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余曼  张莹  申斌 《实用妇产科杂志》2018,34(11):844-847
目的:探讨双胎妊娠结局及不同分娩时机与分娩方式对新生儿窒息的影响。方法:回顾性分析本院462例双胎妊娠孕妇晚期流产及分娩结局资料,以1分钟Apgar评分≤7分为标准诊断新生儿窒息,对比分析不同孕周的晚期流产率,及在不同分娩孕周采用不同分娩方式的新生儿窒息率。结果:(1)双胎妊娠孕妇孕28周前流产42例,主要集中于孕26~27~(+6)周(18例)。(2)孕28周后分娩的活产新生儿共834例,其剖宫产新生儿窒息率(2. 16%)低于阴道分娩(12. 77%)(P0. 05),其中孕28~29~(+6)、孕32~33~(+6)周剖宫产与阴道分娩的新生儿窒息率差异有统计学意义(P0. 05)。新生儿窒息率在孕36~37~(+6)周(0. 44%)明显低于其他孕周(P0. 05)。(3)大胎儿和小胎儿的剖宫产新生儿窒息率均低于阴道分娩(P0. 05),剖宫产中大胎儿新生儿窒息率低于小胎儿(P0. 05)。剖宫产中大胎儿在孕34~35~(+6)周的新生儿窒息率(0)明显低于其他孕周(P0. 05),剖宫产中小胎儿在孕36~37~(+6)周的新生儿窒息率(0)明显低于其他孕周(P0. 05)。结论:双胎妊娠应加强孕期监护,防止晚期流产的发生。双胎妊娠无明显并发症时可尽量延长孕周至36~37~(+6)周,但不宜过迟,采取剖宫产方式可降低新生儿窒息率的发生。  相似文献   

目的:探讨单羊膜(MA)双胎的临床特征及围生结局。方法:回顾性分析2007~2012年北京大学第三医院流产及分娩的17例MA双胎的临床资料。结果:①17例MA双胎中孕早、中期流产或引产4例(23.5%):1例一胎儿无脑儿、一胎儿胚胎停育流产,1例发生双胎输血综合征(TTTS)引产,2例发生无心畸胎(TRAP)引产。另2例TRAP于孕23周行胎儿镜脐带结扎减胎术后继续妊娠。②MA双胎进入围生期13例(76.5%),分娩中位孕周33周,其中规律产前检查9例,无规律产前检查4例。13例中无合并症入院待产择期剖宫产3例(存活新生儿5例);因胎膜早破、先兆早产和胎儿窘迫入院6例,其中行急诊剖宫产4例,自然分娩2例,存活新生儿10例;并发重度子痫前期2例,其中急诊剖宫产1例,择期剖宫产1例,存活新生儿4例;合并TRAP 1例孕39周自然分娩,存活新生儿1例;孕30周双胎胎死宫内引产1例。③胎儿畸形9例(26.5%,9/34),其中TRAP 4例,无脑儿2例,先天性心脏病1例,肛门闭锁1例,先天性面横裂1例。结论:MA双胎胎儿畸形发生率高,早产风险大,孕期规律产前检查,积极进行TRAP、TTTS、重度子痫前期等处理,必要时入院待产,及时行剖宫产术可改善妊娠结局。  相似文献   

目的:探讨延期妊娠对羊水过少患者妊娠结局的影响.方法:选取我院2002年6月至2012年6月因羊水过少晚期妊娠的孕妇183例作为研究组(孕40+1~41+6周为研究组1,孕37~40周为研究组2),对应选取不同孕周羊水量正常孕妇183例为对照组(孕40+1~41+6周为对照组1,孕37 ~40周为对照组2),应用回顾性对照研究的方法分析各组孕产妇的临床资料,比较各组孕产妇在产前胎儿窘迫及胎盘功能、分娩方式方面的差异.结果:胎儿窘迫、胎盘钙化、剖宫产发生率比较:研究组1均高于对照组1与研究组2(P<0.05);研究组2与对照组2以上指标比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).所有病例均未出现新生儿窒息.结论:在延期妊娠的羊水过少孕妇中,胎儿窘迫、胎盘钙化发生率明显增高,应积极引产,出现胎儿窘迫应以剖宫产为宜.  相似文献   

