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We studied the dependence of the rate of short deletions and insertions on their contexts using the data on mutations within coding exons at 19 human loci that cause mendelian diseases. We confirm that periodic sequences consisting of three to five or more nucleotides are mutagenic. Mutability of sequences with strongly biased nucleotide composition is also elevated, even when mutations within homonucleotide runs longer than three nucleotides are ignored. In contrast, no elevated mutation rates have been detected for imperfect direct or inverted repeats. Among known candidate contexts, the indel context GTAAGT and regions with purine-pyrimidine imbalance between the two DNA strands are mutagenic in our sample, and many others are not mutagenic. Data on mutation hot spots suggest two novel contexts that increase the deletion rate. Comprehensive analysis of mutability of all possible contexts of lengths four, six, and eight indicates a substantially elevated deletion rate within YYYTG and similar sequences, which is one of the two contexts revealed by the hot spots. Possible contexts that increase the insertion rate (AT(A/C)(A/C)GCC and TACCRC) and decrease deletion (TATCGC) or insertion (GCGG) rates have also been identified. Two-thirds of deletions remove a repeat, and over 80% of insertions create a repeat, i.e., they are duplications.  相似文献   

Although lines of evidence suggest that small insertions and deletions differ in their mechanisms of formation, there remains the debate on whether natural selection acts differently on the two indel types. Currently available personal genomes and the 1000 Genomes Project permit population level and genome scale comparison of the selection regimes on the two indel types. We first developed a statistical model to evaluate the indel frequency biases of the 1000 Genomes Project phase 1 data. We then identified four independent lines of evidence demonstrating that human small (1–4 bp) insertions are on average more deleterious than deletions. This genome‐wide selection pattern is not affected by methodology, demography, and regional differences including indel density, introns versus exons, repeats versus nonrepeats, recombination rates, and the timing of DNA replication. This selection pattern has a profound effect on indel frequency spectra, deletional bias, and local single‐nucleotide mutation rates. Finally, we observed that small insertions appear to be more actively implicated in shaping fast‐evolving genomic sequences (or nonconserved regions).  相似文献   

Deletion and insertion mutations have been found to be a major component of the in vivo somatic mutation spectrum in the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (hprt) gene of T-lymphocytes. In apopulation of 172 healthy people (average age, 34; mutant frequency, 10.3 × 10−6), deletion/in sertion mutations constituted 41% (89) of the 217independent mutations, the remainder being base substitutions. Mutations were identified by multiplex PCR assay of genomic DNA for exon regions, by sequencing cDNA, or sequencing genomic DNA. The deletion and insertion mutations were divided among ±1 to 2 basepair (bp) frameshifts (14%, 30), small deletions and insertions of 3–200 bps (13%, 28), large deletions of one or more exons (12%, 27), and complex events (2%, 4). Frameshift mutations were dominated by −1 bp deletions (21 of 30). Exon 3 contained five frameshift mutations in the run of 6 Gs, the only site in the coding region with multiple frameshift mutations, possibly caused by strand dislocation during replication. Both end points were sequenced for 23 of the 28 small deletions/insertions including two tandem duplication events in exon 6. More small deletions (8/28), pos sibly mediated by trinucleotide repeats, occurred in exon 2 than in the other exons. Large deletions included total gene deletions (6), exon 2 + 3 dele tions (4), and loss of multiple (9) and single exons (8) in genomic DNA. The diverse mutation spectrum indicates that multiple mechanisms operated at many different sequences and provides a resource for examination of deletion mutation. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 30:371–384, 1997 © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Patients with a dominant small deletion (818del4, hotspot) in the interferon-gamma receptor 1 (IFNGR1) gene (6q23-q24) and increased susceptibility to mycobacterial infections have been recently reported. We describe a female patient homozygous for a 4-bp deletion in exon 5 of IFNGR1 (561del4) who developed postvaccinal disseminated Bacille Calmette-Guerin infection. She was born to unrelated Argentinean parents, each of whom was heterozygous for this mutation. 561del4 has been previously described as a maternally inherited mutation in a compound heterozygous German patient. By single nucleotide polymorphism analysis of the areas surrounding the deletion, we showed the independent inheritance of 561del4 in three heterozygous carriers. Polypurine runs and "direct repeats," previously shown to be associated with areas of recurrent small deletions, were found in the flanking region of 561del4. The independent inheritance of three identical mutational events defines 561del4 as a new hotspot in the IFNGR1 gene.  相似文献   

