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Intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) of the mouse small intestinewere examined for their potential to respond to TCR signallingin vitro. Purified IEL subsets were activated using mAbs specificfor CD3, TCRßor TCR&. Thy-1+IEL, regardless ofTCR type, proliferated equally well in response to anti-TCRmAb with or without exogenous IL-2. In contrast, Thy-1TCR, CD8 IEL required exogenous IL-2 for proliferation.No such requirement was observed for Thy-1 TCR& IELproliferation. IEL proliferation in the absence of added IL-2was due to an IL-2 secretion/IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) autocrinepathway, since mAbs specific for IL-2 and IL-2R inhibited IELproliferation. Thy-1+ CD8ß CD4+CD8+ IEL wereunresponsive to TCR-induced proliferation but exhibited highlevels of cytolytic activity upon TCR-triggerlng. Thy-1non-cytolytic IEL were induced to express Thy-1 and cytolytlcactivity following activation in vitro. In addition, the involvementof the co-stimulatory molecule CD28 in IEL activation was tested.CD28 was weakly expressed by fresh IEL and anti-CD28 mAb hadno effect on TCR-triggered proliferation. However, anti-TCRstimulation increased CD28 expression on a subset of TCRßIEL and the addition of anti-CD28 mAb resulted in increasedIL-2 production, but not in increased proliferation. Our resultsindicate that IEL, including the purported extrathymlc CD8ßsubset, can respond to TCR-driven signals via proliferationand/or cytolytlc activity.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus saimiri (HVS), an agent that can infect many humancell types, has been shown to immortalize selectively TCR ß+CD3+T lymphocytes. Human T cell precursors defined as CD34+CD3CD4CD8were isolated from thymic samples and exposed to HVS in thepresence of either IL-2 or IL-7. Cultures lacking the viruswere non-viable by day 15. Test cultures, in contrast, showeda sustained proliferative activity lasting >5 months, allowingthe phenotypical and molecular analysis of the cellular progeny.In the presence of IL-7, TCR ß+ cells with three differentphenotypes (mainly CD4+CD8, but also CD4+CD8+ and CD4CD8+)were immortalized, whereas no TCR + cells were recovered. Kineticstudies showed that the expansion of immortalized TCR ß+cells was preceded by a gradual loss of CD34+ cells followedby a transient accumulation of two distinct cell subsets: firstCD1+CD4+CD3 cells and then CD4+CD8+ thymocytes. Thisresembles early phenotypic changes occurring during normal intrathymicT cell development. In the presence of IL-2, in contrast, onlyTCR + cells were immortalized (mainly CD4CD8+, but alsoCD4CD8). The results show that HVS can be usedto read the CD3+ cellular outcome of T cell differentiationassays, including + CD4CD8+, +CD4CD8, ß+CD4+CD8+CD4CD8+ and ß+CD4+CD8+ T cells.A clear role for different cytokines (IL-2 for + cells, IL-7for ß+ cells) in early T cell commitment was alsoapparent.  相似文献   

Small numbers of T cells have been isolated from the normalmouse liver and many of these are of the CD4CD8TCRß+phenotype. Larger numbers of such cells are present in the liversof mice homozygous for the Ipr mutation and the liver has beenproposed to be the site of an extrathymlc T cell developmentpathway that is expanded in Ipr/lpr mice. Using a modified separationprocedure that increases the liver T cell yield, we have beenable to characterize a subset of CD4CD8TCRßintermediateT cells that express the B220 epltope of the CD45 molecule,and resemble in this and many other ways the accumulating Tcells in Ipr lymph nodes. These cells are an actively dividingpopulation and even in healthy, unmanipulated mice a large proportionof them are undergoing apoptosis. We propose the model thatthe normal liver is a major site for T cell destruction andthat the Ipr defect results in failure of this process withleakage of B220+CD4CD8TCRß+ cells fromthe liver to peripheral lymphoid tissues, particularly lymphnodes.  相似文献   

