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Trauma exposure and related symptoms interfere with adult adherence to drug treatment. Whether these findings hold true for adolescents is unknown. We examined trauma exposure, PTSD symptoms, and psychosocial functioning among 212 adolescents upon admission to long-term residential drug treatment and examined retention in treatment at 6 months. Seventy-one percent reported lifetime trauma exposure, and 29% of the trauma-exposed met criteria for current PTSD. Trauma-exposed adolescents reported more behavioral problems, with gender differences apparent. We divided the sample into three groups: no trauma exposure (21%), trauma-exposed without PTSD (59%), and trauma-exposed with PTSD (20%). Survival analysis showed that trauma-exposed adolescents without PTSD left treatment sooner than the nonexposed. Need for attention to trauma in substance abuse treatment programs is discussed.  相似文献   

Existing literature has provided support for an association between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and emotion dysregulation. However, few studies have examined the relation between PTSD and emotion dysregulation that stems from positive emotions. Moreover, the role of trauma exposure, per se, on positive emotion dysregulation is unknown. Addressing these limitations, the current study compared levels of positive emotion dysregulation among (a) individuals without trauma exposure, (b) trauma-exposed individuals without probable PTSD, and (c) trauma-exposed individuals with probable PTSD. Participants were 400 community-dwelling individuals (M age = 43.76 years, 68.6% female; 24.2% Asian, 23.7% Black, 24.5% Hispanic, 27.6% White). Lower levels of positive emotion dysregulation were found among trauma-exposed participants without probable PTSD compared to trauma-exposed participants with probable PTSD, ds = 0.66–0.73, and unexposed participants, ds = 0.58–0.64. The present findings suggest the potential protective role of low levels of positive emotion dysregulation following trauma exposure. If replicated in longitudinal studies, these results may indicate the utility of enhancing skills for regulating positive emotions among individuals at risk for trauma exposure.  相似文献   

Despite growing evidence in support of emotion dysregulation as a risk factor for the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following trauma exposure, few studies have examined temporal relations between emotion dysregulation and the onset and/or worsening of PTSD symptoms over time. The aim of the present study was to extend research on temporal associations between emotion dysregulation and PTSD in a sample of individuals recruited from hospital emergency departments soon after a traumatic event. Adult participants (N = 85; 62.4% female) completed self-report measures of emotion dysregulation and PTSD symptoms within 2 weeks of experiencing a traumatic event. Symptoms of PTSD were assessed approximately 3 months posttrauma. The results of a hierarchical linear regression analysis demonstrated that the inclusion of emotion dysregulation accounted for a significant amount of unique variance, β = .23, ΔR2 = .04, p = .042, in 3-month PTSD symptom severity over and above other risk factors and baseline PTSD symptoms. No specific facet of emotion dysregulation emerged as a significant predictor of 3-month PTSD symptoms when all facets were included on the same step of the model, βs = −.04–.33, ps = .133–.954. These results demonstrate that posttraumatic emotion dysregulation may predict PTSD symptoms 3 months after trauma exposure. These findings are consistent with a growing body of literature that speaks to the relevance of emotional processes to the onset and maintenance of PTSD following exposure to a traumatic event.  相似文献   

Despite research demonstrating the benefit of exposure-based therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in patients with co-occurring substance use disorders, there remains a strong clinical expectation that this treatment will exacerbate substance use or other psychiatric symptoms. The present study evaluated within-session and session-to-session changes in (a) craving and use of substances for a range of drug classes and (b) symptoms of PTSD and other psychiatric distress in a sample of 44 SUD patients who received prolonged exposure (PE) therapy for PTSD. Visual analog scales showed no within-session increases in craving, except for cocaine, within Session 8. Across sessions, craving scores dropped for heroin, methadone, benzodiazepines, and cocaine; no increases in craving were found. Past-week substance use reported at each session did not differ. The severity of PTSD symptoms and self-reported serious emotional problems decreased from Session 1 to subsequent sessions, with no increases or decreases in other psychiatric, social, or medical problems. Finally, PTSD severity was unrelated to substance use reported 1 or 2 weeks later. Substance use during the past week was associated with higher PTSD severity scores at the next session, B = 6.86 (SE = 2.87), p = .018, but was not associated 2 weeks later. These findings indicate that the concern that exposure therapy for PTSD will increase SUD patients’ substance use or other psychiatric symptoms may be unwarranted, and, thus, SUD patients, including those who are actively using, should have access to effective treatments for PTSD, like PE.  相似文献   

