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There are regional variations of sex chromosome morphologies in the Japanese wrinkled frog, Rana rugosa (2n = 26): heterogametic ZZ/ZW-type and XX/XY-type sex chromosomes, and two different types of homomorphic sex chromosomes. To search for homology between the ZW and XY sex chromosomes and the chromosome rearrangements that have occurred during sex chromosomal differentiation in R. rugosa, we performed chromosome mapping of sexual differentiation genes for R. rugosa by FISH. Three genes, AR, SF-1/Ad4BP and Sox3, were localized to both the ZW and XY chromosomes, and their locations were all different between the Z and W and between the X and Y. AR and SF-1/Ad4BP were located on the short arms of the W and X and the long arms of Z and Y, and Sox3 was mapped to the different locations on the long arms between the Z and W and between the X and Y, probably as a result of multiple rearrangements that occurred during the process of sex chromosome differentiation. However, the chromosomal locations of three genes were almost consistent between the Z and Y and between the W and X, indicating that the Z and Y chromosomes and the W and X chromosomes were respectively derived from the same origins. Dmrt1, which is located on avian sex chromosomes, was localized to autosomes in R. rugosa with both the ZW and XY sex chromosomes, suggesting that Dmrt1 might not be related to sex determination in this species.  相似文献   

A multiple sex chromosome system of the X1X1X2X2:X1X2Y type is reported to occur in the fish species Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus (Gymnotiformes, Hypopomidae), being the second occurrence of this sex chromosome system in Gymnotiformes and the fifth among Neotropical freshwater fish. The possible origin of this system was hypothesized to be a centric fusion, which occurred in an ancestral form, of two medium-sized acrocentrics, giving origin to the metacentric neo-Y. Heterochromatic DAPI-positive regions were visualized in the pericentromeric region of all the chromosomes, including the Y-chromosome. In-situ hybridization with (TTAGGG) n (all-human-telomeres probe) did not detect any telomeric interstitial regions (ITS), indicating a possible loss of terminal segments of the chromosomes involved in the neo-Y formation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Although the sex-determining gene DMY has been identified on the Y chromosome in the medaka, Oryzias latipes, this gene is absent in most Oryzias species. Recent comparative studies have demonstrated that, in the javanicus species group, Oryzias dancena and Oryzias minutillus have an XX/XY sex determination system, while Oryzias hubbsi has a ZZ/ZW system. Furthermore, sex chromosomes were not homologous in these species. Here, we investigated the sex determination mechanism in Oryzias javanicus, another species in the javanicus group. Linkage analysis of isolated sex-linked DNA markers showed that this species has a ZZ/ZW sex determination system. The sex-linkage map showed a conserved synteny to the linkage group 16 of O. latipes, suggesting that the sex chromosomes in O. javanicus are not homologous to those in any other Oryzias species. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization analysis confirmed that the ZW sex chromosomes of O. javanicus and O. hubbsi are not homologous, and showed that O. javanicus has the morphologically heteromorphic sex chromosomes, in which the W chromosome has 4,6-diamino-2-phenylindole-positive heterochromatin at the centromere. These findings suggest the repeated evolution of new sex chromosomes from autosomes in Oryzias, probably through the emergence of new sex-determining genes.  相似文献   

Amphibians employ genetic sex determination systems with male and female heterogamety. The ancestral state of sex determination in amphibians has been suggested to be female heterogamety; however, the origins of the sex chromosomes and the sex-determining genes are still unknown. In Xenopus laevis, chromosome 3 with a candidate for the sex- (ovary-) determining gene (DM-W) was recently identified as the W sex chromosome. This study conducted comparative genomic hybridization for X. laevis and Xenopus tropicalis and FISH mapping of eight sexual differentiation genes for X. laevis, X. tropicalis, and Rana rugosa. Three sex-linked genes of R. rugosaAR, SF-1/Ad4BP, and Sox3—are all localized to chromosome 10 of X. tropicalis, whereas AR and SF-1/Ad4BP are mapped to chromosome 14 and Sox3 to chromosome 11 in X. laevis. These results suggest that the W sex chromosome was independently acquired in the lineage of X. laevis, and the origins of the ZW sex chromosomes are different between X. laevis and R. rugosa. Cyp17, Cyp19, Dmrt1, Sox9, and WT1 were localized to autosomes in X. laevis and R. rugosa, suggesting that these five genes probably are not candidates for the sex-determining genes in the two anuran species.  相似文献   

