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鼻硬结病较罕见 ,我院 1 5年间曾遇 2例。早期均误诊为萎缩性鼻炎 ,而误行鼻底硅胶填充术。报告如下。例 1 男 ,5 5岁。因鼻内干燥 ,咽部不适就诊。门诊按“鼻前庭炎”、“慢性咽炎”间断治疗半年 ,症状不见缓解 ,自动放弃治疗。后因症状逐渐加重再次来院求治。检查 :一般情况  相似文献   

我科收治1例鼻硬结病患者误诊为鼻前庭囊肿,现报告如下。 患者,女,22岁,以“发现左鼻腔肿块1周”为主诉于2007年10月23日来我科就诊。患者于1周前偶然发现左鼻腔有一肿块,无疼痛及鼻塞,无伴鼻漏,未曾诊治,肿块无渐进性增大。患者出生后就未去过任何地方。体检:左鼻前庭外侧可触及一大小约1.0cm×1.0cm的肿块,质中,无压痛,  相似文献   

患者,女,46岁.因鼻塞35年于1998年6月15日入院.35年前在一次摔伤后出现渐进性鼻塞,进展缓慢,无其他自觉症状及反复鼻出血,无脓血涕.20年前在外院以鼻硬结病予以手术治疗,术后鼻塞症状无明显改善,一般情况尚好,全身浅表淋巴结未触及,皮肤、粘膜无异常.  相似文献   

目的 对比分析鼻腔鼻窦Rosai-Dorfman病(Rosai-Dorfman disease,RDD)与鼻硬结病的临床病理特征。方法 回顾6例鼻腔鼻窦RDD及4例鼻硬结病临床病理资料,EnVision免疫组化二步法行S-100、CD68、IgG、IgG4染色及Warthin-Starry(W-S)特染。结果 RDD中4例伴多部位病变,鼻硬结病1例伴喉部病变;前者无鼻腔黏膜破坏,后者多伴溃疡;前者“明区”和“暗区”交错分布,后者“Mikulicz”细胞成片分布,常见中性粒细胞聚集灶;前者组织细胞内见稀薄的嗜伊红物质,伴淋巴浆细胞“伸 入”,后者“Mikulicz”细胞胞质空亮,内见细小颗粒;前者组织细胞S-100、CD68阳性,后者只CD68阳性,W-S染色见鼻硬结杆菌;二者IgG4阳性计数均值分别为26个/HPF及8个/HPF,IgG4/IgG均小于40%。结论 RDD是系统性疾病,鼻硬结病多局限于上呼吸道;组织形态学、免疫组化(S-100、CD68)及特染(W-S)有助于鉴别诊断;纤维化明显时二者需与IgG4相关性疾病鉴别。  相似文献   

嗅区鼻硬结病长期误诊1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鼻硬结病(rhinosclerom)是一种慢性进行性肉芽肿病变。鼻腔硬结病变绝大多数原发于鼻腔前部。最近,我科收治1例发生于鼻中隔嗅区,且向鼻根部皮肤侵犯的鼻硬结病患者,由于其发病部位特殊,故长期误诊。现报告如下。患者,女,36岁。4年前始出现鼻腔顶部灼痛,交替性鼻塞,偶伴血涕。多次来我科门诊,诊为“慢性单纯性鼻炎”,予常规药物治疗无改善。半年前鼻根部皮肤出现红斑样皮疹,初大如绿豆,后渐扩大。曾于皮肤科就诊,未能确诊,于1997年6月2日再次就诊入院。体检:外鼻无畸形,左鼻背延至鼻根处,可见椭圆形红斑,约1.5cm×1.8…  相似文献   

65-11-313.异常部位的鼻硬结损害 Somani, I. K. J Laryng, 1964, 78, №5, 546~550(英文) 报告一例16岁男性鼻硬结症患者,在腰背部皮肤上也有硬结损害,经病理组织学证实。  相似文献   

鼻硬结病是一种慢性进行性肉芽肿性疾病,常发生于鼻部,可逐渐向后、向下蔓延至鼻咽、口咽、喉咽、喉、气管等处,又称呼吸道硬结病。本病较少见,发病隐匿,病程长,临床症状表现不一,极易漏诊和误诊。现将我院1982~2006年经病理检查确诊的15例鼻硬结病患者报告如下。1资料与方法本组15例患者中,男11例,女4例;年龄19~56岁,平均36岁。病程2个月~3年。主要症状:鼻塞14例,涕多5例,鼻出血2例,鼻干燥1例,鼻臭1例,头痛2例,视力下降1例。经前鼻镜、鼻内镜或电子鼻咽镜检查:中、下鼻道菜花状或息肉状新生物10例,下鼻甲表面结节状肿物6例,鼻道脓性分泌…  相似文献   

