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Immunohistochemical demonstration of extracellular carbonic anhydrase in epiphyseal growth cartilage
Summary The distribution of carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes C and B in the rat epiphyseal growth cartilage was demonstrated by an immunohistochemical
method. The isoenzymes were found in different locations. Isoenzyme C was in the extracellular matrix of the hypertrophic
and calcifying cartilage, and no reaction was observed in the chondrocytes. In contrast, the antiserum against isoenzyme B
revealed only a weak cellular staining. This supports the hypothesis that carbonic anhydrase isoenzyme C, which is the high-activity
form, changes the pH in the extracellular fluid of calcifying cartilage, favoring the deposition of calcium phosphate. 相似文献
Summary The objective of this investigation was to measure phosphorus (P) levels in the epiphyseal growth cartilage and to relate
pool sizes to chondrocyte maturation and tissue mineralization. To carry out these studies, we utilized a morphochemical technique
that permitted measurements of insoluble mineral phosphate, soluble inorganic phosphate (Pi), low and high molecular weight
phosphorylated macromolecules and lipid P in freeze-trapped histological sections. Analysis of the sections revealed that
very low levels of P are present in pre-mineralized cartilage; at the mineralization front, a large increase in Pi is correlated
with mineral formation. Moreover, with calcification of the cartilage, a decrease in the concentration of low molecular weight
compounds was observed. It is suggested that these latter components may provide the initial source of Pi for the development
of mineral. The results of the study support the view that metabolic regulation of P pool size may be a rate-limiting factor
in the mineralization of cartilage. 相似文献
Yasuaki Nakagawa Katsuji Shimizu Takashi Hamamoto Kiichi Suzuki Michiko Ueda Takao Yamamuro 《Journal of orthopaedic research》1994,12(1):58-69
Calpain refers to Ca2+-dependent neutral cysteine proteinase, which originally was thought to be an intracellular proteinase but recently has been shown to function extracellularly as well. This report describes the immunohistochemical demonstration of calpain and biochemical changes in the amount of calpain during fracture healing in rats. The tibiae of 6-week-old Wistar rats were fractured, and calluses were obtained 5–28 days after fracture. A frozen section of the fracture callus was stained by the immunoperoxidase method with use of polyclonal antibodies of calpains I and II. Positive staining was noted with the anti-calpain II antibody in the perivascular areas, chondrocytes, and cartilage matrix in calluses at 5, 7, and 10 days. Less intense staining was seen in older calluses. The caseinolytic activity of calpain II reached its maximum on the 5th day, was high on the 7th and 10th days, and decreased rapidly thereafter. The quantity of calpain II was dependent on the process of fracture healing. It was concluded that calpain was working as one of the matrix proteinases in fracture callus. 相似文献
We looked for the protooncogene protein, c-Myc, its dimerization partner, Max, and the repressors of its transactivation activity, Mad1 and Mxi1, in the epiphyseal-plate cartilage matrix of growing rats by immunocytochemistry in the electron microscope. c-Myc and Mxi1 immunoreactivities were found in the calcifying areas of the cartilage matrix only. There was no immunolabeling in response to anti-Max or anti-Mad1 antibodies. Mxi1 immunoreactivity was mainly in the early calcifying areas, in the calcification front and ahead of it, whereas c-Myc immunoreactivity was essentially in the incompletely calcified regions of the matrix. The two immunolabelings occurred mainly over the large type II collagen fibrils of the cartilage matrix and over the thin filaments connecting them. c-Myc and Mxi1 immunoreactivities were rarely found along the dark cristallites. There was no immunolabeling associated with the matrix vesicles, or in their immediate surroundings. The data suggest that the protooncogene proteins, c-Myc and Mxi1, could be implicated in the calcification involving type II collagen fibrils of the epiphyseal-plate cartilage. The absence of Max immunoreactivity from the calcifying cartilage matrix raises the question of whether there are other c-Myc- and Mxi1-dimerization partners. 相似文献
