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目的 报道1例总状毛霉千叶变种引起的皮肤毛霉病。方法 患者女,22岁,左臀部结节,渐增大6年,巨大疣状增生1年。全面临床检查排除其他疾病,采取皮损组织镜检、培养、温度实验、皮肤病理检查、PAS染色,对分离出的菌株进行鉴定。结果 皮损病理检查显示呈嗜酸粒细胞增多为主的感染性肉芽肿,H-E染色、PAS染色和嗜银染色均可见真皮内粗大、无分隔的菌丝,镜检可见长而分支不分隔的菌丝。25 ℃培养7天,见丰富菌落呈黄色。该菌种鉴定为总状毛霉千叶变种。采用真菌性肉芽肿切除加中厚皮片移植,联合系统抗真菌药物治疗的方法,治疗1个月后,患者获临床、真菌学治愈。结论 本例为总状毛霉千叶变种引起的原发性皮肤毛霉病,采用外科手术及植皮手术,联合系统抗真菌药物治疗安全有效。  相似文献   

目的 报道1例总状毛霉千叶变种引起的皮肤毛霉病。方法 患者女,22岁,左臀部结节,渐增大6年,巨大疣状增生1年。全面临床检查排除其他疾病,采取皮损组织镜检、培养、温度实验、皮肤病理检查、PAS染色,对分离出的菌株进行鉴定。结果 皮损病理检查显示呈嗜酸粒细胞增多为主的感染性肉芽肿,H-E染色、PAS染色和嗜银染色均可见真皮内粗大、无分隔的菌丝,镜检可见长而分支不分隔的菌丝。25℃培养7天,见丰富菌落呈黄色。该菌种鉴定为总状毛霉千叶变种。采用真菌性肉芽肿切除加中厚皮片移植,联合系统抗真菌药物治疗的方法,治疗1个月后,患者获临床、真菌学治愈。结论 本例为总状毛霉千叶变种引起的原发性皮肤毛霉病,采用外科手术及植皮手术,联合系统抗真菌药物治疗安全有效。  相似文献   

随着免疫缺陷人群的不断扩大和抗真菌药物的广泛使用,包括毛霉病在内的少见侵袭性真菌感染的发病率日益增高。既往毛霉的鉴定以传统表型鉴定为主,近年分子测序技术的广泛应用,毛霉的鉴定与分类均发生较大变化,新的病原真菌不断被报告,引发关注。传统的毛霉病临床进展迅速,具有较强的血管侵袭性,引起局部组织坏死,死亡率居高不下,而以慢性肉芽肿为主要表现的皮肤型毛霉病和易误诊为结核的慢性肺毛霉病作为临床的新类型更值得关注。毛霉病的分子快速诊断仍然停留于实验室研究,以MALDI-TOF MS为代表的微生物鉴定技术则日趋成熟,有望用于毛霉病的实验室快速鉴定。艾沙康唑是毛霉病治疗领域值得关注的抗真菌新药。  相似文献   

接合菌病   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
接合菌病(zygomycosis)由接合菌纲的致病性真菌所致。接合菌纲包括毛霉目和虫霉目。由毛霉目真菌引起的感染称为毛霉病(mucormycosis),好侵犯血管,引起血栓及周围组织坏死。由虫霉目真菌引起的感染称为虫霉病(entomophthoramycosis),通常引起皮下组织和皮肤黏膜的慢性感染。毛霉病和虫霉病合称接合菌病。  相似文献   

目的 探讨毛霉病的临床表现、预后和病理表现之间可能存在的关系。方法 回顾性分析1989-2006年我院诊治的7例经真菌培养证实为毛霉病患者的临床资料和病理切片。结果 7例中鼻脑毛霉病1例、皮肤毛霉病6例,其中2例为毛霉性坏死性筋膜炎。鼻脑毛霉病和毛霉性坏死性筋膜炎患者病情进展快,均以死亡告终;其皮损组织病理表现呈混合性炎症细胞浸润,坏死明显,可见大量菌丝和侵血管现象。4例以浸润性红斑为主要表现的皮肤毛霉病患者病情进展慢,有2例已治愈;其皮损组织病理呈肉芽肿性炎症,菌丝较少,未见明显的侵血管现象。7例均未见明确的菌丝侵神经现象。结论 毛霉病皮损组织病理表现呈混合性炎症细胞浸润,菌丝多,出现明显侵血管现象者预后较差。  相似文献   

