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Several reviews of the emerging, transdisciplinary field of prevention science have identified the need for improved and expanded training of researchers as one of the central issues facing the field. A starting place for such an endeavor is an assessment of the current state of training. In that regard, we queried several groups of researchers about training in the prevention of mental disorders and closely related areas. Training experts from federally funded prevention intervention research and training centers were interviewed regarding the content of existing and ideal prevention science training programs. Based on these interviews and a literature search, we identified 13 content areas for prevention training. Through an internet-based survey, we interviewed trainees, early career researchers, and established researchers on their knowledge of and training in these areas. There was no content area in which the majority of early career researchers had a high level of training or knowledge. In contrast, the majority of established researchers were highly knowledgeable about each of six content areas that have represented the traditional areas of training in prevention science for the past several decades. Early career researchers had particularly low levels of knowledge and training in the history of prevention research and practice, how to obtain funding for prevention research, and how to conduct economic analyses. Implications of the findings for the education of the next cohort of prevention researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

Non-academic members of research teams, such as community members, can perceive traditional human subjects protection training as lacking in cultural relevance. We present a case exemplar of the development of a human subjects protection training for research staff with limited English proficiency and/or no or limited research experience. Seven modules were adapted for language, cultural examples, etc., from the standard Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) human subjects protection training. Non-academic research staff completed a day-long training in human subjects protection (six modules) and our research protocol (one module). We assessed comprehension of content with PowerPoint slides and module quizzes. All participants successfully passed each module quiz with ≥?80% correct. Questions answered incorrectly were discussed before proceeding to the next module. To meet the increasing demand for collaborative community-engaged research with underserved minority populations, human subjects protection training protocols can be adapted successfully to reflect real-world situations and provide culturally relevant materials to help non-academic research staff better understand the importance and necessity of research ethics.  相似文献   

Objective. To describe the ways in which investigators are trained for careers in health services research and estimate their number. Data Sources/Study Setting. Sources describing health services research (HSR) training were consulted and published inventories of HSR training programs were reviewed and 124 training programs were contacted and interviewed to determine the numbers of students and the content of their HSR degree programs. Study Design. Observational study. Data Collection. HSR programs listed by AcademyHealth were surveyed and asked for details of enrollments; course content was captured from websites for the remaining programs. Principal Findings. There are over 300 programs that train investigators in health services research in master's and doctoral programs. The number of graduates who become HSRs in any given year is unknown, but approximately 5,000 individuals graduate with skills that would allow them to function in or lead HSR projects and up to 200 fellows are annually trained as potential independent health services researchers. Conclusions. The training pipeline for HSR appears to match demand because there are no apparent shortages of skilled workers in the field. There are many forces that are pressuring the field to adapt to technology demands and the increasing need for “translation” of results from research into practice.  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨国际出版机构的科研伦理培训实践,选取施普林格·自然集团、爱思唯尔集团、威立出版集团、世哲出版公司和牛津大学出版社5家国际出版机构作为研究对象,对其科研伦理培训课程进行全面调研和分析,为打造我国科研伦理培训体系提供借鉴。【方法】 采用案例研究法,收集和整理5家国际出版机构的科研伦理培训课程,并从培训内容、培训对象、培训师资等方面进行梳理。作为对比,对中国期刊界科研伦理培训现状进行总结。【结果】 国际出版机构已经建立全面的科研伦理培训体系,通过充分调动内外部相关资源,不断提高服务全球科研人员的能力,并提升品牌影响力,这对中国期刊单位提高社会责任感和树立品牌形象有重要借鉴意义。【结论】 中国期刊单位应该打造品牌培训课程,并将其纳入出版服务必备项目,同时加强与国内科研伦理有关学/协会或科研机构的合作,启动科研伦理案例库、中国特色出版数据库建设,打造专业工具箱以支撑科研创新。  相似文献   

