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目的:了解急性下呼吸道感染(ALRTI) 患儿肠道病毒(EV)的感染状况和临床特征。方法:抽取2007年9月至2008年4月因ALRTI在湖南省人民医院儿科医学中心住院的患儿的鼻咽抽吸物单数号样本404份,应用EV5′端非编码区(5′-NCR)保守序列设计引物,采用巢式逆转录RT-PCR法检测标本中EV感染状况。结果:404份ALRTI标本中,检出EV19例(4.7%),大部分患儿年龄在3岁以下(95%),男女EV检出阳性率差异无统计学意义。EV阳性患儿临床诊断为支气管肺炎者13例(68%)、毛细支气管炎者6例(32%),90%患儿有发热症状,84%有咳嗽,63%有气喘,63%有合并症,其中主要为腹泻(6例)、粒细胞减少症(4例)和急性呼吸窘迫综合征(2例)。EV阳性患儿白细胞异常的发生率为26%,一半以上存在肝功能异常,少数有心肌受累。结论:EV是儿童ALRTI不可忽视的病原之一,应密切关注EV感染的流行病学状况和临床特点,并定期测定患儿血常规、肝功能和心肌酶,努力改善其预后。  相似文献   

??Abstract??Objective??To investigate the characteristics of adenovirus infection in children with acute respiratory tract infection. Methods??From May to June 2009?? 492 out-patients with acute respiratory tract infection were involved in our study. One throat swab specimen was collected from each patient. ??RT?? PCRs were performed to detect common respiratory tract viruses including respiratory syncytial virus ??RSV???? rhinovirus ??RV???? influzenza virus type A and B ??IFA?? IFB???? parainfluenza virus ??PIV?? type 1??4?? adenovirus ??AdV???? enterovirus ??EV???? human coronavirus ??HCoV???? human metapneumonia virus ??hMPV?? and human bocavirus ??HBoV??. AdV amplicons were cloned and sequenced to determine the AdV serotypes by using Blast and phylogenetic analysis. Results??At least one viral pathogen was detected in 165 out of 492 patients and the overall positive rate was 33.5%. AdV was detected in 53 ??10.8%?? specimens and it was the most common viral pathogen. Of the 53 AdV postive samples?? 3 subgroups and 7 serotypes were found. AdV serotype 3 ??23/53?? was the major serotype?? followed by serotype 7 ??8/53?? and serotype 1 ??7/53??. Conclusion??There were several AdV serotypes circulating in the spring of 2009 in Beijing area and serotype 3 was the predominant strain. AdV still playes an important role in acute respiratory tract infection in children.  相似文献   