目的探讨双胎妊娠分娩时机与新生儿窒息之间的关系。方法对国内10家医院2013年分娩的2819例双胎妊娠临床资料进行回顾性分析,统计双胎各孕周分娩比例;比较各孕周新生儿出生体重、新生儿窒息率。结果 2819例双胎妊娠晚期流产率为7.31%(206/2819),主要集中在妊娠26~27+6周;早产率为64.31%(1813/2819);28周后活产新生儿平均体重:大胎儿为(2438.4±527.5)g,小胎儿为(2155.9±517.1)g,妊娠39周后活产儿出生体重增长趋势下降;活产新生儿窒息率:大胎儿为5.38%(138/2565),小胎儿为6.28%(152/2427),妊娠29~29~(+6)周与30~30~(+6)组周、34~34~(+6)周与35~35~(+6)周组差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论双胎流产发生孕周主要集中在26~27~(+6)周。随妊娠周数增加,新生儿窒息率逐渐下降;妊娠30周前新生儿窒息比例高,妊娠35周后新生儿窒息率显著下降。对无明显并发症的双胎妊娠应尽可能延长孕周至36~38~(+6)周,但不宜超过39周。  相似文献   

目的:探讨双胎未足月胎膜早破(PPROM)的临床特点和妊娠结局。方法:回顾性分析双胎PPROM122例(研究组)及同期随机抽取的单胎PPROM183例(对照组),探讨两组胎膜早破发生率、发病孕周、期待治疗、新生儿预后等情况。结果:双胎妊娠PPROM发生率为21.0%,显著高于单胎妊娠PPROM发生率(3.5%)(P0.05);研究组早产儿体重明显低于对照组,窒息率明显高于对照组(P0.05);研究组胎膜早破孕周、终止妊娠孕周均早于对照组,研究组34周发生胎膜早破者期待时间明显短于对照组(P0.05)。结论:双胎妊娠易发生胎膜早破、早产、新生儿窒息,期待治疗时间短,应积极预防,出现胎膜早破积极对症治疗,选择合适的分娩方式,改善新生儿结局。  相似文献   

双胎妊娠中第二个胎儿延迟分娩   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
正常情况下,双胎妊娠分娩时两个胎儿几乎总是在极短时间内先后娩出。过去普遍认为,若两个胎儿阴道分娩间隔时间超过30min,可能会引起第2个胎儿窒息和病率上升。双胎妊娠中,第1个胎儿有时会在妊娠中期(尤其是孕24周以前)发生自然、非意愿性流产,其新生儿存活的希望十分渺茫;此时子宫收缩若逐渐消退,为提高尚未娩出的第2个胎儿的生存机会,将第2个胎儿保留在子宫内继续维持妊娠数天至数周后出生,  相似文献   

通过对我院1986年5月至1989年12月间分娩的98例重度妊高征的围产儿预后分析,探讨重度妊高征终止妊娠的时间及方式。结果表明胎龄达36孕周的围产儿无1例死亡及重度窒息,仅2例轻度窒息,预后良好;36孕周组新生儿窒息及围产儿死亡率均代于<36孕周组和≥37孕周组。以重度妊高征为剖宫产指征者43例(43.88%),剖宫产组新生儿窒息和围产儿死亡率明显低于阴道分娩组;对产前子痫患者药物控制抽搐后行剖宫产结束分娩,可防止再抽搐,故认为:重度妊高征达36孕周对围产儿影响最小,应考虑终止妊娠,避免病情恶化;剖宫产是重症患者终止妊娠的主要措施,但并非唯一措施。  相似文献   