目的观察一次运动训练对运动员血清IL-2、sIL-2R的影响,寻找运动后机体免疫机能变化规律,从而有效预防运动性免疫抑制。方法以进行无氧训练的武术运动员为研究对象,以血清IL-2、sIL-2R来反映机体免疫机能,观察训练前后不同时相IL-2、sIL-2R的变化。结果适宜的无氧训练后即刻可以使血清IL-2含量在运动后即刻较运动前显著升高,在恢复2h、15h与运动后即刻相比,血清IL-2含量又显著降低;血清sIL-2R在运动后即刻较运动前显著升高。结论适量无氧运动训练后一段时间细胞免疫功能提高,但很快可以恢复,可能是sIL-2R可低亲和力与IL-2结合,减少IL-2与IL-2R结合,导致细胞免疫机能不至于持续保持过高水平,长期过量sIL-2R升高提示机体细胞免疫机能受到抑制,应及时调整训练负荷来减轻运动性免疫抑制的发生。  相似文献   

介绍了河北省人民医院对青年人才进行分类培养模式的实践经验。医院通过经费支持、目标管理、导师负责制、政策支持等,帮助"青管""青医"和"青护"人员的科研水平和业务能力得到了较大水平的提升。在取得成果的同时,总结出人才流失导致培养成本损耗大、培训内容针对性差、培养时间不合理、短期效果明显而长期规划不足等问题,以期为同级别医院人才培养模式提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为推广“模块化培训”在卫生应急管理人员培训中的应用,根据前期文献研究、政策分析以及培训需求调查的结果设计出了卫生应急管理模块化培训方案,包括培训目标、培训内容、培训方式、培训师资、培训对象、培训时间等内容,对相关部门开展卫生应急管理模块化培训具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

目的 了解MPH实践教学现状及存在的问题并提出相应措施。方法 运用问卷调查法对潍坊医学院的MPH及导师进行调查,收集数据进行描述性分析。结果 66.67%的导师认为现场实训是MPH人才培养模式中最薄弱的环节,65.63%的师生认可当前人才培养模式效果;56.25%的师生认为课程设置比较合理,超过70%的MPH对教学效果持肯定态度;69.39%的MPH认为在实训过程获得了实践训练,超过30%的MPH认为实践效果一般或不满意;约50%的MPH以校内导师项目作为毕业论文研究内容;51.02%MPH认为双导师制对MPH培养帮助较大;师生都认为当前实践教学存在教学方法单一、研究理论脱离实际等问题。结论 当前MPH实践教学基本能满足人才培养的需求,但也存在课程设置不够完善、实践实训流于形式、课题研究缺少实践性和应用性、实践教学资源匮乏等问题。应以社会需求为导向改革课程体系,采用多样化的实践教学方法和手段,探讨学校与实践教学基地的合作机制,完善双导师制,从而提高MPH人才培养质量。  相似文献   

介绍“建立乡镇卫生院卫生技术人员在职培训制度的主要问题及政策建议”课题的研究背景、目的、内容、方法。根据调查结果描述了目前乡镇卫生院卫技人员在职培训的主要模式及存在问题。通过归纳各利益相关者的观点和建议,提出建立健全乡镇卫生院卫技人员在职培训的政策建议。结果表明,影响乡镇卫技人员在职培训的主要问题有:卫生院发展不稳定,缺乏明确的政策依据和具体要求,卫技人员队伍素质差,管理操作不规范,缺乏保障与激励措施等。各方人员普遍认为,建立健全乡镇卫技人员在职培训制度可促进卫技人员素质的改善,有利于提高卫技人员的服务水平,对充分发挥乡镇卫生院的功能,推动乡镇卫生院建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

