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Graham R  Roberts RG  Ostergaard DJ  Kahn NB  Pugno PA  Green LA 《JAMA》2002,288(9):1097-1101
Robert Graham, MD; Richard G. Roberts, MD, JD; Daniel J. Ostergaard, MD; Norman B. Kahn, Jr, MD; Perry A. Pugno, MD, MPH; Larry A. Green, MD

JAMA. 2002;288:1097-1101.

Since family practice was first recognized as a specialty in the late 1960s, considerable intellectual and organizational change has occurred in medicine, especially during the 1990s. To reflect on and reconsider the role of family practice in US health care, this article reviews the development of family practice as a specialty, provides a current assessment of the status of family medicine in the United States, and comments on issues that are of ongoing importance to family practice.


Improving primary care for patients with chronic illness   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Bodenheimer T  Wagner EH  Grumbach K 《JAMA》2002,288(14):1775-1779
Thomas Bodenheimer, MD; Edward H. Wagner, MD, MPH; Kevin Grumbach, MD

JAMA. 2002;288:1775-1779.

The chronic care model is a guide to higher-quality chronic illness management within primary care. The model predicts that improvement in its 6 interrelated components—self-management support, clinical information systems, delivery system redesign, decision support, health care organization, and community resources—can produce system reform in which informed, activated patients interact with prepared, proactive practice teams. Case studies are provided describing how components of the chronic care model have been implemented in the primary care practices of 4 health care organizations.


Grumbach K  Bodenheimer T 《JAMA》2002,288(7):889-893
Kevin Grumbach, MD; Thomas Bodenheimer, MD

JAMA. 2002;288:889-893.

This article—the first in a series on primary care—outlines the daunting challenges facing primary care today. Most people in the United States desire a primary care "home" to provide for and coordinate their health care needs. Yet primary care is endangered by physician stress, inadequate performance in managing chronic illness, and inability to provide prompt access and reliable continuity of care. Fundamental redesign is needed to improve access to and quality of care while easing physicians' workload without causing major increases in health care costs.


Murray M  Bodenheimer T  Rittenhouse D  Grumbach K 《JAMA》2003,289(8):1042-1046
Mark Murray, MD; Thomas Bodenheimer, MD; Diane Rittenhouse, MD; Kevin Grumbach, MD

JAMA. 2003;289:1042-1046.

The advanced access model of patient scheduling is based on the core principle that if the capacity to provide patient appointments balances the demand for appointments, patients calling to see their physician are offered an appointment the same day. The accompanying article in the series "Innovations in Primary Care" presents the theory behind advanced access scheduling. In this article we describe 4 case studies of primary care practices that successfully implemented advanced access and 3 examples of practices that were unable to achieve advanced access despite considerable efforts. The lessons of these case studies should be useful for primary care practices desiring to improve timely access to care and wishing to avoid the pitfalls that can derail this innovation.


Miller FG  Emanuel EJ  Rosenstein DL  Straus SE 《JAMA》2004,291(5):599-604
Franklin G. Miller, PhD; Ezekiel J. Emanuel, MD; Donald L. Rosenstein, MD; Stephen E. Straus, MD

JAMA. 2004;291:599-604.

The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has grown dramatically in recent years, as has research on the safety and efficacy of CAM treatments. Minimal attention, however, has been devoted to the ethical issues relating to research on CAM. We argue that public health and safety demand rigorous research evaluating CAM therapies, research on CAM should adhere to the same ethical requirements for all clinical research, and randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials should be used for assessing the efficacy of CAM treatments whenever feasible and ethically justifiable. In addition, we explore the legitimacy of providing CAM and conventional therapies that have been demonstrated to be effective only by virtue of the placebo effect.


Bodenheimer T  Wagner EH  Grumbach K 《JAMA》2002,288(15):1909-1914
Thomas Bodenheimer, MD; Edward H. Wagner, MD,MPH; Kevin Grumbach, MD

JAMA. 2002;288:1909-1914.

