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Nine healthy subjects were studied to determine their performance and the metabolic and hormonal responses to prolonged exercise after ingestion of a carbohydrate or a lipid diet. Subjects exercised on a bicycle ergometer (60% VO2max) until exhaustion four times at weekly intervals. The exercise test was performed 1 h after ingestion of three different isocaloric meals (400 Kcal) containing either glucose, medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) or long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). The fourth test was performed after a night fast. The metabolism of these nutriments was followed using [U-13C]glucose, [1-13C]octanoate, and [1-13C]palmitate added as tracers. The average work time was comparable whatever nutriment used (116 +/- 11 min). Oxidation of the ingested nutriment over this period was 80% for glucose, 45% for MCTs, and 9% for LCTs. Glucose ingestion produced an early insulin peak associated at the end of the exercise with a lower glycemia compared to the fat diets. After MCT ingestion, an increase in ketone bodies was observed. Catecholamine response to physical exercise was decreased by all the meals when compared to fasting. Thus, we conclude that a different lipid meal, MCTs, or LCTs, compared to glucose feeding, do not modify exhaustion time in spite of differences in hormonal and metabolic responses.  相似文献   

Blood levels of cortisol, prolactin, somatotropin, dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline, and lactate were analyzed in 18 healthy men in good physical condition in four repeated bicycle exercise tests. Profiles of pituitary hormone secretion into blood varied intra- and interindividually from one test to another, even though the work load remained unchanged. Catecholamine and lactate levels regularly increased during each exercise test. A factor analysis of the endocrine responses supports the assumption that pituitary hormones respond to psychological state factors while catecholamines and lactate increases are related to physical load.  相似文献   

In previous studies comparing circulatory responses to exercise in men and women, the habitual physical activity of the groups was not documented. Thus, it is possible that sex differences observed were partly a function of differences in level of physical condition. The purpose of this study was to compare central circulatory responses to submaximal bicycle ergometer exercise in equally trained men and women. Cardiac output (Q), stroke volume (SV), heart rate (HR), and arteriovenous oxygen content difference [(a-v)O2 diff] were determined at approximately 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90% VO2max in 18 male and 18 female trained young adults. Q was determined by the CO2 -rebreathing method. The men and women had similar training backgrounds and nonsignificantly different mean VO2max in ml . kg FFW-1 . min-1 (62.3 and 60.3, respectively). Mean differences between men and women in Q (0.44 l . min-1), HR (23 bts . min-1), and (a-v)O2 diff at 1.5 l . min-1 and in heart rate at various percentages of VO2max (2-4 bts . min-1) were smaller than in previous research. Smaller sex differences in various VO2max expressions in the present study suggest that there was a difference between males and females in habitual physical activity in earlier research. It is concluded that a portion of previously reported sex differences in certain circulatory responses to submaximal exercise was a consequence of different levels of physical condition of the male and female subjects. The magnitude of gender-related differences in circulatory responses to submaximal exercise appears to be smaller than previously thought.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effects of carbohydrate (CHO) supplementation on whole-body and net muscle substrate use during 10 h of discontinuous exercise, simulating occupational settings in men and women. METHODOLOGY: Recreationally trained subjects (N = 7 males, N = 6 females) performed a graded exercise test on a treadmill (TM) and cycle ergometer (CE) to determine ventilatory threshold (VT) and V O2peak. In a double-blind, randomized crossover design, subjects received either CHO [20% maltodextrin (0.6 g.kg FFM.h)] or flavored placebo (PLA) drink each hour across 10 h of exercise. Exercise intensity was 71.3 +/- 3% and 72.4 +/- 4% VT for TM and CE, respectively. Hourly exercise included 9 min of upper-body ergometery, 19 min of cycling, and 20 min of treadmill walking, with a 1-min transition between modes, followed by a 10-min rest and feeding period. The protocol was selected to simulate arduous occupational settings. Vastus lateralis biopsies were obtained before and after exercise. Expired gases were collected every other hour to establish average rates of whole-body CHO and fat oxidation. Blood glucose (BG) was measured continuously. RESULTS: Whole-body CHO oxidation was maintained during CHO trial compared with the PLA trial. Net muscle glycogen use was 52% higher for the PLA trial (176.0 +/- 16.7, 117.0 +/- 20.9 and 164.5 +/- 11.0, 133.8 +/- 10.9 mmol.kg w.w. for PLA and CHO, respectively, P < 0.05). There were no significant sex-specific differences in glycogen use, whole-body substrate oxidation, or BG values. CONCLUSION: The ingestion of CHO during long-duration exercise decreases net muscle glycogen use while better maintaining whole-body carbohydrate oxidation, and potentially increasing performance in field settings. There are limited differences in sex-specific substrate oxidation.  相似文献   



Previous studies show sex-related differences in left ventricular (LV) response to exercise. It is not clear, however, whether these differences are also seen in younger healthy subjects.