S Reder  J L Gale  J Taylor 《JPHMP》1999,5(6):62-69
A dual method research approach was used to identify the training needs of the public health professionals in Washington. A mail questionnaire was implemented, followed by focus groups with Washington State Department of Health (DOH) and local health department (LHD) professionals. Focus groups were used successfully to enhance and clarify the survey findings by identifying the specific content of the highest rated training needs (interpersonal communication, cross-culture and cross-age communication, participatory teaching/training skills, and electronic communication) and by pinpointing preference for different modes of training delivery for different training needs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate junior doctors' views about careers in academic medicine. DESIGN: Postal questionnaire survey. SETTING: National Health Service in England. SUBJECTS: Doctors in university posts at specialist registrar level, Medical Research Council and Wellcome Trust training fellows, and specialist registrars in National Health Service posts. RESULTS: Incentives to pursue an academic career which respondents rated as strong related to the challenge of research and the intellectual environment of research units. The strongest disincentives were perceived difficulties in obtaining research grants and uncertainty regarding pay parity with National Health Service colleagues. Medical Research Council and Wellcome fellows had much more protected research time than other academic doctors but were less satisfied with their clinical training. Academic doctors who were not fellows reported spending less than half their time on research and the great majority agreed that their research suffers when there is pressure on the service side. CONCLUSIONS: The job content of academic posts should be kept under regular review to ensure that clinical service pressures do not inappropriately erode research time while also ensuring that postholders have adequate clinical training. Training programmes need flexibility to accommodate the needs of clinical academics in their progress through higher specialist training.  相似文献   

This systematic literature review addresses 20 years of intervention research conducted between 1990 and 2010 in which adults in any role serving preschoolers with or without delays or disabilities were taught skills applicable to children in classroom settings. Acceptable inter-observer agreement was reported for (a) the criteria for including research articles in this review and (b) the article content items. Review findings summarised the (a) characteristics of preschool staff, children, and settings, (b) professional development training topics and methods of training, and (c) research characteristics and findings. The 69 studies in this database lend credibility to the use of professional development to improve classroom-related skills in preschool teachers and staff. Most of these studies included professional development methods that have been identified as being indicators of effectiveness: modelling, demonstration by instructors, and feedback to participants both during workshops and classroom-based interventions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this integrative review was to examine the evidence-based practice (EBP) training literature for occupational therapy practitioners in order to describe the relationships between EBP use in practice and practitioner training for EBP. A systematic search of literature related to EBP training in occupational therapy was followed by a research evaluation, review of case examples, and qualitative content analysis. Findings suggest that comprehensive, contextually-relevant, and collaborative training approaches are necessary for practitioners to address implementation of EBP. Research investigating the mechanisms of practitioner training and ways to measure the relationships between training, changes in how practitioners use evidence-based practices, and client outcomes and other quality indicators is recommended.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study investigates the education and training needs of health professionals and factors affecting participation in education and training. METHODS: A survey of health promotion professionals, health professionals, GPs and CEOs of community health centres, conducted across different settings and locations. Information was obtained on: involvement in health promotion activities, most useful content and format of past training, current preferences for education and training and barriers and incentives to education and training. RESULTS: Health promotion professionals were involved in the widest variety of health promotion activities, including more evaluation, research and planning than GPs and other health professionals who were involved in more client-focussed activities. Professionals' preference for training content reflected the type of activities in which they were most frequently involved. Practical courses, of short duration, delivered by experienced peers or health promotion experts were preferred over university and TAFE courses. Professionals in rural and provincial locations require both greater access to information on training and conveniently located training. More organisational support, funding and time release would encourage the training of professionals in government departments, community health centres and public hospitals. CONCLUSIONS: To be most effective, training must be tailored to suit the specific needs of different professionals involved in health promotion and take into consideration how factors, such as financial incentives and time release, influence participation across different settings and locations. IMPLICATIONS: Further development of the health promotion workforce will require recognition of its professional diversity and a more responsive and organised approach to education and training programs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the development of a theoretical model for health care administration programs at the graduate level. Our model development was prompted by recently-expressed concerns that the training available to managers and executives in health care fields is encountering a number of problems: it is typically lengthy and expensive, and involves too many prerequisites. In terms of content, the training available may be too narrowly focused on performing functions, such as accounting, rather than managing the functions. We begin development by conducting a content analysis of several highly-regarded programs with commonly identified features. We next describe how those features can be incorporated into a fast-track, 33 hour program without prerequisites which is consistent with accreditation guidelines. Implications for executive education and research are discussed.  相似文献   

