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Yang J  Wu M  Shen Z 《Neuropsychologia》2006,44(10):1833-1842
Visual form agnosia is mainly characterized by profound deficits in visual form and shape discrimination. Previous studies have shown that patients retain the capacity for coordinated motor behaviors, color naming and implicit letter perception. However, it is unknown to what extent other visual functions, such as implicit form and orientation perception, are preserved. To address these questions, we investigated a single visual form agnosic patient, X.F., in two distinct experiments. X.F.'s visual lesions were mainly localized in the bilateral occipitotemporal cortex, with the dorsal visual stream and early visual cortex largely spared. In Experiment 1, X.F. named the color of different forms across 12 blocks of trials. After the first six blocks, the combinations of a form with its color were changed and the new combination was presented for the remaining six blocks. X.F.'s reaction time increased during the switch block and was significantly greater than the overall RT changes between adjacent, non-switch blocks. This indicates that X.F. retained the ability to perceive changes in form despite her inability to discriminate the forms. In Experiment 2, X.F. showed selective orientation adaptation effects to different spatial frequencies; that is, her contrast threshold was significantly higher when the adapting and test orientations were the same than when they were orthogonal, although her orientation discrimination performance was severely impaired. These data provide evidence of a functional dissociation between explicit and implicit visual abilities, and suggest that the residual early visual cortex mediates form and orientation processing in the absence of awareness.  相似文献   

Munhall KG  Servos P  Santi A  Goodale MA 《Neuroreport》2002,13(14):1793-1796
To examine the role of dynamic cues in visual speech perception, a patient with visual form agnosia (DF) was tested with a set of static and dynamic visual displays of three vowels. Five conditions were tested: (1) auditory only which provided only vocal pitch information, (2) dynamic visual only, (3) dynamic audiovisual with vocal pitch information, (4) dynamic audiovisual with full voice information and (5) static visual only images of postures during vowel production. DF showed normal performance in all conditions except the static visual only condition in which she scored at chance. Control subjects scored close to ceiling in this condition. The results suggest that spatiotemporal signatures for objects and events are processed separately from static form cues.  相似文献   

Previous investigations of visuospatial abilities in the visual form agnosic patient D.F. suggest that her egocentric sensorimotor processing is intact while her 'allocentric' judgments of spatial position are impaired. The current investigation extends these previous observations by comparing D.F.'s performance at pointing to a set of spatially distributed stimuli, either directly or by 'pantomiming' the responses in an adjacent homologous workspace. The results showed accurate sensorimotor localization when D.F. pointed directly to single targets or to sequences of targets, presumably as she could use egocentric visual coding. In spite of making relatively spared spatial judgments about the arrays, however, D.F. performed quite poorly when copying them and on the pantomimed pointing task. In this latter task good performance presumably depends on an ability to represent both the categorical and coordinate properties of the array (as does copying them), and to translate these into the effector-based coordinates required for accurate action. D.F.'s pantomimed pointing was similar to her copies of target arrays, as in both tasks there was evidence of spared (although somewhat degraded) appreciation of the relative spatial positions of the stimuli. Remarkably, her accuracy in this allocentric task was not worsened by longer pointing sequences. It is possible that D.F.'s degraded performance reflects a relative (though not complete) preservation of categorical coding within the ventral stream, despite a loss of coordinate coding there.  相似文献   

Yang J  Wu M  Shen Z 《Neurocase》2007,13(5):411-416
Previous studies on visual form agnosic patients have shown that their color perception is relatively preserved when monochromatic figures are used. However, it is unclear whether their color perception remains normal when figures are composed of two parts in different colors. The results showed that patient X.F. had difficulty in naming both colors when the two colors were placed next to each other, and in discriminating the two-color figure from the figure presented in its larger color. In contrast, X.F. could name the two colors when they were physically separated. These data suggest that X.F. manifests exaggerated color perception, producing a color filling-in effect that may be mediated by her spared early visual area.  相似文献   

Patient DF has profound visual form agnosia. Despite this, she has no problem adjusting her finger-thumb grip aperture to the width of objects when reaching to grasp them. In a previous study, however, she was found to have great difficulty in scaling her grip aperture when attempting to grasp a transparent disc through two holes cut into it. This problem was attributed to a putative difference between the visual processing of size and distance in the brain, whereby DF retained the capacity for processing object size but not the separation between distinct elements such as holes. In the present study we have tested this idea more directly, and found no evidence to support such a distinction. Nonetheless, we replicated our earlier finding that DF is unable to produce normal prehension movements when attempting to grasp transparent stimuli by placing her digits into holes. We suggest that, whilst some simple objects offer themselves directly to the dorsal stream for grasping, an intact ventral stream is required to respond appropriately to more complex stimuli.  相似文献   