双胎之一胎儿宫内死亡原因及处理19例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :探讨双胎妊娠中一个胎儿宫内死亡的原因及处理。方法 :回顾性分析 1995~ 2 0 0 0年我院收治的 19例双胎之一胎儿宫内死亡的原因及妊娠结局。结果 :5例 <2 8周者 4例放弃胎儿作引产术 ,1例孕 2 6周及 7例 2 8~ 34周从确诊一个胎儿死亡后继续保胎到存活儿分娩 ,平均延长 6周 ,5例 >34周者确诊后随即行剖宫产 ,此 13例新生儿均存活。另 2例足月但未及时处理 ,活胎死亡。死亡主要原因 :脐带因素 2例、帆状胎盘 3例 ,胎儿畸形 2例 ,原因不明 12例。妊娠并发症比例较高占 6 3.16 %。结论 :孕周 <2 8周者一般作终止妊娠处理 ;妊娠 2 8~ 34周存活的胎儿继续妊娠到孕 34周预后良好 ;对孕 34周以后发现的应及时终止妊娠抢救存活儿  相似文献   

目的:探讨妊娠合并重度肺动脉高压患者的妊娠结局。方法:对2000年11月至2011年3月我院产科收治的28例妊娠合并重度肺动脉高压患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。根据发生重度肺动脉高压的孕周,将患者分为4组:<28周为Ⅰ组,28~31+6周为Ⅱ组,32~35+6周为Ⅲ组,≥36周为Ⅳ组。结果:原发性肺动脉高压(PPH)1例,继发性肺动脉高压(SPH)27例(风湿性心脏病16例,先天性心脏病11例);心功能Ⅰ~Ⅱ级4例,心功能Ⅲ~Ⅳ级24例;足月分娩12例,早产10例,中孕引产6例;剖宫产21例,阴道分娩1例;产妇死亡2例,极低出生体重儿1例,新生儿窒息5例,新生儿死亡1例。Ⅲ组患者肺动脉压力明显高于Ⅰ组、Ⅳ组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);Ⅰ组患者医源性胎儿丢失率明显高于Ⅲ组、Ⅳ组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);Ⅳ组患者足月分娩明显多于Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);新生儿窒息率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:妊娠合并重度肺动脉高压患者,孕32~35+6周肺动脉压力达高峰;围生儿结局与发生重度肺动脉高压的孕周、心功能级别有关,发生重度肺动脉高压孕周越小,心功能越差,医源性胎儿丢失率越高,围生儿结局越差;早中期妊娠患者建议尽早终止妊娠,晚期妊娠以剖宫产为宜。  相似文献   

