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Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a genetic muscle disease characterized by the absence of sub-sarcolemmal dystrophin that results in muscle fibre necrosis, progressive muscle wasting and is fatal. Numerous experimental studies with dystrophin-deficient mdx mice, an animal model for the disease, have demonstrated that extrasynaptic upregulation of utrophin, an analogue of dystrophin, can prevent muscle fibre deterioration and reduce or negate the dystrophic phenotype. A different approach for ectopic expression of utrophin relies on augmentation of CT-GalNAc transferase in muscle fibre. We investigated whether CT-GalNAc transferase overexpression in adult mice influence appearance of utrophin in the extrasynaptic sarcolemma. After electrotransfer of plasmid DNA carrying an expression cassette of CT-GalNAc transferase into tibialis anterior muscle of wild type and dystrophic mice, muscle sections were examined by immunofluorescence. CT-GalNAc transgene expression augmented sarcolemmal carbohydrate glycosylation and was accompanied by extrasynaptic utrophin. A 6-week time course study showed that the highest efficiency of utrophin overexpression in a plasmid harboured muscle fibres was 32.2% in CD-1 and 52% in mdx mice, 2 and 4 weeks after CT-GalNAc gene transfer, respectively. The study provides evidence that postnatal CT-GalNAc transferase overexpression stimulates utrophin upregulation that is inherently beneficial for muscle structure and strength restoration. Thus CT-GalNAc may provide an important therapeutic molecule for treatment of dystrophin deficiency in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

Muscular dystrophy is characterized by muscle degeneration and insufficient regeneration and replacement of muscle fibers by connective tissue. New therapeutic strategies directed toward various forms of muscular dystrophy are needed to preserve muscle mass and promote regeneration. In this study we examined the role of the transmembrane ADAM12, a disintegrin and metalloprotease, which is normally associated with development and regeneration of skeletal muscle. We demonstrate that ADAM12 overexpression in the dystrophin-deficient mdx mice alleviated the muscle pathology in these animals, as evidenced by less muscle cell necrosis and inflammation, lower levels of serum creatine kinase, and less uptake of Evans Blue dye into muscle fibers. These studies demonstrate that ADAM12 directly or indirectly contributes to muscle cell regeneration, stability, and survival.  相似文献   

Muscular dystrophies are characterized by insufficient restoration and gradual replacement of the skeletal muscle by fat and connective tissue. ADAM12 has previously been shown to alleviate the pathology of young dystrophin-deficient mdx mice, a model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The observed effect of ADAM12 was suggested to be mediated via a membrane-stabilizing up-regulation of utrophin, alpha7B integrin, and dystroglycans. Ectopic ADAM12 expression in normal mouse skeletal muscle also improved regeneration after freeze injury, presumably by the same mechanism. Hence, it was suggested that ADAM12 could be a candidate for nonreplacement gene therapy of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. We therefore evaluated the long-term effect of ADAM12 overexpression in muscle. Surprisingly, we observed loss of skeletal muscle and accelerated fibrosis and adipogenesis in 1-year-old mdx mice transgenically overexpressing ADAM12 (ADAM12(+)/mdx mice), even though their utrophin levels were mildly elevated compared with age-matched controls. Thus, membrane stabilization was not sufficient to provide protection during prolonged disease. Consequently, we reinvestigated skeletal muscle regeneration in ADAM12 transgenic mice (ADAM12(+)) after a knife cut lesion and observed that the regeneration process was significantly impaired. ADAM12 seemed to inhibit the satellite cell response and delay myoblast differentiation. These results discourage long-term therapeutic use of ADAM12. They also point to impaired regeneration as a possible factor in development of muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

