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目的观察全视网膜光凝术联合经巩膜睫状体光凝术治疗视网膜中央静脉阻塞引起的新生血管性青光眼的临床效果。方法选取因视网膜中央静脉阻塞引起的新生血管性青光眼,分A组和B组。A组,白内障轻度,能行全视网膜光凝术;B组,白内障较重,不能行全视网膜光凝术。A组7例患者行全视网膜光凝联合睫状体光凝术。B组,7例患者仅行睫状体光凝术。结果 A组患者眼压下降,新生血管消失或部分消失,视力提高或保持视力;B组部分患者眼压下降,前房见积血或新生血管部分消退,部分患者眼压仍高,需二次睫状体光凝,视力光感或无视力。结论全视网膜光凝联合睫状体光凝能有效治疗视网膜中央静脉阻塞引起的新生血管性青光眼。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible influence of phthalocyanine dose and of time interval between phthalocyanine injection and irradiation commencement on the rate of experimental corneal neovascularization photodynamic thrombosis in albino rabbits. New corneal vessels were irradiated with a diode laser (670 nm, 2 mW) after the intravenous injection of chloroaluminum sulfonated phthalocyanine. Different animals were irradiated either 5 min after the injection of different phthalocyanine doses (3, 6, 8, 12, or 14 mg/kg), or at different times (5 min, 24 h, or 58 h) after a standard phthalocyanine dose (3 mg/kg) injection. Irradiation time necessary for vascular occlusion was recorded. Decrease of phthalocyanine dose as well as delay of irradiation onset resulted in a statistically significant increase of irradiation time. Electron and light histological examination revealed platelet thrombi inside irradiated corneal new vessels. Damage in the vascular endothelial cell membrane and in intercellular contact structure was noted, leading to disorganization of the endothelial cells layer and death of most endothelial cells. These results indicate that both early commencement of irradiation after phthalocyanine injection and phthalocyanine dose increase accelerate the rate of phthalocyanine mediated corneal neovascularization photodynamic thrombosis. Thrombosis seems to result from photochemically induced vascular endothelial cell damage. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is not clear that hepatic venous backflow actually contributes to hepatic tissue oxygenation under inflow occlusion of the liver. In order to prove that substances delivered via the hepatic vein can be utilized and/or metabolized in hepatocytes during inflow occlusion, hepatic uptake in bile and excretion of indocyanine green (ICG) were investigated in pigs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Animals were divided into two groups: an inflow occlusion (IO) group (N = 6) and a total hepatic vascular exclusion (THVE) group (N = 3) using a bypass. One milligram of ICG per kilogram body weight was administered at the beginning of blood flow occlusion, the retention rate in the blood (ICG R) measured, and the ICG in the hepatic tissue measured by near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Furthermore, the ICG concentration was measured in bile excreted by intermittent perfusion of the liver. RESULTS: ICG R declined with time in both groups; however, ICG R in the IO group decreased much faster than in the THVE group. There were significant differences between the two groups after 30 min of occlusion (P < 0.05). ICG in the hepatic tissue could be detected as a peak at 805 nm 10 min after ICG injection, and the peak became steeper with time. On the other hand, ICG was not detected at all in the hepatic tissue after 180 min in the THVE group. ICG was excreted in the bile after 60 min under IO and increased with time. On the contrary, ICG was not excreted in the bile at all under THVE. There were significant differences between the two groups after 90 min (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: These results indicate that ICG can be extracted in hepatocytes and excreted in bile under IO of the liver. Consequently, substances such as oxygen and drugs, which are delivered via the hepatic vein, can be utilized and/or metabolized in hepatocytes under IO.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Intravenous administration of vasopressin during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) has been shown to improve myocardial and cerebral blood flow. Aortic balloon occlusion during CPR may also augment myocardial and cerebral blood flow and can be used as a central route for the administration of resuscitative drugs. We hypothesized that, as compared with intravenously administered vasopressin, the administration of this drug above the site of an aortic balloon occlusion would result in a greater increase in cerebral perfusion and oxygenation during CPR and after restoration of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). METHODS: Twenty piglets were subjected to 5 min of ventricular fibrillation followed by 8 min of closed-chest CPR and were treated with 0.4 U kg(-1) boluses of vasopressin intravenously (the IV-vasopressin group with sham aortic balloon) or above the site for an aortic balloon occlusion (the balloon-vasopressin group). The aortic balloon catheter was inflated in the latter group 1 min after commencement of CPR and was deflated within 1 min after ROSC. Systemic blood pressures, cerebral cortical blood flow, cerebral tissue pH and PCO2 were monitored continuously and the cerebral oxygen extraction ratio was calculated. RESULTS: During CPR, arterial blood pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure were greater in the balloon-vasopressin group, as compared with the IV-vasopressin group. These pressures did not differ between the groups after ROSC. Cerebral cortical blood flow was not significantly greater in the balloon-vasopressin group during CPR, whereas significantly higher cortical blood flow levels were recorded after ROSC. Cerebral tissue pH decreased in the IV-vasopressin group during the post-resuscitation hypoperfusion period. In contrast, decreasing pressures during the hypoperfusion period did not result in increasing tissue acidosis in the balloon-vasopressin group. CONCLUSIONS: During CPR, intra-aortic vasopressin combined with aortic balloon occlusion resulted in significantly greater perfusion pressures but not in greater cerebral cortical blood flow. After ROSC, however, a greater increase in cortical blood flow was recorded in the balloon-vasopressin group, even though the aortic balloon was deflated and perfusion pressures did not differ between the groups. This suggests that vasopressin predominantly gives vasoconstrictive effects on cerebral cortical vessels during CPR, but results in cerebral cortical vasodilatation after ROSC.  相似文献   