多胎妊娠妇女孕中期选择性减胎术的临床应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wang XT  Li HY  Feng H  Zuo CT  Chen YQ  Li L  Wu ML 《中华妇产科杂志》2007,42(3):152-156
目的 通过对多胎妊娠妇女于孕中期行选择性减胎术,研究其手术指症、时机、安全性、目标胎儿的选择标准和减灭胎儿数,探讨选择性减胎术在改善多胎妊娠结局中的作用.方法 对37例孕12周+1~25周多胎妊娠孕妇(6例双胎、21例三胎、8例四胎、2例五胎,共117个胎儿)在超声引导下经腹行选择性减胎术,按产科医疗指征,在拟被减的46个胎儿心脏内注射10%氯化钾2~5 ml,见胎心逐渐减慢至停跳视为减胎术成功.术后定期产前检查和监测凝血功能,记录妊娠期并发症及妊娠结局.结果 (1)成功率:共减去胎儿46个,减胎成功率为100%(46/46个胎儿),已有27例孕妇分娩,获24个健康新生儿,妊娠成功率为88.9%(24/27).(2)分娩孕周:>36周分娩者15例;32~36周7例;28~32周3例;<28周流产者2例;正在妊娠中10例.平均分娩孕周(34.9±4.1)周,孕28周后分娩率为92.6%(25/27).(3)新生儿平均出生体重:单胎妊娠新生儿平均出生体重为(3014±640)g,双胎妊娠为(2557±573)g,三胎妊娠中除1例两个胎儿存活(出生体重分别为1400及1500 g)外,其余均死亡.(4)安全性:除2例单羊膜囊双胎在减灭1个胎儿后,另1个胎儿随即死亡外,其余多胎妊娠妇女的保留胎儿均未发生胎死宫内.(5)并发症:37例多胎妊娠妇女中仅3例发生子痫前期,减胎术后均无凝血功能障碍发生.(6)阴道流血:有13例孕妇减胎术前发生阴道流血,其中1例在妊娠13周强烈要求减胎,减胎术后于孕22周流产;另12例均在阴道流血停止1周以上后施行减胎.结论 (1)孕中期选择性多胎妊娠减胎术,可以有效减少多胎妊娠胎儿数目、避免异常胎儿出生,降低孕产妇并发症,提高新生儿出生体重.(2)胎儿保留数目以达双胎为好.(3)减胎术前有阴道流血者,避免在流血期间减胎,应选择在流血停止1周以上进行.(4)孕中期多胎妊娠减胎术不会造成孕妇的凝血功能障碍,也不会造成保留胎儿的宫内死亡,安全性好;减胎术后子痫前期的发病率明显下降.  相似文献   

喉罩通气在新生儿复苏中的应用和评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 初步观察喉罩通气应用于新生儿复苏的可行性、有效性和安全性. 方法将分娩后需正压通气复苏的新生儿369例随机分为喉罩组(205例)及面罩组(164例),比较两种方法的复苏效果及观察喉罩操作时间、一次放置成功率及不良反应等. 结果 (1)两组新生儿生后1 minApgar评分构成差异无统计学意义,生后5 min Apgar评分构成高分者喉罩组明显多于面罩组(x2=-3.39,P=0.001).喉罩总体复苏成功率明显高于面罩组(99.02%和84.15%,x2=28.76,P<0.01),总体复苏通气时间明显短于面罩组[(36.4±23.7)s和(66.2±35.4)s](t=-8.66,P<0.01);其中重度窒息患儿喉罩复苏成功率为7/9,面罩组6例均未能成功复苏而需改气管插管;1 minApgar评分4~5分的新生儿喉罩复苏成功率明显高于面罩组(100.00%和42.86%,x2=23.04,P<0.01),通气时间短于面罩组[(54.6±33.6)s和(136.4±42.0)s](t=-4.45,P<0.01);1 minApgar评分6~7分的新生儿复苏成功率两组差异无统计学意义.(2)喉罩一次放置成功率98.54%(202/205),放置时间平均为(7.8±2.2)s,不良反应有呕吐(4例)和胃食管反流(3例). 结论喉罩通气操作相对简单,容易掌握,在较重窒息患儿中使用效果优于面罩,可在一定程度上替代气管插管,尤其适于气管插管操作不熟练者使用.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of multifetal pregnancy reduction (MFPR) as a means to reduce the adverse outcome of multiple gestations. METHODS: This was a retrospective study evaluating the outcome of 334 multiple pregnancies after embryo reduction. RESULTS: In 313 multiple pregnancies in which MFPR was performed before 15 weeks, the rates of miscarriage, preterm delivery <33 weeks, preterm delivery <36 weeks and total fetal loss were 9.12%, 13.33%, 38.60% and 16.25%, respectively, and median gestational age at delivery was 35 weeks. There was a significant correlation between miscarriage and the finishing number of fetuses. In 185 triplets reduced to twins, miscarriage, preterm delivery <33 weeks, preterm delivery <36 weeks and total fetal loss occurred in 8.25%, 11.18%, 40.59% and 15.41% of cases, respectively, and median gestational age at delivery was 36 weeks. In the subgroup of 32 reduced triplet pregnancies that also had second-trimester amniocentesis, the risk of miscarriage (3.13%) was not significantly different from that in the rest of the group. Among 21 twin pregnancies that had selective termination at or after 15 weeks, the risk of preterm delivery <33 weeks was three times higher than in the group of 22 twin pregnancies with first-trimester procedures. CONCLUSION: MFPR resulted in at least one live neonate in 83.75% of cases and was effective in reducing the risks of pregnancy loss and severe prematurity in quadruplets and higher-order pregnancies. The risk of miscarriage increased with increasing finishing number of fetuses. In reduced triplets gestation was prolonged in comparison with average figures reported in the literature. In twin pregnancies selective termination in the first trimester carries a lower risk of severe preterm delivery and this emphasizes the need for first-trimester diagnosis.  相似文献   

