 75, 3. 93 ± 3. 62)(P<0.01). No significant differences in the responses to the ⅡEF-5 questionnaire were observed among all patients during the follow-up (P>0. 05). At the 3, 6 and 12 months after procedure,scores of ⅡEF-5 in patients with anterior urethral stricture ( 17.79 ± 6.42, 16. 57 ± 4. 78, 16.01 ±3.85) were significantly higher than those with posterior urethral stricture (11.67 ± 2.59, 12.35 ±1.83,13. 19±1.67, P<0.05). In patients with posterior urethral stricture, the multiple linear regression showed that age, time interval of injury and length of stricture were related to the ⅡEF-5score (P<0.05). Conclusions Substitutive reconstruction for treating the long urethral stricture has little effect on male erectile function. But the location of stricture, especially extended to posterior urethra, may have impact on the erectile function.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effect of substitutive reconstruction of long urethral stricture on male erectile function. Methods From January 2007 to January 2009, 23 patients with anterior or posterior long urethral stricture were accepted for a variety of onlay substitutive procedures, including lingual mucosa, perputial skin, and mid-scrotal skin. During the follow-up, data from the International Index of Erectile Function-5 (ⅡEF-5) questionnaire and the Quality of Life (QOL) questionnaire as well as maximal flow rate were recorded. All data were compared with those obtained before surgery. Results Significant improvement in QOL (1.22 ± 1.40, 1.82 ± 1. 17,2.07± 0.46) and maximal flow rate (22.46± 4.65, 23.81 ± 6.22, 21.52 ±7.44 ) could be observed 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery compared with those before surgery (5. 22 ± 0. 75, 3. 93 ± 3. 62)(P<0.01). No significant differences in the responses to the ⅡEF-5 questionnaire were observed among all patients during the follow-up (P>0. 05). At the 3, 6 and 12 months after procedure,scores of ⅡEF-5 in patients with anterior urethral stricture ( 17.79 ± 6.42, 16. 57 ± 4. 78, 16.01 ±3.85) were significantly higher than those with posterior urethral stricture (11.67 ± 2.59, 12.35 ±1.83,13. 19±1.67, P<0.05). In patients with posterior urethral stricture, the multiple linear regression showed that age, time interval of injury and length of stricture were related to the ⅡEF-5score (P<0.05). Conclusions Substitutive reconstruction for treating the long urethral stricture has little effect on male erectile function. But the location of stricture, especially extended to posterior urethra, may have impact on the erectile function.  相似文献   

尿道外伤患者勃起功能障碍相关因素的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究尿道外伤患者勃起功能障碍相关因素。方法对40例外伤所致尿道损伤患者采用IIEF-5量表、夜间阴茎勃起监测、血管活性药物注射下阴茎血流彩超检查并进行统计学分析。结果40例中,11例存在明显勃起障碍,3例有血管病变依据。所有患者受伤前后IIEF-5评分有显著性差异(P<0.05);耻骨联合有分离病人较不分离者在IIEF-5评分变化上幅度更大(P<0.05);两组患者在背深动脉收缩期流速上显示出统计学差异(P<0.05)。后尿道损伤患者在阴茎勃起长度变化、周径变化以及勃起持续时间上较前尿道损伤患者明显变小,且ED概率更高。背深静脉流速>5 cm/s患者的比率在两组人群中有显著性差异(P<0.05)。而静脉流速>5cm/s人群主要集中在30-40岁。结论尿道外伤患者发生勃起功能障碍与损伤部位尤其是耻骨联合分离与否、前后尿道损伤位置、神经受损受伤年龄相关,与心理因素也有一定关系。  相似文献   

目的:提高治疗尿道狭窄的疗效。方法:采用尿道镜直视下内切开尿道狭窄,术后留置导尿治疗尿道狭窄12例。结果:12例均一次手术成功,成功标志为拔除导尿管后排尿通畅,尿线粗、有力,手术成功率100%。结论:尿道内切开术治疗尿道狭窄,方法简单易行,微创、安全,效果满意。  相似文献   

目的总结尿道狭窄的治疗经验,提高治疗效果。方法对尿道狭窄患者51例(经尿道内切开方法治疗29例,开放手术治疗22例)的临床资料进行回顾分析。结果尿道内切开29例,随访28例,25例尿流率正常(86%),经会阴"V"行切口,尿道端-端吻合术方法治疗22例,19例尿流率正常(86%)。结论尿道内切开适用于前列腺部或膀胱颈部和尿道狭窄段〈2 cm的患者,尿道端-端吻合是治疗前尿道狭窄的主要术式,无论何种手术均应细致操作,引流管通畅,支架管间断冲洗。  相似文献   

