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我国减重与代谢外科已正式步入快速发展期,除了胃袖状切除术和Roux-en-Y胃旁路术外,还有多种术式在临床开展,其中包括单吻合口胃旁路术、胆胰分流并十二指肠转位术、单吻合口十二指肠转位术、胃袖状切除术联合近段空肠旁路术、胃袖状切除术联合十二指肠空肠旁路术、胃袖状切除术联合胃空肠双通道术等,对于未经过系统理论知识和临床实践培训、以及新近开展减重与代谢手术的医生,手术方式的选择常造成困惑。原则是甄别积极推荐、谨慎推荐、不推荐和探索性的手术方式,根据自身条件、团队条件、硬件条件以及患者疾病情况和期望,采用医患共同决策的模式,科学选择手术方式。  相似文献   

减重与代谢外科从最初的以减重为唯一目的,发展到治疗肥胖相关的糖、脂代谢和内分泌紊乱,手术适应证不断拓展,治疗范围涵盖2型糖尿病、非酒精性脂肪性肝病、睡眠呼吸暂停综合征等,手术所要求的身体质量指数不断调低。学科内涵不断丰富,对经典手术方式包括Roux-en-Y胃旁路术、胃袖状切除术、可调节胃绑带术和胆胰分流并十二指肠转位术的认识不断加深,在此基础上,新的手术方式不断涌现,包括袖状胃加单吻合口十二指肠转位手术和单吻合口胃旁路手术等。同时,减重外科未来也面临减重器械和胃镜下治疗的挑战。  相似文献   

目的 统计分析中国多地区2021年度减重与代谢手术开展情况。方法 基于大中华减重与代谢手术数据库数据登记工作,统计分析2021年度各地区开展减重与代谢手术情况,并对病人人口学信息、肥胖相关疾病、手术信息等进行统计学描述和分析。结果 2021年度来自21个省(自治区、直辖市)共53家中心上传临床数据至大中华减重与代谢手术数据库,登记有效病例6807例。术前体重指数(BMI)为36.8 (21.0, 87.5)。女性病人5102例(75.1%),年龄中位数为32(9, 72) 岁;男性病人1689例 (24.9%),年龄中位数为33 (11, 65) 岁。胃袖状切除术(SG)占84.9%,Roux-en-Y胃旁路术(RYGB)占3.1%,胃袖状切除联合空肠空肠旁路术(SG-JJB)占4.2%、单吻合口胃旁路术(OAGB)占3.5%、胃袖状切除联合双通道术(SG-TB)占1.7%、胃袖状切除联合袢式十二指肠空肠旁路术(SG-LDJB)占0.4%、胃袖状切除联合单吻合口十二指肠回肠旁路术(SADI-S)占0.3%、胆胰分流并十二指肠转位术(BPD-DS)占0.1%、胃袖状切除联合十二指肠空肠旁路术(SG-DJB)占0.1%、其他手术方式共117例(1.7%)。30.1%的病人在术前合并2型糖尿病,70.4%的病人术前合并阻塞型睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征,22.5%合并多囊卵巢综合征,18.8%合并反流性食管炎。结论 大中华减重与代谢手术数据库的搭建为中国减重代谢手术的大数据登记工作奠定了坚实基础。基于目前数据,尽管手术方式呈现多样性,SG仍是本年度中国多地区减重与代谢手术的主流术式。  相似文献   

