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患者女,70岁.发现膀胱占位半月入院.实验室检查未见异常.CT尿路成像平扫+增强显示膀胱右侧壁囊实性肿块影,边缘光滑,大小约6 cm×6 cm×4 cm,平扫CT值约2 ~ 30 HU,实性部分CT值约30 HU,动脉期实性部分CT值约44 HU,静脉期实性部分CT值约52 HU,排泄期实性部分CT值约68 HU,增强... 相似文献
患者 男,30岁,渐进性鼻塞3年就诊.查体:外鼻畸形,右鼻腔为巨大新生物占据,表面光滑,鼻中隔被推向左侧与左中下鼻甲紧贴.
CT表现:鼻腔完全被软组织新生物填塞,密度较均匀,其内鼻甲大部分破坏消失,病变范围较广且呈膨胀性改变,向上扩展占据筛窦,向外累及双侧上颌窦,向前部分突出于鼻腔,向后致鼻咽腔受压变形,邻近窦壁骨质均可见压迫吸收改变(图1,2). 相似文献
患者男,49岁。因尿频、尿急2年入院。既往体健。查体:下腹部触及质硬包块,活动度欠佳。实验室检查未见异常。静脉尿路造影示:双肾盂肾盏及双输尿管扩张,膀胱内见大小约15.0 cm ×11.0 cm的类圆形充盈缺损,边界清晰。C T示:膀胱后下壁类圆形软组织肿块,大小约14.5 cm ×10.7 cm ,边缘清楚,内见斑片状略低密度区;增强扫描肿块呈不均匀强化及大小不等结节环形明显强化,CT值约58~88 HU(图1);排泄期示膀胱内边缘光整的巨大充盈缺损(图2)。MR示:膀胱左后下壁见一类圆形巨大实性肿块影,大小约14.6cm×10.7cm×10.6 cm ,界限清楚,边缘呈等信号。肿块内见多个大小不等、分布不均的结节灶。 T1 WI肿块呈等信号,肿块内见条状低信号。T2 WI及T2 WI脂肪抑制示较大结节灶呈等、略高信号,结节灶的中央呈长T2更高信号并呈辐轮状向外周延伸。肿块内其余结节灶T2 WI呈等、低信号,结节灶中央亦见长 T2更高信号区,结节灶之间见长 T2更高信号区(图3)。DWI肿块大部分呈中度扩散受限,部分结节无明显扩散受限(图4)。M RI动态增强扫描,时间‐信号强度曲线呈上升平台型,随时间延迟肿块内结节灶呈渐进性明显强化,中央及辐轮区见相对低信号无强化区(图5)。 相似文献
患者女,18岁。1年前无明显诱因于额顶部发现皮下肿物突起,卧位时增大,近1年来包块逐渐增大。患者发现头部包块以来无头晕、头迷、头痛,无其他阳性表现。影像学表现:MRI显示以右侧额部颅板为中心的形态不规则团块影,向颅内生长,大小约为5.8 cm×5.0 cm×6.5 cm,边缘清晰,以长 T1长T2信号为主,其内可见线样低信号影(图1,2)。增强扫描肿块明显不均匀强化(图3)。CT 平扫(骨窗)显示右侧额部骨质明显破坏(图4)。MRV显示上矢状窦前部主干及分支受压移位(图5)。手术及病理:沿手术标记切开皮肤、皮下、颞浅筋膜,见肿瘤位于右侧额部,外膜呈乳白色,大小约为6 cm×6 cm,相应区域颅骨已完全被肿瘤取代,周围颅骨被肿瘤侵袭覆盖。术后镜检见肿瘤细胞多呈短梭形、漩涡状排列。免疫组织化学染色:Bcl-2(+),CD34(+),CD99(+),S-100(-),Vimentin(+)(图6)。病理诊断:低度恶性孤立性纤维瘤。 相似文献
患者男,56岁,因“头晕1月,伴恶心1周”就诊。体格检查:右枕部皮下软组织稍肿胀,未见明确包块,无明显压痛。实验室检查:外周血常规、白细胞分类及血红蛋白未见异常。CT平扫示:右枕部团块状稍高密度影,大小约4.8 cm×3.3 cm,边缘清晰,密度不均匀,宽基底与颅骨相连,右枕部颅骨吸收破坏(图1,2)。CT 增强扫描:不均匀明显异常强化,见大量条状强化影,部分强化肿瘤组织突出颅外,周围轻度水肿(图3)。术中见肿瘤组织突破颅骨缺损处外露,肿瘤血供极丰富,与脑膜粘连较紧密,分离困难,予以吸除部分肿瘤,星型切开硬脑膜减压,止血彻底后硬膜缝合。术后镜检见肿瘤细胞呈短梭形,排列密集,核仁不明显,核分裂象少见,并见呈血窦样、树枝状血管结构(图4)。免疫组织化学染色:CK(-),SMA(-),CD31(-),CD34(+),Vimentin (+),Bc1-2(+),P53(-),CD99(+),S-100(-),Ki-67<5%。病理结果:孤立性纤维瘤。 相似文献
患者男,39岁,发现右下腹部肿块3个月。体检:距脐下3.0 cm下腹正中偏右侧可扪及一大小约11.0 cm ×10.0 cm包块,质韧,活动度差,与周围组织边界不清,无红肿破溃,轻度压痛。余体格检查未见异常。实验室检查:血糖3.19 mmol/L(正常值:3.9~6.1 mmol/L)。影像检查:CT平扫示胃窦区椭圆形软组织肿块,以实性成分为主,大小约13.0cm×12.0cm×9.5cm ;增强扫描动、静脉期病变不均匀强化,延迟期持续强化,且强化范围扩大,呈“快进慢出”型(图1~4)。 相似文献
Makoto Nogami Tomoaki Hoshi Yoko Toukairin Tomomi Arai Hiroshi Uozaki Toshio Fukusato 《Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)》2013,15(1):19-22