This article reviews research evidence showing to what extent the chronic care model can improve the management of chronic conditions (using diabetes as an example) and reduce health care costs. Thirty-two of 39 studies found that interventions based on chronic care model components improved at least 1 process or outcome measure for diabetic patients. Regarding whether chronic care model interventions can reduce costs, 18 of 27 studies concerned with 3 examples of chronic conditions (congestive heart failure, asthma, and diabetes) demonstrated reduced health care costs or lower use of health care services. Even though the chronic care model has the potential to improve care and reduce costs, several obstacles hinder its widespread adoption.


Pearson SD  Rawlins MD 《JAMA》2005,294(20):2618-2622
Steven D. Pearson, MD, MSc; Michael D. Rawlins, MD

JAMA. 2005;294:2618-2622.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was established as a part of the British National Health Service in 1999 to set standards for the adoption of new health care technologies and the management of specific conditions. In doing so it was required explicitly to take into account both clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. This article describes how NICE has responded to the challenge and considers whether its experience of balancing quality, innovation, and value for money holds policy lessons for the United States.


Cohen LM  Germain MJ  Poppel DM 《JAMA》2003,289(16):2113-2119
Lewis M. Cohen, MD; Michael J. Germain, MD; David M. Poppel, MD

JAMA. 2003;289:2113-2119.

Cessation of life-support treatment is an appropriate option for situations in which the burdens of therapy substantially outweigh the benefits. Decisions to withdraw dialysis now precede 1 in 4 deaths of patients who have end-stage renal disease. Guidelines have been recently published to assist clinicians in making these complex and emotionally charged determinations, and they include: relying on shared decision making by all participants, obtaining informed consent, estimating the prognosis on dialysis, adopting a systematic approach for conflict resolution of disagreements, honoring advance directives, and ensuring the provision of palliative care. These principles are discussed in relation to an elderly man with dementia whose family decided to terminate maintenance hemodialysis.


Reforming graduate medical education   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ludmerer KM  Johns MM 《JAMA》2005,294(9):1083-1087
Kenneth M. Ludmerer, MD; Michael M. E. Johns, MD

JAMA. 2005;294:1083-1087.

Because of the traditional subordination of education to service, graduate medical education (GME) in the United States has never realized its full educational potential. This article suggests 4 strategies for reasserting the primacy of education in GME: limit the number of patients house officers manage at one time, relieve the resident staff of noneducational chores, improve educational content, and ease emotional stresses. Achieving these goals will require regulatory reform, adequate funding, and institutional competency in the use of educational resources. Modern medicine grows ever more complex. The need to address the deficiencies of GME is urgent.


Applbaum AI  Tilburt JC  Collins MT  Wendler D 《JAMA》2008,299(18):2188-2193
Arthur Isak Applbaum, PhD; Jon C. Tilburt, MD, MPH; Michael T. Collins, MD; David Wendler, PhD

JAMA. 2008;299(18):2188-2193.

A 19-year-old woman living with relatives in the United States who was admitted for elective cranial surgery for complications related to a congenital disorder developed an acute intracranial hemorrhage 10 days after surgery. The patient was declared dead following repeat negative apnea tests. The patient's father requested that the treating team administer an unverified traditional medicinal substance to the patient. Because of the unusual nature of this request, the treating team called an ethics consultation. The present article reviews this case and discusses other cases that share key features to determine whether and when it is appropriate to accommodate requests for interventions on patients who have been declared dead.


Patricia A. Carney, PhD; David W. Nierenberg, MD; Catherine F. Pipas, MD; W. Blair Brooks, MD; Therese A. Stukel, PhD; Adam M. Keller, MPH

JAMA. 2004;292:1044-1050.

Conducting educational research in medical schools is challenging partly because interventional controlled research designs are difficult to apply. In addition, strict accreditation requirements and student/faculty concerns about educational inequality reduce the flexibility needed to plan and execute educational experiments. Consequently, there is a paucity of rigorous and generalizable educational research to provide an evidence-guided foundation to support educational effectiveness. "Educational epidemiology," ie, the application across the physician education continuum of observational designs (eg, cross-sectional, longitudinal, cohort, and case-control studies) and randomized experimental designs (eg, randomized controlled trials, randomized crossover designs), could revolutionize the conduct of research in medical education. Furthermore, the creation of a comprehensive national network of educational epidemiologists could enhance collaboration and the development of a strong educational research foundation.