Aim: The aim of this study was to develop a clinical prediction model that identifies respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in infants and young children.
Methods: Children ≤ 36 months of age with respiratory illness, who were suspected of having RSV infection, were enrolled in this prospective cohort study during the study period between January and February 2002. RSV testing was performed on all patients.
Results: Of the 197 patients enrolled in the study, 126 (64%) were positive for RSV and 71 (36%) patients were either negative for RSV or had a positive culture for viruses other than RSV. The mean age of patients was 5 months and 57% were male. Backwards stepwise logistic regression analysis identified cough (p = 0.000), wheezing (p = 0.002), and retractions (p = 0.008) as independent variables predictive of RSV infection. The prediction model had a sensitivity of 80% (95% CI, 71–87%), specificity of 68% (95% CI, 54–79%), positive predictive value 82% (95% CI, 74–89%), negative predictive value 66% (95% CI, 52–77), positive likelihood ratio 2.5 (95% CI, 1.8–3.7) and post-test probability of 82%.
Conclusion: The combination of cough, wheezing and retractions predicts RSV infection in infants and young children.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In an era of increasing antibiotic resistance, the prevalence of antibiotic usage and associated factors should be ascertained to optimize their use. We set out to determine the prevalence of antibiotic use in febrile children diagnosed with respiratory tract illnesses at a children's hospital emergency department; to determine how often viral studies were conducted; and to identify patient characteristics associated with antibiotic use. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study of antibiotic use in febrile children 3 months to 10 years old presenting with respiratory illnesses during two 1-month periods. Patient charts and laboratory tests were reviewed. Antibiotic use was related to diagnosis by logistic regression. RESULTS: A total of 836 patient visits were selected. Antibiotics were prescribed for otitis media in 96% of patients, for pneumonia in 100%, for pharyngitis in 66%, for bronchiolitis in 38%, for reactive airway disease in 24% and for viral or "upper respiratory tract illness" in 14%. For viral illness or upper respiratory tract infection, antibiotic use was associated with a fever duration of >48 h [odds ratio (OR), 3.2; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.7, 5.9] and having a chest radiograph performed (OR 2.1; 95% CI 1.02, 4.37). Patients with pharyngitis who had a throat swab were less likely to receive an antibiotic (OR 0.08; 95% CI 0.02, 0.4) than those who did not have a swab. In this emergency department antibiotic use for these indications decreased by 11% during the 1997 to 1998 study interval (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Antibiotics were commonly prescribed for pharyngitis, bronchiolitis and reactive airway disease, which are conditions principally caused by viruses. Addressing reasons why there is a difference between guidelines and antibiotic use in these conditions may be important.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the etiology, clinical decision-making process, and outcomes of apparent life-threatening events (ALTEs) presenting to a children's hospital emergency department (ED). DESIGN: Retrospective patient record review. SUBJECTS: One hundred thirty infants under the age of 1 year fulfilling the diagnostic definition of an apparent life-threatening event. RESULTS: In a calendar year, 130 infants presented to a large children's hospital ED. The total number of ALTEs studied was 196. The median age was 2 months, and 50% of infants had a normal clinical examination. Eighty-three percent of ALTEs resulted in admission to the hospital. The approach to investigation and management of an ALTE during admission appeared unstructured. Discharge diagnoses, both from the ED and the inpatient service, were numerous, the most common being convulsion, febrile convulsion, GOR, and lower respiratory tract infection. The diagnosis frequently changed in those attending more than once. Eighteen months after cessation of data collection, no infants had died. Follow-up information revealed a higher-than-expected prevalence of asthma and seizures. CONCLUSIONS: This is a diverse group of infants, many of whom appear normal following the ALTE. There are many possible diagnoses, but diagnosis correlates poorly with presenting symptoms. It also appears that many commonly performed investigations conducted in this group of infants may not be those that are most helpful for diagnosis, and doctors may be making diagnoses with little supportive evidence. Until research on this group of "first-presentation" infants provides management guidelines for family and emergency doctors, it may be prudent to advise that all such infants presenting with an ALTE should be admitted for a period of observation and further investigation. This would help ensure more accurate diagnosis, as well as provide reassurance for the family.  相似文献   

We determined the frequency and clinical significance of white blood cell (WBC) counts greater than or equal to 25,000/microliters in children presenting to an emergency department (ED) and defined a degree of leukocytosis which might be considered extreme in this setting. Records of all patients seen in the ED between February 1985 and December 1986 with WBC counts greater than or equal to 25,000/microliters were identified. Each patient was paired with the chronologically nearest patient with a WBC count between 15,000 and 25,000/microliters. Of the total WBCs obtained, 5.8% were greater than or equal to 25,000/microliters; only 1% were greater than or equal to 35,000/microliters. Eighteen percent of patients with counts greater than or equal to 25,000/microliters had a serious disease, and 6% had bacteremia. Twenty-six percent of patients with counts greater than or equal to 35,000/microliters had a serious disease, and 10% had bacteremia. On the basis of infrequency and severity of illness, we suggest that, in children presenting to a pediatric emergency department, WBC counts greater than or equal to 35,000/microliters be considered extreme leukocytosis.  相似文献   