The enzyme alkaline phosphatase (AP) (EC in three different calcification areas was studied by means of a spectrophotometric micro method using p-nitrophenylphosphate as a substrate. Rat maxillary incisor odontoblasts and enamel organ from the zones of matrix formation and maturation and tissue from rabbit metatarsal cartilage were allowed to react with the substrate in glycine-NaOH buffer at room temperature. The reaction was found to be linear for a minimum of 20 min. The pH optima for AP from these tissues were in the pH range of 10.0–10.3. In order to compare AP from the four calcification areas different parameters were studied. Heating at 56°C or 60°C for varying times revealed that the enzymes were almost completely inactivated after 10 min. Mg2+ ions activated the enzymes by about 25% at concentrations of 2.5 mM (enamel organ 1.25 mM); while only higher concentrations of Mg2+ had an inactivating effect, Ca2+ and PO
ions were inactivating at varying concentrations. F– ions show no effect on AP activity at concentrations below 250 mM (enamel organ 125 mM) but caused inactivation of the enzymes at about 50% at 1 M. EDTA was found to be a very effective AP inactivator at concentrations above 0.06 mM, whereas urea did not noticeably affect the enzyme reactions at concentrations below 1 M. At higher concentrations, inactivation was observed. In order to determine AP localization in the epiphyseal plate successive 40-m-thick, freeze-sectioned slices were analyzed. The activity was highest nearest the zone of cartilage calcification and decreased towards the reserve cell zone.It was concluded that the same AP isoenzyme is present in these quite different calcification loci. 相似文献
R L Cruess 《Journal of orthopaedic research》1985,3(1):109-120
In addition to genetic and nutritional factors, linear growth during the prenatal and postnatal periods is controlled by peptide, steroid, and thyroid hormones interacting with the receptors present on the membrane or in the cytosol and nuclei of growth plate cartilage. Using standard procedures, insulin and "nonsuppressible insulin-like activity" (a somatomedin) showed significant binding in 600, 15,000, and 105,000 g membrane fractions of epiphyseal cartilage of immature animals. The binding of growth hormone and prolactin was small and probably not significant. Specific uptake of glucocorticoid was demonstrated in viable canine chondrocytes, but not of androgen, estrogen, or vitamin D3 metabolite. A triiodothyronine receptor was present in nuclei from dog epiphyseal cartilage. Hormones that lack binding may affect cartilage only indirectly. Hormone receptors were studied in those portions of fetal growth cartilage that will later evolve into an ossification center, articular cartilage, and epiphyseal cartilage. Cytosol fractions contained a receptor for glucocorticoid but not for androgen or estrogen. Zonal analysis showed a higher level in the peripheral and central sections than in the palisade section. Triiodothyronine binding was also detected in nuclei prepared from whole fetal cartilage. Heterogeneity of cell function was obvious in fetal cartilage. Cell division was high in the central and peripheral zones as well as the upper half of the palisade zone, but low in the lower palisade section. Proline and sulfate incorporation predominated in the palisade section compared with the central and peripheral sections. Disease states with changes of metabolic activities in the cartilage may perhaps be better understood with a clearer knowledge of receptor levels and interactions. 相似文献
The mechanism by which (HCO
) is elevated in extracellular cartilage fluids (Cfl) of rat tibial growth plates was investigated. Inin vitro studies, the pH-
