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  目的   分析影响慢性中重度癌痛患者疼痛治疗效果的相关因素,进一步指导临床治疗。   方法   收集426例确诊为恶性肿瘤且伴有慢性中重度癌痛患者的相关资料,分析影响疼痛治疗效果的相关因素。   结果   患者3 d内疼痛控制良好率为85.6%。合并骨转移(P=0.026)、疼痛控制后仍有爆发痛发生(P < 0.001)、每日等效口服吗啡剂量(morphine equivalent daily dose,MEDD)较大(P < 0.001)的患者疼痛控制不佳;而阿片类药物联合非甾体抗炎药(nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,NSAIDs)有利于疼痛的控制(P=0.024)。单因素分析显示消化系统肿瘤、疼痛强度、四肢痛、合并神经病理性疼痛、应用芬太尼透皮贴剂、Ⅳ期患者中多部位转移为疼痛控制的危险因素(P < 0.05)。   结论   合并骨转移、存在爆发痛、MEDD较大为疼痛的独立危险因素。联合作用NASIDs为疼痛控制的保护因素。   相似文献   

本文报导中药癌痛灵胶囊对癌症疼痛镇痛效果的临床对比研究,服药组33例各类恶性肿瘤病人疼痛均在Ⅱ~Ⅲ级,完全缓解11例,部份缓解17例。总有效率80.84%;而安慰剂组有效率为零;同期37例患者按现行三级镇痛原则应用一、二、三级阶梯止痛剂,总有效率性为59.46%。临床观察该药无明显毒副作用,是一种具有较好镇痛作用,安全可靠的纯中药癌症止痛新制剂。  相似文献   

晚期癌症患者自控镇痛的护理体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自控镇痛术(patient controlled analgesia,PCA)广泛应用于临床各种疼痛的治疗,特别是对晚期癌症患者的镇痛有着独特而优越的作用,现将我院100例癌症患者使用镇痛泵的护理体会总结如下。  相似文献   

减轻晚期癌症疼痛的护理体会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

自控镇痛术 (patientcontrolledanalgesia ,PCA)广泛应用于临床各种疼痛的治疗 ,特别是对晚期癌症患者的镇痛有着独特而优越的作用[1] ,现将我院 10 0例癌症患者使用镇痛泵的护理体会总结如下。1 资料与方法1 1 一般资料 自愿要求使用PCA镇痛泵的癌症患者 10 0例 ,男 77例 ,女 2 3例 ,平均年龄 6 8 4岁 ,平均体重 6 1 6 8kg。其中胃癌 35例 ,结肠癌 2 7例 ,胰头癌 18例 ,食管癌 2 0例 ,所有患者均为晚期不能手术者或手术后复发并出现一般止痛药物不能控制的疼痛 ,患者或其家属提出镇痛申请后 ,由肿瘤科医生对患者的一般情况进行综合评…  相似文献   

目的:了解癌症患者对疼痛本身及疼痛治疗的认识,探讨癌症患者自身相关因素对癌痛治疗的影响。方法:应用疼痛量表对患者疼痛程度进行分类,采用自行设计的癌症患者疼痛情况认识调查问卷进行问卷调查。结果:共完成200例癌症患者的调查,重度疼痛者49例,中度疼痛者38例,轻度疼痛者12例,无疼痛者101例,疼痛患者中有94例患者正在进行止痛药物治疗。对疼痛的错误认识,没有如实汇报疼痛,对阿片类药物的成瘾顾虑,担心阿片类药物的不良反应,不正确的服药方法,以及经济压力是影响癌症患者疼痛治疗的障碍因素。结论:癌症患者自身的障碍因素影响癌性疼痛的治疗的依从性。  相似文献   

