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3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)–assisted psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been shown to significantly reduce clinical symptomatology, but posttraumatic growth (PTG), which consists of positive changes in self-perception, interpersonal relationships, or philosophy of life, has not been studied with this treatment. Participant data (n = 60) were pooled from three Phase 2 clinical studies employing triple-blind crossover designs. Participants were required to meet DSM-IV-R criteria for PTSD with a score higher than 50 on the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS-IV) as well as previous inadequate response to pharmacological and/or psychotherapeutic treatment. Data were aggregated into two groups: an active MDMA dose group (75–125 mg of MDMA; n = 45) or placebo/active control (0–40 mg of MDMA; n = 15). Measures included the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) and the CAPS-IV, which were administered at baseline, primary endpoint, treatment exit, and 12-month follow-up. At primary endpoint, the MDMA group demonstrated more PTG, Hedges’ g = 1.14, 95% CI [0.49, 1.78], p < .001; and a larger reduction in PTSD symptom severity, Hedges’ g = 0.88, 95% CI [−0.28, 1.50], p < .001, relative to the control group. Relative to baseline, at the 12-month follow-up, within-subject PTG was higher, p < .001; PTSD symptom severity scores were lower, p < .001; and two-thirds of participants (67.2%) no longer met criteria for PTSD. MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD resulted in PTG and clinical symptom reductions of large-magnitude effect sizes. Results suggest that PTG may provide a new mechanism of action warranting further study.  相似文献   

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Family Functioning in Adolescent Cancer   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Twenty three adolescents with a history of cancer, 27 physically abused adolescents, and 23 healthy, nonabused adolescents were administered structured posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) interviews and self-report questionnaires regarding family functioning. Thirty five percent of adolescent cancer subjects met criteria for lifetime PTSD as compared to only 7% of the abused adolescents: 17% of the cancer subjects and 11% of the abuse subjects met criteria for current PTSD. Adolescents with cancer viewed their mothers and fathers as significantly more caring and more protective than the comparison and abused adolescents. Cancer subjects who met criteria for lifetime PTSD save their families as significantly more chaotic than those who did not have PTSD. Eighty three percent of cancer subjects who had lifetime PTSD also had mothers who had PTSD.  相似文献   

Researchers have suggested that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with significant healthcare burden and utilization of medical services. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of PTSD symptoms on health functioning among active‐duty military personnel. Participants in the study were 366 treatment‐seeking service members who had returned from deployment and were participating in a larger PTSD treatment study. Assessments included measures of PTSD symptom severity, combat experiences, life stress, health functioning, alcohol use, and depression. We hypothesized that at baseline, PTSD severity and its symptom clusters would be significantly associated with poorer physical and mental health functioning. We conducted separate hierarchical multiple regressions to examine the predictive contribution the hypothesized factors would have on the variance in physical and mental health scores. Consistent with previous literature, we found that PTSD severity was significantly associated with poorer mental health functioning, B = ?0.25, SE = 0.08, β = ?0.15, t(342) = ?3.07, R2 = .37, p = .002; however, contrary to our hypotheses, PTSD severity was not associated with poorer physical health functioning. Further, the hyperarousal symptom cluster was significantly associated with poorer physical health functioning, B = ?0.83, SE = 0.26, β = ?0.18, t(340) = ?3.16, R2 = .11, p = .002, but not mental health functioning. Limitations of our study included the use of self‐report measures only and lack of objective measures. Future directions for study include examination of how health functioning perceptions change over a longer duration of PTSD symptoms and after treatment.  相似文献   

This study attempted to examine patterns over time in treatment preferences of 65 veterans who completed a 4 month inpatient posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD) program in order to reveal potentially more beneficial types of treatment. Veterans rated the severity of their symptoms and degree of benefit of 35 different treatment components at discharge, and at 4 and 12 months follow-up. Veterans rated their symptoms as having not changed at discharge, and worsening by 4 months. Veterans initially perceived components that were high in Vietnam content, exploratory in purpose, verbal in modality, and personally focused as most effective, but by 12-month follow-up they perceived these as less effective than components that were low in Vietnam content, educative, action oriented, and externally focused. These effects were strongest among veterans with higher levels of PTSD symptomatology. Combat exposure, childhood abuse, and race were generally not significant predictors of response. These results underscore the importance of further inquiry into the relative value of rehabilitative-oriented and psychotherapeutic-oriented treatments for veterans with severe and chronic PTSD.  相似文献   

