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Trigeminalneuralgiaisadiseaseindepart-mentofneurologywithunclearcause.Itischar-acterizedbyrepeatedandparoxysmalmegalgiaindistributiveregionsofthetrigeminalnervesintheface.Thepatientssufferagonyandtheirwork,lifeandstudyareaffectedgreatly.Becauseitscausesha…  相似文献   

Objective To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of Dao Fa in acupuncture treatment of occipital neuralgia and make the comparison with routine acupuncture. Methods Duo Fa was applied to Tiānzhù (天柱 BL10), Fēngchí (风池 GB20) to treat occipital neuralgia and compare its results with routine acupuncture. Results The total effective rate was 95.6 % in Duo Fa group, 77.8% in routine group, indicating significant difference (P〈0.05). Conclusion Comparing with routine acupuncture, Duo Fa is advantageous at selection of fewer acupoints, better therapeutic effect and quicker achievement of efficacy in treatment of occipital neuralgia.  相似文献   

Thegreateroccipitalneuralgiaischieflymanifestedasprominentstabbing throbbingpainintheoccipitalr transmittedtothelateraltemproparietalregion.Thepainattackscontinuouslyorintermittently,associate paroxysmalaggravationofspinalnervedisorder.Thediseaseiscommonl…  相似文献   

He's Three Promotions of acu-moxibustion are invented by Prof. He Pu-ren, the eminent expert on acupuncture after his 50-year clinical experiences. Prof. He has summarized various techniques of acu-moxibustion as three promotions, there are mild promotion, in which, needling with filiform needle is predominated; warm promotion, in which, fire needling and moxibustion are predominated and strong promotion, in which, bloodletting with three-edged needle is predominated. The writer had applied He's Three Promotions to postherpetic neuralgia and had achieved significant therapeutic effects from September 2005 to August 2007. The following is the report.  相似文献   

He's Three Promotions of acu-moxibustion are invented by Prof. He Pu-ren, the eminent expert on acu-puncture after his 50-year clinical experiences. Prof. He has summarized various techniques of aeu-moxibustion as three promotions, there are mild promotion, in which, needling with filiform needle is predominated; warm promotion, in which, fire needling and moxibustion are predominated and strong promotion,  相似文献   

Since1992,theauthorshavetreated76cases0frefract0ryhiccupinducedbydifferentcauseswithacupunctureatNeiguan(PC6)andG0ngsun(Sp4)P0ints,withsatisfactorythera-peuticeffects,whicharereP0rtedinthefollow-ing.CLINICALDATAOfthe76cases,5lcasesweremaleand25female.Theyoungestwas26yearsoldandtheoldest7lyears;Theshortestduration0fdiseasewas2daysandthelongest4m0nths.Inthepe-riodofacupuncturetreatment,anyChineseandWesternmedicinesweresuspended.THERAPEUTICMETH0DS1.SelectedPOints:Left-rightcrossi…  相似文献   

电针加颈动脉注药治疗脑梗塞临床疗效观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选脑梗塞患者160例,随机分为两组。观察组采用电针加颈动脉注药治疗,对照组单用颈动脉注药治疗。结果表明,两组治疗脑梗塞均有肯定疗效,而电针加颈动脉注药疗效明显优于单纯颈动脉注药。  相似文献   

Ankylosing spondylitis(AS)is a systemic dis-ease marked by chronicinflammation of the sacro-iliacjoint and the spinal column.Its pathologic changesare inflammation of the attachment point of the mus-cle tendons and ligaments,rigidity,deformity andeven severe dysfunction of the spineinthelate stage.This disease is mostly seenin young and middle-agedpeople,possesses an obviousfamilial disposition andisclosely related to human leukocyte antigen(HLA)-B27.But its pathogenic causes remain unknown …  相似文献   

72 cases of apoplexy were randomly divided into two groups: group A (40 cases)and group B (32 cases). In group A, we used transverse acupuncture of anterior-obligue line of vertextemporal plus acupuncture of commonly-used body acupoints for apoplexy. After 30 times of treatments, the results were as follows: In group A, basic recovery rate was 20%, marked improvement rate was 50%. In growp B, basic recovery rate was 9.4%, marked improvement rate was 25%. The total therapeutic effect in group A was better than that in group B. This indicated: Transverse acupuncture of anterior-oblique line of vertex-temporal has definite therapeutic effect for apoplexy and has better therapeutic effect than acupuncture along the line.  相似文献   