The growth of the "patient-centred" approach to health care has highlighted the importance of quality communication practices. One area that remains problematic, however, is the process of breaking bad new to patients and/or relatives. Hence, there have been calls for more research and training in this domain. Reports the findings of a study that used the critical incident technique to explore the breaking bad news encounter from the perspective of the health care practitioner. In total 33 senior medical and nursing staff reported on situations in which they described specific, vividly recalled, experiences of both "effective" and "ineffective" bad news delivery. These reported incidents were content analysed and a range of key dimensions was identified for both effective and ineffective experiences. Interpersonal communication skills emerged as particularly salient factors and these are discussed in detail, together with implications for future research and training.  相似文献   

目的了解中国高级实践护士的研究现状,以期为本土化高级实践护士的进一步发展提供依据。方法通过CNKI、万方医学数据库、维普数据库和中国生物医药文献数据库进行筛选的以“高级实践护士”为主题或关键词的相关论文,利用BICOMS 2分析软件对主题词进行提取和组织,用以生成主题词的共现矩阵。以NetDraw软件呈现网络关系图,利用gCLUTO进行聚类分析。结果高级实践护士研究有171个具有实质意义的主要主题词,研究领域分为5个研究主题,分别为国内高级实践护士的相关概念界定,角色定位及发展现状,培养模式,专业化方向及研究手段,岗位内容及管理。结论基于词频分析和共词聚类的高级实践护士的分析有助于了解目前国内高级实践护士的研究核心与新兴方向,对我国培养高级实践护理人才研究方向起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The HSRC was awarded a large core grant specifically for research capacity development and training, with the aim of facilitating future high quality HSR in the UK. This was used to pursue three main areas of activity. First, the provision of small grants to facilitate the development of new work, help create new, multidisciplinary groupings and support junior researchers. Of the various schemes discussed, the research initiation grants (max pound6000) and workshop awards (max pound3000) appear to have been particularly valuable. Second, appoint cohorts of PhD students to pursue four-year training programmes (rather than the traditional three years), during which they received individualized research training and development opportunities with an emphasis on both multidisciplinary HSR training and generic skills training, as well as pursuing their own research projects. Third, improving research training opportunities by developing networks for research staff at various stages in their careers and organizing workshops and courses in specialist HSR subjects, and for generic skills training. The premature closure of the HSRC prevented us from fully evaluating these initiatives and, arguably, their real value will not be apparent for some years. However, we believe that the programme was successful and that it went some way to helping us break out from the traditional, entrenched approaches to research training, and to helping us think of research capacity development as being as important as doing the research itself. But much more remains to be done.  相似文献   

We describe the development of an evidence‐based training intervention on domestic violence and child safeguarding for general practice teams. We aimed – in the context of a pilot study – to improve knowledge, skills, attitudes and self‐efficacy of general practice clinicians caring for families affected by domestic violence. Our evidence sources included: a systematic review of training interventions aiming to improve professional responses to children affected by domestic violence; content mapping of relevant current training in England; qualitative assessment of general practice professionals' responses to domestic violence in families; and a two‐stage consensus process with a multi‐professional stakeholder group. Data were collected between January and December 2013. This paper reports key research findings and their implications for practice and policy; describes how the research findings informed the training development and outlines the principal features of the training intervention. We found lack of cohesion and co‐ordination in the approach to domestic violence and child safeguarding. General practice clinicians have insufficient understanding of multi‐agency work, a limited competence in gauging thresholds for child protection referral to children's services and little understanding of outcomes for children. While prioritising children's safety, they are more inclined to engage directly with abusive parents than with affected children. Our research reveals uncertainty and confusion surrounding the recording of domestic violence cases in families' medical records. These findings informed the design of the RESPONDS training, which was developed in 2014 to encourage general practice clinicians to overcome barriers and engage more extensively with adults experiencing abuse, as well as responding directly to the needs of children. We conclude that general practice clinicians need more support in managing the complexity of this area of practice. We need to integrate and further evaluate responses to the needs of children exposed to domestic violence into general practice‐based domestic violence training.  相似文献   

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