Methods and Results

This study examined the changes in LV performance during dynamic upright exercise in 11 healthy men and 19 healthy young women according to the Bruce protocol and an individualized ramp protocol. There were no significant differences between the two protocols for either men or women in heart rate, blood pressure, LV ejection fraction (EF) (measured by ambulatory nuclear detector), and measured oxygen consumption. The peak oxygen consumption was higher in men than in women (44±13 vs 36±9 ml/kg/min; p<0.05), but the peak heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and EF were similar. The change in EF (from rest to exercise) was 19%±8% in men and 19%±11% in women with the Bruce protocol (difference not significant) and 26%±9% in men and 19%±6% in women with the ramp protocol (difference not significant). At peak exercise, both men and women showed an increase in end-diastolic volume (29%±14% vs 23%±11%; difference not significant) and a decrease in end-systolic volume (41%±15% vs 43%±21%) (difference not significant). The increase in cardiac output during exercise was due to an increase in heart rate and stroke volume in both men and women. At submaximal exercise, however, the decrease in end-systolic volume was less in women than in men (p<0.05).


There are no sex-related differences in compensatory mechanism during dynamic execise in healthy subjects. The changes in contractility and LV volume are not affected by the exercise protocol.  相似文献   

Metabolic and hormonal responses to exercise in children and adolescents   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ethical and methodological factors limit the availability of data on metabolic and hormonal responses to exercise in children and adolescents. Despite this, it has been reported that young individuals show age-dependent responses to short and long term exercise when compared with adults. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and phosphocreatine stores are not age-dependent in children and adolescents. However, phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31PNMR) studies showed smaller reductions in intramuscular pH in children and adolescents during high intensity exercise than adults. Muscle glycogen levels at rest are less important in children, but during adolescence these reach levels observed in adults. Immaturity of anaerobic metabolism in children is a major consideration, and there are several possible reasons for this reduced glycolytic activity. There appear to be higher proportions of slow twitch (type I) fibres in the vastus lateralis part of the quadriceps in children than in untrained adults, and anaerobic glycolytic ATP rephosphorylation may be reduced in young individuals during high intensity exercise. Reduced activity of phosphofructokinase-1 and lactate dehydrogenase enzymes in prepubertal children could also explain the lower glycolytic capacity and the limited production of muscle lactate relative to adults. These observations may be related to reduced sympathetic responses to exhaustive resistance exercise in young people. In contrast, children and adolescents are well adapted to prolonged exercise of moderate intensity. Growth and maturation induce increases in muscle mass, with proliferation of mitochondria and contractile proteins. However, substrate utilisation during exercise differs between children and adults, with metabolic and hormonal adaptations being suggested. Lower respiratory exchange ratio values are often observed in young individuals during prolonged moderate exercise. Data indicate that children rely more on fat oxidation than do adults, and increased free fatty acid mobilisation. glycerol release and growth hormone increases in preadolescent children support this hypothesis. Plasma glucose responses during prolonged exercise are generally comparable in children and adults. When glucose is ingested at the beginning of moderate exercise, plasma glucose levels are higher in children than in adults, but this may be caused by decreased insulin sensitivity during the peripubertal period (as shown by glucose: insulin ratios). CONCLUSIONS: Children are better adapted to aerobic exercise because their energy expenditure appears to rely more on oxidative metabolism than is the case in adults. Glycolytic activity is age-dependent, and the relative proportion of fat utilisation during prolonged exercise appears higher in children than in adults.  相似文献   