Four clinical isolates of SARS coronavirus were serially passaged in two primate cell lines (FRhK4 and Vero E6). Viral genetic sequences encoding for structural proteins and open reading frames 6--8 were determined in the original clinical specimen, the initial virus isolate (passage 0) and at passages 5, 10, and 15. After 15 passages, a total of 15 different mutations were identified and 12 of them were non-synonymous mutations. Seven of these mutations were recurrent mutation and all located at the spike, membrane, and Orf 8a protein encoding sequences. Mutations in the membrane protein and a deletion in ORF 6--8 were already observed in passage 0, suggesting these amino acid substitutions are important in the adaptation of the virus isolate in primate cell culture. A mutation in the spike gene (residue 24079) appeared to be unique to adaptation in FRhK4 cells. It is important to be aware of cell culture associated mutations when interpreting data on molecular evolution of SARS coronavirus.  相似文献   

Long interspersed nuclear element 1 (L1) retrotransposons are the only autonomously mobile human transposable elements. L1 retrotransposition has shaped our genome via insertional mutagenesis, sequence transduction, pseudogene formation, and ectopic recombination. However, L1 germline retrotransposition dynamics are poorly understood because de novo insertions occur very rarely: the frequency of disease‐causing retrotransposon insertions suggests that one insertion event occurs in roughly 18–180 gametes. The method described here recovers full‐length L1 insertions by using hybridization enrichment to capture L1 sequences from multiplex PCR‐amplified DNA. Enrichment is achieved by hybridizing L1‐specific biotinylated oligonucleotides to complementary molecules, followed by capture on streptavidin‐coated paramagnetic beads. We show that multiplex, long‐range PCR can amplify single molecules containing full‐length L1 insertions for recovery by hybridization enrichment. We screened 600 µg of sperm DNA from one donor, but no bone fide de novo L1 insertions were found, suggesting a L1 retrotransposition frequency of <1 insertion in 400 haploid genomes. This lies below the lower bound of previous estimates, and indicates that L1 insertion, at least into the loci studied, is very rare in the male germline. It is a paradox that L1 replication is ongoing in the face of such apparently low activity. Hum Mutat 32:1–11, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的研究中国汉族人共济失调性毛细血管扩张症(ataxiatelangiectasiamutated,ATM)基因的单核苷酸多态和点突变。方法首先用PCR扩增ATM基因第39、61和63外显子的靶片段,然后用单链构象多态性(singlestrandconformationpolymorphism,SSCP)技术进行筛选,选择典型带型经全自动DNA测序证实。结果在ATM基因第39外显子以及第61和63内含子发现6个新的单核苷酸多态,它们分别是第39外显子第5689位和第5691位的A/T多态,第61内含子第 69位的T/G多态、第 94位的A/G多态和第 99位的T/G多态,第63内含子第 17位的G/C多态。在ATM基因第61外显子、第62内含子和第63外显子发现5个新的点突变,它们分别是第61外显子第8618位的T/G颠换、第62内含子第-13位的T/G颠换、第63外显子第8793位的T/G颠换、第8816位和第8848位的G/A转换。证实了ATM基因第39外显子第5557位G/A、第61内含子第 104位T/C和第62内含子第-55位T/C多态在中国汉族人中的存在。结论中国汉族人ATM基因的单核苷酸多态与白人存在较大差异。  相似文献   

Current literature suggests that ACE SNP rs4343, ACE 2350A>G in exon 17, T202T, may be the best proxy for the ACE Alu I/D whereas rs4363 and rs4362 may be slightly stronger predictors of ACE levels. Considering reported difficulties in genotyping ACE I/D and stronger associations of rs4343 than ACE I/D with plasma ACE levels in Africans, and suitability of rs4343 for allelic mRNA (cDNA) studies, we developed and validated a liquid phase assay for rs4343, which has advantage on both functional and technical grounds. We confirmed that rs4343, is in near perfect linkage disequilibrium (D'=1, r2=0.88, n=64) with ACE I/D in Europeans (A and G alleles of rs4343 marking insertion and deletion alleles of ACE I/D respectively). We then studied its association with metabolic and cardiovascular traits in 3253 British women (60-79 years old). Apart from a nominal trend of association with diastolic blood pressure (p anova=0.08; p trend=0.05), no other associations were observed. A post-hoc vascular and general phenome scan revealed no further associations. We conclude that ACE I/D is not a major determinant of metabolic and cardiovascular traits in this population. Liquid phase genotyping of SNP rs4343 may be preferable to gel based ACE I/D genotyping both for technical and functional reasons.  相似文献   