毛霉病是一种侵袭感染真菌病,主要发生于免疫功能受抑制的患者,致死率高。毛霉病的治疗方法很多,外科手术清创联合有效的抗真菌药物是主要的治疗策略。治疗毛霉病的抗真菌药物有多烯类、唑类、棘白霉素类以及抗真菌药物联合治疗,其中最有效的药物为多烯类,其次是唑类抗真菌,最主要的唑类药有泊沙康唑,另外,伏立康唑和新的唑类药艾沙康唑也可治疗毛霉病。棘白霉素单独治疗毛霉疗效不佳,与其他抗真菌联合应用有协同治疗作用。铁螯合剂和高压氧的疗效尚待研究。两性霉素B脂质体作为首选治疗,而泊沙康唑是很有前景的治疗毛霉药物。早期积极联合治疗有助于降低毛霉病的死亡率。  相似文献   

毛霉病是一种致死性真菌感染,是由毛霉目中的致病真菌感染所致,常侵犯中枢神经系统、肺、胃肠道、皮肤、眼眶和鼻窦等部位。毛霉病易侵犯血管,引起血栓和周围组织坏死,一旦发生,常危及生命。目前毛霉病的治疗比较困难,治疗的关键在于早期诊断、尽可能去除潜在的易感因素、适当的外科清创和恰当的抗真菌治疗。外科清创能提高患者的痊愈率,抗真菌治疗包括多种抗真菌药的使用(单用或联用),另外,还可给予高压氧和细胞因子等辅助治疗。  相似文献   

<正>近年,不规则毛霉(曾用名:多变根毛霉)引起的皮肤毛霉病这一新的感染性疾病正在受到临床医生尤其是皮肤科医生的关注,但由于大多数一线医生对该病缺少认知,误诊误治时有发生。患者因为没有得到及时准确的诊断治疗,常导致触目惊心的面部毁容。因此,提高我国临床医生对于该病的认识和准确把握对于改善该病的预后具有重要意义。不规则毛霉(Mucor irregularis)是1991年首次分离自  相似文献   

目的通过对不规则毛霉感染病例的回顾性分析,探讨不规则毛霉感染引起皮肤毛霉病的流行病学、易感因素、临床表现、诊断方法及治疗策略,提高临床医生的警惕性及诊治经验。方法对检索到的20例不规则毛霉感染病例资料进行总结、分析。结果 20例不规则毛霉感染患者均表现为皮肤毛霉病,仅1例同时伴有肺部感染。15例来自中国,1例有糖尿病史,1例有白血病史,10例有外伤、手术或叮咬史。皮损几乎均出现在暴露部位,其中鼻面部13例,四肢7例,病程多呈慢性。早期表现为红斑、丘疹、结节,后期可发展成溃疡、坏死、黑痂及骨质破坏。经真菌镜检、培养、组织病理、ITS区测序等检查证实为不规则毛霉。两性霉素B及其脂质体单独或联合伊曲康唑治疗预后好。结论不规则毛霉感染多发生于免疫正常者,外伤、烧伤、手术及叮咬是最主要诱发因素。感染主要累及鼻面部及四肢皮肤暴露部位,以红斑、坏死为主要表现,极少累及内脏。真菌培养及组织病理检查可以诊断该病,ITS区测序可明确鉴定到种。及早诊断并给予清创及两性霉素B是治疗成功的关键。  相似文献   

毛霉为条件致病菌,进入人体后易侵犯血管,导致血栓及组织坏死类疾病。毛霉病进展较快、治疗困难、预后不佳。早期诊断、及时治疗是提高生存率的关键。2011年5月,我科收治1例毛霉病患者,采用两性霉素B脂质体(AMB)进行治疗,效果显著。现将护理措施报告如下。  相似文献   

Primary cutaneous mucormycosis is a rare but often lethal severe fungal infection, which usually occurs in immunocompromised patients. We report a case of primary cutaneous mucormycosis caused by Mucor irregularis in an elderly patient. Seven months after the surgical dissection of the involved skin, cutaneous mucormycosis recurred at the peripheral edge of the skin graft. Shortly subsequent to the administration of liposomal amphotericin B, the remaining skin lesion was excised again. M. irregularis is rarely but increasingly reported as a cause of mucormycosis in immunocompetent individuals, especially in Asian farmers. M. irregularis may be largely disseminated in the soils of Asia and thus the trivial trauma at the time of farm work may be a trigger for the onset. These cases tend to leave severe cosmetic damage even in healthy individuals, although the vital prognosis is not affected.  相似文献   

