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Objective: Being a parent is an important part of one's identity and role. Previous research outlines many challenges associated with parenting by people with severe mental illness. However, there is a limited research describing parenting experiences of mothers and fathers who have psychosis. Method: The second Australian national survey of psychosis recruited 1825 people living with symptoms of, or a diagnosis of, psychosis. The survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews and included key clinical and demographic information, as well as parenting specific information. Results: Over half of all women and a quarter of men were parents. Almost a quarter of women but only 5.5% of the men had dependent children (own and/or stepchildren) living at home with them. Of parents with dependent children, the most common diagnosis was schizophrenia (48.2% fathers, 28.9% mothers), and there were high rates of comorbidity with substance abuse/dependence (alcohol: fathers 69.2%, mothers 44.3%; cannabis: fathers 69.22%, mothers 47.8%). A substantial proportion of parents with dependent children experienced challenges including low educational attainment, unemployment, poverty, and social isolation. Although many parents living with dependent children functioned in the average range, a significant proportion was moderately to severely disabled on global independent functioning ratings (fathers 49.1%, mothers 35.7%) and some were identified as having obvious/severe impairments in their ability to care for their child(ren) (fathers 28.3%, mothers 21.3%). Conclusions: Most parents living with psychosis function well. However, a significant proportion has impairments in parenting and general functioning that could have adverse consequences for both the parent and children. This study brings into focus the need for interventions to optimise successful parenting outcomes.  相似文献   

Objective: The aims of this study were to (a) describe patterns of tobacco smoking among Australians living with a psychotic illness and (b) explore the association between smoking and measures of psychopathology, psychiatric history, psychosocial functioning, physical health, substance use and demographic characteristics. Methods: Data were from 1812 participants in the 2010 Australian Survey of High Impact Psychosis. Participants were aged 18-64 years and resided in seven mental health catchment sites across five states of Australia. Bivariate statistics were used to compare smokers with non-smokers on the measures of interest, and to compare ICD-10 diagnostic categories on measures of smoking prevalence, nicotine addiction and quitting history. Multivariate logistic regression was used to test whether (a) demographics and psychiatric history were associated with having ever smoked and (b) whether symptoms and psychosocial functioning were independently associated with current smoking, after controlling for demographics, psychiatric history and substance use. Results: The prevalence of current tobacco smoking was 66.6% (72% of men and 59% of women); lifetime prevalence was 81%. In univariate analyses, individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder were most likely to be smoking tobacco (70%) and were more nicotine dependent. Smokers reported worse perceived physical health, lower body mass index and waist circumference, and more lifetime medical conditions. A younger age of illness onset, male gender and low education were associated with having ever smoked. Associations with current smoking included low education, male gender, no formal employment, worse negative symptoms, higher daily caffeine consumption, and alcohol dependence and substance abuse/dependence. Conclusions: The prevalence of tobacco smoking is high amongst people with a psychotic disorder, and is associated with adverse mental health symptoms as well as high rates of other substance use, poorer subjective physical health, and a higher risk of the many known health consequences of smoking.  相似文献   

Background: Social inclusion is a key priority of the Fourth National Mental Health Plan for Australia (2009-2014), with strong evidence for its protective impact on mental health. Social integration has been associated with enhanced well-being for people with mental illnesses such as psychosis. Objective: To explore the impact of psychosis on an individual's social and community participation. Method: The second Australian national survey of psychosis was conducted across seven Australian sites. Semi-structured interviews with adults living with psychosis assessed mental health status, social and role functioning, life satisfaction and future goals. The cohort comprised 1825 adults with a psychotic illness (59.6% were male; 42.4% were aged 18-34 years; 31.5% had 12 years or more of education) of whom 32.7% had been employed in the past year. Results: Most adults indicated experiencing loneliness (80.1%) and a need for more friends (48.1%). Men were more likely to have never had a long-term relationship (59.4% M, 33.2% F). Even though women were more likely to experience anxiety in social situations [(χ(2)(1) = 8.95, p < 0.01)], they were more likely to have attended a social activity in the past year [χ(2)(2) = 11.84, p < 0.01]. Just over half of the survey participants (56.7%) reported having daily or nearly daily contact with family members. In the past year, 69% had not attended any social activity and 43% described stigma as a barrier. Although 63.2% showed significant impairment in social functioning, only 29.5% had received help for this in the last year. Social isolation and loneliness were rated as major challenges by 37.2% of the cohort. Conclusions: Social isolation and dysfunction experienced by people with psychosis have not decreased since the last Australian national survey of people with psychosis. Alongside education and employment, social functioning and participation must be addressed to improve social inclusion for people with psychosis. Programs targeting social opportunities (befriending, peer support), social anxiety and social functioning for all stages of psychosis are warranted.  相似文献   

