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目的:了解受教育程度和职业对80后新生代生育孩子数量选择的影响。方法:按照学历教育和职业分类,分析各学历和职业人群意愿生育孩子数量构成。结果:不同受教育程度者打算不要孩子比例有明显差异(χ2=84.80,P<0.01);意愿生育多子女(≥3个)的比例也有差异(χ2=69.42,P<0.01)。不同职业者打算不要孩子的比例有差异(χ2=95.44,P<0.01),意愿生育多子女(≥3个)的比例没有差异(χ2=10.88,P>0.05)。不同学历和不同职业人群均不愿意多生育孩子,96%以上的调查对象认为生育1~2个孩子为好,意愿生育2个孩子者多于生育1个者(10%)。打算不要孩子和多要孩子的均以高学历的研究生居多,分别占4.12%和4.84%。结论:受教育程度和职业对80后新生代生育子女数量选择的影响已逐渐降低。  相似文献   

目的 了解丽水地区育龄妇女在“三孩”生育政策下再生育意愿情况,分析不愿再生育的影响因素,为优化生育政策的实施与完善提供参考依据。方法 2022年1—2月,对在妇幼保健机构门诊体检的儿童母亲进行问卷调查,分析个人基本情况、有无再生育意愿及影响因素;采用单因素分析及多因素Logistic回归分析。结果 (1) 5 647人中有再生育意愿992人(17.6%),无再生育意愿4 655人(82.4%)。(2)母亲年龄中20岁~、25岁~、30岁~、35~<40岁相对于≥45岁,为危险因素,即更愿意再生育;已育小孩数为保护因素,即2个小孩的较1个小孩的更不愿意再生育。(3)不愿意再生育的影响因素前几位依次为育儿费用太高(82.9%)、育儿精力不足(81.9%)、教育费用太高(80.3%)、买房/偿还房贷压力大(67.4%)和无人帮忙抚养(58.7%)。结论 丽水地区育龄妇女再生育意愿总体偏低,建议政府制定合理的激励措施,提高育龄妇女再生育意愿。  相似文献   

采用随机抽样、入户调查方法,对北京市房山区24个乡168对夫妻进行优生培训及生育意愿调查。优生 培训率为38.6%,夫妻双方主张生育一子女率为81.0%。夫妻生育意愿一致率为88.0%,不同职业、不同文化优生培训 率和生育意愿明显不同。  相似文献   

目的分析四川省流动人口的二孩生育意愿,对我国实施全面开放二孩政策提供参考依据。方法就2014年四川省流动人口动态监测数据对"打算再生育一孩"、"不打算再生育一孩"和"尚不确定是否要再生一孩"的3组数据进行了卡方检验,对流动人口二孩生育意愿的影响因素进行了多因素Logistic回归分析。结果流动人口的年龄、性别、经济水平、是否为独生子女、婚姻状况和是否有在工作所在城市长期居住的意愿均为影响二孩生育意愿的影响因素。结论提高流动人口收入水平;合理设置流动人口积分入户标准,让更多的流动人口能在城市定居下来;全面加强妇幼保健能力建设;为有再生育意愿的妇女提供就业保障;积极推行全面开放二孩政策。  相似文献   

目的:了解西北地区高校大学生的生育意愿及其影响因素,分析其形成的内在动力和外部条件,揭示社会、经济发展对高学历人群生育意愿影响的范围和程度,为西北地区实施和调整计划生育政策提供科学依据。方法:以西北地区8所高校的在校大学生为对象,问卷调查和实地走访相结合调查其生育意愿及影响因素。随机抽样发放调查问卷1 000份。实地走访各高校若干名同学,讨论所填问卷的真实性和客观性。数据统计分析,针对问卷多选题回答百分比最大的前几项。结果:回收有效问卷960份,其中男生497份、女生463份。统计分析发现,70.8%的大学生婚后选择生育,爱情和亲情因素被认为是生育的首要目的,经济和物质条件是影响生育意愿的核心因素;多数大学生选择30岁以前婚育,近半数认为一男一女是最佳的子女构成;他们对子女的教育预期较高,但对子女的职业预期持理解和宽容的态度。结论:西北地区高校大学生的生育意愿基本和社会大众对他们的预期相符,自主性和理想性强,重感情和家庭,比较重事业、也有社会责任感;已摒弃了重男轻女、男尊女卑思想,子女性别构成更趋理智和成熟;多数对子女的教育和职业期望比较高但多理解、支持和宽容;同时,受当地社会、经济发展水平和保障程度的极大影响。  相似文献   