curves in a synthetic lymph were not detectably altered by proteinpolysaccharides or by a cationic protein. Also, (HCO
) in Cfl aspirated from isolated incubates of growth cartilage decreased rapidly as a function of time. Results of both of these experiments mitigated against a role for cartilage secretions as the cause of blood-Cfl (HCO
) gradientsin vivo. Acetazolamide administered to ratsin vivo reduced the blood-Cfl (HCO
) gradient to an undetectable level. This effect could not be attributed to systemic acidosis produced by acetazolamide since control rats with a similar degree of systemic acidosis resulting from NH4Cl treatment, maintained a substantial blood-Cfl (HCO
) gradient. The distribution of carbonic anhydrase activity in epiphyseal and metaphyseal tissues of similar rats was determined by microassay. Enzymatic activity was not detected in cartilage samples, but was found in significant amounts in adjacent structures.This carbonic anhydrase activity measured in adjacent structures was hypothesized to represent sites of HCO
secretion. The possible involvement in HCO
secretion of epiphyseal or metaphyseal capillaries and bone cells is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Der mechanismus, durch welchen (HCO 3 – ) in extrazellulären Knorpelflüssigkeiten (fl) der Wachstumsplatten von Rattentibiae erhöht ist, wurde untersucht. Beiin vitro Versuchen mit einer synthetischen Lymphe waren die pH- Kurven weder durch Proteinpolysaccharide noch durch kationisches Protein nachweisbar verändert. In Cfl, welche aus isolierten Inkubaten von Wachstumsknorpel entnommen wurden, nahm (HCO 3 – ) in Funktion der Zeit ebenfalls rasch ab. Die Resultate beider Experimente sprechen dagegen, daß die Knorpelsekretein vivo als Ursache der Blut-Cfl (HCO 3 – )- Gradienten in Betracht kommen. Acetazolamid, das Ratten verabreicht wurde, erniedrigte den Blut-Cfl (HCO 3 – )-Gradienten auf ein nicht mehr nachweisbares Niveau. Dieser Effekt konnte nicht einer durch Acetazolamid hervorgerufenen generalisierten Acidose zugeschrieben, werden, da Kontrollratten mit einem ähnlichen Grad von generalisierter Acidose, welche von einer NH4Cl-Behandlung herrührte, einen ansehnlichen Blut-Cfl (HCO 3 – )-Gradienten aufrechterhielten. Die Verteilung der Kohlensäureanhydrase-Aktivität in epiphysären und metaphysären Geweben von gleichartigen Ratten wurde durch Mikroanalyse bestimmt. Eine enzymatische Aktivität konnte in den Knorpelproben nicht nachgewiesen werden, wurde jedoch in signifikanten Mengen in den angrenzenden Geweben gefunden. Es wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, daß die Stellen, wo diese Kohlensäureanhydrase-Aktivität in angrenzenden Geweben gemessen wurde, den Sekretionsstellen von HCO 3 – entspricht. Die mögliche Beteiligung von epiphysären und metaphysären Capillargefäßen und von Knochenzellen an, der HCO 3 – -Sekretion wird diskutiert.
Résumé Le mécanisme de l'élévation du (HCO 3 – ) dans les liquides extracellulaires du cartilage (Cfl) a été étudié au niveau, de métaphyses tibiales de Rat. Au cours d'étudesin vitro, les courbes pH- dans une lymphe synthétique ne sont pas modifiées de façon nette par des protéines-polysaccharides ou par une protéine cationique. (HCO 3 – ) de Cfl, aspiré à partir de pièces métaphysaires, incubées isolément, décroit rapidement en fonction du temps. Les résultats de ces deux expériences semblent infirmer un rôle des sécrétions cartilagineuses comme cause de gradients sang— Cfl (HCO 3 – ) in vivo. L'acétazolamide, administré à des ratsin vivo, réduit le gradient sang —Cfl (HCO 3 – ) jusqu'à, un seuil non dosable. Cette action ne peut être attribuée à l'acidose généralisée, produite par l'acétazolamide, étant donné que les rats témoins, ayant une acidose généralisée similaire, provoquée par un traitement à NH4Cl, présentent un gradient sang —Cfl (HCO 3 – ) net. La répartition de l'activité en anhydrase carbonique dans les tissus épiphysaires et métaphysaires de rats identiques est déterminée par micro-analyse. L'activité enzymatique n'est pas détectée dans des échantillons cartilagineux, mais est retrouvée, de façon significative, dans les structures adjacentes.L'activité en anhydrase carbonique, mesurée dans les structures adjacentes, est considérée comme les lieux de sécrétion d'HCO 3 – . Le rôle éventuel des capillaires épiphysaires et métaphysaires et des cellules osseuses dans la sécrétion d'HCO 3 – , est envisagé.相似文献