This paper presents clinical observation on 30 cases with aphagia of pseudobul-bar palsy treated by acupuncture. As a result, 16 cases (53.33%) were cured, 12 (40%) markedlyimproved and 2 (6.67%) ineffective, after one course (7 days). And 27 cases (90%) were curedand 3 (10%) improved markedly within one month.  相似文献   

Occipitalneuralgiaisacommondiseaseinclinic,frequentlyattacksinthecoldseasonsandmostlyresultsfromtheexogenouspathogens .Itmanifestsmainlyasparoxysmalstabbing pain ,drilling pain ,jumping painorsustainingsoreanddistendingpainontheunilateralorbilateralneck .I…  相似文献   

Acupuncture at Baihui(GV 20)was employed in treating 32 cases of functionalenuresis.As a result,the curative rate reached 81.25%,but that in control group of 32 cases withoutneedling Baihui point was 56.25%.There was a significant difference in statistics(P<0.05).It indi- cates that Baihui can enhance the therapeutic effect of acupuncture on treating enuresis.  相似文献   

Abdominalacupuncturetherapyisanewtherapyofmicro acupunctureseriesafterappear anceofear acupuncture ,scalpacupunctureandhandacupuncture .ItsacupointsdistributearoundShenque (CV 8)andfunctioninregulat ingdysfunctionofzang fuorgans.Itsprescrip tionsaremainlymad…  相似文献   

APOplexyisinthefirstplaceofdiseases,andoneoffourgreatdifficultandcomp1icatedcases0fillness.M0stofpatientssufferfromthediseaseatovermiddleage.Inclinic,itisto1dandvisiblethatpatientsgotsuddenfall,uncon-sciousness,ordeviati0noftheeyeandmouth,ordysphasia,salivation,hemiparalysis,etc..Itinv0lescerebrovascularaccident,suchascerebralhemorrhage,cerebralthrombosis,cerebra1in-farcti0nandsubarachnoidhemorrhage,etc.anditssequelaeinmodernmedicine.Theauthoradoptedacupuncturecombinedwithdrugs,thatis,acupunc…  相似文献   

We had treated 134 cases of sequelae of poliomyelitis with acupuncture and acu-point-injection from 1989 to 1991. The patients' ages ranged from 3 months to 2 years, and thecourses of disease were 3 days to 2 years. For most of cases, we had got a satisfactory effect after 3curative courses. The total effective rate was 91%. It indicates that the acupuncture plus acupoint-in-jection is a good method for treating the sequela of poliomyelitis.  相似文献   

In the present study, the authors put forward that Zhibian(BL 54) and Sanyin-jiao(SP 6) are the effective acupoints for treatment of chronic prostatitis and possess an unique cura-tive effect in treatment of this disease with the type of deficiency of both the spleen and the kidney. Atotal effective rate was 92% in group of 1OO cases treated with acupuncture and comparison betweenpre- and post-treatment in examinations of prostatic fluid and other 6 items showed, significantly bet-ter than that of oral compound Sinohan(P<0. 01 ).  相似文献   

目的:探讨治疗神经外科术后病人偏瘫的最佳疗法。方法:将本病患者50例随机分为治疗组25例和对照组25例。对照组采用内科西药常规治疗,治疗组在对照组治疗基础上,术后3天加用针刺,取内关、水沟、曲池、合谷、三阴交、极泉、委中等穴,并合用头针,治疗30天(1次/日),以神经功能缺损评分进行治疗前后的功能评价。结果:采用针刺法能明显改善患者的神经功能缺损程度,治疗组总有效率为76.0%,对照组总有效率为42.4%,经统计学处理(P〈0.05),两组间差异有显著性意义。结论:治疗组疗效优于对照组。采用针刺配合西药治疗神经外科术后病人偏瘫有协同作用,疗效更好。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the curative effects on 142 cases (278 eyes) of African epi-demic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis treated by acupuncture, and 128 (90. 1%) cases (250 eyes) of allpatients have been improved. Three groups were clinically observed in the present report. There were55 cases (104 eyes) in the first group for body acupuncture, of which 46 (83. 6%) cases were effec-tively treated; In the second group for auricular acupuncture, 34 (91. 6% ) cases (68 eyes) out of 37cases (74 eyes) were improved; There were 50 cases (100 eyes) in the third group for boyauricular-acupuncture, among which 48 (96. 0%) cases (96 eyes) were improved. The curative effects of thethird group were better than those of the other two groups.  相似文献   

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