Women are at higher risk than men for developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following certain types of trauma such as accidents and assaults. Sleep disturbances have been implicated in the development of PTSD. Although gender differences in objective sleep soon after trauma have been found in a prior polysomnographic study, gender differences in subjective sleep soon after trauma and their associations to the development of PTSD have not been examined. This pilot study prospectively examined whether gender moderated the relationship between subjective sleep soon after trauma and PTSD symptom development. Injury patients (17 women, 28 men) completed a sleep questionnaire and a 1‐week sleep diary 2 weeks after their injuries, and the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale at 7‐weeks postinjury. Results showed that women reported greater frequency of nightmares and disruptive nocturnal behaviors (e.g., hot flashes, memories/nightmares about trauma) following the trauma and more severe PTSD symptoms at 7 weeks. Further, gender moderated the relationship between sleep‐onset latency and PTSD symptom severity, such that longer sleep‐onset latency predicted more severe PTSD symptoms in men, but less severe PTSD symptoms in women. These findings suggest that gender‐specific mechanisms may underlie the relationship between sleep impairment and the development of PTSD.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and interpersonal functioning in a New Zealand community sample of 756 Vietnam War veterans. The results support previous research findings showing that PTSD adversely affects veterans' interpersonal relationships, family functioning, and marital/dyadic adjustment and show that the effects of PTSD on family functioning and dyadic adjustment are mediated by severity of interpersonal problems. It is suggested that higher levels of PTSD affect the ability of veterans to initiate and maintain interpersonal relationships and that these interpersonal problems are evident in poorer levels of family functioning and poorer dyadic adjustment.  相似文献   

Patient‐centered care involves engaging patients as partners in establishing treatment priorities. No prior studies have examined what specific problems veterans hope to address when they enter posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment. Veterans starting outpatient (n = 216) and residential (n = 812) PTSD treatment in 2 multisite care management trials specified (open‐ended) the 2 or 3 problems that they most wanted to improve through treatment. Over 80% mentioned PTSD‐symptom‐related concerns including PTSD or trauma (19.2% to 19.9% of patients), anger (31.0% to 36.7%), sleep problems (14.3% to 27.3%), nightmares (12.3% to 19.4%), and estrangement/isolation (7.9% to 20.8%). Other common problems involved depression (23.1% to 36.5%), anxiety not specific to PTSD (23.9% to 27.8%), relationships (20.4% to 24.5%), and improving coping or functioning (19.2% to 20.4%). Veterans’ treatment goals varied significantly by outpatient versus residential setting, gender, and period of military service. Our findings confirm the importance of educating patients about how available efficacious treatments relate to clients’ personal goals. Our results also suggest that clinicians should be prepared to offer interventions or provide referrals for common problems such as anger, nightmares, sleep, depression, or relationship difficulties if these problems do not remit with trauma‐focused psychotherapy or if patients are unwilling to undergo trauma‐focused treatment.  相似文献   

Research on traumatic stress has focused largely on individual risk factors. A more thorough understanding of risk factors may require investigation of the contribution of neighborhood context, such as the associations between perceived neighbourhood disorder and social cohesion with reported trauma exposure (yes/no) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnostic status (past‐year PTSD, remitted). To examine these associations, we used a cross‐sectional analysis of an epidemiological catchment area survey (N = 2,433). Visible cues, indicating a lack of order and social control in the community (neighbourhood disorder), were associated with increased trauma exposure (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 1.21, 95% confidence interval [CI] [1.12, 1.31]). For trauma‐exposed individuals, neighbourhood disorder was associated with greater odds of lifetime PTSD (AOR = 1.38, 95% CI [1.10, 1.75]), and the willingness of residents who realize common values to intervene for the common good (social cohesion), was associated with lower likelihood of past‐year PTSD (AOR = 0.64, 95% CI [0.42, 0.97]). For participants with a lifetime diagnosis of PTSD (including past‐year), increased social cohesion was associated with higher odds of remission (AOR = 2.59, 95% CI [1.55, 4.30]). Environmental contexts play a role in the development and progression of PTSD. As such, traumatic stress outcomes may be better understood through a perspective that integrates individual and contextual risk factors.  相似文献   

