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目的 制备抗狂犬病毒单克隆抗体,为建立快速准确的狂犬病毒抗原检测方法奠定基础.方法 将狂犬病病毒CVS-11株纯化浓缩后免疫6~8周龄雌性BALB/c小鼠,取其脾细胞与SP2/0骨髓瘤细胞进行融合,经细胞克隆和间接ELISA筛选,获得稳定分泌抗狂犬病毒单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株.小鼠腹腔注射法制备大量单克隆抗体并测定腹水效价,用G蛋白亲和层析柱进行纯化,间接ELISA法和间接荧光法鉴定单克隆抗体的类型、特异性及敏感性.结果 细胞融合率达100%,经克隆筛选获4株稳定分泌抗狂犬病病毒抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,其腹水效价分别为1×104,1×105,1×104和1×105;4株单抗均为IgG类型且特异性好.结论 制备的单抗具有良好特异性和敏感性.  相似文献   

Yuli virus was isolated by intracerebral (i.c.) inoculation of suckling mice with a 10% brain suspension from 11-year-old patient who died under signs of atypical hydrophobia after a bat bite into lower lip. Identification with a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) to nucleocapsid protein (NP) confirmed that Yuli virus belongs to Lyssavirus genus, as an antigenic variant of the European Duvenhage virus.  相似文献   

A murine monoclonal antibody (MAb), 10E9, has been generated which identifies a conserved and immunodominant epitope of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmembrane protein, gp41. The MAb reacts with the protein backbone of the mature env gene product and also with polyprotein precursor, gp160. Human sera were tested for their ability to competitively inhibit the immunoreactivity of MAb 10E9. Of 100 serum samples obtained from patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS-related complex (ARC), all showed strong inhibition to the reaction. In contrast, sera obtained from normal donors or those with other viral infections failed to perturb the binding activity of MAb 10E9. The geographic diversity of the AIDS/ARC patients studied provides evidence that the 10E9 epitope of gp41 is highly conserved.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay was developed in order to detect anti-idiotypic antibodies in the supernatants of hybrid cells. This assay is both sensitive and specific for anti-idiotypic (but not anti-allotypic) antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies present in test supernatants are bound by an anti-immunoglobulin coated solid phase. Subsequent incubation with a source of mouse immunoglobulin 'blocks' unreacted anti-immunoglobulin antibodies on the solid phase. Anti-idiotypic antibodies are then detected by their ability to bind 125I-labelled idiotype-bearing antibody. This paper describes the use of this assay to detect monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies in 2 systems: the cross-reactive idiotype of A/J anti-ABA antibodies, and the idiotype expressed by the myeloma protein HOPC 8. Similarly, 125I-labelled anti-idiotype antibodies may be used in this assay to detect monoclonal idiotype-bearing antibodies. Further modifications are described which would allow the detection of monoclonal anti-allotype antibodies.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody was obtained by immunizing mice with an extract of monkey brain. The monoclonal antibody 473 stained a small subpopulation of neurons in various regions of monkey and rat central nervous system. The perimeters of neuronal somata and the proximal parts of dendrites bound the antibody. Electron microscopic analysis showed that the immunoreactivity was associated with the outer surface of the cell. The immunoreactivity in the rat cerebral cortex appeared gradually during the second four weeks after birth. The antibody stained fetal cartilages but otherwise was specific to the nervous system. Experiments on the stability of the immunoreactivity to enzymatic and chemical treatments of the sections suggest that the antigen molecule is of proteoglycan nature.  相似文献   

Recent reports have suggested that rabies virus phosphoprotein (P) interaction with dynein minus-end-directed microtubule motor proteins may be of fundamental importance in the axonal transport of rabies virus. A deletion of 11 amino acids was introduced into recombinant rabies virus SAD-L16 (L16) that modified the dynein light chain (LC8) binding site of the rabies virus P, producing mutant L-DeltaP11. This mutant is a useful tool for determining the role of P-LC8 interaction in viral spread and pathogenesis. Seven-day-old ICR mice were inoculated into a hindlimb thigh muscle with L16 or L-DeltaP11. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses of their brains were performed at serial time points in order to determine the pattern of viral spread. L16 spread to the brain and caused a severe encephalitis with apoptotic neuronal changes. L-DeltaP11 infected specific brain areas (brainstem and hippocampus) 1-2 days later than L16 and involved a smaller number of neurons in some brain regions. However, the neuronal apoptotic changes produced by both viruses were similar in most brain regions. Following peripheral inoculation, deletions modifying the LC8 binding site had an effect on delaying viral spread, but did not significantly alter the pattern of rabies virus encephalitis. The precise role of the rabies virus P-dynein interaction in the axonal transport of rabies virus, particularly the importance of this interaction during natural infection, merits further study.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against a deletion mutant of Sindbis virus were produced and characterized in order to determine the fine mapping and functional activities of single viral epitopes. All monoclonal antibodies so far tested showed a certain degree of reciprocal competition and were directed against an antigenic determinant which was present only on the undissociated complex of the E1 and E2 glycoproteins. A biological assay measuring viral haemagglutination showed no decrease in the titre of viral samples preincubated with monoclonal antibodies. Conversely, a reduction in viral infectivity was demonstrated, particularly with two of these antibodies. The results suggest that the antibodies which we characterized seem to recognize a new epitope which is represented on both glycoproteins on the surface of this mutant of Sindbis virus.  相似文献   