Angelman syndrome (AS) is a relatively frequent disorder of psychomotor development caused by loss of function of a gene from chromosome 15q11-q13, a region subject to genomic imprinting. The AS gene(s) is exclusively expressed from the maternal chromosome. Several kinds of mutations have been found to cause AS. More than half of the cases exhibit a deletion of the maternal 15q11-q13 region. Recently, we and others described a new mutation type, the imprinting mutation, characterised by normal, biparental inheritance but aberrant methylation patterns of the entire chromosomal region. In AS, a paternal imprint is found on the maternal chromosome probably leading to functional inactivation of the AS gene(s). We have now compared the phenotype of 9 AS patients with imprinting mutation to that of nine age-matched ones with a maternally derived deletion. Both groups were evaluated for 19 common AS symptoms. All patients, independently of their molecular findings, showed classical AS symptoms such as mental retardation, delayed motor development, and absent speech. In contrast, for two signs, hypopigmentation and microcephaly, a different distribution among both groups was observed. Only one of nine AS patients with an imprinting mutation, but seven of nine in the deletion control group showed either symptom. Our results suggest that imprinting mutations, in contrast to deletions, cause only incomplete loss of gene function or that maternally derived deletions affect also genes not subject to genomic imprinting. We conclude that AS is caused by loss of function of a major gene that is imprinted but that there are also other genes that contribute to the phenotype when in hemizygous condition. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Transgenic rodents are valuable models for investigating the genotoxicity of chemicals in vivo. Here, we report the establishment of a novel transgenic rat for genotoxicity analysis. In this model, about 10 copies of lambdaEG10 DNA carrying the gpt gene of E. coli and the red/gam genes of lambda phage are integrated per haploid genome of Sprague-Dawley rats at position 4q24-q31. After recovery of lambdaEG10 phage, point mutations in the gpt gene and deletions in the red/gam genes are identified by 6-thioguanine and Spi(-) selection, respectively. To examine the suitability of these rats for performing in vivo mutagenicity assays, rats were treated with single intraperitoneal injections of ethylnitrosourea (ENU; 100 mg/kg) or benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P; 62.5 and 125 mg/kg), and the mutant frequencies (MFs) in the liver were determined 7 days after the treatment. ENU enhanced the gpt MF about 7-fold over the control while it did not significantly increase the Spi(-) MF. B[a]P increased both the gpt and Spi(-) MFs several-fold in a dose-dependent manner. To examine the kinetics of MF, ENU was administered (50 mg/kg/day for 5 successive days) and gpt MFs in the liver were determined 7, 21, 35, and 70 days after the last injection. The MF increased to 8-fold and 13-fold over the control at 7 and 35 days, respectively, after the last injection and then slightly declined at 70 days. These kinetics are similar to those reported for ENU-treated lacZ transgenic mice. This novel transgenic rat could be useful for investigating species differences between rats and mice in their response to genotoxic agents.  相似文献   

The influence of the loss of p53 gene on heavy-ion-induced mutations was examined by constructing a new line of transgenic mice, p53 knockout (p53(-/-)) gpt delta. In this mouse model, deletions in lambda DNA integrated into the mouse genome are preferentially selected as Spi(-) phages, which can then be subjected to molecular analysis. Mice were exposed to 10 Gy of whole-body carbon-ion irradiation. The carbon ions were accelerated to 135 MeV/u by the RIKEN Ring Cyclotron. The p53 defect markedly enhanced the Spi(-) mutant frequency (MF) in the kidneys of mice exposed to C-ion irradiation: the Spi(-) MF increased 4.4- and 2.8-fold over the background level after irradiation in p53(-/-) and p53(+/+) mice, respectively. There was no significant difference in the background Spi(-) MF between p53(-/-) and p53(+/+) mice. Sequence analysis of the Spi(-) mutants indicated that the enhancement of kidney Spi(-) MF in p53(-/-) mice was primarily due to an increase in complex or rearranged-type deletions. In contrast to the kidney, the p53 defect had no effect on the Spi(-) MF in liver: Spi(-) MF increased 3.0- and 2.7-fold after the irradiation in p53(-/-) and p53(+/+) mice, respectively. Our results suggest that p53 suppresses deletion mutations induced by heavy-ion irradiation in an organ-specific manner.  相似文献   

