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Cases of adenocarcinomas developed in Brunner gland hyperplasia (BGH) have been sporadically reported. Herein, we report the morphologic spectrum of hyperplastic changes culminating into dysplasia and carcinoma in 722 cases of BGH listed in our files. Fifteen of these cases showed dysplastic changes, with 8 graded as low-grade dysplasia, 5 as high-grade dysplasia, 11 as atypical hyperplasia, and 2 as invasive carcinoma, although each frequently coexisted in the same tumor. In two carcinomas, one had high-grade dysplasia in the mucosa, and another had only atypical hyperplasia. Interestingly, hyperplastic glands around dysplastic foci were associated with gastric foveolar metaplasia and papillary configuration in 13 cases, 11 of which showed a gradual increase in nuclear atypism in the transition from metaplastic to dysplastic glands. All of the metaplastic gastric glands showed diffuse and strong immunopositivity for gastric foveolar mucin (MUC5AC). Immunohistochemical profiles also supported the concept of a continuous spectrum in carcinogenesis from gastric foveolar hyperplasia through atypical hyperplasia or dysplasia and eventually to frank adenocarcinoma. The results of our study suggest, therefore, that dysplastic and/or carcinomatous change does occur in BGH, that they form the continuous morphologic spectrum, and that papillary foveolar metaplasia may be a precursor lesion in the process of carcinogenesis with a background of BGH.  相似文献   

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a rare hereditary syndrome characterized by multiple colorectal polyps and early development of colorectal cancer. Although FAP uniformly involves the large bowel, it may also produce lesions in the stomach and upper intestinal tract. Fundic gland polyps are the most common gastric lesion in FAP. In the general population, these polyps are considered benign and have no malignant potential. However, in FAP patients, fundic gland polyps have been occasionally recognized as precursor lesions from which invasive cancer may develop. Herein, we present a case of gastric adenocarcinoma arising from fundic gland polyps in an FAP patient. We also review reported cases of gastric cancer in FAP and FAP variant patients in an effort to better understand the pathology, clinical course, and optimal screening and treatment strategies for this disease manifestation.  相似文献   

Occasional glomus tumors display unusual features, such as large size, deep location, infiltrative growth, mitotic activity, nuclear pleomorphism, and necrosis. Although a small number of purportedly malignant glomus tumors have been described, histologic criteria for malignancy in glomus tumors have never been elaborated. The authors studied 52 unusual glomus tumors (retrieved from their consultation files) previously diagnosed as "atypical" or "malignant" by virtue of nuclear atypia, infiltrative growth, or mitotic activity. They evaluated size, depth, growth pattern, cellularity, nuclear grade, number of mitotic figures per 50 high-power fields (HPF), atypical mitotic figures, vascular space involvement, and necrosis to define criteria for malignancy in glomus tumors. Estimated relative risk was calculated and the Fisher exact test was used for statistical analysis. The 27 female patients and the 25 male patients ranged in age from 8 to 83 years (median age, 43 years). The tumors measured from 0.2 to 12 cm (median size, 2 cm) and occurred predominantly in the extremities, in both the superficial (n = 35) and deep (n = 17) soft tissues. Atypical features were usually observed centrally with a rim of benign-appearing glomus tumor. Follow-up information (n = 35; range, 5 months-23 years; mean 5.5 years) showed seven recurrences, eight metastases, and seven deaths from disease. Five-year cumulative metastatic risk increased significantly for tumors with a deep location (p = 0.005), with a size of more than 2 cm (p = 0.004), and with atypical mitotic figures (p = 0.004). Mitotic activity of more than 5 mitoses/50 HPF, high cellularity, the presence of necrosis, and moderate to high nuclear grade approached but did not reach significance. High nuclear grade alone, infiltrative growth, and vascular space involvement were not associated with metastasis. The authors propose the following classification scheme and criteria. Malignant glomus tumor: Tumors with a deep location and a size of more than 2 cm, or atypical mitotic figures, or moderate to high nuclear grade and > or =5 mitotic figures/50 HPF. Symplastic glomus tumor: Tumors with high nuclear grade in the absence of any other malignant feature. Glomus tumor of uncertain malignant potential: Tumors that lack criteria for malignant glomus tumor or symplastic glomus tumor but have high mitotic activity and superficial location only, or large size only, or deep location only. Glomangiomatosis: Tumors with histologic features of diffuse angiomatosis and excess glomus cells. Using this classification scheme, metastasis was observed in 38% of tumors fulfilling the criteria for malignancy. In contrast, metastatic disease was not seen in any specimen classified as symplastic glomus tumor, glomus tumor of uncertain malignant potential, or glomangiomatosis.  相似文献   