200例癌症患者自身因素对癌痛治疗影响的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解癌症患者对疼痛本身及疼痛治疗的认识,探讨癌症患者自身相关因素对癌痛治疗的影响。方法:应用疼痛量表对患者疼痛程度进行分类,采用自行设计的癌症患者疼痛情况认识调查问卷进行问卷调查。结果:共完成200例癌症患者的调查,重度疼痛者49例,中度疼痛者38例,轻度疼痛者12例,无疼痛者101例,疼痛患者中有94例患者正在进行止痛药物治疗。对疼痛的错误认识,没有如实汇报疼痛,对阿片类药物的成瘾顾虑,担心阿片类药物的不良反应,不正确的服药方法,以及经济压力是影响癌症患者疼痛治疗的障碍因素。结论:癌症患者自身的障碍因素影响癌性疼痛的治疗的依从性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨盐酸羟考酮控释片联合加巴喷丁治疗晚期癌症神经病理性疼痛的疗效.方法:晚期癌症的神经病理性疼痛患者,通过视觉模拟划线法(VAS)和口头叙述法(VRS)分级进行疼痛强度评估,分为A组盐酸羟考酮控释片20例,B组盐酸羟考酮控释片+加巴喷丁20例,通过个体化用药,研究其治疗疼痛缓解度,有效率.结果:A组轻度疼痛9例,无痛6例,有效率为75.0%,B组轻度疼痛5例,无痛13例,有效率为90.0%.结论:盐酸羟考酮控释片+加巴喷丁治疗晚期癌症神经病理性疼痛疗效显著.  相似文献   

PCA治疗晚期癌症疼痛的疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
癌症患者 ,特别是晚期癌症患者中 ,相当一部分人伴有不同程度的疼痛 ,控制疼痛是提高癌症患者生活质量、临终关怀和姑息处理的重要内容。PCA(patinent- controlled analgesia)即患者自控式止痛 ,当疼痛时患者可自行按压PCA泵按钮 ,止痛药则由 PCA泵自动注入静脉 ,使血药浓度维持在“无痛区”而达到最佳止痛效果。1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料 治疗组共 10例 ,其中男性 7例 ,女性 3例 ,年龄 36岁~ 6 9岁 ,均为经组织学或细胞学确诊为恶性肿瘤的住院患者 ,其中结肠癌晚期 3例 ,肺癌晚期 3例 ,鼻咽癌晚期 2例 ,肝癌晚期 2例。1.2  PCA操…  相似文献   

奇曼丁治疗晚期癌症疼痛的疗效分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨奇曼丁(曲马多缓释片)对晚期癌症中度疼痛的疗效及其副作用。方法总结分析116例晚期癌症并中度疼痛患者使用奇曼丁治疗的效果,其中肺癌55例,乳腺癌20例,鼻咽癌24例,消化道肿瘤16例,多发性骨髓瘤1例,并广泛骨转移48例,内脏转移32例,其它软组织转移36例。结果CR50例,PR30例,MR22例,NR14例,总有效率达89.16%;副作用为眩晕20例,恶心15例,便秘12例,嗜睡2例。结论奇曼丁能有效控制晚期癌症中度疼痛,但对于没有使用镇痛药史的病人宜从小剂量开始或先用普通片3~5天后才改用缓释片至有效剂量,疗效欠佳时加用非甾体类抗炎药可达理想镇痛效果。  相似文献   

多瑞吉治疗42例中、重度晚期癌痛   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目的 观察多瑞吉 (芬太尼贴剂 )治疗晚期癌痛患者的镇痛效果和不良反应。方法  4 2例晚期癌痛患者 ,治疗前均为中、重度疼痛 ,使用多瑞吉镇痛治疗 ,每 2 4小时评定疗效一次 ,至少观察 15天。结果 全组完全缓解 5例 (11.9% ) ,明显缓解 31例 (73.8% ) ,总有效率为 85 .7%。不良反应主要为便秘、恶心呕吐、皮肤瘙痒及嗜睡等 ,发生率低。结论 多瑞吉治疗中、重度癌痛 ,镇痛效果好 ,不良反应小 ,值得临床进一步推广应用。  相似文献   



To analyze clinical factors that were associated with inadequate pain control in cancer patients with metastatic malignancy and moderate to severe baseline pain.


We retrospectively analyzed data from 260 advanced cancer patients who admitted to the First Hospital of Jilin University (Jilin, China) from January 2012-May 2013.


Statistical analysis was performed to assess the correlation between pain control and baseline characteristics including, gender, patient age, type of malignancy, presence of bone metastases, pain intensity, pain location, etiology of pain, type of pain, and presence of breakthrough pain.