生育意愿影响因素的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘霖  李大斌 《职业与健康》2009,25(6):649-651
在20世纪的后20年里,我国不少学者已对生育意愿进行了较多的理论考察和调查研究。一般认为,生育意愿是人们对自身生育行为的内在期望和主观愿望。它对一个国家或地区的生育水平和人口发展起决定性的作用。对生育意愿的研究将对我国计划生育政策及相应法规的制定、完善、实施具有重要的指导作用。研究中,有学者认为生育意愿包括数量、性别和时间3个维度,即理想子女数、性别偏好、理想(婚)育龄和生育间隔。笔者现将生育意愿影响因素的研究进展综述如下。  相似文献   

张冲  李想 《中国卫生统计》2020,(6):902-904+907
目的探讨女性生育意愿与生育行为偏离的影响因素,为相关决策部门提供参考。方法基于2012、2013、2015三年的中国综合社会调查(CGSS)数据,运用有序logistic回归模型,研究女性生育意愿与生育行为偏离的影响因素。结果女性生育意愿与生育行为数量上的偏离受到城乡、年龄、初婚年龄、学历、当前阶层认同、养老保险、养老责任认同、重男轻女观念、生育自由认同、工作经历、子女性别结构等因素的影响,而性别上的偏离仅受到宗教信仰、工作经历、子女性别结构三个方面的影响。结论在持续低生育水平的今天,扭转生育意愿与生育行为的偏离,促进人口长期均衡发展,已经不能单靠全面二孩政策,需要采取多方面的保障措施,保障女性生育意愿转化为实际生育行为。  相似文献   

目的:了解深圳市企业青年流动人口的生育意愿及其影响因素.方法:于2012年5~8月以自填式问卷的方式对深圳市南山区4家流动人口集中的企业,1980~1999年以及小部分1980年以前出生的非深圳户籍、已婚和未婚男女员工进行调查,包括:一般人口学特征、生育意愿(生育子女数、性别、生育年龄、生育间隔时间)、影响因素(社会因素、政策因素、个人因素、家庭因素).结果:共回收有效问卷98份,调查对象86.1%为80后;89.3%为农村户籍;60.4%已婚,其中62.0%已生育.调查对象平均理想子女数为1.87,理想生育年龄是25.5岁,最佳生育间隔是3.57年.希望生育2个子女者中性别取向希望一男一女者占97.8%.在政策要求只能生育一孩时,男孩偏好占48.0%,而政策允许可以生育二孩时,有71.6%的调查对象会选择.性别、出生年份、职业、文化程度、经济收入、在深圳居住时间、是否是独生子女等不同人口学情况的调查对象其生育意愿有差异;调查对象不同的生育目的、养老方式、不生育所承担的社会压力等因素与生育意愿相关.结论:“晚生、少生、优生、生男生女都一样”的现代婚育观念已成为青年流动人口的自觉行为,同时重男轻女和养儿防老的传统生育观念仍然存在,不可忽视.生育目的不同会影响人们的生育意愿,生育政策对生育行为的影响至关重要.  相似文献   

目的了解已婚孕产妇生育状况、生育意愿及其影响因素。方法随机抽取泰安市两个社区育龄妇女620例进行调查,收集人口学特征、生育状况、生育意愿等资料,并进行二孩生育意愿的影响因素分析。结果有二孩生育意愿的320例占51.61%,希望生育两个以上98例占15.81%;在年龄、文化程度、职业、家庭收入和医疗费用的支出形式比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05);为探讨多种因素对孕产妇生育意愿的影响,以是否有二孩生育意愿为因变量,以年龄、文化程度、民族、职业、经济状况、医疗费用的支出和是否为独生子女为自变量进行多元线性回归分析。采用逐步筛查法筛选自变量,经筛选后有3个因素进入回归模型:婚孕状况、独生子女、家庭年均收入,总贡献率为3.60%。决定不生育二孩的原因依次为"生育孩子成本太高"(270例,占43.54%)、"教育孩子困难"(152例,占24.52%)、"影响个人事业发展"(105例,占16.94%)和父辈压力(92例,占14.84%)。结论社区育龄妇女二孩的生育意愿较高,多种因素影响生育意愿,婚孕状况、独生子女、经济状况是决定生育的重要因素。  相似文献   