目的 统计分析中国多地区2020年度减重与代谢手术开展情况。方法 基于大中华减重与代谢手术数据库数据登记工作,统计分析2020年度各地区开展减重与代谢手术情况,并对病人人口学信息、肥胖相关疾病、手术信息等进行统计学描述和分析。结果 2020年度来自18个省、自治区及直辖市共38家中心上传临床数据至大中华减重与代谢手术数据库,登记有效病例3693例。术前体重指数(BMI)为37.2 (22.9,87.5)。女性病人2975例(80.6%),年龄中位数为31(12,74)岁;男性病人718例(19.4%),年龄中位数为32(14,66)岁。胃袖状切除术(SG)占84.88%、Roux-en-Y 胃旁路术(RYGB)占5.88%、胃袖状切除联合空肠空肠旁路术(SG-JJB)占5.74%、单吻合口胃旁路术(OAGB)占1.60%、胃袖状切除术联合单吻合口十二指肠回肠旁路术(SADI-S)占1.38%、胆胰分流并十二指肠转位术(BPD-DS)占0.17%、胃袖状切除联合袢式十二指肠空肠旁路术(SG-Loop DJB)占0.02%、其他手术方式占0.33%。25%的病人在术前合并2型糖尿病,58.3%的病人术前合并阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征,22.2%合并多囊卵巢综合征,9.5%合并反流性食管炎。结论 大中华减重与代谢手术数据库的搭建为我国减重代谢手术的大数据登记工作奠定了坚实基础。基于目前数据,尽管手术方式呈现多样性,LSG仍是本年度我国多地区减重与代谢手术的主流术式。  相似文献   

目的 介绍一种新的胆汁胰液分流的消化道重建方式,并探讨其在胰十二指肠切除术中临床应用价值.方法 对136例胰十二指肠切除术采取胆汁胰液分流的消化道重建方式,57例为胰胃吻合,79例为胰肠吻合.手术主要步骤:①胰胃吻合术后,在距胰胃吻合口远端5~ 10 cm处行近端空肠胃后壁端侧吻合.②胰肠吻合术后,胰肠吻合口10 cm左右将胃后壁与空肠行侧侧吻合.随后在距胃肠吻合口40 ~ 50 cm处离断空肠,形成游离肠袢;远端封闭后与胆管行端侧吻合;在距胆肠吻合口40~50 cm处与游离肠袢的远端行侧侧或端侧Y形吻合.收集术前、术中和术后资料分析其临床应用效果.结果 136例消化道重建(含胰胃或胰肠吻合时间)中位时间为71min(62~97 min),手术死亡率为0;术后并发症为13.2%(18例),包括术后出血2例,胆漏2例,肺部感染2例,切口脂肪液化并感染2例,胃瘫3例,腹腔感染3例,胰漏4例(3例A级和1例B级胰漏).结论 胆胰分流的消化道重建方式是一种安全有效的胰十二指肠切除术切除术后消化道重建方式,对降低胰十二指肠切除术后严重并发症发生具有一定的意义.  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜胃袖状切除术后再次胃袖状切除术的疗效及安全性。方法:回顾分析2016年6月至2018年1月因首次腹腔镜胃袖状切除术后复胖而再次行胃袖状切除术(ReSG)附加小肠转流术7例患者的临床资料,观察手术时间、住院时间、身体质量指数(BMI)变化情况及围手术期并发症。术前7例患者均行上消化道造影,显示胃底残留或残胃扩张。结果:7例手术均顺利完成,无术中并发症发生。中位手术时间125(110,150)min;中位住院时间8(7,9)d;ReSG术前BMI平均(27.6±2.1)kg/m~2,ReSG术后12个月BMI降为(22.3±2.1)kg/m~2。术后1例患者出现机械性肠梗阻,无其他术后并发症发生。结论:再次胃袖状切除术对于因胃底残留或残胃扩张而复胖的胃袖状切除术后患者是安全、有效的修正术式。  相似文献   

减重代谢外科经过近70年的发展,已成为普通外科中具有创新意义和技术挑战的亚专科。空肠回肠旁路术、Roux-en-Y胃旁路术、垂直绑带胃成形术、胆胰分流及十二指肠转位术、可调节胃束带术和胃袖状切除术在减重手术发展中均曾占过主导地位,迷你胃旁路术等新型术式也在不断发展。微创手术技术的进步、对胃肠道及代谢生理机制认识的加深、以及多学科综合治疗协作组(MDT)模式的应用,均为减重代谢外科的发展指明了方向。  相似文献   

