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用聚合酶链反应方法研究庚型肝炎的传播和流行   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
新型病毒GBV-C/HGV尚未得到国际病毒分类与命名委员会的最后命名,但因其可能与人类肝炎相关,而引起国际医学界的广泛关注,本文综述了用聚合酶链反应方法以庚型肝炎的传播和流行进行研究的最新进展。  相似文献   

本研究应用聚合酶链反应 限制性片段长度多态性(PCR RFLP)法对来自不同临床标本的幽门螺杆菌 (Hp)进行分析 ,通过聚类分析进行基因分型 ,并在此基础上探讨不同基因型别的Hp与不同疾病的关系。1.材料与方法 :(1)菌株来源与培养 :5 0株Hp菌株分离自消化道疾病行胃镜检查的患者标本 (男 30例 ,女 2 0例 ) ;2 5株来自消化道溃疡患者 ,2 5株来自其他胃病患者 ,Hp菌株用布氏肉汤培养基、在 37℃恒温、微需氧条件下培养 3~ 4天 ,观察细菌形态 ,进行菌株鉴定 ,然后传代 ,- 80℃保存。(2 )DNA制备 :收集纯培养 3~ 4天的Hp于 5 0 0 μlTE(pH…  相似文献   

 目的 研究宜昌地区结核分枝杆菌北京基因型菌株的多态性和流行特征,揭示该地区结核病的分子流行病学特征,为结核病防治提供科学依据。方法 选择2018年1月-2019年12月具有完整病例信息的结核分枝杆菌298株,进行人型结核分枝杆菌的鉴定,用扩增RD105缺失片段的多重PCR (DTM-PCR)鉴定北京基因型菌株;应用优化的9位点数目可变串联重复序列技术(VNTR)分析北京基因型菌株的多态性。结果 298株结核分枝杆菌中,260株为人型结核分枝杆菌,DTM-PCR鉴定发现北京基因型菌株140株(53.85%),非北京基因型菌株120株(46.15%)。北京基因型菌株耐药率(32.14%)高于非北京基因型菌株耐药率(10.83%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。VNTR-9位点对北京基因型菌株的分辨率为0.998 5,成簇率为12.15%。结论 北京基因型菌株在宜昌地区呈较高流行趋势,且北京基因型菌株耐药率更高。VNTR-9位点基因分型方法用于该地区结核分枝杆菌北京基因型菌株的鉴别,能准确反映宜昌地区结核分枝杆菌的分子流行病学特征。  相似文献   

青海省部分林区莱姆病流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解青海省莱姆病流行状况和疫源地分布,系统收集莱姆病主要传播媒介(蜱)及其主要宿主动物(鼠)的带菌情况,掌握人群莱姆病的感染水平,为进一步开展莱姆病监测和有效防治莱姆病提供依据。方法莱姆病螺旋体检测,采用聚合酶链反应;血清抗体(IgG)检测采用间接免疫荧光法。结果共调查1108人,阳性167例,平均感染率为15.07%;其中牧业区林场人群莱姆病平均感染率7.98%,农业区林场人群为21.21%,显示地区问差异有统计学意义(X^2=36.68,P〈0.001);不同性别、年龄人群莱姆病感染率差异不明显;主要传播媒介为青海血蜱,带菌率为23.93%;主要宿主动物以小家鼠为优势种,占46.08%,鼠的总带菌率为20.59%。结论调查地区不仅有莱姆病感染存在,而且人群感染率还较高,平均感染率高于全国水平。不同地区由于生态环境、生产方式和生活习惯的差异,两地感染程度差别很大,农业区林场人群莱姆病平均感染率明显高于牧业区;青海血蜱为青海省主要传播媒介,可能存在莱姆病自然疫源地。  相似文献   