Biozzi-strain mice were immunized with a highly purified preparation of 20K variant of hGH. Spleen-cells were fused with SP2/0Ag14 myeloma cells. Clone productions were screened for specificity toward 20K and 22K hGH and for the affinity constant of antibody-antigen reaction. For the selected monoclonal antibody, Ka was 1.02.10(11) L/M using 22K hGH as both tracer and reference preparation. No cross reactivity was found with PRL and other pituitary hormones; hPL reactivity was 0.002 percent that of hGH. According to these antibody characteristics, a highly sensitive RIA system was developed and used for specific GH measurement in human serum. Using logit-log co-ordinates, the slope of the standard curve was -1.099 and the minimum detected dose was 0.5 uIU/ml. Excellent correlation (r = 0.9575) was found between assay data in this system and those of a conventional RIA method using specific polyclonal rabbit antiserum. The International Reference preparation (66/217) could adequately be used to calibrate the monoclonal antibody system since the in house internal 22K GH standard and international one were equally well recognized by the monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   

The generation of a new panel of 21 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) reactive with the P protein of Mokola virus (MOKV) is described. Through competitive ELISA and immunoblotting analyses, these MAbs were classified into several groups. Consistent with prior studies on lyssavirus P protein antigenic structure, many of the sites recognized by these Mabs appear to correspond to sites identified previously. Studies on the reactivity of these anti-MOKV P MAbs against a collection of lyssaviruses identified MAbs that were broadly cross-reactive to all genus members and others that bound selectively to members of different species. In particular the utility of this MAb panel for differentiation of African lyssaviruses was explored. Such a panel will be useful for further examination of the extent of functional complementation between lyssavirus P proteins.  相似文献   

We have developed a panel of 16 hybridomas secreting neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (Nt- MAbs) to Russian isolate (LEIV-Vlg99-27889-human) of the West Nile virus (WNV). Most of the Nt-Mabs were either IgG1 or IgG3 subtypes. Nine of the 16 neutralizing MAbs detected WNV protein E in Western blot. According to their Nt-activities, Western blot results and cross-reactivity, the MAbs were divided into four groups. Monoclonal antibodies from group I were able to neutralize WNV strains Vlg99-27889, Vlg00-27924, Hp-94, A-1640, A-72, Tur-2914, and Eg101. The Nt-activity of MAbs from groups II-IV towards these WNV strains was variable. Recombinant fragments E(1-180), E(1-321), and E(260-466) of protein E were used for preliminary mapping of domains recognized by Nt-MAbs. Only five Nt-MAbs were able to react with the recombinant polypeptides. The MAbs 9E2, 7G9, 11G3, and 7E6 from group Ia recognized Nt-epitope(s) between amino acids 321 and 466 of protein E and Nt-MAb 4F11 (group III) reacted with residues 1-180. This demonstrates that two discrete regions of protein E are involved in neutralization of WNV. Our data on immunochemical, biological activities of Nt-MAbs and mapping of Nt-epitopes using recombinant polypeptides suggest at least 13 different Nt-epitopes for WNV.  相似文献   

Meng X  Zhong Y  Embry A  Yan B  Lu S  Zhong G  Xiang Y 《Virology》2011,409(2):271-279
Vaccinia virus (VACV), the vaccine for smallpox, induces an antibody response that is largely responsible for conferring protection. Here, we studied the antibody response to VACV by generating and characterizing B cell hybridomas from a mouse immunized with VACV. Antibodies from 66 hybridomas were found to recognize 11 VACV antigens (D8, A14, WR148, D13, H3, A56, A33, C3, B5, A10 and F13), 10 of which were previously recognized as major antigens in smallpox vaccine by a microarray of VACV proteins produced with a prokaryotic expression system. VACV C3 protein, which was not detected as a target of antibody response by the proteome array, was recognized by two hybridomas, suggesting that selection of hybridomas based on immune recognition of infected cells has the advantage of detecting additional antibody response to native VACV antigens. In addition, these monoclonal antibodies are valuable reagents for studying poxvirus biology and protective mechanism of smallpox vaccine.  相似文献   