Mauro Alini Yasumoto Matsui George R. Dodge A. Robin Poole 《Calcified tissue international》1992,50(4):327-335
Summary Calcification occurs in the extracellular matrix of the hypertrophic zone of the growth plate when the extra-cellular matrix volume is reduced to a minimum and alkaline phosphatase content is maximal. The present study shows that significant quantitative and qualitative changes occur in the composition and structure of macromolecules in the extracellular matrix before and during calcification in the proximal tibial growth plate of the bovine fetus. These were detected in part by using microchemical and microimmuno-chemical analyses of sequential transverse frozen sections at chemical analyses of sequential transverse frozen sections at defined sites throughout the growth plate. Concentrations of matrix molecules in the extracellular matrix have not previously been determined biochemically. They were measured per unit matrix volume by using combined immunochemical/chemical-histomorphometric analyses. The concentrations within the extracellular matrix of the C-propeptide of type II collagen, aggregating proteoglycan (aggrecan), and hyaluronic acid all progressively increased in the maturing and hypertrophic zones, being maximal (or near maximal) at the time of initiation of mineralization. These results for proteoglycan are contrary to some earlier reports of a loss of proteoglycan prior to mineralization which measured the tissue content of proteoglycan rather than that present in the extracellular matrix, the volume of which is progressively reduced as the growth plate matures. The C-propeptide data provides a quantitative confirmation of previous immunohistochemical studies. Total collagen concentration (measured as hydroxyproline) in the extracellular matrix initially increased through the proliferating and maturing zones but then rapidly decreased in the hypertrophic zone. Immunohistochemical studies revealed that this is associated with the unwinding of the triple helix of type II collagen (previously shown to result from cleavage) which starts in pericellular sites in the zone of maturation (when type X collagen is first synthesized) and then extends throughout the hypertrophic zone. The significance of these matrix changes in the development and mineralization of the growth plate is discussed. 相似文献
目的 探讨脊髓背角卡配因在大鼠足底炎性痛形成中的作用.方法 雄性SD大鼠48只,6周龄,体重160~200 g,采用随机数字表法,将其随机分为3组:正常对照组(C组,n=8)、PBS组(n=16)和酵母多糖诱发足底炎性痛组(Z组,n=24).Z组于大鼠左侧后足足底皮下注射酵母多糖1.25 mg,制备酵母多糖诱发足底炎性痛模型,PBS组给予等容量PBS 100μl.分别于给药前(T0)、给药后30 min(T1)、1 h(T2)、2 h(T3)、4 h(T4)、8 h(T5)、24 h(T6)和48 h(T7)时测定左侧后足机械刺激缩足阈值(MWT)、热缩足反应潜伏期(PWTL)和左侧后足足底最大厚度.PBS组于T4时处死8只大鼠,Z组分别于T4、T6和T7时各处死8只大鼠,取左侧脊髓L4~6节段,采用Western blot法测定脊髓背角spectrin αⅡ降解产物、IκBα、环氧化酶-2(COX-2)的表达和NF-κB活性.结果 与C组比较,Z组MWT降低,PWTL缩短,足底最大厚度增厚,脊髓背角spectrin αⅡ降解产物和COX-2的表达上调,IκBα表达下调,NF-κB活性升高(P<0.05或0.01),PBS组上述指标差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 脊髓背角卡配因活化参与了大鼠足底炎性痛的形成,其机制与激活NF-κB,上调COX-2表达有关. 相似文献
Ryota Teshima Masanori Ono Yasutsugu Yamashita Hiroyuki Hirakawa Koji Nawata Yasuo Morio 《Journal of orthopaedic science》2004,9(3):270-273
We investigated immunohistochemically the collagen type of the most superficial layer in 10 normal adult human articular cartilage specimens obtained from eight femoral heads and one each of the femoral condyle and the talus using routine light microscopy and polarizing microscopy. A membrane-like structure with strong bire-fringence covering the articular surface was observed under polarizing microscopy in each specimen. This structure was stained with anti-type I and anti-type III collagen antibodies but not with anti-type II collagen antibody. This immunohistochemical finding was identical to that in synovial tissue. The results of this study confirm that the most superficial layer of adult normal articular cartilage consists not of type II collagen but of types I and III, and that this layer is absolutely independent from its deeper layer. 相似文献
