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Therapeutic genome engineering is a hallmark of gene therapy but only recent technological advances have permitted the modification of complex genomes in a targeted fashion. Zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) have developed into a major playmaker in the genome engineering field and have been employed to trigger the targeted editing of genomes at over 50 gene loci in 11 model organisms, including fruitfly, zebrafish and rat, with allelic frequencies reaching the double digit percentage range. Moreover, ZFN-mediated genome surgery in primary human cells has become a reality and two phase I clinical trials aiming at knocking out the CCR5 receptor in T cells isolated from HIV patients to protect these cells from infection with the virus have been initiated. Considering that specificity is closely linked to ZFN activity and ZFN-associated toxicity, this parameter has been and will be a key quality in any therapeutic application of the designer nucleases. This review summarizes the technological innovations that have successfully catapulted ZFNs into the genome engineering arena and provides an overview of the current state of the art of these nucleases with reference to human gene therapy.  相似文献   

We present an autopsy case highlighting the challenges of post mortem in patients with complex comorbidity. The importance of reviewing investigations, previous results and clinical history is emphasised and important tips for trainees are discussed.  相似文献   

Conventionally, the architecture of arteries is based around the close-packed smooth muscle cells and extracellular matrix. However, the adventitia and endothelium are now viewed as key players in vascular growth and repair. A new dynamic picture has emerged of blood vessels in a constant state of self-maintenance. Recent work raises fundamental questions about the cellular heterogeneity of arteries and the time course and triggering of normal and pathological remodelling. A common denominator emerging in hypertensive remodelling is an early increase in adventitial cell density suggesting that adventitial cells drive remodelling and may initiate subsequent changes such as re-arrangement of smooth muscle cells and extracellular matrix. The organization of vascular smooth muscle cells follows regular arrangements that can be modelled mathematically. In hypertension, new patterns can be quantified in these terms and give insights to how structure affects function. As with smooth muscle, little is known about the organization of the vascular endothelium, or its role in vascular remodelling. Current observations suggest that there may be a close relationship between the helical organization of smooth muscle cells and the underlying pattern of endothelial cells. The function of myoendothelial connections is a topic of great current interest and may relate to the structure of the internal elastic lamina through which the connections must pass. In hypertensive remodelling this must present an organizational challenge. The objective of this paper is to show how the functions of blood vessels depend on their architecture and a continuous interaction of different cell types and extracellular proteins.  相似文献   

Diabetes is associated with increased glucose levels and accumulation of glycated products. It is also associated with impairment in the immune response, such as increased susceptibility to infections. In this study, we assessed the possible interactions between TLR4 and RAGE signalling on apoptosis and on the expression of inflammatory cytokines in PBMC from individuals with and without diabetes. PBMCs were isolated from seven diabetic patients and six individuals without diabetes and stimulated in vitro with bacterial LPS (1 μg/ml) associated or not with BSA‐AGE (200 μg/ml). This stimulation was performed for 6 h, both in the presence and in the absence of inhibitors of TLR4 (R. sphaeroides LPS, 20 μg/ml) and RAGE (blocking monoclonal antibody). Apoptosis at early and late stages was assessed by the annexin‐V/PI staining using flow cytometry. Regulation of TNF‐α and IL‐10 gene expression was determined by RT‐qPCR. PBMCs from diabetes patients tended to be more resistant apoptosis. There were no synergistic or antagonistic effects with the simultaneous activation of TLR4 and RAGE in PBMCs from either diabetes or non‐diabetes group. Activation of TLR4 is more potent for the induction of TNF‐α and IL‐10; RAGE signalling had a negative regulatory effect on TNF‐α expression induced by LPS. TLR and RAGE do not have relevant roles in apoptosis of PBMCs. The activation of TLR has greater role than RAGE in regulating the gene expression of IL‐10 and TNF‐α.  相似文献   

