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目的 了解中学生体育锻炼现状及影响因素,为进一步完善健康教育和健康促进措施提供科学依据。方法 采用多阶段随机抽样方法利用心理测定量表调查3个城市3600名中学生体育锻炼行为,采用t检验、X2检验分析中学生体育锻炼频率、体育锻炼行为变化阶段相关性,对体育锻炼行为的心理因素采用单因素方差分析。结果 中学生每周锻炼时间为(2.66±1.801)d,81.4%的学生锻炼时间<4 d。5个行为阶段中37.3%的学生处于体育锻炼行为的前意向阶段,23.6%的学生处于意向阶段,20.5%的学生处于准备阶段,仅有18.6%的学生处于行动阶段和维持阶段,并随着变化阶段的提高学生体育锻炼时间有所增加;5个行为阶段间的改变策略(F=77.442,P<0.001)、决策平衡正向效应(F=29.498,P<0.001)、负向效应(F=14.784,P<0.001)和自我效能(F=135.544,P<0.001)得分的差异均有统计学意义;从前意向阶段到维持阶段改变策略、决策平衡正向效应、自我效能得分随着变化阶段的提高而增加,而决策平衡负向效应随着变化阶段的提高而减少。结论 中学生每周体育锻炼时间不足,其锻炼行为存在阶段性差异,但大多数学生处于初级阶段;心理因素在不同变化阶段发挥作用不同,提示对不同体育锻炼阶段的学生采取不同的健康教育和心理干预措施,以提高健康促进效果。  相似文献   

目的 了解青少年蔬果摄入行为现状及影响因素,探讨相关健康教育措施.方法 采用多阶段抽样法在杭州城区抽取1677名中小学生,采用美国在运动及营养评价和咨询项目中制定的青少年蔬菜水果摄入行为量表(中文版),进行有关蔬果摄入行为调查,运用跨理论模型对中小学生的蔬果摄入量、蔬果摄入行为阶段、行为过程、决策平衡、自我效能现状进行分析.结果 青少年平均蔬果摄入量为(3.21±1.50)份/d("1份的量"指100 g经烹饪的蔬菜或100 g水果).蔬果摄入行为处于意向阶段的人数最多,占36.91%(619/1677).蔬果摄入行为变化过程、决策平衡(正面因素)、自我效能均与行为阶段发展存在正相关[r_(过程)=0.38、r_(决策(正))=0.26、r_(效能)=0.33,t值依次为16.78、11.02、14.31,P值均<0.05],青少年蔬果摄入量与行为变化阶段、自我效能存在正相关(β_(阶段)=0.665,t=35.07,P<0.05;β_(效能)=0.050,t=2.63,P<0.05)与决策平衡(负面因素)存在着负相关[β_(决策(负))=-0.051,t=-2.84,P<0.05].结论 青少年蔬果摄入量偏少,随着行为阶段的发展及自我效能的改善,蔬果摄入量也相应增加.对青少年蔬果摄入行为干预时应使其认识到达到推荐摄入最的益处、增强其信心.  相似文献   

昆明大学生运动行为与相关心理因素分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
目的:探讨影响大学生运动行为的心理因素,为培养其终身锻炼的生活方式提供依据。方法:用体育KAP问卷,对整群随机抽取的1243名大学生(男654、女589人)进行调查。结果:男生不仅在运动的自我效能、态度和行为上得分显著高于女生;体育人口51.22%,也显著高于女生41.77%(P<0.01)。常参加有氧锻炼者对照组大学生有更高的体育态度和自我效能评分(P<0.01)。其运动行为与体育态度和自我效能间r值为0.41、0.47(P<0.01),体育知识间的相关系数为0.12。结论:大学生中体育人口仅46.74%,女生是锻炼行为的重点干预对象。运动态度及自我效能是影响锻炼行为的重要心理因素。  相似文献   