The light microscopic, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural features of a unique variant of tubular-trabecular basal cell adenoma are described. The unusual feature of the six examples reported is the richly cellular "stroma" composed of spindle cells coursing between the anastomosing cords of epithelial tumor cells. Immunohistochemistry of all six cases and electron microscopy of two examples illustrated the biphasic differentiation of the epithelial portion of this form of basal cell adenoma, with a central core of duct luminal cells bordered on either side by one or more layers of modified myoepithelial cells. By light microscopy, the features and arrangement of cells in "stromal" regions of this tumor convey a fibroblastic derivation. However, this population of cells stains strongly for S-100 protein, ultrastructurally displays excessive external lamina production, intercellular junctions, and a growth pattern unlike fibroblasts, and is involved in the formation of extracellular mucinous materials. Such aspects indicate a second population of neoplastic myoepithelial cells in this tumor. Thus, this form of tubular-trabecular basal cell adenoma displays tricellular differentiation and, perhaps, may be considered either a hybrid basal cell adenoma and myoepithelioma or a cellular pleomorphic adenoma.  相似文献   

目的探讨具有神经内分泌特征胃癌的临床病理特点、治疗及预后。方法回顾性分析北京大学临床肿瘤学院1997年1月至2008年12月收治的19例具有神经内分泌特征胃癌病例的临床资料。结果本组19例患者中胃神经内分泌癌14例,其中9例位于胃底贲门,5例位于胃体;另5例胃癌伴神经内分泌分化者中2例位于胃底贲门,2例位于胃窦,1例位于全胃。根据2000年WHO肿瘤国际组织新分类标准.本组19例患者可分为Ⅰ型胃类癌2例(10.5%),Ⅱ型散发性胃类癌9例(47.4%),胃小细胞癌3例(15.8%),胃癌伴神经内分泌分化5例(26.3%)。临床无特异性表现,诊断主要依靠病理及免疫组织化学检查。18例患者接受手术治疗,手术采用根治性胃大部切除术或全胃切除术.3例伴肝转移者行同时性肝转移灶切除:另1例胃体小细胞癌伴肝转移无耘.手术切除者予以单纯化疗。本组患者1年及3年生存率分别为73.7%和38.6%。结论胃神经内分泌癌好发于贲门、胃底部及胃体,胃癌伴神经内分泌分化可发生于胃的各个部位。免疫组织化学染色对该病的诊断具有重要价值。本病总体预后不佳.治疗应尽可能行根治性切除术。  相似文献   