Metabolic and blood catecholamine responses to exercise during alkalosis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of metabolic alkalosis on muscle lactate accumulation and plasma catecholamine concentrations were studied in six highly trained subjects during short-term ergocycle exercises to exhaustion (375 W). The studies were performed after oral administration of NaHCO3 (alkalosis) and CaCO3 (placebo). There was a significant increase in resting blood pH after NaHCO3 ingestion (7.35 +/- 0.02) compared to placebo (7.27 +/- 0.02). A longer endurance time was achieved during alkalosis (75.3 +/- 8 s) than during control (61.5 +/- 2 s), but similar blood pH and HCO3- levels were found at exhaustion in both treatments. Metabolic alkalosis resulted in higher elevation in muscle lactate concentration (31.7 +/- 4.6 mmol.kg-1 wet weight) compared to control (17 +/- 4 mmol.kg-1 wet weight). Despite longer exercise duration in alkalosis, plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine concentrations at exhaustion were reduced by 30 and 34%, respectively. These results indicate that alkalosis increased muscle lactate accumulation during exhaustive exercise. These changes were associated with a reduced blood catecholamine response to exercise.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The effects of an intense 8-wk aerobic training program on cardiovascular responses at rest and during exercise, including heart rate variability (HRV) as an expression of autonomic modulation, were evaluated in subjects over 70 yr (mean: 73.9 +/- 3.5 yr). METHODS: Before and after training in 7 men and 8 women: a) heart rate (HR), blood pressures (BPs), pulse pressure (PP), and oxygen uptake were measured at rest, during, and after exhausting incremental exercise; b) HRV power spectra were calculated at rest in supine and sitting, and during and after two submaximal constant loads (5 min). Power in low-frequency (LF, 0.04-0.15 Hz) and high-frequency (HF, >0.15 Hz) bands were expressed as a percent of total power minus power < 0.04 Hz. RESULTS: After training: a) at rest HR and HRV parameters (in both body positions) were unchanged, whereas BPs decreased; b) peak cycle resistance and oxygen consumption increased by 25% and 18%, respectively, but no change in maximal HR and BPs were found; c) during submaximal loads HR was unchanged at the same metabolic demand, whereas SBP and DBP were lower than before at low loads whereas PP was unchanged. LF power decreased and HF increased at oxygen uptakes above about 0.7 L.min-1 similarly before and after training; and d) recovery of all parameters was similar to pretraining and complete after 10 min CONCLUSIONS: The increase in exercise capacity without changes in cardiovascular parameters suggests that 8 wk of aerobic training augmented peripheral gas exchange but not delivery to muscle. The lack of effect on HRV indicates that the improvements in aerobic power and cardiac autonomic modulation, at least in subjects over 70 yr, are dissociated. Moreover, the metabolic demand seems to be the main factor for the changes in HRV power spectra that occur during exercise.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to determine whether alterations in fuel reserves or energy substrate utilization might explain the performance decrements that occur in bacterial infections. Male Fisher-Dunning rats were studied at 24, 48, and 72 h after inoculation with Streptococcus pneumoniae. Rats were either sedentary or subjected to a 2-h swimming session at these three time points (N = 10 in each group). A more than 60% reduction (P less than 0.01) in performance capacity was observed on day 3 of infection compared with that in noninfected controls. This infection in the rat is characterized by fever (P less than 0.01), depression of plasma zinc (P less than 0.01) and free fatty acid (FFA) levels (P less than 0.01), inhibition of the two- to