Cognitive control, which relies on the protracted development of frontal‐parietal regions into adolescence, is a brain process that may be particularly vulnerable to the impact of childhood abuse. In this study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine associations between the age of onset of childhood abuse and alterations to the neural mechanisms supporting cognitive control in early adulthood, which have not been previously examined. During fMRI scanning, participants completed hybrid block/event‐related versions of a classic color‐word Stroop task as well as emotional Stroop tasks (threat and positive words). Participants were young adult women (N = 15; age range: 23–30 years) who had a history of childhood physical or sexual abuse that began prior to 13 years of age. Results indicated that earlier age of onset of childhood abuse was robustly associated with increased transient (i.e., event‐related) recruitment of medial cognitive control regions in the classic color‐word paradigm as well as with less suppression of medial frontal regions that are part of the default mode network, βs = ?.16 to ?.87. In comparison, increased activation in dorsolateral prefrontal regions was associated with earlier age of abuse onset under conditions of sustained (i.e., blocked) cognitive control in the emotional Stroop task for blocks of positive distracting words versus fixation, βs = ?.50 to ?.60. These results provide preliminary evidence that earlier age of exposure to childhood abuse impacts the functional activation of neural systems involved in cognitive control in adulthood.  相似文献   

Veterans with mental health problems and a history of interpersonal and military trauma exposure are at increased risk for chronic homelessness. Although studies have examined posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a predictor of homelessness, there is limited understanding of specific mechanisms related to cumulative trauma exposure. We sought to elucidate how cumulative interpersonal and military trauma exposure may be linked to homelessness chronicity by examining the role of factors that influence trauma recovery and functional impairment. Specifically, we examined the indirect association of cumulative trauma exposure with homelessness chronicity through distress and responses to trauma-related intrusions and emotion regulation problems in a sample of 239 veterans in community-based homeless programs. Participants completed measures of trauma exposure, responses to intrusions, intrusion distress, difficulties with emotion regulation, and duration and episodes of homelessness. Structural equation modeling was used to test a serial indirect effect model in which cumulative trauma exposure was indirectly associated with homelessness chronicity through distress from and responses to intrusions as well as emotion regulation problems. The results supported the hypothesized sequential indirect effect for episodes of homelessness, indirect effect odds ratio (IE ORs) = 1.12–1.13, but not for current episode duration, IE OR = 1.05. Overall, the present findings elucidate specific trauma-related factors that may be particularly relevant to episodic patterns of homelessness and interfere with efforts to remain housed. These findings represent an important step toward shaping policy and program development to better meet mental health care needs and improve housing outcomes among homeless veterans.  相似文献   

Although it is well established that intimate partner violence (IPV) is detrimental to women's mental health, it remains unclear to what extent symptoms can be attributed to the proximal effects of IPV exposure itself as opposed to more stable scarring effects or co-occurring risk factors. Heterogeneity in the magnitude of IPV effects further suggests that IPV-exposed individuals are differentially susceptible to disorder, and an investigation of moderating factors that may make women more vulnerable is warranted. We used a prospective longitudinal study of low-income mothers followed from 3 to 18 months postpartum to distinguish the concurrent mental health effects of IPV exposure from overall person-level IPV-mental health associations, as well as to test the moderating role of prior relational traumatic experiences in the form of childhood maltreatment. Multilevel modeling results demonstrated a unique concurrent association between increasing IPV and women's posttraumatic symptoms over time, even after controlling for an overall association between mean IPV and symptom levels. The effects of concurrent IPV were heightened in women who reported a history of childhood maltreatment. Model effects were medium to large, R2 = .27–.35. The implications of these findings for the identification of and intervention with women at the highest risk for relational trauma-related mental health difficulties are discussed.  相似文献   