目的探讨超重肥胖者运动锻炼情况及其影响因素,为今后实施健康促进干预和政策制定提供参考。方法以2489名超重肥胖者作为研究对象,男性1182人,女性1307人,平均年龄(45.3±14.2)岁。研究内容包括问卷调查和体格检查(身高、体重和腰围),问卷基于健康信念模式设计,信效度良好。通过单因素分析,比较不同人口统计学特征运动锻炼量的差异,通过相关分析发现运动锻炼信念与运动锻炼量的关系,最后建立结构方程模型,探究超重肥胖群体运动锻炼行为的影响因素和间接效应。结果研究对象每天运动锻炼量的中位数为4.0千步当量,上下四分位数为(0.5,10.0),22.9%的居民从不进行任何形式的运动锻炼,女性、高中及同等学历和家庭月收入在5000~10000元之间的调查对象运动锻炼最多。感知到运动的益处、感知到不运动的危害的严重性、自我效能与运动锻炼量正相关,主观障碍、客观障碍与运动锻炼量负相关。结构方程模型显示主观障碍、客观障碍和自我效能对运动锻炼的影响显著,其标准化的总效应分别为-0.085(P=0.020)、-0.242(P〈0.001)和0.184(P〈0.001);自我效能越高,运动锻炼量越多;主观障碍和客观障碍越多,运动锻炼量越少。结构方程模型中影响运动锻炼量的路径存在广泛的中介效应,其中自我效能是所有显著的影响因素的中介变量。结论超重肥胖人群的运动锻炼量严重不足,需要进行一些有针对性地干预,重点是提高该类群体的自我效能感,降低运动锻炼的客观障碍。  相似文献   

目的 探讨社区慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者的自我效能、自我管理行为状况及两者之间的关系.方法 采用方便抽样法,在上海某社区5个居委会招募350例社区慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者进行自我效能量表、自我管理行为量表调查.自我效能与自我管理行为间的关系采用Spearman's相关性分析.结果 符合入选条件的患者为320例,FEV1/FVC平均值为(57.86±7.06)%.社区慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者的自我效能水平平均得分(74.2±9.5)分,34例(10.6%)表现为低水平自我效能,286例(89.4%)为中度水平.自我管理行为中体能锻炼时间评分(16.2±33.9) min/周、耐力锻炼时间为(109.0 ±49.O) min/周、认知性症状管理实践(0.9±1.0)分、与医生的沟通(0.7±0.8)分.Spearman's相关性分析显示,自我效能总分与自我管理行为各维度呈正相关(r=0.522、0.407、0.330、0.044,P<0.01).结论 社区慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者的自我效能和自我管理水平有待提高,自我效能与自我管理行为关系密切,在社区干预时应针对提高患者自我效能水平采取相应措施,以帮助促进其自我管理行为.  相似文献   

探讨青少年生活方式对心理弹性、自我效能的影响,为后续相关研究提供依据.方法 分层整群抽取郑州市12所中学6401名学生,使用青少年生活方式问卷、儿童青少年心理复原力量表、一般自我效能量表及自制一般情况调查表进行问卷调查.结果 青少年生活方式总分为(160.36±29.80),不同性别、不同学段青少年生活方式得分差异有统计学意义(P值均<0.01).多重线性回归分析结果表明,男生生活方式身份认同、健康意识、社会支持与心理弹性呈正相关,生活方式运动参与、身份认同、压力应对、营养及健康意识与自我效能呈正相关(P值均<0.01).女生生活方式身份认同、健康意识、社会支持、营养与心理弹性呈正相关,安全意识与心理弹性呈负相关;生活方式运动参与、身份认同、压力应对、营养及健康意识与自我效能感呈正相关,安全意识与自我效能感呈负相关(P值均<0.05).结论 青少年生活方式整体良好,但存在学段和性别差异.生活方式对心理弹性和自我效能有预测作用,可通过加强青少年生活方式相关教育提升心理状态水平.  相似文献   