减重代谢外科经过近70年的发展,已成为普通外科中具有创新意义和技术挑战的亚专科。空肠回肠旁路术、Roux-en-Y胃旁路术、垂直绑带胃成形术、胆胰分流及十二指肠转位术、可调节胃束带术和胃袖状切除术在减重手术发展中均曾占过主导地位,迷你胃旁路术等新型术式也在不断发展。微创手术技术的进步、对胃肠道及代谢生理机制认识的加深、以及多学科综合治疗协作组(MDT)模式的应用,均为减重代谢外科的发展指明了方向。  相似文献   

减重代谢手术通过限制食物摄入和减少营养物质吸收, 可降低体重并改善2型糖尿病、高血压、睡眠呼吸暂停综合征等肥胖相关代谢性疾病。腹腔镜胃袖状切除术、Roux-en-Y胃旁路术、可调节胃束带术和胆胰分流-十二指肠转位术是目前4种主流术式。胃袖状切除联合手术、单吻合口胃旁路术、胃内球囊及内镜下减重手术等创新术式也不断涌现。目前, 减重代谢手术正迎来学科深度融合、术式优化创新、减重降糖疗效确切的发展机遇期, 必将使更多肥胖患者临床获益。  相似文献   

腹腔镜肥胖外科临床应用指南(2008年版)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【腹腔镜肥胖外科手术名词】可调节胃束带术(adjustablegastricbanding,AGB);胆胰转流术(biliopan-creaticdiversion,BPD);十二指肠转位术(duodenMswitch,DS);Roux.en.Y胃旁路术Roux-en.Ygastricbypass,RGB);腹腔镜袖状胃切除术(1aparoscopic sleevegastrectomy,LSG)。  相似文献   

BackgroundDuodenal switch (BPD/DS) is gaining popularity as a secondary procedure for inadequate weight loss after an initial operation.ObjectivesWe aimed to generate expert consensus points on the appropriate use of BPD/DS in the revisional bariatric surgical setting.SettingData were gathered at an international conference with attendees from a variety of different institutions and settings.MethodsSixteen lines of questioning regarding revisional BPD/DS were presented to an expert panel of 29 bariatric surgeons. Current available literature was reviewed extensively for each topic and proposed to the panel before polling. Responses were collected and topics defined as achieving consensus (≥70% agreement) or no consensus (<70% agreement).ResultsConsensus was present in 10 of 16 lines of questioning, with several key points most prominent.ConclusionsAs a second-stage procedure, BPD/DS is most appropriate after sleeve gastrectomy (SG) for the treatment of super morbid obesity (96.7% agree) or as a subsequent operation for a reliable patient with insufficient weight loss after SG (88.5%). In a patient with weight regain and reflux and/or enlarged fundus after SG, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is preferable and BPD/DS should be avoided (90%). BPD/DS should not be used prophylactically in patients with a history of jejunoileal bypass who are otherwise doing well (80.8%). Applicability of BPD/DS is limited by technical difficulty; 86.2% of experts would routinely recommend or consider the procedure if it were more technically feasible after failed bypass. No consensus was found on approaches to revision of BPD/DS for protein malnutrition.  相似文献   

Gagner M  Rogula T 《Obesity surgery》2003,13(4):649-654
Background: The revisional surgery for patients with inadequate weight loss after biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS) is controversial. It has not yet been determined whether a common channel should be shortened or gastric pouch volume reduced. Since the revision of the distal anastomosis remains technically difficult and associated with possible complications, we turned our attention to the reduction of gastric sleeve volume. This operation is more feasible and potential complications are less probable. Patient and Method: We present the case of a 47-year-old women with a life-long history of morbid obesity. She was operated on in January 2000 with a laparoscopic BPD/DS with 100 ml gastric pouch, 150 cm of alimentary limb and 100 cm of common channel. Before this operation, her weight was 170 kg, with BMI 64 kg/m2. She lost most of her excess weight within 17 months after surgery and was regaining weight at 77 kg and BMI 29 kg/m2. Upper GI series showed a markedly dilated gastric pouch. Her second surgery consisted of a laparoscopic sleeve partial gastrectomy along the greater curvature using endo GIA staplers with bovine pericardium for reinforcement of the stapler line. Results: No postoperative complications occurred. The patient was discharged on the first postoperative day. Significant further weight reduction was noted, and at 10 months after surgery, her weight is 61 kg with BMI 22. Conclusion: A repeat laparoscopic gastric sleeve resection was performed for inadequate weight loss after BPD/DS, and resulted in further weight reduction.  相似文献   

