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针刺“足三里”对猫胃电的影响及神经机理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针刺“足三里”具有特异的调整脾胃功能,治疗胃肠疾患的临床效果。早期文献报道,针刺对胃运动和胃液分泌有调整作用。近年来针刺对胃电影响的报道较多。电针“足三里”可抑制猫胃电慢波的频率和幅度,可减少狗用胃泌素增加胃电的效应,也可增加狗胃电快波的频率和幅度;手法捻针“足三里”可减少兔胃电频率。针刺对实验动物胃电慢波是否具有双向调节作用,电针和手法运针(简称手针)的针效是否相似尚未见具体报道。本工作探讨了针刺对胃电慢波的调整作用,比较了电针和手针的差异,并对其神经机理作了探讨。  相似文献   

针刺对家兔肾血流量,泌尿量及输尿管运动的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本工作在20只家兔上通过记录肾动脉血流量、输尿管蠕动的频率及幅度和肾泌尿量的变化,观察了电针双侧“三阴交”、“照海”穴对肾泌尿功能的影响。结果表明:电针后引起肾血流量显著增加:输尿管蠕动频率加快,幅度增大;肾泌尿量显著增多。且针刺效应持续的时间较长,能维持2h以上。我们认为:针刺引起的利尿效应很可能是由于肾血流量增加及通过肾交感、体液多种因素而产生的。  相似文献   

福寿草总甙对心功不全的水肿有继发性的利尿作用。动物实验证实:福寿草总甙对麻醉狗具有利尿作用,尿中排钠、氯、钾较对照组为多,从而提示其利尿作用可能通过抑制肾小管对钠、氯、钾离子重吸收而产生。  相似文献   

电针对狗胃分泌的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
实验在5只带有食道瘘和胃瘘清醒狗进行。胃液通过胃瘘连续收集,每15分钟收集一次。针刺足三里、脾俞和内关等穴位。实验结果表明,针刺穴位可使胃液碳酸氢盐和钠分泌显著增加,胃酸明显减少。电针要比手针作用效果好。针刺对胃酸分泌作用可被局部麻醉药——利多卡因封闭穴位或静脉给予抗胆碱药物——阿托品所阻断。提示针刺对胃分泌作用是通过体壁——内脏反射机制实现,其中胆碱能神经起着重要作用。  相似文献   

金荆排石剂防治尿路结石的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟志勇  欧碧阳  郑远  甘澍  韩坚  吴清和 《中成药》2007,29(7):981-984
目的:探讨金荆排石剂对尿路结石的防冶作用。方法:采用大鼠利尿实验、实验性草酸钙结石防治实验、家兔离体输尿管实验及尿路结石溶解实验。结果:金荆排石剂能增加水负荷大鼠尿量,降低肾结石模型大鼠的肾钙含量,减轻炎症性病理变化,减少肾草酸钙结晶沉积,降低家兔输尿管的平均张力。结论:金荆排石剂有明显的防治结石作用,该药通过抑制成石物质的吸收、利尿、抗炎、抑制结晶形成、降低输尿管张力等途径起效的。  相似文献   

临床实践表明,针灸对多种慢性、耗损性疾病有不同程度疗效,为探索其机理,本实验做了如下动物实验观察。 1.大鼠每日腹腔注射氢化可的松3毫克/公斤,连续9天,造成动物机体耗损,动物呈现一系列肾上腺皮质机能减退状态:毛松,少动,弓背,肾上腺萎缩(重量明显减轻),血浆糖皮质激素含量明显降低等。对这种耗损动物给以电针治疗(双“肾俞”穴,电针频率15次/秒,强度以动物耐受为度,间日电针一次,每次15分钟)经9次电针后,大鼠肾上腺湿重,血浆糖皮质激素含量都显著高于模型对照组。这一结果提示,针刺可以促进萎缩肾上腺修复,改善其分泌活动。 2.由上述实验结果表明,在动物血浆糖皮质激素处于低水平时,针刺对肾上腺皮质分泌活动具有激活作用,而当动物体内保持较高和平的列源性糖皮质激素时,针刺的作用又如何呢;对中枢五羟色胺系统是否参与垂体-肾上腺系统的调节的有关报道不鲜,那么中枢五羟色胺系统是否参与针刺的调正作用,本实验就如上问题做了初步探索。大鼠一次腹腔注射大剂量长较外源性糖皮质激素地塞米松(6.8毫克/公斤体重)4小时后,动物血浆皮质酮含量显著降低,表明肾上腺皮质分泌活动处于反馈性抑制状态。对这种地塞米松动物电针15分钟(方法同实验1)后,动物血浆皮质酮水平显著升高,它表明针刺可以显著对抗外源性激素对肾上腺皮质系统的反馈性抑制。在本实验中还观察到,注射地塞米松后,大鼠间脑5-HT,5-HIAA含量明显降低,地塞米松对5-HT的合成、代谢具有抑制作用。地塞米松动物电针15分钟后,其间脑5-HT,5-HTIAA水平明显高于地塞米松对照组,但仍显著低于盐水加电针组,针刺对地塞米松动物中枢5-HT系统功能活动具有激活作用,但激活程度与血糖皮质激素水平有关,中枢5-HT系统可能参与针刺对垂体-肾上腺皮质系统的调整作用。  相似文献   