A case of a 12-year-old girl with subarachnoid hemorrhage and a hematoma in the pineal region is reported. With cerebral angiography, an occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery and its reconstruction by numerous dilated lenticulostriate collateral vessels were demonstrated. Subarachnoid hemorrhage in children with Moyamoya phenomenon is a rare event that may result from rupture of dilated collateral vessels or associated microaneurysms  相似文献   

目的 探讨球囊临时阻断髂总动脉控制陈旧性骨盆骨折术中出血的临床应用.方法 2006年1月至2009年6月,手术治疗12例Tile C型陈旧性骨盆骨折患者,男10例,女2例;年龄22~45岁,平均33.9岁.3例使用外固定架固定;9例因救治内脏损伤而贻误早期骨科手术,其中6例骨折未骨性愈合,3例骨折已畸形愈合.术中通过血...  相似文献   

Different techniques for processing adipose tissue were tested in 40 Swiss Albino female mice. Our study established that the use of insulin did not show any positive effect on survival of adipocytes during their transplantation. Likewise, the use of a centrifuge machine, at high or low speed, for separating the adipose tissue components, completely destroyed the adipose cells and did not allow their survival.Presented at the Xth Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Madrid, 28 June–3 July, 1992  相似文献   


目的:比较不同入肝血流阻断法行肝硬化大鼠肝切除的手术安全性及对肝脏、小肠损伤的影响。 方法:大鼠采用CCl4加乙醇复合法诱导肝硬化模型后行Higgins法70%肝切除。根据术中肝血流阻断法的不同分为A组(Pringle法);B组(半肝血流阻断法);C组(保留半肝动脉血流阻断法);D组(门静脉转流保留半肝动脉血流阻断法),阻断时间均为30 min。比较各组手术成功率,肝切除24 h后动物存活率及肝细胞及小肠病理改变。 结果:A、B、C、D组手术成功率各分别为90.9%(10/11)、76.9%(10/13)、80.3%(10/12)、76.9%(10/13),组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);肝切除术后24 h存活率分别为3/10(30%)、10/10(100%)、9/10(90%)、10/10(100%),B、C、D组大鼠存活率均明显高于A组(均P<0.05)。病理学结果显示,A组肝组织、小肠黏膜明显损伤,除C组小肠黏膜损伤与A组类似外,其他各组肝组织损伤均较A组轻微,且小肠黏膜基本无损伤。 结论:在肝硬化大鼠肝切除中,采用半肝血流阻断法、保留半肝动脉血流阻断法、门静脉转流保留半肝动脉血流阻断法的手术安全性及肝损伤程度均优于Pringle法。


肝肺撞击伤伴失血后CO2气腹对兔肺血流量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨肝肺撞击伤伴失血后CO22气腹对兔肺血流量(PBF)的影响及其机制.方法 制作创伤性失血兔模型,按不同失血量(6、12、22 ml/ks体重)及CO2腹压(5、10、15 mm Hg)将新西兰大白兔按随机数字表分为9组(Ⅰ~Ⅸ,n=6).采用彩色微球法观察建立气腹前、气腹0.5、2 h及撤去气腹后0.5 h肺血流量的变化和死亡率.结果 未建立气腹时,随失血量的递增,肺血流量持续下降显著(P<0.05).建立15mm Hg气腹压下实验组PBF下降明显,5 mm Hg腹压下实验组PBF增加显著,而在10 mm Hg腹压下,6 ml/kg体重失血量时PBF增加,当失血量达12 ml/kg体重失血量时,PBF下降.随着气腹时间的延长,能存活组PBF均下降(P<0.05).撤除气腹后,6 ml/kg体重失血量组PBF与气腹前无统计学意义(P>0.05),而12 ml/kg体重失血量组PBF低于气腹前水平(P<0.05).结论 一定气腹压力(<10mm Hg)对创伤伴失血性(<12ml/kg体重)自主呼吸兔的肺血流量的影响是可逆的;但过高气腹压力(15 mm Hg)以及重度失血(40%)建立气腹将导致致死性后果.  相似文献   