Prevention of cerebral palsy during labour: role of foetal lactate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVES: Intrapartum foetal monitoring goal is to prevent foetal asphyxia and its most severe consequence: cerebral palsy (CP). In this paper we describe the detection methods and the criteria needed to assess asphyxia during labour for preventing CP. Foetal cerebral damage assessment is considered from the medical-legal point of view. CP represents the most frequent pathology of childhood related to pregnancy and childbirth with an incidence of 0.2% in children born alive. It is clinically regarded as the result of a spectrum of diseases due to damage or to faded development of the nervous system which generally appears at the time of the first stage of intra-uterine growth or depends on problems arising at birth. The goal of our analysis is to recall the various moments in which this event can take place and, if possible, the moment and the degree of the event of asphyxia and its effect on foetal conditions, in order to control and treat it. STUDY DESIGN: One hundred and eighty-eight fetuses were evaluated by means of Apgar score, intrapartum cardiotocography, observation of the presence of meconium stained amniotic fluid, and clinical features of distress at birth. Lactate concentrations were measured during labour and at delivery in blood samples obtained from the foetal presenting part (foetal scalp) and from the umbilical cord with the use of a rapid electrochemical technique. RESULTS: Evidence of clinical foetal distress was not related to the severity of asphyxia. An increased lactate level was found in asphyctic infants and a clear correlation between lactic acidosis and foetal distress was documented. Low Apgar scores were observed in infants with moderate or severe asphyxia at delivery. Scalp lactate correlated significantly with umbilical artery lactate (P = 0.49, 0.01), but with neither Apgar score at 1 min (R = -0.21, ns) nor at 5 min (R = -0.11, ns). Lactate concentration was higher in case of instrumental delivery compared to spontaneous delivery (P = 0.0001). No perfect correlation was found between lactate level and neonatal outcome, but there were not a significant number of neonates with immediate complications. The rate of instrumental delivery in the distress group was significantly higher than in that of the healthy fetuses (P < 0.01), so spontaneous labour was less frequently associated with foetal distress than instrumental delivery (P < 0.01). In the distress group, severe variable decelerations were generally recorded in the second stage of labour. The incidence of neonatal Apgar score /=45 min, compared with a shorter active second stage, and acidaemia at birth implied larger arterial-venous lactate differences (P < 0.001). The presence of foetal lactate at crowning was also significantly associated with the level of umbilical arterial-venous lactate difference (P = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of the fetus should start with the assessment of lactates and acid-base balance. The method which revolutionized the techniques of foetal monitoring is undoubtedly represented by cardiotocography. However, likely most of neurological outcomes are not correlated with a perinatal event or with peripartum asphyxia. Approximately 10% of cases of CP would actually be due to perinatal asphyxia, and this percentage approaches approximately to 15% if we consider only newborns at term. This again confirms the weak association of a causal relationship between asphyxia and CP. In addition, available foetal suffering markers are vague and allow to identify only less than half of the effective cases of newborns which will develop CP.  相似文献   