BackgroundA paucity of information is available on the comparative body composition changes after bariatric procedures. The present study reports on the body mass index (BMI) and body composition changes after 4 procedures by a single group.MethodsAt the initial consultation, the weight and body composition of the patients undergoing 4 different bariatric procedures were measured by bioimpedance (Tanita 310). Follow-up examinations were performed at 1 year and at subsequent visits after surgery. Analysis of variance was used to compare the postprocedure BMI and body composition. Analysis of covariance was used to adjust for baseline differences.ResultsA total of 101 gastric bypass (GB) patients were evaluated at 19.1 ± 10.6 months, 49 biliopancreatic diversion with the duodenal switch (BPD/DS) patients at 27.5 ± 16.3 months, 41 adjustable gastric band (AGB) patients at 21.4 ± 9.2 months, and 30 sleeve gastrectomy (SG) patients at 16.7 ± 5.6 months (P <.0001). No differences were found in patient age or gender among the 4 groups. The mean preoperative BMI was significantly different among the 4 groups (P <.0001): 61.4 kg/m2, 53.2, 46.7, and 44.3 kg/m2 for the SG, BPD/DS, GB, and AGB group, respectively. The postoperative BMI adjusted for baseline differences was 27.8 (difference 23.6 ± 8.3), 32.5 (difference 15.6 ± 5.0), 37.2 (difference 18.2 ± 8.2), and 39.5 kg/m2 (difference 7.5 ± 4.3) for the BPD/DS, GB, SG, and AGB groups, respectively (P <.0001). The percentage of excess weight loss was 84%, 70%, 49%, and 38% for the BPD/DS, GB, SG, and AGB groups, respectively (P <.0001). The postoperative percentage of body fat adjusted for baseline differences was 25.7% (23.9% ± 7.0%) 32.7% (16.1% ± 10.5%) 37.7% (16.7% ± 5.6%), and 42% (6.0% ± 6.8%) for the BPD/DS, GB, SG, and AGB groups, respectively (P <.0001). The lean body mass changes were reciprocal.ConclusionAlthough the BPD/DS procedure reduced the BMI the most effectively and promoted fat loss, all the procedures produced weight loss. The AGB procedure resulted in less body fat loss within 21.5 months than SG within 16.7 months. Longer term observation is indicated.  相似文献   

BackgroundSleeve gastrectomy (SG) remains the most performed bariatric surgery. As numbers of SG increase, so do the numbers of patients requiring conversion for insufficient weight loss or weight regain. However, the literature has cited complication rates as high as 30%for reoperative bariatric surgery.ObjectiveWith the recent inclusion of conversion surgery variables in the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) database, we compared the safety and efficacy of SG conversion to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) versus biliopancreatic diversion and duodenal switch (BPD/DS).SettingMBSAQIP database.MethodsAnalysis of the 2020 MBSAQIP Participant Use Files revealed 6020 patientswho underwent SG conversion to RYGB (5348) and BPD/DS (672). We examined 30-day outcomes including death, anastomotic leak, readmission, any complication, dehydration, and weight loss.ResultsThere was no statistically significant difference in mortality (.12% versus 0%) or; complication rate (6.5% versus 5.1%) with SG conversion to RYGB or BPD/DS. There was a statistically significant difference in anastomotic leak (.5% versus 1.2%, P = .024).Interestingly, BPD/DS was less likely to require dehydration treatments (4.2% versus 2.2%, P = .009) and had fewer readmissions within 30 days (7.3% versus 5.4%, P = .043).ConclusionsComplication rates after conversion of SG to RYGB or BPD/DS may be significantly lower than previously reported and only slightly higher than after primary weight loss surgery. SG conversion to either RYGB or BPD/DS remain safe, viable options forpatients who had insufficient weight loss or regain, and BPD/DS may be the better option in the appropriate patient.  相似文献   