目的:本实验通过对比分析电针水沟、足三里、内关对硝普钠所致低血压大鼠的升压效应,作用靶点及起效环节,从而进一步研究腧穴的特异性。方法:将硝普钠造模的SD大鼠随机分为4组,即对照组不做治疗,“水沟”“足三里…‘内关”组电针,观察电针对其血压的影响,采用放射免疫方法,观察三穴对低血压状态下大鼠循环及心、脑、肾不同组织RAAS系统及其相关物质的影响。结果:电针可使“水沟…‘足三里”组血压显著升高;对循环RAAS的影响,其升压效应与循环中的肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮并非直线相关;且二穴对心脏的RAAS系统都有特异性的靶向作用,对脑及肾脏的RAAS系统均无明显的调节作用;内关在本实验中没有显示升压效应,且对循环、心、脑、肾等部位RAAS系统均无明显的调节作用。结论:水沟、足三里对硝普钠造成的急性低血压确有显著的升压效应,而内关穴在本实验中未显示出其升压效应,这可能与三穴所作用的靶器官不同,及作用启动环节不同有关。  相似文献   

实验共分五组:①健康成年男子10名,分别于肾俞穴及肾俞穴附近的非经穴部位留针15分钟。②PG(前列腺素)合成被抑制及禁食的情况下留针。③在狗的一侧肾动脉注入15ng/ml Ad(肾上腺素)并测定其分肾尿量和肾组织血流量。④对12例特发性高血压患者于肾俞穴留针。⑤良导络(NSV)测定。结果:针刺肾俞穴组有明显的水—钠利尿作用,非经穴部位针刺组则无。②均  相似文献   

针灸对泌尿系统功能调节作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
临床上大量资料表明针灸能治疗急慢性肾炎、肾盂肾炎、泌尿系结石及各种原因引起的尿潴留、尿失禁、遗尿等,甚至可以治疗神经损伤所致神经原性膀胱,说明针灸对泌尿系统功能有良好的调节作用。泌尿系统功能除肾脏泌尿功能外,还有膀胱的贮尿、排尿功能,而膀胱功能的好坏,除肾脏的泌尿系统外,还取决于膀胱和尿道的协调功能及排尿中枢(包括高级中枢)对膀胱机能的影响,近10年来针灸对泌尿系统功能的调节作用有较大的进展,现分述如下: 1 针灸对肾泌尿量及输尿管运动的影响 唐嘉麟等报道在20只家兔上通过记录肾动脉血流量、输尿管蠕动的频率及幅度和肾泌尿量的变化,观察了电针双侧“三阴交”、“照海”穴对肾泌尿功能的影响。结果表明,电针后引起肾血流量显著增加,输尿管蠕动频率加快,幅度增大,肾泌尿量显著增多,针刺效应持续的时间较长,能维持2小时以上。认为针刺引起的利尿效应很可能是由于肾血流量增加及通过肾交感、体液多种因素而产生的。蔡乃真等通过实验观察针刺前后正常健康家兔的“左肾俞穴”,其尿量、尿液渗透  相似文献   

人参党参甘草对家兔晚期失血性休克的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人参、党参、甘草同属补气药。曾有人报导,狗在大失血休克时,立即用人参注射液静脉注射可使降至很低水平的血压稳固回升,延长动物存活时间。党参有扩张血管降低麻醉动物血压的作用,但在生脉散中,党参却是主药。而生脉散对狗失血性休克有升压作用。甘草酸钠使家兔血压上升.本实验拟探讨以上三种不同补气药对家兔晚期失血性休克的升压作用。  相似文献   