目的了解2型糖尿病患者饮食行为阶段分布现状及其相关因素,为实施针对性的饮食干预策略提供依据。方法采用一般资料调查表、糖尿病饮食行为阶段评估问卷、自我效能量表、饮食决策平衡量表及抑郁自评量表对南京市2所三级甲等医院内分泌科病房的糖尿病患者进行调查。结果被调查的302例患者中,36例(11.9%)处于前意向阶段,69例(22.8%)处于意向阶段,85例(28.1%)处于准备阶段、45例(14.9%)处于行动阶段、67例(22.2%)处于维持阶段,Logistic回归分析显示,年龄、病程、自我效能、决策平衡与抑郁状况是影响饮食行为阶段分布的因素(P0.05)。结论糖尿病患者的饮食行为阶段分布不理想,多数患者仍未做到饮食控制,临床医护人员可依据患者所处行为阶段的不同特征制定个性化的干预方案,从而有效促进饮食行为的阶段性转变。  相似文献   

目的了解不同性别、年龄和年级青少年体重控制心理行为状况及其与超重、肥胖的相关性。方法选取合肥市某中学的初一、初二年级学生为研究对象,进行问卷调查和人体测量。问卷调查内容包括学生及其父母的社会人口统计学特征、体重自我评价和体重控制心理行为。测量身高、体重,计算体重指数(BMI),分别依据BMI值和体重自我评价进行分组。结果青少年不良的体重控制心理、行为和总体不良的体重控制心理行为报告率分别为17.4%、3.8%、19.1%,女生的报告率(20.6%、4.3%、22.6%)均高于男生(14.5%、3.3%、15.8%)(P〈0.05)。BMI评价和自我评价为肥胖学生不良的体重控制心理、行为和总体不良的体重控制心理行为的报告率均最高(P〈0.05)。两种方法评价肥胖和超重与不良的体重控制心理行为的正相关均有统计学意义,且不受其他因素的影响。结论女生不良的体重控制心理行为较男生严重。排除社会因素的混杂作用,肥胖与青少年不良的体重控制心理行为相关联。  相似文献   

目的 探讨大学生主动性人格对微信运动使用的影响,分析锻炼自我效能和锻炼效果认知在主动性人格水平及锻炼行为中的作用机制,以期为促进大学生体育锻炼提供依据。方法 以杭州某所大学在校学生为研究对象,分层整群随机抽样630人进行问卷调查。结果 被调查大学生的主动性人格、微信运动使用、锻炼自我效能、锻炼效果认知和锻炼行为之间均呈正相关(P<0.05)。主动性人格通过微信运动使用、锻炼自我效能和锻炼效果认知的完全中介作用影响大学生的锻炼行为,微信运动使用通过锻炼自我效能和锻炼效果认知的部分中介作用影响锻炼行为。结论 大学生主动性人格特质越强,微信运动使用越积极。主动性人格可通过微信运动使用、锻炼自我效能和锻炼效果认知影响大学生的锻炼行为,微信运动使用可通过锻炼自我效能和效果认知影响锻炼行为,主动性人格、微信运动均可通过锻炼自我效能影响锻炼效果认知。  相似文献   