Main Results

A total of 75.4% of patients obtained satisfactory pain control (numerical rating scale ≤ 3) in 3 days. Baseline characteristics including gastrointestinal tumors (P = 0.032), severe pain (P < 0.001), and frequent breakthrough pain (P < 0.001) were independent risk factors of poor pain control in the 3-day treatment. These factors were also significantly associated with longer time needed to achieve stable pain control. Of the 185 patients treated with opioids, higher doses of analgesics were used in younger patients (<60 years old; P = 0.018), and in patients with severe pain (P < 0.001), neuropathic pain (P = 0.002), and frequent breakthrough pain (P = 0.015).


Factors associated with more difficult pain control include gastrointestinal tumor, severe baseline pain, presence of breakthrough pain, and neuropathic etiology of pain.  相似文献   

目的观察多瑞吉(芬太尼透皮贴剂)治疗中重度癌性疼痛的疗效、毒副作用,评价多瑞吉在癌症三阶梯止痛中的地位。方法64例具有中重度癌痛的患者使用多瑞吉治疗,初治患者最初剂量为25μg/h,以前曾用过强阿片类药物的患者根据用药情况进行多瑞吉剂量转换。用药后观察24h,疼痛缓解欠佳时进行剂量滴定,按照25μg/h增加剂量,直至疼痛缓解。治疗医师严密观察药物剂量、疗效、副作用、药物依赖性等,填写标准疼痛观察表。结果全组患者总缓解率95.3%(61/64),其中完全缓解率为79.7%(51/64),中度和明显缓解率为15.6%(10/64)。主要的不良反应是便秘、头晕、恶心、嗜睡、皮肤瘙痒等,发生率很低。全组无呼吸抑制、成瘾发生。结论多瑞吉治疗中重度癌性疼痛疗效确切,副作用轻微,可作为口服强阿片类药物外的替代治疗。  相似文献   

目的:观察奥施康定治疗中重度癌痛的疗效。方法:采用开放试验方法,对40例中重度癌痛患者进行治疗。奥施康定初始剂量10mg/12h,根据疼痛缓解程度调整剂量。结果:40例中重度癌痛患者使用奥施康定最小剂量10mg/12h,最大剂量60mg/12h;治疗效果:完全缓解24例(60.0%),部分缓解15例(37.5%),轻度缓解2例(5.0%)。其中中度疼痛患者的显效率为100.0%(7/7),重度疼痛患者的显效率为96.9%(32/33),全部患者总的显效率为97.5%(39/40)。不良反应:便秘15例,恶心呕吐4例,腹胀1例,尿潴留1例,嗜睡3例,头晕2例。结论:奥施康定治疗慢性癌性中重度疼痛疗效确切,有效率高,不良反应轻,服用安全。  相似文献   

目的 探讨晚期癌痛应用阿片类药物的合理用药方案。方法 选择伴有中、重度疼痛的晚期肿瘤患者,分3组,第一组36例,采用盐酸羟考酮控释片(奥施康定)单药治疗;第二组19例,用奥施康定和甲强龙联合治疗;第三组25例,用奥施康定联合加巴喷丁。观察3组患者治疗后的疼痛缓解情况和生活质量。结果 单用奥施康定组完全缓解率为63.9%,奥施康定联合甲强龙组为68.4%,奥施康定和加巴喷丁联用组为48.0%。主要毒副反应为便秘,其次为恶心、呕吐。第二组毒副反应最轻,第三组部分患者出现头晕和嗜睡。结论 阿片类药物奥施康定治疗晚期癌痛具有较好的疗效,其中奥施康定联合甲强龙尤其适合肺癌伴脑转移或骨转移患者,且安全性高,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

Breakthrough pain is a transient exacerbation of pain that occurs either spontaneously or in relation to a specific predictable or unpredictable trigger, despite relatively stable and adequately controlled background pain. A typical episode of breakthrough pain has a fast onset and short duration, yet despite the self-limiting nature of each breakthrough pain, the repeated episodes can have a significant effect on patients’ quality of life. Normal-release oral opioids have been the mainstay pharmacological approach for patients who are receiving an around the clock opioid regimen, but the onset and duration of action of oral opioids such as morphine may not be suitable for treating many breakthrough pains. Efforts to provide non-parenteral opioid formulations that could provide more rapid, and more effective, relief of breakthrough pain have led to the development of transmucosal opioid formulations.  相似文献   

