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Occupational therapy is a female-dominated profession with only 4% of all clinicians in Canada being men. Traditionally, occupational therapy training programmes have had limited success recruiting men into their educational programmes and those men who do qualify as therapists tend to work only in the profession for short periods of time. The purpose of this study was to identify work-related factors that impact on male occupational therapists. Specifically, five job satisfaction factors (work, pay, co-workers, supervision and promotional opportunities), work environment traits and the demographic characteristics of male occupational therapists in Canada were examined. A mailed survey questionnaire was sent to all male therapists who were members of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (n = 199) during the 1990–1991 membership year; 83% of the sample responded. In terms of job satisfaction, male occupational therapists indicated that they were relatively dissatisfied with their work, pay, promotional opportunities, supervision and co-workers as a group. However, they characterised their work environments as being above average in terms of supervisor support, autonomy and physical comfort, whereas they obtained a well below-average score for the control dimension. Further research is needed to explore the issue of job satisfaction among occupational therapy personnel and to identify what factors impact on the job retention of male occupational practitioners.  相似文献   

Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to explore factors influencing job satisfaction and dissatisfaction among Jordanian occupational therapists. Methods: Ours was an explorative qualitative study involving the use of structured open‐ended written questions. Participants were asked to answer in narrative their perception about the factors behind their job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. In addition, they were asked to express their suggestions, ideas, or solutions for increasing job satisfaction. Results: Ninety‐three occupational therapists responded to the survey. For job satisfaction questions, four themes emerged: a humanistic profession; professional issues; work benefits; and work environment. Participant’s comments at the end of the survey revealed one general theme for improving job satisfaction, ‘a call for improvement’. Discussion: This qualitative study revealed that the humanistic nature of occupational therapist was counterbalanced by several dissatisfying factors for occupational therapy practitioners in Jordan. The need for better supported working conditions in terms of financial rewards, recognition, awareness and resources as well as public and professional recognition of occupational therapists are needed to enhance the occupational therapy profile in Jordan. A comprehensive collaboration is highly needed between the individual practitioners, representatives of the profession, government and hospital administrators.  相似文献   

企业员工工作满意度及影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 了解企业员工工作满意度状况,探讨影响工作满意度的主要因素。方法 采用横断面调查,于2010年9月,随机抽取沈阳市某企业的1 000名员工进行问卷调查;采用明尼苏达满意度问卷(MSQ)测量工作满意度,付出-回报失衡问卷(ER I)测量职业紧张,组织支持感量表(POS)测量组织支持感。应用分层回归分析影响员工工作满意度的因素。结果 该企业员工总体满意度平均为(63.81±11.44),分层回归显示,工作状况变量、职业紧张变量及组织变量对工作满意度解释的变异量分别为15.7%、9.9%、8.6%。结论 该企业员工的总体满意度不高,主要影响因素为工作状况、职业紧张及组织支持感。  相似文献   

Background and Aim:  Little is known about insurance agents' (insurers) satisfaction with the services provided by occupational therapists when they assess injured workers' activities of daily living (ADL). Demonstration of accountability and provision of high-quality services are important to the occupational therapy profession. The aim of this study was to evaluate insurers' overall satisfaction with occupational therapy ADL assessments for injured workers, including communication, timeliness of reports, equipment provision, knowledge of insurers' requirements and the workers' compensation process, and provision of a professional opinion. Relationships between insurers' overall satisfaction with ADL assessments, degree of experience in their job, formal qualifications and roles within their organisation were also investigated.
Method:  A telephone survey was developed and administered to a sample of 40 claims officers and injury management advisors from 10 Victorian Work Cover Authority authorised agents.
Results:  Insurers were generally satisfied with occupational therapy ADL assessments. They were less satisfied with occupational therapists' knowledge of workers' compensation system requirements and how occupational therapists made decisions when recommending household services.
Conclusion:  To improve services to the insurance industry, occupational therapists need to better understand relevant legislative frameworks.  相似文献   

Objective: In recent years, the incidence of being overworked and burnt out has increased among general practitioners (GPs). One of the factors that influences the development of burnout is the job satisfaction that physicians experience. Therefore, we conducted a literature review to answer the question: what factors influence the job satisfaction experienced by GPs? Methods: We used two methods to retrieve citations. We searched four literature databases for citations from 1990 until July 2006, and we checked the reference lists of relevant articles. The inclusion criteria were: GPs had to be the subjects of the study, the study had to describe empirical research, the study had to focus on job satisfaction, and the number of subjects had to be greater than 30. Results: We found 24 relevant citations. Factors increasing job satisfaction which were mentioned more than twice were: diversity of work, relations and contact with colleagues, and being involved in teaching medical students. Factors decreasing job satisfaction were: low income, too many working hours, administrative burdens, heavy workload, lack of time, and lack of recognition.

