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目的 分析参与式培训模式在广东省中小型企业中的使用效果及工人的评价.方法 对广东省10个中小型企业中的213名一线工人采用参与式模式进行培训,问卷调查内容为收集工人对当前工作的自我感知评价,比较培训前后工人知识和信念的改变情况及工人对本培训模式的评价.结果 培训后工人各项指标的知识和信念得分较培训前有显著提高(P<0.05).对参与式培训模式的评价,有93.4%的工人认为学到相关的知识,有96.2%的工人表示培训提高了他们对职业病危险因素的防病意识.结论 参与式培训模式能提高工人的工伤预防知识和信念,工人对该参与式培训模式认可度高.  相似文献   

艾滋病预防参与式培训近期效果分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
目的了解参与式培训在提高中学教师对学生进行艾滋病预防教育的能力方面的效果。方法对四川省绵阳市的35名中学教师及体卫专干进行了5天的参与式艾滋病基本知识及教育方法的培训。结果接受培训的教师艾滋病预防的基本知识增加了,对艾滋病预防教育的意识和能力提高了,对艾滋病病人的态度发生了正向转变。参加教师培训的骨干教师全部通过考试拿到了联合国儿童基金会和四川省教委联合颁发的合格证书。结论艾滋病预防参与式培训近期  相似文献   

目的 研究深圳市劳务工对参与式培训效果的自我评价,探讨参与式培训的适用性.方法 2008年6月至2010年11月在深圳市开展随机对照试验,对60家企业的3479名工人进行参与式和集中授课式职业健康安全培训,培训后进行问卷调查,分析工人对培训内容、培训形式、知识的提高和行为的改善,对工人和工厂之间沟通等方面的自评.结果 85%的受训工人认为工作环境、机械安全、工作岗位的改善,个人防护用品的佩戴演示和伸展运动5项培训内容对他们的健康和安全有益.培训后1年,38.4%的干预组工人、45%的对照组工人分别认为个人防护用品的佩戴演示、讲课最有效.培训后3个月,85%以上的工人认为他们的各项知识和行为得到提高和改善;相比于对照组,更多的干预组工人认为他们的各项知识和行为得到提高或改善.培训后3个月、培训后1年,80%以上的工人对工厂和工人在职业健康安全方面加强沟通、工厂职业健康安全的改善、接受更多培训的看法上持肯定态度;相比于对照组工人,干预组工人持肯定态度率更高,其中,培训后1年,干预组工人对工厂和工人在职业健康安全方面的沟通上的持肯定态度率明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),培训后3个月、培训后1年,干预组工人对工厂是否采取了更多的促进职业健康安全的活动上的持肯定态度率明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 参与式职业健康安全培训得到了工人的认可,值得推广,培训应以职业健康安全防护知识的传播为主.  相似文献   

目的分析和评价传统培训模式和参与式培训模式对医务人员进行艾滋病预防母婴传播知识培训的效果。方法将2014年4-7月凉山州各县参加凉山州预防艾滋病母婴传播师资培训班的447名医务人员随机分为两组,223名医务人员采用传统培训模式,224名采用传统培训模式基础上加入参与式培训方法,有角色扮演、辩论法和演示法等多种培训方法,对培训知识的考核结果和满意度进行分析和评估。结果两种模式培训后测试成绩均有显著提高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),都提升了学员对艾滋病母婴传播基础知识的掌握;参与式培训组明显提高了医务人员对艾滋病预防母婴传播的病毒检测和咨询能力(P<0.05);培训后满意度调查,参与式培训组满意度达98.8%,传统培训组满意度为89.5%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论参与式培训有利于学员更有效地掌握艾滋病预防母婴传播知识,提高培训效果。  相似文献   

工作相关肌肉骨骼疾患是一种慢性非致死性疾病,是职业人群常见的健康问题,尤其在劳动密集型行业。在国外,参与式工效学已广泛应用于工作场所中肌肉骨骼疾患的预防。本文依据参与式工效学的组织、实施及其影响因素和特点,介绍参与式工效学在预防肌肉骨骼疾患中的应用。参与式工效学方式可帮助工人识别作业过程中的危险因素并制定相应的干预方案。企业可通过开展参与式工效学项目改善工作条件、减少肌肉骨骼疾患相关危险因素的暴露及预防相关疾患的发生,以促进职工健康。  相似文献   

目的探讨参与式方法在职业卫生培训中的效果。方法对深圳市福田区10家企业300名员工开展参与式培训,并对培训前后存在主要职业危害因素相关知识正确回答率和培训后满意度进行调查。结果干预后,被培训人员对辖区存在主要危害因素噪声、粉尘和有机溶剂等相关知识正确回答率都有明显提高,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05),培训内容满意度调查结果显示有90%以上被培训人员表示基本满意或非常满意。结论参与式方法在职业卫生培训中效果显著。  相似文献   