Fukuta S Miyamoto K Suzuki K Maehara H Inoue T Hara A Kikuike K Taguchi A Shimizu K 《Osteoarthritis and cartilage / OARS, Osteoarthritis Research Society》2011,19(10):1254-1262
To assess the expression of calpains and calpain-induced aggrecan fragmentation in early and advanced stages of degeneration of human intervertebral discs (IVDs).Design
Disc tissue samples of 55 patients (mean age, 51.2 ± 22.3 years) who underwent intervertebral fusion were divided into groups with early and advanced degeneration based on the Thompson magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scale. In advanced degeneration group, five patients (mean age, 35.5 ± 11.4 years) of lumbar disc herniation (LDH) were included. Protein levels of m- and μ-calpains and their inhibitor calpastatin were assayed, and immunohistochemical techniques were used to localize and quantify the production of the enzymes. To investigate calpain activity, we assayed purified aggrecan fragmentation in disc tissue by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry with VPGVA antibody, which recognizes the m-calpain generated neo-epitope GVA.Results
Discs at early stages of degeneration expressed low levels of m- and μ-calpains and calpastatin, and few cells expressed degenerative enzymes. At more advanced stages of degeneration, the expression and number of cells immunopositive for m-calpain, μ-calpain and calpastatin were significantly higher. Further finding showed that anti-GVA-reactive aggrecan fragments were significantly higher in discs at advanced compared with early stages of degeneration. Herniated disc samples showed stronger expression and more cells immunopositive for calpains, calpastatin and GVA in the nucleus pulposus than in the annulus fibrous.Conclusions
The expression of calpains, together with m-calpain-induced degradation products of extracellular matrix, was correlated with the degree of disc degeneration in human IVD tissue. These findings suggest that calpains may be involved in IVD degeneration via proteoglycan (PG) cleavage. 相似文献13.
The fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs), members of the tyrosine-kinase receptor family, are known to play a crucial
role in the growth and development of cartilaginous tissues. The mandibular condylar cartilage has been suggested to have
a characteristic growth pattern compared with the tibial growth plate cartilage, e.g., cell alignment, mode of proliferation
and differentiation, and response to humoral and mechanical factors. To examine the mRNA expression and localization of fibroblast
growth factor receptor (FGFR)-1, -2, and -3 in the condylar and tibial growth plate cartilages, reversed transcribed polymerase
chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay and immunohistochemistry were carried out using growing rats. The enzymatically isolated rat
condylar and tibial chondrocytes expressed mRNA of aggrecan and type II collagen, which are together known as the major cartilaginous
extracellular matrices. Both types of cells expressed mRNA of FGFR-1, -2, and -3 by RT-PCR. In the neonatal rat, immunolocalization
of FGFR-1, -2, and -3 was found in the middle of the condylar cartilage, mainly in the hypertrophic zone of the tibial cartilage.
At 3 weeks old, the three FGFRs were broadly observed in both cartilages. At 8 weeks old, localization of FGFR-3 was absent
in the hypertrophic cell layer of the condyle, whereas it was still broadly observed in the tibial growth plate cartilage.
In the same stage, FGFR-1 and FGFR-2 showed similar localization in both cartilages to that at 3 weeks of age. All these observations
suggest that FGFRs play an important role in the differential growth pattern of the condylar cartilage.