It is now well established that the visual brain is divided into two visual streams, the ventral and the dorsal stream. Milner and Goodale have suggested that the ventral stream is dedicated for processing vision for perception and the dorsal stream vision for action [A.D. Milner & M.A. Goodale (1995) The Visual Brain in Action, Oxford University Press, Oxford]. However, it is possible that ongoing processes in the visuomotor stream will nevertheless have an effect on perceptual processes. This possibility was examined in the present study. We have examined the visual form-discrimination performance of the form-agnosic patient D.F. with and without a concurrent visuomotor task, and found that her performance was significantly improved in the former condition. This suggests that the visuomotor behaviour provides cues that enhance her ability to recognize the form of the target object. In control experiments we have ruled out proprioceptive and efferent cues, and therefore propose that D.F. can, to a significant degree, access the object's visuomotor representation in the dorsal stream. Moreover, we show that the grasping-induced perceptual improvement disappears if the target objects only differ with respect to their shape but not their width. This suggests that shape information per se is not used for this grasping task.  相似文献   

There are two cortical visual processing streams, the ventral and dorsal stream. The ventral visual stream plays the major role in constructing our perceptual representation of the visual world and the objects within it. Disturbance of visual processing at any stage of the ventral stream could result in impairment of visual recognition. Thus we need systematic investigations to diagnose visual agnosia and its type. Two types of category-selective visual agnosia, prosopagnosia and landmark agnosia, are different from others in that patients could recognize a face as a face and buildings as buildings, but could not identify an individual person or building. Neuronal bases of prosopagnosia and landmark agnosia are distinct. Importance of the right fusiform gyrus for face recognition was confirmed by both clinical and neuroimaging studies. Landmark agnosia is related to lesions in the right parahippocampal gyrus. Enlarged lesions including both the right fusiform and parahippocampal gyri can result in prosopagnosia and landmark agnosia at the same time. Category non-selective visual agnosia is related to bilateral occipito-temporal lesions, which is in agreement with the results of neuroimaging studies that revealed activation of the bilateral occipito-temporal during object recognition tasks.  相似文献   

A disorder of lightness discrimination in a case of visual form agnosia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Benson and Greenberg (1969) described an "agnosic" patient whose severe visual recognition disorder could be accounted for in terms of a deficit in the perception of shape. We report here on a recent case of this disorder (visual form agnosia), and have found that she performs very poorly on tasks of discriminating shades of grey, although she is able to discriminate between hues. This sensory deficit helps to explain some of her perceptual difficulties; it also provides further evidence for parallel feature-processing in the human brain complementary to and consistent with recent physiological data on the visual cortex in animals.  相似文献   

Simon EN 《Neurology》2005,65(2):339; author reply 339

Pan CL  Kuo MF  Hsieh ST 《Neurology》2004,63(12):2387-2389
The authors describe a patient with auditory agnosia caused by a tectal germinoma. Despite having normal audiometric tests, the patient failed to recognize words and musical characters. On head MRI, the inferior colliculi were infiltrated by tumor. Neuropsychological tests revealed severe impairment in recognition of environmental sounds and words, defective musical perception, and stop consonant-vowel discrimination. Inferior colliculus may play a role in the analysis of sound properties.  相似文献   

Patients with visual form agnosia exhibit a profound impairment in shape perception (what an object is) coupled with intact visuomotor functions (how to act on an object), demonstrating a dissociation between visual perception and action. How can these patients act on objects that they cannot perceive? Although two explanations of this 'what-how' dissociation have been offered, each explanation has shortcomings. A 'pathway information' account of the 'what-how' dissociation is presented in this paper. This account hypothesizes that 'where' and 'how' tasks require less information than 'what' tasks, thereby allowing 'where/how' to remain relatively spared in the face of neurological damage. Simulations with a neural network model test the predictions of the pathway information account. Following damage to an input layer common to the 'what' and 'where/how' pathways, the model performs object identification more poorly than spatial localization. Thus, the model offers a parsimonious explanation of differential 'what-how' performance in visual form agnosia. The simulation results are discussed in terms of their implications for visual form agnosia and other neuropsychological syndromes.  相似文献   