Three mouse monoclonal antibodies (Moabs) have been obtained with specificity for the 7B2 protein, a proposed member of the granin family of neuroendocrine proteins. Bacterially produced hybrid proteins of 7B2 were used as immunogens. The Moabs were designated MON-100, MON-101, and MON-102. Furthermore, we report the construction of 35 deletion mutants of the glutathione S-transferase-7B2 (GST-7B2) fusion-gene using recombinant DNA technology. The hybrid proteins encoded by eleven of these mutants were used in epitope mapping experiments and the results of these studies strongly suggested that recognition of 7B2 by all three Moabs involved the same 16 amino acid region of 7B2 (from amino acid residue 128-135). This was further substantiated by the observation that MON-101 and MON-102 specifically recognized a conjugate between bovine serum albumin and the synthetic peptide Phe-Glu-Pro-Glu-His-Asp-Tyr-Pro-Gly-Leu-Gly-Lys based upon the deduced amino acid sequence of the predicted epitope region in 7B2. In an approach to generate a series of 7B2-specific Moabs targeted against another epitope region in the 7B2 protein, the hybrid protein encoded by deletion mutant pPV32 was used as the immunogen. This protein lacked the epitope region recognized by the first series of Moabs. A second series of three Moabs, designated MON-142, MON-143, and MON-144, was obtained and, in all three cases, the region of 7B2 from amino acid residue 64-94 appeared to be involved in specific recognition by the Moabs. The whole panel of six anti-7B2 antibodies appeared to be useful in immunoprecipitation and Western blot analysis of the 7B2 protein and specifically stained neuroendocrine cells in immunohistochemical experiments. Using a double determinant sandwich enzyme immunoassay, 7B2 protein levels in rat pituitary were determined as 20 ng/mg tissue.  相似文献   

To provide a more defined and safer replacement for the human rabies immune globulin (HRIG) from pooled serum which is currently used for treatment of exposure to rabies virus we have developed a series of human rabies virus-specific monoclonal antibodies. Mouse-human heterohybrid myeloma cells producing rabies virus-specific human monoclonal antibodies were prepared using B cells obtained from volunteers recently-immunized with a commercial rabies virus vaccine (HDCV). Cell lines producing antibody which neutralized the Evelyn-Rokitnicki-Abelseth (ERA) rabies virus strain in vitro were cloned and the resulting monoclonal antibodies characterized for isotype, specificity against a variety of rabies virus isolates, and neutralization capacity. The ability of the monoclonal antibodies to neutralize a variety of rabies virus strains in vitro correlated with their binding specificity for these viruses in an enzyme-linked immunoadsorbant assay (ELISA). A number of these antibodies have proven suitable for the formulation of a prophylactic human monoclonal antibody-based reagent which would provide significant advantages to the HRIG in having defined, reproducible specificity, lessened possibility of contamination with viral pathogens, and consistent availability.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody (MAb) WM-25 differentiates by in vitro growth inhibition Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae (Mycoplasma strain F38), which causes contagious carpine pleuropneumonia, from other Mycoplasma spp. (F. R. Rurangirwa, T. C. McGuire, A. J. Musoke, and A. Kibor, Infect. Immun. 55:3219-3220, 1987). The antigen identified by MAb WM-25 was isolated from solubilized Mycoplasma strain F38 organisms by MAb WM-25 affinity chromatography and was stained with Schiff's reagent, but not with Coomassie blue, after separation by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Treatment of purified F38 polysaccharide with periodate abolished binding with MAb WM-25, and MAb WM-25 binding was blocked with laminarin, a complex oligosaccharide with beta(1-->3) sugar linkages. Purified F38 polysaccharide blocked both growth inhibition and agglutination of live F38 organisms caused by MAb WM-25 and rabbit antiserum to F38 organisms. The results in this paper demonstrate that MAb WM-25 binds a periodate-sensitive epitope on the F38 polysaccharide which is also exposed on the surface of Mycoplasma strain F38. Because MAb WM-25 also causes in vitro growth inhibition of F38, the reactive polysaccharide epitope may induce protective immune responses.  相似文献   