After the Omagh Bomb: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Health Service Staff   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this postal survey of 1064 health service staff working closest to the Omagh bombing in Northern Ireland, approximately half reported having professional or civilian involvement. Types of involvement and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) levels varied between staff groups. Staff involved both professionally and as a civilian, particularly those who witnessed the trauma, or those who had experienced previous emotional problems and trauma, had the highest levels of symptomatology. Although staff with higher PTSD symptoms were more likely to seek professional help, only a minority contacted professionals for support.  相似文献   

This population‐based longitudinal study examined the rates and predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among 725 differentially exposed survivors of the 1988 Spitak earthquake in Armenia, 23 years after the event. Participants had been previously evaluated in 1991. Evaluations included assessment of current PTSD (based on DSM‐5 criteria), and a variety of potential risk and protective factors. For the whole sample, the rate of PTSD attributed to the earthquake decreased from 48.7% in 1991 to 11.6% in 2012 (p < .001). A “dose of exposure” pattern persisted, and 15.7% of participants who were in Spitak (high exposure) and 6.6% of participants who were in Kirovagan (low exposure) during the earthquake met the criteria for PTSD (p = .003). Additionally, in 2012, another 9.9% of participants met PTSD criteria due to post‐earthquake traumas, which is a 5‐fold increase from pre‐ to postearthquake (p < . 001). Factors positively associated with PTSD included earthquake‐related job loss, exposure to post‐earthquake traumas, depression at baseline, and chronic illness since the earthquake. Factors inversely associated with PTSD included housing assistance within two years after the earthquake, support of family and/or friends, and to a lesser degree, higher education and high living standard. These variables accounted for 23.1% of the variance in current PTSD severity scores. These findings indicate that PTSD rates subside significantly after a catastrophic disaster, although earthquake‐related PTSD persists among a subgroup of exposed individuals. Predictors of PTSD identified in this study provide guidance for planning acute and longer‐term postdisaster public mental health recovery programs.  相似文献   

Sleep disruption appears not only to reflect a symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but also a unique vulnerability for its development and maintenance. Studies examining the impact of psychosocial treatments for PTSD on sleep symptoms are few and no studies to date of which we are aware have examined this question in samples with co‐occurring substance use disorders. The current study is a secondary analysis of a large clinical trial comparing 2 psychological treatments for co‐occurring PTSD and substance use disorders. Women (N = 353) completed measures of PTSD at baseline, end of treatment, and 3‐, 6‐, and 12‐month follow‐ups. Results indicated that the prevalence of insomnia, but not nightmares, decreased during treatment, and that 63.8% of participants reported at least 1 clinical‐level sleep symptom at the end of treatment. Improvement in sleep symptoms during treatment was associated with better overall PTSD outcomes over time, χ2(1) = 33.81, p < .001. These results extend the existing literature to suggest that residual sleep disruption following PTSD treatment is common in women with co‐occurring PTSD and substance use disorders. Research on the benefits of adding sleep‐specific intervention for those with residual sleep disruption in this population may be a promising future direction.  相似文献   

Trauma survivors with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) frequently also suffer from difficulties in social functioning that range across emotional, cognitive, and environmental domains. A detailed evaluation of the differential impacts of effective PTSD treatments on social functioning is needed. Men and women (N = 200) with chronic PTSD received 10 weeks of prolonged exposure (PE) or sertraline in a randomized clinical trial and were followed for 24 months. A secondary data analysis examined changes in social functioning with regard to fear of intimacy; receipt of social support; and distress, avoidance, and negative cognitions in social situations. Effects were examined between treatments over time, controlling for baseline functioning. There were large, durable improvements across all indices. Compared to sertraline, PE was more efficient at reducing fear of intimacy and distress from negative social cognitions by posttreatment, ds = 0.94–1.14. Patients who received sertraline continued to improve over the course of follow-up, ds = 0.54–1.17. The differential speed of therapeutic effects may argue for more direct mechanisms in cognitive behavioral interventions versus cascade effects in serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Notably, both treatments produced substantial social benefits for trauma survivors with social functioning difficulties, and effect sizes were comparable to typical reductions in PTSD, depression, and anxiety.  相似文献   

This study investigated preferential encoding of threat material in subjects with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with a modified dot-probe paradigm. This paradigm indexes attentional bias by measuring response latency to name neutral target words that are presented adjacent to or distant from threat words. Motor vehicle accident survivors with PTSD (n = 15), subclinical PTSD (n = 15), and low anxiety (n = 15) were required to name target words that were presented either adjacent to or distant from strong threat, mild threat, positive, and neutral words. PTSD subjects named targets faster when they were in close proximity to mild threat words. Results suggested that PTSD subjects' attention was drawn to the mild threat stimuli and are discussed in the context of network models of PTSD.  相似文献   