A population of CD4+ cells has been identified in the murinefemale genital tract (FGT). Phenotypic studies of FGT CD4+ cellsdemonstrate that they express CD3 and that the majority of thesecells are ßTCR+Thy-1+. Most of the Thy-1+CD4+ßTCR+ cells resemble memory T cells based on their expressionof CD44, L-selectin and CD45RB antigens. The vast majority ofThy-1+CD4+ßTCR+ FGT cells are CD5+ and all of themare B220. Systemic stimuli including infection with Trypanosomabrucel brucel, injection with anti-CD3, or bacterial superantigensstaphylococcal enterotoxin A or B cause a rapid accumulationof CD4+cells in the FGT exceeding that observed for CD4+ cellsin spleen and lymph nodes (LN). Expansion of the FGT CD4+ cells,which are phenotypically distinct from the splenic and LN CD4+T cells, is due to local proliferation rather than an influxof cells from the circulation. The CD4+ population in the FGTof adult nu/nu mice is dramatically reduced, indicating itsthymic dependency. In lpr/lpr mice, FGT CD4 cells do not displaychanges characteristic of splenic or LN CD4 cells in the sameanimals. These findings demonstrate that the CD4+ cells of themurine FGT are thymic dependent, but that they constitute aT cell lineage that phenotypically and, probably functionally,is distinct from other peripheral CD4+ T cell populations.  相似文献   

We have examined CD38 expression on mouse lymphocytes usingthe rat mAb NIM-R5 and demonstrate that CD38 expression is restrictedto {small tilde}8% of thymocytes. Although CD38 is absent fromthe majority of CD4+ CD8 and CD4CD8+ T cells,we detected a strong correlation between CD36 expression andß+CD4CD8 T cells in the thymus, withnearly 80% of ß TCR+CD4CD8 thymocytesbeing CD38+. Using heat stable antigen (HSA) and CD38, we dividedß+CD4+CD8 thymocytes into four subsets: HSA+CD38,HSA CD38hi, HSACD3810low and HSA CD38.Two established characteristics of ß TCR+CD4CD8cells, bias towards Vß 8.2 TCR expression and highlevels of IL-4 production, were used to establish a possiblerelationship between the above thymocyte subsets. Our presentdata show that the HSA+CD38 subset is not biased towardsVß8.2 TCR expression whereas the HSA CD38subset does show this bias (–47%). Neither of these subsetsmake IL-4 upon CD3 mediated stimulation. In contrast, the CD38+subsets are heavily biased toward Vß8.2 expressionand produce large amounts of IL-4 upon stimulation, particularlythe CD38low cells. Taken together, these data suggest that thesefour subsets represent various stages of a possible differentiationpathway for ß TCR+ CD4CD8 cells, withthe HSA+CD38 subset being the most Immature while theHSACD38low subset is the most functionally mature. Thesecharacteristics support the view that ap TCR+CD4CD8T cells represent an independent lineage with a distinct, butas yet obscure, role in immunity  相似文献   

Having identified two recombinant filarial proteins (Ov27 andOvD5B) that induced patient peripheral blood mononuclear cellsto produce antigen-specific lgG4/lgE antibodies in vitro, weassessed the role these filarial antigens play in inducing antigen-specificisotype switching (4 and iv) in the absence of T cells. PurifiedCD19+ s/s B cells were cultured with either ofthese antigens in the presence of anti-CD40 mAb and human IL-4.Both antigen and polyclonal signals delivered by IL-4 (or IL-13)were necessary for the induction of specific lgG4/lgE antibodies.To assess the role played by cytokines produced by B lymphocytesin antigen-driven selection of the 4 or isotype, neutralizinganti-cytokine antibodies were used in vitro. While anti-IL-12antibodies did not alter the antigen-specific lgG4/lgE production,anti-IL-6, anti-IL-13 and anti-tumor necrosis factor- antibodiessignificantly inhibited the production of lgG4/lgE. Anti-IL-2and anti-IL-10 antibodies appeared to down-regulate antigen-specificlgG4 antibodies without affecting antigen-specific IgE antibodies.Although anti-CD21 antibodies had no effect on specific IgEantibodies, they up-regulated specific lgG4 antibodies, a findingparalleled by anti-CD23 antibodies. These data suggest thatcertain filarial antigen-specific lgG4/lgE responses can bedifferentially regulated and that certain endogenously producedmolecules from B cells—such as IL-2, IL-10, CD23 and CD21–playa significant role in the induction of specific isotypes ofantigen-specific antibodies.  相似文献   

