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Delayed hypersensitivity skin reactions to tuberculin when injected alone or in mixture with antigens of M. leprae were examined in leprosy patients and in healthy controls. The tuberculin reaction was significantly inhibited in more than one half of both LL and BT patients by the soluble extract of M. leprae (leprosin), the leprosin derived 12 kD protein or leprosin depleted of the 12 kD antigen. However, suppression was not found in healthy controls from a leprosy endemic region. These results suggest that multiple M. leprae-specific antigens have an immunoregulatory function. Since suppression was demonstrable not only in LL (leprosin-anergic), but also in BT (leprosin-responder) patients it is of interest that the 'mixed' skin test can discriminate the immune status of at least certain BT patients from that of the infected but self-healing healthy controls. Corollary lymphocyte cultures failed to show any suppression by leprosing of the lymphoproliferative responses to tuberculin.  相似文献   

Two acetoacetylated derivatives of Mycobacterium leprae with variable hapten groups and a conjugate with tetanus toxoid were prepared. These were tested as antigens along with unmodified M. leprae in the leucocyte migration inhibition response of leucocytes from clinically, bacteriologically and histopathologically confirmed cases of lepromatous leprosy. LMI response was poor with M. leprae, but was significantly enhanced with acetoacetylated M. leprae.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial inner membrane proteins extracted from beef heart tissue were examined for reactivity to antimitochondrial antibody (AMA) present in sera of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) by an immunoblotting technique. Four proteins, which reacted with AMA, had molecular weights of 70 kDa, 54 kDa, 51 kDa and 45 kDa, as defined by their RF in SDS-PAGE gel. There was no correlation between the number of specificities and the titers of AMA as determined by immunofluorescence analysis. The 70-kDa protein was dissociated into a 36-kDa protein by trypsin digestion which still reacted with AMA. The reactivity to AMA of the 54-, 51- and 45-kDa proteins was abolished by trypsin digestion.  相似文献   

The antigenic specificity of measles virus IgM antibodies in sera from patients with chronic active hepatitis not caused by hepatitis B virus has been examined. An immunosorbent column containing antihuman IgM covalently bound to Sepharose was used to pick up IgM from the sera. Radiolabelled measles virus antigens were then allowed to react with the IgM antibodies. The immune complexes were eluted and analysed by sodium dodecyl sulfate [SDS]-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Four sera from patients with hepatitis B surface antigen [HBsAg]-negative chronic active hepatitis with high measles virus haemagglutination inhibition [HI] and complement fixation [CF] antibody titres and positive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA] for measles-virus-specific IgM were examined. The results were compared with those obtained using sera from patients with an acute measles virus infection and from healthy controls. In both patient groups, IgM antibodies with specificity against the matrix protein represented the major portion of the measles virus IgM. IgM antibodies against the measles virus nucleoprotein and probably against host-cell-derived actin were also present. The patient sera contained only traces of IgM antibodies with specificity against the measles virus haemagglutinin or fusion protein. No specific IgM antibodies were found in sera from healthy controls.  相似文献   

Reversal reactions are manifestations of delayed hypersensitivity to M. leprae and are thought to be usually accompanied by manifestations of effective cell-mediated immunity (CMI) as measured by bacterial clearing. These experiments were designed to study the induction of reversal reactions in M. leprae-infected, congenitally athymic nude mice using adoptive transfer of CMI. Splenic cell suspensions derived from unimmunized heterozygous nu/+ mice, and those vaccinated with heat-killed M. leprae, viable BCG and a mixture of the two antigens were diluted to contain 10(4), 10(5), 10(6), 10(7) lymphocytes/0.1 ml and infused intravenously into multibacillary nude mice. The production of reversal reactions in leprous nude mice in response to adoptively transferred CMI was studied in a quantitative fashion. Dose responsive induction of reversal reactions, apparent by footpad inflammation and swelling, decreased morphological indices (MI) of the bacteria and mononuclear cell infiltrations, histopathologically, were observed. For nude mice receiving cells primed with 3.9 X 10(5) living BCG alone, the effective dose 50% (ED50) was 1.0 x 10(6) lymphocytes to induce reversal reactions. For those receiving cells primed with 10(7) M. leprae the ED50 was 3.7 x 10(5) lymphocytes. For nude mice receiving cells primed with a mixture consisting of 1/2 the above dose of BCG + 1/2 the above dose of M. leprae, the ED50 was 6.8 x 10(4) lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Evidence for the presence of Mycobacterium leprae reactive T cells in many lepromatous leprosy (LL) patients was obtained using in vitro antigen-induced lymphoproliferative responses. (1) Co-cultures of T enriched cells from LL patients when combined with 2 h adherent cells (AC) from HLA-D compatible tuberculoid leprosy individuals showed significant levels of 3H-thymidine incorporation in the presence of soluble and integral M. leprae antigens. (2) More interestingly, autologous T cell + AC co-cultures also showed significant improvement in antigen-induced lymphoproliferation in nine of 16 lepromatous patients. Insignificant improvement was observed in similar co-cultures of tuberculoid leprosy patients. (3) Addition of exogenous, purified human interleukin-2 (IL-2) to antigen stimulated PBMC from some lepromatous patients showed the best improvement in terms of overall 3H-thymidine incorporation, indicating that lepromatous patients possess T cells which can differentiate to an IL-2 responsive state. Significantly, the level of proliferation varied within the group. A proportion of clinically similar lepromatous patients failed to show improvement by any of the above methods.  相似文献   