Two cases of primary meningeal sarcoma with leiomyoblastic differentiation are presented. In case no. 1, the tumor showed anaplastic spindle cell tumor components intermingled with anaplastic meningothelial components. Meningothelial tumor cells gradually became transformed into spindle tumor cells. Spindle tumor cells reacted with antisera to muscle actin (HHF-35) and alpha-smooth muscle actin. However, unchanged meningothelial tumor cells did not react with the antisera to HHF-35 and alpha-smooth muscle actin. Electron microscopy showed condensations of cytoplasmic fibers and pinocytotic vesicles in spindle tumor cells similar to those seen in smooth muscle cells. In case no. 2, the tumor cells consisted predominantly of sheets of round or polygonal cells as seen in an epithelioid leiomyosarcoma. The neoplastic cells had frequent nuclear inclusions, such as those seen in meningiomas. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells reacted with antisera to desmin and to HHF-35. Electron microscopy showed a basal lamina around the cytoplasm of tumor cells. Intranuclear inclusions with various cytoplasmic organelles were frequently observed in the tumor cells, as in meningiomas. Interdigitating cytoplasmic processes and intercellular junctional complexes, however, were not found in the tumor cells. Two possible hypotheses explain the occurrence of leiomyoblastic characteristics of these cases. In case no. 1, leiomyoblastic cells originated from meningothelial cells with the advancement of meningothelial anaplasia. In case no. 2, pluripotential mesenchymal cells in the meninges differentiated into meningothelial and smooth-muscle cell lines at the time of tumor growth. With consideration of previous publications on primary meningeal sarcoma, these cases are the first reported primary meningeal sarcoma with leiomyoblastic and meningothelial differentiation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hepatic resection for metastatic colorectal cancer provides excellent longterm results in a substantial proportion of patients. Although various prognostic risk factors have been identified, there has been no dependable staging or prognostic scoring system for metastatic hepatic tumors. STUDY DESIGN: Various clinical and pathologic risk factors were examined in 305 consecutive patients who underwent primary hepatic resections for metastatic colorectal cancer. Survival rates were estimated by the Cox proportional hazards model using the equation: S(t) = [So(t)]exp(R-Ro), where So(t) is the survival rate of patients with none of the identified risk factors and Ro = 0. RESULTS: Preliminary multivariate analysis revealed that independently significant negative prognosticators were: (1) positive surgical margins, (2) extrahepatic tumor involvement including the lymph node(s), (3) tumor number of three or more, (4) bilobar tumors, and (5) time from treatment of the primary tumor to hepatic recurrence of 30 months or less. Because the survival rates of the 62 patients with positive margins or extrahepatic tumor were uniformly very poor, multivariate analysis was repeated in the remaining 243 patients who did not have these lethal risk factors. The reanalysis revealed that independently significant poor prognosticators were: (1) tumor number of three or more, (2) tumor size greater than 8 cm, (3) time to hepatic recurrence of 30 months or less, and (4) bilobar tumors. Risk scores (R) for tumor recurrence of the culled cohort (n = 243) were calculated by summation of coefficients from the multivariate analysis and were divided into five groups: grade 1, no risk factors (R = 0); grade 2, one risk factor (R = 0.3 to 0.7); grade 3, two risk factors (R = 0.7 to 1.1); grade 4, three risk factors (R= 1.2 to 1.6); and grade 5, four risk factors (R > 1.6). Grade 6 consisted of the 62 culled patients with positive margins or extrahepatic tumor. Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazards estimated 5-year survival rates of grade 1 to 6 patients were 48.3% and 48.3%, 36.6% and 33.7%, 19.9% and 17.9%, 11.9% and 6.4%, 0% and 1.1%, and 0% and 0%, respectively (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The proposed risk-score grading predicted the survival differences extremely well. Estimated survival as determined by the Cox proportional hazards model was similar to that determined by the Kaplan-Meier method. Verification and further improvements of the proposed system are awaited by other centers or international collaborative studies.  相似文献   

We occasionally encountered clear cell adenofibromatous (CCAF) components coexisting in the ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma (CCA). To reveal the clinicopathologic significance of CCAF components in CCA, we classified 67 cases of surgically resected CCA into CCA with and without CCAF components [CCAF(+) and (-) groups], and compared clinicopathologic parameters, that is, patient age, clinical stage, the degree of optimal cytoreduction, patient outcome, histologic grade and Ki-67 labeling index of the CCA, and the presence of endometriosis, between these 2 groups. Fourteen cases (21%) and 53 cases were classified as CCAF(+) and CCAF(-) groups, respectively. Of these 14 CCAF(+) cases, the CCAF components with atypia were observed adjacent to the CCAF components without atypia in 10, and adjacent to the obvious CCAs in 13 cases. In comparison with the CCAF(-) group, the CCAF(+) group showed a higher frequency of histologically low-grade tumors [93% (13 of 14) vs. 43% (23 of 53), P=0.0027], a lower Ki-67 labeling index (mean 35.9% vs. 44.0%, P=0.0492), and better patient prognosis (5-year survival 78.8% vs. 49.3%, P=0.0277). Endometriosis was much less frequent in the CCAF(+) group than in the CCAF(-) group [14.7% (2 of 14) vs. 67.9% (36 of 53), P=0.00096]. Multivariate analysis identified only optimal cytoreduction as independent favorable prognostic factor. These results suggest that CCAF besides endometriosis is associated with the development of CCA, and that the CCAF(+) group may be a distinct subgroup of CCA with less aggressive biologic behavior.  相似文献   