目的:探讨阴道分娩自我效能、生育意愿及其他已知因素对上海市某区孕中期初产妇剖宫产意愿的影响。方法:对2010年12月~2011年5月到上海市某区仅有的2所接产医院建立大卡(初次产检)的482名孕中期初产妇进行问卷调查,调查内容包括自我效能、生育意愿、个人基本情况、对分娩方式的认知和分娩意愿等。结果:孕中期初产妇剖宫产意愿比例达12.1%。三个多因素Logistic回归模型的对比发现,阴道分娩自我效能和一胎意愿是剖宫产意愿的两个独立的相关因素。孕妇阴道分娩自我效能得分每增加1分,阴道分娩意愿可能性增至1.198倍(P<0.01);打算只生1个孩子的孕妇剖宫产意愿是不打算或未考虑过者的2.143倍(P<0.05)。此外,年龄大、有生育保险、对分娩方式有错误认知的孕妇更倾向于有剖宫产意愿。结论:卫生保健服务提供者应努力帮助孕妇提高阴道分娩的自我效能。建议可进一步研究计划生育政策与剖宫产意愿及行为的关系。  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo assess factors associated with routine pregnancy intention screening by primary care physicians and their support for such an initiative.Study designWe conducted a cross-sectional survey study of 443 primary care physicians in New York State. We performed multivariable logistic regression analyses of physician support for routine pregnancy intention screening and implementation of screening in the last year. Predictors included in the models were physician age, sex, specialty, clinic setting, and, for the outcome of support for screening, experience with screening in the last year.ResultsIn this convenience sample, the vast majority of respondents from all specialties (88%) felt pregnancy intention screening should be routinely included in primary care, with 48% reporting that they routinely perform such screening. The preferred wording for this question was one which assessed reproductive health service needs. In multivariable analyses, internal medicine physicians were less likely than family medicine physicians to have provided routine pregnancy intention screening (aOR = 0.15, 95% CI 0.09, 0.25). Only 8% of the sample reported they required more training to implement pregnancy intention screening, but more reported needing training prior to contraceptive provision (17%), contraceptive counseling (16%), and preconception care (15%). More internal medicine and other types of doctors cited a need for this additional training than family medicine physicians.ConclusionsMost responding primary care physicians supported routine integration of pregnancy intention screening. Incorporating additional training, especially for internal medicine physicians, in contraception and preconception care counseling is key to ensuring success.Implications statementResponding primary care physicians supported routine inclusion of reproductive health needs assessment in primary care. Primary care may become increasingly important for ensuring access to a full range of reproductive health services. Providing necessary training, especially for internal medicine physicians, is needed prior to routine inclusion.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to examine the association between partner/marital status and several health outcomes among workers and to assess whether it depends on gender and occupational social class. The sample was composed of all workers aged 21-64 years interviewed in the 2006 Spanish National Health Survey (8563 men and 5881 women). Partner/marital status had seven categories: married and living with the spouse (reference category), married and not living with the spouse, cohabiting, single and living with parents, single and not living with parents, separated/divorced and widowed. Four health outcomes were analysed: self-perceived health status, mental health, psychiatric drugs consumption and hypertension. Multiple logistic regression models stratified by sex and social class were fitted. Female manual workers who were cohabiting were more likely to report poor self-perceived health status, poor mental health status, psychiatric medication consumption and hypertension than their married and living with the spouse counterparts. In that group the prevalence of poor health outcomes was even higher when compared with single people. Among male non-manual workers, being married and not living with the spouse was associated with poor self-perceived health status, poor mental health status and hypertension. There were almost no differences in health between being married and the rest of partner/marital status categories for different combinations of gender and social class and, even, some groups of single people reported better health outcomes than people who were married. Our results show no evidence that being married and living with the spouse is unequivocally linked to better health status among Spanish workers. They emphasize the importance of not only considering marital status, but also partner status, as well as the role of gender, social class and the sociocultural context in the analysis of the association between family characteristics and health.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the association of educational level and marital status with dietary intake, obesity and other cardiovascular risk factors. 733 subjects, 408 women and 325 men, aged between 20-60 years, were randomly selected from the participants of the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study. Data on educational level, and marital status were obtained by a questionnaire. Following measurement of weight, height, waist and hip according to standard protocol, body mass index (BMI) and waist to hip ratio (WHR) were calculated. Dietary intake was assessed by completing two 24-hour dietary recalls during face to face interviews. Serum cholesterol, triglycerides levels, and HDL cholesterol were measured after 12-14 hours fasting. Subjects were divided into four groups based on educational levels: illiterate or low literacy, intermediary school, high school and university graduates. Adjusted for age, increases in triglycerides levels in men with high educational levels were observed. In women with different educational levels, none of the studied variables differed. In married men total energy intake (3001 ± 625 vs. 2905 ± 543 Kcal/d, P < 0.05) and iron intake (29.0±8.1 vs. 28.1± 10 mg/d, P < 0.05) were significantly higher than in single men. BMI and WHR in single women were lower than in married ones (P < 0.05) and HDL-cholesterol was higher in single men (P < 0.05) and women (P < 0.01). We concluded that educational level and marital status has an association with BMI, WHR, serum lipid levels and dietary intake, in men and women.  相似文献   