原发性皮肤毛霉病   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报告1例原发性皮肤毛霉病.患者男,57岁.右前臂埋置静脉套管针17 d后局部出现红肿,迅速坏死并扩大.患者患2型糖尿病及慢性肾功能不全.皮肤科检查示右前臂大片坏死区,上覆黑色焦痂及渗出.取黑痂及渗液行真菌镜检,镜下可见大量粗大、无分隔、垂直分枝的菌丝,培养第2天即有棉花糖样菌落生长,初步诊断为皮肤毛霉病.皮损行组织病理检查,PAS染色示真皮及皮下组织可见较多粗大、无分隔菌丝,确诊为皮肤毛霉病.给予两性霉素B脂质体泵入、坏死组织清创术、术后外敷两性霉素B脂质体溶液及外用人成纤维细胞生长因子.患者伤口愈合良好,随访4个月无复发.  相似文献   

The authors report a rare case of primary cutaneous mucormycosis caused by Mucor irregularis and cutaneous Klebsiella pneumoniae infections in a 67-year-old Chinese woman. After the administration of liposomal amphotericin B combined with cefoperazone/sulbactam sodium, the patient recovered. Invasive fungal infection combined with cutaneous bacterial infection should receive attention.  相似文献   

Cutaneous mucormycosis is a rare but often fatal invasive fungal infection that occurs most commonly in patients with diabetes, malignancy, and other immunocompromising conditions. We report an extremely preterm (<28 weeks) baby boy who developed polymicrobial sepsis and primary cutaneous mucormycosis within his first 10 days of life. He was successfully treated with medical management alone since he was not a candidate for surgery. Successful treatment of cutaneous mucormycosis without surgical debridement has been reported on only two other occasions. This case highlights the importance of rapid and thorough evaluation of skin lesions when evaluating preterm infants and other immunocompromised patients, even when other sources of infection have been identified.  相似文献   

A rapidly enlarging leg ulcer appeared in a 54-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus receiving aggressive immunosuppressive therapy. Skin biopsy revealed proliferation of hyphae in the midst of a neutrophilic abscess. Culture yielded Rhizopus azygosporus. As no organ involvement was detected by thorough examination, the patient was diagnosed as having primary cutaneous mucormycosis. Although intravenous amphotericin B therapy seemed to be very effective, it had to be discontinued due to nephrotoxicity. She unfortunately died of subsequent disseminated fungal infection and cerebral infarction in which the primary cause could not be determined. Minimum inhibitory concentrations of several antifungal drugs to the isolate were examined and amphotericin B proved to be the only agent that may potentially reach the effective plasma concentration. This is the first case report of cutaneous mucormycosis caused by R. azygosporus.  相似文献   

We describe a patient with invasive necrotizing cutaneous mucormycosis caused by Rhizopus oryzae. The patient, who had been suffering from acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) for eight months, had erythema and necrosis surrounded by swelling on the dorsum of his left hand. Debridement was performed, and microscopic examination of the obtained specimens revealed mucormycosis. Because amphotericin B was ineffective, amputation at the left shoulder joint was performed. Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) was successfully carried out 22 days after surgery. However, the patient died 162 days after the BMT due to progression of the ALL. Patients such as the present one should be evaluated promptly by tissue biopsy and appropriate cultures, so that vigorous treatment can be started without delay. Where necessary, amputation should be performed.  相似文献   

We report a rare case of primary cutaneous mucormycosis caused by Rhizopus oryzae that occurred in an immunocompetent trauma patient. The patient had encrusted erythematous plaques with pustules on the left shin, which had been abraded in a traffic accident. Histologic examination revealed widespread granulomatous inflammation and characteristic broad, non-septate hyphae with right-angle branching in the dermis. The infection was cured with intravenous amphotericin B therapy.  相似文献   

We describe a case of primary cutaneous mucormycosis in a 44‐year‐old man with an 18‐month history of infiltrative erythematous plaques and haemorrhagic crusting on the dorsum of his left hand. The isolate was identified as Mucor irregularis (formerly Rhizomucor variabilis) based on the fungus morphology and DNA sequencing results. Improvement was observed after a 6‐month treatment course of itraconazole. No recrudescence was seen during a follow‐up of 23 months after treatment.  相似文献   

Cutaneous mucormycosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report two cases of primary cutaneous mucormycosis in immunocompromised patients. Although their clinical presentation showed nonspecific necrotic ulcers, the histopathologic features were diagnostic. In both cases, broad, branching, nonseptate hyphae were found in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. In one case the hyphae could be observed in the epidermis. To our knowledge, this is the only reported case of primary cutaneous mucormycosis with hyphae detectable in the epidermis.  相似文献   

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