By the turn of the last century, flying in the face of over a hundred years of research and clinical observation to the contrary, medicine abandoned the link between infection and atherogenesis; not because it was ever proven wrong, but because it did not fit in with the trends of a medical establishment convinced that chronic disease such as heart disease must be multifactorial, degenerative and non-infectious. Yet it was the very inability of 'established' risk factors such as hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and smoking to completely explain the incidence and trends in cardiovascular disease that resulted in historically repeated calls to search out an infectious cause, a search that began more than a century ago. Today, half of US heart attack victims have acceptable cholesterol levels and 25% or more have none of the "risk factors" associated with heart disease, including smoking, high blood pressure or obesity, most of which are not inconsistent with being caused by infection. Even the case of the traditionalist's latest 2003 JAMA assault to 'debunk' what they call the "50% risk factor myth" falls woefully short under scrutiny. In one group 30% died of heart disease with a cholesterol of at least 240 mg/dl, a condition which also existed in 21% who did not die during the same period. And the overlap was obvious throughout the so-called risk categories. Under such scrutiny, lead author Greenland conceded that if obesity, inactivity and elevated cholesteriol in the elderly are included, just about everyone has a risk factor and he likened the dilemma of people who do or do not wind up with heart disease akin to the susceptibility of people who are exposed to tuberculosis but do not get the disease. In Infections and Atherosclerosis: New Clues from an old Hypothesis? Nieto stressed the need to extend the possible role of infectious agents beyond the three infections which have in recent years been the focus of research: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Chlamydia pneumoniae and Helicobactor pylori. Mycobacterial disease shares interesting connections to heart disease. Not only is tuberculosis the only microorganism to depend on cholesterol for its pathogenesis but CDC maps for cardiovascular disease bear a striking similarity to those of State and regional TB case rates. Ellis, Hektoen, Osler, McCallum, Swartz, Livingston and Alexander-Jackson all saw clinical and laboratory evidence of a causative relationship between the mycobacteria and heart disease. And Xu showed that proteins of mycobacterial origin actually led to experimental atherosclerosis in laboratory animals Furthermore present day markers suggested as indicators for heart disease susceptibility such as C-Reactive Protein (CRP), interleukin-6 and homocysteine are all similarly elevated in tuberculosis. It therefore behooves us to explore the link between heart disease and typical and atypical tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Diabetic glomerulopathy is a well-recognized consequence of both type I and type II diabetes. Occasionally, pathologic diagnosis may be challenging for the pathologist. These circumstances include atypical light microscopy or diabetic change with a second superimposed glomerulopathy (dual disease). We have compiled a selection of 12 renal biopsies from diabetic patients that show either an unusual pattern of nephropathy or "dual disease," as well as 2 cases in which the patient had no history of diabetes but had renal biopsies exhibiting changes consistent with diabetic nephropathy. The salient diagnostic features are discussed. To accurately assess these biopsies, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy become essential, and a broadened differential diagnosis must be considered.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common dementing disorder of late life. Although there might be various different triggering events in the early stages of the disease, they seem to converge on a few characteristic final pathways in the late stages, characterized by inflammation and neurodegeneration. In this review, we revisit the hypothesis that advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) and their receptor RAGE may play an important role in disease pathogenesis. Accumulation of AGEs in cells and tissues is a normal feature of aging, but is accelerated in AD. In AD, AGEs can be detected in pathological deposits such as amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. AGEs explain many of the neuropathological and biochemical features of AD such as extensive protein crosslinking, glial induction of oxidative stress and neuronal cell death. Oxidative stress and AGEs initiate a positive feedback loop, where normal age-related changes develop into a pathophysiological cascade. RAGE and its decoy receptor soluble RAGE, may contribute to or protect against AD pathogenesis by influencing transport of β-amyloid into the brain or by manipulating inflammatory mechanisms. Targeted pharmacological interventions using AGE-inhibitors, RAGE-antagonists, RAGE-antibodies, soluble RAGE or RAGE signalling inhibitors such as membrane-permeable antioxidants may be promising therapeutic strategies to slow down the progression of AD.  相似文献   

Plasma samples derived from 33 Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 42 control participants were subjected to several steps to purify specific anti-(amyloid)Abeta IgGs. Affinity-purified IgGs binding the peptide Abeta1-42, a neurotoxic sequence derived from the trans-membrane amyloid precursor protein, exhibited nearly four-fold higher titers in AD patients compared with their control non-AD cohort. Affinity-purified IgGs binding a fragment of the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) likewise were increased nearly three-fold in AD individuals. Abeta and RAGE IgG titers were negatively correlated with cognitive status, i.e. the more cognitively impaired individuals tended to exhibit higher IgG titers. Abeta IgG titers were negatively correlated with age in the control group, but not with the AD group. Levels of circulating AB- and RAGE-like proteins were not different between AD and control participants, nor was there a relationship between individual IgG titers and the respective Abeta- and RAGE-like proteins. Freshly prepared leukocyte preparations were subjected to flow cytometric analysis. AD individuals exhibited significantly increased populations of cells expressing binding sites for monoclonal antibodies directed against Abeta (5.5-fold), betaAPP (3.5-fold), and RAGE (2.6-fold) relative to the control group. These findings confirm the presence of circulating IgGs specifically directed at proteins implicated in immunological processes linked to AD. The close relationship between titers for Abeta and RAGE IgGs suggests the possibility that the antibodies are being produced in response to a common mechanism or protein complex (with the respective epitopes) linked to the disease.  相似文献   

Receptor-of-Advanced-Glycation-End-products (RAGE) and Surfactant-Protein-type-B (SPB) are reported as lung injury markers. Unlike SPB, RAGE is secreted by several tissues, so that RAGE specificity as lung injury marker is questionable. We measured SPB and RAGE in 19 patients undergoing major vascular abdominal surgery. SPB and RAGE were measured before mechanical ventilation (T0), at 1st (T1), 2nd (T2) and, when present, 3rd (T3) hour of mechanical ventilation, and 1h after extubation (T(POST)). Last data during mechanical ventilation, either T2 or T3, are reported as T(END). SPB and RAGE values were normalized for total protein (SPB(N) and RAGE(N)). SPB(N) and RAGE(N) increments from T0 to T(END) were 56.2 [39.1] ng/mg (mean [75-25 percentile]) and 10.6[7.1] pg/mg, respectively. SPB values increased progressively during mechanical ventilation, whereas RAGE values increased at T(1) but not thereafter. SPB(N) increase (T(END)-T0), but not RAGE(N), was related to ΔPaO(2)/FiO2 changes during mechanical ventilation (r=0.575, p=0.01). Plasma RAGE(N) and SPB(N) kinetics in patients undergoing major vascular surgery are different.  相似文献   

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