BackgroundInsufficient weight loss or secondary weight regain with or without recurrence of comorbidity can occur years after laparoscopic Roux en Y gastric bypass (LRYGB). In selected patients, increasing restriction or adding malabsorption may be a surgical option after conservative measures failed.ObjectivesEvaluation of short and long term results of revisional surgery for insufficient weight loss or weight regain after LRYGB.SettingTertiary hospital.MethodsRetrospective analysis of prospectively collected data from a cohort of 1150 LRYGB patients. Included were patients, who underwent revisional bariatric surgery after LRYGB for insufficient weight loss with a follow-up of minimal 1 year.ResultsFifty-four patients were included in the analysis. After an interdisciplinary evaluation, patients with insufficient weight loss, signs of dumping syndrome, and lacking restriction were offered a nonadjustable band around the pouch (banded group, n = 34) and patients with sufficient restriction, excellent compliance, and adherence were offered a revision to laparoscopic biliopancreatic diversion (BPD group, n = 20). The revisional procedure was performed 3.3 ± 2.3 years after LRYGB in the banded-group and after 6.4 ± 4.3 years in the BPD group (P = .001). Mean body mass index at the time of the primary bariatric procedure was 41.7 ± 6.2 kg/m2 in the banded group and 45.2 ± 8.2 kg/m2 in the BPD group (P = .08); minimal body mass index between both operations was 29.1 ± 4.7 kg/m2 in the banded group and 36.5 ± 9.4 kg/m2 in the BPD group, and, at the time of revisional surgery, 31.4 ± 5.5 kg/m2 in the banded group and 40.8 ± 6.7 kg/m2 in the BPD group (P = .0001). The mean body mass index difference 1 year after revisional surgery was 1.3 ± 3.0 kg/m2 in the banded group and 6.7 ± 4.5 kg/m2 in the BPD group (P = .01). In the banded group, 11 patients (32.4%) needed removal of the band, 4 patients (11.8%) needed an adjustment, and 4 patients (11.8%) were later converted to BPD. In the BPD group, 2 (10.0%) patients needed revision for severe protein malabsorption.ConclusionsInsufficient weight loss or secondary weight regain after LRYGB is a rare indication for revisional surgery. Banded bypass has modest results for additional weight loss but can help patients suffering from dumping. In very carefully selected cases, BPD can achieve additional weight loss with acceptable complication rate but higher risk for reoperation. Future “adjuvant medical treatments,” such as glucagon-like peptide 1 analogues and other pharmacologic treatment options could be an alternative for achieving additional weight loss and better metabolic response.  相似文献   