Women at childbearing age often use alcohol and various illicit drugs such as cocaine and heroin. These agents pass through the human placenta and may affect the developing embryo and fetus. Indeed, large amounts of alcohol ingested by the pregnant woman may produce a specific syndrome manifested by prenatal and postnatal growth retardation, a variety of facial dysmorphic features and mental retardation. Ingestion of smaller amounts of alcohol will produce the fetal alcohol effects with only few and minor dysmorphic features but with developmental delay and some degree of intellectual impairment. Cocaine use during pregnancy may apparently result in an increase in the rate of congenital anomalies, of stillbirth and of intrauterine growth retardation. The use of heroin and opiates does not seem to increase the rate of major congenital anomalies, but it reduces fetal growth and increases the rate of intrauterine fetal death. Studies on the developmental outcome of children born to cocaine or heroin dependent mothers seem all to show psychomotor developmental delay at a young age. At school age these children have intellectual impairment and a very high rate of inattention and/or hyperactivity. We should therefore address our efforts in improving the environment of these children and in treating the early symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity, even before the child reaches school.  相似文献   



The aim of the study was to explore self-reported avoidance, discrimination, and positive treatment by members of the public towards people with mental health problems.


In 2014, telephone interviews were carried out with 5220 Australians aged 18 +. Respondents were asked if they had known an adult with a mental health problem over the previous 12 months. If they had, they were asked further questions about the person’s age, gender, relationship to the respondent, and their mental health problem. Respondents were then asked if they had avoided, discriminated against or treated the person more positively and, if so, some details about what happened.


19.9% of respondents reported avoiding someone with a mental health problem, with the most common reasons being difficulty tolerating the person’s behaviour and needing time out. However, respondents were more likely to report treating the person with mental health problems more positively (73.0%) than avoiding or discriminating against them (4.7%). The most common positive behaviours were non-specific support and maintaining or increasing contact. Avoidance was less likely from friends and those aged 60 +. Discrimination was more likely from family members and spouses and less likely from respondents aged 60 +. Positive treatment was more likely from people who had experienced a mental health problem.


This study provides insight into the reasons why people avoid others with mental health problems. The results can provide input into the design of anti-discrimination interventions and further empower people with mental health problems as they advocate for change in the area of discrimination.

Aims: The study examined actions taken by young people to deal with mental disorders and the factors associated with help‐seeking and self‐help behaviours. Methods: Participants in a 2006 national survey of Australian youth (aged 12–25 years) were contacted 2 years later and participated in telephone interviews based on a vignette of one of the following disorders: depression, depression with alcohol misuse, social phobia and psychosis. Personal experiences of these disorders and subsequent self‐help and help‐seeking behaviours were examined. Results: Of the 2005 participants interviewed, 275 (14%) reported experiencing a mental disorder since January 2007, most commonly depression. The most frequent sources of help were family (77%) and close friends (73%). General practitioners (GPs) were consulted by 53% of respondents. The most frequent self‐help behaviours were physical activity (70%) and getting up early and out in the sunlight (46%). Beliefs about the helpfulness of interventions at baseline were compared with actual use in the following 2 years. Interventions ranked higher for beliefs about helpfulness than actual use mainly included consulting health professionals and cutting down on substance use. Interventions ranked higher for actual use than beliefs typically included lifestyle interventions but also included consulting GPs. Conclusions: Young people with mental health problems are more likely to seek help from close friends and family and to use self‐help interventions than to access professional help, although over half of survey respondents had visited a GP. Help seeking tended to be better predicted by intentions to seek help than by beliefs about the helpfulness of interventions.  相似文献   

To reduce stigma and improve help seeking by young people for mental illness, we need a better understanding of the associations between various dimensions of stigma and young people's help-seeking intentions and helpfulness beliefs for various sources of help and for different disorders. This study assessed stigmatizing attitudes and help-seeking intentions and helpfulness beliefs via a national telephone survey of 3021 youths aged 15–25. Five stigma scales were used: social distance, personally held weak-not-sick and dangerousness beliefs, and weak-not-sick and dangerousness beliefs perceived in others. Respondents were presented with a vignette of a young person portraying depression, depression with suicidal thoughts, depression with alcohol abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, social phobia, or psychosis. Beliefs that mental illness is a sign of personal weakness and preference for social distance were associated with less intention to seek professional help and less endorsement of their helpfulness. In contrast, dangerousness/unpredictability beliefs were associated with more intention to seek professional help and more endorsement of their helpfulness. Findings highlight the importance of examining the associations between different dimensions of stigma with different sources of help, specifically for various mental disorders, to better inform future efforts to reduce stigma and increase help seeking in young people.  相似文献   



The aim of the study was to assess the factors predicting experiences of avoidance, discrimination and positive treatment in people with mental health problems.


In 2014, telephone interviews were carried out with 5220 Australians aged 18+, 1381 of whom reported a mental health problem or scored highly on a symptom screening questionnaire. Questions covered experiences of avoidance, discrimination and positive treatment by friends, spouse, other family, workplace, educational institution and others in the community; as well as disclosure of mental health problems. Avoidance, discrimination and positive treatment scores were calculated by counting the number of domains in which each occurred. Predictors of avoidance, discrimination and positive treatment were modelled with negative binomial regression analyses.