Research in both community and clinical settings has found that exposure to cumulative interpersonal trauma predicts substance use problems. Less is known about betrayal as a dimension of trauma exposure that predicts substance use, and about the behavioral and psychological pathways that explain the relation between trauma and substance use. In a sample of 362 young adults, this study evaluated three intervening pathways between betrayal trauma exposure prior to age 18 years and problematic substance use: (a) substance use to cope with negative affect, (b) difficulty discerning and/or heeding risk, and (c) self‐destructiveness. In addition, exposure to trauma low in betrayal (e.g., earthquake) was included in the model. Bootstrap tests of indirect effects revealed that betrayal trauma prior to age 18 years was associated with problematic substance use via posttraumatic stress and two intervening pathways: difficulty discerning/heeding risk (β = .07, p < .001), and self‐destructiveness (β = .12, p < .001). Exposure to lower betrayal trauma was not associated with posttraumatic stress or problematic substance use. Results contribute to a trauma‐informed understanding of substance use that persists despite potentially harmful consequences.  相似文献   

The goal of the present investigation was to evaluate whether the process of assessing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in substance abuse/dependence inpatients (N = 95) as part of a research protocol influenced the diagnostic assessment conducted by clinical staff. The prevalence of current crime-related PTSD (CR-PTSD) observed with a research interview was 40% (n = 38), whereas the rate of current CR-PTSD documented in (the same) patients' discharge summaries was 15% (n = 14). An even lower CR-PTSD prevalence rate of 8% (n = 5) was obtained from a new sample of patient discharge summaries (N = 59) collected after the cessation of the research project. On chart intake reports, clinical staff documented a history of sexual and/or physical assault in approximately one-half of these patients, but PTSD was not evaluated. PTSD appears to be under-diagnosed by clinical staff in patients with substance use disorders.  相似文献   

Incarcerated women report high rates of trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Emotion regulation has been identified as a potential mechanism that contributes to the association between trauma exposure and PTSD severity. The present study examined associations among cumulative trauma exposure, emotion regulation difficulties, and current (30‐day) PTSD in 152 randomly selected women in prison. Utilizing structural equation modeling (SEM), results indicated cumulative trauma was significantly associated with emotion regulation difficulties, β = .31, SE = .13, p  = .005; and PTSD symptom severity, β = .41, SE = .14, p  = .005. We identified a significant indirect effect, 0.11, z = 2.37, p = .018, of emotion regulation on the association between cumulative trauma exposure and severity of current PTSD symptoms. These findings are consistent with previous longitudinal research suggesting that emotion regulation is significantly affected by trauma exposure, and they support previously identified associations between emotion regulation difficulties and severity of PTSD. Further, these findings have the potential to inform current efforts to identify and implement effective PTSD‐focused interventions with incarcerated women. In particular, it appears that emotion regulation skills may be an important component of effective PTSD focused interventions for this population.  相似文献   

Efforts to improve the efficiency of prolonged exposure (PE) therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have demonstrated that reducing the length of imaginal exposures does not negatively affect treatment outcome. A recent adaptation of PE, called Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure [COPE], integrates substance use disorder treatment with PE in the same timeframe (twelve 90‐minute sessions, 8 of which include imaginal exposure). The current study, which represents a subanalysis of a larger randomized controlled trial, examined how the length of imaginal exposures (nonrandomized and measured continually) related to PTSD, substance use, and depression in a sample of military veterans (N = 31) who completed the COPE treatment. Participants completed an average of 11.5 of the 12 therapy sessions and 7.2 of the 8 imaginal exposures during treatment. Results of 3 linear mixed models indicate that PTSD, substance use, and depressive symptoms all improved over the course of treatment (p s < .001; η2 ranged between .17 and .40), and that the length of imaginal exposures did not significantly interact with any outcome. Although preliminary, the findings suggest that it may be feasible to shorten imaginal exposures without mitigating treatment gains. Implications for treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

