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A Spitz nevus is a melanocytic neoplasm of epithelioid and/or spindle cells that usually appears in childhood. These lesions are by nature benign, but their features can sometimes make them difficult to distinguish from melanomas. Spitzoid melanocytic lesions have been grouped into 3 types in recent decades: Spitz nevi, atypical Spitz tumors, and spitzoid melanomas. Atypical Spitz tumors are spitzoid melanocytic proliferations that have atypical histopathologic features that are insufficient to support a diagnosis of melanoma. The malignant potential of these lesions is at present uncertain. This review examines the clinical, dermoscopic, and histopathologic features of this group of lesions.  相似文献   

Spitz痣、非典型Spitz肿瘤和Spitz样黑素瘤的临床及组织学特征有重叠, 三者鉴别极具挑战。该文结合Spitz样肿瘤的临床和组织学特征, 综述其免疫组化特点和荧光原位杂交检测方法在本组疾病中的研究进展。  相似文献   

Melanocytic neoplasms with spitzoid morphology (Spitz nevi, atypical Spitz tumors, and spitzoid melanomas) may be benign or malignant. Because the malignant potential of atypical Spitz tumors is uncertain, the proper therapeutic approach has been much debated over the years. Promising new techniques for molecular analysis have enabled better predictions of the biological behavior of these tumors. We review their cytogenetic features and prognosis and also provide an update of the most recent recommendations for management.  相似文献   

Spitzoid lesions represent a challenging and controversial group of tumours, in terms of clinical recognition, biological behaviour and management strategies. Although Spitz naevi are considered benign tumours, their clinical and dermoscopic morphological overlap with spitzoid melanoma renders the management of spitzoid lesions particularly difficult. The controversy deepens because of the existence of tumours that cannot be safely histopathologically diagnosed as naevi or melanomas (atypical Spitz tumours). The dual objective of the present study was to provide an updated classification on dermoscopy of Spitz naevi, and management recommendations of spitzoid‐looking lesions based on a consensus among experts in the field. After a detailed search of the literature for eligible studies, a data synthesis was performed from 15 studies on dermoscopy of Spitz naevi. Dermoscopically, Spitz naevi are typified by three main patterns: starburst pattern (51%), a pattern of regularly distributed dotted vessels (19%) and globular pattern with reticular depigmentation (17%). A consensus‐based algorithm for the management of spitzoid lesions is proposed. According to it, dermoscopically asymmetric lesions with spitzoid features (both flat/raised and nodular) should be excised to rule out melanoma. Dermoscopically symmetric spitzoid nodules should also be excised or closely monitored, irrespective of age, to rule out atypical Spitz tumours. Dermoscopically symmetric, flat spitzoid lesions should be managed according to the age of the patient. Finally, the histopathological diagnosis of atypical Spitz tumour should warrant wide excision but not a sentinel lymph‐node biopsy.  相似文献   

Spitz nevi represent a distinct type of melanocytic nevi more commonly seen in childhood. Although typically benign, a subset of Spitz lesions raise concern and create a diagnostic dilemma as a result of confusing histology that involves characteristics of classic Spitz nevi intermixed with features of cutaneous melanoma. Such atypical Spitz lesions, or Spitzoid tumors of uncertain malignant potential, are difficult to classify and their biologic potential is uncertain. Nonetheless, these are critical tasks for both prognosis and clinical management. New tools, such as immunohistochemical stains, comparative genomic hybridization, and fluorescence in situ hybridization, have been used to provide further insight into these controversial lesions and to aid in their evaluation. In this review, we present our experience managing 6 cases of Spitzoid tumor of uncertain malignant potential and discuss the potential use of various diagnostic modalities, including sentinel lymph node biopsy, immunostaining, and molecular analysis.  相似文献   