目的:探讨男性尿道狭窄手术对勃起功能以及性生活质量的影响因素。方法:回顾性分析326例行尿道重建手术男性患者的临床资料,并进行随访,分析年龄、尿道狭窄部位、长度、手术方式、手术次数、狭窄复发对术后勃起功能及性生活质量的影响。结果:共收集172例患者(52.8%)有效数据,平均随访时间28.5个月。手术后勃起功能(P=0.002)、性生活质量评分(P=0.026)较术前明显下降。术前56例(32.6%)患ED,术后88例患ED(51.2%),增加18.6%;术前勃起功能正常116例中有38例(32.8%)术后出现ED。结论:尿道狭窄部位、手术方式、术后尿道狭窄复发会降低尿道重建术后患者勃起功能、性生活质量。后尿道狭窄、采用经会阴途径尿道吻合患者术后ED发生率更大。勃起功能、性生活质量随着时间增长而逐渐改善。  相似文献   

尿道狭窄重建手术后性功能障碍发病率高,尤其以勃起功能障碍为主.然而,从事此方面的研究甚少.  相似文献   

We conducted a prospective study of erectile dysfunction (ED) after urethral reconstructive surgery, using the 5-item International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5), the Sexual Life Quality Questionnaire (SLQQ) and the Quality of Life Questionnaire (QoLQ). Between January 2003 and July 2007, 125 male patients with urethral strictures underwent urethroplasty, and pre- and post-surgery erectile function was assessed using these three questionnaires. A formula to predict the probability of ED after urethroplasty was derived. At 3 months post-operatively, there was a significant decrease in IIEF-5 (16.57 ± 7.98) and SLQQ scores (28.71 ± 14.84) compared with pre-operative scores (P < 0.05). However, the IIEF-5 scores rebounded at 6 months post-operatively (17.22 ± 8.41). Logistical regression analysis showed that the location of the urethral stricture, the recurrence of strictures and the choice of surgical technique were predictive of the post-operative occurrence of ED. This study identified the clinical risk factors for ED after urethroplasty. Posterior urethral stricture and end-to-end anastomosis were found to have a strong relationship with erectile function. The logistical model derived in this study may be applied to clinical decision algorithms for patients with urethral strictures.  相似文献   

Urethral strictures demand careful surgical management, and the authors from North Carolina describe the developing art of urethral surgery in the first of the mini‐reviews in this issue. The non‐surgical oncologists’ role in managing advanced and metastatic TCC is of great importance, and as urologists increasingly adopt a multi‐disciplinary approach to cancer, the next two mini‐reviews in this section should be of considerable interest. Finally, what is a prostasome? The possible importance of its role in prostate disease is described in the fourth paper.  相似文献   

Xie QX  Hang CX  Zhao L  Huang HW  Lin XC  Xie ZM  Hu Z  Zhu XZ  Xu WJ 《中华男科学杂志》2011,17(10):905-908
目的:评估应用改良尿道套入术治疗后尿道狭窄/闭锁的可行性和安全性,提高手术治疗效果。方法:对应用改良尿道套入术治疗的212例后尿道狭窄/闭锁患者进行回顾性分析,狭窄闭锁段长度1.5~12 cm。66例曾有1~4次失败尿道手术史,208例经会阴或腹会阴切口、4例经会阴+切除部分耻骨下缘切口。15例应用游离包皮内板或/和膀胱粘膜进行尿道替代成形。结果:198例(93.4%)术后排尿满意,其中16例分别行尿道扩张3~15次后排尿正常,14例失败者,10例再次、2例3次手术成功、1例长期尿道扩张、1例长期留置膀胱造瘘管,15例应用尿道替代物成形者14例1次取得成功、1例术后19个月仍定期尿道扩张,所有患者无严重并发症。结论:改良尿道套入术治疗后尿道狭窄/闭锁是可行、安全的,具有创伤小、操作简便、成功率高等优点。尿道狭窄段>5 cm者应考虑应用尿道替代物成形。  相似文献   