Stressful events have long been acknowledged as important risk factors for suicidal behavior. Although suicide research has generally focused on less severe stressful events, a long-standing vulnerability for suicidal behavior may be a sequela of prolonged traumatic stressors. The present paper discusses the relationship between prolonged traumatic stress and subsequent suicidality by reviewing studies that have examined suicidal behavior in relationship to child abuse and combat trauma. Traumatic stress is conceptualized according to a person-environment interactional paradigm, and this paradigm is used to discuss the characteristics of traumatic events, recovery environments, and individuals that may contribute to subsequent suicidality.  相似文献   

Exposure to traumatic experiences is associated with an increased risk for drug dependence and poorer response to substance abuse treatment (Claus & Kindleberger, 2002; Jaycox, Ebener, Damesek, & Becker, 2004). Despite this evidence, the reasons for the observed associations of trauma and the general tendency to be dependent upon drugs of abuse remain unclear. Data (N = 2,596) from the Study of Addiction: Genetics and Environment were used to analyze (a) the degree to which commonly occurring single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; minor allele frequency > 1%) in the human genome explains exposure to interpersonal traumatic experiences, and (b) the extent to which additive genetic effects on trauma are shared with additive genetic effects on drug dependence. Our results suggested moderate additive genetic influences on interpersonal trauma, h2SNP‐Interpersonal = .47, 95% confidence interval (CI) [.10, .85], that are partially shared with additive genetic effects on generalized vulnerability to drug dependence, h2SNP‐DD = .36, 95% CI [.11, .61]; rG‐SNP = .49, 95% CI [.02, .96]. Although the design/technique does not exclude the possibility that substance abuse causally increases risk for traumatic experiences (or vice versa), these findings raise the possibility that commonly occurring SNPs influence both the general tendency towards drug dependence and interpersonal trauma.  相似文献   

The majority of youth living in the United States experience a potentially traumatic event (PTE) by 18 years of age, with many experiencing multiple PTEs. Variation in the nature and range of PTE exposure differentially impacts youth functioning, although this association is poorly understood. We used latent class analysis (LCA) to identify patterns of PTE exposure from caregiver and youth report in a treatment‐seeking sample of children and adolescents (N = 701) and examined how these patterns predict youths’ behavioral health outcomes. We identified four classes based on both caregiver and youth reports of PTE exposure, with the best‐fitting model representing a constrained measurement model across reporters; these included high polyvictimization, moderate polyvictimization (general), moderate polyvictimization (interpersonal), and low polyvictimization classes. Prevalence of classes varied across reporters, and agreement in classification based on caregiver and youth report was mixed. Despite these differences, we observed similar patterns of association between caregiver‐ and youth‐reported classes and their respective ratings of posttraumatic stress disorder and depressive symptoms, as well as both caregiver and therapist ratings of problem behavior, with Cohen's d effect size estimates of significant differences ranging from d = 0.25 to d = 0.51. The PTE exposure classes did not differ with respect to ratings of child functioning. Findings highlight the importance of gathering information from multiple informants.  相似文献   

Childhood adversity (CA) and adulthood traumatic experiences (ATEs) are common and unequally distributed in the general population. Early stressors may beget later stressors and alter life‐course trajectories of stressor exposure. Gender differences exist regarding the risk of specific stressors. However, few studies have examined the associations between specific types of CA and ATEs. Using a large‐scale sample of older adults, we aimed to (a) determine if specific or cumulative CA increased the risk for specific or cumulative ATEs and (b) examine whether these associations were moderated by gender. In a sample from the U.S. Health and Retirement Study (N = 15,717; Mage = 67.57 years, SD = 10.54), cross‐sectional Poisson and logistic regression models were fitted to assess the specific and cumulative associations between CA and ATEs. Overall, cumulative CA was associated with a larger risk ratio of ATEs, adjusted for covariates: aRRRs = 1.28, 1.63, and 1.97 for 1, 2, and 3–4 adverse events in childhood, respectively. Cumulative CA was particularly strongly associated with adulthood physical attacks, aOR = 5.66, and having a substance‐abusing spouse or child, aOR = 4.00. Childhood physical abuse was the strongest independent risk factor for cumulative ATEs, aRRR = 1.49, and most strongly associated with adulthood physical attacks, aOR = 3.41. Gender moderated the association between cumulative CA and cumulative ATEs, with slightly stronger associations between cumulative CA and ATEs for women than men. Given that CA and ATEs perpetuate health disparities worldwide, reducing their incidence and effects should be major priorities for public health.  相似文献   