重度妊高征合并胎儿生长受限围生儿结局分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨重度妊高征合并胎儿生长受限(FGR)孕妇分娩时机与围生儿结局的关系。方法:选择145例重度妊高征合并FGR患者,按孕周大小共分6组,A组28~30-1孕周、B组30~32-1孕周、C组32~34-1孕周、D组34~36-1孕周、E组36~37-1孕周、F组37~39孕周,回顾分析其围生儿结局。结果:孕28~341周3组的新生儿窒息、肺透明膜病、新生儿死亡发生率非常显著高于孕34~371周两组(P<0.01),而孕34~37-1周两组与孕37~39周组之间差异无显著性(P>0.05)。孕37~39周组的羊水Ⅲ度污染、胎儿窘迫发生率均显著高于孕34~37-1周两组(P<0.01)。结论:重度妊高征合并FGR患者分娩时机宜在孕34~37-1周。适时终止妊娠,对降低围生儿发病率及死亡率有重要意义。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The case of a 25 year-old pregnant woman with a history of miscarriage (8 week) and a triple intrauterine fetal death (35, 25, 21 week) was reported. RESULTS: Personal and family history did not revealed any abnormalities. In the 25th week of gestation routine ultrasonographic examination showed abnormal pulsation indexes in the umbilical artery, as well as the right and left uterine artery. Also extremely high vascular resistance was confirmed in both uterine arteries (notch). The routine laboratory tests were normal. Because of high risks of stillbirth and preliminary pregnancy termination the screening tests for thrombophilia were performed. The presence of a heterozygous form of factor V Leiden mutation and C677T polymorphism of a methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene were confirmed. The low doses of LMWH (nadroparine) subcutaneously and aspirin (150 mg per day, orally) were administered until pregnancy termination. In the 35th week of gestation the pregnancy was terminated by cesarean section due to fetus intrauterine asphyxia (boy 1180 g, Apgar 1 min-6, Agar 5 min 9 points). Three months' follow-up after delivery did not revealed any complication in the mother or in the child. CONCLUSIONS: Successful pregnancy outcome in the woman with thrombophilia and multiple miscarriages confirms the necessity for both prophylactic anticoagulant treatment and detailed laboratory testing.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the effects of multifetal pregnancy reduction (MFPR) as a means to reduce the adverse outcome of multiple gestations.

Methods: This was a retrospective study evaluating the outcome of 334 multiple pregnancies after embryo reduction.

Results: In 313 multiple pregnancies in which MFPR was performed before 15 weeks, the rates of miscarriage, preterm delivery <?33 weeks, preterm delivery <?36 weeks and total fetal loss were 9.12%, 13.33%, 38.60% and 16.25%, respectively, and median gestational age at delivery was 35 weeks. There was a significant correlation between miscarriage and the finishing number of fetuses. In 185 triplets reduced to twins, miscarriage, preterm delivery <?33 weeks, preterm delivery <?36 weeks and total fetal loss occurred in 8.25%, 11.18%, 40.59% and 15.41% of cases, respectively, and median gestational age at delivery was 36 weeks. In the subgroup of 32 reduced triplet pregnancies that also had second-trimester amniocentesis, the risk of miscarriage (3.13%) was not significantly different from that in the rest of the group. Among 21 twin pregnancies that had selective termination at or after 15 weeks, the risk of preterm delivery <?33 weeks was three times higher than in the group of 22 twin pregnancies with first-trimester procedures.

Conclusion: MFPR resulted in at least one live neonate in 83.75% of cases and was effective in reducing the risks of pregnancy loss and severe prematurity in quadruplets and higher-order pregnancies. The risk of miscarriage increased with increasing finishing number of fetuses. In reduced triplets gestation was prolonged in comparison with average figures reported in the literature. In twin pregnancies selective termination in the first trimester carries a lower risk of severe preterm delivery and this emphasizes the need for first-trimester diagnosis.  相似文献   

Objective: We sought to determine subsequent pregnancy outcomes in a cohort of women with a history of unexplained recurrent miscarriage (RM) who were not receiving medical treatment.