Adenomyosis is a condition which mimics uterine leiomyomas in symptomatology and macroscopic appearance, and for which there is no known cure other than hysterectomy. The success of low-power interstitial laser photocoagulation (ILP) in the treatment of uterine leiomyomas suggested that this might also be effective for the treatment of adenomyosis. The KTP 532 nm component of the KTP-YAG laser was used with a 600μm fibre with a bare tip via a needle microstat. The fibre was inserted into the abnormal tissue at spots 3 cm apart and slowly withdrawn, the object being to coagulate the surrounding blood vessels and adenomyotic tissue. The number of Joules required depended on the volume of tissue treated. Six patients were treated. All became symptom free, and of the two who desired to become pregnant, one succeeded. The other had tubal blockage. It had been shown previously that ILP destroys oestrogen receptors, and it is concluded that this new modality offers an effective means of treating adenomyosis by a minimally invasive method.  相似文献   

高血压脑出血显微外科手术治疗效果   总被引:47,自引:4,他引:47  
目的 评价显微外科治疗高血压脑出血的临床疗效。方法 回顾分析显微外科手术处理的高血压脑出血90例的临床特点并总结经验。结果 临床治疗90例,术后存活78例,死亡12例。获随访66例,9例院外死亡,其余57例的生存质量按日常活动生活质量标准(ADL)评定,分别为:I级18例、Ⅱ级23例、Ⅲ级10例、IV级4例和V级2例。结论 应用显微外科技术治疗高血压脑出血可以明显提高临床疗效。  相似文献   

胶原酶诱导不同部位脑出血大鼠模型的神经功能比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 观察胶原酶诱导纹状体和内囊部位脑出血模型的行为学和神经纤维损伤差异.方法 利用立体定向技术,将一定量的Ⅳ型胶原酶用微量进样器分别精确注入大鼠纹状体和内囊诱导脑出血模型,观察两组大鼠的运动功能差异,并进行大体形态学和神经纤维受损程度的比较.结果 内囊组大鼠的运动功能受损程度明显重于纹状体组大鼠,前者的神经纤维破坏程度显著重于后者.结论 不同部位的脑出血模型的神经损害程度存在差异,内囊区脑出血模型更适合于研究神经纤维的损伤机制及神经纤维的再生和修复.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) immediately before tetanic contractions in skeletal muscle fatigue development and possible tissue damage. Male Wistar rats were divided into two control groups and nine active LLLT groups receiving one of three different laser doses (1, 3, and 10 J) with three different wavelengths (660, 830, and 905 nm) before six tetanic contractions induced by electrical stimulation. Skeletal muscle fatigue development was defined by the percentage (%) of the initial force of each contraction and time until 50 % decay of initial force, while total work was calculated for all six contractions combined. Blood and muscle samples were taken immediately after the sixth contraction. Several LLLT doses showed some positive effects on peak force and time to decay for one or more contractions, but in terms of total work, only 3 J/660 nm and 1 J/905 nm wavelengths prevented significantly (p?p?相似文献   

全层关节软骨缺损三种修复方法的比较实验研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的评价骨膜移植、软骨移植、软骨下骨钻孔三种方法修复全层关节软骨缺损的生物学特性和修复效果,为临床应用提供实验依据。方法采用重复拉丁方设计的实验分组及统计学分析方法,按手术方式、观察时间、创面大小三个因素分四个水平进行随机分组,将32只雄性新西兰大白兔的左右后肢制成全层软骨缺损模型,分别进行骨膜移植、软骨移植和软骨下骨钻孔修复,对照组不作任何修复。术后第2、4、8、12周处死动物取材,分别进行大体观察、光镜观察与电镜观察,并对观察指标进行量化,数据行统计学分析。结果大体观察及电镜观察显示三个实验组在第12周时均能以类透明软骨组织修复缺损,而对照组为纤维肉芽组织。形态学分析表明,三种方法均能以类透明软骨组织覆盖缺损,软骨移植组无明显免疫排斥现象。随着时间延长,修复高度逐渐增加。软骨移植组效果最优,而骨膜移植组优于钻孔组(P<0.01)。甲苯胺蓝染色的光密度分析表明,随着时间延长,软骨基质分泌逐渐增加;三种方法与对照组间比较差异均有显著性(P<0.01),软骨移植组优于其它各组(P<0.01),但骨膜移植组与钻孔组间差异无显著性。结论软骨移植、骨膜移植与软骨下骨钻孔三种方法均能以类透明软骨组织修复全层关节软骨缺损,软骨移植的近期效果最佳。软骨下骨钻孔法修复组织的  相似文献   