Human monocytic ehrlichiosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stone JH  Dierberg K  Aram G  Dumler JS 《JAMA》2004,292(18):2263-2270
John H. Stone, MD, MPH; Kerry Dierberg; Ghazaleh Aram, MD; J. Stephen Dumler, MD

JAMA. 2004;292:2263-2270.

A 56-year-old man with a history of Wegener granulomatosis presented with 6 days of sinus congestion, fever, malaise, myalgias, episcleritis, and a morbilliform rash. An exacerbation of Wegener granulomatosis was the principal concern because of the frequency of flares in that disease. The patient developed acute renal failure, thrombocytopenia, transaminitis, and, finally, severe myocarditis that led to congestive heart failure. Additional history-taking and the evolution of his clinical features led to empirical treatment with doxycycline for human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME). The diagnosis of HME was confirmed by both a polymerase chain reaction assay for Ehrlichia chaffeensis and by the demonstration of morulae within peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The patient improved promptly following institution of doxycycline, and his cardiac function returned to normal over a period of 4 months.


Use of race and ethnicity in biomedical publication   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Kaplan JB  Bennett T 《JAMA》2003,289(20):2709-2716
Judith B. Kaplan, MS; Trude Bennett, DrPH

JAMA. 2003;289:2709-2716.

Researchers, clinicians, and policy makers face 3 challenges in writing about race and ethnicity: accounting for the limitations of race/ethnicity data; distinguishing between race/ethnicity as a risk factor or as a risk marker; and finding a way to write about race/ethnicity that does not stigmatize and does not imply a we/they dichotomy between health professionals and populations of color. Josurnals play an important role in setting standards for research and policy literature. The authors outline guidelines that might be used when race and ethnicity are addressed in biomedical publications.


Tumor-induced osteomalacia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Jan de Beur SM 《JAMA》2005,294(10):1260-1267
Suzanne M. Jan de Beur, MD

JAMA. 2005;294:1260-1267.

Tumor-induced osteomalacia (TIO) is a rare paraneoplastic form of renal phosphate wasting that results in severe hypophosphatemia, a defect in vitamin D metabolism, and osteomalacia. This debilitating disorder is illustrated by the clinical presentation of a 55-year-old woman with progressive fatigue, weakness, and muscle and bone pain with fractures. After a protracted clinical course and extensive laboratory evaluation, tumor-induced osteomalacia was identified as the basis of her clinical presentation. In this article, the distinctive clinical characteristics of this syndrome, the advances in diagnosis of TIO, and new insights into the pathophysiology of this disorder are discussed.


Yennurajalingam S  Bruera E 《JAMA》2007,297(3):295-304
Sriram Yennurajalingam, MD; Eduardo Bruera, MD

JAMA. 2007;297:295-304.

Fatigue is the most common chronic symptom associated with cancer and other chronic progressive diseases. The assessment and treatment of fatigue at or near the end of life can be complex. Some of the challenges include its subjective nature, with great variability in its source, how it is expressed, and how it is perceived, requiring treatment to be based on patient report of frequency and severity; its multidimensional character; and the limited understanding of its pathophysiology. Using the case of an 82-year-old retired nurse with fatigue that could be explained by a number of concurrent conditions, including anemia, weight loss, depression and isolation, dyspnea, deconditioning, and medications, the authors illustrate the clinical approach to assess and treat fatigue at the end of life.


Kasiske BL  Cohen D  Lucey MR  Neylan JF 《JAMA》2000,283(18):2445-2450
Bertram L. Kasiske, MD; David Cohen, MD; Michael R. Lucey, MD; John F. Neylan, MD; for the American Society of Transplantation

JAMA. 2000;283:2445-2450.