Hoplias malabaricus, a widely distributed neotropical fish (Central America to Argentina), may represent a group of distinct species showing diversified cytotypes with respect to chromosome number, morphology and sex systems. One of these karyotypic forms is characterized by an X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y sex chromosome system, with 2n= 40 and 39 chromosomes in females and males respectively. Analyses with G-, C- and chromosome replication banding permitted a better characterization of the sex chromosomes in this cytotype. The Y chromosome, unique in males, resulted from a translocation event between two biarmed chromosomes: one similar to chromosome 6 (X1) and the other one similar to chromosome 20 (X2), the latter corresponding to a probable identification. On the basis of the observed banding patterns, the Y chromosome may represent a stable dicentric, with an inactive centromere interstitially located on its long arm. The results are also related to a specific satellite DNA subfamily, previously characterized in Hoplias malabaricus, which appears to be associated with the X1 chromosome.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Palaeognathous birds (Struthioniformes and Tinamiformes) have morphologically conserved karyotypes and less differentiated ZW sex chromosomes. To delineate interspecific chromosome orthologies in palaeognathous birds we conducted comparative chromosome painting with chicken (Gallus gallus, GGA) chromosome 1–9 and Z chromosome paints (GGA1–9 and GGAZ) for emu, double-wattled cassowary, ostrich, greater rhea, lesser rhea and elegant crested tinamou. All six species showed the same painting patterns: each probe was hybridized to a single pair of chromosomes with the exception that the GGA4 was hybridized to the fourth largest chromosome and a single pair of microchromosomes. The GGAZ was also hybridized to the entire region of the W chromosome, indicating that extensive homology remains between the Z and W chromosomes on the molecular level. Comparative FISH mapping of four Z- and/or W-linked markers, the ACO1/IREBP, ZOV3 and CHD1 genes and the EE0.6 sequence, revealed the presence of a small deletion in the proximal region of the long arm of the W chromosome in greater rhea and lesser rhea. These results suggest that the karyotypes and sex chromosomes of palaeognathous birds are highly conserved not only morphologically, but also at the molecular level; moreover, palaeognathous birds appear to retain the ancestral lineage of avian karyotypes.  相似文献   

Leporinus lacustris had been studied previously, and shows 2n=54 metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes, including an XX/XY system described on the basis of Giemsa-stained preparations. However, there was some doubt regarding the identification of the sex chromosomes, because of the relative homogeneity of this species karyotype. Thus, the main goal of the present study was to find new evidence of heteromorphic sex chromosomes in these fish through chromosome banding and synaptonemal complex analyses. In fact, the data obtained do not support the presence of sexual heteromorphism. The importance of these methodologies in the study of fish sex chromosomes is discussed.  相似文献   

Most spiders exhibit a multiple sex chromosome system, X1X20, whose origin has not been satisfactorily explained. Examination of the sex chromosome systems in the spider genus Malthonica (Agelenidae) revealed considerable diversity in sex chromosome constitution within this group. Besides modes X1X20 (M. silvestris) and X1X2X30 (M. campestris), a neo-X1X2X3X4X5Y system in M. ferruginea was found. Ultrastructural analysis of spread pachytene spermatocytes revealed that the X1X20 and X1X2X30 systems include a pair of homomorphic sex chromosomes. Multiple X chromosomes and the pair exhibit an end-to-end pairing, being connected by attachment plaques. The X1X2X3X4X5Y system of M. ferruginea arose by rearrangement between the homomorphic sex chromosome pair and an autosome. Multiple X chromosomes and the sex chromosome pair do not differ from autosomes in a pattern of constitutive heterochromatin. Ultrastructural data on sex chromosome pairing in other spiders indicate that the homomorphic sex chromosome pair forms an integral part of the spider sex chromosome systems. It is suggested that this pair represents ancestral sex chromosomes of spiders, which generated multiple X chromosomes by non-disjunctions. Structural differentiation of newly formed X chromosomes has been facilitated by heterochromatinization of sex chromosome bivalents observed in prophase I of spider females.  相似文献   

Six populations of the fish Prochilodus lineatus were analysed for B chromosome frequency. A study of spermatogenesis revealed the absence of B accumulation during the stages analysed. In one of the populations, from the Mogi-Guaçu river where samples have been analysed over a ten-year period, B chromosome frequency doubled between 1979–80 and 1987–89, whereas no additional changes were noticed in samples collected in 1991–92. The analysis of B chromosome mitotic instability, manifested by intraindividual variation in B chromosome number, indicated a very significant decrease during this time period. This suggests that, in the 1980s, this population was in the final stage of B chromosome invasion, and that there was a possible causal relationship between B mitotic instability and the accumulation mechanism that caused its frequency increase. Mitotic stabilization might thus be a way by which a mitotically unstable B chromosome may become neutralized.  相似文献   