The IL-2 receptor ß-chain (IL-2Rß), a specificity-determiningsubunlt In the IL-2R complex with a restricted tissue distributionpattern, Is essential for signal transductlon. Our previousstudies demonstrate that the continuous treatment of mice withanti-IL-2Rß) resulted in the complete disappearanceof NK cells and Thy-1+ dendritic epidermal cells (Thy-1+ dEC),suggesting that signals through IL-2Rß are criticallyinvolved in development of these lymphocyte subsets. However,these lymphocyte subsets are reported to be apparently unaffectedIn the IL-2-deficient mice. To further examine the biologicalroles of the IL-2Rß, transgenic mice carrying theIL-2Rß transgene were generated. In these mice, highlevels of the cell surface expression of the IL-2Rßwere observed in essentially all hematopoietic lineage cells,and CD4+ T cells as well as CD8+ T cells showed vigorous cellproliferation upon IL-2 stimulation. Surprisingly, NK cellsmarked with a high expression of NK1.1 in the spleen and Thy-1+dEC in the skin were completely absent in transgenic mice. However,the development of other lymphocyte subsets Including conventionalßTCR + cells, TCR+ cells and B cells remained apparentlyintact. From these observations together with previous dataon IL-2-deficlent mice, we speculate that factors, other thanIL-2 that utilizes the IL-2Rß as its functional receptorsubunlt, may have a vital role in the development of NK cellsand Thy-1+ dEC. Implications for possible In vivo functionsof over-expressed IL-2Rß are discussed.  相似文献   

The present report describes developmental, phenotypic and functionalfeatures of unconventional CD4+ TCRß lymphocytes.In C57BL/6 mice, the majority of liver lymphocytes expressingintermediate intensity of TCRß (TCRßint)are CD4+NK1.1+ and express a highly restricted TCR Vßrepertoire, dominated by Vß8 with some contributionby Vß7 and Vß2. Although these cells expressthe CD4 co-receptor, they are present in H2-l Aß (Aß)+/–gene disruption mutants but are markedly reduced in ß2-microglobulin(ß2m)–/– mutant mice and hence are ß2mdependent. Thymocytes expressing the CD4+NK1.1+ TCR ßphenotype are also (ß2m) contingent, suggesting thatthese two T lymphocyte populations are related. The CD4+NK1.1+TCRßlymphocytes in liver and thymus share several markers such asLFA-1+, CD44+, CD5+, LECAM-1 and IL-2Rßa. TheCD4+NK1.1 + TCRßint liver lymphocytes were not detectedin athymic nuinu mice. We conclude that ß2m expressionis crucial for development of the CD4+NK1.1+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes and that thymus plays a major role. CD4+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes were also identified in NK1.1+ mouse strains,there lacking the NK1.1 marker. We assume that the NK1.1 moleculeis a characteristic marker of the CD4+TCR"int liver lymphocytesin NK1.1+ mouse strains, although its expression is not obligatoryfor their development. The liver lymphocytes from +2m+/–,but not from +2m–/–mice are potent IL-4 producersin response to CD3 or TCRß engagement and the IL-4production by liver lymphocytes was markedly reduced by treatmentwith anti-NK1.1 mAb. We conclude that the CD4+NK1.1+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes are capable of producing IL-4 in responseto TCR stimulation.  相似文献   

An extensive comparison of TCRß V-reglon usage byCD8ß-CD4+CD8+ intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL), CD4-CD8+IEL, and lymph node (LN) T cell subsets in three minor lymphocytestimulating (MIs)-disparate, MHC-ldentical mouse strains revealednovel TCR selection patterns. In cases where forbidden V regionswere expressed by CD8ß- CD4-CD8+ IEL, the same TCRswere deleted from CD8ß CD4+CD8+ IEL, Indicatingthat lack of CD8ß expression was not solely responsiblefor forbidden V-region expression. These results also suggestedthat CD4 may be involved in negative selection of CD4+CD8+ IELTCRs. In C57BR/cdJ (Mls-1b2b) mice, a major increase in Vß3+CD4+CD8+IEL but not in other IEL or LN subsets was noted suggestinga subset-specific expansion of Vß3+ cells. Negativeselection of Vß14+ cells in only the CD4+CD8+ IELsubset further supported the existence of intestine-specificTCR selection processes. Analysis of V-reglon expression ofCD8ß+ and CD8ßCD4CD8+ IELsubsets revealed that forbidden V-region expression was notstrictly confined to the CD8ß subset in allcases. Overall, the data point to a dynamic, gut-specific TCRselection process that may be antigen driven.  相似文献   

