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乡镇蓄电池厂工人铅接触调查欧智勇,梁友信,杨红光,周重巍蓄电池厂是铅污染的主要行业,乡镇蓄电池厂铅污染更成为其突出的职业卫生问题。为了对目前乡镇蓄电池厂的铅污染状况和防护措施作一初步评价,并了解工人的健康状况,为今后探讨铅危害的防治对策提供依据,我们...  相似文献   

尿铅作为一种铅职业危害监护指标,有许多优点且运用广泛,也有作者持不同意见,为此,通过672全接触无机铅工人尿铅的测定,进一步阐明尿铅指标在职业危害监护中的作用。一、调查对象与方法1.选择我市从事无机铅作为工人672人为接触组,其中男485人,女187人,年龄范围17—59岁,实际接触铅工龄2个月至43年。在本市居住二年以上,非从事铅接触工  相似文献   

血铅、尿铅、尿δ-ALA、血ZPP是接触铅人员体检时实验室检查常用的几个指标,为探讨其在铅污染程度中的变化以及与机体、环境之间的关系,特对某炼铁厂某体检年度接触铅工人的体检资料进行分析,现将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

评价化学法尿铅筛选职业性铅接触的价值。收集157名同一铅接触工人的血标本及尿标本,同时测定血铅,悄铅,红细胞游离原卟啉,锌卟啉,尿δ-氨基酮戊酸,以血铅≥40μg/dl,≥60μg/dl的铅接触水平为金标准。用Receiver-Operating Characteristic曲线分析软件评价化学法尿负及其它测定指标的准确性。  相似文献   

析因分析吸烟对接铅工人尿铅含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
有资料报道吸烟与铅吸收有协同作用但尚无定论[1]。为探讨空气中铅 浓度不同的各工序工人尿铅的变化,并分析其与吸烟作用的关系,我们对某蓄 电池厂278名接触铅作业工人尿铅进行了测定,并分析其与吸烟的关系,现将结 果报告如下。 1  对象与方法1.1 测定对象  选择某蓄电池厂接触铅作业1年以上的工人,其中化成 57人,冶板67人,涂板40人,装配44人,丹粉31人,灌粉39人,各组年龄和工 龄相近(P>0.05),具有可比性。1.2 方法  调查按统一标准询问职业史、症状、吸烟情况。吸烟者为 …  相似文献   

在工业生产中,铅的广泛用途,接触铅而引起的人体危害比较多见。对一些非铅矿山开采、冶炼和加工、矿石中含或多或少的铅,因铅引起的中毒或机体损伤在国民生产中显得较突出,故有必要对铅接触工人的临床生化指标进行探讨。本次研究选取尿铅为主要观察指标,讨论其在铅接...  相似文献   

1998~2001年宁波市某厂铅作业工人健康影响调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解铅浴热处理对作业工人健康的影响,1998-2001年对某纲丝绳厂进行了监测,对铅作业工人进行了体检调 查,以热处理、镀锌车间接触铅的工人与未接触铅的人员进行对照比较,体检结果表明两者差异有显著性(x2=4.82, P<0.05)。  相似文献   

<正>铅在工业生产中却有着广泛用途,而它对人体有较强的毒性,可对全身系统和器官造成损伤[1]。铅接触工人在生产环境中长期接触铅烟或铅尘会引起职业性慢性铅中毒,而尿中铅的含量可以反映人体接触铅的情况,对铅中毒的诊断具有重要意义[2]。尿铅测定是铅接触工人普查、铅中毒诊断的一项重要指标。为了解温岭市铅接触作业企业工人健康状况,2009-2011年对全市313名铅接触工人尿铅进行了普查测定,并对结果进行分析。1材料与方法1.1样品来源采样对象为温岭市铅接触作业企业工人,以纯  相似文献   

调查分析了某汽车蓄电池厂336名铅作业工人职业危害情况。结果表明:厂车间空气铅浓度与铅作业工人铅中毒患病率呈完全正相关(r=1.000),隔板,极板,总装车间空气铅污染严重,铅烟,铅尘浓度依次为0.226±0.324,0.464±0.766,1.922±2.381mg/m^3和0.502±1.029,0.669±1.154,3.418±3.952mg/m^3,铅作业工人铅中毒患病率分别为1.21%  相似文献   