Four poorly differentiated malignant lesions occurred in a 60-year-old Chinese male in the nasal cavity, submandibular gland, a lymph node in the neck, and the mandible. These malignant lesions developed within an 8-year period and each showed distinctive histological features. Among these malignant lesions, the neoplasm in the submandibular gland presented variegated histological and immunohistochemical (IHC) features and posed a diagnostic challenge in interpretation. Based on microscopic and IHC findings, we believe the diagnosis of teratocarcinosarcoma is justified for the submandibular neoplasm and the metastasis in the lymph node. The pathological features and diagnoses of these malignant lesions are discussed.  相似文献   

We report a case of water-clear cell adenoma associated with primary hyperparathyroidism. A 59-year-old woman with a history of renal stones and bone fracture was referred for investigation of hypercalcemia and an elevated serum parathyroid hormone level. Skeletal X-rays showed osteopenia and ultrasound showed enlarged tumors in both sides of the inferior thyroid region. Computed tomography demonstrated a tumor in the posterior aspect of the left thyroid lobe but no lesion in the right aspect of the neck. Grossly, we found a 500 mg left lower parathyroid gland (PTG) and a 100 mg right lower PTG. Histologically, the left lower PTG comprised mainly water-clear cells (WCCs) containing numerous vacuoles. Chief cells were dispersed among the WCCs, but the right lower PTG showed normal parathyroid tissue. Several investigators have speculated that WCCs are derived from chief cells, and we diagnosed WCC adenoma. Following this case report, we review the relevant literature.  相似文献   

A case of left adrenal adenoma with bilateral testicular Leydig cell tumor in a 38-year-old man is reported. He had received bilateral orchiectomy for testicular Leydig cell tumor at the age of 37. After operation computed tomography revealed left adrenal mass and aldosterone-secreting adrenal tumor was suspected. Left adrenalectomy was performed and histopathological diagnosis was adrenocortical adenoma. Serum ACTH, aldosterone and plasma renin activity were still high after operation. The adrenal cortex and gonads are of common embryologic origin and the histologic pattern may overlap. Examination of the adrenal gland is necessary for the patient with a testicular Leydig cell tumor.  相似文献   

A 46-year-old man was admitted to our hospital complaining of macroscopic hematuria with dull pain in the right flank. Laboratory finding showed renal dysfunction and abdominal ultrasound sonograph revealed bilateral hydronephrosis (right > left). Retrograde pyelography showed left ureteral calculi and a filling defect in the middle portion of the right ureter. Renal function improved after bilateral single-J ureteral stent placement. Selective wash cytology of right renal pelvis was class II. Ureteroscopy demonstrated right ureteral obstruction with smooth-surfaced protruded tumor and cold cup biopsy was performed. Histopathological diagnosis was a fibroepithelial polyp but with no malignancy. In addition, left transurethral lithotripsy was performed under ureteroscopy. After the endoscopic examination, a double pigtail stent inserted into the right ureter. We performed conservative management by repeat urine cytologies and retrograde pyelography due to thrombocytopenia. The urine cytologies all proved negative and retrograde pyelography showed no abnormal changes. A ureteroscopic procedure is considered to be useful for the diagnosis of ureteral polyps. Transurethral resection of ureteral polyps with a ureteroscope is recommended for treatment.  相似文献   

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