Dramatic improvements in organ transplantation have meant that a growing number of patients must take expensive immunosuppressive medications for the rest of their lives. Currently, Medicare covers most transplantation procedures in the United States, but ends coverage for outpatient immunosuppressive medications after 36 months. Evidence suggests that at least some patients have reduced immunosuppression and their transplants fail because they cannot afford these medication costs. In the years since the advent of effective immunosuppressive therapy, the US Congress has struggled with this issue, and in 1999 temporarily extended medication coverage for eligible patients (based on age and disability) by 8 months. However, a more permanent solution is needed. We advocate that Medicare should cover the cost of all immunosuppressive therapy for all solid organ transplant recipients who cannot afford to pay. A number of potentially cost-effective approaches could be taken, but, in any case, something must be done to ensure that transplants do not fail because recipients cannot pay for immunosuppression.


A capsule history of pain management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Meldrum ML 《JAMA》2003,290(18):2470-2475
Marcia L. Meldrum, PhD

JAMA. 2003;290:2470-2475.

Pain is a complex clinical problem. Assessment depends on verbal report, and the patient's physical perceptions may be modified by cognitive and affective factors. The salience of pain as a problem in its own right has grown since 1945 and new therapeutic alternatives have developed from research and from new theoretical perspectives. This short historical review of the highlights of the history of pain management gives particular emphasis to the 20th century and to chronic and cancer pain.


Barnett CF  Hsue PY  Machado RF 《JAMA》2008,299(3):324-331
Christopher F. Barnett, MD, MPH; Priscilla Y. Hsue, MD; Roberto F. Machado, MD

JAMA. 2008;299(3):324-331.

Modern health care has greatly increased longevity for patients with congenital hemolytic anemias (such as sickle cell disease and thalassemia) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. It is estimated that 10% of patients with hemoglobinopathies and 0.5% of patients with HIV infection develop moderate to severe pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary hypertension is a relentlessly progressive disease leading to right heart failure and death. Worldwide, there are an estimated 30 million patients with sickle cell disease or thalassemia and 40 million patients with HIV disease. Considering the prevalence of pulmonary vascular disease in these populations, sickle cell disease and HIV disease may be the most common causes of pulmonary hypertension worldwide. In this review, the available data on epidemiology, hemodynamics, mechanisms, and therapeutic strategies for these diseases are summarized. Because therapy is likely to reduce morbidity and prolong survival, efforts to screen, diagnose, and treat these patients represent a global health opportunity.


Public Health Response for the 1996 Olympic Games   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Patrick Meehan, MD; Kathleen E. Toomey, MD, MPH; James Drinnon; Samuel Cunningham; Nancy Anderson, MMSc; Edward Baker, MD, MPH

JAMA. 1998;279:1469-1473.

Extensive planning and preparation by public health agencies were required for the provision of public health services during the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games, which brought together more than 10000 athletes from 197 countries and more than 2 million visitors. Public health activities included the development and use of an augmented surveillance system to monitor health conditions and detect disease outbreaks; creation and implementation of 6 environmental health regulations; establishment of a central Public Health Command Center and response teams to coordinate response to public health emergencies; planning for potential mass casualties and the provision of emergency medical services; implementation of strategies for the prevention of heat-related illness; and distribution of health promotion and disease prevention information. Public health agencies should take the lead in organizing and implementing a system for preventing and managing public health issues at future large-scale public events such as the Olympics.


Kevin M. De Cock, MD; Mary Glenn Fowler, MD, MPH; Eric Mercier, MD, MPH; Isabelle de Vincenzi, MD, PhD; Joseph Saba, MD; Elizabeth Hoff, MSc; David J. Alnwick, MSc; Martha Rogers, MD; Nathan Shaffer, MD

JAMA. 2000;283:1175-1182.

Each year, an estimated 590,000 infants acquire human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) infection from their mothers, mostly in developing countries that are unable to implement interventions now standard in the industrialized world. In resource-poor settings, the HIV pandemic has eroded hard-won gains in infant and child survival. Recent clinical trial results from international settings suggest that short-course antiretroviral regimens could significantly reduce perinatal HIV transmission worldwide if research findings could be translated into practice. This article reviews current knowledge of mother-to-child HIV transmission in developing countries, summarizes key findings from the trials, outlines future research requirements, and describes public health challenges of implementing perinatal HIV prevention interventions in resource-poor settings. Public health efforts must also emphasize primary prevention strategies to reduce incident HIV infections among adolescents and women of childbearing age. Successful implementation of available perinatal HIV interventions could substantially improve global child survival.


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