Dermal melanophages are frequently encountered in both benign melanocytic nevi and malignant melanoma. In contrast, intraepidermal melanophages (IEM) are under‐recognized in melanocytic lesions and their biologic significance is not understood. Herein, we report the clinical and histopathologic features of five melanocytic lesions featuring IEM encountered prospectively in our dermatopathology practice at the University of Chicago. Two hundred and thirty‐one (231) archived skin primary melanocytic proliferations were also investigated retrospectively in a de‐identified, archival teaching set collection. Nineteen of 231 of the archived cases were positive for IEM. Among the total 24 IEM‐positive cases (5 prospective and 19 archived cases), 13 were categorized as Spitz nevi (p < 0.0001) and 3 as atypical Spitz tumors (p = 0.0152). Fourteen of 24 cases with IEM also exhibited intracorneal melanocytes (p < 0.0001). IEM are evidently not rare, especially in spitzoid melanocytic neoplasms. IEM in our series were significantly correlated with intracorneal melanocytosis, possibly indicating an association between IEM and suprabasal melanocytosis and/or transepidermal elimination of melanocytes.  相似文献   

Spitz nevus (SN) and Spitzoid malignant melanoma (SMM) represent benign and malignant counterparts at both ends of the spectrum of Spitzoid lesions. Atypical Spitzoid neoplasm (ASN) is a poorly defined and characterized category of melanocytic tumors with histologic features of both benign Spitz nevi and malignant melanomas. The group of ASN represents a mixture of Spitz nevi with atypical features and Spitzoid melanomas. However, at the current moment in time, histopathologists are not capable of differentiating between the 2 in some cases and are forced to place them in this ambiguous category, where the behavior of these lesions cannot be predicted with certainty. Because this group encompasses both benign and malignant lesions, and perhaps also a separate category of melanocytic tumors that behave better than conventional melanomas, some of these neoplasms can metastasize and kill patients, whereas others have no metastatic potential, and yet others might only metastasize to regional lymph nodes. Although diagnostic accuracy has improved over the years, many of these lesions remain controversial, and there is still poor interobserver agreement in classifying problematic Spitzoid lesions among experienced dermatopathologists. The objective of this review article is to summarize the most relevant information about SN and ASNs. At this time histologic examination remains the golden standard for diagnosing these melanocytic neoplasms. We therefore concentrate on the histopathologic, clinical, and dermoscopic aspects of these lesions. We also review the most recent advances in immunohistochemical and molecular diagnostics as well as discuss the controversies and dilemma regarding whether to consider sentinel lymph node biopsy for diagnostically ambiguous melanocytic neoplasms.  相似文献   

The spectrum of Spitz nevi: a clinicopathologic study of 83 cases   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECTIVE: To achieve a clinicopathologic classification of Spitz nevi by comparing their clinical, dermoscopic, and histopathologic features. DESIGN: Eighty-three cases were independently reviewed by 3 histopathologists and preliminarily classified into classic or desmoplastic Spitz nevus (CDSN, n = 11), pigmented Spitz nevus (PSN, n = 14), Reed nevus (RN, n = 16), or atypical Spitz nevus (ASN, n = 14); the remaining 28 cases were then placed into an intermediate category (pigmented Spitz-Reed nevus, PSRN) because a unanimous diagnosis of either PSN or RN was not reached. SETTING: University dermatology and pathology departments and general hospital pathology departments. PATIENTS: A sample of subjects with excised melanocytic lesions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Frequency of dermoscopic patterns within the different histopathologic subtypes of Spitz nevi. RESULTS: Overlapping clinical, dermoscopic, and histopathologic findings were observed among PSN, RN, and PSRN, thereby justifying their inclusion into the single PSRN diagnostic category. Asymmetry was the most frequent indicator of histopathologic ASN (79%; n = 11); in only 4 cases did dermoscopic asymmetry show no histopathologic counterpart, and in those cases the discrepancy was probably the result of an artifact of the gross sampling technique carried out with no attention to the dermoscopic features. CONCLUSIONS: Among Spitz nevi, histopathologic distinction between PSN and RN is difficult, not reproducible, and may be clinically useless. A simple clinicopathologic classification of these neoplasms might therefore be structured as CDSN, PSRN, and ASN. Asymmetry should be assessed using both dermoscopic and histopathologic analysis, and reliability in histopathologic diagnosis may be enhanced by the simultaneous evaluation of the corresponding dermoscopic images.  相似文献   