After adjusting for the effects of other predictors in multivariate analyses, symptom severity and a diagnosis of ‘any other disorder’ (most commonly psychotic disorders or eating disorders) predicted experiences of both avoidance and discrimination but not positive treatment. Disclosing a mental health problem in more settings was also associated with higher rates of avoidance and discrimination, but also with positive treatment.


Disclosure of mental health problems to others may increases experiences of discrimination, but may also increase experiences of positive treatment. These findings can help to inform decision making by people with mental health problems about disclosure, particularly in the case of more severe or low-prevalence disorders.

In humans, some psychotropic agents (alcohol, drugs, illicit substances) have been suggested to play a role in the occurrence of major behavioural disorders, mainly due to the suppression of psychomotor inhibition. Behavioural disinhibition is a physiological mechanism which allows humans to behave appropriately according to a given environmental situation. The behavioural disinhibition induced by either therapeutic dosage or misuse involves the loss of restraint over certain types of social behaviour and may increase the risk of auto or hetero-aggression and acting out. The increased use of psychotropic agents in recent years and the occurrence of unwanted effects are worrying and must be detected and evaluated. The objective of the present study was to establish a causal relationship between psychoactive substance use and occurrence of major behavioural disorders, such as paradoxical rage reactions and suicidal behaviour, based on a literature analysis. It consisted of reviewing reports of drug-induced violent reactions in healthy volunteers and demonstrating, where possible, a cause-effect relationship. Patients with schizophrenia and psychopathic personalities were not included in our study since psychiatric comorbidity could influence behavioural responses. Psychotropic agents included drugs, licit and illicit substances already associated with violence in the past. Many reports used the "Go/No Go test" to evaluate the disinhibiting effect of psychotropic substances; this allows the "cognitive mapping" of drugs. The results suggest that only alcohol, antidepressants, benzodiazepines and coca?ne are related to aggressive behaviour. The best known precipitant of behavioural disinhibition is alcohol, which induces aggressive behaviour. However, there are large differences between individuals, and attentional mechanisms are now recognised as being important in mediating the effects of alcohol. Suicidal tendency as an adverse antidepressant reaction is rare, especially with atypical antidepressants. However, the risk of acting out exists and the responsibility of antidepressant agents in the genesis of suicidal tendencies is now established. The disinhibiting effects of benzodiazepines are well-known and proven by clinical trials. It's a "model" of acting out, and the causal relationship is undeniable. That coca?ne is related to violent behaviour is demonstrated by its pharmacological actions on CNS. The chronic use of coca?ne induces "a limbic dyscontrol syndrome" based on the altered activity of limbic structures. On the contrary, we could not demonstrate a causal relationship between aggression and either cannabis, ecstasy or phencyclidine. Cannabis abusers look particularly for euphoria and relaxing effects. Aggression as an adverse cannabis reaction is very rare and occurs in most cases in association with other drugs and in predisposed individuals. Ecstasy use may lead to long-term alterations of neuronal function in the human CNS and cause psychiatric disorders. However, there is insufficient information about long-term use of ecstasy to estimate its role in the occurrence of behavioural disorders. Clinical and forensic assumptions about phencyclidine and violence were not warranted. However, the substance-effect relationships can be criticized in the case of alcohol, antidepressants, benzodiazepines and coca?ne. In fact, individual, social and psychiatric factors exert an influence on behaviour that is superior to the pharmacological effect of psychotropic agents. The most important parameter in drug-induced behavioural disinhibition is dosage, but mode of administration is also important. In addition, polysubstance abuse is very common. Substances may be taken simultaneously and alcohol is frequently combined with drugs. The combinations of substances result in multiple interactions, and very little is known about the effects of these interactions on violence in humans. Co-occurrence of substance abuse and other mental disorders is also very frequent. Multiple substance abuse should be avoided, because potential interactions between two or more drugs are more likely to cause violent behaviour. In the future, a specific treatment of these deleterious phenomena will have to be considered in order to reduce drug-induced iatrogenic behavioural disorders.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the mental health first‐aid knowledge and beliefs of young people and their parents. Methods: A national telephone survey was carried out with 3746 people aged 12–25 years. Interviews were also carried out with 2005 co‐resident parents. First‐aid knowledge was assessed in response to one of four randomly presented vignettes covering depression, depression with alcohol misuse, social phobia and psychosis (schizophrenia). Young people were asked about first aid in relation to a peer and parents in relation to a child. Results: The potential value of encouraging professional help‐seeking was not universally recognized by either young people or adults. In general, positive social interactions were endorsed as likely to be helpful and negative ones as not, but again there is considerable room for improvement. Adolescents had less sophisticated first‐aid knowledge and beliefs than young adults, but were paradoxically more confident about providing help to a peer. Conclusions: These findings show that there is a continuing need for further community education about the potential benefits of early professional treatment of young people developing mental disorders.  相似文献   

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