目的近年来,参与式培训方法在各领域培训和教学中广泛应用。本研究旨在分析参与式培训方法在基层精神卫生防治工作人员培训中的效果。方法选取柳州市所属从事精神卫生防治工作的64名基层精防人员进行培训。2016年9月和11月采用传统式培训方法进行2期培训,2017年6月和12月采用参与式培训方法进行2期培训,每期培训时间为1天,6个学时。通过调查问卷满意度、预防知识知晓率和档案合格率,分析参与式培训方法对基层精防人员培训的效果。结果采用参与式培训方法,精防人员的满意度从78.1%提高到96.9%,χ~2=10.286,P=0.002;精神卫生防治知识知晓率从76.6%提高到96.9%,χ~2=11.464,P=0.001;健康档案合格率从71.9%提高到93.8%,χ~2=10.758,P=0.002。结论参与式培训方法在基层精防人员培训中效果优于传统培训方法,能提高自身精神卫生知识和工作效率,可以作为开展基层精神卫生防治工作人员培训的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

根据中日合作安徽省初级卫生保健项目培训计划 ,2 0 0 3年分别举办了“健康教育骨干培训班”、“学校健康教育培训班”、“运用电脑制作健康教育传播材料培训班”三期培训班 ,由中日专家共同尝试用参与式教学方法对健康教育专业人员及相关人员进行培训 ,取得了非常好的效果。培训班结束后 ,学员都能掌握所培训的内容 ,并得到实际运用和产出 ,达到了培训的预期目标。  相似文献   

参与式教育培训在多个发展中国家得到广泛应用[1],该培训方法是结合现场查检与案例分析,传授基础知识,协助和指导工人和企业管理人员发现职业卫生问题,提出并执行改造,以改善劳动环境。而低成本适用技术改造是参与式教育培训的主要成果之一。它是由企业管理人员及劳动者于培训现场所提出的、得到双方认可的技术改造方案,包  相似文献   

目的 探讨适合珠宝加工企业的健康教育方式。 方法 实验组采用多媒体授课、小组讨论、个人防护用品使用练习等参与式培训方式对100名工人进行培训;传统组采用传统的授课方式对另100名工人进行相同内容的培训。在培训前后对两组进行测验,对得分进行汇总、分析。 结果 两组员工培训后绝大部分得分有所提高。实验组工人培训前得分总分为(41.29 ±8.59)分,培训后得分总分为(81.06 ±11.78)分,两者比较,差异有统计学意义(t=10.11,P < 0.05)。传统组培训前得分为(53.68 ±10.58)分,培训后得分为(61.37 ±15.39)分,两者比较,差异无统计学意义(t=1.39,P > 0.05)。实验组不同学历、工龄、技术职称的员工得分在培训前后比较,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。传统组小学及以下人员、工龄小于15个月人员和初级工在培训后得分有提高,但与培训前相比,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。 结论 参与式培训在珠宝加工企业健康教育中效果明显,可以很好地提高工人的职业健康安全知识水平。  相似文献   



Health and safety training program has been applied to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in workplace. We evaluated the effectiveness of participatory training and didactic training programs on MSD prevention among frontline workers in Shenzhen, China.


The authors randomly assigned 918 workers from intervention factories to receive participatory training (intervention group), and 907 workers from intervention factories and 1,654 workers from control factories to receive didactic training (control_1 group, control_2 group, respectively) from June 1, 2008 to November 30, 2009. Participants were asked to report experience of ache, pain or discomfort in 10 body parts at baseline and 1 year after training. Data were analyzed to compare the MSD prevalence 1 year before and 1 year after training in different groups from 2009 to 2010.


The follow-up rate was 61 % (2,120/3,479) at 1 year after training. In the year after training, there were no statistically significant changes in the proportion of workers who reported MSD in any body part. MSD prevalence rates in the intervention group reduced from 16.8 to 9.9 % for lower extremities (χ2 = 13.102, p < 0.001) and from 12.9 to 8.3 % (χ2 = 9.433, p = 0.002) for wrist and finger at 1 year after training. However, the rates did not change significantly for upper back, lower back, neck, shoulder and elbow in the intervention group and for all 10 body parts in two control groups.