A rare autopsy case of the extremely large retroperitoneal solitary fibrous tumor is reported. A 52-year-old female with a huge abdominal distention was found dead at home. She showed remarkable emaciation. The autopsy revealed a huge retroperitoneal tumor weighing 11.9 kg (36 × 30 × 20 cm in size), which occupied the entire intraperitoneal cavity. Histologically, the tumor consisted of spindle parenchymal cells with fibrous tissues. Immunohistochemically, CD34 was positively stained, whereas S-100, smooth muscle actin, and factor VIII were negative. Her cause of death was diagnosed as emaciation due to the compression of the entire intestine by the tumor. This is a rare case of the extremely large retroperitoneal solitary fibrous tumor, which caused the occasional intestinal obstruction. This disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of retroperitoneal large tumors that cause accidental deaths in forensic autopsies. 相似文献
Johnson TR Pedrosa I Goldsmith J Dewolf WC Rofsky NM 《Journal of computer assisted tomography》2005,29(4):481-483
The magnetic resonance imaging findings in a patient with a large solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) of the kidney originating in the renal capsule are presented. SFT of the kidney is a rare, usually benign tumor with indolent clinical behavior. MRI revealed a diffusely hypointense mass on T2-weighted images without central necrosis despite the large size of the lesion. These imaging features, atypical for renal cell carcinoma, can suggest the diagnosis of SFT and may be an indication for attempting nephron-sparing surgery. 相似文献
S Abe T Imamura A Tateishi P Park H Nakano A Harasawa H Hashimoto T Matsushita 《Journal of computer assisted tomography》1999,23(3):458-462
We present a case of extrapleural solitary fibrous tumor arising within the muscle, an unusual and hitherto-undescribed tumor lesion. A 42-year-old woman presented a painless mass in her left thigh. The lesion was depicted as an intramuscular mass that enhanced on both CT and MRI, showing quite rich tumor vascularity. The histological features of the tumor were spindle cell proliferation with various histological patterns, typical fibrocollagenous background, and positive immunoreactivity for CD-34. 相似文献