threefold increase in fasting ketonemia, and a decreased (NS) insulin:glucagon ratio, indicating a catabolic state. Glycogen stores were reduced in the heart (47%), liver (43%), and skeletal muscles (39%) but not in the carcass. Superimposed exercise resulted in a further reduction but not depletion of liver, muscle, and carcass glycogen stores, a less pronounced lactic acid accumulation, and a lower oxygen debt. However, plasma FFA and ketone body levels were still maintained or even elevated, suggesting that fat is supplied as fuel during swimming exercise in this infection. Thus, results indicate that unavailability of energy substrates or lactacidosis is not limiting for performance capacity during this severe infection.  相似文献   

Metabolic responses during hydraulic resistance exercise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirteen college-age men under-went a treadmill (TM)-graded VO2max exercise test on 1 d and a 24.5-min hydraulic resistive exercise circuit on a following day. Seven exercises were performed in the following order: leg extension, bent-over row, bicep curl, squat, upright row, bench press, and behind-neck press. Each exercise was performed three times with the following work-to-rest timing: 30 s exercise, 30 s rest; 30 s exercise; 30 s rest; and 30 s exercise, 60 s rest (to allow for machine switch-over to the next exercise). Thus, each exercise took a total of 120 s, of which work was for 90 s and rest 120 s. During the circuit, heart rate averaged 153.8 b X min-1 (81.2% of TM max) and VO2 averaged 1.93 l X min-1 (41.4% of TM max). Oxygen uptake for the individual exercises ranged from 1.52 l X min-1 (32.6% of TM max) for the behind-neck-press exercise to 2.43 l X min-1 (52.1% of TM max) for the squat exercise. Heart rate ranged from 135.9 b X min-1 (71.8% of TM max) for the leg extension exercise to 163.4 b X min-1 (86.3% of TM max) for the squat exercise. Hydraulic circuit resistance exercise results in an average caloric expenditure of 40.8 kJ X min-1 (9.75 kcal X min-1).  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on a group of 20 healthy men and women to determine the pattern of cardiovascular response to moderate facial cooling (4.0 degrees C at 5.0 m X s-1) for 10 min. Data were collected each minute during exposure. During the course of exposure, both heart rate and forearm blood flow decreased significantly, 4.9 beats X min-1 (-9.2%) and -1.1 ml X 100 ml-1 X min-1 (-28.9%), respectively, while mean arterial blood pressure increased significantly +3.7 mm Hg (+4.0%) from pre-exposure values (p less than 0.05). There were no significant differences found in cardiovascular responses between men and women. There was considerable within-group variation for each recorded cardiovascular variable, but their ranges of variability remained relatively constant throughout exposure. These results indicate that moderate facial cooling precipitates significant cardiovascular responses in healthy subjects and the range of response may depend, in part, on individual factors.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare resting, relative submaximal (at the same percentage of maximal oxygen uptake) and maximal cardiovascular responses to progressive cycle exercise in pre-pubertal children and young adults with similar aerobic aptitude. Fourteen healthy children (7 girls and 7 boys) with a mean age of 10.8 yr and 16 healthy young adults (8 women and 8 men) with a mean age of 22.4 yr underwent a progressive cycle test until exhaustion with estimation of stroke volume and cardiac output by Doppler echocardiography. Submaximal responses were evaluated at similar exercise intensities (around 40, 60 and 80 % of maximal oxygen uptake). Mean submaximal and maximal oxygen uptake were not significantly different between the children and the adults. As expected, the adults demonstrated larger absolute values of stroke volume and cardiac output at all levels of intensity but when related to body surface area, the differences disappeared. The relationships between cardiac output and oxygen uptake calculated from comparable submaximal intensities were similar (slopes and intercepts) in the children and the adults. According to these results, it seems that the lower cardiovascular responses to exercise in children may be attributed to their smaller heart size.