Pain is a highly distressing symptom for patients with advanced cancer. WHO analgesic ladder is widely accepted as a guideline for its treatment. Our aim was to describe pain prevalence among patients diagnosed with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), impact of pain on quality of life (QoL) and adequacy of pain management. Data of 1021 Italian patients enrolled in three randomised trials of chemotherapy for NSCLC were pooled. QoL was assessed by EORTC QLQ-C30 and LC-13. Analgesic consumption during the 3 weeks following QoL assessment was recorded. Adequacy of pain management was evaluated by the Pain Management Index (PMI). Some pain was reported by 74% of patients (42% mild, 24% moderate and 7% severe); 50% stated pain was affecting daily activities (30% a little, 16% quite a bit, 3% very much). Bone metastases strongly affected presence of pain. Mean global QoL linearly decreased from 64.9 to 36.4 from patients without pain to those with severe pain (P<0.001). According to PMI, 616 out of 752 patients reporting pain (82%) received inadequate analgesic treatment. Bone metastases were associated with improved adequacy and worst pain with reduced adequacy at multivariate analysis. In conclusion, pain is common in patients with advanced NSCLC, significantly affects QoL, and is frequently undertreated. We recommend that: (i). pain self-assessment should be part of oncological clinical practice; (ii). pain control should be a primary goal in clinical practice and in clinical trials; (iii). physicians should receive more training in pain management; (iv). analgesic treatment deserves greater attention in protocols of anticancer treatment.  相似文献   

Objective:To investigate patients' attitudes towards cancer pain management and analyze the factors influencing these attitudes.Methods:The self-developed Demographic and Disease-Related Information Questionnaires,Pain Management Barriers Questionnaire-Taiwan form (BQT),and Pain Knowledge Questionnaire were administered to 363 pairs of hospitalized cancer patients and their caregivers from the oncology departments of 7 hospitals in Beijing,China.Results:The average patient score for attitudes towards pain management was 2.96±0.49.The dimension scores indicated good attitudes in three areas (scores <2.5),"Desire to be good" (2.22±1.04),"Fatalism" (2.08±0.81) and "Religious fatalism" (1.86±1.00),and poor attitudes in six areas (scores ≥2.5),"Tolerance" (3.83±0.96),"Use of analgesics as needed (p.r.n.)" (3.73±1.01),"Addiction" (3.44±1.05),"Disease progression" (3.28±1.26),"Distraction of physicians" (3.16±1.07) and "Side effects" (2.99±0.68).Two factors were entered into the regression equation:the caregivers' attitudes towards cancer pain management and the patients' pain knowledge.These two factors explained 23.2% of the total variance in the patients' average scores for their attitudes towards cancer pain management.Conclusions:The patients' attitudes towards cancer pain management were poor and could be influenced by the caregivers' attitudes and the patients' pain knowledge,and thus need to be improved.  相似文献   

芬太尼透皮贴剂治疗30例中度、重度癌痛   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张勇  曹云开 《中国癌症杂志》2002,12(1):67-68,92
目的:研究芬太尼透皮贴剂用于癌痛患者的镇痛效果、不良反应及使用后患者生活质量的改善。方法:30例中度或重度癌痛的患者,使用芬太尼透皮贴剂。记录有后的疼痛强度、生活质量评分及用药后的不良反应,加以归纳总结。结果:芬太尼透皮贴剂使用后,全部患者均获中度以上缓解。其中安全缓解13例(43.33%),明显缓解16例(53.33%),中度缓解1例(3.33%)。不良反应有恶心、呕吐、便秘、头晕及嗜睡等,但发生率较低,患者的生活质量均得到明显改善。结论:对于中度或重度癌痛的患者,使用芬太尼透皮贴剂,能安全、有效和简单的控制癌痛,改善生活质量且不良反应发生率较低。  相似文献   

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