Infection with pathogens containing superantigens (Sags) canresult in massive excessive CD4+ T cell activation and deathin such conditions as toxic shock, food poisoning and autoimmunediseases. We here showed how enhancement of IL-6 signaling suppressesSag-mediated activated CD4+ T cell death. Sag-induced CD4+ Tcell death increased in IL-6 knockout (KO) mice, whereas itdecreased in mice characterized by enhanced IL-6–gp130–STAT3signaling. The serum concentration of IFN- was inversely correlatedwith the magnitude of IL-6 signaling, and IFN- deficiency inhibitedSag-induced activated CD4+ T cell death, suggesting that IL-6suppresses CD4+ T cell death via IFN- expression. Interestingly,depletion of activated CD8+ T cells inhibited Sag-mediated increasesin IFN- expression in IL-6 KO mice as well as the augmentedCD4+ T cell death. The results demonstrate that IL-6–gp130–STAT3signaling in activated CD8+ T cells contributes to Sag-inducedCD4+ T cell death via IFN- expression, highlighting this signalingaxis in CD8+ T cells as a potential therapeutic target for Sag-relatedsyndromes.  相似文献   

MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr (MRL/lpr) mice develop a syndrome similar tosystemic lupus erythematosus in humans. This strain of miceis characterized by the progressive accumulation of CD4CD8(double-negative; DN) T cells which express increased levelsof cell adhesion molecules such as CD44 and heat stable antigen(HSA). The DN T cells exhibited a higher level of spontaneouscytolytic activity and contained a higher level of serine esteraseas compared with T cells of MRL/Mp-+/+ (MRL/+) mice. We alsofound that mAbs against CD44, Mei-14, CD45R, and HSA could augmentthe cytolytic activity of DN T cells of MRL/lpr mice. Antibody-mediatedaugmentation of cytolytic activity of DN T cells was due toconjugate formation in which the Fc portion of mAb bound tothe Fc receptor on target cells and the Fab portion of mAb boundto corresponding cell surface antigens on DN T cells. The antibody-mediatedaugmentation of cytolytic activity was not detected in T cellsof MRL/+ mice and lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells ofC57BL/6 mice. In contrast, anti-CD3 mAbs could augment the cytolyticactivity of DN T cells, T cells as well as LAK cells. mAbs againstLFA-1 and VLA-4 failed to augment the cytolytic activity ofthree different effector cells. It should be noted that antl-CD3mAb-mediated cytolytic activity of DN T cells was substantiallyreduced by anti-LFA-1 mAb. However, CD44, Mel-14, CD45R as wellas HSA-mediated cytolytic activity of DN T cells was not inhibitedby anti-LFA-1 mAb. The cell-cell and cell-matrix interactionsthrough cell adhesion molecules might augment the antigen non-specificcytolytic activity of DN T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Using two mAb, one specific to the alternative exon 6-dependentepitope of CD45 molecules(JH6.2) and one a natural thymocytotoxicautoantibody (NTA) with an unknown reactive epitope (NTA260),we subdivided splenic CD4+ T cells from 2-month-old BALB/c miceinto five phenotypically distinct subsets. CD45RC+NTA260(SI) cells were phenotypically analogous to CD4+ T cells predominatingin newborn mice and produced a significant amount of IL-2, butnot so IL-4, IL-10 or IFN- when stimulated with immobilizedanti-CD3 mAb in vitro. They appeared to consist mainly of naiveThP cells. The CD45RC+;NTA260+ (S II) subset also produced IL-2,but not other cytokines; however, the IL-2 levels produced weremuch higher than seen with the S I subset, thereby suggestingthe predominance of further maturated ThP cells. The D45RCNTA260+(S III) subset mainly produced IL-4, IL-10, IFN- and less IL-2,and contained memory cells that helped the secondary antibodyresponse to a recall antigen, and hence contained Th2 and probablya mixture of Th0 and Th1 cells. The CD45RCNTA260(S IV) subset was a poor responder to the immobilized anti-CD3mAb. The CD45RCbrightNTA260dull(S V) subset consisted of a smallnumber of cells that were phenotypically analogous to activatedCD4+ T cells. While an age-associated decrease in the proportionof S I and less markedly in S II and in turn increase in S IIIsubsets of CD4+ T cells occurred in normal BALB/c mice, autoimmunedisease-prone (NZBxNZW)F1 mice showed a marked age-associateddecrease in the proportion of not only S I, II but also IIIsubsets. As aged (NZBxNZW)F1 mice carry CD4+ T helper cellsfor IgG anti-DNA antibody production, such age-associated polarizationto the S IV subset appears to be critical in the pathogeneslsof autoimmune disease in these mice.  相似文献   