Received: Jan. 14, 1999 / Accepted: March 3, 1999 相似文献
S. Kuroda K. Tanimoto T. Izawa S. Fujihara J.H. Koolstra E. Tanaka 《Osteoarthritis and cartilage / OARS, Osteoarthritis Research Society》2009,17(11):1408-1415
The human masticatory system consists of a mandible which is able to move with respect to the skull at its bilateral temporomandibular joint (TMJ) through contractions of the masticatory muscles. Like other synovial joints, the TMJ is loaded mechanically during function. The articular surface of the mandibular condyle is covered with cartilage that is composed mainly of collagen fibers and proteoglycans. This construction results in a viscoelastic response to loading and enables the cartilage to play an important role as a stress absorber during function. To understand its mechanical functions properly, and to assess its limitations, detailed information about the viscoelastic behavior of the mandibular condylar cartilage is required. The purpose of this paper is to review the fundamental concepts of the biomechanical behavior of the mandibular condylar cartilage. This review consists of four parts. Part 1 is a brief introduction of the structure and function of the mandibular condylar cartilage. In Part 2, the biochemical composition of the mandibular condylar cartilage is summarized. Part 3 explores the biomechanical properties of the mandibular condylar cartilage. Finally, Part 4 relates this behavior to the breakdown mechanism of the mandibular condylar cartilage which is associated with the progression of osteoarthritis in the TMJ. 相似文献
R. Schenk W. A. Merz R. Mühlbauer R. G. G. Russell Prof. H. Fleisch 《Calcified tissue international》1973,11(3):196-214
Young male rats (70–90 g) were treated for various periods with several doses of disodium ethane-1-hydroxy-1,1-diphosphonate (EHDP) or disodium dichloromethylene diphosphonate (Cl2MDP). Effects of treatment on the changes in the thickness, growth and mineralization of proximal growth plate and metaphysis of the tibia were assessed histologically and by micro-radiography. High doses (10 or 30 mg P/kg/day) of EHDP impaired mineralization of the growth cartilage, which became increased in thickness, and of the osteoid in the metaphysis and diaphysis. Matrix formation continued, although at a diminished rate. High doses (10 or 30 mg P/kg/day) of Cl2MDP produced a different effect. There was no inhibition of mineralization, but there was a marked impairment of normal metaphyseal remodelling, with persistence of columns of calcified cartilage. Resorption at the periosteal surface in the metaphysis was also inhibited, so that the metaphysis became club-shaped. Osteoclasts were present in large numbers in the metaphysis, but their appearance was abnormal and similar to that seen in human osteopetrosis. 相似文献
小耳畸形残耳软骨的生物化学研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 探讨正常耳软骨与先天性小耳畸形的残耳软骨生化成分的异同 ,进而推论小耳畸形的病因。方法 选取年龄在 10岁左右 ,Tanzer分类ⅡA型的 7例先天性小耳畸形患者的残耳软骨 (A组 )。同时取 7名同龄尸体的正常耳廓耳甲部分的软骨 (B组 )。各取 7份标本做生化检查 ,测定胶原、糖胺多糖 (glycoaminoglycan ,GAG)含量 ;硫酸软骨素 (chondroitinsulfate,Chs)、硫酸角质素 (keratansulfate ,KS)和透明质酸 (hyaluronan ,HA)各占GAG的百分含量。结果 A组与B组之间胶原含量差异无显著性意义 ;GAG含量差异有显著性意义A组 (49.0 0± 2 5 .6 0 ) μg/mg比B组 (2 8.2 5± 4 .80 ) μg/mg多。在GAG中的组成部分中 ,A组HA(38.96± 4 .97) %、Chs(2 9.0 2± 4 .12 ) %、KS(32 .16± 7.4l) %与B组HA(32 .94± 3.2 4 ) %、Chs(33.10± 2 .6 1) %、KS(33.96± 1.6 6 ) %之间HA和Chs含量差异有显著性意义 ,而KS含量差异无显著性意义。结论 残耳软骨与正常耳软骨中胶原含量无差异 ,但含GAG前者比后者多。在GAG中的各成分的百分含量中 ,残耳软骨含HA较高 ,Chs较低 ,KS与正常耳软骨无差异。 相似文献
G. Klaus R. Meinhold-Heerlein P. Milde E. Ritz O. Mehls 《Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany)》1991,5(4):461-466
Disturbed calcification of the growth plate and stunting is a frequent finding in vitamin D-deficiency rickets, vitamin D-dependency rickets and renal osteodystrophy, illustrating that chondrocytes are a target for vitamin D. This observation prompted an investigation of Ic, 25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3] receptor expression and action of vitamin D metabolites on chondrocyte proliferation. In tibial growth plates and in primary cultures of tibial growth cartilage of male Sprague-Dawley rats (80 g) specific binding of [3H]-1,25(OH)2D3 was noted. Scatchard analysis revealed the presence of a single class of non-interacting binding sites.K