硬结症除常发生于鼻、咽、喉外,在文献中还可见到原发于上颌窦及继发于咽鼓管和中耳腔、上颌窦、经鼻泪管侵犯泪道及颅内扩散者,硬结症侵及淋巴结,在既往的英文文献中尚未见有报导,本文报告两例: 例一:女,50岁。鼻堵8个月,3个月来双侧颈部有渐进性、无痛性肿块,曾经12次鼻窦部位的短波疗法。检查可见双鼻腔(鼻底、侧壁、中隔)有粉红色、软、易出血的肉芽肿浸润。双侧颈上深淋巴结增大,硬,局部皮肤正常。鼻部病  相似文献   

鼻硬结病   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鼻硬结病(rhinoscleroma)是一种慢性进行性肉芽肿性疾病,常先发生在鼻部,可逐渐向后、向下蔓延至鼻咽、口咽、喉咽、喉、气管等处,又称为呼吸道硬结病。本病为克雷伯鼻硬结杆菌(Frisch杆菌)感染,其形态为形短、有荚膜的革兰氏阴性杆菌,有轻度的传染性,其传染方式有待研究。可能  相似文献   

Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (Rosai-Dorfman disease) is a rare but distinctive entity. It was initially described as a nodal-based disease but later found to affect a variety of extranodal sites. The diagnosis of Rosai-Dorfman disease is based on the unique histologic changes that are characterized by proliferation of S-100 protein-positive histiocytes, the presence of emperipolesis, and a mixture of prominent lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. The etiology of Rosai-Dorfman disease is unknown. It usually runs a benign clinic course and may resolve spontaneously, but cases running protracted courses have also been reported. We report an unusual case of recurrent extranodal Rosai-Dorfman disease in nasal and paranasal cavities with intracranial involvement surviving for more than 9 years.  相似文献   

Rosai-Dorfman disease is a rare, benign granulomatous disease that typically presents with massive cervical lymphadenopathy. In less than 50% of cases, other soft-tissue manifestations may also be found in the head and neck. Rosai-Dorfman disease can be difficult to diagnose because of its rarity and its ability to mimic, both clinically and radiologically, more common diseases such as lymphoma. The histopathologic diagnosis can also be difficult to make, particularly when the disease exhibits extranodal manifestations. We present a case of isolated extranodal Rosai-Dorfman disease involving the carotid sheath, without the typical massive adenopathy.  相似文献   

正1资料与方法1.1病例1患者,男,35岁,因"声音嘶哑2个月"于2016年12月18日收入青岛大学附属医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科(以下简称"我科")。其诉2个月前,因情绪波动出现声音嘶哑,晨起症状轻,午后加重,无发热,无咽痛,无吞咽及呼吸困难,症状逐渐加重,遂于当地医院住院治疗,诊断"急性咽喉炎、急性会厌炎",给予抗感染及激素治疗,声嘶缓解不明显,故转来我院求诊。  相似文献   

Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) is a systemic disease and its etiology is not well understood. It is a very rare but established disease. We report a case of RDD diagnosed in the upper airway that became a life-threatening condition because of the stricture of the subglottic space. A 49-year-old female complained of nasal obstruction, hoarseness and lacrimation. After evaluation following by fiberscopic examination and CT scanning of the head and neck, sinusitis and laryngeal masses were detected. Endoscopic sinus surgery and endolaryngeal microsurgery were performed simultaneously. The masses in the nasal cavity and larynx showed the same histological findings. Proliferative large histiocytes with voluminous clear cytoplasm and rounded nuclei, and lymphophagocytosis known as emperipolesis are the characteristic features of RDD. In this case, extranodal manifestations in the subglottic space gradually emerged postoperatively. Tracheotomy was performed to ensure an airway and prevent suffocation. An extensive treatment is not required in most patients with RDD, however, some patients who have extranodal manifestations involving the airway may detoriorate into a life-threatening condition.  相似文献   

1病例报告患者,男,42岁。因左侧鼻塞8年余,伴头痛、头晕1年,加重2个月就诊我院。患者8余年前"感冒"后开始出现左侧鼻塞、流涕症状,鼻塞呈间断性,无头痛、头昏不适,当地医院以"鼻-鼻窦炎"给予滴鼻药、抗生素及中成药治疗1周,症状无明  相似文献   

A case of Rhinoscleroma of the left maxilla and ethmoid with involvement of the orbital apex, in a female diabetic, is reported. The significance of the associated diabetes is discussed.  相似文献   

Kimura's disease is a rare, idiopathic condition that usually affects young men of Asian descent. The decrease is characterized by swelling and lesions in the head and neck region, with involvement of the subcutaneous soft tissue, major salivary glands, and lymph nodes. Patients almost always have eosinophilia and elevated serum immunoglobulin E levels. The diagnosis is established by biopsy. Kimura's disease is usually self-limiting. Its etiology is unknown but is thought to be a manifestation of an aberrant allergic response. In this paper, we describe the case of a 30-year-old patient who was diagnosed with Kimura's disease at our institution.  相似文献   

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