Rare reports indicate that the frequency of BRAFV600E mutations is high in atypical Spitz nevi. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the utility of the RAF/RAS mutational status as a diagnostic adjunct in lesions with histologic features that deviate from a typical Spitz nevus and, to examine expression of Insulin growth factor binding protein 7 (IGFBP7), a tumor suppressor acting through autocrine/paracrine pathways to inhibit BRAF‐MEK‐ERK signaling, in the same. Genomic DNA for genotyping was isolated from 6 regular Spitz nevi and 14 atypical spitzoid nevomelanocytic proliferations (including 1 melanoma with spitzoid histomorphology). NRAS1, NRAS2 and KRAS were analyzed, in addition to BRAFV600E. A mutation in BRAFV600E was noted in only one case–that of a regular Spitz nevus. IGFBP7 expression appeared to be maintained in this case, but was absent in 7/17 cases, which included 5 atypical spitzoid nevomelanocytic proliferations. Lack of expression of IGFBP7 in atypical spitzoid nevomelanocytic proliferations with histologically concerning features but BRAF‐WT indicates that the evolutionary path in atypical spitzoid nevomelanocytic proliferations is genetically distinct from that of IGFBP7‐negative BRAF‐positive melanoma. From an oncogenic BRAF perspective, our findings suggest that the majority of ‘atypical’ spitzoid nevomelanocytic proliferations are probably no different from conventional Spitz nevi. Emley A, Yang S, Wajapeyee N, Green MR, Mahalingam M. Oncogenic BRAF and the tumor suppressor IGFBP7 in the genesis of atypical spitzoid nevomelanocytic proliferations.  相似文献   

Polypoid Spitz nevus represents a spitzoid melanocytic neoplasm that frequently has worrying and challenging histopathological details. Distinction from polypoid melanoma may not be straightforward. Two cases of polypoid Spitz nevus with striking histopathological features were studied. One case had prolonged follow up (Case 1) and one patient had undergone sentinel lymph node biopsy (Case 2), and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis was also completed (both cases). Follow up and genetic analysis of three control cases of polypoid melanoma is also presented. Our clinical and genetic results suggest that both the polypoid Spitz nevi were benign. The patients are alive with no evidence of disease. FISH analysis did not show abnormalities with probes tested. This is in sharp contrast with the control cases of polypoid melanoma, wherein genomic alterations were detectable. Our data indicate that the two polypoid lesions presented here are most probably benign, despite their worrying histopathological features. More cases with long-term follow up and greater numbers of DNA probes are necessary to extend this conclusion to other ambiguous melanocytic tumors.  相似文献   

Abstract: Ichthyosis is a heterogeneous cornification disorder. Melanocytic lesions have not been previously described in association with ichthyosis. Their clinical importance lies in the fact that they may simulate melanoma clinically and dermoscopically, as seen in epidermolysis bullosa. The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical, dermoscopic, and histopathologic features of nevi and lentigines in 16 patients with autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis—lamellar ichthyosis and nonbullous ichthyosiform congenital erythroderma. Patients underwent general clinical examination dermoscopy. The more suspicious lesions were excised and to histopathologic examination. Most patients (n = 13) reported no personal or familial history of melanoma or atypical nevi. All of the patients had at least five atypical melanocytic lesions. Ten of the 16 patients had at least one atypical nevus or lentigo. This study suggests that increased atypical melanocytic nevi may be a feature of long‐standing congenital ichthyoses. Whether this finding is disease‐related or a coincidental observation is difficult to ascertain. As an unequivocal discrimination from malignant melanoma in vivo is not always possible, regular clinical follow‐up of patients with ichthyosis and increased or unusual nevi is recommended.  相似文献   