An immunological technique for demonstration of Mycobacterium leprae antigen in sera was developed by using specific as well as cross-reactive monoclonal antibodies. The sandwich immunoradiometric assay which we developed is a simple, robust assay that is sensitive to the nanogram level. Sera from 72 leprosy patients were screened for the presence of antigen by this assay. A total of 69% of untreated tuberculoid leprosy patients showed 35-kDa antigen positivity, and 45% of these patients showed anti-35-kDa antibody positivity. Consistently higher antigen positivity rates for the 35-, 12-, and 30- to 40-kDa components of M. leprae were observed in lepromatous leprosy patients than in tuberculoid leprosy patients. During the course of therapy the antigen positivity rate gradually declined, and the antigen could not be detected in any of the 15 patients with subsided cases of leprosy. As antigen is presumably in excess before the antibody response is evoked, our experimental approach for antigen detection is likely to be useful by itself or along with antibody detection for diagnosis of early leprosy.  相似文献   

A Mycobacterium leprae expression library was constructed in the vectors EX1, pEX2, and pEX3 and screened with a pool of 19 well-absorbed sera from household contacts of leprosy patients. Twelve selected recombinants that were further characterized differed clearly from recombinants selected with murine monoclonal antibodies. Whereas the monoclonal antibodies recognized mainly six recombinant antigens, the human sera from contacts reacted with a range of different recombinant antigens. None of the contact recombinant antigens was identical or related to well-characterized antigens from M. leprae or other mycobacteria selected with monoclonal antibodies, including proteins of the heat shock families. Two groups of recombinant antigens could be distinguished: one that was recognized by all sera used in the pool and one that was recognized by only a limited number of sera. These antigens, selected with sera from household contacts of previously untreated lepromatous leprosy patients, may be relevant to the immune responses during the early phase of infection with M. leprae.  相似文献   

Immune complexes have been purified from sera of patients with lepromatous leprosy, using solid phase conglutinin and analysed by SDS-PAGE. Some of their components have been immunologically identified after electrophoretic blotting on nitrocellulose. First, immunoglobulins, complement components (C1q, C1s, C3) and CRP were found in IC. Secondly, one mycobacterial antigen of 67 kD was directly identified in IC while two other components (20 kD and 14.4 kD) of possible M. leprae origin were also found in IC. This study suggests that lepromatous patients develop a good antibody response against some M. leprae antigens (33 kD and 12 kD), which are rapidly eliminated from circulation, while other M. leprae antigens (e.g. 67 kD) can persist in relative antigen excess, within circulating IC.  相似文献   

Protective immunity against Mycobacterium leprae is dependent on M. leprae-reactive T lymphocytes. M. leprae-directed T cell reactivity is high in the localized tuberculoid form of leprosy but specifically absent in the disseminated lepromatous type of the disease. Two important questions that are relevant for the understanding of the immune response in leprosy as well as for the design of rational immunoprophylaxis and -therapy strategies are: (a) what are the antigens that trigger T cell responses in tuberculoid patients and thus protect these individuals from developing lepromatous leprosy and (b) is it possible to restore T cell responsiveness to M. leprae in lepromatous patients by rechallenging the immune system with selected antigens that will trigger help but not suppression? We have addressed these question by directly probing the peripheral T cell repertoire of 10 tuberculoid and 18 lepromatous patients with large numbers of different M. leprae and BCG antigenic components that had been separated on the basis of their relative molecular mass (Mr) by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electroblotted onto nitrocellulose. This technique allows the identification of T cell-stimulating antigens independent of the expression of B cell epitopes by these antigens. So far T cell epitopes have only been mapped on M. leprae proteins that had previously been defined by antibodies. Our results show that: (a) tuberculoid patients' T cells responded preferentially to M. leprae and BCG antigens in the lower (i.e. < 70 kDa) Mr range with a peak in the 10–25 kDa range; (b) 6 out of 18 lepromatous patients that did not respond to whole M. leprae responded strongly to isolated M. leprae components; antigens in the lower Mr. range were recognized by five out of these six patients and thus commonly seen by both tuberculoid and lepromatous patients' T cells; however, antigens in the higher Mr range, in particular > 150 kDa, were only recognized by lepromatous patients' T lymphocytes; (c) furthermore, the T and B cell repertoires in leprosy patients are skewed towards different antigenic fractions.  相似文献   