The effects of two flavonoid derivatives, naringenin and silymarin on urinary excretion of water and electrolytes were investigated in isotonic saline loaded rats. Both compounds, especially naringenin, showed a moderate diuretic activity, in comparison with furosemide, increasing significantly the renal loss of sodium, chloride and potassium. With respect to silymarin, although urinary excretion was significantly lower, it caused a marked decrease in potassium excretion. These results indicate that naringenin has a diuretic behaviour similar to moderate-efficiency diuretic agents and silymarin to potassium-sparing diuretics.  相似文献   

Carissa edulis (forssk) vahl (Apocynaceae) is used traditionally for the treatment of headache, chest complaints, rheumatism, gonorrhoea, syphilis, rabies and as a diuretic. In the present study, the diuretic activity of different extracts of Carissa edulis was investigated. The diuretic activity of the different extracts of Carissa edulis in a dose range of 50-1000 mg/kg was assessed orally in rats using hydrochlorothiazide as a standard drug. The root bark maceration extract showed no effect on the urine output up to a dose of 1000 mg/kg, while the root bark soxhlet extract produced a significant increase (P < 0.05) in urine output at a dose of 1000 mg/kg. The root wood maceration and root wood soxhlet extracts produced a significant increase in urine output at a dose of 50 mg/kg, with a P-value of <0.05. Urinary electrolyte excretion was also affected by the extracts: the root bark soxhlet extract increased urinary excretion of sodium, potassium and chloride ions; root wood maceration extract increased excretion of sodium and potassium, while root wood soxhlet extract increased excretion of potassium ion. These findings support the traditional use of Carissa edulis as a diuretic agent.  相似文献   

目的:栀子是治疗胆汁淤积和黄疸的常用中药,中医理论认为栀子可“引湿热自小便而出”从而发挥其退黄利胆的功效,然而有关栀子利胆的分子机制目前尚未阐明。因此,实验以正常大鼠为研究对象,通过考察不同剂量栀子水提物对胆酸盐随尿液排泄量的影响以及对肾脏介导胆酸盐自尿液外排的主要转运体Mrp2和Mrp4蛋白表达量的影响,探究的栀子利胆的分子机制。 方法:雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为对照组,等效剂量组和高剂量组3组(n=6),各组大鼠分别灌胃给予纯化水、0.3 g/kg/d和0.9 g/kg/d栀子水提物干燥粉末的水溶液,每天2次,连续灌胃2周。于干预结束时禁食12 h,麻醉后,收集大鼠血清、1 h胆汁和12 h尿液样本,以及肝脏和肾脏组织样本,测定血清转氨酶以及各样本中总胆酸盐的水平,并采用Western Blotting法测定大鼠肾脏中Mrp2和Mrp4的蛋白表达量。 结果:与对照组相比,栀子水提物尤其是高剂量组可明显降低肝脏中胆酸盐的浓度(P<0.05),显著增加胆酸盐自尿液的排泄总量(P<0.05)并上调肾脏Mrp2的蛋白表达量(P<0.05),但其对胆汁流速、胆酸盐自胆汁排泄量及肾脏Mrp4蛋白表达量无显著影响(P>0.05)。 结论: 栀子可通过上调肾脏外排转运体Mrp2的蛋白表达,增加胆酸盐自尿液的排泄而发挥利胆作用,这可能是栀子“引湿热自小便而出”而发挥利胆功效的相关中医理论的分子机制。  相似文献   

The effects of Clematis montevidensis Spreng. (Ranunculaceae) on urinary excretion of water, sodium and potassium were investigated in rats loaded with isotonic saline solution. The data reported in the present work indicate that the infusions of the root and aerial part of Clematis montevidensis showed a moderate diuretic activity. This effect could be due, at least in part, to the presence of oleanolic acid isolated from this plant.  相似文献   

The aerial part of Bidens odorata Cav., are used in Mexican Folk Medicine to treat renal diseases. The aim of this study is to measure the diuretic response to aqueous extract of this plant at doses of 41 and 166 mg/kg and to compare it with that induced by furosemide at 2 mg/kg. Aqueous extracts, furosemide or vehicle were administered orally to adult rats and the effects on sodium, potassium and water balance were assessed. Aqueous extracts at both doses and furosemide produced important and significant increments in urinary excretion of sodium, potassium and water in rats with respect to control group. This increase was dose dependent and aqueous extract at the highest dose induced a more marked sodium and water excretion than furosemide, potassium excretion increased but it was less than the one induced by furosemide. These results suggest that the aqueous extract of Bidens odorata induce diuretic response.  相似文献   