The alpha7beta1 integrin is a laminin receptor that has been implicated in muscle disease and the development of neuromuscular and myotendinous junctions. Studies have shown the alpha7beta1 integrin is also expressed in nonskeletal muscle tissues. To identify the expression pattern of the alpha7 integrin in these tissues during embryonic development, alpha7 integrin chain knockout mice were generated by a LacZ knockin strategy. In these mice, expression from the alpha7 promoter is reported by beta-galactosidase. From embryonic day (ED) 11.5 to ED14.5, beta-galactosidase was detected in the developing central and peripheral nervous systems and vasculature. The loss of the alpha7 integrin gene resulted in partial embryonic lethality. Several alpha7 null embryos were identified with cerebrovascular hemorrhages and showed reduced vascular smooth muscle cells and cerebral vascularization. The alpha7 null mice that survived to birth exhibited vascular smooth muscle defects, including hyperplasia and hypertrophy. In addition, altered expression of alpha5 and alpha6B integrin chains was detected in the cerebral arteries of alpha7 null mice, which may contribute to the vascular phenotype. Our results demonstrate for the first time that the alpha7beta1 integrin is important for the recruitment or survival of cerebral vascular smooth muscle cells and that this integrin plays an important role in vascular development and integrity.  相似文献   

Integrin alpha5beta1 is among the proteins overexpressed on tumor vessels and is a potential target for diagnostics and therapeutics. Here, we mapped the distribution of alpha5beta1 integrin in three murine tumor models and identified sites of expression that are rapidly accessible to intravascular antibodies. When examined by conventional immunohistochemistry, alpha5beta1 integrin expression was strong on most blood vessels in RIP-Tag2 transgenic mouse tumors, adenomatous polyposis coli (apc) mouse adenomas, and implanted MCa-IV mammary carcinomas. Expression increased during malignant progression in RIP-Tag2 mice. However, immunoreactivity was also strong in normal pancreatic ducts, intestinal smooth muscle, and several other sites. To determine which sites of expression were rapidly accessible from the bloodstream, we intravenously injected anti-alpha5beta1 integrin antibody and 10 minutes to 24 hours later examined the amount and distribution of labeling. The injected antibody strongly labeled tumor vessels at all time points but did not label most normal blood vessels or gain access to pancreatic ducts or intestinal smooth muscle. Intense vascular labeling by anti-alpha5beta1 integrin antibody co-localized with the uniform CD31 immunoreactivity of tumor vessels and contrasted sharply with the patchy accumulation of nonspecific IgG at sites of leakage. This strategy of injecting antibodies revealed the uniform overexpression and rapid accessibility of alpha5beta1 integrin on tumor vessels and may prove useful in assessing other potential therapeutic targets in cancer.  相似文献   

The developmentally regulated expression of fibronectin (FN) in developing organs and FN's ability to stimulate cell migration and differentiation in vitro suggest a role in organogenesis. We examined the distribution of FN and the alpha 5 subunit of its receptor, the integrin alpha 5 beta 1, in the lungs and hearts of murine embryos at 11, 13, 16, and 18 days of gestation. In the lung, FN staining was present in the mesenchyme and parabronchial cells at day 11, increased at day 13, and decreased after day 16. Increases in FN coincided with the period of branching morphogenesis, and FN was concentrated at areas of airway bifurcation, suggesting a role for FN in cleft formation. The alpha 5 subunit appeared later at 13 days, co-distributing with FN only in well-developed primary bronchioles. At all stages, alpha-smooth muscle actin expression correlated temporally and spatially with that of the alpha 5 subunit. In the heart, staining for FN, the alpha 5 subunit, and alpha-smooth muscle actin were present at day 11 and increased at day 13. FN was present in the outflow tract and developing atria and ventricles, where it was concentrated in the outer layer or visceral pericardium. Interestingly, alpha 5 was detected at the inner layer, the endothelium, lining the outflow tract and atrioventricular cushions where endothelial cells migrate into the cardiac jelly in the process of epithelial-mesenchymal transformation. This suggests a potential role for alpha 5 beta 1 and FN in ventricular septation and valve formation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Plasma-to-tissue transport of radioactively labelled albumin has been used to study the effect of increased venous pressure on transcapillary albumin transport. Venous pressure was increased by inflating a balloon catheter in the inferior caval vein. Plasma-to-tissue transport of albumin was taken as the extravascular distribution space (EValb) for 125I-labelled human serum albumin (I-HSA) after 1 h. Venous pressure was increased from 2 to 20 mmHg in the experimental group. Interstitial fluid volume (IFV) was measured as the extravascular distribution space for 51Cr-EDTA. In control EValb was 9.24 X 10(-3) ml g-1 d. wt (SD = 1.28, n = 8) and 3.67 X 10(-3) ml g-1 d.wt (SD = 0.94, n = 8) in skin and skeletal muscle, respectively. Increasing venous pressure raised EValb and IFV in skin and skeletal muscle, but the increase in EValb was about 3 and 5% of the rise in IFV, resulting in capillary reflection coefficients for albumin of 0.94 in skin and 0.98 in skeletal muscle. The low transcapillary albumin transport relative to water transport is compatible with a two-pore model of transcapillary exchange where large pores (250 A) accounts for less than 5.5 and 2.5% of the total capillary filtrate of fluid in skin and skeletal muscle, respectively.  相似文献   