Cats were experimentally infected with a Florida isolate of Haemobartonella felis in order to collect organisms and evaluate the immune response to H. felis. Cryopreserved organisms were thawed and injected intravenously into nonsplenectomized and splenectomized cats. Splenectomized animals were given 10 mg of methylprednisolone per ml at the time of inoculation. Blood films were evaluated daily for 1 week prior to infection and for up to 60 days postinfection (p. i.). Blood for H. felis purification was repeatedly collected from splenectomized animals at periods of peak parasitemias. Organisms were purified from infected blood by differential centrifugation, separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes for immunoblot analysis. Serum was collected from nonsplenectomized animals prior to and for up to 60 days p.i. and was used on immunoblots to identify antigens. The combination of splenectomy and corticosteroid treatment resulted in marked, cyclic parasitemias without concurrent severe anemia, providing an opportunity to harvest organisms in a manner that was not lethal to the animals. Several antigens (150, 52, 47, 45, and 14 kDa) were identified. An antigen with a molecular mass of approximately 14 kDa appeared to be one of the most immunodominant and was consistently recognized by immune sera collected at various times during the course of infection. These data suggest that one or more of these antigens might be useful for the serologic diagnosis of H. felis infections in cats.  相似文献   

Antibodies reacting with human spermatozoa have been detected by various immunological techniques in the sera of subfertile men. Different patterns of sperm agglutination are observed with different sera, either head-to-head, tail-to-tail, or tail-tip-to-tail-tip. Differences have been detected between the clinically relevant antibodies in spontaneously infertile males and the less important antibodies in males who have undergone reversal of vasectomy. It has been suggested that the variations in agglutination patterns are due either to different classes of antibody or to binding of antibody to different antigens. In the present study immunoblotting techniques were used to characterize the reactivity of solubilized sperm proteins with serum samples exhibiting different modes of sperm agglutination. This involved the electrophoretic transfer of proteins from SDS gels to nitrocellulose sheets followed by overlay with serum antibody. Using these techniques we have attempted to characterize the antigens of spermatozoa which react with sera from both spontaneously infertile and vasovasostomized men. The results showed that although antisperm antibodies bind to discrete and sperm-associated antigens, there is no substantial difference between the antigenic patterns observed with antibodies producing different types of sperm agglutination. Neither the antigens detected, nor the intensity of reaction showed significant differences although there was a tendency for head-to-head agglutinating antibodies to react more strongly with the higher molecular weight antigens. Moreover, although with sequential serum samples the patterns of agglutination may change, the antigenic pattern remains unchanged.  相似文献   

Anti-neural antibodies have been implicated to play a role in the pathogenesis of nerve damage in leprosy patients. To find the relationship between anti-neural antibodies and clinical findings, we attempted to detect antibodies against neurofilament-enriched proteins by ELISA in sera from leprosy patients. Of 289 sera from leprosy patients, 74 (25.6%) had significant anti-neural antibodies; in contrast, 1 (5.0%) of 20 tuberculosis patients and 11 (7.1%) of 154 controls were seroreactive to nerve antigen. When clinical types were considered, a significant level of anti-neural IgG antibodies was detectable in 53 (30.1%) of 176 sera from lepromatous patients compared with 21 (18.6%) of 113 sera from tuberculoid patients, indicating that lepromatous patients were more likely to be seropositive to nerve antigens in ELISA. Some of the ELISA-reactive sera showed antibody reactivity with 38-kD, 40-kD and 43-kD nerve antigens in Western blotting analysis. There was no apparent correlation between seroreactivity to nerve antigens and bacterial load in leprosy patients. Although there was no statistical significance, anti-neural antibodies were detectable more often among the patients on chemotherapy than the untreated and among the patients with erythema nodosum leprosum than without. The results, therefore, suggest that anti-neural antibodies are elicited during the course of leprosy and may be associated with the extensiveness of nerve involvement in the patients.  相似文献   