目的探讨自体组织替代治疗男性超长段尿道狭窄对勃起功能的影响。方法回顾性分析2003年1月—2007年1月间23例不同自体组织替代治疗患者的临床资料,并进行IIEF-5评分、QOL评分及最大尿流率的术前与术后随方观察。结果所有患者术后3月、6月随访时的QOL评分、最大尿流率较术前均有明显改善(P<0.01):而IIEF-5的平均评分无明显改变(P>0.05)。狭窄部位累及至后尿道时,患者勃起功能有减弱趋势(P<0.05),同期比较中术后3月、6月随访时狭窄部位累及至后尿道患者的IIEF-5平均值要显著低于单纯前尿道狭窄的患者(P<0.05)。狭窄累及后尿道患者多元线性回归分析中,年龄、受伤时间以及尿道狭窄段的长度与替代术后IIEF-5评分呈现多元线性相关。结论自体组织替代治疗男性超长段尿道狭窄对勃起功能影响不明显:狭窄段累及后尿道时则可能对患者勃起功能产生一定的影响。患者年龄、受伤时间对勃起功能起到协同影响作用。  相似文献   

复杂性后尿道狭窄81例治疗分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨复杂性后尿道狭窄或闭锁的手术治疗方法,提高手术治疗效果。方法1991~2008年收治的81例复杂性后尿道狭窄/闭锁患者,狭窄/闭锁段长度为3~10cm,其中〉5cm者27例;66例曾有1~4次手术史;62例行改良尿道套人术,19例尿道端端吻合术;73例经会阴或腹会阴切口,8例经耻骨或切除部分耻骨下缘切口。15例应用尿道替代物成形。结果76例(93.8%)术后排尿满意,5例失败,其中改良尿道套入术和尿道端端吻合术成功率分别为95.2%(59/62)、89.5%(17/19)(P〉0.05)。15例应用尿道替代物成形术均取得成功。结论复杂性后尿道狭窄/闭锁的治疗应根据尿道病变情况选择不同的手术径路及术式,改良尿道套入术具有创伤小、操作简便、成功率高等优点。尿道狭窄段〉5cm者应考虑应用尿道替代物成形。  相似文献   

《Surgery (Oxford)》2020,38(4):212-223
Urethral stricture disease is a commonly presenting problem to the urologist. Any condition that damages the urethral epithelium or underlying spongy tissue has the potential to cause a stricture. Patients with a urethral stricture can present either acutely or chronically with a range of urinary symptoms. An understanding of urethral stricture disease and a systematic approach to the history and investigations will enable clinicians to manage patients appropriately. This article aims to give an overview, appropriate for surgeons in there early years of training, on the aetiology, presentation and investigation of urethral stricture disease, as well as a basic understanding of the principles of management.  相似文献   

《Surgery (Oxford)》2023,41(5):290-301
Urethral stricture disease is a commonly presenting problem to the urologist. Any condition that damages the urethral epithelium or underlying spongy tissue has the potential to cause a stricture. Patients with a urethral stricture can present either acutely or chronically with a range of urinary symptoms. An understanding of urethral stricture disease and a systematic approach to the history and investigations will enable clinicians to manage patients appropriately. This article aims to give an overview, appropriate for surgeons in their early years of training, on the aetiology, presentation and investigation of urethral stricture disease, as well as a basic understanding of the principles of management.  相似文献   

《Surgery (Oxford)》2017,35(6):313-323
Urethral stricture disease is a commonly presenting problem to the urologist. Any condition that damages the urethral epithelium or underlying spongy tissue has the potential to cause a stricture. Patients with a urethral stricture can present either acutely or chronically with a range of urinary symptoms. An understanding of urethral stricture disease and a systematic approach to the history and investigations will enable clinicians to manage patients appropriately. This article aims to give an overview, appropriate for surgeons in there early years of training, on the aetiology, presentation and investigation of urethral stricture disease, as well as a basic understanding of the principles of management.  相似文献   

Staged buccal mucosa graft urethroplasty has emerged as a reliable procedure for difficult anterior urethral strictures not amenable to one-stage graft or flap reconstruction. It has primarily been used for strictures and/or fistulae occurring after previous surgery for hypospadias or those related to lichen sclerosus (LS). Success rates in these patient populations have improved when compared to earlier techniques. However, prior studies have demonstrated a number of patients requiring more than two procedures to complete the reconstruction, as well as some who have been content with their voiding pattern after the first operation and therefore elected to forego second stage tubularization. In this setting, we have reviewed the surgical technique and summarized previously published work. There may be an opportunity to complete more of these repairs in two operations using additional oral mucosa at the time of tubularization.  相似文献   

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