1990与1996年中专学校女生性知识,态度和行为比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文分析了1990年和1996年某中专学校女生的性知识、态度和行为随时间变化情况。有关艾滋病/性病传播途径知识,1996年女生明显好于1990年女生。在被调查的女生中,“计划马上要结婚”、“虽无意结婚,但正处在热恋阶段”等同意可以发生性行为的比例1996年(分别有23.3%、7.9%)明显多于1990年(分别有7.4%、1.7%)。女生自我告述曾有过性交行为的比例1996年(1.7%)为1990年(1.0%)的1.7倍,提示青少年未婚性行为增加倾向及少女怀孕问题不容忽视。在今后的学生性教育/艾滋病预防教育中,要注重发展学生对性行为的正向态度,培养学生做出正确决定的能力.以减少女生中未婚性行为的发生。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the exercise behavior of Korean adolescents, reveal the differences in self-efficacy and decision balance by the stages of exercise behavior, and identify the relationship between exercise behavior and psychological variables. METHODS: A total of 671 adolescents randomly selected from junior high and high schools in Seoul were surveyed. Three Korean-version questionnaires were used to identify the stage of exercise behavior and psychological attributes of adolescents: Stage of Exercise Behavior Change Questionnaire, Decision Balance Scale for Exercise, and Exercise Self-efficacy Scale. Data were analyzed by frequency analysis, chi(2) test, MANOVA, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. RESULTS: The exercise pattern of Korean adolescents was different by each stage of exercise behavior: precontemplation (17.5%), contemplation (16.6%), preparation (20.4%), action (28.3%), and maintenance (17.2%). Significant differences in exercise behavior distribution emerged as a function of gender and age. In addition, exercise efficacy, exercise benefits and exercise barriers differentiated across the stages of exercise behavior. Furthermore, the findings revealed that adolescents' exercise behavior was significantly correlated with the selected psychological variables, and that psychological variables had a statistically significant impact on the exercise behavior. CONCLUSION: This study provides information about relatively unstudied Korean adolescents and has the potential to influence the development of better exercise interventions and health promotion programs for adolescents.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Young adulthood is characterized by a steep decline in the level of physical activity, but few theory-based studies have examined characteristics associated with regular exercise in this population. This study applied Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) and the Stages of Change Model (SCM) to determine personal, behavioral, and environmental characteristics associated with exercise behavior and intentions among undergraduate university students. METHODS: A random sample of 937 undergraduate students (mean age 22.0 +/- 5.6 years; 84.7% ages 17-24 years) enrolled at a large Midwestern university completed a mailed questionnaire. Valid and reliable instruments were used to measure personal, behavioral, and environmental variables based on the SCT that were hypothesized to influence stage of exercise behavior change. Multivariate discriminant analysis was used to determine associations among these variables with stage of exercise behavior change. RESULTS: Exercise self-efficacy, physical activity history, and nonexercise estimation of aerobic capacity were significant predictors of the stage of exercise behavior change for both males and females. Among females, exercise self-efficacy (P < 0.001) and family social support (P < 0. 001) for physical activity were the best predictors of stage of exercise behavior change. Friend social support (P < 0.001), physical activity history (P < 0.001), and exercise self-efficacy (P < 0.001) were significant predictors of stage of exercise behavior change among males. CONCLUSIONS: The SCT framework predicted stage of exercise behavior change as defined by the SCM. Exercise self-efficacy was associated with exercise stage, but the source of significant social support (family versus friends) was different for males and females.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Exercise improves the physical and psychological well being of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). However, exercise interventions for patients with FMS have suffered from poor adherence. The purpose of this study was to examine predictors of exercise for people with FMS. METHODS: Participants were 444 patients with FMS who were part of a larger study. Hierarchical logistic regression analyses were conducted examining exercise behavior at multiple time points. Discriminant analyses were also used to identify predictor variables. RESULTS: Engaging in regular exercise and having higher exercise self-efficacy significantly predicted continued engagement in exercise behavior in people with FMS. Age, employment status, depression, education level, self-efficacy for managing FMS, and the size of one's social network also demonstrated predictive qualities. CONCLUSION: Exercise self-efficacy and continued participation in regular exercise most strongly predicted present and future exercise behavior in patients with FMS. Interventions designed to train FMS patients in initiating exercise programs while addressing exercise self-efficacy, depression, and social support are warranted.  相似文献   