三种方法治疗慢性细菌性前列腺炎的病理变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:治疗慢性细菌性前列腺炎(CBP)的有效方法和给药途径。方法:将雄性大白兔45只中的40只制备成CBP动物模型,分别口服氧氟沙星,口服氧氟沙星和特拉唑嗪,前列腺内注射氧氟沙星加地塞米松治疗,并以正常前列腺、CBP不用药及注射生理盐水者作为对照,光镜下观察前列腺组织的病理学改变。结果:三种用药方法均可有效减轻CBP的组织炎症情况。结论:前列腺内药物注射治疗CBP并无疗效优势。  相似文献   

周围神经不同节段扩张延长的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:比较神经不同节段扩张延长与神经移植复神经缺损的效果。方法:将SD大鼠按手术先后分成5组,每组8只大鼠。A组近段扩张,B组远段扩张,C组近远段同时扩张,D组移植,E组为对照组,扩张后分别进行神经修复,术后60-80d作组织学,电生理学,计算机图像分析及腌肠肌肌湿重检测。结果:A,B与C组的坐骨神经约延长30%,各项检测结果均显示以C组的神经生最好,以下依次为A,B,D组。结论:用组织扩张器延长周围神经可修复长段神经缺损,效果优于自体神经移植,神经近,远段同时扩张延长后修复神经缺损的效果优于近段扩张或远段扩张,而近段扩张又优于远段扩张。  相似文献   

Magnesium has neuroprotective and antivasospastic properties in the presence of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). The present study investigated the effect of intracisternal administration of magnesium on cerebral vasospasm in the experimental SAH rat model. The rat double-SAH model (0.2 mL autologous blood injected twice into the cisterna magna) was used. Normal saline (SAH group, N = 8) or 10 mmol/L magnesium sulfate in normal saline (SAH + MG group, N = 8) was infused into the cisterna magna at 1.5 μL/min for 30 min on day 5. Control rats without SAH also received intracisternal infusion of normal saline (control group, N = 6). Local cerebral blood flow (CBF) at 24 locations and the weighted average were quantitatively measured by the autoradiographic technique using [14C]iodoantipyrine during infusion. The weighted average CBF was significantly reduced (P < 0.01, Student’s t-test) in the SAH group (0.78 ± 0.16 mL g−1 min−1) compared to the control group (1.0 ± 0.15 mL g−1 min−1) and was significantly improved (P < 0.01, Student’s t-test) in the SAH + MG group (0.98 ± 0.18 mL g−1 min−1). Local CBF was significantly reduced (P < 0.05, unpaired t test) in 16 locations in the SAH group and significantly improved (P < 0.05, unpaired t test) in 12 locations in the SAH + MG group. Intracisternal infusion of magnesium sulfate significantly improved reduced CBF induced by experimental SAH in the rat.  相似文献   

报道2例术前无呼吸道梗阻症状的患者,行全麻气管插管引起气管内肿物出血的抢救。纤维支气管镜检是诊断气管内肿物的金标准。导管套囊封堵气管下段,头低位及时吸引气管内出血可有效减少两肺血液灌注,改善患者氧供和通气状况。  相似文献   

目的探讨肝肺撞击伤伴失血后二氧化碳(CO:)气腹对兔动脉血气的影响及其机制。方法制作创伤性失血兔模型,按不同失血量(6ml/kg、12ml/kg、22ml/kg)及C02腹压(5mmHg、10mmHg、15mmHg)将75只新西兰大白兔按随机数字表分为9组(每组6只)。观察建立气腹前、气腹0.5h、2h及撤去气腹后0.5h呼吸频率(RR)、动脉血气(ABG)的变化和死亡率。结果大白兔在建立气腹前:随失血量的增加,RR、PaCO2上升显著;pH值先升高后降;PaO2则持续下降。大白兔在建立CO2气腹后:随时间延长,5mmHg、10mmHg压力组的RR先增后降;pH值、PaO2持续下降,PaCO2持续升高,而且在相同失血量的情况下各组间的pH值、PaO2随压力升高而降低,15mmHg气腹组RR及PaCO2显著高于其他组。在相同压力条件下,5mmHg、10/11/11Hg气腹压力组随失血增多RR加快、PaCO2增高,pH值、PaO2下降。撤去气腹后0.5h,各组内RR、PaO2、pH、PaCO2值向正常恢复。结论一定气腹压力(〈10mmHg)对创伤伴失血(〈12ml/kg)自主呼吸兔ABG的影响是可逆的;而高气腹压力(15mmHg)或大白兔失血量在12ml/kg以上时建立气腹将引起致死性后果。  相似文献   

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