The present investigation examines the localization and migrationof purified T cell subsets in comparison with B cells, CD8 Tcells and CD4+CD8 single-positive thymocytes. CD4 T cellsubsets in the rat are defined by mAb MRC OX22 ( anti-CD45RC),which distinguishes resting CD4 T cells (CD45RC+) from those(CD45RC) which have encountered antigen in the recentpast– subpopulations often referred to as ‘naive’and ‘memory’. Purified, 51Cr-labelled CD45RC+ CD4T cells broadly reflected the migration pattern of CD8 T cellsand B cells. Early localization to the spleen was followed bya redistribution to mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) and cervicallymph nodes ( CLN) , B cells migrating at a slightly slowertempo. There was almost no localization of these subpopulationsto the small or large intestine [Peyer's patches (PP) excluded].In contrast, CD45RC CD4 T cells (indistinguishable insize from the CD45RC+ subset) localized in large numbers tothe intestine; they were present here at the earliest time point(0.5 h) , persisted for at least 48 h but did not accumulate,indicating a rapid exit. Numerically, localization of CD45RCCD4 T cells in the MLN could be accounted for entirely by afferentdrainage from the intestine. Unexpectedly, CD45RC CD4T cells (but not other subsets) localized and accumulated inthe thymus. In vivo treatment with mAb HP2/1 against the integrin4 subunit inhibited almost entirely CD45RCT CD4 T cellmigration into the PP (98.1%), intestine (87.1%) , MLN (89.1%)and thymus (93.5%) migration into the CLN was only reduced byhalf. To distinguish between recognition of MAdCAM-1 and VCAM-1by 4containing integrins, recipients were treated withmAb 5F10 against rat VCAM-1. Except for the thymus and a smallreduction in CLN, localization of CD45RC CD4 T cellswas unaffected; entry to the thymus was almost completely blocked(92.3%) by anti-VCAM-1. The results indicated (i) that CD45RCCD4 T cells alone showed enhanced localization to the gut andPP, probably via 4ß7-MAdCAM-1 interaction; ( II) thatmany CD45RC cells entered nonmucosal LN independentlyof 4 integrin or VCAM-1; and (III) that entry of mature recirculatlngCD45RC CD4 T cells into the thymus across thymic endothellumwas apparently regulated by 4 integrln-VCAM-1 interaction.  相似文献   

The mAb YTA-1, which brightly stains CD3CD16+ large granularlymphocytes (LGL)/natural killer (NK) cells and CD8+ T cellsby immunofluorescence, is specific for leukocyte function-associatedantigen (LFA)-1. Some mAbs recognizing the LFA-1 chain (CD11a)or LFA-1ß chain (CD18) inhibited the binding of YTA-1to peripheral blood mononuclear cells. YTA-1 mAb could be chemicallycross-linked to 170 and 96 kDa molecules, whose molecular weightscorrespond to those of LFA-1 and ß respectively.YTA-1bound to COS-7 cells co-transfected with CD11a and CD18 cDNAs,but not to untransfected cells. Reactivities of YTA-1 to K562cells transfected with LFA-1 and ß(CD11a/CD18) cDNAsand to CHO cells transfected with Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) or p150,95 (CD11c/CD18) cDNAs strongly suggest that YTA-1 recognizeseither LFA-1 or an epitope formed by a combination of LFA-1and ß. Treatment of fresh CD3CD16+ LGL withYTA-1 augmented cytolytic activity and induced proliferation.F(ab')2 fragments of YTA-1 augmented NK cytotoxicity, indicatingthat the NK activating signal was transmitted through LFA-1without involvement of Fc receptor III. In contrast, the othermAbs against LFA-1 could not activate NK cells. These resultscollectively indicate that YTA-1 recognizes a unique epitopeof LFA-1, which is involved in activation of fresh NK cells.  相似文献   