Kim YH 《Preventive medicine》2004,38(5):620-627
BACKGROUND: Current research on cigarette smoking has largely been focused on identifying the relationship between psychological attributes and the onset or initiation of smoking behavior. Few data are available on the psychological predictors of smoking behavior among Korean adolescents. This study examined the prevalence of smoking behavior among Korean adolescents, revealed factors affecting their smoking behavior, and identified the relationship between smoking behavior and psychological variables. METHODS: Four Korean-version questionnaires were used to assess adolescents' smoking behavior and their psychological attributes: Smoking Habit Scale, Multidimensional Health Locus of Scale, Self-efficacy Scale, and Self-esteem Scale. Frequency, Chi-square, ANOVA, correlation, and regression analyses were performed to analyze the data obtained in the study. RESULTS: The results indicate that smoking problem in the Korean adolescents is a crucial factor that might adversely affect their overall health. Forty-three percent of adolescents responded that they had smoked a cigarette in their lifetime and 26% are current smokers. Male adolescents were more likely to smoke in their lifetime and have currently smoked a cigarette than females. The adolescents aged 17-18 years had smoked more cigarette than those in other age groups. Among the five psychological variables, IHLC and self-efficacy significantly differentiated adolescents at different smoking status. Furthermore, IHLC, self-esteem, and self-efficacy were significantly correlated with smoking behavior and those psychological constructs had a significant linear relation to account for smoking behavior. CONCLUSIONS: Psychological variables have a meaningful influence on smoking behavior of adolescents.  相似文献   

This study examined the validity and utility of the Stages of Exercise Behaviour Change (SEBC) scale in 244 young British adults. One-way ANOVA revealed significant differences (F > 7.34, P < 0.01) between the Exercise Behaviour Change Categories of Precontemplation/Contemplation (n = 49), Preparation (n = 87) and Action/Maintenance (n = 108) in self-report levels of exercise behaviour. Significant differences (F > 3.14, P < 0.05) were also revealed in exercise self-efficacy, physical self-perception sub-domains and global self-esteem scores. Subsequent step-wise discriminant analyses revealed that discrimination between the Categories of Exercise Behaviour Change was possible on the basis of selected behavioural and psychological parameters (Canonical r = 0.76-0.82, Wilks' lambda = 0.30-0.33, chi 2 = 60.3-94.6, d.f. = 14, P < 0.0001). In both males and females, the most dominant discriminatory variables in the first Function were revealed to be perceived physical conditioning and 'strenuous' exercise behaviour. For males, the second Function comprised exercise self-efficacy and perceived bodily attractiveness, whilst for females it comprised perceived bodily attractiveness, perceived sports competence and perceived physical strength. Subsequent cross-validation analysis, using a randomly selected 40% sub-sample, revealed that 67.8-70.7% of subjects were assigned to the correct Category. These results appear to confirm the concurrent validity of the SEBC scale in terms of self-report of exercise behaviour. Furthermore, the utility of the SEBC scale was demonstrated via the ability to predict membership of specific Categories of Exercise Behaviour Change using a selection of behavioural and psychological parameters.  相似文献   

