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1-溴丙烷作为臭氧层破坏物氟氯烃类替代品之一而被广泛推广使用,然而1-溴丙烷中毒事件的报道,促使对其进行职业人群流行病学的研究,结果表明1-溴丙烷对人具有潜在的神经毒性,会引起人体外周神经传导速度降低、下肢振动觉下降、共济失调等症状体征。为尝试解释1-溴丙烷的神经毒性作用机制,同时也进行了动物实验研究。国内外学者对1-溴丙烷神经毒性方面的研究资料已进行过整理,在此基础上,就近几年1-溴丙烷神经毒性的研究进展作一简要综述。  相似文献   

儿童神经心理发育受多种内外因素的综合影响。近年来,许多研究表明大气颗粒物暴露会对儿童神经心理发育产生不良影响。该文综述了大气颗粒物暴露对儿童神经心理发育影响的相关研究,包括儿童学习问题、孤独症谱系障碍、儿童睡眠障碍等,分析了其中存在的问题,并对未来研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

近十余年来,由于应用神经生理、神经病理、和神经生化等新技术对周围神经进行研究,人们对周围神经的结构与功能及其病理生理的认识,取得了重要的进展。1970年在神经病理学国际会议上,世界各国首次对这一课题进行专题交流讨论,此后又有较多的研究报告、综述、和专著问世,因而日益受到了人们的重视。现将国外有关周围神经  相似文献   

计算机作业者神经行为功能的研究刘世平娄明珍梁淑英张宁孙靖神经行为功能测试是反映神经亚临床病损的合适指标,具有灵敏、经济、无创、不易受文化水平影响的优点。我们对计算机作业者的神经行为功能进行了研究。一、对象与方法实验组:选取计算机应用频率高的单位的72...  相似文献   

目的:本次针对踝关节周围神经CT多平面重建的影像表现进行了探究。方法:选取了我院正常成年人踝关节CT图像作为本次的研究对象,共有30例,并且在Philips EBW工作站上对踝关节周围神经进行多平面重建,取其最大显示层面,对其的影像学表现和特点进行了观察。结果:在多平面重建图像中,显示胫神经踝管段、足底内侧神经主干及足底内、外侧神经起始部分叉的有30例,显示足底外侧神经主干的有28例,显示跟内侧神经的有26例,显示腓深神经踝关节段的有五例。结论:通过CT多平面重建,能够对踝关节周围主要神经走行起止点、方向、形态、粗细、张力及毗邻关系进行显示,在神经损伤及相关病变当中,对影像学诊断有着极大的临床价值。  相似文献   

神经干细胞具有多向分化潜能,可在体内外分化成神经系统的几种主要细胞类型,是神经发生的基础。存在于环境中的各种外源化学物可能会通过调控其分化过程的方式而对神经系统发育产生巨大影响。该文综述了神经干细胞分化调控机制以及外源化学物[包括乙醇、金属及其化合物(铅、汞等)及其他环境污染物]对神经干细胞分化过程影响的相关研究,并对未来可能的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

目的本次研究主要针对神经介入治疗常见的并发症及处理经验进行总结。方法本次研究主要选取了2015年2月~2017年2月期间内60例采用神经介入治疗患者的临床治疗资料,针对患者在治疗过程中出现的常见并发症及处理方法进行分析。结果本次研究的患者在神经介入治疗中并发症的发生率为13.3%(8/60),其中包括血栓形成、弹簧圈移位、血管痉挛、微导管到位失败、脑梗塞、动脉瘤破裂。讨论医护人员需要对患者的血流动力学、神经影像学以及神经解剖进行深入了解,并严格遵守标准的操作章程以及操作技术,针对出现的并发症需及时给予有效处理。  相似文献   