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that younger versus older animals and humans experience smaller perturbations in natural killer (NK) cells in response to physiological stress. PURPOSE: To determine whether the smaller perturbations in NK cells induced by strenuous exercise and carbohydrate (CHO) intake, previously reported in children, are influenced by puberty. METHODS: Twenty 12-yr-old boys, distinguished as prepubertal (Tanner (T) 1, N = 7), early pubertal (T2, N = 7), or pubertal (T3-5, N = 6), cycled for 60 min at 70% VO(2max) while drinking 6% CHO (CT) or flavored water (WT). Blood was collected at rest and during (30 and 60 min) and following (30 and 60 min) exercise to identify NK cells as CD3(-)CD56(dim) or CD3(-)CD56(dim). CD69 expression on CD3(-)CD56(+) cells was also determined. RESULTS: A puberty x CHO x exercise interaction was found for the proportion, but not number, of CD56(dim) cells (P = 0.06). CD56(dim) cell counts were lower in CT versus WT (P < 0.001). Responses of CD56(bright) proportions (P = 0.007) and counts (P = 0.03) depended on pubertal status, but not CHO. The CD56(bright):CD56(dim) ratio remained stable during exercise, but during recovery was higher in T1 and T3-5 versus T2 (P = 0.08) and in CT versus WT (P = 0.04). During recovery, CD3(-)CD56(+) cells expressed higher levels of CD69 (P = 0.01), with no change in the proportion of CD69(+) cells. CONCLUSION: These results confirm the influence of puberty on the distribution of NK cell subsets in response to exercise and CHO intake. Increased CD69 expression suggests that NK cells increase activation status during recovery from physiological stress.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The present investigation was undertaken to compare metabolic and perceptual responses between exercise performed at constant intensity (CON) and with a Spinning protocol of variable intensity (VAR). METHOD: Fifteen subjects, including seven males and eight females (23 +/- 5 yr, 72 +/- 17 kg, and 171 +/- 10 cm), underwent two experimental trials. During each trial, subjects performed a 30-min cycle exercise protocol that was followed by a 30-min recovery period. Exercise was performed at 67 +/- 3% (means +/- SD) of HR(max) in CON. In VAR, the similar intensity (68 +/- 4% HR(max)) was also achieved, although the protocol entailed alternating phases of both higher and lower intensity arranged similarly to what is designed for a typical Spinning workout. Oxygen uptake (VO2) and HR were measured at rest and throughout both exercise and recovery, whereas RPE were recorded during exercise only. Plasma lactate concentrations [La] were determined at rest, the end of exercise, and the end of recovery. RESULTS: No differences in average VO2, HR, and RPE were found during exercise between CON and VAR. However, average VO2 and HR were higher (P < 0.05) in VAR than CON (0.33 +/- 0.03 vs 0.26 +/- 0.02 L x min(-1) and 91 +/- 3 vs 80 +/- 2 beats x min(-1), respectively). [La] was higher (P < 0.05) at the end of exercise in VAR than CON (7.2 +/- 0.8 vs 2.7 +/- 0.3 mmol x L(-1)), but became similar at the end of recovery. CONCLUSION: An exercise regimen in which intensity varies exerts no added effect on metabolic and perceptual responses during exercise as long as the average intensity is kept the same. However, VAR resulted in a greater [latin capital V with dot above]O2 after exercise, and this augmented postexercise oxygen consumption may be mediated in part by elevated plasma [La].  