The CAMPATH-1 (CD52) antigen is a 21–28 kDa glycopeptidewhich is highly expressed on lymphocytes and macrophages andis coupled to the membrane by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol(GPI) anchoring structure. The function of this molecule isunknown. However, it is an extremely good target for complement-mediatedattack and antibody-mediated cellular cytotoxicity. The humanizedCAMPATH-1H antibody, which is directed against CD52, is veryefficient at mediating lymphocyte depletion in vivo, and iscurrently being used in clinical trials for lymphoid malignancyand rheumatoid arthritis. It is therefore important to examinethe functional effects of this antibody on different lymphocytesub-populations. Because several other GPI-linked moleculesexpressed on the surface of T lymphocytes are capable of signaltransductlon resulting in cell proliferation, we have investigatedwhether the CAMPATH-1 antigen can also mediate these effects.In the presence of phorbol esters and cross-linking anti-lgantibodies, mAbs specific for CD52 induced proliferation andlymphokine production in highly purified resting CD4+ and CD8+T lymphocytes. The ret lgG2c YTH 361.10 anti-CD52 antibody,however, was able to activate resting CD4+ and CD8+ T cellsdirectly without cross-linking or phorbol myristate acetatein the absence of Fc-bearlng cells. Anti-CD52 antibodies alsoaugmented the anti-CD3 mediated proliferatlve response of CD4+and CD8+ T cells when the two antibodies were co-immobilizedonto the same surface or cross-linked in solution by the samesecond antibody. Both CD4+CD45RA and CD4+CD45RO T cells werestimulated to proliferate by anti-CD52 antibodies in the presenceof appropriate co-stimulatory factors. Antl-CD52 mAbs did not,however, synerglze with anti-CD2 or CD28 mAb to induce CD4+T cell proliferation. The activation of CD4+ T cells by antl-CD52antibodies was inhibited by cyclosporin A, suggesting a rolefor the calcineurin-dependent signal transduction pathways.Although CD52 could transduce a signal In T cells, anti-CD52antibodies did not inhibit antigen-specific or polyclonal Tcell responses, suggesting this molecule does not play an essentialco-stimulatory role in normal T cell activation.  相似文献   

Entry of thymus-migrated precursor cells into the CD4/CD8 developmentalpathway was analyzed by using the short-term organ culturesof day 14 fetal mouse thymus lobes. Organ cultures of CD4CD8day 14 fetal thymocytes for 1-2 days resulted in the generationof CD4CD8+ cells, which were mostly immediate precursorcells for CD4+CD8+ thymocytes. This differentiation of CD4CD8thymocytes into CD4CD8+ cells was strongly enhanced byanti-CD3 antibodies. The anti-CD3-induced generation of CD4CD8+cells was even found in the immunodeficient scid fetal thymuscultures, and the cell surface CD3 expression on the scid fetalthymocytes could be directly visualized, indicating that functionalCD3 could be expressed on CD4CD8 immature thymocyteswithout being associated with rearranged TCR components. Theanti-CD3-lnduced generation of CD4CD8+ cells from scidand normal fetal thymus cultures was inhibited by tyrosine kinaseinhibitors Herblmycin A and Tyrphostin. The generation of CD4CD8+cells in unstimulated normal fetal thymus cultures was alsomarkedly inhibited by the tyrosine kinase inhibitors but notby Cyclosporin A, suggesting that tyrosine klnase-dependentbut calclneurin-lndependent signals were essential for the differentiationof CD4CD8 thymocytes. Interestingly, the generationof CD4CD8+ cells from the normal fetal thymus cultureswas modestly but consistently enhanced by anti-TCRßantibody, suggesting that functional TCRß in additionto CD3 was expressed on normal CD4CDS+ immature thymocytes.On the other hand, anti-TCR antibody did not affect this differentiationin the normal fetal thymus cultures and the generation of CD4CD8+cells from the normal fetal thymus cultures of TCR-deficientmice was still enhanced by anti-TCRß or anti-CD3 antibodies,indicating that either TCR chains or TCR+ cells were not involvedin the control of the differentiation into CD4CD8+ cells.These results indicate that the entry of CD4CD8immature thymocytes into the CD4/CD8 developmental pathway iscontrolled by tyrosine kinase signals and that these signalscan be provided through the engagement of TCR-CD3 complexeswith or without TCRß chains expressed on the CD4CD8immature thymocytes.  相似文献   