This study asked whether physicians would prioritize HPV vaccination on the basis of a young woman's relationship status and HPV history (i.e., abnormal Pap test, HPV infection or HPV-related disease). Eight hundred physicians identified as HPV vaccinators in a US claims database were surveyed. Prioritization was assessed on a 0-10 rating scale (from extremely low to extremely high priority). Physicians gave lower priority to vaccinating patients who were married or in a long-term monogamous relationship, with mean (SD) scores of 5.76 (2.82) and 6.80 (2.48), respectively, than for patients who were single and either dating or not dating, with mean (SD) scores of 9.8 (0.68) and 9.22 (1.61), respectively; p < .0001 for all pair-wise comparisons. Physicians did not differentially prioritize vaccination on the basis of previous HPV-related disease or abnormal Pap test. Despite epidemiologic evidence that women in long-term relationships remain at risk for HPV infection, physicians gave them lower priority for vaccination.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown an association between maritalstatus and mortality, with most of them finding a lower mortalityin married as compared to unmarried persons. The purpose ofthis study is to show the differences in mortality from theleading causes of death by marital status among men and womenin Spain. An analysis was made of persons aged 25 years andolder who died in Spain during 1991. The mortality differencesby marital status and sex were analysed for all the deaths andfor the most frequent causes of death, using the ratios of age-adjusteddeath rates calculated from Poisson log—linear models.For both men and women, mortality was always higher in singleand widowed persons than in married persons, except for a non-statisticallysignificant mortality from diabetes mellitus and cirrhosis ofthe liver in single women. Divorced and separated men had ahigher mortality than married men for all the causes of deathtaken together; the mortality among divorced and separated women,on the other hand, was lower than in married women. Divorcedand separated men and women generally had a lower mortalitythan married persons for the different causes of death, exceptfor traffic accidents, suicide, cirrhosis of the liver and HIVinfection, where it was higher. The results obtained are similarto the findings of most studies in other countries, in whicha lower mortality has been observed in married persons as comparedto those who are widowed or single. However, the data showingthat divorced and separated persons have a lower mortality fromsome causes of death than married persons stand in contrastto most published studies. This work has shown that unmarriedpersons are not a homogeneous group, in that divorced and separatedpersons are very different from those who are single or widowed.  相似文献   