We previously reported that enhanced expression of the alpha7beta1 integrin ameliorates the development of muscular dystrophy and extends longevity in alpha7BX2-mdx/utr(-/-) transgenic mice (Burkin DJ, Wallace GQ, Nicol KJ, Kaufman DJ, Kaufman SJ: Enhanced expression of the alpha7beta1 integrin reduces muscular dystrophy and restores viability in dystrophic mice. We now report on the mechanism by which these mice were rescued by the integrin. As a result of increased integrin in alpha7BX2-mdx/utr(-/-) mice the structural integrity of the myotendinous and neuromuscular junctions are maintained. A twofold increase in satellite cells in alpha7BX2-mdx/utr(-/-) skeletal muscle was detected by immunofluorescence using the satellite cell marker c-met. These cells enhanced the regenerative capacity of muscle in the transgenic animals as determined by fusion of BrdUrd-labeled cells into muscle fibers. Increased integrin also leads to hypertrophy. Finally, transgenic expression of alpha7BX2 integrin chain in skeletal muscle secondarily reduces the development of cardiomyopathy, the ultimate cause of death in these animals. We believe this multiplicity of responses to increased alpha7beta1 integrin collectively inhibits the development of muscle disease and increases longevity in these mice.  相似文献   

Mammalian skeletal muscle shows an enormous variability in its functional features such as rate of force production, resistance to fatigue, and energy metabolism, with a wide spectrum from slow aerobic to fast anaerobic physiology. In addition, skeletal muscle exhibits high plasticity that is based on the potential of the muscle fibers to undergo changes of their cytoarchitecture and composition of specific muscle protein isoforms. Adaptive changes of the muscle fibers occur in response to a variety of stimuli such as, e.g., growth and differentition factors, hormones, nerve signals, or exercise. Additionally, the muscle fibers are arranged in compartments that often function as largely independent muscular subunits. All muscle fibers use Ca(2+) as their main regulatory and signaling molecule. Therefore, contractile properties of muscle fibers are dependent on the variable expression of proteins involved in Ca(2+) signaling and handling. Molecular diversity of the main proteins in the Ca(2+) signaling apparatus (the calcium cycle) largely determines the contraction and relaxation properties of a muscle fiber. The Ca(2+) signaling apparatus includes 1) the ryanodine receptor that is the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) release channel, 2) the troponin protein complex that mediates the Ca(2+) effect to the myofibrillar structures leading to contraction, 3) the Ca(2+) pump responsible for Ca(2+) reuptake into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and 4) calsequestrin, the Ca(2+) storage protein in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. In addition, a multitude of Ca(2+)-binding proteins is present in muscle tissue including parvalbumin, calmodulin, S100 proteins, annexins, sorcin, myosin light chains, beta-actinin, calcineurin, and calpain. These Ca(2+)-binding proteins may either exert an important role in Ca(2+)-triggered muscle contraction under certain conditions or modulate other muscle activities such as protein metabolism, differentiation, and growth. Recently, several Ca(2+) signaling and handling molecules have been shown to be altered in muscle diseases. Functional alterations of Ca(2+) handling seem to be responsible for the pathophysiological conditions seen in dystrophinopathies, Brody's disease, and malignant hyperthermia. These also underline the importance of the affected molecules for correct muscle performance.  相似文献   