Some studies suggest that home use of wood-burning stoves is an independent risk factor for lower respiratory tract infection in young children. To test this hypothesis in a population with a high prevalence of wood-burning stove use, we studied Navajo children with diagnosed pneumonia or bronchiolitis. We matched each case (less than or equal to 24 months of age) with a child of identical sex and age who was seen for well-child care or a minor health problem, and we interviewed an adult caretaker about family history and environmental exposures. Analyzing 58 case-control pairs, we found that home wood-burning stove use, recent respiratory illness exposure, family history of asthma, dirt floors, and lack of running water in the home increased the risk of lower respiratory tract infection. On multiple logistic regression analysis, however, only wood-burning stove use and respiratory illness exposure were independently associated with higher risk.  相似文献   

急性呼吸道感染儿童两亚型呼吸道合胞病毒检测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解2006-2007年度重庆地区住院急性呼吸道感染(ARTIs)儿童两亚型呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)的感染特点及流行规律.方法 收集2006年4月至2007年3月全年在重庆医科大学附属儿童医院呼吸科住院的部分ARTIs患儿的鼻咽深部吸取物390份,针对RSV G基因保守区序列设计分型引物,采用RT-PCR方法检测标本中RSV的基因组RNA.结果 390例标本中RSV阳性例数为133例(133/390,阳性率为34.10%).阳性标本中A亚型阳性129例,B亚型阳性4例.RSV阳性患儿中,84.9%为2岁以下小儿.2006年11月~2007年1月为RSV高发季节,RSV检测阳性率为55.6%~62.3%,2006年12月RSV检测阳性率最高.B亚型出现于本地区RSV感染低发季节(4、5、6月).RSV感染的临床表现主要为发热(56.4%)、咳嗽(98.5%)、喘息(63.9%)、气促(76.7%)、紫绀(84.9%).临床诊断依次为毛细支气管炎(33.1%),支气管肺炎(27.8%),间质性肺炎(18.1%),重症肺炎伴呼吸衰竭(10.5%),喘息性支气管炎(5.3%),支气管哮喘(4.5%).结论 本研究初步阐明了重庆地区两亚型RSV感染的流行病学特点,证实RSV是重庆地区冬春季婴幼儿ARI的重要病原,2006-2007年度以A亚型RSV流行为主.今后的研究将纳入门诊及社区惠儿并进行多年度连续监测以进一步阐明重庆地区两亚型RSV流行规律及病毒进化特点.  相似文献   

Atlanto-occipital dislocation is a rare, oftentimes fatal injury sustained from high-impact trauma. It is seen more often in children compared with adults. In the past decade, there are more pediatric survivors presenting to the emergency department for treatment. This case reviews the presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of a child who survived this injury.  相似文献   

Ginde AA, Santillan AA, Clark S, Camargo CA Jr. Body mass index and acute asthma severity among children presenting to the emergency department.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2010: 21: 480–488.
© 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S To determine the prevalence of obesity among children presenting to the emergency department (ED) with acute asthma, and to examine the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and acute asthma severity in the ED setting. We analyzed data from a multicenter prospective cohort study during 1997–1998; 44 ED in 17 US states and two Canadian provinces enrolled 672 patients, age 5–17, with acute asthma. BMI and Pulmonary Index were collected in the ED. We defined overweight and obesity using age, sex, and race‐specific BMI values from national and international databases. The prevalence of obesity was significantly higher among ED patients with acute asthma as compared with children from the general population (23% vs. 9–15%; p < 0.001). Obese children with acute asthma did not differ from their non‐obese counterparts, by demographic factors or chronic asthma severity (all p > 0.2). Initial Pulmonary Index was the same across underweight, intermediate, and obese groups (3.7 ± 2.4, 3.8 ± 2.2, 3.7 ± 2.3; p = 0.70). Admission status also did not vary across groups (22%, 22% and 23%; p = 0.98). Stratifying the analysis by age group and sex did not change these results. The prevalence of obesity among children presenting to the ED with acute asthma was significantly higher compared with children from the general population. BMI was not associated with markers of chronic and acute asthma severity. The results of this study support a positive association between obesity and asthma, and suggest that asthma exacerbations among obese children are very similar to those experienced by other children.  相似文献   

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