Because spitzoid melanoma shares many histopathologic features with Spitz nevus, it is one of the most difficult lesions to diagnose in dermatopathology. Uncertainty exists in the medical literature about how to diagnose melanocytic proliferations including Spitz nevus and spitzoid melanoma. A misdiagnosis of a melanoma as Spitz nevus is one of the most frequent causes of malpractice lawsuits in surgical pathology and dermatopathology. This contribution provides a review of the clinical presentation, histopathology, ancillary studies, treatment, and the differential diagnosis of spitzoid melanoma.  相似文献   

Melanocytic nevi encompass a variety of lesions, including blue, Spitz, congenital, and acquired nevi. These nevi can occasionally manifest clinical morphologies resembling melanoma, and the presence of such nevi in children can elicit anxiety in patients, parents, and clinicians. Dermoscopy has been shown to increase the diagnostic accuracy for melanoma and to help differentiate melanoma from nevi, ultimately aiding in the decision‐making process as to whether to perform a biopsy. Dermoscopy is the perfect instrument to use during the evaluation of pigmented skin lesions in children because it is painless and provides important information for the clinician that can assist in formulating appropriate management decisions. This review highlights the most common benign dermoscopic patterns encountered in nevi and discuss the 10 most common dermoscopic structures seen in melanomas. Lesions manifesting a benign dermoscopic pattern and lacking any melanoma‐specific structures do not need to be excised and can safely be monitored. In contrast, melanomas will invariably deviate from the benign nevus patterns and will usually manifest at least 1 of the 10 melanoma‐specific structures: atypical network, negative network, streaks, crystalline structures, atypical dots and globules, irregular blotch, blue‐white veil, regression structures, peripheral brown structureless areas, and atypical vessels. It is important to be cognizant of the fact that melanomas in childhood usually do not manifest the clinical ABCD features. Instead, they are often symmetric, amelanotic, nodular lesions. Although the clinical appearance may not be alarming, with dermoscopy they will invariably manifest at least one melanoma‐specific structure, the most common being atypical vascular structures and crystalline structures.  相似文献   

Both classic and atypical Spitz nevi are uncommon melanocytic lesions usually presenting in children and adolescents. The classic Spitz nevus typically is benign and has characteristic clinical and histologic features. In contrast, the atypical Spitz nevus has an unknown clinical prognosis, and its clinical and histologic traits are loosely defined. Melanoma can have similar features to both classic and atypical Spitz nevi and must be ruled out in all cases. We review the literature on classic and atypical Spitz nevi, advances in differentiating both types of nevi from melanoma, and treatment options.  相似文献   

Immunosuppressive regimens may have significant impact on the number of pigmented lesions and the clinical appearance of nevi. Whether immunosuppression can also influence the clinical and histopathologic appearance of malignant melanocytic lesions is still a matter of debate. A patient was immunosuppressed because of heart and bone marrow transplantation. A clinically inconspicuous mole was removed from the left flank and was considered to be a papillomatous nevus. After 1 year, the patient developed multiple pigmented lesions over the entire body, which presented clinically as benign papillomatous nevi and histologically as atypical Spitz nevi. Three months later melanoma metastases were removed from the patient's left axilla, which finally resulted in the death of the patient. Thus, in retrospect, the eruptive pigmented lesions have to be considered as cutaneous melanoma metastases. The atypical clinical and histopathologic appearance of the melanocytic lesions as well as the course of disease may have been influenced by the immunosuppression.  相似文献   