The present studies were undertaken to explain the mechanism of action of the hypothesive effect of Pistacia lentiscus L. aqueous extract. The potassium, calcium and magnesium content of the aqueous extract was determined and synthetic mixtures of salts evaluated in rats. The urinary excretion volume and the sodium and potassium concentrations in urine were also determined. In an effort to explain the effects of the extract, in vivo pharmacological experiments were conducted.  相似文献   

Herbal remedies are widely used in Moroccan pharmacopoeia. We assessed the diuretic effect of two medicinal plants: Rosmarinus officinalis L., Labiatae, and Centaurium erythraea L., Gentianaceae, both reputed for the treatment of urinary ailments. To determine the action of these herbs on urinary volume (UV) and the excretion of sodium (U(Na)V), potassium (U(K)V), and chloride (U(Cl)V), the aqueous extracts of both plants were administered daily to Wistar rats for 1 week. The concentration of electrolytes and urea in plasma and creatinine clearance were also investigated. Daily oral administration of the aqueous extracts of R. officinalis and C. erythraea at the dose of 10 ml/kg of 8 or 16% extract in distilled water significantly enhanced diuresis in rats compared to the control group from the fifth day of treatment. For R. officinalis at the dose of 8% the peak of urinary excretion of sodium, potassium and chloride was reached after 6 days of treatment (P<0.001). The aqueous extract of of R. officinalis at the dose of 16% did not significantly affect the excretion of water and electrolytes over a similar period but slight increases in urinary excretion of sodium and chloride on the seventh day and of potassium on the sixth day (P<0.05) were observed. No increase was recorded for 24 h urinary excretion of Na+, K+ and Cl- during the first 4 days of treatment for the groups treated with C. erythraea at the doses of 8 and 16% whereas their effects on the same parameters were highly significant thereafter. No change was observed in plasma electrolytes and urea in any group, except for a decrease in sodium and chloride concentration in the group treated with 16% of R. officinalis. A decrease in creatinine clearance was demonstrated after treatment with 8% of R. officinalis and C. erythraea. Our findings demonstrate a diuretic effect of aqueous extracts of R. officinalis L. and C. erythraea L. with the most effective dose for water and electrolyte excretion being 8% for both plants.  相似文献   

目的 探讨银杏达莫注射液对糖尿病肾病尿蛋白排泄率的影响.方法 选择糖尿病肾病患者90例分为A、B两组.A组为微量白蛋白尿组,B组为大量白蛋白尿组.两组均静脉滴注银杏达莫注射液15 ml,1次/d,4周为1个疗程,同时维持原降糖约物治疗,比较两组治疗前后尿蛋白的变化.结果 A组尿蛋白排泄率显著降低(P<0.01).结论 银杏达莫注射液可降低尿微量白蛋白,对糖尿病肾病早期有一定治疗作用.  相似文献   

The kidneys play a central role in regulating water, ion composition and excretion of metabolic waste products in the urine. Cuscuta chinensis has been known as an important traditional Oriental medicine for the treatment of liver and kidney disorders. Thus, we studied whether an aqueous extract of Cuscuta chinensis (ACC) seeds has an effect on renal function parameters in ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute renal failure (ARF) rats. Administration of 250 mg/kg/day ACC showed that renal functional parameters including urinary excretion rate, osmolality, Na(+), K(+), Cl(-), creatinine clearance, solute-free water reabsorption were significantly recovered in ischemia/reperfusion-induced ARF. Periodic acid Schiff staining showed that administration of ACC improved tubular damage in ischemia/reperfusion-induced ARF. In immunoblot and immunohistological examinations, ischemia/reperfusion-induced ARF decreased the expressions of water channel AQP 2, 3 and sodium potassium pump Na,K-ATPase in the renal medulla. However, administration of ACC markedly incremented AQP 2, 3 and Na,K-ATPase expressions. Therefore, these data indicate that administration of ACC ameliorates regulation of the urine concentration and renal functions in rats with ischemia/reperfusion-induced ARF.  相似文献   

目的:研究电针八髎穴配合穴位注射鼠神经生长因子(mNGF)治疗脊髓损伤(SCI)后神经源性膀胱(NB)功能障碍的临床效果.方法:60例SCI后NB尿潴留型患者,用随机数字分配法分为两组,普通电针刺组(对照组)及电针联合穴位注射mNGF组(观察组);两组同时治疗4个疗程后评估膀胱功能积分、排尿情况、生活质量、中医证候评分...  相似文献   

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