A series of hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies (MCA) to glycoprotein and nucleocapsid proteins of rabies virus strain Vnukovo-32 was selected as a result of fusion of splenocytes from immune BALB/c mice with cells of myeloma line Sp2/OAq14, screening and cloning by limiting dilution methods in semi-liquid agar. Four hybridomas secreted MCA to glycoprotein in high titres (5.0 x 10(5)-2.2 x 10(6)) and had marked virus-neutralizing and therapeutic properties. Eight hybridomas produced MCA to the nucleocapsid complex: five hybridomas secreted MCA of the G class in high titres (2.4 x 10(5)-1.6 x 10(6)) and three hybridomas secreted MCA of the M class in low titres.  相似文献   

A panel of monoclonal antibodies raised against the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase glycoprotein (HN) of the Australia-Victoria strain of Newcastle disease virus has been used to compare that strain and eight other strains of the virus. The ability of the antibodies to neutralize infectivity, inhibit hemagglutination and neuraminidase, and bind to purified virions in solid-phase radioimmunoassays was determined for each strain. Of the four antigenic sites delineated by these antibodies on the HN of the homologous strain, site 1 (that with the greatest neutralizing susceptibility), is apparently conserved in all the strains tested as revealed by neutralization assays. The least neutralizing site, number 4, is also conserved in most of the strains tested. Site 2, which lies at or near the neuraminidase site, appears to be conserved in the avirulent strains but not in the virulent strains. An antibody to site 3 is unable to bind to a significant extent to any of the heterologous strains tested, and thus recognizes a strain-specific epitope. Inhibition of hemagglutination and neuraminidase by antibodies to each site were also examined and the results suggest that antibodies to sites 1 and 2 may distinguish virulent and avirulent strains at least with respect to these functions.  相似文献   

In this study, a 178 amino acids long portion of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) core gene was cloned, sequenced, expressed in Escherichia coli, and purified. The resulting antigen (C178) was tested with human sera enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in order to assess its ability to diagnose HCV. It was shown by ELISA that 92% of the patients sera, diagnosed previously by a 3rd generation enzyme immunoassay (EIA) as HCV-positive, had antibodies against the C178 antigen. This antigen gave no false positive results when tested with anti-HCV-negative sera.  相似文献   

The availability of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific for the SARS-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is important for the development of both diagnostic tools and treatment of infection. A molecular characterization of nine monoclonal antibodies raised in immune mice, using highly purified, inactivated SARS-CoV as the inoculating antigen, is presented in this report. These antibodies are specific for numerous viral protein targets, and six of them are able to effectively neutralize SARS-CoV in vitro, including one with a neutralizing titre of 0.075 nM. A phylogenetic analysis of the heavy and light chain sequences reveals that the mAbs share considerable homology. The majority of the heavy chains belong to a single Ig germline V-gene family, while considerably more sequence variation is evident in the light chain sequences. These analyses demonstrate that neutralization ability can be correlated with specific murine V(H)-gene alleles. For instance, one evident trend is high sequence conservation in the V(H) chains of the neutralizing mAbs, particularly in CDR-1 and CDR-2. The results suggest that optimization of murine mAbs for neutralization of SARS-CoV infection will likely be possible, and will aid in the development of diagnostic tools and passive treatments for SARS-CoV infection.  相似文献   

Antigen expression in melanoma is heterogeneous. Immunophenotyping using a panel of monoclonal antibodies may facilitate immunotherapy. An immunoblot procedure was developed to detect antigens in melanoma cells. Numerous monoclonal antibodies were tested to determine if (1) antigens were detected after transfer to membranes, (2) single bands or discrete multiple bands were obtained, (3) co-incubation of multiple monoclonal antibodies had no interference, and (4) banding patterns were non-overlapping. Antigens were selected based upon their association with melanoma and the availability of respective monoclonal antibodies. Antigens were melanoma antigen recognized by T-cells (MART-1), tyrosinase, tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TRP-1), S100, vimentin, glycoprotein 130 (gp130), a carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)-like marker, KBA-62 and NKI-C3. Actin positive controls could be assessed simultaneously. Test samples were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in a 4-15% polyacrylamide gradient, transferred to polyvinylidine fluoride membrane, blotted using a Fast-Blot apparatus (Pierce), and developed using diaminobenzidine/metal. Melanoma cell lines were immunophenotyped using this panel immunoblot, and were compared to a standard control and to non-melanoma cells. Up to four antigens could be detected simultaneously in a single lane of the immunoblot, using a single test sample of greater than 100000 cells.  相似文献   

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