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of standardized bicycle exercise on metabolism and blood flow in abdominal ( aSAT) and femoral subcutaneous adipose tissue ( fSAT) and skeletal muscle in eleven women and nine men. Using microdialysis, the respective tissues were perfused with Ringer's solution (+ 50 mM ethanol) and dialysate [ethanol], [glycerol], [lactate] and [pyruvate] were measured in order to estimate blood flow (ethanol dilution technique), lipolysis and glycolysis, respectively. At rest, blood flow tended to be higher in the respective tissues of women when compared to men. During exercise, blood flow was increased significantly in fSAT and muscle, but not in aSAT. Dialysate [glycerol] was increased two- to three-fold in aSAT and fSAT, similarly in men and women. However, in muscle, dialysate [glycerol] was increased five-fold in women and four-fold in men without reaching a steady state in women. Corrected for blood flow, the increase in lipolysis was greater in muscle than in fSAT, and greater in fSAT than in aSAT, and in muscle the increase was greater for women compared with men. Dialysate [lactate] and [lactate]/[pyruvate] ratio were much more increased in muscle compared with aSAT and fSAT. It is concluded that lipids stored in muscle are rather used than lipids stored in adipose tissue for fueling the energy metabolism of muscle during exercise. During exercise, lipid mobilization is much greater in women than in men.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to compare the metabolic and cardiovascular responses of young (Y) and older (O) women ages 19-24 yr (N = 11) and 63-72 yr (N = 11), respectively, while performing shallow water exercise (SWE). METHODS: Resting metabolic rate was determined as was the metabolic (indirect calorimetry) and heart rate (Polar monitor) responses to five submaximal and one maximal SWE bout, and to a 40-min SWE class. RESULTS: 1) One metabolic equivalent (MET) equaled (mean +/- SE) 3.3 +/- 0.2 mL O(2).min-1.kg-1 (Y) and 2.8 +/- 0.1 mL O(2).min-1.kg-1 (O) (P < 0.05); 2) submaximal (bouts 1-5) MET and HR responses ranged from 3.5 to 8.6 and 95 to 144 bpm (Y), and 3.2 to 6.3 and 92 to 124 bpm (O); 3) estimated MET, % HR(peak), and kcal O(2) per minute at given relative efforts (% [OV0312]O(2peak)) were greater for the older group (P < 0.05), whereas no difference in RPE was found; 4) peak MET and HR equaled 11.7 +/- 0.8 and 182 +/- 3 bpm (Y) and 7.6 +/- 0.4 and 156 +/- 5 bpm (O), respectively (P < 0.05); 5) SWE class: overall, estimated average MET level was 4.9 +/- 0.3 (O) and 5.8 +/- 0.4 (Y) (P > 0.05); the overall relative intensity (% MET(peak)) was greater for the O group (61.5 +/- 2.5 vs 48.8 +/- 2.2) (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: SWE elicited metabolic and cardiovascular responses that met ACSM's guidelines for establishing health benefits. Furthermore, older females may self-select a greater relative exercise intensity during SWE compared with younger counterparts when provided with the same verbal instructions and encouragement.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of altered muscle glycogen content on the mechanical and metabolic responses to prolonged exercise of moderate intensity. METHODS: Eight volunteers (.VO2peak = 49.3 +/- 1.2 mL.kg(-1).min(-1)) cycled to fatigue on two occasions: after a 3-d low-carbohydrate diet (Lo CHO), which had been preceded by glycogen-depleting exercise, and then after a 3-d high-carbohydrate diet (Hi CHO). Metabolic and mechanical properties were assessed at both Lo CHO and Hi CHO before exercise (Pre), at 30 min of exercise (30 min), at fatigue in Lo CHO (Post 1), and again at fatigue after a brief rest (Post 2). RESULTS: For the Lo CHO cycle, time to fatigue averaged 66.7 +/- 4.5 and 9.5 +/- 1.7 min for Post 1 and Post 2, respectively. For Hi CHO, Post 2 time to fatigue was 64.9 +/- 6.3 min. Muscle glycogen was elevated (P < 0.05) by approximately 40% in Hi CHO compared with Lo CHO. Phosphocreatine, although higher (P < 0.05) by approximately 25% during exercise in Hi CHO, was not different at Pre. Similar but reciprocal effects (P < 0.05) were observed for inorganic phosphate and creatine. Force at low frequencies of stimulation was maximally reduced (P < 0.05) by approximately 26-38% by 30 min of exercise, regardless of condition. CONCLUSION: A 7-d exercise-dietary protocol leads to both an elevation in muscle glycogen and improved energy homeostasis during exercise. Although these adaptations may explain the improved cycle performance, they are not related to the progression of muscle fatigue as assessed statically at low frequencies of stimulation.  相似文献   

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