To understand how psychological characteristics influence adoption and maintenance of physical activity/exercise, we conducted a cross-sectional study among Japanese employees based upon the idea of stages of behavior modification. The study population consisted of 719 employees (male, 396, female, 323) from five medium-sized manufacturing companies (50-200 employees) in Okayama Prefecture, Japan. The female response rate was 67.5% (n=218), among which 201 eligible female subjects (62.2%) were analyzed. The study questionnaire included demographic characteristics, physical activity/exercise measures, self-efficacy measures, and perceived benefit and barriers scales. Participants were asked to select the items that best described their current physical activity/exercise level from an 8-item questionnaire, and we converted their answers to the 5 stages of change according to a transtheoretical model of behavior change. Perceived benefit and barrier scales were classified into 7 factors (4 benefits and 3 barriers) by factor analyses. The relationship between psychological determinants and the stage of physical activity/exercise was examined by one-way analysis of variance. Only 10% of the subjects had moderate physical activity (in the action and maintenance stages) regularly. We found that self-efficacy, "weight control benefit", "physical barrier" and "time barrier" were psychological determinants of physical activity/exercise stages in female employees, and especially there was a consistent relationship between self-efficacy and the stage of physical activity/exercise. Our data suggest that health education for Japanese female employees requires that health professionals should provide support for strengthening self-efficacy, show practical ways to increase physical activity in daily life, and provide broad and accurate information showing that physical activity/exercise have a good effect on health.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Adolescents consume a high level of carbonated drinks and this may have significant adverse effects for their weight and oral health. Therefore, we examined the application of key constructs of the Transtheoretical Model (stages of change, decisional balance and self-efficacy) and health as a value (both general and oral) to adolescent carbonated drink consumption and to identify any gender differences. METHODS: A total of 399 adolescents (mean age 12.57 years, SD=1.54) completed a questionnaire measuring: stage of change, decisional balance, self-efficacy, carbonated drink consumption and attitudes to health and healthy teeth. RESULTS: Over half of the adolescents (55%) were classified into one of the pre-action stages (i.e. precontemplation or contemplation) and males were more likely to be represented in the precontemplation stage than females. Significant associations with stage of change, decisional balance and self-efficacy were found, though there was no association with attitudes to health (general or oral). CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that the Transtheoretical Model (and its key constructs) may be a useful framework through which more tailored health promotion interventions can be designed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Smoking is popular among Korean male high school adolescents, with the prevalence of 20.7% differing markedly with the type of school, being 16.3% and 27.6% in academic and vocational technical high schools, respectively. The purpose of this study was to identify significant variables that predict stages of smoking cessation among Korean high school students using the transtheoretical model (TTM), in order to provide an empirical basis for developing smoking cessation programs. METHODS: Cross-sectional data were collected in April and May 2004 from 300 male students at 3 vocational technical high schools in Korean metropolitan areas. The survey variables comprised decisional balance, self-efficacy, stages and processes of change, nicotine dependence, and use of smoking cessation aids. RESULTS: Current and former smokers comprised 26.3% and 22.7% of the cohort, respectively, of which 71.4% had experienced smoking cessation at least once and 55.1% utilized smoking cessation aids to help stop smoking. Nicotine-free tobacco and nicotine gum were the most common smoking cessation aids. Decisional balance, use of behavioral processes, and higher self-efficacy were significant in explaining stages of smoking cessation after controlling for nicotine dependence. CONCLUSIONS: The study results suggest that smoking cessation programs developed based on the TTM may help adolescents to progress through stages, with it being important to include information regarding the use of smoking cessation aids.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study examined differences in decisional balance and self-efficacy scores across the five stages of change and across four health behaviors (exercise, protection from sun exposure, smoking, and dietary fat consumption), and explored the relationship between the frequency of subjects at each stage across four health behaviors. DESIGN: Data for this study were collected as part of a health behavior survey of employees. SETTING: The study was conducted in a municipal government worksite in Arizona. SUBJECTS: A total of 393 employees completed the survey. The sample was predominantly white (84.9%) and male (64.4%), with an average age of 42.2 years and a median annual household income of between $40,000 and $59,999. MEASURES: Previously validated questions to measure stages of change, decisional balance, and self-efficacy were administered, along with questions about demographic variables. RESULTS: Significant differences were found for decisional balance and self-efficacy scores across the five stages of change, but they were not significantly different between the four health behaviors. A minority of subjects (18.6%) were in the same stage of change for all four health behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides preliminary evidence that there is considerable stage specificity across multiple health behaviors. Because employees at each stage of change possess differences in terms of their pros, cons, and self-efficacy, wellness programs need to focus on stage-specific interventions.  相似文献   

Self-efficacy, the degree of confidence an individual has for performing a given behavior, is a central concept in social learning theory. Self-efficacy is a strong correlate of current exercise and a consistent predictor of future exercise behavior. This study was designed to explore the correlates of exercise self-efficacy in order to determine whether early experiences with exercise and sports fosters exercise self-efficacy in adulthood. This study explored historical and contemporaneous correlates of exercise self-efficacy using a path analytic approach and a randomly selected sample of adults. Historical experiences with exercise and sports were classified as more or less organized and as proximal or distal in time. The activities studied included those reported during elementary (ages 6-14), high school (15-18), and the period after high school. The historical activities, scaled using factor analysis, were found to have no significant direct association with self-efficacy and only marginal indirect associations with self-efficacy mediated by contemporaneous social learning variables. Contemporaneous variables drawn from social learning theory were found to have the largest direct and indirect associations with self-efficacy specifically related to vigorous exercise. Directions for experimental analysis and health promotion policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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