Background: Previous studies have successfully classified 86% of malignant melanomas using a relative‐color segmentation method, by feature extraction from photographic images in the automatic identification of skin tumors. These studies were extended by applying the relative‐color method to dermoscopic images of melanoma grouped with melanoma in situ and clark nevus lesions in dermoscopic images allow more control over lighting variations, which contribute to lesion misclassification. Dermoscopic images then enable a more detailed examination of the structure of skin lesions, provide much more structural detail within lesions, and contain visual information that cannot be seen in photographic images. This present work extends the previous studies by applying relative‐color feature extraction to dermoscopic images to differentiate among melanoma, seborrheic keratoses and Reed/Spitz nevi. Objective: To develop a method for automatically differentiating among malignant melanoma, seborrheic keratoses and Reed/Spitz nevi, using digitized, color, dermoscopic images. Methods: Images underwent preprocessing, tumor segmentation, feature extraction and tumor classification. The relative‐color method was used in the segmentation stage. Classification was accomplished by taking the inner products of model tumor feature vectors with test‐image tumor vectors followed by the nearest‐neighbor classification method. Results: The classification rates of melanoma, seborrheic keratoses and Reed/Spitz nevi images mixed together, were 60%, 58.3% and 80%, respectively. Classification of melanoma and Reed/Spitz nevi mixed, were 70% and 90%, respectively. Classification rates were the best when melanoma was being differentiated from seborrheic keratoses. These rates were 100% and 88.9%, respectively. Conclusion: Dermoscopic rather than photographic images were preprocessed, using a hair‐removal technique. They were then converted to relative‐color images, which were segmented using the principal components transform and median split, followed by morphological filtering. After processing, the multi‐dimensional tumor feature space described herein was used to differentiate the tumors. The high success rates for differentiating seborrheic keratoses from melanoma show that the use of dermoscopic images has a strong promise in enabling prescreening, as well as automated assistance and significant improvement in tumor diagnosis in clinics.  相似文献   

The differentiation between atypical variants of Spitz nevus and melanoma is often difficult given the many clinical and histopathologic similarities between the two. We report a case of an infant with a congenital scalp lesion exhibiting clinical features of melanoma, including variegation and regression of pigmentation and a rapidly changing appearance. Histologic examination of the excised lesion revealed a benign congenital Spitz nevus. This case emphasizes the need for clinical and histologic correlation in determining the benign or malignant nature of atypical pigmented lesions in infants.  相似文献   

The T1796A mutation of the BRAF gene is absent in Spitz nevi   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: BRAF, a serine/threonine kinase, is a component of the retrovirus-associated sequence (RAS)-RAF-extracellular-regulated protein kinase (ERK)-MAP kinase signal transduction pathway mediating signals from RAS to ERK. The T1796A single point mutation in exon 15 of the BRAF gene has recently been reported in a high percentage of malignant melanomas and benign melanocytic lesions such as congenital nevi, compound nevi, intradermal nevi and dysplastic nevi. The T1796A mutation has been shown to promote cell proliferation. METHODS: We screened 21 Spitz nevi and six spitzoid malignant melanomas for the presence of the T1796A BRAF mutation. RESULTS: The T1796A BRAF mutation could not be detected in any of the 21 Spitz nevi but was present in two of the six spitzoid malignant melanomas. CONCLUSIONS: Our results, in conjunction with data from a previous investigation, suggest that the melanocytic proliferation of Spitz nevi might be induced by components of the RAS-RAF-ERK-MAP kinase pathway different from BRAF, possibly combined with other genetic aberrations. The lack of the T1796A BRAF mutation might be of practical importance in distinguishing Spitz nevi from other melanocytic lesions simulating Spitz nevi as a part of a future complex diagnostic assay.  相似文献   

Spitz nevus is an uncommon, benign melanocytic neoplasm that shares many clinical and histological features with melanoma. It presents clinical ambiguity that makes the diagnosis and management of the patient difficult. We present our experience in the management of Spitz nevus by rigorous dermoscopic long-term follow-up of 8 Spitz nevi in patients younger than 12 years. Dermoscopic images, acquired every 6 months, show evolution and modifications of these lesions. The aim of this paper is to better understand the long-term modifications of nevi with starburst pattern to avoid surgical excision of these lesions in the pediatric age group.  相似文献   

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