目的掌握黑龙江省东部七口岸蜱的种群特征及其感染的莱姆病病原体。方法采用人工小时布旗法采集蜱.接种于BSKⅡ培养基,分离莱姆病螺旋体。结果在七口岸共施蜱180人工小时,采集成蜱6554只,隶属于1科3属5种,其中长角血蜱为口岸蜱类新记录。主要种群为:森林革蜱(37.2%),全沟硬蜱(31.6%).嗜群血蜱(27.6%);不同口岸和生境蜱种群构成有所不同。从东宁、同江口岸分离到莱姆病螺旋体3株。结论基本查清黑龙江省东部七口岸蜱的种群构成,东宁、同江口岸存在莱姆病疫源地。  相似文献   

陕西省莱姆病自然疫源地调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的调查了解陕西省莱姆病自然疫源地。方法人群莱姆病螺旋体血清抗体检查,采用间接免疫荧光法(IFA);莱姆病患者,采用个案调查;蜱样,采用拖旗法采集;莱姆病螺旋体检测,采用巢式PCR法;莱姆病螺旋体基因分型,采用RFLP法。结果通过血清流行病学调查,陕西省富县张家湾镇、南郑县碑坝、陇县八渡镇3个农林地区人群莱姆病螺旋体自然感染率分别为8.33%(6/113)、8.88%(3/36)和7.51%(4/45)(P0.05),发现莱姆病患者14例,蜱类以嗜群血蜱和达吉克斯坦革蜱为优势种,检测蜱样1 116只。检测出阳性138只,总阳性率为12.35%。物种的阳性率分别为嗜群血蜱30.06%(107/356),达吉克斯坦革蜱3.88%(29/747),日本血蜱15.38%(2/13);检测出阳性蜱样138只,其中嗜群血蜱107只,84只为伽氏疏螺旋体基因型,23只为阿弗西尼疏螺旋体基因型;达吉克斯坦革蜱29只,24只为伽氏疏螺旋体基因型,5只为阿弗西尼疏螺旋体基因型;日本血蜱2只,均为伽氏疏螺旋体基因型。结论研究提示陕西省富县张家湾镇、南郑县碑坝、陇县八渡镇3个农林地区存在莱姆病自然疫源地。  相似文献   

《Ticks and Tick》2020,11(6):101515
The dynamics of zoonotic vector-borne diseases are determined by a complex set of parameters including human behavior that may vary with socio-ecological contexts. Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States. The Northeast and upper Midwest are the regions most affected - two areas with differing levels of urbanization and differing sociocultural settings. The probability of being infected with Lyme disease is related to the risk of encounters with Ixodes scapularis ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, which reflects both the environmental tick hazard and human behaviors. Herein, we compare behavioral and peridomestic risk factors perceived to influence the risk for human-tick encounters between two high-incidence states in the Northeast (New York and New Jersey) and one high-incidence state in the Midwest (Wisconsin). We used a smartphone application, The Tick App, as a novel survey tool, during spring and summer of 2018. Adaptive human behavior was identified in the relationship between outdoor activities and the use of methods to prevent tick bites. More frequent recreational outdoor activities and gardening (a peridomestic activity) were associated with a 1.4–2.3 times increased likelihood of using personal protective measures to prevent tick bites, when accounting for demographics and previous Lyme diagnosis. Most outdoor activities were more frequently reported by participants from the Midwest (n = 697), representing an older demographic, than the Northeast (n = 396). Participants from the Northeast were less likely to report use of personal protective measures to prevent tick bites, but a larger proportion of participants from the Northeast reported application of environmental pesticides targeting ticks or mosquitoes or other insects on their property (34 % of 279 versus 22 % of 616 participants) and interventions to reduce the presence of peridomestic deer compared to participants from the Midwest (e.g. 20 % of 278 versus 7% of 615 participants reported having a deer proof fence). Participants from the Midwest were more likely to kill rodents on their property (28 % versus 13 %). These differences illustrate the need for further assessment of personal behavior and tick exposure in these two Lyme disease-endemic regions to aid in targeted public health messaging to reduce tick-borne diseases.  相似文献   