BackgroundObesity and diabetes usually co-exist. Obesity surgery seems to offer solutions for both. The objective of this study was to show the effect of obesity surgery on the diabetic profile.MethodsData on obesity surgery in Germany (2005–2011) were collected from the Institute of Quality Assurance at the research university. Follow-up of the diabetic profile at 1, 2, and up to 6 years after surgery was done.ResultsAmong 17,670 patients, 5,506 (31.2%) were diabetics. Follow-up was accomplished in 87.4%, 82.5%, and 68.9% of eligible patients at 1, 2, and up to 6 years, respectively, after surgery. Of the study participants, 38.2% were insulin-treated (IT) patients and 61.8% were noninsulin–treated patients (NIT). Of the patients’ procedures, 2878 (52.3%) Roux-en-Y gastric bypasses (RYGB), 1711 (31.1%) sleeve gastrectomies (SG), 679 (12.3%) laparoscopic adjustable gastric bands (LAGB), 165 (3%) biliopancreatic diversions with duodenal switch (BPD/DS), and 68 (1.3%) biliopancreatic diversions (BPD) were performed. Female gender percentage and mean body mass index (BMI) were significantly higher in the RYGB and LAGB groups. Mean age was significantly higher in BPD/DS group. At 1 year, remission/improvement (RI) percentage was 83.5%, 82.5%, 67.8%, 93.4%, and 84.8% after RYGB, SG, LAGB, BPD, and BPD/DS, respectively. At 2 years, RI% was 84.9%, 79.5%, 67.7%, 94.5%, and 90.9% after RYGB, SG, LAGB, BPD, and BPD/DS, respectively. At late follow-up, RI% was 83.2%, 59.5%, 58.9%, 100%, and 86.4% after RYGB, SG, LAGB, BPD, and BPD/DS, respectively. IT patients showed insignificantly higher RI% than NIT patients at all follow-up points. Malabsorptive procedures (RYGB, BPD, and BPD/DS) showed a significantly higher RI% than restrictive procedures (LAGB and SG) at late follow-up.ConclusionObesity surgery has promising antidiabetic efficacy, especially in IT patients. Malabsorptive procedures show higher, gradually descending, but durable antidiabetic efficacy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gastric bypass (GB) is the most common surgical procedure for weight loss in the United States. Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS) is less routinely performed, perhaps because of its technical difficulty and metabolic concerns. The objective of this study was to determine whether these procedures had differential effects on weight loss and body composition. METHODS: Body composition was measured by bioimpedance (Tanita 310) at the initial consultation, and follow-up measurements were completed 1-2 years after surgery. RESULTS: Of the 72 patients in the study, 50, aged 46.2 +/- 8.5 years, had undergone GB and were measured 15.5 +/- 5.2 months after surgery and 22, aged 40.6 +/- 7.9 years, had undergone BPD/DS and were measured 19.5 +/- 7.5 months after surgery. Patient age and time after surgery were significantly different between the 2 groups. The body mass index (BMI) for the BPD/DS group was 53.6 +/- 11.9 kg/m(2), significantly greater than the BMI of the GB group (48.0 +/- 6.3 kg/m(2); P = .009). However, the percentage of body fat did not differ between the 2 groups (P = .515). Postoperatively, the BMIs for the GB group (31.5 +/- 5.0 kg/m(2)) and BPD/DS group (30.3 +/- 6.1 kg/m(2)) were not significantly different (P = .384). The percentage of body fat for the GB and BPD/DS groups had changed from 49.2% +/- 8.3% to 32.1% +/- 10.6% and 47.9% +/- 5.9% to 23.8% +/- 10.4%, respectively (P = .002). The BMI had decreased by 16.5 +/- 4.8 kg/m(2)after GB and 23.3 +/- 6.8 kg/m(2) after BPD/DS (P <.001). The decrease in fat was 17.1% +/- 8.2% after GB and 24.2% +/- 7.2% after BPD/DS (P <.001). CONCLUSION: The BPD/DS procedure is more effective in reducing the BMI and promoting fat loss than is GB. The assessment of the impact of these two operations on an individualized basis offers additional information to assist in the evaluation of these procedures.  相似文献   

Objectives : Sleeve gastrectomy (SG) has been used as the first step of a staged malabsorptive procedure for high-risk patients. More recently SG was proposed as an stand alone procedure in the treatment of morbidly obese patients. The aim of this study is to analyze perioperative outcome of morbid obese patients after SG. Methods : 301 patients, 201 women and 100 men, undergoing SG were retrospectively analyzed. SG was performed by 17 surgeons all member of the Club Coelio.