Blockade of co-stimulation signals between T cells and antigen-presenting cells could be an important approach for treatment of autoimmune diseases and transplant rejection. Recently a series of small compound inhibitors which bind human CD80 (B7-1) and inhibit T cell co-stimulation has been described. To investigate their potency for clinical use, one of these compounds, RhuDex™, was evaluated for reactivity with rhesus monkey CD80. The in vitro biological effect on rhesus monkey lymphocytes, the potency for suppression of an inflammatory recall response and the protein-induced delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) response in the skin were studied. In a rhesus monkey T cell co-stimulation assay RhuDex™ inhibited proinflammatory cytokine release and cellular proliferation with micromolar potency. Systemic administration of RhuDex™ to rhesus monkeys inhibited the DTH response significantly, indicating that this compound may inhibit autoimmune mediated inflammatory processes where the target, CD80, is up-regulated.  相似文献   

Different types of human gene mutation may vary in size, from structural variants (SVs) to single base-pair substitutions, but what they all have in common is that their nature, size and location are often determined either by specific characteristics of the local DNA sequence environment or by higher order features of the genomic architecture. The human genome is now recognized to contain "pervasive architectural flaws" in that certain DNA sequences are inherently mutation prone by virtue of their base composition, sequence repetitivity and/or epigenetic modification. Here, we explore how the nature, location and frequency of different types of mutation causing inherited disease are shaped in large part, and often in remarkably predictable ways, by the local DNA sequence environment. The mutability of a given gene or genomic region may also be influenced indirectly by a variety of noncanonical (non-B) secondary structures whose formation is facilitated by the underlying DNA sequence. Since these non-B DNA structures can interfere with subsequent DNA replication and repair and may serve to increase mutation frequencies in generalized fashion (i.e., both in the context of subtle mutations and SVs), they have the potential to serve as a unifying concept in studies of mutational mechanisms underlying human inherited disease.  相似文献   

Gorlov IP, Gorlova OY, Frazier ML, Spitz MR, Amos CI. Evolutionary evidence of the effect of rare variants on disease etiology. The common disease/common variant hypothesis has been popular for describing the genetic architecture of common human diseases for several years. According to the originally stated hypothesis, one or a few common genetic variants with a large effect size control the risk of common diseases. A growing body of evidence, however, suggests that rare single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), i.e. those with a minor allele frequency of less than 5%, are also an important component of the genetic architecture of common human diseases. In this study, we analyzed the relevance of rare SNPs to the risk of common diseases from an evolutionary perspective and found that rare SNPs are more likely than common SNPs to be functional and tend to have a stronger effect size than do common SNPs. This observation, and the fact that most of the SNPs in the human genome are rare, suggests that rare SNPs are a crucial element of the genetic architecture of common human diseases. We propose that the next generation of genomic studies should focus on analyzing rare SNPs. Further, targeting patients with a family history of the disease, an extreme phenotype, or early disease onset may facilitate the detection of risk‐associated rare SNPs.  相似文献   

Nonsyndromic orofacial clefts (NSOC) are the most common developmental anomalies in human beings. Recently, a large-scale genome-wide association study identified two novel NSOC susceptibility loci: rs13041247 near MAFB and rs560426 near ABCA4. In the present study, we recruited 396 NSOC cases and 384 healthy controls to replicate their associations with risk of NSOC as well as their subgroups in a Chinese Han population. We found the overall genotype and allele frequencies of rs13041247, but not rs560426 were significantly different between cases and controls. Further logistic regression analysis showed rs13041247 CT, CC, and CT/CC were associated with decreased NSOC susceptibility, compared with rs13041247 TT wide-type homozygote. Moreover, the apparent protection against cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P), cleft lip with cleft palate (CLP), and cleft lip only (CLO) was also identified in stratified analysis. However, none of any rs560426 genotypes or alleles was associated with risk of NSOC or their subgroups. Taken together, our findings confirmed the contribution of MAFB in the etiology of NSOC in a Chinese Han population.  相似文献   

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