全沟硬蜱传播莱姆病的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用组织学方法,研究我国主要传播媒介——全沟硬蜱(I.persulcatus)。对吸血2~6天雌蜱,首次观察了Lyme螺旋体在其各器官的分布,有助于了解其传播方式,为采取有效预防措施提供了依据,也为该蜱经卵传递病原体提供了线索。  相似文献   

A comprehensive Lyme borreliosis risk assessment process was applied in S. Rossore Estate, on the Tyrrhenian coast, near Pisa, Italy. Host-seeking Ixodes ricinus nymphs peaked in May in oak-dominated deciduous wood (median, Q1–Q3, number of nymphs/50 m dragging = 4.5, 2.5–8), whereas host-seeking larvae peaked in August in the same habitat type (6.0, 4–17/50 m dragging). Prevalence of I. ricinus infestation was 88.9% in wild rodents (n = 11), 64.3% in fallow deer (n = 28) and 0.0% in wild boars (n = 5). Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato was not isolated from rodents' organs, and from 80 I. ricinus nymphs and 50 adults. Moreover, PCR for B. burgdorferi sl carried out on 110 nymphs and 12 adult ticks also gave negative results. Forest workers were at higher risk of tick bite than other Estate employees (relative risk (RR): 1.7, p = 0.02). In spite of high levels of tick exposure, B. burgdorferi sl specific antibodies were not detected in sera from Estate personnel (n = 30) and sentinel animals (dogs, n = 23, fallow deer, n = 61).  相似文献   

从四川东部林区二棘血蜱体内分离出莱姆病螺旋体   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1991年5~6月,我们在四川省南川县对传播莱姆病螺旋体的媒介昆虫进行了调查。棘血蜱(Haemaphysalis bispinosa)是当地蜱类优势种。用6月上旬采集的50只二棘血蜱中肠涂片,进行直接免疫荧光抗体检测,20只为阳性;从10组(50只)二棘血蜱分离出8株螺旋体;用单克降抗体对8个新分离株(SH_1、SH_2、SH_3、SH_4、SH_5、SH_6、SH_7,SH_(10))进行鉴定,与美国B_(31)菌株反应基本相似,但不完全一致。二棘血蜱在传播莱姆病螺旋体上可能起重要作用。  相似文献   



A survey was developed to assess experience and opinions about Lyme disease and post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS) among faculties in public health. No previous surveys of public health faculties have been found in the literature.

Study design

This is a cross sectional study of public health school faculty members designed to measure knowledge and experience with Lyme disease and PTLDS using an internet survey instrument.


Participants were recruited using all the publicly available e-mail addresses of faculty members in all the 50 accredited Schools of Public Health in the United States.


A 15% response rate was seen for the survey. 50% of respondents were from Lyme endemic states. Less than 5% of faculty members consider themselves expert in Lyme or PTLDS. Many faculty members had known someone with Lyme disease or PTLDS, but few had been diagnosed themselves. Most believe that PTLDS can be severe and chronic, is not easy to treat, and does not resolve on its own, but were uncertain about its aetiology. Most respondents also felt that the incidence of Lyme disease will increase and that more education is needed.


The need for further understanding and communication presents an opportunity for public health research and education in Lyme disease and the sequelae of PTLDS.  相似文献   

中国西北部分地区人群莱姆病血清流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莱姆病是由莱姆病螺旋体引起的一种自然疫源性疾病.我国于1986年首次在黑龙江省海林县林区发现该病~([1]),后证实莱姆病在国内分布相当广泛~([2]).为了解我国西北部分地区林区人群感染情况,在新疆、甘肃、宁夏、陕西4省区的林区进行选点调查.  相似文献   

目的探讨重要媒介蜱类与莱姆病的关系。方法根据多年收集的蜱类标本鉴定,结合血清流行病学调查结果,探讨两者关系。结果吉林省有蜱类2科5属15种。结论全沟硬蜱是吉林省莱姆病的主要媒介。  相似文献   

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