Apperceptive visual agnosia is normally held to be a specific deficit in 'apperception' - a hypothetical postsensory stage in visual processing. This paper describes the investigation of a patient diagnosed as suffering from a classical apperceptive agnosia resulting from carbon monoxide poisoning. Controlled behavioural testing confirmed the apparent agnosia but revealed that he could be trained to make a number of visual discriminations which had not been apparent from routine clinical examination and that he suffered a number of subtle sensory impairments which likewise had not hitherto been apparent. Evoked potential recording to grating patterns showed a complex pattern of brain responses involving interactions between spatial frequency, orientation and hemisphere recorded from. The data suggested that the agnosia was caused by sensory impairments rather than a deficit in apperception. We proposed that the impairments were caused by loss of certain spatial frequency and orientation information but rejected an interpretation based on the concept of processing channels in favour of one based on object contour masking by a peppery field defect caused by disseminated lesions. This interpretation received some support from fine grain static perimetry, contrast sensitivity function measurement and orientation discrimination in the two hemifields. Qualitatively similar results were obtained in normal subjects whose field was artificially masked. The results have implications for theories of visual agnosia and for theories of vision based on the concept of processing channels.  相似文献   

In a 41-year-old stroke patient with bitemporal brain damage, we found severe signs of auditory agnosia 6 months after onset. Recognition of environmental sounds was extremely impaired when tested in a multiple choice sound-picture matching task, whereas auditory discrimination between sounds and picture identifications by written names was almost undisturbed. In a therapy experiment, we tried to enhance sound recognition via semantic categorization and association, imitation of sound and analysis of auditory features, respectively. The stimulation of conscious auditory analysis proved to be increasingly effective over a 4-week period of therapy. We were able to show that the patient's improvement was not only a simple effect of practicing, but it was stable and carried over to nontrained items.  相似文献   

A 70-year-old, right-handed man was admitted to our hospital for his sudden-onset topographical disorientation. He failed to find his way to familiar places, but he knew distance and direction to the places. Neurological examination revealed homonymous left-upper quadrantanopsia on Goldmann perimeter and hypoesthesia over the left side of his body. Magnetic resonance imaging showed an abnormal intensity area at the right medial temporo-occipital region, due to the infarct of the right posterior cerebral arterial territory. The neuropsychological examination revealed agnosia for streets, and prosopagnosia without any other disturbance of visual perception. Both visual and topographical memories were intact. It is suggested that, in this case, the agnosia for streets was caused by impairment of recognizing familiar streets and houses or disconnection between their recognition and memory.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the process of distinguishing a visual signal from visual noise by patients with cerebral hemisphere lesions as well as by patients with visual and auditory hallucinations were investigated. Visual noise was formed by a special programme on a computer by realizations of first-order statistics with probability of appearance of black elements p=0·35, 0·25 and 0·15. Against each of these noises outlined designs of the same eight objects were exposed for identification. Visual system capacity was calculated in bits per second. In the group of patients with local brain pathology only occipital cases manifested disorders in the information processing. These disorders were evident even at the highest signal/noise ratio and practically remained persistent. The problem was mainly of identification of a signal, with comparatively preserved capacity for detection. Patients with visual hallucinations also manifested distinct disorders of visual information processing. However, the revealed disorders in these patients, in contrast to those with local lesions in the occipital cortex, were transient, less intensive, and in this case they were found in detection as well as in identification. The role of the occipital cortex and deep cerebral structures in visual information processing is discussed.  相似文献   

We report a 74-year-old right-handed man with visual agnosia for picture due to right occipital lobe infarction. The patient had a remarkable impairment in visual recognition for standardized pictures made by Snodgrass and Vanderwart, in addition to left hemianopsia, left visuospatial neglect, and mild prosopagnosia. The visual agnosia for picture was generally recognized as a mild-type of the visual object agnosia, which was extremely rare in the patients with right occipital lesion. We discussed the mechanism of the visual agnosia in the right occipital lesion. Therefore, it raises the possibility that the broad impairment of the right occipital artery territory including parahippocampal gyrus as well as corpus callosum can cause the visual agnosia for picture.  相似文献   

Drawings made by 25 patients with neurosurgical diseases causing focal lesions in the posterior areas of the right, not dominant cerebral hemisphere due to expanding changes. Experimental clinical investigations by the method of Luria demonstrated in these cases presence of left-sided visuospatial agnosia. The material was analysed from the point of view of the features of drawings characteristic for the syndrome of disturbances and the localizatory and diagnostic value of drawings. Characteristic disturbances of drawings and their placement were observed suggesting that the patients ignored the left half of the visual space due to damage to the right parieto-occipital non-dominant cerebral hemisphere. The drawing test is regarded as a valuable method for the diagnosis and localization of lesions in the neurological and neuropsychological practice.  相似文献   

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