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Injectable bovine collagen has been used clinically for years.But both the necessity of repeated injections to maintain corrections and the question of adverse allergic reactions developing from the use of a xenogenic collagen have been an area of serious concern.To overoome these adyerse effects,we have developed injectable collagen preparations from human placenta.Gamma irradiation was used for sterilization and crosslinking of the collagen.We observed the mouse immune respose to gamma-irradiated human placenta soluble and insoluble collagen follow-ing multiple injections.After six injections of these materials,no total IgG level increase was found,nor was anti-body specifically directed against human collagen found.Mouse antibody levels were also observed following Zyderm Ⅱ and Zyplast repetitive injections and follow-ing repetitive implantations of coated vicryl and chromic gut.No humoral immune response was found in this het-erologous type system.  相似文献   


INTRODUCTIONTelomerasemaycontributetocellreplicationbymaintainingthelengthofcellulartelomeres.Normaltelomeraseactivityisrequiredtomaintainprolifera-tionofgermlineandstemcells,lackingofwhichisimportanttothesenescenceandagingofmostsomat-iccells.Reactivationoftelomeraseisessentialforcelltransformation.Telomeraseactivityhasbeende-tectedinmosthumancancers,whileinhibitionoftelomeraseactivityincancercellsleadstocancersuppression(1,2).Consequentlytelomerasemaybeanewdiagnosticmarkeroftumorsandtarg…  相似文献   

The natural gonadotropin-releasing hormone ( GnRH ) is apt to be degraded by the peptidascs. In addition, the low level of GnRH in the peripheral circulation makes it diffucult to measure.  相似文献   

This study compares the persistence and histological characteristics of gut suture with those of human amnion collagen ,bovine collagen ,and Vicryl suture implants in rats. Gut suture and human amnion collagen more resembled living tissue than did bovine collagen and were characterized by their cellularity and the presence of numerous capillaries. The Vicryl suture implants were quickly absorbed. Picrcalrius polarization revealed the synthesis of host collagen by rat fibroblasts which immigrated into the gut suture and human amnion collagen implants. The authors suggest the potential of gut suture as a soft tissue substitute to improve linear skin contour deficits.  相似文献   

<正> Human peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations were identified by immunofluorescence withlabelled monoclonal antibodies against surface antigens (CD3/CD19, CD3/CD16/CD56 and CD4/CD8) and T, B, NK and T subsets were scored by flow cytometry on a FACScan. Blood samples were irradiated with 25-250 mGy X-rays and cultured for 72 hours in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with fetal calf serum. It was found that the percentage of total and helper T cells as well as the helper to suppressor T ratio increased with time at the expense of B and NK cells while the suppressor T subset was kept around the normal level. The general pattern of the change with time in culture was not significantly influenced by low dose radiation within 0. 1 Gy. There was no prcferntial deletion of the suppressor T subset with the doses used in the present study. Combining previous data with similar observations on the T subsets in immune organs and peripheral blood in mice after low dose whole-body irradiation, the authors emphasized t  相似文献   


The effect of rhG-CSF (Filgrastim by Amgen Co.as Neupogen and Kirin Co.as Gran) was evaluated in 20 patients with leukemia after allogeneic  相似文献   

Human bone morphogenetic protein 2A (hBMP2A) cDNA terminal 567 nucleotides were cloned and expressed in a phage display vector pCSM2I. Hulnata BMP2A C-terminal peptide displayed on the surface of the phage can bind specifically to the sttrface of mouse osteoblastie cell (MC3T3) membrane. ELISA assay showed a positive signal of the binding by using antibody against M13 phage gene 8 protein. After labeling with ^3HTdR,the counts of the binding groups were 3 to 10 times higher than the control groups. It suggests that the‘surface of MC3T3 cells exist the recepzor for hBMP2A.  相似文献   

In the present study,four different proteases (pepsin,papain,bromelain and ficin) were screened with a murine monoclonal antibody OC859,in order to verify whether different digestion procedures could improve yield and stability of the F(ab‘)2 or Fab fragments.The yields of F(ab‘)2 or Fab fragments from digestion with pepsin,papain,bromelain and ficin were respectively 20.3 /-2.0%,50.5% /-5.0%,74.4 /-2.7% and 82.8 /-10.2% of the theoretical maximum.Immunoreactivity in a noncompetitive solid-phase radioimmunoassay (SPRIA) of the fragments generated by the four proteases were respectively 10 /-5%,36 /-5%,60 /-6% and 75 /-6% of the intact OC859 IgG.These results suggested that the fragmentation of OC859 with ficin gave a higher yield of superior immunoreactive fragments.  相似文献   