Health effects of occupational exposure to lead were investigated among 92 exposed workers in lead-acid battery factory and 40 nonexposed workers serving as a control group from an oil mill in Khartoum North industrial area. The two groups were closely similar in age, stature, body weight, and socioeconomic conditions. A highly significant increase (P less than .01) was recorded in blood lead, urinary coproporphyrin, and basophilic stippled red blood cells of the exposed group in comparison to the control group. Central nervous system symptoms (insomnia, fatigue, weakness, and drowsiness) were reported by 50% and other symptoms such as abdominal colic and constipation were reported by 41% of the exposed group. Blue line on the gum was detected only on 2% of the exposed group. Strong associations between exposure to lead and the prevalence of central nervous system symptoms, abdominal colic, and constipation were recorded. Exposure to exceedingly high levels of lead in the working environment causes adverse health effects.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Secondary exposure to lead has been identified as a public health problem since the late 1940s; we investigate the risk of lead exposure among families of radiator repair workers. METHODS: A sample of the wives and children, aged 6 months to 6 years (exposed children) (n = 19), of radiator repair workers and a sample of children whose parents were not occupationally exposed to lead (non-exposed children) (n = 29) were matched for age and residence; their geometric mean blood lead levels are compared. Blood samples were obtained by the finger stick method and environmental dust samples by the wipe method; both were analyzed using a portable anodic stripping voltameter. RESULTS: Dust lead levels were significantly higher in the houses of exposed children (143.8 vs. 3.9 microg/g; P < 0.01). In crude analyses, the highest lead levels were observed among children whose fathers worked in home-based workshops (22.4 microg/dl)(n = 6). Children whose fathers worked in an external workshop (n = 13) also had high levels (14.2 microg/dl) (P < 0.01), while blood lead levels in non-exposed children were significantly lower (5.6 microg/dl)(P < 0.01). The observed differences remained significant after adjustment for age and gender. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms that children of radiator repair workers are at increased risk of lead exposure and public health interventions are needed to protect them.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Assessment of neurophysiological functions in workers with low level exposure to lead and evaluation of the efficacy of bone lead measurements in the prediction of effects of lead. METHODS: Exposure to lead of 60 workers from a lead battery battery factory was estimated from historical blood lead measurements and analysis of lead in the tibial and calcaneal bones with x ray fluorescence. Peripheral and central nervous system functions were assessed by measuring conduction velocities, sensory distal latencies, sensory amplitudes, and vibration thresholds as well as by quantitative measurement of the absolute and relative powers and mean frequencies of different electroencephalograph (EEG) channels. RESULTS: Sensory amplitudes, and to a smaller degree sensory or motor conduction velocities, showed a negative correlation with long term exposure to lead, most clearly with integrated blood lead concentration and exposure time. Vibration thresholds measured in the arm were related to recent exposure to lead, those measured in the leg to long term exposure. The alpha and beta activities of the EEG were more abundant in subjects with higher long term exposure to lead. Calcaneal lead content reflected short term exposure, tibial lead content reflected long term exposure. Blood lead history showed a closer relation with effects of lead than the tibial or calcaneal lead concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: Vibratory thresholds, quantitative EEG, and to a smaller extent the sensory amplitude, provide sensitive measures of effects of lead in occupationally exposed adults. Most accurate estimates of health risks induced by lead can be obtained from a good history of blood lead measurements. If such a history of blood lead concentrations is not available, analysis of bone lead may be used for the assessment of health risks.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the bioavailability of lead in plasma (PbP), we performed a study on five workers in a Japanese factory manufacturing lead glass-based paints. Blood and urine samples were obtained over a period of 15 months, during which time the workers took it in turns to perform sifting work (with the highest level of lead exposure) for 1-month periods. A total of 75 sets of blood and urine samples were thus obtained. We determined whole blood lead (PbB), PbP, Urinary coproporphyrin (CPU), urinary -aminolevulinic acid (ALAU), urinary lead (PbU) and ALA in plasma (ALAP). In the 15 sets of samples obtained at the end of the period with a high level of lead exposure, PbP correlated significantly with ALAU, CPU, PbU and ALAP, but PbB correlated significantly only with PbU. In the 60 sets of samples obtained following a low level of lead exposure, correlation coefficients between the concentrations of PbP and of ALAU, CPU and PbU exceeded those between the concentrations of PbB and of ALAU, CPU and PbU. These findings indicate that PbP is a better dose indicator of lead biochemically available for heme synthesis and that PbU has a closer correlation with PbP than with PbB.  相似文献   

The assessment of worker exposures to airborne contaminants in the dynamic environment present at most construction sites poses considerable challenges to the industrial hygienist. In this study, we applied a task-based approach to the assessment of lead exposure among structural steel iron workers engaged in a large, complex bridge rehabilitation project. We evaluated the usefulness of task-based exposure data for the development of worker protection programs. Task-specific and multitask samples were collected, and operation-specific and 8-hr time-weighted averages were calculated. The task-specific data showed significant differences in exposure levels among different tasks. Arithmetic mean exposures varied from 1,357 μg/m3 lead for torch cutting and 989 μg/m3 for scaling to 31 μg/m3 for reaming and 4 μg/m3 for drilling. Our task-specific data were compared with the task-based exposure levels presented by OSHA in its Lead Exposure in Construction-Interim Final Rule (29 CFR 1926). There was good general agreement between our results and OSHA's reported data. Task-based data were very useful in exposure assessment and much more precise than full-shift and operation-based measurements in guiding strategies for worker protection. These findings suggest that task-based data should routinely be collected in evaluating exposure to lead and perhaps other toxic substances in construction work. Am. J. Ind. Med. 31:310–318, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of the present study is to investigate whether lead (Pb) in urine (Pb-U) can be a valid surrogate of lead in blood (Pb-B), the traditional biomarker of exposure to lead in occupational health. Methods: Blood and spot urine samples were collected from 258 workers of both sexes occupationally exposed to lead. The samples were analyzed for lead by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, and the correlation between Pb-B and Pb-U was examined by linear regression analysis before and after logarithmic conversion. Results: The correlation coefficient (0.824; P < 0.01) was largest when the relationship between Pb-B and Pb-U was examined with 214 cases of one sex (i.e., men) after Pb-U was corrected for a specific gravity (1.016) of urine (Pb-Usg) and both Pb-B and Pb-Usg were converted to logarithms. The geometric means (GMs) of Pb-B and Pb-Usg for the 214 men were 489 μg/l and 81 μg/l, respectively. When Pb-Usg was assumed to be 100 μg/l in this set of correlations, the 95% confidence range of Pb-B for the group mean was narrow, i.e., 543–575 μg/l (with GM of 559 μg/l), whereas that for individual Pb-B values was as wide as 355–881 μg/l. Conclusions: The correlation of Pb-U with Pb-B among workers occupationally exposed to Pb was close enough to suggest that Pb-U may be a good alternative to Pb-B on a group basis, but not close enough to allow Pb-U to predict Pb-B on an individual basis. Received: 6 April 1999 / Accepted: 17 July 1999  相似文献   

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