d was 10–11 M irrespective of growth phase. The binding macromolecule had a sedimentation coefficient of 3.5 S. Interaction with DNA was demonstrated by DNA-cellulose affinity chromatography. By immunohistology, growth cartilage cells (rabbit tibia) were shown to express nuclear 1,25(OH)2D3 receptors, most prominently in the proliferative and early hypertrophic zone. This corresponds to binding data which showed highest binding of 1,25(OH)2D3 in the logarithmic growth phase (12,780 molecules/cell versus 4,538 molecules/cell in confluent cells) in primary cultures of growth plate chondrocytes. In the presence of delipidated fetal calf serum 1,25(OH)2D3 had a biphasic effect on cell proliferation and density, i.e. stimulation at 10–12 M and dose-dependent inhibition at 10–10 M and below. Inhibition was specific and not seen with 24 (R), 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 or dexamethasone. Growth phase-dependent 1,25(OH)2D3 receptor expression and specific effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 on chrondrocyte proliferation in vitro point to a role for vitamin D in the homeostasis of growth cartilage of the rat. 相似文献
Summary Acute ischemia was induced in the lower limb of growing dogs by injecting the femoral artery with a suspension of carborundum
and ground glass in physiological saline. This resulted in the loss of the cellular pattern and the cartilaginous matrix in
the growth cartilage. The production of myofibrillike material was observed only in the growth cartilage as well as in the
intertrabecular spaces of metaphysis in the injected leg. 相似文献
Pregnant mice were injected with pharmacological doses of vitamin A during days 11-19 of gestation with the purpose of studying the long bones of offspring up to the age of 1 week. Tibiae were collected for routine light microscopic examination and tranmission electron microscopic examination. In addition, biochemical studies were conducted to determine the calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium content as well as the hydroxyproline and protein content of the bones. Treatment with vitamin A resulted in reduced weight and length of the long bones, as well as the presence of excessive calcification throughout the hypertrophic zone of the cartilaginous epiphyses. Matrix vesicles, many of them containing hydroxyapatite crystals, were observed and found to be distributed within the cartilaginous epiphyses in a similar pattern as in untreated control mice offspring, but mineral crystals were also observed unassociated with the matrix vesicles. The calcium, phosphate, magnesium, and hydroxyproline content was reduced in the vitamin A offspring. However, the percentage of these minerals expressed per dry weight bone was higher than in controls, verifying the morphological findings that although vitamin A inhibits bone growth, it enhances calcification in the growth plate. 相似文献
N Schachar D McAllister M Stevenson K Novak L McGann 《Journal of orthopaedic research》1992,10(5):603-609
To determine the fate of transplanted cryopreserved articular cartilage, an animal model employing the proximal humerus in the rabbit has been developed. Previous studies have been hindered by problems of postoperative joint instability, secondary injury due to immobilization, and paucity of cartilage for analysis. This experiment demonstrates the survival and function of transplanted cartilage by quantitative assessment of metabolic and biochemical parameters. Forty-five New Zealand white rabbits underwent transplantation of the right proximal humerus. In 29 animals, the proximal half of the humerus was resected and replaced by a cryopreserved osteoarticular allograft. Autograft procedures were carried out in the remaining animals. Following sacrifice at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months postoperatively, articular cartilage was analyzed for gross appearance, collagen synthesis, proteoglycan synthesis, and water, hydroxyproline, hexosamine, and hexuronic acid contents. The results indicate that the cryopreserved osteoarticular allografts retained their metabolic and biochemical integrity and behaved as viable and biologically functional units 1 year postoperatively. 相似文献