Study design: This was a prospective cohort study, of women with a history of three unexplained consecutive first trimester losses, who were recruited and followed in their subsequent pregnancy. Control patients were healthy pregnant patients with no previous adverse perinatal outcome.

Results: A total of 42 patients with a history of unexplained RM were recruited to the study. About nine (21.4%) experienced a further first trimester miscarriage, one case of ectopic and one case of partial molar pregnancy. About 74% (23/31) of the RM cohort had a vaginal delivery. There was one case of severe pre-eclampsia. The RM group delivered at a mean gestational age of 38?+?2 weeks and with a mean birthweight of 3.23?kg. None of the neonates were under the 10th centile for gestational age. Overall, there was no significant difference in pregnancy outcomes between the two cohorts.

Conclusion: Our study confirms the reassuring prognosis for achieving a live birth in the unexplained RM population with a very low incidence of adverse events with the majority delivering appropriately grown fetuses at term.  相似文献   

The case of monosomy 18/ring chromosome 18 mosaicism which was detected prenatally by amniocentesis is presented. The pregnancy was terminated in week 18. Autopsy showed complex malformation of the fetus consisting of cebocephaly, hypotelorism, microphthalmia, severe defects of brain development, and arrest of placental maturation.  相似文献   

The broad acceptance of prenatal diagnosis of various genetic diseases leads to an ever-increasing number of parturients with twin gestations undergoing selective feticide of an affected fetus. In most of the cases, delayed diagnosis leads to second trimester reduction. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether this procedure can be performed in the second trimester with results comparable to those obtained when it is performed in the first trimester. There was a 5.6% miscarriage rate in the group reduced in the first trimester (n=18, Group A) and an 8.3% miscarriage rate in the group reduced in the second trimester (n=48, Group B). The mean weight of neonates in the first group was 2780 g, and in the second group 2620 g. The mean gestational age at delivery was 36.7 weeks for Group A and 35.1 weeks for Group B. No significant differences were observed for any two-paired values considered. There was no perinatal mortality in either group. We therefore conclude that selective feticide of an affected fetus is as safe in the second trimester as it is in the first.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Together with chromosome 19, chromosome 20 belongs to group F, the group of small metacentric chromosomes. Trisomy 20 mosaicism is one of the most frequent chromosomal mosaicisms, representing approximately 16% of prenatally diagnosed cases. In nonmosaic trisomy 20, the usual findings are severe and manifold. Only 3 cases in the literature involved fetuses surviving past the first trimester. CASES: In case 1, a 42-year-old woman presented in her sixth pregnancy; she had had 4 vaginal deliveries of term infants and a miscarriage. Both her familial and personal genetic histories were unremarkable. Genetic amniocentesis was performed in the 18th gestational week for advanced maternal age. Sample analysis revealed a normal, male karyotype in 27 mitoses, while 4 were trisomy 20 (46,XY [27]/47,XY, +20 [4]). In the 37th gestational week a live, immature, male infant weighing 1,730 g was delivered. Chromosomal investigation of the newborn's blood sample did not reveal trisomy 20 but a normal male karyotype. In case 2, a healthy 37-year-old nullipara underwent amniocentesis at the 18th week of pregnancy for advanced maternal age. Amniotic fluid cell karyotype revealed trisomy 20 (47,XX, +20). Ultrasonography performed simultaneously with genetic amniocentesis showed slightly shortened fetal long bones, detectable narrowing of the cranium in the region of the frontal bone, lateral ventricles of 10 mm in width bilaterally, echogenic bowel and polyhydramnios. Abortion was induced in the 23rd week of pregnancy, and a 490-g female fetus was delivered. CONCLUSION: Based on these 2 well-documented, prenatally diagnosed cases, as far as genetic counseling is concerned, nonmosaic trisomy 20 is much less challenging than its mosaic form since the prognosis is uniformly poor in the former.  相似文献   

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