Overall, the training programs did not seem to prevent the occurrence of MSD among frontline workers. However, participatory training might be effective to reduce MSD in the lower extremities and wrist and finger.  相似文献   



Despite the fact that the population of self-employed persons is still growing and at risk for long term disability due to a number of risk factors, there is still a lack of information on the effectiveness of interventions for this specific group.  相似文献   

Objectives  The aim of the trial was to investigate whether the publicized effects of skin protection creams can be replicated in a real occupational setting during activities that expose the skin. Methods  A prospective, randomized, four-tailed controlled pilot trial was performed to compare the effect of skin protection and skin care alone or in combination with cleansing against a control group (only cleansing). Two branches were selected for the investigation: the building industry and the timber industry. A total of 1,006 workers from these two branches were recruited, and out of these 485 workers were examined longitudinally for at least three time points over 1 year (lost for follow-up: 430 workers, exclusion: 91 workers). At each time point, as a primary outcome measure, we assessed the condition of the skin at both hands in a blinded manner and the individual was assigned to one of the following categories: no eczema, mild, moderate and severe eczema. As a secondary outcome measure, the worker’s transepidermal water loss (TEWL) was measured under standardized conditions at the back of both hands. In addition, the workers were asked to evaluate their skin condition during the study. Results  With regard to differences in the occurrence of eczemas, we found only in workers in building industry without application of skin protection or skin care creams a statistical significant increase in the incidence between the first and the second visit and a statistical significant decrease in the incidence between the second and third visit. When evaluating the secondary outcome-measurement changes in the TEWL values, an improvement was found for the group skin protection and skin care in combination and by skin care alone. Females in the timber industry started with better TEWL values than males, which may be due to better overall skin care. In this group we found an improvement for the group skin protection and skin care in combination and by skin protection alone. For skin protection alone, we noted a slight, but not significant improvement in all other groups. The subjective improvement of skin condition was reported from the participants who used skin protection and skin care in combination. Conclusions  Taking all these secondary-outcome measurements together, the main result of this study was that skin protection creams alone have a small effect on the skin barrier in workers in the building and timber industries compared with skin care alone or in combination with skin protection. Supported by the General Austrian Accident Insurance Institution.  相似文献   



To investigate the effects of a school-based physical activity-related injury prevention program, called 'iPlay', on risk behavior and neuromotor fitness.


In this cluster randomized controlled trial 40 primary schools throughout the Netherlands were randomly assigned in an intervention (n = 20) or control group (n = 20). The study includes 2,210 children aged 10-12 years. The iPlay-intervention takes one school year and consists of a teacher manual, informative newsletters and posters, a website, and simple exercises to be carried out during physical education classes. Outcomes measures were self-reported injury preventing behavior, self-reported behavioral determinants (knowledge, attitude, social-influence, self-efficacy, and intention), and neuromotor fitness.


The iPlay-program was not able to significantly improve injury-preventing behavior. The program did significantly improve knowledge and attitude, two determinants of behavior. The effect of the intervention-program on behavior appeared to be significantly mediated by knowledge and attitude. Improved scores on attitude, social norm, self-efficacy and intention were significantly related to changes in injury preventing behavior. Furthermore, iPlay resulted in small non-significant improvements in neuromotor fitness in favor of the intervention group.


This cluster randomized controlled trial showed that the iPlay-program did significantly improved behavioral determinants. However, this effect on knowledge and attitude was not strong enough to improve injury preventing behavior. Furthermore, the results confirm the hypothetical model that injury preventing behavior is determined by intention, attitude, social norm and self-efficacy.

Trial number

ISRCTN78846684  相似文献   



Major depressive disorder is among the medical conditions with the highest negative impact on work outcome. However, little is known regarding evidence-based interventions targeting the improvement of work outcomes in depressed employees. In this paper, the design of a randomized controlled trial is presented in order to evaluate the effectiveness of adjuvant occupational therapy in employees with depression. This occupational intervention is based on an earlier intervention, which was designed and proven effective by our research group, and is the only intervention to date that specifically targets work outcome in depressed employees.  相似文献   



The aim of the study was to determine effects of ergonomic intervention on work-related upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders (WUEMSDs) among computer workers.


Four hundred computer workers answered a questionnaire on work-related upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms (WUEMSS). Ninety-four subjects with WUEMSS using computers at least 3 h a day participated in a prospective, randomized controlled 6-month intervention. Body posture and workstation layouts were assessed by the Ergonomic Questionnaire. We used the Visual Analogue Scale to assess the intensity of WUEMSS. The Upper Extremity Function Scale was used to evaluate functional limitations at the neck and upper extremities. Health-related quality of life was assessed with the Short Form-36. After baseline assessment, those in the intervention group participated in a multicomponent ergonomic intervention program including a comprehensive ergonomic training consisting of two interactive sessions, an ergonomic training brochure, and workplace visits with workstation adjustments. Follow-up assessment was conducted after 6 months.


In the intervention group, body posture (p < 0.001) and workstation layout (p = 0.002) improved over 6 months; furthermore, intensity (p < 0.001), duration (p < 0.001), and frequency (p = 0.009) of WUEMSS decreased significantly in the intervention group compared with the control group. Additionally, the functional status (p = 0.001), and physical (p < 0.001), and mental (p = 0.035) health-related quality of life improved significantly compared with the controls. There was no improvement of work day loss due to WUEMSS (p > 0.05).


Ergonomic intervention programs may be effective in reducing ergonomic risk factors among computer workers and consequently in the secondary prevention of WUEMSDs.  相似文献   

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