Conclusion: Aspects of job satisfaction concerning the content of the profession seem to increase job satisfaction, and aspects concerning employment conditions seem to decrease job satisfaction.  相似文献   

护士工作倦怠与职业紧张关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵雪  刘利  高菲  吴辉 《中国公共卫生》2012,28(3):359-361
目的 探讨护士工作倦怠与职业紧张的关系,改善护士身心健康,提高其生命质量.方法 随机抽取辽宁省6所综合医院工作时间>6个月的515名女性护士进行问卷调查,应用工作倦怠问卷(MBI)测量护士的工作倦怠,应用工作内容问卷(JCQ)、付出-回报失衡问卷(ERI)测量护士的职业紧张.结果 护士工作倦怠的平均得分:情感衰竭(13.45±7.18),分,消极怠慢(7.21±5.27)分,个人成就感(26.04±10.19)分;单因素分析结果显示,年龄≤30岁、单身、护士长、轮班护士及护患关系严重紧张组的工作倦怠得分高于其他组(P<0.05);按照多元回归分析标准化系数的顺序,护士情绪衰竭的职业紧张影响因素为:外在付出(β=0.383)、内在投入(β=0.226)和决策自主(β=-0.115);消极怠慢的影响因素为:外在付出(β=0.253)、内在投入(β=0.159)、上级支持(β=-0.112)和技术自主(β=-0.098);个人成就感的影响因素为:心理要求(β=-0.159)和技术自主(β=0.130).结论 职业紧张对护士工作倦怠有明显影响.  相似文献   

  目的  初步探讨审计人员的工作满意度及心理资本与工作绩效之间的关系,为提高审计人员的工作绩效提供相关理论依据。  方法  采用整群抽样方法于2016年6 — 9月对在辽宁省锦州、沈阳、大连、凌海、黑山、北镇的审计单位和审计部门抽取的883名审计人员进行问卷调查。  结果  审计人员工作满意度、心理资本和工作绩效总分分别为(73.30 ± 14.34)、(101.43 ± 18.10)和(75.34 ± 14.03)分;相关分析结果显示,工作满意度及心理资本总分均与工作绩效总分呈正相关(r = 0.577、0.654,均P < 0.01);工作满意度不仅可以直接影响审计人员的工作绩效,还可以通过心理资本的中介作用间接影响其工作绩效,心理资本的中介效应为0.294,占总变异的43.95 %。  结论  工作满意度和心理资本与工作绩效均存在正相关关系,心理资本在工作绩效与工作满意度之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

This paper explores the interaction between the philosophy of occupational therapy, the science of occupation and the regional ideology of a specific geographical area, and proposes two models to depict the relationship. One model focuses on the interaction between daily occupational therapy practice in a specific geographical region and the international influences on that practice. The international influences include the effect of occupational science. The second model focuses on the relationship between the philosophy of occupational therapy, occupational science and regional ideology. It concludes by showing the importance of developing a global identity through the importation of knowledge from evolving sciences in industrialized countries at the same time as basic and applied knowledge is developed in the scientific community of a geographic region. Copyright © 2000 Whurr Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

Objective The present study investigated the relationship between coping skills and job satisfaction among Japanese full-time occupational physicians (OPs). Methods In 2000 we mailed self-administered questionnaires to 716 full-time OPs who were members of “Sanyu-kai”, the only Japanese association of full-time OPs. The questionnaires included age, gender, marital status, main type of company’s work, the number of full-time OPs, the number of employees, working years as an OP, tenure in the present company, job stress, and coping skills question. The coping skills questions consisted of 11 items which were decided after discussion among several experienced full-time OPs. In total, 351 (49%) of the OPs returned suitable questionnaires for analyses. Results Considering age, gender, marital status, and coping skills, multiple regression analysis (stepwise method) found that age, simplification of work, obvious roles for staff, consultations, and communication in the community and company were factors which contributed significantly to job satisfaction. Structural equation modeling showed that age and coping skills such as work system improvements, consultations, and communication in the community and company influenced job satisfaction. Discussion Our results indicated that the age and coping skills influenced job satisfaction among full-time OPs. Our results are also considered to support the training of OPs in the future.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To measure Korean physicians' job satisfaction and to examine the relationship between trust in Health Insurance Review Agency (HIRA) and job satisfaction. METHODS: Stratified sampling was used. The sample was representative of Korean office-based physicians; 1593 office-based physicians in Korea were surveyed by mail over a 4-week period using a self-administered questionnaire. Multivariate analysis using logistic regression was performed to investigate predictors of physicians' job satisfaction and to examine whether trust in HIRA was related to job satisfaction. RESULTS: Overall, the job satisfaction of physicians was very low. The payment denial rate was not related to job satisfaction. Physicians who trusted HIRA were more likely to be satisfied with their job. CONCLUSIONS: Physicians who trusted in the HIRA were more likely to report satisfaction. These results emphasize that trust in the HIRA is key to physicians' job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Despite increasing dissemination of prevention programs, little is known about program implementers, including factors that promote satisfying job roles. Using Self-Determination Theory as a conceptual framework, we surveyed 128 implementers of the widely disseminated Primary Mental Health Project. Implementers reported 7.1 years average experience on the job (range 1–25 years), and 55% had two or more years of college. In a multivariate regression model, predictors of higher job satisfaction were: lower education level; positive perceptions of supervision and continuing education opportunities; and satisfaction at work of needs for autonomy and competence. For implementers with ≤3 years experience, satisfaction of competence needs predicted job satisfaction; for implementers with >3 years experience, satisfaction of needs for autonomy and for relatedness predicted job satisfaction. Contrary to expectations, job satisfaction was unrelated to anticipated job retention. Editors' Strategic Implications: The authors provide a strong and novel test of Self-Determination Theory as it applies to the training and retention of the implementers of prevention programs. Their findings suggest that greater attention should be placed on supervision, motivation, and the psychological needs of implementers in training programs, and to the differential needs of long-term implementers versus beginners.  相似文献   

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