Mycobacterial antigens which react with human B lymphocytes were investigated by immunoprecipitation of radiolabelled sonicates of Mycobacterium leprae and M. bovis (BCG) with sera from patients with leprosy and tuberculosis in the presence of Staphylococcus aureus. SDS-PAGE analysis of the immunoprecipitates demonstrated that dense bands of Mr 12,000 (12K), 15K, 27K, 32-33K, 36K and 48K were the major antigens of M. leprae recognized by antibodies in lepromatous leprosy sera. Of these, only the 15-16K band reacted significantly with sera from patients with tuberculoid leprosy and tuberculosis. Other antigens including the T cell immunogens of Mr 18K and 70K reacted with some of the BL/LL sera tested. There were differences in the pattern of antigens precipitated from BCG sonicate by leprosy sera with the 65K antigen and a high molecular weight band (greater than 94K) being readily detected. These results differ in part to these obtained by probing immunoblots of M. leprae sonicate with leprosy sera. Factors contributing to these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium leprae sonic extracts prepared from armadillo-derived bacteria were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting (immunoblotting) procedures and probed with serum or plasma samples from 20 patients with lepromatous leprosy and 14 healthy endemic controls. Five proteins of 33, 25, 18, 15, and 12 kilodaltons (kDa) were frequently recognized; the 33- and 15-kDa proteins were, respectively, recognized with high intensity by 16 and 13 of the 20 samples from patients with leprosy, whereas only one healthy donor had antibodies that recognized the 15-kDa protein. By the use of M. leprae-specific murine monoclonal antibodies it was demonstrated that the 33-, 25-, and 15-kDa antigens were different from those bound by the available murine monoclonal antibodies. The 18- and 12-kDa proteins detected had molecular masses similar to those detected by the corresponding murine monoclonal antibodies. The serum and plasma samples from patients with leprosy were also used to probe Western blots of a soluble extract of M. tuberculosis. They recognized, among others, antigens with molecular weights similar to those detected in the M. leprae antigenic preparations, although with less intensity and at a lower frequency.  相似文献   

Antigenic determinants of Mycobacterium leprae were identified by screening a lambda gt11::M. leprae genomic library with two separate pools of sera from leprosy patients. A total of 45 recombinant clones were detected with pooled sera from 21 lepromatous (LL) leprosy patients and 5 additional clones specified polypeptides that reacted with antibodies in pooled sera from 30 borderline tuberculoid or tuberculoid leprosy patients. The recombinant clones that specified antigenic determinants that reacted with sera from LL patients were condensed into eight groups on the basis of DNA hybridization experiments among the M. leprae DNA insert fragments. In addition, 11 of the 45 recombinant clones did not hybridize to members of the eight groups nor to one another; these represent unique recombinant clones. None of the recombinant clones identified by screening with sera from tuberculoid leprosy patients hybridized to each other or to any of the 45 LL recombinant clones. The polypeptides specified by the recombinant clones were usually fusion proteins with beta-galactosidase, ranging in size from 117 to 175 kilodaltons (kDa). Members of hybridization group III specified nonfusion proteins of 45 kDa. Only members of hybridization group I reacted with any of 30 monoclonal antibodies prepared against M. leprae proteins; recombinant proteins from these clones reacted with a single monoclonal antibody directed against the M. leprae 65-kDa protein. Thus, at least 22 new antigenic determinants of M. leprae have been identified on the basis of their reactivity to antibodies in sera from LL patients or sera from tuberculoid leprosy patients or both.  相似文献   

A simple haemagglutination procedure is described which measures antibodies that react with capsular antigens of Haemophilus influenzae. Abnormally high antibody titres of appropriate type-specificity are common in the blood of human subjects who are known to have carried capsulate strains of H. influenzae. It is not yet clear whether all such antibodies are due to such carriage.  相似文献   

The salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA) activity to antigens from four common oral streptococci was analyzed in samples from five humans. From each individual, parotid and whole saliva were collected 12 times over a period of 4 months. In samples collected at different occasions, the salivary IgA activity varied considerably. The variations showed a covariation with the concentration of total IgA in the saliva samples. A covariation was also found between salivary IgA antibodies of different specificity. It is concluded that reference antigens, in combination with measurement of total IgA concentration, ought to be used when evaluating the salivary IgA response in humans.  相似文献   

48-1 and S-1 antibodies produced by lymphoblastoid cells transformed with Epstein-Barr virus were reported to be associated with infection by not only the hepatitis non-A, non-B (NANB) virus but also hepatitis delta virus. Appearance of the antigens reacting with these antibodies in the liver of chimpanzees was recently found to be a host response to alpha-interferon induced by infections of both viruses. To investigate organ specificity of these antigens, various organs obtained from chimpanzees with hepatitis C (NANB) were examined. In addition to the liver, the adrenals and spleen were found to be positive by immunofluorescence. The positive reactions of these three organs were also confirmed by radioimmunoassay. By electron microscopy, microtubular aggregates similar to those observed in the liver were detected in the adrenals, but not in the spleen. The results suggested that these antigens existed in the liver, adrenal, and probably spleen of chimpanzees infected with hepatitis C.  相似文献   

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