Research indicates that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with high rates of comorbid psychiatric diagnoses. Yet, it remains unknown whether PTSD is associated with greater comorbidity relative to patients with other anxiety disorders. This study examined prevalence of comorbid anxiety disorders with PTSD relative to other disorders among a treatment-seeking population. Patients with PTSD (n = 83) evidenced greater overall comorbidity as compared to patients with other anxiety (n = 151) or Axis I (n = 73) disorders. Compared to patients with panic disorder, patients with PTSD were more likely to be diagnosed with depression and social phobia, but not other anxiety disorders. Extent of anxiety disorder comorbidity was not related to PTSD severity. These findings are discussed in terms of their relevance for treatment of PTSD.  相似文献   

Although the link between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and aggression has been repeatedly demonstrated, to our knowledge no research has examined whether PTSD symptom reductions are linked to less aggression after treatment. The current study aimed to address this gap in the literature by examining the association between reductions in PTSD symptoms and posttreatment aggression among 2,275 veterans in residential treatment for PTSD across 35 Veterans Health Administration sites. We estimated a multilevel model that examined the effect of clinically significant PTSD symptom change on aggression at 4‐month posttreatment follow‐up, and found significant within‐site and between‐site contextual effects of clinically significant changes in PTSD symptoms on follow‐up aggression. Findings revealed that veterans who reported clinically significant changes in their PTSD symptoms had lower levels of aggression at follow‐up than veterans at the same treatment site who did not report clinically significant PTSD change. After we controlled for individual clinically significant PTSD change, participants in treatment sites where the rates of clinically significant PTSD change were higher overall had lower levels of aggression at follow‐up. The model explained over one‐fourth of the variability in aggression, R2 = .26. Findings from the current study extend previous research that has shown associations between PTSD and aggression, by revealing that clinically significant change in PTSD during residential treatment is associated with less aggression at follow‐up. These findings suggest that interventions that effectively reduce PTSD symptoms may also help reduce risk for aggression.  相似文献   

This study examined aspects of clinicians’ work environment that facilitated sustained use of prolonged exposure (PE) therapy. Surveys were completed by 566 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs clinicians 6 and 18 months after intensive training in PE. The number of patients treated with PE at 18 months (reach) was modeled as a function of clinician demographics, clinician beliefs about PE, and work context factors. There were 342 clinicians (60.4%) who used PE at 6 and 18 months after training, 58 (10.2%) who used PE at 18 but not 6 months, 95 (16.7%) who used PE at 6 but not 18 months, and 71 (12.5%) who never adopted PE. Median reach was 12% of clinicians’ appointments with patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. Reach was predicted by flow of interested patients (incident response ratio [IRR ] = 1.21 to 1.51), PE's perceived effectiveness (IRR = 1.04 to 1.31), working in a PTSD specialty clinic (IRR = 1.06 to 1.26), seeing more patients weekly (IRR = 1.04 to 1.25), and seeing fewer patients in groups (IRR = 0.83 to 0.99). Most clinicians trained in PE sustained use of the treatment, but on a limited basis. Strategies to increase reach of PE should address organizational barriers and patient engagement.  相似文献   

Reports of limited treatment effect in Vietnam veterans with PTSD are discussed. Survivors of multiple traumata who suffer from complex PTSD and who live in poverty and distress may not property represent the general case of PTSD. Yet the lessons learned suggest that attempts to treat prolonged PTSD by rederessing causation are ineffective. The appropriateness of targeting symptoms is also challenged. Previously heralded rethorics of healing trauma should be replaced by careful assessment of residual disability in a social context. Recognizing treatment-resistance in PTSD could lead to favorably investigating interventions of modest effect, to shifting from exploration to rehabilitation, and to redefining outcome measures such that changes in a variety of domains are appreciated.  相似文献   

These papers show that long-stay inpatient PTSD programs provide treatment that is quite different from other programs but that they are neither as effective, from a psychometric perspective, nor as helpful, from the veterans' subjective perspective, as has been expected. VA treatment of PTSD is changing its focus and is being influenced by three distinct societal forces, in addition to data from studies like these: (1) the continuing effort of American society to come to terms with its Vietnam War experience; (2) the crisis of U.S. health care costs; and (3) the emergence of a movement to re-invent government and to increase public accountability through performance data.  相似文献   

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