The South Australian perinatal statistics collection for 1988 was used to consider the association of low socio-economic status in metropolitan Adelaide (South Australia) with maternal demographic and obstetric characteristics and pregnancy outcome in 12047 singleton births. Socio-economic status — low, middle or high — was inferred from the socio-economic rating of the postcode of residence.Chi-squared analyses were carried out to test for significant trends in proportions of pregnancy and pregnancy outome variables across the socio-economic groupings. There was trend for the proportions of adverse obstetric and perinatal outcomes to decrease with increasing level of socio-economic status.Logistic regression analysis, adjusted for maternal age, marital status, race, parity and gestational age, confirmed the findings of the trend analyses, namely that mothers from the poor socio-economic areas were at a greater risk for poor pregnancy outcome. These poor outcomes included Apgar scores of less that 7 at both 1 and 5 minutes after birth, delay in onset of regular breathing of 5 minutes or longer; the need for intubation; the use of narcotic antagonists; low birthweight of under 2500 g; the need for special nursey care; and neonatal death.  相似文献   

山西省农村居民艾滋病知识与歧视状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解山西省某地农村居民艾滋病相关知识知晓程度及歧视现状。方法采用单纯随机抽样的方法抽取艾滋病病毒感染者和患者(PLHA)所在村的普通村民246人和无PLHA所在村的村民213人进行访谈式问卷调查。结果无PLHA村的村民艾滋病传播途径知识知晓率为81.0%,非传播途径知识知晓率为82.8%;PLHA所在村的普通村民艾滋病传播途径知识知晓率为89.9%,非传播途径知识知晓率为91.8%。无PLHA村的村民歧视得分为8.4分;PLHA所在村普通村民歧视得分为5.8分。对PLHA最有可能采取的歧视行为是不和感染者一起同桌吃饭、不购买感染者家生产的商品或副食品、不让自家小孩和感染者的小孩一起玩耍。多重线性回归分析显示,无PLHA村的村民非传播途径知识得分越高,越年轻者,对PLHA的歧视程度越低;PLHA所在村的普通村民非传播途径知识、传播途径知识得分及文化程度越高者,歧视程度越低。结论 PLHA所在村的普通村民艾滋病歧视程度低于无PLHA村的村民;艾滋病相关知识缺乏是导致艾滋病歧视的最主要原因。  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the influence of marriage on health-related behavior in Asian populations. The present study examined the effect of marital status on smoking in Korea. Data from two rounds of a nationally representative survey (1999 and 2003) were analyzed (57,246 women and 52,769 men). Marital status-specific prevalence ratios for smoking were estimated using log binomial regression after adjusting for age, survey year, occupation and education level. Smoking prevalence declined with age for men, but rose for women. Smoking rates were higher for unmarried men and women compared to their married counterparts. However, the gap in smoking rates between unmarried and married women (especially younger women <45 years) was much greater than the gap between unmarried and married men. The study found that marital status had a stronger protective influence on smoking in women than men, which contrasts with the gender pattern reported previously in western studies. The findings suggest the influence of a culture which discourages married women from smoking, and "liberates" divorced women from cultural sanctions against smoking in marriage.  相似文献   

目的了解安徽省某高校大学生的心理健康状况,为有针对性开展大学生心理保健和心理咨询工作提供依据。方法采用分层随机整群抽样方法,抽取安徽省某高校大学生279人,进行一般情况和症状自评量表(SCL-90)的问卷调查。结果SCL-90总分≥160分的大学生有65人,占23.3%。大学生中出现较多的心理问题依次是强迫(38.3%)、人际敏感(25.1%)和抑郁(21.6%)。调查对象的躯体化、强迫、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖、精神病性6个因子得分分别为1.41±0.46分、1.86±0.57分、1.65±0.52分、1.54±0.51分、1.40±0.46分和1.48±0.45分,与国内青年常模比较,其差异有统计学意义(P0.05或P0.01)。不同专业大学生的SCL-90总均分间的差异有统计学意义(P0.01),其中文科总均分最高,为1.75±0.57分,理科总均分最低,为1.30±0.32分。结论大学生心理健康状况堪忧,学校应高度重视,采取有效的措施进行干预。  相似文献   

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