为了解人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus, HIV)感染者代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome, MS)与神经认知损伤关联研究现状,系统检索Ovid Medline、Embase、中国知网、维普中文期刊服务平台、万方数据知识服务平台等数据库1992-2019年间发表的关于HIV感染者MS与神经认知损伤关联的原创性研究文献并对符合纳入排除标准文献进行分析归纳总结。最终共纳入22篇文献,包括14篇横断面研究、7篇队列研究和1篇二手资料分析;其中10篇研究纳入了HIV阴性人群对照。根据量表评估神经认知损伤程度,指标主要为测试分数。综述结果显示,HIV感染者代谢紊乱较普遍,神经认知损伤患病率存在较大的地区差异;HIV感染者MS与神经认知损伤风险增加相关。由于各研究采用不同量表对神经认知及单个功能领域损伤进行评估,不同研究中MS组分与神经认知及各功能领域之间关联复杂,不同功能领域结果甚至存在较大差异。HIV感染者代谢紊乱可能与神经认知功能不同领域损伤风险增加有关。鉴于目前研究证据有限且主要集中在欧美发达国家,需要更多其它地区及发展中国家的研究证据。  相似文献   

铅对男(雄)性生殖生育的影响研究现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
动物实验和人群流行病学研究表明 ,铅对男 (雄 )性生殖生育的影响主要涉及男性精液质量降低、神经内分泌功能紊乱、配偶不良妊娠过程和结局以及子代生长发育和神经行为功能损害 ,本文就以上几个方面研究的现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

我国环境流行病学研究中的神经行为功能评价方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
许多环境有害因素具有神经毒性,将神经行为学评价方法应用于环境流行病学,不仅有利于判断环境有害因素对机体的早期、潜隐性损害,而且可以及早筛检出受累人群,防止其发展为不可逆性损伤.目前,国内外神经行为学评价方法种类繁多,该文对国内适用于环境流行病学研究的几种神经行为学评价方法及其应用进行了综述.  相似文献   

极低频电磁场与肿瘤关系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着科技的进步和社会经济的迅速发展,各种电子、电力设备和设施的广泛应用使人们周围生活环境中的极低频电磁场强度日益增大,极低频电磁场与健康之间的关系引起了世界各国的关注,并开展了相应的研究.近些年来,对极低频电磁场与白血病、脑肿瘤、乳腺癌及其他肿瘤的发生的关系,国内外开展了大量的流行病学研究.该文综述了这些研究结果,并分析了极低频电磁场对肿瘤影响的可能作用机制.  相似文献   

We have reviewed epidemiological studies examining the association between residential exposure to extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields (ELF-EMF) and childhood leukemia. We have excluded studies focusing on electrical appliances, because it is difficult to consolidate transient exposure from multiple sources and equally difficult to control information bias. We have identified 24 studies of residential exposure to ELF-EMF and childhood leukemia. About half of these studies were reported as positive and the remaining as null. For each of the studies reported as positive, however, one or more sources of bias could not be confidently excluded. Moreover, studies which were methodologically more sound, or benefited from high quality registry data, were more frequently null than other investigations. We conclude that the empirical evidence in support of an association between ELF-EMF and childhood leukemia is weak.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that professional exposure to Extremely Low Frequency-Electro Magnetic Field (ELF-EMF) can increase the risk of sudden cardiac death. Aim of our work was to find predictive parameters of arrhythmic risk in a population of 28 railways drivers exposed to ELF-EMF.Our findings were that the exposure did not reduce HRV and did not increase the risk of arrhythmias.  相似文献   

The question whether static magnetic fields (SMFs) and extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) cause biological effects is of special interest. We investigated the effects of continuous whole body exposure to both fields for 30 days on some liver and blood parameters in mice. Two exposure systems were designed; the first produced a gradient SMF while the second generated uniform 50 Hz ELF-EMF. The results showed a gradual body weight loss when mice were exposed to either field. This is coupled with a significant decrease (P<0.05) in the levels of glucose, total protein and the activity of alkaline phosphatase in serum. A significant increase in lactate dehydrogenase activity was demonstrated in serum and liver paralleled with a significant elevation in hepatic γ-glutamyl transferase activity. The glutathione-S-transferase activity and lipid peroxidation level in the liver were significantly increased while a significant decrease in hepatic gluthathione content was recorded. A significant decrease in the counts of monocytes, platelets, peripheral lymphocytes as well as splenic total, T and B lymphocytes levels was observed for SMF and ELF-EMF exposed groups. The granulocytes percentage was significantly increased. The results indicate that there is a relation between the exposure to SMF or ELF-EMF and the oxidative stress through distressing redox balance leading to physiological disturbances.  相似文献   



The effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) on the blood serum and liver lipid concentrations of male Wistar rats were assessed.  相似文献   


Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have been considered of great interest for human health due to their potential anti-inflammatory action that may protect from a number of chronic-degenerative diseases with an inflammatory pathogenesis. This review aimed to report the most updated evidence of both n-3 and n-6 PUFAs effect on cardiovascular disease, cancer, and depression in humans. Attention has been also paid to those studies exploring the effects of the ratio intake. Results from pooled analyses of human studies reported a general positive effect of n-3 PUFAs intake on all outcomes considered. In contrast, the role of n-6 PUFAs on human health needs to be better assessed in order to clearly identify which compound exerts beneficial/harmful effects. Only a limited number of clinical studies considered the n-3:n-6 PUFAs ratio, rather reporting contrasting results. A number of limitations when considering the ratio between these two families of PUFAs have risen.  相似文献   

空气细颗粒物(PM2.5)生物效应指标研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文阐述了细颗粒物生物效应指标的研究进展。细颗粒物是一种重要的空气污染物 ,它的形态和组成相当复杂 ,不仅含有大量的有机物如B(a)p ,而且含有许多重金属如Pb、Cd、Cr等。这些组分大多数是有毒的 ,其中一些可以引起肺部炎症和哮喘 ,另一些具有遗传毒性的物质可能是潜在的致癌物。细颗粒物可经过呼吸进入肺部 ,并且沉积在肺组织 ,因此它严重危害人类健康。流行病学研究已经显示细颗粒物与疾病发病率和死亡率的上升有关 ,尤其是心脏和肺部疾病。目前认为细颗粒物可能通过氧化、炎症刺激及对遗传物质的作用对机体造成损伤 ,但细颗粒物的致病机制仍不很清楚 ,因此有必要进一步探索其生物效应  相似文献   

农村基层卫生服务研究课题报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村基层卫生服务研究反映的是农村最基本的卫生服务状况,包括门诊与住院、妇幼保健与计划免疫以及地方病防治等。本文通过安徽、江西与江苏三省六县的研究表明:门诊与住院服务都受到当地医疗保健制度的影响,常见的门诊与住院病种是呼吸道疾病与消化道疾病,已婚育龄妇女节育率平均为94.2%,女性结扎率在三省有差别,儿童计划免疫覆盖率平均为84.7%,医疗保健制度与父母受教育程度是计划免疫的主要影响因素,血吸虫病防治已取得了巨大的成绩,居民感染率大幅度下降,已基本达到了控制的目标。研究结果还表明:医疗保健制度对基层卫生服务的影响较大,因此加强农村医疗保健制度的研究应是当前农村卫生工作的重点之一。  相似文献   

Whether exposure of humans to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) can cause cancer is controversial and therefore needs further research. We used a Friend erythroleukemia cell line that can be chemically induced to differentiate to determine whether ELF-EMF could alter proliferation and differentiation in these cells in a manner similar to that of a chemical tumor promoter. Exposure of this cell line to 60 Hz ELF-EMF resulted in a dose dependent inhibition of differentiation, with maximal inhibition peaking at 40% and 40 mG (4 microT). ELF-EMF at 10 mG (1.0 microT) and 25 mG (2.5 microT) inhibited differentiation at 0 and 20%, respectively. ELF-EMF at 1.0 (100) and 10.0 G (1,000 microT) stimulated cell proliferation 50% above the sham-treated cells. The activity of telomerase, a marker of undifferentiated cells, decreased 100[times] when the cells were induced to differentiate under sham conditions, but when the cells were exposed to 0.5 G (50 microT) there was only a 10[times] decrease. In summary, ELF-EMF can partially block the differentiation of Friend erythroleukemia cells, and this results in a larger population of cells remaining in the undifferentiated, proliferative state, which is similar to the published results of Friend erythroleukemia cells treated with chemical-tumor promoters.  相似文献   

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