Chromosomal sex determination is the prevalent system found in animals but is rare among turtles. In fact, heteromorphic sex chromosomes are known in only seven of the turtles possessing genotypic sex determination (GSD), two of which correspond to cryptic sex microchromosomes detectable only with high-resolution cytogenetic techniques. Sex chromosomes were undetected in previous studies of Emydura macquarii, a GSD side-necked turtle. Using comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and GTG-banding, a heteromorphic XX/XY sex chromosome system was detected in E. macquarii. The Y chromosome appears submetacentric and somewhat larger than the metacentric X, the first such report for turtles. CGH revealed a male-specific chromosomal region, which appeared heteromorphic using GTG-banding, and was restricted to the telomeric region of the p arm. Based on our observations and the current phylogeny of chelid turtles, we hypothesize that the sex chromosomes of E. macquarii might be the result of a translocation of an ancestral Y microchromosome as found in a turtle belonging to a sister clade, Chelodina longicollis, onto the tip of an autosome. However, in the absence of data from an outgroup, the opposite (fission of a large XY into an autosome and a micro-XY) is theoretically equally likely. Alternatively, the sex chromosome systems of E. macquarii and C. longicollis may have evolved independently. We discuss the potential causes and consequences of such putative chromosome rearrangements in the evolution of sex chromosomes and sex-determining systems of turtles in general.  相似文献   

Hoplias malabaricus, a widely distributed neotropical freshwater fish, shows a conspicuous karyotypic diversification. An overview of this diversity is presented here comprising several Brazilian populations, and some others from Argentina, Uruguay and Surinam. Seven general cytotypes are clearly identified on the basis of their diploid number (2n=39 to 2n=42), chromosomal morphology and sex chromosome systems, which can be clustered into two major karyotypic groups. This clustering suggests that karyotype structure would be more informative than the diploid number regarding cytotype relationships in this fish group. While some cytotypes show a wide geographical distribution, some others appear to be endemic to specific hydrographic basins. Sympatric cytotypes can occur without detection of hybrid forms; this situation points to a lack of gene flow, a fact that is also reinforced by studies with genomic markers. The karyotypic data support the view that the nominal taxon H. malabaricus corresponds to a species complex comprising distinct evolutionary units, each with well-established chromosomal differences.  相似文献   

We describe SC complements and results from comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) on mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of the zebrafish Danio rerio, the platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus and the guppy Poecilia reticulata. The three fish species represent basic steps of sex chromosome differentiation: (1) the zebrafish with an all-autosome karyotype; (2) the platyfish with genetically defined sex chromosomes but no differentiation between X and Y visible in the SC or with CGH in meiotic and mitotic chromosomes; (3) the guppy with genetically and cytogenetically differentiated sex chromosomes. The acrocentric Y chromosomes of the guppy consists of a proximal homologous and a distal differential segment. The proximal segment pairs in early pachytene with the respective X chromosome segment. The differential segment is unpaired in early pachytene but synapses later in an ‘adjustment’ or ‘equalization’ process. The segment includes a postulated sex determining region and a conspicuous variable heterochromatic region whose structure depends on the particular Y chromosome line. CGH differentiates a large block of predominantly male-specific repetitive DNA and a block of common repetitive DNA in that region. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Early differentiation in rainbow trout gonads was investigated by expression profiling and in situ hybridization (ISH). Expression of cyp19a1 and fst in females and sox9a1 in males were sexually dimorphic between 32 to 35 days post-fertilization (dpf). After 35 dpf, the differentiation proceeded with sexually dimorphic profiles for sox9a2, dmrt1, cyp11b2.1, amh in males and foxl2a, foxl2b, hsd3b1, inha in females. cyp17a1, cyp11a1, star, nr5a1b increased only after 40 dpf in both sexes with a slightly higher expression in females. cyp19a1 expression was localized in a cluster of somatic cells in the ventral side of female gonads, and sox9a2 and amh in somatic cells surrounding the germ cells, at 28 dpf and thereafter, both in male and female gonads. cyp11b2.1, cyp17a1, and cyp11a1 expressions were only detected in scattered somatic cells in males after 46 dpf. This confirms the early implication of cyp19a1 in trout ovarian differentiation and suggests that early testicular differentiation does not need androgen production.  相似文献   

Many alien chromosomes have been introduced into common wheat (the genus Triticum) from related wild species (the genus Aegilops). Some alien chromosomes have unique genes that secure their existence in the host by causing chromosome breakage in the gametes lacking them. Such chromosomes or genes, called gametocidal (Gc) chromosomes or Gc genes, are derived from different genomes (C, S, Sl and Mg) and belong to three different homoeologous groups 2, 3 and 4. The Gc genes of the C and Mg genomes induce mild, or semi-lethal, chromosome mutations in euploid and alien addition lines of common wheat. Thus, induced chromosomal rearrangements have been identified and established in wheat stocks carrying deletions of wheat and alien (rye and barley) chromosomes or wheat–alien translocations. The gametocidal chromosomes isolated in wheat to date are reviewed here, focusing on their feature as a tool for chromosome manipulation.  相似文献   