The ability of mechanically skinned muscle fibres from the rat to respond to T-system depolarisation was studied in relation to muscle glycogen content. Muscle glycogen was altered by incubating extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles in Krebs solution without glucose or in Krebs solution with glucose (10 mM) and insulin (20 U.l-1). The glycogen content of muscles stored without glucose was rather stable between 30 and 480 min (11.27 +/- 0.39 mumol.g-1), while the muscles stored with glucose and insulin maintained an elevated and stable level of glycogen (23.48 +/- 1.67 mumol.g-1) between 100 and 360 min. Single mechanically skinned fibres from paired muscles, incubated in either glucose-free Krebs or in Krebs with glucose and insulin, were subjected to cycles of T-system depolarisation-repolarisation in a controlled environment (8 mM ATP, 10 mM creatine phosphate, 1 mM Mg2+, pH 7.10) and the force response was monitored until the force had declined to 50% of the maximum response (50% rundown). Fibres from muscles with a higher glycogen content reached 50% rundown after a larger number of depolarisations and displayed consistently larger average response capacity values, calculated as the sum of the force responses to 50% rundown divided by the maximum Ca(2+)-activated force response in that fibre. Thus skinned fibres originating from muscles with a higher glycogen content have an increased ability to respond to T-system depolarisation when the effect of metabolite accumulation is minimised and the function of glycogen acting as an energy source is by-passed. This provides direct support to the hypothesis that glycogen has a protective role in maintaining fibre excitability.  相似文献   

The integrins are alpha beta heterodimeric transmembrane proteins mediating cell-substratum as well as cell-cell interactions. Changes in their expression and/or function seem to occur in a number of malignant epithelial neoplasms and may in part explain their abnormal patterns of growth and differentiation. Using monoclonal antibodies to the beta 1 (DH12), alpha 1 (TS2/7), alpha 2 (B1.515), and alpha 3 (E1.56) integrin chains, the alpha 1 beta 1 (VLA-1), alpha 2 beta 1 (VLA-2), and alpha 3 beta 1 (VLA-3) integrin receptors were studied on cryostat sections of 22 basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and adjacent normal tissues by a standard peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique. In non-neoplastic skin, VLA-2 and VLA-3 were found in the basal layer, eccrine glands, and cells of the outer root sheath in which VLA-1 was detected. In BCCs, there was a considerably higher expression of VLA-2 and VLA-3 compared with epidermal basal cells but similar to that seen in hair bulb and outer root sheath. In two cases of nodular BCC showing evidence of regression, both VLA-2 and VLA-3 were completely negative, in contrast to non-regressing foci which were strongly positive. The high level of expression of two adhesion molecules (VLA-2 and VLA-3) involved in cell-substratum as well as cell-cell interactions may account for the more indolent pattern of growth characteristic of BCC and perhaps reflect its high degree of differentiation towards the hair follicle.  相似文献   

Expression of adhesion molecule in low-grade B-cell mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract has been reported in recent years, but these reports have primarily focused on low-grade gastrointestinal MALT lymphoma. In this study, we examined the lymphocytic homing receptor alpha4beta7 integrin, L-selectin, and VLA-4 and mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 (MAdCAM-1) in low-grade lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs such as the ocular adnexa and thyroid. We also observed changes in the expression pattern associated with high-grade transformation. Neoplastic cells in the gastrointestinal low-grade lymphoma and the low-grade component of high-grade MALT lymphoma were found to be alpha4beta7 integrin(+), L-selectin(+), whereas the gastrointestinal high-grade component and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma were found to be alpha4beta7 integrin(-), L-selectin(-). High endothelial venules in the gastric MALT lymphomas expressed MAdCAM-1. In the ocular adnexa low-grade MALT lymphoma, most cases were alpha4beta7 integrin(-), L-selectin(+); and in the thyroid, most cases of both low- and high-grade MALT lymphoma were alpha4beta7 integrin(-), L-selectin(-). These findings show that alpha4beta7 integrin and L-selectin may play an important role in the lymphocyte homing of gastrointestinal low-grade MALT lymphoma and in the loss of alpha4beta7 integrin expression throughout the course of high-grade progression.  相似文献   