Antigen-activated T cells of the CD4+CD8 and the CD4CD8+phenotype are susceptible to antigen receptor-stimulated celldeath. This form of apoptotic cell death has been shown to bedependent on the expression of the Fas (CD95) antigen and canoccur via an autocrine mechanism involving the concomitant up-regulationof Fas and its ligand on activated T cells. Mutations in genesencoding Fas (lpr) and the Fas ligand (gld) contribute to thedevelopment of an autoimmune syndrome similar to systemic lupuserythematosus in mice. These observations led to the suggestionthat the Fas signaling pathway is an important regulator ofimmune responses in vivo. Here we evaluated the importance ofthe Fas pathway in regulating immune responses by male antigen-specificCD4CD8+ T cells. We found that the in vivo eliminationof male antigen-activated cells was independent of Fas expressionby these cells. However, the elimination of these activatedcells was inhibited by the transgenic expression of Bcl-2, aprotein that inhibits multiple forms of apoptotic cell death.The transgenic Bcl-2 protein also inhibited the death of maleantigen-activated cells following IL-2 deprivation. Cell deathresulting from IL-2 deprivation occurred efficiently in maleantigen-activated Fas- cells. We propose that the rapid deletionof male antigen-activated Fas cells in vivo is due tolimiting amounts of IL-2 that are available in the microenvironmentof the activated cells at the peak of the response.  相似文献   

In this study we have analyzed the TCR V and Vß regionsat the DNA level in the CD4+CD45RO+ memory T cell populationof synovial tissue infiltrating T lymphocytes of three rheumatoidarthritis (RA) patients and one patient with chronic arthritis.Cell lines of CD4+CD45RO+, CD4+CD45RO, CD8+CD45RO+ andCD8+CD45RO T lymphocyte populations were generated followingFACS cell sorting of freshly isolated synovial tissue mononuclearcell infiltrates (STMC) and of freshly isolated peripheral bloodmononuclear cells (PBMC) of these patients. The phenotyplc andmolecular analyses have revealed the following. (I) The TCRrepertoires of tissue infiltrating T lymphocytes in the varioussubsets were extensive on the basis of TCR V gene family usage.(II) Furthermore, each patient displayed individual specificTCR V gene expression patterns in the various STMC and PBMCderived T cell subsets. However, the majority of these arthritispatients manifested increased expression of multiple TCR V genefamilies in the synovial tissue derived CD4+CD45RO Tcell population when compared with the peripheral blood derivedCD4+CD45RO+ subset. Of these gene families, we found enhancedexpression of the TCR V7 and Vß11 gene segments insynovial tissue to be shared by all four patients analyzed.OH) Nucleotlde sequence analysis of the CDR3 regions of a numberof TCR V regions in the CD4+CD45RO+ T cell subsets has revealedthat the CDR3 regions comprised within synovial tissue derivedTCR V regions differed from those found in peripheral bloodderived TCR V regions. These differences in CDR3 diversity mightbe the consequence of a specific interaction with particularMHC-peptlde complexes expressed at the site of inflammation.(Iv) The CDR3 region analysis also showed individual specificamlno acid motifs within the N-D-N regions of all analyzed TCRVß genes derived from PBMC as well as STMC.  相似文献   

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