Pachytene oocytes from the ratite bird Rhea americana were used for synaptonemal complex analysis with a surface spreading technique and phosphotungstic acid staining. The ZW bivalent is slightly smaller than the fourth autosomal bivalent and clearly shows unequal W and Z axes only in 27% of the bivalents. Most of the ZW pairs are completely adjusted and thus the W and Z axes are almost equal in length. A sample of 134 recombination nodules (RNs) from 63 ZW pairs showed a striking departure of number and location of these nodules compared with those of carinate birds. The average number of RNs in the ZW pair of R. americana is 2.13, and the average SC length per RN is 4.2 m. The locations of the RNs along most of the long arms of the Z and W are not random, and the distances between pairs of RNs show interference. Thus, the pattern of RNs in this mostly euchromatic ZW pair is identical to that of autosomes. From the present and previous data, it is concluded that the ZW pair of R. americana is in a primitive stage of chromosomal differentiation, in which recombination is restricted only in the small short arm and in the pericentromeric region.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Heteromorphic sex chromosomes are rare in turtles, having been described in only four species. Like many turtle species, the Australian freshwater turtle Chelodina longicollis has genetic sex determination, but no distinguishable (heteromorphic) sex chromosomes were identified in a previous karyotyping study. We used comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to show that C. longicollis has an XX/XY system of chromosomal sex determination, involving a pair of microchromosomes. C-banding and reverse fluorescent staining also distinguished microchromosomes with different banding patterns in males and females in ∼70% cells examined. GTG-banding did not reveal any heteromorphic chromosomes, and no replication asynchrony on the X or Y microchromosomes was observed using replication banding. We conclude that there is a very small sequence difference between X and Y chromosomes in this species, a difference that is consistently detectable only by high-resolution molecular cytogenetic techniques, such as CGH. This is the first time a pair of microchromosomes has been identified as the sex chromosomes in a turtle species.  相似文献   

The structural features and evolutionary state of the sex chromosomes of the XX/XY species of Rumex are unknown. Here, we report a study of the meiotic behaviour of the XY bivalent in Rumex acetosella and R. suffruticosus, a new species which we describe cytogenetically for the first time in this paper, and also that of the XY1Y2 trivalent of R. acetosa by both conventional cytogenetic techniques and analysis of synaptonemal complex formation. Fluorescent in situ hybridization with satellite DNA and rDNA sequences as probes was used to analyse the degree of cytogenetic differentiation between the X and Y chromosomes in order to depict their evolutionary stage in the three species. Contrasting with the advanced state of genetic differentiation between the X and the Y chromosomes in R. acetosa, we have found that R. acetosella and R. suffruticosus represent an early stage of genetic differentiation between sex chromosomes. Our findings further demonstrate the usefulness of the genus Rumex as a model for analysing the evolution of sex chromosomes in plants, since within this genus it is now possible to study the different levels of genetic differentiation between the sex chromosomes and to analyse their evolutionary history from their origin.  相似文献   

The cyprinid fish Alburnus alburnus possesses one of the largest supernumerary chromosomes in all vertebrates. In the present study, amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses (AFLP) and fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) were performed in order to characterize these extraordinary chromosomes in detail. Sequence analysis of the B chromosome-specific DNA revealed a strong homology to a Drosophila Gypsy/Ty3 retrotransposon and also to a medaka (Oryzias latipes) one. The sequence is highly abundant on the B chromosome but undetectable in the normal A chromosome complement. It is also absent from the B chromosome of the closely related species, Rutilus rutilus, suggesting a specific spreading of the mobile element during evolution of the giant supernumerary chromosome within A. alburnus. Meitotic chromosomes were in-situ hybridized with the B chromosome-specific probe, documenting that the additional chromosome behaves as an autopaired ring chromosome in diakineses. Our results suggest that the supernumerary chromosome of A. alburnus is not derived from the normal chromosome complement but has evolved independently.  相似文献   

To determine the degree to which the various structures of the ovaries participate in the preovulatory synthesis of sex hormones quantitative histoenzymologic analysis was used. Activity of 3-, 17-, and 20-steroid dehydrogenases, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and NAD- and NADP-diaphorases was investigated. Sex hormone synthesis was shown to take place through the combined function of all structures of the gland. In early proestrus increased estrogen synthesis occurs in the follicles, interstitial glands, and old corpora lutea. Young corpora lutea and follicles are active sources of synthesis of progesterone and 20-hydroxypregn-4-en-3-one (middle proestrus) whereas the old corpora lutea at this time are chiefly synthesizing a progesterone derivative.Department of Pathological Anatomy, I. P. Pavlov First Leningrad Medical Institute. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR A. I. Strukov.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 83, No. 2, pp. 224–227, February, 1977.  相似文献   

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