During operant control of forearm blood flow (FBF) cortical alpha was recorded. A significant inverse relationship was found between FBF and alpha activity. Decreased FBF was associated with increased alpha. One possible reason that several investigators found spurious relationships between alpha and 2 other cardiovascular parameters, heart rate and blood pressure, is that the range of response for HR and BF is relatively restricted compared to that of alpha.  相似文献   

Altered mechanisms of Ca2+ transport may underlie the contractile dysfunctions that have been frequently reported to occur in diabetic cardiac and skeletal muscle tissues. Calsequestrin, a high-capacity Ca2+-binding protein, is involved in the regulation of the excitation-contraction-relaxation cycle of both skeletal and cardiac muscle fibres. We have investigated the expression of calsequestrin and Ca2+ binding in cardiac and skeletal muscle from streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat. Immunoblotting of microsomal membranes from normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic muscle revealed no significant changes in heart, but an increase in the relative abundance of calsequestrin and calsequestrin-like proteins in skeletal muscle. In analogy, the overall Ca2+-binding capacity of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles from diabetic skeletal muscle was drastically increased. The expression of fast muscle marker proteins was not affected, indicating that no relevant fibre transformation occurred in streptozotocin-treated rat muscles. The up-regulation of the high-capacity Ca2+-binding element calsequestrin might represent a compensatory mechanism of diabetic skeletal muscle. An increased Ca2+-buffering capacity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum lumen might counteract elevated cytosolic Ca2+ levels in diabetes thereby preventing Ca2+-dependent myo-necrosis.  相似文献   

Infiltration of the synovium by mononuclear cells, namely lymphocytes and monocytes, is one of the main features of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and is considered to be responsible for the development of the disease. In this study in 31 consecutive patients with RA, we investigated whether peripheral blood monocytes exhibited markers of cellular activation related to cell migration. Using flow cytometry with the respective specific antibodies, we studied the expression of integrins CD11a, CD11b, CD11c, CD49d (VLA-4), and CD49e (VLA-5) on monocytes from patients with RA and from normal (N) subjects. IL-1β, IL-6, and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) production by cultured monocytes was measured by immunoassay. Adhesiveness of monocytes was studied on various surfaces (plastic, human fibronectin, gelatin-coated plasma, subendothelial matrix) and on cultured endothelial cells under basal conditions or after stimulation by IL-1β. An increased number of CD14+ monocytes (Mo) from RA patients expressed the CD11b molecule (RA Mo = 90·3%, N Mo = 83·4%, P < 0·005). The expression of CD11b on CD14+ monocytes was significantly increased in RA patients (median fluorescence intensity (FI): RA Mo = 145 (range 80–466) units; normal Mo = 95 (range 24–164) units; P < 0·003). Production of extracellular IL-1β and IL-6 by RA monocytes was significantly enhanced compared with monocytes from normal subjects (IL-1β: RA = 2·65 ± 0·91 ng/ml versusN = 1·35 ± 0·85 pg/ml, P < 0·05; IL-6: RA = 4·83 ± 0·90 ng/ml versusN = 2·40 ± 0·95 ng/ml, P < 0·05). Compared with normal monocytes, RA monocytes exhibited increased adhesion to the various surfaces studied (plastic, P < 0·01; fibronectin, P < 0·01; and gelatin-coated normal or RA plasma, P < 0·01) as well as to unstimulated (P < 0·01) and IL-1β-stimulated endothelial cells (IL-1β for 4 h, P < 0·05; IL-1β for 24 h, P < 0·05). In our study, blood monocytes from RA patients exhibited features of activation related to cell adhesion.  相似文献   

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