①目的 观察酸碱度对人胎盘碱性磷酸酶(HPAP)活性的影响。②方法 应用分光光度法测定不同酸碱度下HPAP的活性。③结果 在该测定条件下.HPAP的最适pH为11.0,在pH7.0~11.5之间稳定;pH升高,酶活性明显降低。④结论 HPAP在碱性环境中稳定。  相似文献   

本实验条件下,醛还原酶的最适反应温度为40℃。在25—45℃范围内,K_(iNADPH)随温度上升而增大,K_(mD-)葡萄糖醛酸(K_(mD-Glu))随温度上升而减小,25℃时K_(mNADPH)值最小,反应的活化能为4521±653Cal/mol。温度越高,Alr1的ΔG~≠越大,约3/4的ΔG~≠用以维持过渡态酶一底物复合物的空间构象,以增加分子的有序程度。  相似文献   

目的探讨妊娠早期人体胎盘中单胺氧化酶(MAO-A)活性与早期妊娠的关系。②方法应用分光光度法检测了妊娠5~9周人体胎盘绒毛中MAO-A活性。③结果随妊娠周数的增加,MAO-A活性增加。第8,9周胎盘绒毛中MAO-A活性明显高于第5周(F=5.44,q=3.73,5.54,P<0.05,0.01)和第6周(q=3.07,4.83,P<0.05,0.01)。其他各组间比较,差异无显著性(q=0.10~2.69,P>0.05)。④结论妊娠早期人体胎盘绒毛中MAO-A活性的变化,可能与妊娠过程神经递质或激素的合成和释放有关。  相似文献   

人胎盘提取组织凝血活酶及其质量评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用人胎盘抽提得组织凝血活酶,并对其质量进行了评价,同时初步应用于临床。结果显示:用含表面活性剂的抽提剂粉碎抽提的效果较好,所得组织凝血活酶重复性、灵敏度、稳定性均令人满意;与上海荣盛生物制品厂生产的PT试剂盒比较相关性好:Y=2.75+0.905x,r=0.9253,经相关系数t检验,t=26.5469,P<0.001,呈直线正相关。临床初步应用显示:肝病及抗凝治疗等病人PT时间明显延长,93例正常人x=11.3秒,s=0.96秒,正常范围9.42-13.18秒。  相似文献   

KELOID is the dermal disease of excess collagendeposition.Most therapeutic methods to treatthe disease,such as radiation and steroid,etc.,focus on interfering in keloid fibroblast collagen metabo-lism.1Quercetin is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine.I…  相似文献   

鼠尾肌腱胶原蛋白的提取及凝胶的制备   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
为了探索鼠尾肌腱胶原蛋白在实验医学中的应用,用简单的方法溶解新鲜大白鼠鼠尾肌腱,从中提取较纯的胶原蛋白,制成胶原凝胶。将提取的胶原蛋白液进行定性、定量鉴定。结果:提取液主要为I型胶原蛋白:72小时37℃恒温培养箱内培养无细菌生长;紫外分光度计测定,吸收高峰为230nm;氨基酸成分主要为甘氨酸:占40%,脯氨酸:14.3%,显微镜下见:相互交织的胶原原纤维结构组成的网状结构;纤维均匀,有规则横纹。胶  相似文献   

应用免疫荧光法检测华枝睾吸虫病特异性抗体的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用华枝睾吸虫成虫冰冻切片做抗原,以间接免疫荧光法检测了46份华枝睾吸虫病人血清中特异性IgG抗体。当血清1:10和1:20稀释时,阳性率分别为89.1%(41/46)和60.9%(28/46)。提示本法可能成为华枝睾吸虫病辅助诊断和流行病学调查的一种新方法。  相似文献   

应用脾内免疫法免疫BALB/c小鼠,进行细胞融合,获得两株分泌IgG型抗人白细胞介素4单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞。用间接ELISA法可测出的抗原量100pg/ml;抗体的效价细胞培养基上清达1:16,腹水达1:1×10~(-5)。对E.coli表达的重组IL_4、商品化的IL_4及天然IL_4呈阳性反应,与E.coli蛋白及重组IL_1、IL_2、IL_3、IFNa及TNFa无交叉反应。  相似文献   

本文分析了79例胎盘粘连与年龄、产次及产后出血的关系。对其病因进行了探讨。指出降低人工流产率及正确掌握初产妇的剖宫产指征对预防本病的重要意义,并对存在胎盘粘连高危因素的产妇第三产程中的处理进行了讨论。  相似文献   

用~(125)I-D-丙~6-GnRH研究人胎盘质膜高亲和促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)受体,其亲和常数为1.06×10~9mol~(-1),结合位点数为97.5fmol/mg蛋白。比较五种GnRH类似物对该受体的亲和性,并观察到GnRH类似物肽链的第6位氨基酸的化学结构影响其对受体的亲和性。  相似文献   

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