The mean BMI was 44.7kg/m2 (27.4–70.3 kg/m2). 34 patients (11.3%) of our series had SG as revisional surgery. These revisional procedures consisted of 32 conversions from gastric banding, 1 conversion from vertical gastroplasty (VBG) and 1 from transoral endoscopic gastroplasty. Among the 32 patients that had revisional SG after a gastric banding, 13 bands were removed at least 3 months before the revisional SG and 19 bands were removed during the SG procedure. Endpoints were perioperative morbidity and mortality and potential risk factors for complications, mainly per or postoperative bleeding or leakage.

Results : Overall mortality was 0% and morbidity was 10.3%. Perioperative bleeding occurred in 10 patients (3.3%), leakage in 12 patients (4%) patients and stenosis in 3 patients (1%). The risk of leakage was significantly higher after revisional bariatric surgery and in case of gastric perforation during surgery(p = 0.0001). Previous gastric banding is also associated with a higher risk of postoperative bleeding (p = 0.0006).

Conclusions : SG can be safely performed but patients and surgeons must be aware of a higher risk of postoperative complications when SG is proposed as a revisional surgery.  相似文献   

BackgroundBariatric surgery has been shown to produce the most predictable weight loss results, with laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (SG) being the most performed procedure as of 2014. However, inadequate weight loss may present the need for a revisional procedure.ObjectivesThe aim of this study is to compare the efficacy of laparoscopic resleeve gastrectomy (LRSG) and laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in attaining successful weight loss.SettingPublic hospital following SG.MethodsA retrospective analysis was performed on all patients who underwent SG from 2008–2019. A list was obtained of those who underwent revisional bariatric surgery after initial SG, and their demographic characteristics were analyzed.ResultsA total of 2858 patients underwent SG, of whom 84 patients (3%) underwent either a revisional laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (rLRYGB) or LRSG. A total of 82% of the patients were female. The mean weight and body mass index (BMI) before SG for the LRSG and rLRYGB patients were 136.7 kg and 49.9 kg/m2 and 133.9 kg and 50.5 kg/m2, respectively. The mean BMI showed a drop from 42.0 to 31.7 (P < .001) 1 year post revisional surgery for the LRSG group and 42.7 to 34.5 (P < .001) for the rLRYGB group, correlating to an excess weight loss (EWL) of 61.7% and 48.1%, respectively. At 5 years post revisional surgery, LRSG patients showed an increase in BMI to 33.8 (EWL = 45.3%), while those who underwent rLRYGB showed a decrease to 34.3 (EWL = 49.2%). Completeness of follow-up at 1, 3, and 5 years for rLRYGB and LRSG were 67%, 35%, and 24% and 45%, 21%, and 18%, respectively.ConclusionsRevisional bariatric surgery is a safe and effective method for the management of failed primary SG. LRSG patients tended to do better earlier on; however, it leveled off with those who underwent rLRYGB by 5 years.  相似文献   

Background: A percentage of all types of bariatric surgery will fail. Our experience with failed biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) as a primary operation or revision operation for failed laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) convinced us that uncontrolled hunger is often the underlying cause. To control hunger after failed bariatric surgery,a novel approach combining LAGB with BPD-duodenal switch (DS) has been tried. Methods: Patients who had failed to lose weight after BPD or LAGB were considered in 2 groups. Group 1: patients who had failed LAGB underwent laparoscopic BPD-DS without sleeve gastrectomy, with the LAGB left in-situ. Group 2: patients who had failed primary (subgroup 2a) or revision (subgroup 2b) BPD had a LAGB placed with no other revision of their surgery. Results: 11 patients have undergone this form of revision surgery with little morbidity. Mean age at the original operation was 45 years, mean (range) BMI was 45.3 (38-62) kg/m2. After the reoperation, at 3 months (9 patients) mean BMI was 30 kg/m2 and at 6 months (4 patients) mean BMI was 27 kg/m2. Conclusion: In this small study, combination surgery was safe and effective for failed BPD or LAGB. LAGB failure may be best managed with DS malabsorption without gastric resection.  相似文献   

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