The study investigated, in a high risk adolescent sample, the relationship between illusions of invulnerability and exposure to six specific traumatic events. The most significant finding was the significant negative relationship between exposure to trauma and level of invulnerability, indicating that the greater the exposure to trauma, the less the invulnerability expressed in regard to potential risk. A further significant finding of the study was that vicarious exposure to trauma affects how one estimates risk of death in relation to the average other but not in relation to the self. Direct experience of trauma, on the other hand, affects perceived risk in relation to both self and other.  相似文献   

Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) frequently co‐occur with serious mental illness, yet the unique mental and physical health influences of childhood physical abuse (CPA), childhood sexual abuse (CSA), and forced sexual trauma on individuals with serious mental illness remain unevaluated. The present study of 172 individuals with serious mental illness investigated the adverse effects of CPA, CSA, and forced sexual trauma on severity of PTSD and depression, and overall mental and physical health functioning. Data analysis consisted of chi‐square tests, independent t tests, bivariate odds ratios, and linear regressions. Prevalence of CPA (44.8%), CSA (29.1%), and forced sexual trauma (33.1%) were elevated, and nearly one third of participants (31.4%) reported clinical PTSD. Participants exposed to CSA or forced sexual trauma evidenced bivariate ORs ranging from 4.13 to 7.02 for PTSD, 2.44 to 2.50 for major depression, and 2.14 to 2.31 for serious physical illness/disability. Sexual trauma exposure associated with heightened PTSD and depression, and reduced mental and physical health functioning, with CSA uniquely predicting PTSD, depression, and physical health difficulties. CPA less significantly affected these clinical domains. Sexual traumas have profound negative effects on mental and physical health outcomes among individuals with serious mental illness; increased screening and treatment of sexual traumas is needed.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that lifetime trauma exposure is associated with adulthood cognitive functioning. However, the nature and extent of this relation have yet to be fully explored. We used multilevel modeling to examine trauma exposure and age at first trauma exposure as predictors of the level of and change in cognitive functioning over a 9-year period. Data were from the Midlife in the United States study, a national survey that began in 1995. Data regarding trauma exposure and age at first exposure were obtained from the 2004 wave, whereas cognitive data were obtained from the 2004 and 2013 waves. The analyses were conducted using data from the 2,471 participants (age range: 28–84 years) who had complete data on all variables from the 2004 wave. Lifetime trauma exposure predicted change in executive functioning (EF), B = −0.03, SE = 0.01, p = .015, 95% CI [−0.05, −0.01]; and episodic memory, B = −0.05, SE = 0.02, p = .023, 95% CI [−0.10, −0.01], such that individuals with more trauma exposure had more decline over 9 years. Age at first exposure also predicted change in EF, B = −0.002, SE = 0.00, p = .009, 95% CI [−0.004, −0.001], such that individuals who were first exposed to trauma later in life had greater EF decline than individuals whose first traumatic event occurred earlier in life. Delta pseudo- values were moderate, ΔpseudoR2 = .17–.39. These findings identify trauma exposure as a risk factor for cognitive decline in adulthood and highlight the elevated risk associated with adulthood trauma exposure.  相似文献   

A total of 3030 children age 8–19 years from Rwanda was interviewed about their war experiences and reactions approximately 13 months after the genocide that started in April 1994. Rwandan children had been exposed to extreme levels of violence in the form of witnessing the death of close family members and others in massacres, as well as other violent acts. A majority of these children (90%) believed that they would die; most had to hide to survive, and 15% had to hide under dead bodies to survive. A shortened form of the Impact of Event Scale used in a group of 1830 of these children documented high levels of intrusion and avoidance. While children living in shelters were exposed to more trauma, they evidenced less posttraumatic reactions. Analyses showed that reactions were associated with loss, violence exposure, and, most importantly, feeling their life was in danger.  相似文献   

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